cover of episode Biden Calls Trump Supporters Garbage, Trump's Garbage Truck, Yankees Lose To Dodgers | PBD Podcast | Ep. 500

Biden Calls Trump Supporters Garbage, Trump's Garbage Truck, Yankees Lose To Dodgers | PBD Podcast | Ep. 500

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Patrick Bet-David
Patrick Bet-David: 本期节目讨论了美国总统乔·拜登称唐纳德·特朗普的支持者为“垃圾”的事件,特朗普乘坐垃圾车参加竞选集会,以及纽约洋基队在世界大赛中输给洛杉矶道奇队。这些事件引发了广泛的讨论和争议,节目嘉宾们从不同的角度分析了这些事件背后的原因和影响。 Patrick Bet-David 对拜登总统的言论表示批评,认为其有失总统身份的尊严,并可能对选举结果产生影响。他还分析了特朗普使用垃圾车这一策略背后的营销意图,认为特朗普是一位营销天才,能够有效地利用各种手段来争取支持者。 此外,节目嘉宾们还讨论了其他一些新闻事件,例如俄罗斯对谷歌的巨额罚款、美国汽油价格下降、中国比亚迪汽车的季度营收超过特斯拉等。他们从经济、政治、社会等多个角度对这些事件进行了深入的分析和解读。 Adam Sosnick: (需要补充Adam Sosnick的观点,不少于200字) Tom Ellsworth: (需要补充Tom Ellsworth的观点,不少于200字) Vincent Oshana: (需要补充Vincent Oshana的观点,不少于200字)

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Joe Biden call Trump supporters 'garbage'?

Joe Biden referred to the hateful rhetoric spewed by Trump supporters at a rally as 'garbage,' which is the only word he could think of to describe it. He clarified that he was not calling all Trump supporters garbage, but rather the specific comments made at the rally.

Why did Donald Trump drive a garbage truck to a rally?

Donald Trump drove a garbage truck to a rally in response to Joe Biden's comment calling Trump supporters 'garbage.' Trump used the garbage truck as a marketing tactic to capitalize on the controversy and rally his base.

Why did Mark Cuban say that Trump doesn't have strong women around him?

Mark Cuban made the comment that Trump doesn't have strong women around him, suggesting that Trump is intimidated by strong, intelligent women who challenge him. This was in response to Trump's perceived treatment of women and reproductive rights.

Why did Russia fine Google a massive amount?

Russia fined Google for allegedly blocking pro-Kremlin media on YouTube, citing violations of Russian law. The fine has been doubling every week since 2020, leading to an astronomical amount due to ongoing legal issues.

Why is BYD beating Tesla in quarterly revenue?

BYD is beating Tesla in quarterly revenue due to higher sales in China, supported by government subsidies and trading incentives for green cars. BYD's success is also attributed to its plugin hybrid sales surge and expanding overseas exports.

Why did the former Google CEO suggest replacing tanks with drones for the U.S. Army?

The former Google CEO suggested replacing tanks with drones due to the effectiveness of inexpensive drones in modern warfare, where a $5,000 drone can destroy a $5 million tank. He argued that falling costs of autonomous technology make drones a more viable option than traditional military systems.

Why do people wake up at 3 AM?

People wake up at 3 AM often due to a crash in blood sugar levels, triggering cortisol, the stress hormone, which disrupts sleep. Chronic stress can elevate cortisol, affecting various bodily functions and increasing the risk of health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Joe Biden's controversial comment calling Trump supporters 'garbage' has sparked intense debate and could impact voter turnout. The discussion includes reactions from various political figures and the potential consequences for the upcoming election.
  • Joe Biden referred to Trump supporters as 'garbage' during a town hall event.
  • The comment has been widely criticized and could influence voter behavior.
  • Political analysts discuss the implications of such remarks on election outcomes.

Shownotes Transcript


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I me.

Trees, we look what I become. All right. So we're officially back from new york.

We landed forty five minutes ago. We came straight to the studio, ve got the notes. We're going in life.

We ate some small. We're back to make an announcement we've never done before. And that is something for you to be able to come join us on the podcast.

One of you will come join us on the podcast, by the way, last week, when we talked about the sweep, sick of somebody going to the yankees dangerous game with us, he was there yesterday. We have this video, the story, it's the wild story of how ended up there, seriously, absolutely insane. And then later, wrong. When we're about to go down the elevation, we want to another fellow, the people at the ank, is they treated as royally, except for, you know, the three .

errors and .

the the IT was a weird sort. Anyway, is today's of five hundred episode stories to go through? Apparently some of you that are watching this podcast, your garbage I I didn't say that apparently is not just a regular guy saying it's not a comedian saying IT not a pundit saying that, uh, the current president calling half of amErica garbage, which I don't know that sits with you.

But you know, any jum peer had some thoughts on IT you have jasa peer had some thoughts on IT you have trump that actually wanted to know what I would be like to go do the job. And I I didn't want to take his best stuff. A great story will get into that would be gold.

Brook said some stuff about deplorably on what Hillary said. And he said he was probably right when SHE said that j events is on rogan. They did.

They shotted yesterday. I think four hours jd had the best line. He said. I've been i've done more interviews in my one podcast with rogan and camel has done everybody combined. It's pretty good line right there.

Actress justem bateman says Gavin usum is the worst governor we've ever had in california. Jimmy camels nineteen minute anti trumped backfires with viewers russia fines google two and a half the billion dollars. I don't only want how to pronounce that wardrop.

How many zeros is that? Three, six, nine, twelve, fifty and eighteen, twenty one, twenty four, twenty seven, thirty, thirty three, thirty, literally thirty five zeros after two and half as how much russia google, we will talk about that truth social. Apparently, according to this article, the market kept to truth social is officially hard and x, it's pretty well.

Adam lost his mind when he heard about the story on the plane. He almost literally, he lost that when he heard IT. Gas Prices drop in across united day's national average, likely to fall below three dollars of more americans live in paytrik to paytrik in five years ago, bank of amErica data shows elon musk buys texas compound for his children, their mother's report, not their mother's report for his children and their mother's.

That's the report. chinese. The maker byd beats tesla in orderly revenue for the first time as net profits jumps. More stuff with daily men that he had dirt on.

Half of hollywood panicky celebrities are praying he keeps his a amount shut, matching amount power dit as with all those stories. And and do you keep waking up at three A M? If you do, guru reveals how to beat that issues.

So stick around for that. And x google CEO chmidd urges U. S.

Army to replace tanks with drones and alas, ban at least pentagon. I for revealed photo of large UFO mothership near U. S. embassy. Got a couple of clips i'm onna want to show you want from CNN and a few other things are taking place a comment that mark cuban mate about trump not having strong women around. I actually really want to get the commentary of the guys here.

And when many people will say, but there's two cds for today, guys that I want to give you, one, this is the official last one, will do from this series. U. S, for a blue one name.

blue. U. S, A hat is here. However, this hat that we have here is numbed. This is numbed out of two hundred and fifty. There's only two hundred and fifty to these guys.

And one of you guys that gets number forty seven, only forty seven will have the number twenty twenty four here because forty seven, forty seven, twenty twenty four president and forty seven, one of you will get IT. These limited edition hats will go. They're a number of ones.

Anytime we have numbered, they go in thirty minutes. The other day, we send an email to our insiders who are with us, a David consulting, saying we have five yankees tickets. Within thirty minutes, nine were picked up. And the level of everyone collection, can I give one to? Too late, we already so about we're moving on.

However, these hats, specially those of you guys that maybe come in this tooth and I with us or for you to rest of the year to represent the USA future future, look bright at the limited edition one's go to vt, more stock com place in order, maybe one for you, one for your suppose, one for your coworker, one for your best friends, and a great Christmas gift for anyone you know that loves america, go place this order. Having said that, let's get right into IT news nation. Chris coma had a town hall on the town hall they have mark cuban.

They had Steven smith, they had blow Riley. They know White tuned in zoom that are bunches of different guys. And one of the comments, mark cuban may and I want to get right into IT mark cuban on that.

Rob, I don't of any center to or not. If you have sent, if you can text to one. Mark cuban, I believe, makes a comment about the fact that trump doesn't have any strong women around him.

What do you mean is as if you notice trump doesn't have any strong women. So many people react to to to the point where the view came out. You know what does the one, rob? You know what the view said? The view came out and said, how about stormy Daniel? Yeah, she's strong. Is this the one wrong? Yeah.

I believe. okay. So maybe he .

was on the viewed anyone on the news nation one but rap he's on the view saying to women that trump doesn't have any strong women around going play this clip. Yeah I mean, yes, I put her over the edge with dicky supporters. Yeah, I mean, yes, I would put her over the edge with dc healey supporters that trump, you will never see him around.

Strong, intelligent women ever. It's just that simple. Their intimidating to like to be chAllenged by them.

And you know, nicky, hollie will will call him on his nonsense with reproduction rights and how we seize and treats and talks about women. I mean, he just can't have her around. I went work, I think, stormy.

what is intelligent? I don't think that's one hundred pursues very smile.

he means is like I on stage just well. Store me smart though.

Well, I think mark cuban needs to think before opening his mouth because he's been so spontaneous with stuff I really think he's not thinking over. He's not a dumb guy, but Kelly and conway on staff that's a pretty strong woman. Tosa abbott has been with the campaign for weeks now, campaigning with them.

That's a pretty strong woman. I don't know what mark was trying to accomplish with this a uh, comment. Maybe he's trying to audition to put on the Rachel meta glasses and maybe be the permanent host to the view. But i've just find this to be what's point is she's trying to make one week Marks us things like and mark, if you're watching, I got to respect for you is an NBA owner in the stuff you accomplish in business.

But one week you're saying, oh, let's talk about policies that just do this and this and the next week you're making comments like this that are completely away from policy at a time where you're insulting half of the voting block and you're getting into things like you get to pay attention to the people that are around trump. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, and I think you're being spontaneous. I don't think you really engaged on that because we can make a list of people that have been advisors and on cabinet positions and things like that.

I can just think of one that's been around our world with trump and that's harbor his atterley who has been around us and he is strong, capable, classy all the above. So I think I i'm .

up a great alien is my first call. She's a picky flicker.

Who was there the real housewife that drew the event we were at. But I think it's a little rich for mark, who I think dealt with a lot of issues within the dallas mavericks. Some me too movement stuff going on there, much exactly what happened.

But a general manager centered by the N, B, A, yeah, maybe.

So he who has not sent, may they cast the problem? Can you power .

to the last house?

So here's .

mark human donating ten million years of charity after N, B, A, found workplace misconduct six years ago. Go and go down.

Wrap makes N, B, S, reported complete investigation.

Alas, marriage allocation possible. Working on sexual harassment, domestic violence, my remarkable will dominate minal organizations that promote women and leadership and combat domestic violence after the NBA found serious workplace condo by former current employees and proper in front OK great.

No prom, by the way, can you do me favorite rap and go to the guardian article that talks about, uh, uh, seventy five percent at the time the deals mrc s have been the White team NBA. If you go the test team in the M B. A and remember red, this is a democrat so it's not like he's the republic and undergone after yeah, now I went an interviewing.

You only have pictures of clinton on the wall and I think he had pictures of two democratic presidents on. We do have pictures of anybody else. The dallas mavericks are consistently White in a black league.

Y goa law rab kay, in twenty twenty, the NBA was seventy four point two percent black and sixteen point nine percent White. IT seems very, every decade, the White N, B, A players become less relevant. Yet one franchise has kept one, franchi says, often kept a dream of mediocre White guys alive.

The baLance memories, in fifteen of the last twenty one seasons, there were three or more White players in the twelve men ruster. In more than half of those fifteen seasons, the at least four White players, not to mention at least two starting White players. And here's a thing, why this while he's going through these stories, that they pop up, okay, while they're going through the black life's matter.

Although the mavericks have a dubious history of toxic workplace culture, when IT comes to female employees, cuba thrown is support behind who black lives matter and disappointed who black C E, O synthia martial president turning a usi head coaches jacco kid every Johnson, general ginnie harson during his lifetime and dallas right now, the sea of daloa mb, rc. Rob can google IT. I believe that centimos tile, if he has and replace ed them yet.

So why, why not shown this? I'm shown this because he was forced to make these highs. After all, the NBA realized for fifty nine of twenty seasons he had the White team.

So the guy that says his four blacks and a league that seventy plus percent black and like that, he is the White team owner for twenty plus years almost, and then gives ten million because he's worried. Then he goes hire somebody at a fear of black president female, just to por to his audience. Mark, there are certain topics you don't have a lot of credibility speak on.

This is one of them speak on things you have credibility on. This is how much credibility of on this topic. And when you talk about stuff like that, your history comes up. And we have to .

talk about IT very eloquently put that that's i'll say the list because that like here's my thing and halloy wen, you stand up and acting and when you get a publicity, they put you out their time, they put you on red carpet events. They put you where the camera is going to be, where you're out there and people are taking photos.

What is mark? Cubans got what? What publicity coming in this late and being everywhere, he's everywhere he wants to talk. Just doing the sticking up for commonly haris and commonly Harris, a savor routine. I don't see that.

The only thing I would see is what trying to get people from the democractic party and two thousand and twenty to kind of like him. He has no idea what the healthy is talking about. And this is, this is what this party is about.

Okay, three days ago, two walls called half of america. Okay joby IT. They called us all garbage. And then this is added to, know, strong women around them.

What about his? X what about van? What about va? What about mention Kelly? Kelly, right? What about Kelly mi? What about sera hub? This is just he just needs to stop like he just nothing that he's saying is making sense.

And we I think we talked about a couple weeks ago, I was, hey, no attention is on me. All the billionaire are in attention. But I means want to say the most outlandish ever, and I think that was happy that you put that up there.

what? Because you're set your accused of sexy, heroic and being like aggressive towards women. So you give ten million dollars to teach other people to learn how to be cool around women.

It's ridiculous what happens to mark next. When you take a stance like this, you have to live with the consequence. If you back up somebody, you do whatever it's like in the nfl, there were people that backed up by rice, and they were very, very upset, and then they were embarrassed and even backed up when the film came out in the elevator.

And they had to say, you know what I believe, ray, but you know, you can do that, ray. And these are people that back to up, they had got embarrassed and they had to properly telesp n you know, he's my friend. I believed him.

I was supporting him. But that film is irrefutable able. Where does mark go after all this? IT feels like, I don't want to say, but i'm going to say that it's almost like, why is he doing this?

Is he kind of being pushed to be like the super proxy, super supporter? And what does he do after it's done? Does he not know that fifty percent of the is Michael Jordan said republicans by sneakers, too mean he answer the mavericks.

He's got things going on. And although he sold some, made a lot of money, he still is the principal owner. He made sure that in the transaction.

So where do you go now? It's like he's is impacting his own reputation here and know it's kind of shocking to say because he's not a dumb guy, he knows what he's standing for. I want to know what what gone is to his head or what has got him so reached up that he thinks .

time to go out. We already know about that. All i'm saying it's in a situation like this where your talk and shit, your talking shit, your talking shit, your talk and shit, you're talking and shit, then you say something like this.

Do you know what this does? You know what this does? Here's what IT does. mark.

Now trump's going to go on stage and he he's going, look at all the women that around them and is going to say, you just call this person not strong, that person not strong. This person is strong. That person is, you just insulted every single women who supports him.

I mean, this may be as worse as president calling people supporting trump garbage IT. Maybe that cloth a comedian says, porco, that's a comedian. The president is garbage.

But my cuban says he doesn't have any strong women. If I was part of a marketing campaign beyond closers that sit and say, guys, are you kidding me? Rightly, behind this whole thing.

They don't respect you anyway, by the way, as if that was in enough. This is the current, this is our president, your president. If you live in amErica legally, and for some of you can live in america, he's still your president.

Here's what he just had to say. About half of america. Go head rob porter, which? Where are my home state to deliver? There are good, decent, honorable people.

The only garbage I see float down there is his supporters. His demonization is consumer. And it's on america. That's on this time when you hear him Colin folks garbage well.

this really disappointed me on a lot of levels um because you don't as a president of the united states, there's a line of dignity. You are the president of everyone of weed, the people and to have the president make a comment like this crosses the line of the personal attacks back and forth against your opponent in the political arena. Now you're stepping over 去 靠 fifty three percent of the people you govern。

If the polls are correct, maybe higher garbage. This is an embarrassment to the office of the presidency. You, you can't do that. This is beyond the pale of even the smear ugly rules of political engagement during an election.

And I had not surprised at all, and I just mentioned a little bit earlier time, this is how they feel about us, plain and simple. IT started with Hillary with their ignorant as where deplorably comment, he thinks that were garbage. Marcus an thinks all all these women around trump are weak and stupid.

And it's like, enough is enough. It's like how much of this crapper we going to take that they keep talking and to shoot about us. And by the way, you think biden is just holding up on that.

Everything is coming a bright. All of the true colors are showing up. What happened yesterday? P, P, T, putting infant toys and put, like, did not imagine funny.

He shot them a stranger. And they're offering his kids them in his mouth three times. He's biting another kids.

Explain me how this is Normal ahead. I don't care if he's the president. Like what is he doing to his? 我 死 了 没? 不来。

It's almost as if his handers are like, you know what the election is a couple of days. Just let them do whatever want to do because that's who is PPT. And going back to the garbage, this is what they think of us. They actually think that we're stupid. They think we're trash, they think we're deplorable and it's enough is enough that hope that all right, notes, we're following hitler like enough is what .

we're going to say. This will be golden on the view where he says that hilary clinton was right, that trump supporters are deplorable. This is in response to the garbage .

can double down.

There is a completely unfathered with the t no, there's an unfair stard where his supporters have decided it's baked and when he insults people but they do take a first deplore les did matter that comment from hello clinton did matter. But I would see the present. I'd like to. Wow, you, by the way, how how current jump your handle this and i'll come to you what did SHE em q and how SHE manoeuvers ahead. Just to dress the president's .

comments yesterday referring to, uh, trump's orter is garbage.

Couple of things. So just to clarify, he was not calling trump supporters garbage.

only garbage c float. Now there is his supporters.

which is why he put out, this is why he wanted to make sure that we put out a statement that clarified what he meant and what he was trying to say, the only garbage c float.

Now there is his supporters.

And so just want to make that very clear for folks who are watching. And and I just want to read that out to folks. So he was regarding to the comedian, and I quote, I referred red to the hateful reti c about porter rego spewed by trumps supporter at his medicine square garden rally as garbage, which is the only word I can think of to describe IT.

His demonization of latta OS is unquestionable. That all I meant to say, the comments, the comments at the rally don't reflect who we are as a nation. And to your question, your other question that you asked, um no, he does not to view trump supporters or anybody garbage, just pussy about the scrap. Do you have to clip up what jaspal s about this while he's finding your adam ahead?

sure. I mean, what we hear so much talk about, what's gonna the october surprise this time around and where how many days away from an election? Five days and they were getting closed. The court on quote, having october surprise. They did a medicine square garden, quote on, quote, not see rally, where we just happened to be thousands of black juice linos women is just almost focal le and then this tony hinch, Cliff guy, who we know very well, comes on stage, a comedian makes a joke, fell flat, all good. That sounds like trump said IT or even that trump believes IT.

And just when you're thinking maybe this porter weaken floating garden and could turns out to be an october surprise, there's job by and who we've been sort of hiding comes out literally calls trust supporters garbage clip that and IT just has backfired dramatically and hear someone like Joshua pea, who is a governor of a very purple state that can be flipped either way, that has the govern the entire state. I'm assuming he's haven't seen this. I assume he said .

i'm assuming he says something .

to the her.

but is right.

Rob kenyon right now. I want you to listen to something that is is making the rounds right now, certainly by the trump campaign, by senator jd vans and others, what president biden had to say about this tonight. This other day, a speaker israel called portugal a floating imaal of garbage.

Only garbage I see float down. There is his supporters. This demonization thing is unquestioned. It's on american. Governor first shot just puts your response to that comment from from prison to bite and where IT sounds like he's calling trumps supporters their garbage. I had not .

heard that until now, kate and so i'm kind of give you a my fresh reaction to that I would never insult the good people of pencil ana or or any americans even if they chose to support a candidate .

ah that I didn't support I to sten he was the best candidate for the left. If there was a primary, he and newson would have been left the two at the end to compete as a nominee and he would be formidable and they screwed up tom and i'll .

give you my quick read here. This is CNN producer in catlin's er telling her to ask the question and they are made giving superior the opportunity look good. And you know what what's going on here that my friend is one of CNN first moves for twenty twenty eight.

There's no support for for biden IT. They brought up and actually ran the story a year ago. They would have been ignoring the story abiden.

They were given a prepay IT ouldn't even covered IT earlier this year. When they're getting ready to make the shift for commoner, they would have lightly touched on IT to support the shift. I believe this is you are seeing here with this and other things in CNN.

They are making super o look good. There's little opportunities that are happening here because they need a draft pick for twenty twenty eight. And everybody in that campaign knows that fear the .

member .

was the moss israel fear in the into intricate of the positioning where they said, hum is real too hot. Which way we're gone on IT doesn't matter. You can go with your pero that but it's like .

bill marr says all the time, you can hate on trump but you can't hate his supporters because there's eighty million plus of them and and that's why that .

is why we keep talking about who the the dnc chief strategist and political, whatever they are, do with common others. They're horrible because you nail that. If they went with the Gavin and the superior, that would be something that the elegant i'd be I D fearful, like all crap gave a newton.

Honestly, get a newsroom and ham P P T against trump j events. That's a battle. That's a fight. You I mean, right now we're noticing a it's over trumps .

camp would say, trumps camp said now we'd still beat him. That's what the position would be because jd is really come up. I think jd is a way Better than judge.

I just think josh is Better than everybody else. Stay out on the other side. That includes no some rap.

So while this is going on, the president, who's won the greatest marketers of all time, what does he do? Here's what he does. Go head rap.

How do you like my this truck is an other karma. And you, bunning, by the way, he's doing this, dani goes, and does this go away to you? Pop, it's five minutes.

We're gna play at the end. He says they were telling me, well, first play the first thirty seconds and now we'll go to the last thirty seconds. Go up.

They, when he called us all garbage, how stupid. What a stupid. Where that blows deplorable away, don't you think? Course, I thought irredeemable SHE said deplorable or irradiation.

I thought rid mobile was actually worse. But deplorable seem to catch up. But this garbage stuff closer, whether i'm in this beautiful plane and enjoying a wonderful on.


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I love as well now. We're about, you know, thirty minutes from land and we had to do this pretty good. I said, sort of cool though, because, you know and I said, you know, I think that's okay, but you I don't feel comfortable wearing a suit and they pulled up this good shock.

I don't know how they have. They did not so fast. I have very capable people.

This is why he wore IT. I may never wear up to go back fifteen second party because is going to go keep going back, back, back, back, right? To watch what happens.

Here's why he were going. One compliment, I has just been so straight an authentic, if you can pull IT off men, you have to hear that is so funny last forty five, right? All these people here, there's no way i'm where going on stage they said, all okay, sir.

I said, give me my jacket but if you would dish, you know, IT actually makes you. And they got me, I said they. These of the moment .

that is.

get the thing isn't interesting how our press secretary has become almost like like a paid lobby st. And it's K, G, P is now the liar and chief so and and now but her expression data coming, go get your book deal, sweety. Go work for a liberal media outlet because that's the career path here.

So she's not going be going away. We're just we're going to see we can turn the channel, but that's where it's going, where it's gonna. And it's just the weak, the weakness. You don't even send the president to the microphone to repose his comments and to say, you know what I shouldn't said that I shouted, said.

I shall have acted off the no.

hui there.

And this is why stood K.

G, P.

Lives for me. This is why trump is such a great marketer because he knows his base. You know, one of the frames terms that they used for trump was that he's the blue color billionaire. what? What does that mean? We watch that movie, the man you don't know, right? And they talked about how when he started in real estate, he wasn't just given hotels, he wasn't just given buildings.

He had to actually go go down there and build them. And he was meeting with the construction workers, meeting with the developers, working with the plumbers, working with these guys, hands on, and to speak over all about politics. There's been a major shift, really sense a bomb.

And trump took over the republican base. Now think about IT is really blue color rule workers. And the democrats are sort of college educated women of color, where as twenty years ago, plus the democrats were the unions, we've seen what's happened where the unions are basically not coming out supporting candidates anywhere as a major shift. And trump is kind of like i'm going to go work at mcDonald city, all right, we're put on a garden truck.

There was there was a funny mean that you showed at the world series last night, where there was trump at mcDonald doing a little check cout thing at the drive through and then taken out the garbage and he goes bite in economy, so bad these days, the average guy to have two jobs just to get ahead. IT was really funny. And I college and .

doctrination now, rather because the .

mcDonald's hand out prize. He's the garbage band, but he's the blue color billionaire. Whether you like trump or don't like trump, there's one thing you cannot take away from.

This guy is a marketing genius. Look at that guy. Even van Jones, I said, was very complimentary of of his marketing tactics. When you win over van Jones.

you're doing something right, you go. So that's that taking place now, Frank lunch said this could be the deciding factor, my boy, like what has happened right now? This could be the reason that IT could flip Brown, go and play this cope, i'm sure dos two CNN host love what Frank cas to say.

Go to wrap about Frank. Notably, they were done before president biden made his comments, seemingly describing trust supporters as to garbage. The heros campaign is trying to downplay the effect of those comments. Of course they are, but I wonder if you think that those comments are going to move voters. It's gonna huge.

because this is not some comedian saying something stupid and offensive anally, where he should have been basically disinvited. This is the president of the united states enjoying his, my president saying something. And I know that there's different interpretations about what he said. It's still an appropriate, you still shouldn't doing IT.

And i've watched trump already seized this. The basket of deplorable was significant, was meaningful in twenty sixteen and twenty twenty four. I can promise you that this is going to drive truck turn out.

He's doing IT already. I can see i'm sure there's going to be ads on as soon as tonight about this. This may be a turning point for those final three percent, and that's all IT is who still need to be persuaded. I'll offer you guys something. We're going to be talking to them over the next couple days if you want to do something on monday, the day before focusing on these last persuade ables, I will tell you that trump offends them and they don't like him as a person. But here s scares them because they .

don't know where he stands. And they feel that he has a nuclear on some of the key issues, most notably immigration from Scott weaknesses, haris history weaknesses. And they seem to be cancer each other out, which is why, here is correct, this election is too close to call.

Here you go. This is not a guy that wants trump. He's not a trump guy. No, he wanted to see, seeing the same time. What's your reaction with Frank that do you agree with them?

Well, yes, I do. I agree with with Frank on that now um he has does a lot of quality of research on the opinions and so he's claiming that in his research. So guys you can remember he's talking about his research. He's saying that of the three percent undecided trump scarce, that offends them.

But for kamala .

SHE scares them.

which is worse, to be offended or to be scared. Somebody can offend you. You can be a person in a certain neighbor.

Od, and you're offended by the presents of the cops, but if those cops are defended, they leave your own neighborhoods. Cares you. So when you look at scare, scare is worse than offended.

And so this will move some voters. But what's moving the voters far more is economic fear and immigration fear. And there's .

a what do you .

what these are three great clips from, uh, CNN Harry eaten anton .

where he talks .

about the writing on the wall for just came .

out what he looks like to see what he looks like particular point IT tracks much more with when the income and party loses them with IT wins. In fact, I went back to history. There is an a single time in which twenty eight percent of the american public thinks the country is going on the right track, in which the incoming party actually won.

They always lose when just twenty eight hundred, and the country is on the right track. IT is a heart. You are swimming upstream. He needs a shirt.

What's this one? Rop, this is another good clip.

Go for republican.

Succeeded harrie's human.

So the bottom line is for common when you'd have to break history, be a democrats to succeed joe, by and when buying are poverty is way under water. This, again, IT could happen. IT just doesn't in in recent history, for sure. Okay, registration numbers here. yeah. Republic, you know.

if you this .

to show me this as well.

I love clips I give yeah this .

shows voters time.

region voters in big, huge numbers. They have been gaining in party registration versus the democrats in the swing states with party registration. We're talking in arizon.

I think it's a five point. They've expanded from five points from where I was back in twenty twenty. How about nova big republican registrations? They they like the early vote.

How about north CarOlina? Big republican registration gains? Have about pennsylvania.

We spoke about a before a few months ago big republican party registration gains verses from they were four years ago. So republicans are putting more republicans in the elector. The democratic number versus the republican number has shunk.

And so the bottom line is if republicans win come next week, Donald trump wins comes next week. The signs, how long will have been obvious, we would look at the right direction, being very low, job inappropriate, being very low. And republicans really registering numbers.

You can't say you weren't, weren't. Again, this, this is the data which supports the of a translator, do you? Tomorrow.

I agree with all of this. We've been pouring over the same numbers. You can find IT a vt news that A I we've got the ted states up there.

You can go maker and picks them up. But what we're looking at is the same numbers, pat. And we're seeing there's three things to think about here.

One is voter excitement. Voter excitement. We're getting voter excitement on on the on the registration.

Voters are excited. Yep, kay, yeah.

voters are very excited. They're excited about um what's going on with with in terms of getting out to register. That shows you how excited that the on registration voter then number one, number two, you can see that in the early voting, there's been more republicans registered people voting in these key states.

That doesn't usually happen. The early voting is usually dominated by democrats for the last four presidential campaigns. Now it's even or hit for republicans, and republicans have long dominated live in person turnout.

And so and then the third thing is exactly what he's talking about is those few funny stats like have stock markets up or this is that they going to talk about their stats that no presence ever. One, let me tell you, the one the ones I have in one is the democrat have in one. When you have the approval rate or people think places on the wrong track.

let me IT what we doing for the first time. We want you to come join us on the podcast, either here or zoom in fifteen, twenty minutes to give us your thoughts. Except you have to get something right.

Here's what IT is. Number one, this is the contest. Go to V T news that A I, when you go to V T news, that A I rib.

If you can just go there. If you go to V T news that A, I go to the election side to the right, just think about picking march madness. Does what pick into brack is right? You go in to V, T, use that.

Ai, you see zoo and right, the rap where you get to pick in, like pick whatever the states are, red, blue. And with the numbers change on the top right rops so they can see IT go right through certain numbers are changing. You pick your bracket whatever way you think it's onna end up being on election night.

okay? Once you pick your numbers, you see right of body was this upgrade to submit your prediction, you click on that go forward, you have to become a premium or a vt insider. Either one of them choose four to nine a month or one thousand nine.

And that is going to give you unlimited access to a whichever one you choose to do, we will receive your bracket prediction, whoever is the first to do so. That wins were either gna invision ozone to be on the podcast with us after everything is done with. And you'll be here with the boys on P P.

T. podcast. Or if you choose to get your flight, come on down, you'll be with us. You're sitting right next to us. Tell us us how you came to the conclusion of your perfect bracket.

But again, to compete, go to vt news that A I go get one of these memberships, choose your brackets, how you think it's going to end. And then once you do so, we'll have IT and bother if you're that come for enough. Post IT on twitter under my handle so we can save IT there as well. Anyways, I am I think you were .

going to say .

something about.

yeah look, I think this was a massive, massive mistake by the old just bite and Harris walls campaign. Because if we talk about this concept of the october surprise, think about the last three election cycles. Twenty sixteen, Hillary emails with James, call me.

Could a cost to the election possibly dig caused the election? Twenty twenty. Hunter by the laptop.

What happened there? What happened possibly caused trump, the election, twenty twenty four, the october surprise. Is this porter real garbage thing?

I mean, a non issue compared to those two other things. But what's the famous quote? I think it's attributed to napoli. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making mistake.

The trump camp made a mistake having the only hinch l have come on stage and insult the porter we can shout out to my body was out there and then biden goes, yeah well you you know whose garbage all trump supporters wow so failed opportunity made a mistake, interpreted the enemy while they're make a mistake so trumping opportunities that says, oh yeah, let me capitalize on this so on a little garbage man and uniform. Get my little truck hack, hack. Look at us now. And unless massive comes out the next know three to five days, the october surprises exponentially you .

know what someone could say? Tom, think we have touched on this before.

It's almost as i've biden since he had to step down A K A, whatever the cool you anna call IT is IT just me to me? Or has he just been slowly just hurting the campaign, hurting commute ent, making comments he went up in from the, uh the White house press beating for the first time they all get he showed up while commoner was speaking he is and then he says his garbage comment he said that a funeral where he's telling he is looking right at obama he's like a piston is like, I was stronger. I was stronger. What is that says .

you were talking about that sounds like having a passive aggressive x grove. That he still goes the same college you do in classes or you work at the same company, whatever. And you've got this passive against aggressive behavior even though you both broke up and you said, okay, we're going to be called each other. I don't want to say things to your friends. You're exactly why we just no need for gunfire.

And I get IT. And I think if you really somebody can take that angle that he is purposely yes, he's gone and yeah, he's shoving kids feet in his mouth but I think they're still the man that still in there is upset that they screw his us over. So he's like if i'm going down, i'm taking the whole ship with me. That's what he's doing.

I think you're kind of something. I don't think it's intentional. What's ever I think he obviously would love to be the person running.

The reality is his numbers were atrocious after that despicable, horrible, deplorable debate performance against trump. But have you have we've seen a weaker in comment, meaning they don't want him around. They are not putting them on the campaign trail.

And even when he sort of speaks, it's like another foot in your mouth to use that baby joke out there. And he's just as a candidate done less to help his VP or the next potential president try to win the White house. There's spaces like joe, you've got maybe like five more days of being the president until trump most likely win so you pretty don't lose this for like i'll do .

my best this and listen to Franklin's this thing. The garbage comment is going to basically take them home, is going to close the finish line. I don't think it's on purpose because amit, to me, I looked like he was in their time.

He was reading something. If you looked at bite and his eyes, he wasn't just off the cuff. He's reading something.

You're saying this because partly you also want this just like the left is same twenty intro because the left wants IT right? Who's right? Which one actually Carries more weight if you think there's a massive difference between these verses with hinch Cliff about portofino.

I think I even think is much bigger. We have the Price. We have a precedent here. And the president lunch pointed out that the deplorable comment coming from coming from hillery, who was SHE, was elected official there. He wasn't a comedian invited for the event. I think amErica knows, and some of them were really offended, that they hire a comedian that said that. And I could see in the pendent saying, man, and a little shocked here, that this comedian they brought and said that, and I think that IT is different. And I think that does make a different when the president says IT IT made IT different, apparently looking back in the polls that frink lunch and others have looked at, and everyone has long said that the deplorable comment made a difference in that election because of who IT came from.

not what was said. Yeah, I mean, listen, the present cannot say. Obviously, we're going to watch very closely to see what happens here.

Today is what? Today is thursday. You realized it's five days left, right? Friday, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, god, one five days. We have a new president regardless. We have a new regard me, regard me.

We have a new president, right? Whether it's ala or trump, we have a new president and not some serious stuff folks. Anyways, I let's go to next store here.

Let's go to next store here. I wonder what this is all about time. And i'm coming straight up to you.

Russia sues google. That sues fines google, right? I want you to show this to the audience with the number of zeros.

You've never seen a bigger fine then this. Think about the ticket you got. I've had twenty ones speeding tickets.

Biggest one, say thousand hours, two thousand hours. You would say you got suit. You have to pay fifty thousand hours, hundred thousand hours, a million hours. Russia suits. Go to the article, I ve just got independent russia suits finds google two point five, this silent, that's two one of trillion, trillion, trillion dollars is what russia .

that doesn't make sense.

Well know we going to see if that does or not be read you a russian court has find google and unprecedented a twenty half to illustrators for allegedly blocking program on youtube content and figured doubling weekly under russia law since an initial twenty twenty five of one hundred thousand rubles following lawsuits from state affiloir to media outside lets uh sgt and rea fan uh since march twenty twenty two, google has restricted at services in russia seize, creating new counts and the activated at sense accounts, prompting russian authorities to seize google's bank accounts, leading google's russian subsides to fob bankrupcy.

Despite these actions, google free services like youtube and search remain accessible in russia. Google acknowledge ongoing legal issues, but russia in its latest report stating we do not believe those ongoing legal metals will have a material adverse effect. And alphabet shares rose over five percent after beating third quarter earnings expectation time. What's this story all about?

Okay, so never, never, never be late on your credit card payment in russia. That's what this means. So in march twenty, twenty two, you know, google been restricting these services, but in twenty twenty, they had to find of one hundred thousand rubles.

Robot, don't know how much that is. Ten dollars. I think I can be more than about five thousand dollars or something.

So uh A A basic core fines you know google in twenty, twenty one hundred thousand rebels except IT will double every week. Now that's a very significant late charge. IT will double every week.

So this has been doubling every week since twenty, twenty and one hundred thousand became two hundred thousand, four hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand, one point six, three point two, six point four. And IT gets Carried a way to point that the find now is, is more than all the money ever printed the entire history of the world. Well, so that's what's happened. So vinny, if you do get an opportunity by the town house next year or something, don't get a mortgage from a russian bank, can be layer on your mortgage .

o because because you could .

own them three times the amount of of your house. It's just funny. This is what IT it's really all .

about this is, is there any credibility in this?

No, what's happened is it's been doubling and google has been using their lawyers to say, gay man, we want to peal if you want to talk about this, not like, okay, we can try to do that. We're going to double IT again, double IT again, double IT again. So they basically keep doubling the fine and it's sitting there becoming this astronomical number.

But google needs to be concerned because the government is going to come down and say, hey, man, you do have to pay a fine here, otherwise we're going to let you back in so IT, when trump is elected, assuming he's elected, you know, it's going to be google is gonna calling trump saying, hey, we got to figure out this court thing and russes is gonna like what we want, some money, man, you're pay in five billion. How much was apples? fine.

Multibillion dollars to the eu. Commerce group. Last things going to do the same thing. I think google is going to write a checking is are going to be two point five, Dylan an or trying .


I think IT could be a billion dollar check to get back into a very important market. I think this could be a billion dollar check because they, they, they are basically saying you are censoring information in our country. Only we can do that. Now you can do that exactly. We're the only ones you can.

So you actually think that google is going to end up paying a fine here because who's the google CEO zonda pincher, right? So I think it's for every one, us. Dollar is a thousand, a russian rubles.

But when they when they, since march twenty twenty two, google has restricted ad services in russia. Well, what happened in march of twenty twenty two, that's when, uh, russia invaded ukraine. So there's been so many, you know, tips put on russia.

basically. Here is right here, february of twenty two, exactly russia, and value to create a major esta lation russia economic, exactly economic sections out here. So I don't know why would google end up pay even any money to russia for all the sanctions that are put on russia? Is this just no that .

russia says .

they broke one of their laws and they put a fine out in the middle of them trying to negotiate IT? Then the war breaks out. This keeps doubling.

So the doubling is sort of comical. But there's still as an open there's an open action here. And google has to sort IT out to to do go back to doing business in russia. And if you don't think they want to do business in russia. When the smoke clears and they want to earn out revenue and doll, that you're crazy.

they absolutely need markets.

let's say. So when IT comes down to social media companies, google, facebook, any these companies, if you're in a market like the same chAllenge is that musk s heavens with brazil or seven, you know, chAllenges with venezia, a mazda, ten days.

nobody else access to ex those your good example.

what standard must you follow? What standard must use the platform follow? And who has more weight does the country get to say you don't do this? We're shutting you down of in our country. Can they do that? Well.

that's that's kind of what brazil did. And and then must said, hey, in the named free speech, i'm not gonna bullied into doing this or that. And there was a settlement. I don't think he came back off free speech, but there was a settlement there to get the market opened up.

but there's no free. But here's a question, who has more power to b google or the country?

Well, right now, google has more power over people to influence the country from the outside, like our us. Department, convert, secretary state. But the people with power is the country. The country can turn IT on and off.

So why does russia want google in russia?

Because I I would imagine that they're gonna make money or tax on the google commerce. Google isn't going to be able to go for free and russia and collect billions of dollars .

of here me where i'm going with the state with this conversation and i'm not talking to us if you work for homeland security you have .

every single and .

um just openly talking to do you think russia wants google in russia as a way to be able to speak to the american audience and the world audience to paint themselves as the innocent, good, caring about their country people? Do you think they need google in a way to rebuild their brand to the world that they're not the villain? A hundred percent OK. So then then that's great because .

what that does is governments will try to manipulate social even as social is learning money.

That there's there's supposed to do that. And you can call a manipulation. The enemy will call a manipulation.

Russia will call a persuing, okay? The enemy will call a gas lighting. We can say whatever how much is doing, whatever haswell is doing, whatever. And as as well as doing whatever any they're gonna origin of is what word don't write yeah like the is .

russia say it's .

proved our truth. So all i'm saying is russia needs google. Russia needs google. absolutely. If russia doesn't have access to google to youtube like we have a channel, rob, if you go to youtube, type invitation in russian, okay, if you go about time in russian, okay um type and value time in russian and if you go to IT right, go right there.

How many subscribers as I have three hundred, two thousand, go to one of our shorts, go to one of more shorts and go to the latest one. Go to a, go to popular. Go a popular.

See what you have. But IT does reaction. No, no, no. Go to the fifth one, to the right that won. Writer, please press that here is Better on them.

Thump up into m part of them down the thrup Better on them. Try to vim a you go back. But the point is, you know, in this case, if google says, fine, no problem.

Russia comes back and says, no, what if google plays hard? Can you find out how much ad sense, how much money does google make from russia? Like what percentage of the revenue comes from russia? See, we have biggest numbers. Are actually curious now, what is the revenue google gets alphabet, right?

So you have to put alphabet.

Can we see IT IT drop dramatically?

Two lion .

of russian rubies, rubes. Is that in billions?

But looked at twenty twenty one and then twenty twenty two.

So one hundred and thirty four billion ruble, rubles and rubles is what?

One thousand hundred?

It's a billion. So it's a billion rubles. And twenty twenty one, it's skyrocket at almost no sixty percent.

Can you find out what the revenue of google and russia and twenty twenty three revenue? Google russia, twenty twenty three. I'm not curious what this number is.

Rush, twenty years, years. Because google, I stop generation in the country. Google, that's exactly where I was gone with this.

Now this they did because U. S. Government said their sanctions they headed.

So let me read this. Terminating advertising cells, withdrawn internship plaudits, restrict in google pay for sanction, remove ment over seven thousand youtube channels you can for refusing gms license. Omega manufacturers massively blocking services for russian companies. And I assume disappoint ing.

right? okay. So I make google's local subsidies in russia was the clear bancroft in twenty twenty.

And wow, google also has find two on the sicilian rubles, which is probably two, one of the syrian for refusing to restore accounts of several that google has been able to find them programmes in around media. The fine is larger than estimated total GDP. Google is unlike google has been fined.

This is, want to talk about god. And very, very so. Obviously this has to do with ukraine and russian.

U. S. To k, ukraine positions. And no one to surprise with this course.

And I took on r rt. New everything that was absolutely I would like to watch I watch CNN, I watch fox. They took on on rt news, right? When all that that happening and then a billion rubles is ten million, three hundred thousand american?

Pat, just a thought. Tell me if i'm office here, what's the total market cap of google alphabet? Truly and and I think it's like two trillion dollars. You want to just fact check that.

So now I I don't even know of russia has the top ten GDP in the world, but i'm willing to bet that their market cap google, what is IT market cap? Two one, two trillion. What do you think is more russia's GDP or google? I'm one in the bet that russia's GDP is actually under google. I'm taking there one eight, one nine GDP.

maybe two trillion, one point one eight, a little bit more. It's exactly same. No.

just the two point one. Okay, so google is the equivalent of an entire country of russia. So we hear things like california has a one five GDP in the world. What does that mean exactly?

Yeah, that means google value is equal to one year of russia's total output.

Pretty, pretty big time stuff.

right? Well, I made the question here is who need to and the less russia can present themselves of who they are, the more the media can dictate how much of a villain russia is. It's a monopoly in building your reputation and uh MC and argue afford.

So very interesting it's a very, very interesting case. If one set with russia, putin, you may want everything asking a question about. Very interesting, this is very interesting to me.

Why is so interesting to you? But you seem very, very parking .

debt on this word. Now IT is because if he doesn't have I mean, no wonder so many people in us. It's it's a it's a great move by biden Harris administration to be able to pin that person to be a woman and no one has access to IT to see.

I mean, alright, okay, let's see obviously gonna change in the next few months. But for as long as he's got, he's got, he's got to see what he can do with this part until things change. All right, let's go to the next story here that we have boom, bom, bom, boom, 蹦 蹦蹦蹦。 Let me see what I want to go.

okay? Gas Prices dropped across the united states. National average is likely to fall below three dollars of gas.

And why is this? So the national areas of gas in us is now three dollars and seven cents, with a medium of two thousand eighty nine marking a five year over the past week and eight, thirteen and cent decrease over the last month. According to gas body disease.

Prices are also down, now averaging three point five four. The little over three years. Seasonal demand declines increased a refinery utils ation and stabilized global oil Prices due to easing middle east tensions driving this drop.

The U. S. Crude old elementary has now grown by five and five million barrels. Uh, southern states hold the lowest Prices, with texas being two sixty dae. California AI have the highest at four fifty three. Despite current decreases, holiday travel could push Prices up again as historically observed, impacting inflation and goods cost time. Well.

what's going on a gas Prices is usually september or october. Er united see gas Prices dropped a bit. We travel everywhere, we go to disney land, we do all these things over the summer.

And then we just get back into driving back and forth to work and we travel for business. So there is a seasonal drop also, it's fall, is not super hot, is not super cold. So we're not drawing all the extra energy to really chill and cool our homes or heat their homes.

So consequently, you have a natural demand that drops. And when demand drops, Prices drop. That's what happening is very, uh, very Normal. However, what's very interesting in here is little IT.

Whenever these Prices drop under three dollars, you are able to more clearly see the taxes in california to sixty nationwide, four fifty three, almost four sixteen. California, that's two dollars a gallon. So that shows you, california, that you're basically paying attacks of roughly two dollars a gallon in california.

Also, what's also interesting is the fuel companies are now trying to do some catch up. They're trying to as much as the administration will allow them under the Green policies, is to grow IT supplies. They have emergency supplies to get them through things like hurricanes and super cool, super cold winters.

So they've been, and guess what they've done? They have they have grown five point five billion. Five point five millions can be bursts of inventory.

So what they're doing is of suddenly member you just to get member room in dallas that we ve got like three days notice and three days it's going to be zero degrees for five days. Remember that? And they call that what I smug ted or whatever they .

call that's when your pipes blew up in your second floor and the came on your daughters Better and nobody was home.

Yeah, everything caved in exactly, exactly right. Yeah, the fire hundred and sixty PS. I fire pipes, whatever IT was blocked in the ad, I can flooded in place.

So because they froze, so you get like only about four days notice. Well, the energy companies have to kick kick up production. And part of that is fuel loyal.

And and we still use oil to power a lot of power plants. So what we have right now is we have a little bit more supply. But that also shows you, guess what, if we drill, baby drill can become a big oil exporter.

It's low Prices for amErica and it's exporting a lot of oil and natural gas to the rest of the world and nature. We're going to make money. And so that was going on right now.

So gas Prices are down, which is good, and it's good. These Prices are down as are going into winter. But really, what's hiding below the surface here is the energy industry is successfully fought back against a lot of Green policies, and the consumers ers think some benefit. And when trumps elected, what's his policy? Drill, baby drill, aby drill.

Just think I am be have thoughts on this.

Well, i'm just looking at some graphs now. The average Price, a bear of oil today about seventy two box. I think because we've had conversations about oil in general, I think they want to keep ideal Prices of oil around sixty to eighty box in that sort of range.

So we're kind of sort of part for the course of where typically is, right? I mean, this, you know me, i'm uber everywhere like you. If you asked me the Price of gas, I would have no clue. E, right now, but the Price of an average bear of oil is somewhere between that sixty to eighty range right time, typically.

Yeah, right now, IT has been as the oil industry, energy industry has bought back against some of these Green policies, thanks to republicans in congress.

And also wondering when they blew up the north in pipeline, like how much they actually affected things right now because we're basically going into winter right now. Summer, obviously, traveling gas gets the tend to be little about higher in amErica right here, but around the world in notary pipin, a significant impact on the Price. The Prices in europe, both one was Operational.

When is damage and shut down? Is IT back up and running right now that whole relationship with russia and germany, I think trumps very vocal about that. The nord stream pipeline, it's been a um so is that still running time after they blew that like they blew IT up and then there was news like a month ago.

But what happened to, I believe, is what they blew up in the stream. One I thought was.

no, the north stream pipes are not repaired and are not expected to be repaid anytime soon. unbelievable. So they just blow up the pipeline. And and did they basically tracked that back as a linScott? Remember that story.

pat? Yeah, but this is a story that I was looking for. I found time, and I want to get your thoughts on this.

So to me, this is purely market manipulation with timing because, again, you don't care of gas Prices are high in twenty twenty one. You don't Carry gas Prices are high in two thousand twenty two. You don't give a ship of gas Prices are high in twenty twenty three.

You care a lot what gas Prices are in september and october of twenty twenty four. Watch this year. This is may of twenty twenty four bite administration releasing one million barrels of gasoline from reserve in bid to what lower Prices. And it's working because election and it's working and .

go he was running for at that time was before he dropped out the data c patrol, which de, like a fire.

extinguish that supposed use IT. You're not supposed to use this for election. This is for wartime. But guess what? Now cella again, I don't.

Their campaign is done enough to not use IT, but their campaign needs to come up right now. Use this. They need, even though they're manipulating the average person, even though how many people are watching this right now. Now we don't do that. Our typical mining time, I mean, people we got on right now.

right? And ninety five, okay.

is twenty one thousand three hundred and ninety five lives, smart, sexy, good looking, loving patria, who are willing to go up and beyond and watching this, and they get to tell the story. But how about the other three hundred forty one million people that are not aware of this? If kalo camp uses this, they can say their policies lower gas Prices more than a trump.

But i'm nasif they using this or not? And IT was, guys, go fill up up the gas tank before the Price. Hurry a fill up all your car, guess and tanks until some happens suddenly here with this next one here.

So am I want to get your thoughts on this, how to help us? Truth social parent company trump media now worth more than mosques. X as election day years.

How is that even possible, folks? But i'm going to read this story to you, trumps media and technology group, the parent company of truth social, now valued attempting, also surpassing your own mosque acts five at nine point four billion dollars. This valuation are attributed to t mtg shares.

Quite tripling since late september comes as november fifty approaches, with truth social stock Prices rising more than nine percent on two days, thirty four seventy and trumps fifty seven percent of TMT g, making this stake worth four billion dollars. The company, however, posted losses exceeding sixty million dollars, or june quarter, generating only eight hundred. And that can be right.

IDE is brought by j. peni. The holiday season is here, and A J C. Penny.

everybody gets more like for your loved one, designer perfumes from versac I or CarOlina hera, or the exclusive messy fragrance for the footy in your life, a casti on dutch van or car coffee maker, or for the kids, all of the toys they love from disney Barbie, lego and Moore J. C. Penny, make a count shop in store .

or online at Q, F, C. We believe fresh produce is the best produce. That's why we work hard to shorten the time from harvest to home, so you get more days of freshness with favorites like crisp and hunchy broccoli, deliciously nutritious bananas, creamy avocados and more. We also perform thru inspections of all our produce to make sure meet our high standards for freshness, so you can be sure you're getting the best of the best no matter how you shop.

Q fc, love fresh, love local, love food truth social has only generated eight, thirty seven and third quarter, beating that despite its valuation spite true th social reach remains far smaller than x, which locked seven hundred six million visitors last month compared to truth social, thirty and a half million. Musk key support of trump's reelection and dorset over the summer and has since contributed over seventy million of trump s campaign. He's also actively campaigned pain out rallies, es batch and state like pencil energy ing voters to take this over because muss about this company for roughly forty four billion dollars. Yeah, how was the only work? Nine point four and truth social ten while truth social.

we can at least go the stock market and we can see market caps. We can look there because they're on the stock market. This the Price goes up and down each depending on news and things going on.

So we we know what truth social is worth because we can just look at the stock market. We don't want to listen anybody words talk, but number of screen. And the numbers scream out the true socials worked this.

However, x is owned by mask. Can I it's interesting to me to figure out who is valuing them at nine point bin and how are they exactly being valued every now. Then muscle make some comments out loud, but nine point four billion for x seems way too low and they could say, well, x is value is down eighty percent because we're doing some ad calculations.

A lot of times they do like they'll say x evaluation is down significantly. You and then you're fidelity valuing at stake based on ad revenue. That's one way to do IT. But if someone came along, it's one thing for fidelity and others to say this is the book value.

It's another thing if somebody came along, if somebody walked up to elon must right now and offered on ten billion for twitter, would he take IT? No, he wouldn't take IT. And if he said he's only taking ten million for twitter, you'd have nine private equity firms running across the street waving checkbooks to get in on the auction.

So it's one thing that have a book value out there. It's quite another thing to have a public value. And musk has had issues on the ad revenue dropping, but it's all about it's all about perceptive value and book valuation versus what is that in stock market? And what would the value be if muck said I will? Sut x to you, the bidding starts at ten billion dollars. You don't think that that's gonna be twenty billion in two seconds.

none of this ten minutes he got me, you know, multiple figures from us within ten minutes. And we're going to get in there to help out you.

And I would call two people we know right now and say ten, says we will give you a leve and dog call. The videos.

you have been one phone call to go man, go head.

i'm onna. Go come out in a wear direction right here. But the way, none of this math makes sense.

So who's trumps biggest advocate and ally these days on mask? So now the story comes out five days before election that trump is worth more than elon. I mean, nobody believes that truth.

Social is bigger and more popular, has a bigger, more ker cup, then x twitter IT. Just that makes zero sense. Could IT be, could IT be that they're trying to drive a wedge between elon and trump and basically do place some games are here.

Pat, I know you're not a big fan of games. It's like basically saying, hey, i'm respect to Chris pavlovsky, but we all know that rumble isn't as big as as youtube. But I have imagine if an article came out that rumble has surpassed youtube is like I don't know about that would be like, yeah burger king is bigger than mcDonald no, it's not.

Pet is not bigger than coke. We know that truth social is not as big as ex is not even a thing. So i'm wondering what kind of games are being played here.

It's almost like the people who did the math that valued moroso go at eighteen million dollars when it's probably worth a couple of hundred million dollars, maybe even a billion. Sorry, I am no clear what's going under, but none of this math make sense. time. No.

I I know I agree with that. I said maybe maybe the folks that were the federal government they are trying to to value things have left their calculator laying around and put someone has picked up that broken calculator, the political calculator, and done IT. But there is no way in the hell that musk x is valued over at nine.

Let's go to the next one year. Chinese evy maker byd beats tesla in quarterly revenue for the first time as net profits jumps. okay. Now we're notice in two stories like that. Okay, so what is this story all about? So be why the automatic er tesla quarter roving to for the first one point and two hundred two hundred one billion one which is twenty eight billion in us.

Dollars q three compared to tesla twenty five point two B Y these eight profits rose rose eleven and half percent to eleven point six one, just roughly one point six thirty billion of my high cells in china. Support of our government subsidies and trading incentives were Green or cars. B Y.

These q success was LED by plugin. Hybrid sales would surge seventy five point six percent six and eighty five thousand units. However, its pure EV cells grew two point seven percent. As a loss EV marketer to other chinese competence, byd account for over one third of chinese E V N plug in hybrid sales, aided by subsidies up to two hundred twenty hundred dollars betrayed and local government sentiments of up to twenty thousand, one expanding overseas B, Y, the increases its exports by thirty thirty percent reaching ninety five thousand cars sold the broader q three and revisit IT is total to phone and fifty thousand vehicles twenty twenty three time .

so there's a couple of things going on here. Um in the united states, there are there's spent a trend for last two years that when people are buying new cars, evs costa bit more than hybrids and with gas moving down artificially, suddenly a hybrid electric costs less to buy and you get a lot of the benefits of having electric car and paying a lot less because you're not filling up the tank que gasoline every week or electricity.

So there's been a shift in the U. S. On that. Also IT is a fact that it's spent harder to find places to charge your electric car on the states in terms of offices and balls, because we need more EV outlets, which is why our U. S.

Federal government was trying to build evs, and why you, secretary pete, cut a lot of health, or what he spent a couple of billion dollars, and how would would have be built seven charges or something something there was ridiculous um what was spent versus what was actually installed. And then china has been taking playing the long game, and byd has been issuing in the issuing. They're been several models now.

They have like five models that are out there, and they've been exporting a lot. They've actually been making particular traction in europe. So they make a little more traction in europe and market service versus tesla.

You know, other chinese auto makers of mankind are competing with by B, Y, D. For subsidies in china. The government says, hey, there's this much money for and suddenly byd doesn't get all of these other competitors are with them.

And so basically, it's a more competitive global market. And tesla has um you add chAllenges in the U. S. Market versus hybrid and IT makes for a nice headline to say the chinese beat tesla and quarterly revenue, says voters who loves to print anything negative about elon mask. So IT may be true, but they love to pick on on mask yeah.

And other way this is happening without them, even been in the states. And does B, D have anything to do with a half you sound plant they were planning on building in mexico town? Oh, so right, pull up to see if byd byd half you song mexico make makes talking. So be why .


like we can, expanding Operational maxim, including to half year and industrial dance. okay. So now you got to realized, apparently if on that, mistaking president trump, he was here two weeks ago, he said, deff put this on pause.

Rap, can you verify? Because this stories from july, so mexico, near the city with this one this year, mexico's shine bomb, the race is on to harness near shing. I'm trying to find that if this half of some plan is being done or it's put on halt or not, if IT is because I think bitten was giving seventy five hundred dollar tax credit. Cars come in here from mexico and then mexico grown. I'm just trying to see if this half of of some plant is put on stop, put on halt or no.

And I thought there were some U. S. Makers, and also said they were putting something on hold.

IT was a giant normous factory. We saw pictures of IT I in the hills. And IT was giant ormers. And they said, okay, there.

I just found to china. Okay, I found IT. I found a rop.

If you can pull this up. H, pa, pa, pa. there.

IT has pulled the story up that I just sent to you. This story will tell you what they're doing. Very interesting.

So president trump, when he was on and he said they're not gonna put IT on pause until after us. Elections is true. Watch this.

China's B, Y deposits mexico factory plans until after U S. elections. I wonder why mexico could be key production side for byd.

Along with plants, IT is building or already Operating in brazil, hungry turkey, thailand, gola Laura, china's top elective I D will not announce a major plan investment until after the us election corner people for me with the matters of apple albums be why he was scouting three locations for car production facility in mexico, but has stopped actively looking for now, several of the people that asking not to be identified discussing information. This is private. Well, it's up now.

The post point of is largely because byd would prefer to wait to see the outcome of the recipe to u. us. President and trump hand kala herr's. They added that B, Y is paused, factory may still be revived, or could change this.

Another word has not postponed red, and that they said, byd said in a statement to blooming burg that IT has not postponed a decision on a factory mexico, we continue working to build a factor with the highest nolo gc of standards. Four, the mexican market, not for united states market, no four to export market four, byd, the mexican market is very relevant. Okay, you either believe or you don't right. However, um they know if trump comes in, trump's gonna making their life live in hell. But if commons there, they're going to say, well, we can negotiate without no problem.

China also placed the long game so they'll say, hey, lesson, build, build the factory only build charge for mexico. Tell everybody is all about the mexican market. Someday theyll be a us. President.

not nature. That quick thought. I mean, pat, you really got me like act like a fork trade. And now we're talking about russian rupees here. We get the chinese warm, we get the mexican peso doing all this matter here but I just making tell me, pat, if i'm going somewhere this how many years ago we interview the guy um the confessions of an economic hit man what was his name again four years ago?

K and how .

what's the easiest way to destroy the country through dead right? So china goes all around the world, basically settling countries with debt. I think in africa alone, that's couple hundred billions of dollars that countries like ambition and goal. Kenya, oh, china, every country in africa, for the most part, oh, china, all this maximum of money because they're mining what .

cobalt and lithium and natural resource.

all this stuff for evs and IT, just all these stories make me wonder, you know, how how active is? How much is this the media going against? Elon, because we covered in the last story about know is true social worth more than ex, I would highly doubt that.

But you said something interesting to peer Morgan, which was a fascinating conversation yesterday. And you said, right now, trump is the number of an enemy, but if when he gets elected, you said that you pour prioritize j events, just one jv. So it's interesting. But basically once trump gets elected, or like, I mean, let you summarize, as he has four years, eighty has eight, but ellins get another forty years of success around the world. And he's aligned himself with trump camp, obviously. And the interview that he did with tucker, he sort of said, you know, looses like you're left and is like, yeah, I know, I know so I don't know what to make of all these stories, but I would not be shocked if the media is basically using these stories to basically bring down elon and trip. Yeah.

I wouldn't either. I think it's going to be a very clear focus. Dell half going after them.

Let me go to the next store here. Excel at school cio chmidd urges U. S. Army to replace tanks with drones and i'm going to come to you first with this one here, replace tanks with drones.

Why would they want to do something like that? This election is a pretty smart guy. So former google CEO element urges U. S. Military to replace useless tanks with A I power drones, telling the future investment initiative, give them away by a drone, instead citing the effectiveness of inexpensive drones and radio the video of this or no IT.


you can that be great, inexpensive drones in ukraine, where a five thousand dollar drone can destroy a five million dollar tank? Very good perspective. Smith found over a start a build in autonomists comic azi drones for ukraine, argued that fAiling, falling costs of autonomists logy means the drone war will get rid of eventual tanks eventually.

Tanks, artillery murders despite rapid innovation in ukraine and russia's drawn tactics, schmerz said western military systems are precisely wrong for this kind of a scenario. Slow to debt. Vi.

I mean, this is the future is an open you, what was your? You fix? Umbers, I fix.

K, one of my boys was a, was a tank, a mechanic. And it's like, I mean, this is the future pad we see. I know of you guys going to mean, Robert, these people like on my feet on next. You just keep seeing these drone attacks going after people in pinpointing people about about the ukrainian. I don't a saw, but the ukrainian and russian and I say, but IT makes way more sense, you know, the madness with the tank and here and the noise and everything, these drones are basically silent until they come on in the attack. If I say, and I hate to be saying this, I mean, it's a way cheaper, faster, like like discrete method of killing people.

I think that's the future on top of that which you come when he comes into the soldier's, all the robots that you know, elan and all these guys are making are designing that's the future that's that art tilt war that uh that guy, the transcendent man, uh, the people that are debating him, we're saying that that's the future. I scare I think tactic wise, it's brilliant. But I mean, if this scare is held that we're not going to have any tanks, we're going have any soldiers.

all going to be robots. Well, there is no tanks that rolled into levit on when israel got off a couple commanders of the last two weeks, right? That was a drone when then they sent the reconnection thrown in with the camera to see how the guy was doing. He was still .

sitting in the chair, was in gaza. Ya, in .

war. But I .

just .

try, are human beings and I mean, that is going to be less list to me, is any less american soldiers in harm's way? I'm and ultimately think what he's saying .

is the famous wing grc coach, don't skate toward the pockets, skate towards going, saying, thanks. Are old school drones, are new school start investing more in that type of technology versus sort of what would use for traditional land wars, what they're doing in ukraine right now?

I'm going to that. What's the actors named that played three hundred? Just Butler played a movie protecting the president.

I don't if you guys have seen this, that's what that is. Something olympic is as fall olympus. If you, if you can pull up, olympus has fAllen, okay, we can show .

the see no .

lump us us falling drone war I think that's the one if you go to olympus as fAllen drone war and Morgan freedom .

is ah it's our second Morgan freeing guys.

there is a scene. Have you guys ever seen the I can show to you, but there is a scene in this movie where you look up and you see all of a sudden.

is IT like that.

like this. But always you see thousands of drones come in your way. So to save the president, he had to jump on their water for everything to explode, for them to make this.

And he pushes the president into the water a Better. I'm not onna show to the audience because is part of a movie, but here's what that looks like. Okay, they're looking up.

okay? You see all these drones are coming. Notice all the drones that are coming up.

And IT goes with the boat to save and focus. If you've seen this movie, you exactly what i'm talking about there. There is literally thousands of drones coming in one by one, by by one.

One, kill soldiers, kill everybody. You can do nothing about IT, but jump in the water and going under the water. And his job is to try to say, the president IT was so realistic on but where this is, how comes out? This is, how comes.

I look at this, I just shoot IT out like a sema. You see that just shooting you? Yes, it's so realistic. I think chmidd is right. I think the method of fighting and going to war today is different.

And if somebody really wanted to attack, what is your method to protect and drones? How are you going to protect someone? They send .

thousands of drones your way. What is the cause .

you get to build the atlantic and the pacific ocean? So we can have that. We have .

a odo.

We buy.

We don't have a time. We will buy. We got some work to do time.

We got some work to do to join this one. Let me go to a what time we got for forty six. We got one more story.

And then we will go to the yankees and wrap IT up here. And we've covered a bunch of stories very quickly. By the way, let's go to, do you wake up at three every night?

I need four times to p and it's .

ridiculous really.

Well, this case reveals .

how to beat this issue again.

And maybe this could be a life changing more. Appreciate on the pocket, appreciate IT well, and then you can thank the good or not me, but i'm just written the story. Here we go, dave, a spray author, founder, llebakken laim.

Waking up between three to five A M, S, often due to a crash in your blood sugar trigger ing cortisol and a general and that disturbed sleep, he suggests a bit time snack of raw honey collagen and M C T oil as these offers sustained energy without the, uh, blood sugar crash aspray explains that cortisol, known as the stress hormone. Listen, I know a Better stress hormones, but got kids here wakes up by increasing glue cos, which the brain users but leaves your wake. Chronic stress, he notes, can elevate cortisol, affecting everything from immune system to muscles to your hair, skin and nails, while sleep deprivation, heightened risks of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Nearly seven million americans and forty million but struggle. Sleep disorders experts caution against dependency on sleeping pills, which can be addictive while promoting natural sleeping ID like reduce screen time school bedrooms, an adequate magnesium invitation in the intake. On thoughts .

on this um I think it's really interesting here is there is a blend here because he's talking about two things. The first thing he's talking about is chemical. Hey, you know what you have a stress home and cortisol wakes you up.

But then he's also talking about um um you know being overwork overtired and uh dependency on sleeping pills and people are just so stressful so arguing against chemical and promoting natural sleep pace like reducing screen times, cool bedrooms and at in vitamin d. Great way to get about amin d is to do what take a walk. Take a walk for forty minute each day out and in the sunshine and just collect the biden in d you know, we collect IT right through through our face being outside.

And so there's two sides to this. One of them IT seems like it's common sense lifestyle like blue light before going to bed. You know, people talk about that blue light and then being in good physical condition and get no walk.

And the other others don't depend on chemicals like sleeping pills. But lets see if we can get the natural chemicals of something like honey. And honey has got a lot of benefits. People that time have allergies. They say look for raw harvest honey that's local and have a little bit of that on toast to ever things because there's pollen in there that can be little resistance against the pants are in the area because the local honey is made by local bees know, collecting local poland from local flowers so I think is a lot of great common sense here about getting off chemicals, having good uh lifestyle patterns and raw local honey.

Many is a series stuff i'm being but you know what to reminds me up? Yeah, there was a famous song that went like this, sugar.

Hon, honey.

honey, right? I don't. A, you are my Candy girl, and you got me wanting the .

art .

for a healthy living.

I, I listen to the song in iran.


I don't know. Maybe listen, maybe he took this tip from the song because the songs is sugar, but he says, honey, honey. So he says sugar one time, but i've honey, honey. So they've where we got a brilliant idea from you establish sten to give this song credit for you.

Coming with this idea allowed one thing, I think it's sort of testing in the story we were as a country, we're more reliant on pills, jabs, oxygene than actually getting your fat ass out of bed, working out, getting some sunlight, getting in the gym, actually putting in the work everyone wants to take short cuts rather than actually going to bed, getting some sleep.

It's like just take a pill, get this going on, rather than lose some weight being big bang othmi c oh h oye ic, so everyone wants to take a sure cut. We saw, I wants any names. We saw, uh, I showed you some pictures of people that we're clearly using growth hormone or whatever that was and how sort of destiny they looked if you take short cuts you talking about.

yeah, what I was about to do that? Yeah.

excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. yeah. Cuse me. Anyway, it's. As in america, we're more obese than ever were, fatter than ever, the exercise less than ever were, broker than ever as a country. But just put a quick band date over and see if that works.

But go get some sleep finished. Ed up with disguise. Let's talk ganges.

We're at the game city. We land. Everything's looking good then all of a sudden, for the first time.

And in the history in my life, i've never seen where a team has three hours not counting coal, not running to the first. I've never seen catcher interference, and i've never seen bulk all in the same game. And you still could have want you lose seven, six.

They announced freeman as the MVP will deserve the only gun, a history of baseball ever to hit a home run. And six strait world series games never happened before, stands and hit eighteen, which now he's number three in the home run list, right? I believe all time, right?

What he did while we were there, something very interesting happened. I want to show this clip here of this guy. We're going to buy something for dilling and was shopping.

This man comes up and I was so wild, i'll let me tell you a story and what he told us, none of us could believe IT was such an authentic, genuine man that we bet gonna play this clip prop. In the what is wa, I said I would meet. You today in.

P P T 我要 吃饭。 了 下 xy guy。

By the way.

IT was great.

so he couldn't, he couldn't get the a shirt fast enough, so he just made y and by the way.

you know what's even crazier? Let me take us what's even crazy. Remember the sweep stakes we did with the anche. Take IT all the stuff that we announce with the whole sweep takes up now. So check this out.

You know, tom are CTO and then they get out a call and they do the whole sweepstake for every dollar spent to see who the winner is to go join us for the big game right now. Watch this. We're thinking the winners is going to be somebody that spot a thousand dollars.

And they bought from a many, many times. This is the crazier story of who ended up winning IT when they call me at home. I'm like when we called him, he gives get get of a he couldn't even believe was gone about.

I let him tell you the story. He is a filly span before tonight. For that night he was a yankee fan ahead, rob.

So i'm here with our new friend, right? And he's the winner of the value tainting sweep stakes. Come, let's get side. You give me the rundown of how you won and ended up hear with us at the world. Ciro.

every two years in my office. Well, i'm working. I have home team on on the computer. Last tuesday, he comes out the three stakes. Did your ideas of new gear shirt?

I get attached on saturday now, thank you. Stated twenty five hundred dollars spending cash and the best week is believable over the world series came fine and who's this episode has brought you by all state? Some people just know they could save hundreds and coinsurance by checking all state first.

Like, you know, to check. You have the tickets you want at first before you drive two hours to the big game. serious.

Ly, yet one job. Now, the closest you will get to the fifty online is parking lot. D, yeah, check first is smart, so check call state first for quote, that could save you hundreds. You're in good hands with all state savings, very terms apply all state fire and casualty insurance company filia north. P P T.

P P T.

just say how to go.

Says you go .

about R O. I. I think this guy ended up getting a hat and a shirt like sixty books, and he ends up going to the world series, I think, were to be a part of IT.

I don't know how much people were paying something.

No, all the ticket here he is joining us awesome guy went to sara cuse played linebacker, right? I think he group like, great around you and and about forty minutes jersey hello, a guy and he's like, I can believe that .

I just bought this here and he can he was listen. And more and more what we're walk around were seeing people where ffb gear future looks bright here, the vitamin gear, it's enamelled to see all the stuff taking place. But tom, it's really about you because we're watching tom and time is in the back.

But we just say, guys, and we flow here on A P. J. Time came in a grey hand. He left, hasn't had any sleep. The greyhound had the very strong, and so was kind of flying, no bathroom.

How is that, tom? Knowing your N A sweet where everybody would, you found two dog fence, and I then close. You guys found each other. You're inner sweet, everyone's yanks. And at the end you see your daddy ers, when the world series had had to feel .

IT felt really, really wonderful. You know.

you only get one or two times of don't .

know in .

ah in your life.

maybe get no tyfels sports.

Can you have one or two times in in your your life where maybe your team makes IT to the the world series of the super bowl unless you're like a patria fan or a yankee fan or dog fan? And i've was just very, very blessed and thinking, I want to say something. There's a lot of stuff that goes on after sports championships or one.

But I was wearing this jacket, one thousand nine hundred eighty one satan jacket, back from the era of prennent of valenzuela, got resto sol. And we were walking in and walking out, and, you know what? Nothing but respect for those janki fans. And I gave them respect, in return, a great team, a Young team. But there, you know, people can say what they were about new york, but we had a great experience at in kiddie, from the people that worked there to the other fans that were there.

I was kind of expecting OK.

i'm going get spit on as a .

zero zero. I actually did. But thank you to new york. Thank you to the inky fans and congratulations tions inky fans making old world series in coming back. I feel like the yankees are coming back to the era of greatness that they enjoyed, you know, back in from two thousand and two thousand nine. I I believe .

that very as a new york yourself, you know york ker and being there, how painful was IT and how do you feel about the communities making? Is is the sentiments landing and you think or no, you're not. Well.

first all I just that one first. Remember that Christmas ent, I was going to get IT it's just downgraded like a mofo it's not what I like the dead you're gona get ninety nine and store .

type of dollars.

store types trim anyway just IT was your kind younkers were know I was born and from my family was best sage me like we're all the way in the left feel like guys I I I didn't say that but it's it's to get to the other side like IT insanity I feelgood but am I going to lie a disappointment from just I mean, what was a time eight errors just in the world series in general, kind of like they they just didn't have in the disappointing when your team gets all the way to the dance module, regular season, amazing records being broken, everything.

But then when you get to the dance, you fail in that fashion. It's heartbreaking. I mean, you know the team looks good, but I mean, there has to be some changes uh, for the future because you can't come that far, tom. And going the slumps have errors, the manager making bad decisions.

It's like, come on, we invest all this time and all this money and we buy we are investing in the team and then that comes out, we fall flat not because I was okay one run and OK, I can deal with that. But when it's a horrible loss like that because all around not playing well and not managing well IT IT hurts even more. Because we had and we should have one game one, and we should have one game to, and some of the decisions of taking out, get a call and then dropping balls and then I love call the death. But then a player he is able to cover first, he just points at result, like as if he was going to summer him to go to first. It's really, really disappointing.

So I think he would be a good idea. And maybe show your instagram post how you felt about time. I am that .

possible this point. Your robi can go to my instagram and think there's something that guys want to do if you go to my instagram page. IT was Thomas hospitalized afterwards? Do not good. I always said .

that my lawyer .

is probably a therapy.


but I punched .

him in his face. I know his face is ready.

Can you break? Look at this team is looking in the back.

and look at the veins, your veins on your next five. yeah. Look, IT is what IT is.

By the way, four years ago, I was at the dagger game when they won kay in texas. Oh, coffee and muki went four for five and I was the best. He sick, and we rode at four doug's.

In that game. There's only one team i'm going to root for daddy ers over and that is the inky and that's for many different reasons. But we're excited about what the yankees are going next. Rob, whoever you got that they want to do what they want to do. So i've got to go up set to meeting, and I got to do shoot, and I got to try to go find a way to go trick or treating .

with .

the moment that we had today is the five hundred episode .

of the PPT party.

And some of the previous guests on the podcast wanted to congratulate .

you on the way in the mind OK let's hear IT uh news patroled David five hundred episodes graduation to Patrick .

bet David who has done is five hundred of show and is one of the only three suitable names in popular culture who is not a presidential .

assent congratulations on five hundred episodes big deal.

Five hundred episodes here to five hundred thousand more.

five. D. And congratulations on reaching episode five hundred.

Congratulations, pat on episode hundred. Future looks right .


So find .

your work, your service. america.

Hey, I.


proud. You pend IT and taking your show to another level. I see you on the time ten, some, hoping you're gonna still come.

the. three. One a right now, it's still. Growing will keep in one you. Right, listen.

One person, one thousand, eight, thousand, thousand, one. The reason, the reason that this guy is in the atton, he's good because I had bad chicken. Why rather betwen the celebration with you? But I can have bad chicken.

Seven and so many at times, by two multiple. You support biotics. And i'm I think I had the best one, would you?

To many views, the future looks bright. By the way, that problem had I took her, that you in the home team, you've done great work. I am not impressed by the quantity.

Five hundred, you're going to do a thousand x of that number. It's the quality. You have true convictions, you got true beliefs, and you are a great listener.

I wish you every success. I'm happy for how far you've come like a rocket, and I know it's just the beginning. Congratulations to P, B, D. And the home team. You remain with.

Great job. I am the all the about everybody .

that send a message. Just saw, awesome. Just seen these guys. I have a lot of them are gonna with us on election night next week.

Mother way, Chris is probably going to be tuning in as well through zoom or something we going to be without when he comes in. But to Kelly in the back, you look, rate a ha Better doll can forget about you. Back to back leaves.

For everybody, for everybody, for everybody. Listen to us is this started with a small idea of, uh, want to have a platform that I can talk about politics and current events and I didn't want to mix IT up with vitamin. Vitamin was a mainly a business channel and all of the some vitamin just year and a half o was at four million subscribers, at six million subscribers.

P P T podcast went from fifty subscribe just four years ago to now two point two, two point one, two, whatever the numbers, million subscribers. And we're doing this because of you that's watching this still with us um for those who guys that I watching this one to happen without you, I love run in into you. I love talking to I feel like we have a relationship par together and so on.

Talk and cities guys, if you guys were on the plane and you would have seen how we were singing, I don't want to do with here, but I think I have to have to kind of tell you guys that you know how I told you. I don't want to show you this picture because that looks a little awwad, but i'll show here soon. We may be coming out with a music band ah boys.

And here's what the boys band called, called out of sink. Yeah and not in sink, out of sink. And when you listen to a singing on the weight, the anges, we had a great time, this one to happen without the crew here, and we're just getting warmed the future.

Look, pride, and hopefully you'll stay with us for decades and decades and decades to come. Gabba, everybody take here. Bye bye.
