Sermons I preach each week.
A sermon about how we believe in the Resurrection of the Body.
A sermon about sin in the Christian life.
A sermon for Easter Sunday
A sermon for Good Friday on the great exchange Jesus made for us.
A sermon for Maundy Thursday
A sermon about Palm Sunday
A sermon about the proper understanding of authority.
A Sermon on this petition of the Lord's Prayer
A sermon about how God reveals our sin in order to rid us of it.
A sermon about the foolish yet wise message of Christ and Him Crucified
A sermon about the second and third petitions of the Lord's Prayer.
A sermon about being ashamed of Jesus' Words
A Sermon about the first petition of the Lord's Prayer.
A sermon about how we are tempted to sin.
An Ash Wednesday Sermon about the Lord's Prayer.
Transfiguration Sermon
A sermon about Jesus casting out demons.
A sermon about the power of the Word of God to convert.
A sermon about Jesus being Jacob's Ladder.