cover of episode Where To Eat, Drink, and Party in Austin | Atx Recs

Where To Eat, Drink, and Party in Austin | Atx Recs

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Taylor和Sam分享了她们在奥斯汀最喜欢的美食、饮品和娱乐场所,这些推荐主要针对20-35岁的年轻人。她们根据自身经验,对每个场所进行了详细的描述,包括其氛围、价格、特色菜品或饮品等信息,并对不同类型的场所进行了分类,例如早餐、午餐、晚餐、咖啡馆、酒吧、休闲娱乐活动等。她们还特别提到了奥斯汀的一些特色活动,例如Blues on the Green和Love Wellness活动,并分享了各自的体验。此外,她们还讨论了社交媒体运营的压力,以及如何平衡工作与生活。 她们还分享了一些个人经历,例如Sam最近在TikTok上爆火,Taylor减少了YouTube的创作,以及她们对饮食习惯的改变。她们还讨论了她们的感情生活,并分享了一些有趣的瞬间。总的来说,她们以轻松幽默的方式,为听众提供了丰富的奥斯汀生活指南,并展现了她们真实的生活状态。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor and I am Sam. We are so happy to have you here today So happy to have you here. We are both drinking energy drinks. It's the middle of the afternoon Some might say how are you gonna sleep today? It doesn't bother me and I have so much to do today and so much to get done That if I don't drink this honestly, we'll crash at the end of the day because we've been so busy

If that makes sense. Yeah. The caffeine, yeah, it's a lot. But, like, because you're doing so much, you just, like, hit the hay and you're like... I'm also not going to finish this. No shot. This is the Kim Made Alani Nu Kim Kardashian. And it's really cute can. Like, presentation, 10 out of 10. Yeah. Really cute. Really, really cute. Taste...

I like it because it doesn't taste like much. I know. That's what I was like trying to figure out what the flavor was and everyone had to tell me what the flavor was. People think it's pink lemonade and I'm not getting it. I get like Sierra Mist. No, but everyone was saying it's lemonade strawberry. Like they literally named it lemonade strawberry instead of strawberry lemonade. It's a little strawberry. Yeah. It's definitely a little strawberry. It's not bad. It just like barely tastes like anything in a good way. I love the can. Yeah. I'd say can...

20 out of 10 yeah it's cute but very cute um we are so excited though because we're doing a austin texas guide for you guys we haven't done one in a few months and i feel like

think not things change but like we've checked out some new places so we definitely want to hit you guys with all the new places all the places that we have been going to on like weekly basis because we kind of stick to certain things and then we don't change it for a while and then we change it once we're sick of it i also i don't know if you feel the same way in the last few weeks just probably because it's summer i've gotten so many dms asking where people should go and they're honestly a dm i'm just gonna be so real

That I don't answer. Like, I see them and, like, that goes on the last of my list just because, like... That's a big answer. It's a big answer. I also have, like, highlights for everything. Yeah, you really do. Like, I have a highlight for the food places. I have a highlight for the drink places I've been, the coffee places I've been. Literally, the activities I do. So, I'm like, please just look at my page. Yeah, you have a lot of highlights. I make my list. And I'm like, I...

I feel like we both do like a lot of weekend vlogs. There's a lot like filmed and talked about and like I'm just going to be so real. It's a DM that I just goes on the back burner. I try to answer like all of my DMs. Like I never have like if it has a notification, I answer. I like it. I do something. But those are hard for me to get to. So this is kind of a good time because a lot of people have been in my DMs asking me questions.

questions about where they should go and what they should do. And hopefully some people will find this just from literally Google searching things to do in Austin, Texas. So yeah, hopefully. I also want to keep in mind like it's also I feel like

Not a hard question for us, but we're not out here doing touristy things all the time. We live here now. Right. So it's hard. Even when I first moved here, I wasn't doing tourist stuff. Right. It's like when people ask me, like, oh, I'm going to Miami. What should I do? I'm like, bitch, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know what... I still get asked what to do in Boston, too. Yeah. It's like, I don't know what the tourists are doing on the beach. Yeah. I don't know. I live in the suburbs. I don't know what to tell you. I don't have that information, but I think...

We know enough that if you are like...

20 to 35 years old you'd find this interesting yeah and maybe you'll bump into us and maybe you will because like if you were trying to stalk us and kill us stop no like those people literally not like like kill but like fucking people stalking which we will get into later but like i need to vent about it oh yeah um so we're gonna talk about that in a little bit if you want to skip forward 30 minutes do your thing um we're gonna chit chat first because we have a lot to talk about we always have so much to talk about i feel like

Things are just changing by the week over here. I was telling Sam over text like how I feel like we were both really like just getting back in our groove and like finding ourselves as like individual adults like not like because we were like so like one person like doing our thing which was like good and awesome and we're still like one person but I feel like we're really like

like coming into our own as adults. I have like more of a drive to work right now. Cause like for the longest time, I know you guys are like harassing me about YouTube, but you got to think about it from like a work perspective for myself is like,

I haven't seen any benefit from it. So like, I was just like, I'm, it's draining. It's defeating when like you're doing YouTube for two to three years and like it really isn't getting any reach or benefit. So like YouTube, it kind of stopped and then like TikTok, I'm doing more of. Well, TikTok, you're like viral. Dude. Insane right now. Like literally like every like, every day you get like a million views. Yeah. Like every like,

fifth video is getting like hitting a million that's crazy i'm like stuck in a tiktok right oh dude i've been like that for like what two years now i know like i went through one one good up yeah where i was hitting because i don't like i mean a million views every other day would be great but i don't even like need that i'm like a consistent 50 to 100 yeah would be

fine by me like if every video was going to do a consistent 5200 i'm golden but then it's like one of those things where i like gotta always remember like you just gotta be like kind of like grateful for what you have yeah you never know where it fucking comes out of nowhere one yeah you never know when it's gonna come out of nowhere and also like okay like fuck like in a in a little bit of a rut but like my instagram engagement is way up than it used to be and i just got like

A really good like TikTok deal. Like finding like the good where you have it versus like looking at my TikTok and being like, God fucking damn it. I literally posted this yesterday and it got 15,000 views being like, okay, well like this Instagram story did really good. Like, you know, like doing like that. It's never overall going to be like,

It's not going to be perfect everywhere. Yeah, everywhere. Because sometimes I'm like, oh my God, my TikTok engagement's huge and I have no deal. Like it's like you, social media is so fucking. Yeah, that's exactly. It's so like. But that's why we've been both like trying to find things that like really bring more happiness into our life because social media, we've talked about this before. We did a whole episode just talking about this.

of it's not gonna be there forever. And I personally don't want to be a fucking mom vlogging. And, like, I'll do it as, like, a side thing, but I don't want this to be my job for the rest of my life. It's fucking stressful. And...

yeah so i have had like a project that i've been working on in the like on the back end and i'm hoping next week i can start to share it with you guys um i'm gonna probably do vlogs of me going to my meetings and stuff and just start sharing with you and then obviously taylor has her job now so yeah and i realized this like today and yesterday i had this realization i need a count of how many social media accounts i'm in charge of because i think at this point i'm in charge of

I think I might delete Snapchat off my phone because I need one less app. I do my YouTube, my Instagram, my TikTok. We have the podcast, TikTok, the podcast, Instagram. And for work, I do an Instagram, a TikTok, a Facebook, a Twitter, a Threads. Like I'm in charge of so many social media accounts. I'm like, you know, you didn't really watch SpongeBob, did you?

Okay, there's a spongebob mean of like his brain on on fire and they're all like running to the filing cabinets. It's like his brain is filled with little spongebobs and they're all like running around like it's like it's like chaos and there's like I'm gonna clip this and put the video like on the screen. They're like running around. It's like chaos in his brain and like the office is like on fire.

That's how I feel. Like there's a bunch of little people running into filing cabinets like throwing papers everywhere in my brain. I'm a visual person so I'm gonna have to see this video. I'll show you the video and you'll be like okay I get it. If you've watched if you know what I'm talking about from Spongebob like you know the vibes like

It's just a mile a minute like going crazy Like creatively drained, but if you remember last week we were like Talking about how I need to film with my boyfriend more because I just put the phone away I managed to do that this weekend. I filmed it full just to get ready with me while he was in my room and I just Bit the bullet and it made it kind of funny. I thought it was decently funny Maybe you didn't but like he would like just say little things. I was like, that's cool. You can talk in it

Because I was like... I don't think I saw it. I was like, I'm using my elf primer. He's like, cool. I was like, I wasn't talking to you. Like little... Just like little... I'll have to go watch it. So I just like... You can't really see him, but like he's just sitting in the room. And like before... Well, first, like right when you start dating someone, I'm not filming a get ready with you and get ready with me in front of you. Yeah. You know? No. And it takes me a little bit to get...

get comfortable talking to myself even though i know he literally doesn't care and can like watch it two seconds later and it doesn't matter i i got over it i got over i filmed the get ready with me like i just did the whole thing i have like a little bit of a different voice too on social media so like when he like watches my shit he's like oh my god like this ain't you i'm like yeah i fucking is shut up you do have a different voice on social media like it's more like i don't even know how to explain it

It's definitely faster. I talk so much fucking faster. And I'm like, Sam, calm down. I'm trying to do voiceovers and shit. Yeah. And I feel like you kind of get on your like... I don't know how to explain it. Because I don't... Not in a bad way. I don't want it to seem like you're saying you act different on TikTok versus real life. It's just like everyone acts...

slightly different yeah when there's a camera or people have like their their customer service yeah exactly it's like a customer service yeah it's just like a little you know yeah a little different but anyway so i like i'll always show him my videos because like i'm like trying to get him to realize like what i do on tiktok he doesn't have tiktok so i'll show him my shit and i will just

Start to like record things or edit things in front of him because i'm like just so you know like down the road I'm gonna be doing this way more in front of you So i'm just kind of like easing you into this entire process because like it's not gonna like stop once I like i'm hanging out with you Like it's gonna keep going if that makes sense because like I don't want to like If we're gonna be hanging out all the time like three or four times a week I don't want to like just turn it off right? I need

So I've been like, I said it on here last time. I was like, bro, I need an assistant. And so many of you, not so many of you. Let's not be dramatic. You know, people say like so many of you reached out. Yeah. Like two of you. So many people have been asking about my. Got one comment. So like two of you DMing was like, hey, oh my God. So although you asked that, like I used to do it for this person. So I like really took those very seriously because there's just little things, like I said, that

It's literally probably almost 20 like social media accounts. I manage and it's like I have a night routine I need to edit and like a youtube video I need to edit and I would love if someone could just like clip those together for me It would like be crazy but I have to figure that out and like The logistics because like I know people think social media people are all like million gazillionaires And i'm not so I have to like I have to figure out like if I have like

ways I can allocate like having someone help me out for a little bit because I would like literally be amazing but yeah we're not all like

big money balling 24 7 no i also like don't even know what people like it's so weird because i feel like people charge a lot to be like a youtube editor but it's like i can edit a youtube video in an hour no seriously i cannot you know what i mean like oh the video is gonna be later like i'm like you're barely editing it like what is like taking so long it's like if i want someone to edit two videos a week that is two hours of work for me yeah so i'm paying you for two hours like you don't need to really edit longer than that and you could probably edit more i don't know you know

Yeah. And I feel like some people can stretch it out and edit it for like four days. You don't need to edit it for four days. Edit it in an hour. I edit it in an hour. Yeah. Usually like when I do YouTube, it's literally like a 24 hour turnaround. Like I film that day, then the next morning it's up. I was going to, I filmed it yesterday. I was going to post it tonight. Yeah. Like,

you know and some people really take like a month to edit a video and i'm like what what are you doing and i get some people love like the super edited youtube videos with like a lot of random shit and like effects and shit but like that's just not my vibe i like there's a i think like i like a really really fine really really i used to watch kylie ross's youtube channel and she does a really good job with yes i was just gonna say kylie ross like she's a good example of it brooke michio does a good too she is an editor but there's like it's like really really cute

And it's very, very simple. Like, I can do them, but, like, sometimes my brain isn't, like, all there. It's not anything crazy. But then there's, like, I don't know if you've ever seen a Claudia Salewski video. No. She makes, like, cinematic masterpieces. A movie. No, she genuinely creates a film in there.

Beautiful, but she's like the most artistic person. Yeah ever so it's like it doesn't need to be that but I think it could just Be a little a little cute It's also hard for me to do it because with the amount of stuff I have on my computer i'm constantly out of fucking storage Mm-hmm

So then, oh my God, I can't even get into it, but yeah. Hey guys, as you know, as you can tell from us rambling on in our podcast, we're on the go a ton this summer, whether it be lake days, boat days, traveling, you name it. We're on the go and need satisfying snacks that can give us a good source of protein through all of our summer fun activities. And of course we need the protein to keep those gains going. And if you're on the lookout for a snack that satisfies those cravings and gets that protein in, let me introduce you to wonderful pistachios.

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green gems, head over to Trust me, they're a game changer when it comes to snacking. Join me on this pistachio-filled adventure and let's redefine what it means to snack. Visit to learn more. I mean, we can talk about our week, though. Yeah, we can definitely talk about our week. I feel like our week was definitely fucking eventful. We had a lot of sober fun during the week. Yeah. Wednesday, we...

I've never been to this, but I guess Austin, Texas has this thing called Blues on the Green and it's... Actually, you didn't even go. I didn't go. No, I was... Why weren't you there? I was just too busy. I didn't... It was a Wednesday, so it's a podcast day and then I didn't get back from the gym...

Until like 6.30, it just wasn't going to happen. Gosh darn it. I was just too busy. Well anyways, so it's like a little concert at the park. It's literally blues music and you just go. It's kind of like hippie vibes. Like everyone's just kind of like there. They're like smoking, sitting on...

And whatnot. And there's a bunch of like little vendors. So about like 15 to 20 of us just went. We were all hanging out watching the blues and the green. And it was so hot. Like 100 degrees all the way up until 8 p.m. So I'm like sitting there sweating. But luckily there was this little frozen pop cart thing.

And we all were just sitting with our ice pops, listening to the music. And then we had to walk all the way back to the car from the park. And that was about like a 35 minute walk because we parked downtown. We parked downtown.

my boss and i just like came out for a little bit pack the cat literally that's what i just said and so we had to go all the way downtown so like zilker park not auditorium shores zilker park from downtown and that's fucking far so why because the boys are stupid and assumed i assumed that they knew where it was and i thought maybe it was at auditorium shores and

But it was really at Zilker. So we're walking and I'm like, where are we going? And they're like, Zilker. I'm like,

You guys know Zilker and Auditorium Shores are two different things. And they're like, wait, what? I'm like, we got to go all the way over there. And they're like, no fucking way. And I was like, dude, we've all lived here for like two and a half, three years. How do you not know the difference between Auditorium Shores and Zilker Park? And so we had to walk all the way over. That's awful. It was horrible. Yeah. I'm like low-key glad I didn't go to that. Well, I mean, the walk itself was like nice. It's not like we were like profusely sweating. Like it was good to like walk. But.

But the walk back definitely was like, all right, I just want to get home. Like, this sucks. But we were all together. Like, there was a big 15, 20 of us. Like, we were all chit-chatting, like, whatever. So, like, it went by quickly. But, yeah, definitely was not expecting it. Yeah, that was something I just couldn't force myself to get to. I'm trying to, like, get a little bit better. Like, I've kind of ditched the aspect of FOMO in my life. I've talked about it on here before. But I'm really just kind of like, like, if I'm tired and I know I'm going to feel better, like...

going to fucking bed and like going home and like taking a shower i'm gonna do it yeah i mean i got home by like 10 which was good no 100 did not stay out late at all 100 like but like just like little things if i'm like i would rather not do that like just just

skipping it yeah you know but or simultaneously like hey i would rather do this like try to get it done like yeah you know just being good about that so i unfortunately skipped but then thursday we went to an event we had an event yeah so fun we went to the love wellness event and we don't normally go to influencer events um because i just don't like love them i mean like it's always so nice of a company to invite you and like

treat you and like do things for you like always there's not really that many in austin though there's not that many not that many that we're invited to either because like we're not cool like that we just don't got it like that um we're not jenna palick and we're not ken okay yeah it's what it is but like it's just not influencer heavy spaces aren't my favorite place to be in they like normally just like kind of make me anxious yeah and

I just don't love them. Like, I don't love having to, like, force small talk with people that I don't really know. They're just literally not where I would prefer to be, even though it's like, I know they're kind of important because they're kind of a work thing. But, um...

this one was cute and fun it was it was literally like girls only there was maybe five guys in there and i love how interactive it was it was cute yeah there was stuff to do when you go into an event and there's nothing to do besides just stand there and just awkwardly talk to people and the fact that there was like activities was nice we were there for like an hour and a half and normally after five minutes i'm like want to go home yeah and we like

like did like we were kind of busy yeah we stayed busy it was just honestly the heat that got to me that caused me to want to leave but thank god there was inside yeah there was an inside and outside outsource outdoor section but we made little friendship bracelets we sent um little postcards oh my god i wonder when they're gonna get those i don't know oh god i totally forgot we did that i hope they get them like i wonder if he checks his mailbox

my yeah well because it's a house yeah but i wonder where his like i'll have to get word on that say why wouldn't he i don't know because he's a fucking dude no they have mail on their table a lot yeah they mail their table a lot but they had little um postcards i thought it was just like

write on it put it in the thing just for looks yeah but they're like no we're gonna we're gonna mail them i was like oh no way this is the coolest shit i've ever seen so we mailed little postcards made some friendship bracelets they had alcoholic cotton candy it was good it was cute yeah like the i think the friendship bracelets was definitely my favorite part yeah i think we need to buy beads i know i think we need to make bracelets well i'm a little pissed that the lettering on mine already wore off

So I did one for my boyfriend and I and I wrote sneaky on one and link on the other. Mine was pink with the word sneaky and then his was blue with the word link. And I showed up to his place after the event because he literally lived like a mile down the road. So I was like, I'm going to go say hi. And I gave him the bracelet and he was like, oh, no wearing this. I'm like, please, like, come

come on, like wear it. So like all night he was wearing it, but he hasn't worn it since. Jonah's worn it like every day. Yeah. Lucky you. I, well, I went to his kickball game because he like plays kickball for fun with his friends. And, um, it was like, it was like a mile down the road. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, it's probably still going on. I have nothing to do. I'm already out. You know, let me just go pass by. So I go pass by.

First of all, he didn't see me. I'm like up against the fence and he like literally doesn't see me. And I was like, hello. Like I was like, I have a present for you. And he was like terrified. He's like, what the fuck did you bring me? And then they were losing. They still, they did still end up losing. But the last inning he puts it on, he goes out, they score like five runs. Yeah. And I was like, not my lucky bracelet.

He's going to wear it to every game. Not you putting on my bracelet and then literally losing by one instead of six. Yeah. He's going to wear it every game. I already know it. Yeah, except I didn't see any of it because I had editing to do. So I was editing on my phone that whole inning and I looked up and he was on base. I was like, oh my God, I didn't even see you do anything. My bad. I was busy. I had to edit a TikTok. Damn. I'm like, that's what happens. I'll come and show up for you, but I can't guarantee I'm going to not work.

Yeah. Like I have shit to do. I just, I decided to do it in the bleachers. Yeah. I, after that, when I gave him the bracelet, I ended up bringing him to delights. I have literally turned all of our friends onto delights. Oh, speaking of that, I'm going to drop a little bit of a bomb on the podcast. Um,

I like eat dairy at restaurants. So, Oh boy. Um, so now I'm just pescatarian. Now I'm just pescatarian, which is like perfect for me. Cause like, I just like don't have a desire for meat. I couldn't care less. Um, but like we just like do so much and there's things I want to try. And I just like, didn't feel like it anymore. That's literally it. A lot of people ask me as I started eating more animal stuff, like, do you feel different? I feel literally no fucking different. Um,

Um, sometimes it'll like make my stomach hurt a little bit because it's new. Like the dairy was sometimes I'm like, I don't feel like too hot, but that's just cause it's new. Um,

But it's like chilling. But I feel like honestly though, like dairy though, like that will do that to like a normal person anyway. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like dairy does make me feel like the best. Like we're not going to be the greatest, but it's fine. And I don't really like buy it at the store just because I don't like love it for me personally for my own personal reasons, but I don't hate it enough to like never...

eat it like ever again i kind of like i always knew i wouldn't eat like meat for like a very long it's been so long that i just like don't eat it but i wasn't like so set in stone on always being vegan yeah if that makes sense like i wasn't like so hard on that as i am on like the not eating meat because i was only vegan for like two years

so yeah that's like not or three i don't know like not that long so um you tried it so i like yes and it's like i feel like it's like totally fine it's like and maybe i'll go back like i just got the urge like i'd like maybe i'll go back like maybe like

It doesn't matter. You don't have to put labels on how you live life. It's not that serious. So yeah, I was able to try to like... Some people will be fucking pissed. Some people are going to be listening to this fuming around like... My people that follow me, no one really gets mad at me for it. It's only if it ever randomly like... Is on the For You page or something? Then they're like...

I thought, like, you didn't really care. I'm like, no, I didn't really care that much, no. You're fucking right. I did not care that much. Yeah, like, what? Like, but all of my people, like, no one...

no one cares because my channel has never been like none of my platforms have ever been like preaching to people that like they should be vegan or like that's never been when i posted so some people literally don't even know yeah but so i got to try delights this weekend too yeah so she tried delights i've been getting all my friends addicted to delights i just like going on like dates to delights whether it's like with a girlfriend my boyfriend midweek just to get out of the house for like an hour just because we literally don't socialize all day so like

Last week, I went on an ice cream date with one of my girlfriends. I'm like, this is so fucking nice. I need to do this like once a week. It is cheap. Pick a friend up. Yeah. Pick a friend up. Go to Delights. Get ice cream. Add the house for an hour. And just like...

Hang out. Great. So I've been doing that and then also just hyping it up to all my friends. And all of our girlfriends have gone without me and have sent me a picture of it. I'm like, no fucking way. So they're all obsessed with it. I love delights. Okay, so if you want to go get low-calorie rice cream, go to delights. Amazing. Yeah, it was pretty good. It was better than I thought. I thought it was going to kind of taste like shit because it's low-calorie. But it really doesn't. No. Definitely better fresh, but...

You got to try it in a pint now, too. Yeah. But anyways, then the weekend rolled around and it was time to rage. No, I'm kidding. We tried not to rage, but we did end up raging quite a bit. For at least me, it was kind of a bender of a weekend. I went out twice. I felt the opposite. I know. And I'm so proud of you for that because I just, under pressure...

And like if I'm having fun, I'm not going to stop myself. Well, the reason and I think this is like kind of the key. We went to dinner with our friends. So fun. Love a girl's night because there's just some things you can't chit chat about when there's guys there. No, I fucking loved it. It's just so nice to throw out a lot of shit talking with the girls. Nothing better, truly. Drink some spritzes. Yeah. Eat dinner. Talk. So much fun. So nice. Dress up cute. Amazing. Nothing better. And then we were like, oh my God, are we going to go out? And I was like, right.

No way. Well, the boys were also already out. They were already out. And they're like, oh, well, like, let's just meet them out for like one drink. I'm like, yeah, just one drink. Next thing I fucking know, me and Haley are buying shots at the bar. Yeah. All right. This is gonna be a long night. Well, I realized the key for me is like, and I know this sounds like sad, but like it is really hard to have that willpower of like not going crazy when everyone else is. Yeah. It's like low key, like just like saying you're going to be D.D.

Yeah. Because then like it's your the car is there. It's like your responsibility. You have to get people home. And I know some people say they're going to be DD and then like drink a lot and still drive. Don't fucking do that. I can do that. Like I literally like like I was not even an ounce of of tipsy. Like I literally like was so fine. Yeah.

like i literally like over the course of like two hours got one june shine didn't even finish it like i was like literally just holding on to it um and i was like oh my god that was perfect because since i drove and like my boyfriend didn't even drink either because he was coming from somewhere and drove so we were both kind of like we're too sober for this we got to get out of here because it just reached that point it was so hot um

and all of you guys were sweating but you're still like you guys were like drunk so it wasn't really impacting you we were miserable i was like it's too fucking hot that's why though standing on the picnic table is the move yeah it really is there's breeze up there you're like that's one thing i know that's one thing i know even though i'm drunk like i am comprehending the fact that sitting on those picnic tables i am but i was like bro i was like i need to get out of here we got to leave like yeah you like looked at me like first time hey

hey want to leave i'm like not really and then i didn't even realize it was 11 o'clock but like something like real quick happened where i was like all right now i want to leave so i was like you know what fuck it i'm leaving like it's 11 p.m let's get the fuck out of here so i was like let's fucking leave and then guys get this i got back from the bar took a shower which if you guys seen that tiktok that's like if you're not showering after the bar what are you doing

I was like, bitch, no one has time for that. Mind you, I was sober, so it was really easy to, but I think no matter how drunk I want to, I need to take a shower. I felt amazing in the morning. Like so amazing. Took a shower. I threw a face mask on. I read my book. I was like, is this the best Friday night of all time? Like you're telling me I went to the bars. We made burgers. And I did a night routine. This is crazy. I was like, this is crazy.

craziness. Yeah, I know. I did the fucking opposite. You guys were like, do you want food? And then Jordan was like, if they're going to bring it. I was like, they're not going to bring it. Yeah, there's no way everyone's going to bring it up. I didn't even know what I was fucking doing, let alone knowing I had to serve somebody else. But I got this new grill thing that you can put on your stovetop in your house and

And we have frozen burgers, the frozen burgers that are left over from my birthday boat. If you know, you know. We never ate them. So we grilled those up. We grilled up two burgers. And we didn't have any buns. So we were like, fuck it. Let's just make a burger burrito. So we took burrito wraps and we were just making burgers. They were so fucking good. But yeah, we had those. And then he ended up getting Uber Eats along with that. But I went to... I felt asleep. So I was...

One thing about me is like I am hammered, but I'm tired. I will knock out. But my boyfriend, on the other hand, like he will not knock out. He will stay awake like for a while. So we got Uber Eats. So I woke up the next morning and there's just Uber Eats empty bag of Taco Bell next to my bed. And I'm like, did you get Uber Eats last night and eat it in my bed? He was like, yeah.

I was like, so you just sat in my bed next to me while I'm passed out and you're eating Taco Bell. Like, I wish there was a camera in my room so I could have seen that, like, moment of me just, like, curled up in a ball and him next to me, like, mowing down Taco Bell. Tell me why I saw the Taco Bell in the trash and, like, normally me and my boyfriend get Taco Bell. It's like...

kind of our favorite thing to do and i was like did we did i black out and order taco bell i was like i thought i didn't drink who would you talk about i was like definitely my boy did i like literally come back drink more and black out and order taco bell i don't remember yeah like and i was like okay good wasn't me i was so confused i was like taco bell

I did not drive home drunk and order Taco Bell. I was like, I'm sober. Yeah. So we get obviously went out, but I really didn't want to go out that night because we had brunch. The next boozy brew. I can't fucking say that word. I think I picked the right time to drink. Yeah, dude. I had so much fun Saturday morning. How do you say boozy? Boozy. Boozy. Boozy. Boozy. I'm trying to say boozy. Boozy. Boozy. Boozy brunch. Boozy.

Fuck, that's a tongue twister. Boozy brunch at 11 in the morning. Luckily, I woke up and I wasn't hungover. I just didn't want to drink. I was like, I drank so much. I'm not hungover. I just don't want to drink. See, the reason I didn't want to drink is because I wanted to do brunch. I like...

Drinking like indifferent like like I would rather drink at brunch than out. Yeah, and I was like, oh no, I want to do brunch Um, so we did the I got shit-faced at brunch I was the dd that that that morning I there was about what I think there was like 17 of us. There was a lot of us. Yeah, and One of our friends actually works at the restaurant that we went to so she got us the the ruzzy for us and we

Well, I didn't. I ate before because I woke up so hungry that morning, even though I had a fucking massive burger burrito. So I ate before we even got there. And then I was kind of just hanging out and they all got food, bottomless mimosas. They were all plastered. We were there for, what, two hours? And I drove and I'm sober. So I'm like, guys, my car is over there. Follow me. So I had a bunch of little ducklings following me that were hammered.

yeah it was just like such good energy like i love getting drunk off champagne and it like doesn't take that money yeah but that day for me at least was the longest day of my entire life it was pretty long dude and then we went from brunch to our friend's pool and we just all hung out at the pool we stopped at the liquor store they got some alcohol again i'm still sober a bunch of our other friends ended up meeting us there we had like a decent crew there we were just hanging out um for the entire day because one thing i didn't want to do like i would have

gone to the bars and just bar hopped with everyone but I just told myself I'm like hey I want to be in a bikini this weekend like sitting by a pool like I'm gonna do that so half the group went bar hopping half of us went to the pool which I'm happy I went to the pool I wanted to go to the pool I just like it's too hot right now to be

Bar hopping. And it's expensive. And it's expensive, yes. We literally started, well, we didn't, but they started drinking at like 11 a.m. And they were bar hopping all the way into the night. Oh my goodness. I don't even want to know how much money they spent. Yeah, it's way too expensive. I would rather be by a pool. Yeah. So we hung out by a pool. I ended up getting Uber Eats, Best Fucking Tacos, which we'll talk about later, is Austin Daily Press. They love their tacos for Uber Eats. And then Taylor and I both had dates.

Yeah, I actually came back, showered, and took a nap and almost missed my date. I woke up with 10 minutes till the start of the movie. And I was like, get up. Like, I had alarms. Like, I snoozed one of them, I guess. And, like, maybe thought I had another one and didn't. So I woke up at 8.50 for a 9 o'clock movie. And I was like, we got to get the fuck out of here. And it was at the drive-in. So I was like, is this, like, does it start at... You know when you go to a normal movie, it's, like, previews. Okay, it doesn't start till, like, 20 minutes later. Yeah. Because there's previews.

I'm like, is this like a normal movie where there's previews? Like, is there not previews? It just didn't come on until like 9.20. So we were actually good. We just didn't get a good parking spot for the car. Which... When some you lose some. I can't go and talk about this too much because I'm going to go on a rampage. And like, we just don't have time for this on this show. But...

Is this a serious look you just gave the camera? No, because when I tell you guys this topic infuriates me to no end, and I hate it. The Barbie movie was fucking trash. And that's all I have to say. It was literally god awful. I didn't even realize the Barbie movie was based on that. I thought it was genuinely a Barbie movie. Some people are like, you didn't understand the message.

obviously i understood the message it was so literal which is why it was so bad yeah it should have been if a movie is gonna have a big overarching deep message needs to be a little bit more subtle yeah i feel like a theme of a movie should be yeah you should have to like work to figure it out like i think the way that i was listening to the toast and she described it person perfectly i

It's millennial cringe. Like, you know, like when like a boss babe is like trying to hype up women. That's the feeling the movie get. Millennial cringe. So cringe. It wasn't funny. Like it was literally bad. Margot Robbie was cute. The movie was sucked. I've never been like a Barbie girl like ever. Like I grew up as a tomboy like growing up. So like.

in general i just didn't want to see barbie movies just because it had no interest to me but like knowing that was like no it was literally so bad i'm so happy i didn't the plot also didn't make sense like if we're just talking like what makes a good movie there's so many things that didn't make sense and everyone just likes it because if you say you don't like it it sounds like you hate women yeah which is obviously not the case people were like red flag that your boyfriend didn't like it i'm like no i didn't like it

like you don't have to like like something can be a great message and a bad fucking movie like it was a bad movie like it was just bad so it was kind of a bust of a date because i really wanted to have like a fun time watching the movie and we were literally in the car like looking at the clock waiting for it to be done like we were like bro this sucks and like that's like not fun to be watching a movie like should we leave

like that would be so awkward because you're in a car you're like i'm like should we engine on should we literally leave this is awful like people like i cried you cried no i don't it was literally bad

Yeah, I don't know. I can't put any input. I cried because I wasted $30. Yeah. But I went to a comedy show, which I went to Comedy Mothership, which is on Dirty 6 downtown. And the tickets that my boyfriend bought were for like a ghost show. So basically the concept is you have no idea who's performing and it's...

Supposedly it was supposed to be like 45 minutes long But the show was two and a half hours long Did not know that until we got out because you have to Lock up your phones when you go in there And when we got inside we sat down And he bought the ticket so I was like you know What I'll put the card down for like the drinks whatever I'll put the tab down and We get the tab back and it Was $150 For our five drinks I was like Are you fucking kidding me and Then I realized so we paid the tab and I still Didn't have my phone at this point and I'm like we

We were here for 45 minutes and I spent $150. I go, what the fuck? Because I had no concept of time while we were in there. Then we get out and it's now 10 o'clock. Keep in mind, the show started at 730 and it's 10 o'clock now. I'm like, oh my God, we were just in there for so long. But the comedy show overall itself was so good. There was about like six or seven comedians that went on stage and

And I was cracking up the entire time. Like, you know, when your mouth hurts so bad, when you're just laughing so much, that was me. I was like grabbing my face, like in pain that I was laughing so much. Um, but we get out of the, um, the show, um,

we are now on dirty six which is like a road that we have mentioned many times that we don't like to go out and drink on because the vibes there just feel very unsafe there's like promoters running up to you telling you how pretty you are and how you should come in and get free drinks and just like people running around like fighting each other and screaming and homeless people running around as well like it's just not i don't feel safe over there but because i was with my boyfriend i was like fuck like

I'm going to take advantage of this and let's go see some bars here on Dirty Six. So we go to one of the bars on Dirty Six. It's called Aquarium. It's two floors. It has a slide and like a bunch of like interactive things in there. We get drinks. The drinks were horrendous. Like he got me a vodka soda and I'm like, bruh.

Like we're dating now. You should know I don't like drinking vodka sodas. Why the fuck did you get me a vodka soda? Literally. So I'm like slowly sipping it. But then we go. So he got you an IPA and a vodka soda. Yeah. That's his drink. Dude. Choices he's made in the last two weeks. I know. Well, the IPA, I will give him credit, was actually really good. Yeah. But like that's not what you'd pay. I know.

so we um went upstairs to the bar and on the top floor it's a bunch of tables like club tables with stripper poles in the middle and there's no one up there so i'm like let's let's go sit down so like we're sitting at the club tables there's literally no one up there not even fucking staff and i just started dancing on the strip pole for him and

And I don't know how to dance. Like we all know I don't know how to dance. So I can imagine that like the performance I was giving was horrible. I wish I had a video of it. No, like I bet you it was fucking horrible. And so we sat there for probably like 30, 40 minutes. And there's nothing better that I've realized than just like having deep drunk conversations because they're just like conversations that are so much easier to flow with when you're a little drunk.

Yeah, and we were just having so much fun just hanging out, the two of us. But then at 11 o'clock, and we left that bar, and we decided to take the little...

Petty cab. Petty cabs. And we hopped into a petty cab and went down to West, which is where our other favorite bars are. And we texted a few friends to meet us out. And we were just hanging with our friends. And then we dipped and got the fuck out of there. But it was definitely a bender of a night, to say the least. But it was good. And I'm happy that I went out and did it because...

yeah overall it was like one of my favorite nights of just the two of us hanging because we've had a few nights now like the two of us just hanging out but that one was like i think my favorite yeah it's fun to have those nice fun dates i love that yeah yeah i wish i wish mine was as fun but we were just sitting in a car talking about how much we hated the movie that was going on yeah so fold you guys just went home after yeah you got you got shitty that day though

Yeah, but then it's like... I was like, Tay-Tay's drunk. But then, like, I took a nap and woke up and it was like a new day. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's not like... Like, I still had the whole, like, a whole other activity to do sober. That fucking day was so long. Because I was like... I was sober at the movie. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it's like, drink, pool, nap, movie. And then Sunday, I wasn't hungover. Yeah. Because I, like, had a whole...

already slept it off so also people keep asking me in my fucking q a that i did the other day have you guys said the l word do you love each other yet i'm like can you chill the fuck out i literally been dating this man for two two weeks like you guys need to chill yeah i dropped that shit fast yeah i know you did but like i feel like that's just like you like like you're you're very like

I don't know the words for it, but I'm not an emotional person. So those words, if those come out, it means...

Like, it's going to be hard for those words to come out. Yeah, I feel like for me, there's just, like, a feeling that, like, I, like, feel... I literally, like, feel different. What is love to you? I, like, literally, like, feel different, like, when I, like, see you and talk to you and hang out with you. Like, I literally, like, I feel different, like, on the inside. Yeah. Like, I get, like, a feeling that I, like, I literally, like, feel different. Yeah, I feel like I can, like... I mean, I haven't been fucking in love since...

my last ex, but that type of love, I feel like is definitely different. It's like a fucking immature, like love. But then I think there's also like difference in like, you can like be in love someone and love someone like, but that's not like loving someone and being in love with someone is definitely different. A hundred percent. But I'm thinking like, so like,

let's say you drop like love fairly quick you obviously like even though you're still just saying i love you like you love them more a year into your relationship than right when you said i love you yeah you know what i mean like it grows like deeper because at first for me i think it's like a literal feeling where i'm like literally i'm obsessed with you like i like yeah it's like i don't know like it literally is like a feeling kind of like like butterflies type feeling i don't know how to explain it but then it's like and then it becomes i love you like

I feel like I care about you so much because there's, like, history there. But I feel like at first it's, like, not that for me because it's, like, new. So it's not like that. It's not like, oh, I love you and, like, I would choose you, like, over, like...

Like whatever like people and like you're my like number, you know, it's not like that because you're not that deep yet it's funny because We were like literally talking about this the other day because like we were just like saying we're like oh like when Like when is that gonna drop like we were getting into that conversation But I was like saying to him like well I literally used to say that to you as a friend Like we would like be like right so i'm like love you. I'll see you later But now i'm like that's so fucking different like i'll say love you to all my friends or whatever but now i'm like okay now i have to like just

remember not to say that because i don't know if he'll think i'm being like more of like yeah i'm in love with you so i was like yeah i like don't say that anymore and i've noticed like i'm not gonna be saying that yeah i said it the reason i said is because like well one i just like couldn't really keep it to myself and i said it to one of our friends first kind of by accident like we were out and then one of our friends was like oh like like the way you look at him is so cute and i was like i just love that boy and i was like don't tell anyone i said that like i

Like I was like, God fucking damn it. I was like, don't tell anyone I said that. Like it just kind of like slipped out of my mouth. And then I'm like, I think I get to the point where it's like, if it's naturally what I feel like I want to say, I don't like hiding it. Cause like there's a point in the beginning of the relationship where I don't want to tell you that. There's a point where it's like me just being like, oh, I like you. It's not like, it's not like enough. And I like want to just like say it. Yeah. I feel like,

I'm not like hiding it. I'm still like trying to figure out like if that makes sense. But funny story about this is I've already told Taylor this. I guess my fucking drunk ass like back in December or January, we were at Buford's the bar and it was just Taylor and I and we were being feral for the fucking streets. And I've already I've had. Okay. I've had a very big crush on my boyfriend since September of last year and

And the end of 2022, he had a girlfriend. So, like, whatever. Never got involved with that. But anyways, I guess my drunk ass, like, in, like, December or January, saw him at Buford's, grabbed him, and goes, just so you know, you're the love of my life. And then I bolted away. That's, like, hilarious. I know. And then I guess...

He looked at his friend that he was with and was like, did you fucking see that and hear that? And then our friend was just like, yeah, I saw that and I heard that. And he was like, that's so fucking weird. Why did she do that? But I think it's just funny. Well, and he remembered it. No, yeah, but it goes full fucking circle. It really does. My relationship with him is so funny. But yeah, so I guess love for me is like, I want to be like...

Not in a sexual way, but I want to be inside you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to be in your spirit. You know when you're cuddling and you're like, I'm not close enough to you. I need to be in your skin. No, literally. But then you can tell the boy that because sometimes if we're cuddling and I'm like, I need to be closer to you. It's like, I know how we can change that. It's like, okay, gross. Not what I meant. I just need to like...

Like, if I could crawl into your mouth, like, I would. No. Like, I wish I could, like... Yeah. That's exactly what it is. I just want to be inside you. But not sexually. But not like that. But not sexually. I'm like, or maybe it's like, I do want to be inside you, but, like, you don't... You're just, like... We don't want... Connected. Yeah, wait. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's like...

We wouldn't be inside them sexually. They would be inside us sexually. Yeah, like, they're just inside, and, like, you don't... Yeah, wait, hold on. That doesn't even make sense. But, like, yeah, like, I just want to be, like, underneath your skin. Yeah. Like, I want to be a fly on the wall all fucking day just, like, following you. Yeah, and sometimes I just, like, can't stop. I'm, like, just, like, touching. You know when I know I love someone when I want to pop their pimples? No, gross. Dude, he always wants me to tickle his fucking armpit, and I'm like, can you stop?

He'll just like open up his armpit and be like, can you tickle it? I'm like, no. Can you hear us laughing in my bedroom last night? We found my... Do it. I don't fucking do it, but he wants me to. I'm like, can you leave me alone? That's violating. I don't want to touch your smelly, hairy armpit. Oh my God. But okay. Did you hear us laughing last night? I tried not to listen too intently on the sounds that come out of your room just in case.

Well, we were laughing, cracking up because we found, we were trying to get fucking Phineas out from under my bed. I found my massage gun. I thought you were going to say something else.

What, like a dildo? I'm going to hide right here. Oh, funny story. No, I'm kidding. So we found the massage gun and I was like, ooh, like, will you use this on me? So he's doing my glutes and then he was like, what does it feel like? And I'm like, let me do your glutes real quick. And so I put him in this like funny ass, like very vulnerable position. And I just started massaging his glutes.

And he's cracking up like a little kid, like giggling. He's like, it's ticklish. I'm like, ticklish? It tickles a little bit, I think. I was digging into knots. And he was like, he's like giggling like a little boy. Like, oh my God, this is so ticklish. I'm dying laughing because he's like squirming and shit. And I'm just attacking him with the...

A massage gun. But yeah, like, just... Oh my god. Touching each other. Oh my god, I think we've, like... Making each other laugh. I think we need to get into the topic. I know. I think we need to, like, just get into it. I think we've been talking for too fucking long. I know, but we... Yeah. I didn't talk about Sunday. I didn't do anything important on Sunday. Okay, well, I do things important on Sunday because I feel like Sunday I really need to... Like, if I'm hungover or if I'm not hungover, I need to tackle my Sundays. Well, yeah, you do your Sunday stuff. Yeah, I go meal prepping and I go...

And we cook together. My Sundays are so wholesome. We cook together, watch movies on my projector, and eat some ice cream, and then he'll go home. I watch Monsters, Inc. I kick him out of the house, though, by like 9.30, 10, because I'm like, I value my sleep schedule so much. I love hanging out with you, but we can do this tomorrow at the same time, but you need to leave. I'm not letting you stay over past 9.30, 10 p.m.

you're the oh i didn't even tell well no i didn't even tell you this on sunday um he left monday morning early as fuck really like because we went to delights and it's like far and then he came back and it was like that was on sunday yeah and then um you're just like i don't want to drive home i was like you can sleep here and leave in the morning if you want like i'm gonna wake up at like 6 45 and you can dip like and he was like i might just do that i was like

okay good night you know like also i'm gonna get up at that time yeah like you can get up and dip so like literally he was just like literally got up and was like okay like bye and like left yeah i i can't do that because i sleep in i don't have a fucking job so like unemployed ass i'm an unemployed fucking loser so yeah so i was like you can just get up and like dip he was like i'll just do that but then that's when i woke up like

paralyzed so i didn't even get out of like i went back into bed that's a whole nother i literally woke up fucking paralyzed in the worst pain of my life whatever but yeah anyways yeah anyways let's some of these lists we have a really long like we might even need to like cut like we're gonna be talking for like two hours yeah i mean we don't have to go into detail about each one but just like yeah okay so we have things categorized category categorized we can't fucking speak today

I had two, like, hour and a half long meetings today. When we talk for so long, it just becomes mush. That's what I've decided. My brain. I was on... When I have too many calls, I start going insane. Anyways.

We have breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, drinks, bars, sober fun, and stuff about the lake. We're ready to go. We're ready to hit you with it. Feel free to get out your notepad. You might have to pause, rewind, write down. If not, though, like I'm not even kidding. Every single one of these places and things to do is literally in my highlights on Instagram. And we'll probably tag them on our podcast Instagram. You know where to find them.

So first we have breakfast. We don't go out for breakfast a ton. So our options are limited because we don't do a lot for breakfast. Yeah. We eat breakfast at home. You guys know that. I just love cooking my breakfasts.

I do it more for like the social aspect if I am going to get out and go to breakfast. Yeah. So here we have it for... We have three options here. Veracruz breakfast tacos. Specifically from the food truck, I would recommend over the restaurant. Really good vibes. There's a really good coffee place in a food truck next door in the same little thing. So it's really cute. Hank's is so cute for brunch. Get the lemon ricotta pancakes. Share them. Boom.

Calm, cute Instagram vibes. Taverna, get drunk there. Yeah, I mean, the food's not really the best. So, like, if you need, like, a bougie brunch. There we go. Fuck.

Go to Taverna. They have the bocce room, which is right next door. And you can get a massive table with all your friends. Or you can sit outside on the patio. No one was sitting on the patio. No. And I wish we did it because the vibes on the patio are... I just love sitting on a patio and people watching that go by. I can't wait until it gets a little bit cooler so we can start doing that at restaurants. 100%. But those are just our top three picks. We can honestly jump into coffee because it's kind of in the same category. Yeah, I don't mind that. We are more coffee people, okay? We love our coffee places. I...

get coffee out like i used to going into the end of last year i was like making it a mission to find my like top 10 favorite places to get coffee so i was going to a new place once a week now i've kind of calmed down and have just been going to the places that i really love to go to but um starting off strong what's your favorite out of that list so my favorite out of this list is

taste wise is going to be dutch bros i think dutch bros is the best tasting coffee but you might have a dutch bros where you live and you want something else um if we're going vibes i like marabou a lot i think marabou is cute because it's also a little store yes so we love something that can give you like something to do there's a few locations which i didn't know that yeah i passed another one the other day and i was like would you look at that so like a little store because it's just something to do yeah to look around and uh

Shop because it's expensive So you're probably Not going to buy anything Yeah But I like that My favorites I think Are the Black Rock Coffee Which is not really Near downtown But if you happen To be out and about And you live in Austin Black Rock Coffee Is my favorite Never been

so fucking good it's better than summer moon okay i'm trying to get better at working at a coffee place because i'm like in here all day long like killing myself or next time you're going over to get a facial go there's a bunch of locations over here there um that's how i found it but um i would say black rock or medici medici is a place that i've recently found i was over near restore wellness in south lamar and within that little like

strip mall thing they had a medici cafe by lift atx oh is it too oh cool and the one by lift atx i don't know about the inside of the one you went to so great for working yeah no there was a lot of people working because it's it's in a little building so there's medici there's like a pastry place there's a bunch in the same building so yeah and the matcha was good their iced vanilla latte is so fucking good it's the best iced vanilla i've ever had like i don't know what they put into it but it's like

Insanely good I'm obsessed with that And then I also really like Merit's it's right next to Trader Joe's So if you happen to be getting your groceries Usually that's where I'll go to get a coffee When I'm going to Trader Joe's

I like marriage for the location. It's not my favorite tasting coffee, but location is really prime. Yeah. I really like Alfred's if you want that like influencer vibe because $10 coffee as well. If you want like a $10 coffee pretty hotel, you want something that's like good for the gram. You go to Alfred's in a nice hotel to recognizable name. Yeah, that kind of vibe.

And the Foxtrot little things are really cute and I really want to go. Dude, yeah. The Foxtrots. So I went there a few weeks ago. There's a location on the north side, like North Lamar, I think. I went there because we had no Wi-Fi one day. So I was like, fuck, I need to get like...

A coffee or just get out of the house and do something. So I went there. I loved the vibes there. Great place to work. You can also grab snacks because it's like a little market. They have one downtown and I think another one south as well. Definitely check it out. It's kind of like an Irwan vibe, but just not as...

Like, there's no fresh food. But they have, like, the little market. Actually, no, there is fresh food. What am I saying? But it's not, like, a hot bar. It's, like, a you-gotta-order-it type vibe. But there's, like, pizza, tacos, depending on the location. But it's definitely, like, an Irwan vibe. Right. I need to go. I'm telling you, I need to start working at coffee shops. I think it'll really...

my life. And I think that's it on here for coffee. So now we have lunch. These are quick. They're almost all Mexican food. Um, Fresas is so good for like a, there's a drive through and a sit down, but for quick tacos, really fresh, really healthy. Love Fresas close to downtown. Chilantros, such a good pickup when you need something quick. It's like Korean barbecue meets Chipotle vibes. It's my favorite to Uber eats when I'm drunk. Um,

Pro tip, love Uber Eats and cilantro's. Freebird's world is pretty much like Chipotle, but if you don't have one where you live, choose a Freebird's over Chipotle. I personally think, and not a lot of people in Austin will relate to me on this, but I think Freebird's is better than Chipotle. I like Chipotle better, but this is for you to form your own opinions. Yeah. Go try it. They just have more options at Freebird.

fair but i think the options at chipotle are good enough they don't need more yeah i haven't had chipotle in fucking years i get it when i go home and then austin daily pressed which is a pool uber eats favorite they have a lot of good vegan vegetarian things it's like mexican but not traditional like it's taught like it's not very traditional mexican it doesn't taste like tacos you'd get from any other mexican restaurant it's more just like

it's like its own thing yeah it really is its own thing but i like it it's like a mix of a food track slash building so it's not really somewhere you would go and like really sit down you'd get quick it's like do you want to bring something to the pool are you trying to bring something with you like paddleboard like i don't know you want something quick like to bring to the park yeah that's something you could bring that's like healthy and good yeah cute um so yeah those are really good lunch places and then we have a lot for dinner that i feel like

Don't need much explanation as their own because we look for the same I say we both pick out our favorite Okay, and I was gonna say what we like in dinner is vibes Food drinks. We don't really go to places that are really expensive either not super expensive middle like Like how would you rate like food like okay? So to me there's a show what there's restaurants like Chili's and Friday's yeah, they're like bottom bottom franchise then we're talking

Food so expensive they give you like one spinach leaf and like you do the five courses. Yeah, like We're not doing that. We're like in the middle. I feel we're right in the middle where it's like you can go dressed Slightly nice not not you can do whatever you do whatever you want but like it's a it looks cute good vibes and it's like Maybe in total your meal might be like with drinks in an app. Like maybe you're paying 50 to 60 bucks Yeah, which is like middle range

Um, what are your favorites on this list, dude? I know so I was thinking about this the other day and i'm kind of sad because One of my favorite meals that i've had is from sway Like I love those little like spring roll things that we got with the peanuts on top and then like my little um Bowl I got but it's just like kind of far So we haven't really been back since the one time we did go but

I would say Sway because it's Thai food and then Bar Peach are my top two. Every single time I go to Bar Peach, I get the same chimichurri tacos and I actually happened to make the chimichurri tacos last night for dinner and recreated them and it's just so good. I could have it every single night. Those tacos are very, very good. Yeah. And I'm so happy. So we worked with Bar Peach a few weeks ago and

We both got it for dinner. And I'm like, I'm so happy you know how much I like it now. Because it's so fucking good. It was good. Is it my turn? Yeah. Okay. So I really like 1618. It's such good Asian food. Asian food's my favorite. So I feel like a connoisseur. And it's just so good. Every time I get food from there, I've only been twice. But everything I've got from there and everyone who's also eaten the food with me is like, this is really good. It's just been top tier. And I want to go back.

it's so good um i really really like um this is actually more expensive i know we're saying not that expensive red ash is expensive um but if you have like a special occasion if you're coming here for something special a birthday um probably not a bachelorette because a lot of people but like something special really really good place to try to get a reservation if you're coming here for an important thing it was the best pasta i've ever had yeah so would highly recommend um

Abba is so good. Vibes, 10 out of 10. Great location. Would highly recommend because it's in the perfect spot to spend like hours on South Congress and add that into your day. Like if you're going, if you have a day planned to go to South Congress, go to Abba.

As part of that day, it's really good. Really good vibes, drinks, food. 10 out of 10. People say it's overrated. And to that, I say you're wrong. Yeah. And for any of our vegan gals listening out there, this is like a quick grab, but really good fucking dinner tacos. Vegan Noms Food Truck. I love their tacos. Like, I never really ate vegan food all the way up until, like, I started living with Taylor. And that's the one place that I could go and, like, have a meal.

have no idea like i was literally think that's like chicken tacos it's really good so fucking and all the other food trucks are vegan in that area and i want to try them there's pizza burgers and i have to go back soon i want to like have a vegan feast no we should this is bomb yeah it'd be really good um spit

special note loros really really good don't have to make a rest there too don't have to make a reservation so lovely because reservations are to get bill's oysters such a fun cute little date really small restaurant has to be like three people max yeah um really cute vibes different from anywhere else in austin um and picnic if you want some healthy food is also really good yeah i love picnic if you're like wanting to go out to eat but want to stay like

Feeling good, refreshed, and just, like, eating a lot of greens. Picnics, bowls, and salads are so fucking good. Yeah. Speaking of feeling good and refreshed, let's talk about alcohol. Yeah, let's get into it. I just want to kind of name off my places to grab a drink that are, like, my, like, literal, like,

Well, no, I guess that's kind of what this whole list is. And then the rest is like... I'm going to add one because... So I like Garage. It's a little speakeasy in a parking garage. I think it's really cute for a date. Could be good vibes because it's like dark, kind of romantic, cute vibes. I really like P6. P6, we haven't been back to. We need to go back. P6 is so cute. There's...

The thing is, like, a lot of these places, like, I say I want to go back to them, but it's like there's so many new things that I want to check out. So many new things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like, for example, on the list, Estelle's. Like, I put that on the list knowing I want to go and I'm going to like it. 100%. But I've never been. Yeah. Wax Myrtles, super cute. And then I just want to give a shout out to Whistler's on East because it has my favorite margarita. Yeah. And the last one that I literally just added is Veracruz's.

One time, Taylor and I and my brother went to Veracruz, the restaurant, and unknowingly just got drinks to get drinks, obviously because we were going out. But I didn't know to the extent of how strong they would be. Their frozen drinks, I'm not even kidding you guys, are in like six-ounce cups, like the smallest little cups in...

and they get you so fucked up. Like if we had two of those, Taylor, and went out, we would have been so hammered. And so my mom was in town like two weeks ago and I brought her to dinner there on our last night and we were sitting at the bar. I didn't drink that night, but I was chit-chatting up with the bartender and I was like, oh my God, like what is in these frozen drinks, by the way? Because they're so strong and I'm

Before I even began to like finish my sentence of saying like they are so strong. She also says that and goes, they're so fucking strong. They're like, like rocket fuel. And I was like, I was like, I was literally just about to say that. Like they're so strong. And she was like, yeah, like we're like so known for these drinks now because they're so strong and people love them. And they're great for if you want to go out and like continue drinking. So I think like from here on out, if you don't have any plans on,

We are going to go there. Want to go tonight? No, no, literally. Go there to get a Marg and then go out because... I'm like, what are you doing later? Literally. Their frozen drinks are so good. Yeah. Special always... Special shout out to Takira Mucho and Gabriella's for like... I feel like Takira Mucho and Gabriella's are that like Austin, Texas tourist vibe. Yeah. You want pink. You need to go. You want pink. You want Bachelorette. You want pink drinks with the girls. Like that is the epitome of tourists in Austin, Texas. Yeah.

so you can go there um i'll talk bars fuck yeah um so bars i want to give a special shout out before we talk because i feel like this is more so like a thing i threw on here out of my love for it if you want to do something country you want to wear your boots you want to wear your hat you want to do something country go to white horse on east and go dancing that's my favorite place to go with my boyfriend if you want something like

country to add into your night to fit the Texas theme, White Horse Don Ease. Yeah. So as far as the bars are concerned, there are many different roads that you can go on. So there's West 6, which West 6 is more of like a tourist scene slash college scene. It's smack down middle of downtown. And so that's just where all the tourists know to go. And that's where the college kids go because it's literally a few blocks from the campus. And

And so there's definitely a younger crowd with a mix of bachelor and bachelorette like scene. There's everybody. Yeah, there's an everybody scene. And then if you keep going down the road to like, if you're looking at it from north and you go down and keep going, you're going to end up on dirty six at night, dirty six on the weekends, literally.

Literally the road shuts down. Kind of like how you would see in Nashville where there are police officers with like the guardrails and there's no cars on the road and it's just like a mob scene of people walking around. Like I said earlier in this episode, it's kind of scary. Like some people lose

love it. Some people hate it. I personally just don't like it. If I'm with a group of boys or I'm with my boyfriend, then maybe I'll have a good time. But if it's just you and your girls, I don't recommend going there. Okay. Safety first. And then if you keep going down the road onto the east side, which is not really downtown anymore, it's more of like a suburb type scene. Like all the bars are houses or old buildings. It's not high rises. It's literally like

It could be anywhere. Like, it literally could be anywhere. But it's technically obviously still downtown, but it's not really. But it's more not like, like, I don't want to call myself a fucking local, but like more people that like live here rather than tourists. And it's a lot of like the post-grad scene, older people. And then there's Rainy Street, which Rainy Street is more of like a day drinking scene. Yeah. So shout out to East, to our Latchkey and Lucky Duck community.

There's also Lefty's and Revelry are on that bar too. Lefty's and Revelry are more chill. Latchkey and Lucky Duck are a little more party. Lucky Duck has a happy hour all the way up until 8 p.m. And their espresso martinis are literally only $6. So...

go get yourself an espresso martini before 8 p.m literally six bucks on west big shout out wtf key bar cats pjs catch pjs is really really fun um and bees is on here i don't like bees but that's i don't like it either but a lot of people really fucking like it and they think the espresso martini is so good from there but i personally do not like espresso martinis that are creamy and on like the lighter side like i like it

Like straight espresso, straight cold brew, whatever they're mixing it with. I don't like when it's creamy. But if you like a creamy espresso, go to Bee's Knees and you can get one there. They put like this like whipped cream thing on top. It's very sweet. And for me, I just don't want to be drinking something really sweet like that.

mixed in with all my drinks because it just doesn't sit right but yeah start there and then go upstairs to cats once cats bump in yeah cats is so fun and you put aquarium on here for oh yeah so and then dirty six if i'm gonna go to any bars on dirty six go to aquarium place was pretty fun i felt like a little kid running around in there

our last category is some sober fun just activities to go to i went to peter pan mini golf it's been in austin's for like ever like i think since like the 40s or something crazy don't quote me but like a long long time you actually it is byob you can like totally bring alcohol if you want but you obviously don't have to just something cute and fun to do um and it's it's cool because it's

been there a while so it's cool to do something in austin if you're visiting that's truly like local to the scene so cheap it was like nine bucks a person it's just fun yeah um and then obviously there's like so many indoor activities throughout the entire city whether it's bull and ball or um arcades david busters laser tag there's virtual games up at like the domains yeah

Literally so much you can do like indoor activities, especially for like rainy days. But then there's like a lot to obviously do. And obviously the comedy show, which I mentioned. The comedy show, yeah. Comedy show is big. But, you know, you can get drinks there. But you don't need to. You don't need to. They're just expensive. So I honestly would say don't do it. It's not worth it.

Just get drunk before if you do want to drink for it. But then all the outdoor activities, whether it's on the park or on the lake, there are different vibes that you can be looking for when it comes to the outdoor activities. And that's why I put on here, like I want to explain the difference between Lake Austin and Lake Travis. So if you're going to be on a boat scene and you don't want to drink, I would definitely recommend Lake Austin because it's so much closer to downtown. Like literally you can get a boat rental and like,

Be five minutes away from the pickup location from downtown. Whereas if you're on Lake Travis, Lake Travis is more party scene. There's party barges. There's Devil's Cove where Devil's Cove is where you tie up a bunch of boats on a sandbar location and you can hop from boat to boat, drink, blare music, sing, dance, do all that vibe. Um,

So that's a drinking scene. And Lake Travis is 45 minutes from downtown. And you got to take buses to get there or you need to take fetties to get there, which again, if you're not drinking...

I don't see the point in it. You can literally just do the same thing by going on Lake Austin and renting a boat and surfing and just driving the boat around. You can stop at restaurants on Lake Austin. There's a bunch of restaurants that you can stop at, like the different marinas. And then as far as the paddle boarding is, that is on Lady Bird, which is a good place to stop.

which is literally like right downtown. You can rent paddle boards or you can bring your own. I have an inflatable one that I got on Amazon for like 250 bucks. There's kayaks too. Yeah, there are kayaks and there's a bunch of other little things that you can do that we've never done because we're not like tourists. So what? Jonah sent me this thing. They're like,

Oh, I literally just saw that on my free page. They're like water go-karts. Yeah, I saw that. Oh my God. No, like I need that. It's like a safer version to a jet ski. Yeah. No, I love it. And I want it. But yeah, there's just so many water activities you can do. There's lots of cool water activities. Yeah. And I would say like Lake Austin, if you are trying to like do things on the water and not sit on a boat and drink, Lake Austin, you can get out and get moving. Yeah. Like you can tube.

serve. Yeah, and within the whole Zilger Park area, you can access Lady Bird to go paddleboarding. You can also access Barton Springs, which there's a springs area with water, but then there's also Barton Springs Pool, which you have to pay a pass to get inside to, but it's a massive man-made pool that is connected to the creek slash connected to the lake, and it's just like lake water, but it's a man-made pool. So it's super cool in there, and...

You can hop out, go to the park, like do whatever. The only thing that sucks about it is you can't bring food in there. I know it's like a really, yeah, I've never been in there. So you can't bring food because of like the ants there or something and they're trying to preserve the land or whatever. But yeah, I've never been in there. So I don't know.

But yeah, that's like it. I feel like that's that was so much kind of stuff. Again, we do so many vlogs and so many like days in our life. So check those out if you're really interested in like getting more notes on things we do. Yeah.

This coming weekend, we have another eventful weekend, though. We are going on a 100-person barge. I didn't think that was fucking possible, but it's possible. And the pregame's at 9 in the morning, so wish us luck. Kill me, shoot me. Add us on Snapchat, because that's where all my behind-the-scenes, like, drunk content is.

You can find my Snapchat linked in my bio on Instagram or TikTok like in the little beacon thing. I have all like my socials on that link of like icons and I believe you do too, right? Yeah. Yeah. So go check it out. Add me on there.

I know Taylor just said she wants to delete Snapchat. So I don't know. I just like, I would love like one less thing that I can like scroll on. Yeah. You know, like one last thing I could check. So I'm like, God, just like, I feel like I just need less things. Yeah. I would delete TikTok if I could, but like I have to work on TikTok so I can't. Yeah. I get you. Um, well, well, I got to get back to doing something. It's already five the day, man. I have so much shit to fucking do. I know.

All right. Bye, guys. Bye. So what's it like to be the mom of four little girls and the wife of an NFL quarterback? Well, it's absolute insanity in the best possible way. But you can hear that for yourself when you listen to my podcast the morning after with me, Kelly Stafford. And yes, Matthew joins sometimes too.

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