cover of episode 286. A Thanksgiving Massacre 20 Years in the Making: Merhige Massacre

286. A Thanksgiving Massacre 20 Years in the Making: Merhige Massacre

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Our True Crime Podcast

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Like many Americans, Thanksgiving is a cherished occasion—a time to gather with family, indulge in turkey and stuffing, and celebrate the bonds that hold loved ones together. This Thanksgiving event hosts three generations of family ready to enjoy a day of food and good company. After a busy day of food preparation, the guests all take their seats to eat the giant feast.  A tradition that the family has been doing for many years starts right after everyone is stuffed from eating, a singalong by the piano. The tranquil joy would come to a shocking end as bullets rang out.  It was a Thanksgiving that should have been like any other—a night for family, food, and tradition at a home in Jupiter Florida not murder. Join Jen and Cam on this episode of Our True Crime Podcast entitled ‘A Thanksgiving Massacre 20 Years in the Making: Merhige Massacre’Listener Discretion by @OctoberpodVHSAll Music is by our Editor @theinkypawprintThis episode is proudly sponsored by Yaman. Welcome to Yaman the very latest and greatest in J-Beauty innovations Listeners can visit for a 20% discountAlso proudly sponsored by World's Original and Finest CBD Topical for SleepOrder your bottle at Use the code “OTC PODCAST” (all one word) at checkout to save twenty bucks on the first order!Sources:[]([]([]([]([]( for the Holidays S1. E 1.****