The brightest thinkers, makers, artists and inventors give passionate takes on topics that inspire t
Lawrence Chu is the heart and soul behind Chef Chu's, a beloved dining destination in the Bay Area f
During the pandemic, a project called "Artists and Elders" was formed to connect artists to isolated
Lang Lang, one of the world's most famous classical pianists, discovered his passion for piano while
Mark Rober discovered his passion for engineering as a kid, tinkering with gadgets and building crea
Sarah Jakober is a U.S. Forest Service wildland firefighter who serves on the Grand Ronde Rappel Cre
Ximena Abogabir is the co-founder of a Chilean organization dedicated to changing attitudes about ag
Older adults will soon outnumber children on a global scale. Bridge Meadows is an innovative multige
Fabiola Moreno Ruelas is a first-generation college graduate working for the California state legisl
Many will remember Flossie Lewis, who was among our earliest profiles on Brief But Spectacular. She
Priyanka Mattoo is an L.A.-based writer and filmmaker whose new memoir, "Bird Milk & Mosquito Bones,
Mary C. Murphy is a social psychologist and professor specializing in improving equity, diversity, a
Kevin J. Patel is a climate activist from Los Angeles. After experiencing heart issues due to poor a
Yuval Noah Harari is a professor renowned for his broad and thought-provoking perspectives on human
Entrepreneur and author Derrick Fennell has been a flight attendant for more than 14 years. Many of
Joan Wicks is a sixth-grade humanities teacher in Los Angeles who helped her students rebound from C
For more than two decades, Vermont-based photographer Jim Westphalen has documented old farmhouses,