cover of episode Writer Katie Dippold: The Set Up (S2E13)

Writer Katie Dippold: The Set Up (S2E13)

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Parks and Recollection

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alan Yang
Katie Dippold
@Rob : 本集主要讲述了莱斯利在安的帮助下处理法律纠纷,以及她与克里斯的糟糕约会和最终与贾斯汀的约会;同时,罗恩处理了居民投诉并聘请了新的助理。 @Katie Dippold : 本集是作者在剧组工作的第二集,由于小时候头部受伤,作者的记忆力有所下降,但仍记得一些创作细节,例如剧中关于核磁共振的玩笑以及对电影《泳池迷恋》的引用。 @Alan Yang : 剧组成员在创作初期认为该剧较为写实,但回顾来看,剧集内容十分夸张,这与当时的喜剧创作风格有关。 Rob: 威尔·阿奈特在本剧中的表演非常出色,他出色地演绎了剧中许多夸张的笑话,尤其是在核磁共振的场景中。剧中克里斯关于子宫的玩笑话在后续剧情中得到了巧妙的呼应,这体现了编剧的巧思。 Katie Dippold: 迈克·斯卡利理解作者的幽默感,并能提出更完美的笑话,这使得创作过程更加顺利。剧组的创作氛围轻松友好,鼓励成员积极提出想法,这与一些创作氛围较为严肃的剧组形成对比。 Alan Yang: 剧组成员经常在创作过程中浪费时间,例如拍摄一些无意义的小电影,这反映了剧组成员轻松愉快的创作氛围。 Rob: 剧中面试助理的场景中,其中一位候选人与电影《暮光之城》中的爱德华·卡伦长相相似,这体现了剧组成员的幽默感。本·施瓦茨饰演的让-拉尔夫·约在剧中的发型设计很有特点,他的角色设计灵感来自《费雷泽》中的角色设定,哈里斯对让-拉尔夫·约角色的刻画非常出色。 Katie Dippold: 剧组成员在创作过程中会为每个角色设定主题曲,这使得创作过程更加有趣。剧中提到了电影《泳池迷恋》,剧组成员曾多次在创作过程中讨论这部电影。剧中马克剧透电影的桥段最初设定为剧透《第九区》,后因考虑观众感受而改为剧透《马利和我》。 Alan Yang: 剧中莱斯利迷恋拜登的桥段是该剧的一个贯穿始终的笑点,这体现了剧组成员的创作能力。剧中部分角色的名字与演员姓名相似,这可能是编剧的失误。贾斯汀·瑟鲁克斯在剧中的造型与他之后的生活中的造型形成对比,他的表演自然流畅,与威尔·阿奈特的角色形成对比。 Rob: 作者认为25到29岁的人最难以相处,这与剧中安的角色设定有关。剧组在拍摄过程中经常需要加班,每季结束后都会聚会,因为担心剧集会被取消。剧组在拍摄雪景时,使用了人造雪,这使得雪景看起来更加真实。剧中罗恩与市民直接沟通的剧情线受到了电视剧《白宫风云》的启发,这体现了剧组成员对其他影视作品的借鉴。 Katie Dippold: 作者曾向迈克·舒尔推荐了演员海伦·斯莱顿·休斯,并成功将其引入剧组。亚伦·索尔金是《公园与休憩》的忠实观众,他经常给剧组成员发送短信,表达对剧集的喜爱。许多《公园与休憩》的演员都参与了其他影视作品的演出,这体现了该剧组的演员阵容强大。剧组成员通过自己的努力争取到了本·施瓦茨的参演。 Alan Yang: 作者曾反对安迪和艾普丽尔成为情侣,但最终他们成为了情侣,这体现了剧组成员的创作理念。作者最喜欢为罗恩·斯旺森创作角色,剧组成员共同创作角色,很难确定某句台词的具体创作人。作者喜欢为安迪和阿齐兹的角色创作台词,并且经常在试读时为其他演员配音。作者最喜欢的客串演员是DJ Roomba。

Deep Dive

Leslie is set up on a blind date by Ann with Chris, an MRI technologist, which goes terribly due to his creepy behavior and their differing interests.

Shownotes Transcript

Another guest joins us in Pawnee! Today writer Katie Dippold (Haunted Mansion, The Heat) breaks down one of her favorite episodes she's written. In "The Set Up" Ann sets Leslie up on a blind date, and the date does not go as Leslie had hoped. On today's pod find out the writer's room obsession with the 2002 film Swimfan, see the origin of Leslie's Biden crush, and hear everybody's idea of what they want "the club" to be. Got a question for the Pawnee Town Hall? Send us an email: Or leave a 30-Second voicemail at: (310) 893-6992

When Leslie learns Pawnee is being sued by the previous owners of Lot 48, Ann calls upon her lawyer friend Justin Anderson (Justin Theroux), whom she’s known since high school and seems to still have feelings for. Justin helps Leslie resolve the issue, and the two hit it off immediately. Having recently broken up with her boyfriend, Leslie asks Ann to set her up on a date, but is surprised when Ann hesitates to set her up with Justin. Instead, she arranges a date with Chris (Will Arnett) an MRI technologist Ann works with. The date goes terribly, with Chris appearing annoyed upon learning Leslie attended a rival college, and that she was a director of regular parks, not amusement parks.

When Leslie says she has never had an MRI, Chris takes her to the hospital to perform one on her. Chris comes off super creepy, remarking that Leslie has an excellent uterus and asking whether she is having her period, presumably in anticipation of sex later. 

Meanwhile, Mark grows suspicious that Ann harbors romantic feelings for Justin. He eventually confronts Ann and accuses her of putting Justin on hold for a possible relationship in the future. Ann admits she has distantly thought of her and Justin ending up together, prompting Mark to walk out on their date and spoil the ending of Marley & Me. Mark asks Andy if Ann seemed to have feelings for Justin when they were together.  Andy confirms that she did and then immediately confronts Ann about it in another endless attempt to win favor with her and get back together. Realizing her behavior was inappropriate, Ann sets Leslie up on a date with Justin.

In a B storyline, Ron deals with complaints from local residents due to a new town policy requiring public officials to deal more directly with the public. Ron calls the policy "my hell", and seeks a new assistant to protect him from the citizens.Tom volunteers to find Ron an assistant, but really uses the opportunity to find an assistant for himself.

After multiple interviews, Tom brings forward a fast-talking candidate named Jean-Ralphio (Ben Schwartz), whose personality closely resembles Tom's. Ron hates him right away and in the end hires April, who’s internship is coming to an end, as his assistant.