cover of episode Ted Danson & Woody Harrelson Are Reunited!

Ted Danson & Woody Harrelson Are Reunited!

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Ted Danson
Woody Harrelson
Ted Danson: 丹森和哈里森在新的播客“Where Everybody Knows Your Name”中重聚,分享他们自电视剧《Cheers》之后各自的经历以及与其他名人的趣事。这个播客由Team Coco和Sirius XM制作,于6月12日上线,每周三更新。他们邀请了众多嘉宾,包括科南·奥布莱恩、威尔·阿奈特、简·方达、比利·艾希纳、克里斯汀·贝尔等等,分享各自精彩的人生故事。丹森提到,他的人生并非刻意规划,而是充满意外和幸运,这与播客中嘉宾的经历不谋而合。 Woody Harrelson: 哈里森与丹森在播客中展现轻松幽默的互动,对丹森的性格和生活方式进行调侃,并分享了与其他嘉宾的有趣经历,例如与Dax Shepard关于口香糖的趣事。两人在播客中展现了深厚的友谊和默契,为听众带来轻松愉快的收听体验。 Woody Harrelson: 哈里森与丹森共同主持这个播客,旨在分享他们自《Cheers》之后各自的经历以及与其他名人的趣事。他与丹森的互动轻松幽默,对丹森的性格和生活方式进行调侃,并分享了与其他嘉宾的有趣经历。哈里森的参与为播客增添了更多笑点和看点,与丹森的配合默契,共同为听众带来轻松愉快的收听体验。

Deep Dive

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I know they're not. Oh, now they're recording. Now we're a go. Hey, friends. Ted Danson here to tell you all about my new podcast from Team Coco and Sirius XM that's coming to you June 12th. It's called Where Everybody Knows Your Name with me, Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson. Sometimes.

Woody and I wanted to do this podcast because life took us in different directions since we got to meet on Cheers. And that was, wow, nearly 30 years ago. Anyway, we finally get to spend some time together. Plus, we get to introduce each other to the friends we've made since Cheers.

Some of them the most interesting people in the world. Here's a taste. Most of my life hasn't been intentional at all. It was all just big mistakes and I'm lucky. Name a mistake. Are you talking relationship or... Activism or... Everything. Places I've traveled to, people I've married. No, not really.

People I've had affairs with. No, it's like... Ted seems to care about things and think about more than himself. Right. And you seem like someone who's just devoted your whole life to self-pleasure, just living in the moment, good times. I think that sums it up pretty good. No, that's not true.

I didn't really know Dax. Oh, I thought you, okay. I was chewing gum and he said, do you have any more gum? And I said, no, just this. And I kind of like coyly took it out of my mouth like this. Oh, nice. Nice move. And he grabbed it from me and he goes, I'll take it. And then he put it in his mouth and I was like, this guy wants to fuck me. Yeah, it's on. Oh.

Oh, I wish I hadn't taken Woody's gum out of his mouth. I love this guy. I love you too, Woody. You f***ing asshole. You f***ing dickwad. I want to be a f***ing asshole. I'm learning. I swear to God, I'm learning. That was Jane Fonda, Conan O'Brien, Kristen Bell, and Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

There's many more to come, and it's always a great time when Woody drops in. So head on over to where everybody knows your name, hit follow, and we'll see you right back here on June 12th. New episodes every Wednesday.