cover of episode Top 10 Ways To Have a Hot Girl Winter

Top 10 Ways To Have a Hot Girl Winter

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Sam和Taylor分享了她们对如何拥有一个火辣女孩冬天的十个建议,包括穿着性感的衣服、保持皮肤滋润、使用自晒黑产品、拥有漂亮的夹克、使用桑拿房、补充维生素D、穿着宽松的衣服、在健身房努力锻炼、进行户外活动、以及对增重持积极态度。她们还分享了她们自己的经验和故事,以及她们对听众问题的回答。 她们还讨论了在社交媒体上保持积极的心态,以及如何应对季节性抑郁症和婚礼前的压力。她们鼓励听众专注于让自己感觉良好,并享受生活中的美好时光。

Deep Dive

Sam and Taylor discuss starting a hot girl winter with tips on fashion, self-tanner, and style hacks.

Shownotes Transcript


What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam. And I just want to start off by saying we did like a five minute intro already, but then...

We had to start it over because it was such a mess because Phineas was trying to open the door handle of this door and I thought a human was about to come in and just like... Kill us? Yeah, attack us. So here we are, round two of our little intro. We are so happy to have you guys here. Yes, but I'm trying to think back of what we already said. We're doing a solo episode today, just the two of us talking about 10 ways to have a Hawkgirl winter because the guests are so much fun, but I love it just being us. I love being able to do whatever the hell I want on my own show. Yeah.

No, seriously and just I even said this last week like being able to like connect with you guys off of the podcast like on tiktok instagram Like the comments that you guys like leave Knowing that you listen to the podcast. I'm like i've only ever mentioned that on the podcast like yes Exactly yesterday was when I posted that thing of like oh like he gives me a free drink like let's never talk again and then one of you guys comments and was like Well, what if he has a boyfriend? I'm like, oh fuck like the tax. I love it. It's so much fun. Um

And yes guys, it is me. My voice sounds really weird. Sorry about it. I'm apologies that I'm unwell this whole episode, but you know, the show must go on. But so excited to catch up before our little Hawkgirl winter episode because we had such a fun weekend. We went out on Friday and you can watch it in my vlog if you want and you'll see me in my vlog. Sit down, getting ready, saying how I don't want to get too drunk. Like I really don't want to drink that much.

That night proceeded with every single member of our friend group blacking out. Every single one. And it all started at our little pregame. Yep. Um...

It's just something about when the energy is so high and everyone's just down to rage. It's like, how do you stop? We haven't all been together truly. It was everyone. Yeah, it was everyone. And Taylor and I, we knew hours before going out, we wanted to have a little pregame before the pregame. Yeah. Which at the end of the day was the worst decision we could have made for our memory. Worst decision ever. But also best.

best decision best time yeah so taylor and i hopped in the car like around mid-afternoon we went to the liquor store and bought a bunch of things to make martinis i made an espresso martini she made like a regular martini if you want the recipes they're on both of our channels yeah and we started drinking what around seven yeah yep around seven we were making martinis for all our friends there was about 10 to 10 10 10 of us i would say

Just pre-gaming at our apartment for like two hours. And then we made our way to like another, I guess you would say pre-game, but it was a party. It was a party, but to us, we used it.

as a pregame because we were still going out we were still going out yeah so it was um we arrived there at 8 30 we got that's a pregame yeah that's a pregame for sure i actually had a tiktok it literally has a million views it went bonkers of me saying like my getting ready schedule and the reason is a lot of girls were agreeing like yeah like i do the same thing you know plan it out to get ready like

four hours before whatever but then the other 70 of comments are people being like party at eight my parties don't start till 12 i'm like okay well the party was like also a pregame but it's also like you're not like i can't stand like waiting until like 11 or 12 to go out yeah like i can still have fun and go out at 8 p.m oh i would i want my bed by fucking midnight if i'm not getting my bed by midnight then like

Okay, I'm probably blackout and really don't remember. But if I'm like in if I'm coherent and like know that like I want my bed, I'm gonna go get my bed. I just don't understand why like when it gets dark at 530. Why do you need to wait until 12? We could be out on the town by seven. It's pitch black. But even in the summer, I also like starting my night where it's like light out. Like when we would go to like Rainy Street or like six and the sun was still out when we were walking the streets. Like I love that. Interesting. Yeah. You don't like that? I don't really remember being there with the sun out. Really? Yeah.

You and I, we'd always go to like a dinner first and then we'd walk in the streets. This is when we didn't have them really as our friends yet. I guess. I don't really remember that. But I just like am a fan of an early night. But yeah, everyone was like eight. I'm like, okay, relax. I didn't like that wasn't even the point. That always happens. A TikTok like goes viral for a reason that you didn't even expect it to be. Yeah. Yeah.

Like, I didn't really think putting eight, like the times didn't even matter. Like that wasn't the point. Yeah. Everyone was really like debating about whether 8 p.m. for a party is cool or not. So you can go debate in the comments there if you want. I don't know. I mean, at least for me and anyone that maybe lives in Austin, you guys can put your input to in our DMs.

It starts early here. The bars close at 2. Yeah. So you can't get there that late. And I don't know. Maybe like everywhere I've been, like Boston even too, like it's still like we can go out at a reasonable time. It's not too late. The only place that I know, it's like when you're in a big city like Miami, Vegas, those kind of places, like in Miami, like people don't go out until like 2 in the morning. Whereas here...

The bars close at 2 in the morning. Like, so... Like, what are you going to do? Get there at midnight and then leave in, like, an hour? Like, that makes no sense. Yeah. So, I don't know. But we all had so much fun. Like, it was just such good time. But then it was so fun. Like, just waking up the next morning and being like, oh, god damn it. No, like, we can't even stop talking. We have to talk about the night first.

We can't go into the morning. I didn't know what you were going to share. Oh, I have quite a bit that I want to share. Share? Well, okay. So you guys may know I have been having boy issues. Not like boy drama, but just for me in my own sense, boy drama. But no boys are really involved in it. No boys care. No boys. They're just like they have girlfriends. They all fucking suck. So within the last two weeks, I've been hanging out with two different guys.

And it's more in the sense of like I just need to like hang out with guys not necessarily to like full on like send dating and like find a boyfriend just to like kind of occupy my time and like keep busy. Yeah. So this night I was going into the night with like two different guys like I really hope neither of them listen to this because I've been having problems where I talk about guys on the podcast and they listen to it and then I'm like fuck.

But they need to just get over it. Yeah. Yeah. OK. So I we had one of them at our pregame and I was like, fine, whatever. Like, we're all like already friends. So like this one guy I met through all of our friends. But the other guy I met through Hinch. So obviously the guy I met through our friends is going to come to the pregame. So we're having a time, whatever. And then we end up getting to the first bar, which was Buford's around like 11 o'clock.

And I had texted him. I had to look back, by the way, keep in mind, I do not remember any of this. I had to look at my phone like the next morning. I have like little vivid memories of the night, but I texted him at like 11. I was like, hey, I'm at Buford's because he was out too. And I just told him I was going to let him know where I was. And I also shared my location because I was like, oh, like if I get too drunk and I can't remember to text you, just like track me down. He was like, oh, it's gonna be like one of those nights. I'm like, yep, it is. It already is. It already is. You don't even know it. So whatever. Whatever.

11 p.m texted him then 30 to 40 minutes later i look at my phone and i have like four texts from him like ones where are you can't find you i'm looking in bufords and then the very last one was i actually should read it like read it directly yeah which um

He goes, hit me up when that dude leaves you alone. LOL. And at first I'm thinking to myself, oh, fuck. Like, what did I do? Like, this is bad. But I kind of remember I was just like, I saw him. So first of all, he came up to me at the bar. You introduced him to me. What? I did introduce you to him. I was at the bar with guy one. I was, what do we call them? Hinge boy and then friend boy. No, they need names. You met.

Michael at the bar. Okay, I met Michael. I was no, no. So Michael and I were at the bar getting drinks because we've been all together all night and his arm. I remember vividly being around me a little bit and then I just turn around and Josh is there. It's just staring at me and I'm like, fuck like this is bad and I just like remove. What's his name? Michael Michael's hand from me.

And I'm like, hey. And I immediately run over to Taylor. I go, let me introduce you to Taylor. Like, just, like, switch the topic of, like, the fact that there was a man's hand around me. And then that's when I remember vividly, like, that happening. And I don't know really much after that. Me neither. But I remember, like, introducing him to everyone else. But I guess, like, Mike...

Is that what we said his name was? Michael. Okay. I remember saying Michael was like all up on me, like following me everywhere I went. So like I would introduce Josh to like Taylor and then my other friend Connor and then my other friend Hunter. And like Michael was just following me around the whole time. And I just remember that's probably why Josh was like, let me know when he's not up your ass basically anymore. And I'm like, fuck, like how I feel so bad. Like, you know what I'm saying?

See, I thought, so this is just me exposing myself for being irresponsible. So I thought right after you introduced me, there's a picture that we took of our guy friend standing in that same spot. So I was around the same time because I took the picture of them in that same spot of the bar. And the way I thought the night ended was literally a little bit after that. I Ubered to my friend's apartment. We all hung out and then ended up like leaving. Yeah.

Turns out we went to two other bars after that point in time. And I was like, you're lying to me. Like, because that's not...

I remember I thought we went straight home yeah this is like okay we're now sitting in the present moment of us the next morning talking about this yeah because like we do not remember any of this so we're slowly putting all the puzzle pieces together yeah I'm like no no no wait what do you mean I went to two bars I thought I went to one bar and then I left from Buford's what do you mean and then I texted in our group chat with all our friends and I'm like guys like

I'm trying to remember, like, did we go to WTF? Like, I have brief memory being there, but like, I don't remember if I actually went there. And turns out we were there. Our guy friend got kicked out because I didn't get a

didn't get let in because i was drunk she didn't get let in our guy friend got kicked out because he was screaming at the top of lungs at me because i went to the bathroom with his ex-girlfriend and i'm like i can just picture it now i'm like oh my god bestie like let's go to the bathroom potty potty like oh my god i want to be your friend like i can just picture myself doing that don't remember it and i vividly remember down the hallway on the very end of the hallway was an angry angry

angry six foot two man with red eyes just screaming at me like fuck you like you're betraying me what the fuck i wish i remember and i just remember looking at him and being i'm just going to bathroom i can't go pee by myself like the only one next to me was fucking your ex like i'm sorry like

And then Haley walked in and we were all in the bathroom together. It was so... Yeah, I don't remember, like, much. But then we all went back to our friend's apartment. And I went to... So there's two different, like, apartment units that we have friends in. Hold on. Let's talk about the fact that we don't remember how we all got split up. Well, that's first. I'm saying I don't remember anything. Yeah. I said I don't remember anything. Like, we don't...

when we're puzzling this whole entire night together, we don't even remember how we all got split up. We slowly realized she didn't get right. Land to the bar. And then I guess supposedly I went back to Buford's because Connor got kicked out and we were, I was following Connor to Buford's cause I called him. I was like,

oh my god, I'm so sorry. I hope you forgive me and all this shit. So then two of our friends went home. Hunter went back. And I went with some other friends to another bar for God knows what reason. Why did they take me there? I should have went home. So we all get split up. I somehow make it back to the apartment complex. I...

I'm like, where's everyone? Like, I'm like, okay. And I'm like, they're in the other room. Like, the other unit. I don't know how I remembered where it was, but apparently. So he told me that there's food outside. And I said, I figured this was yours because it had Uber Eats outside. I was like, this has to be them. Who else is Uber eating at 2.30? Only them. So I opened the door and they were playing cards. And I was like, it's downstairs, fuckers. I was like, what?

I was like, wait, we got to go party. Let's go hang out. Yeah. And then in the meantime, all of them are doing like their own things. Like, and I'm like alone with Michael and me and Michael, uh,

I vividly remember this just start making out. Like, public PDA at Buford's. Like, my friend is the bouncer at Buford's. And I kind of want to just text him and be like, did you see that? Like, was I making it? He's going to be like, yes, you were the last person in the bar. Yeah. Like, I was sitting right on the bench, like, right next to the entrance, just full on making out with this guy. And I...

I like don't remember it that night, but like, like I said, in the back of my mind, I had those memories, but then all of a sudden I just get furious. Cause I'm like, where are my friends? Did they really leave me here? Like, where the fuck are they? And like, I was freezing, like shivering and like Michael gave me his jacket. So I'm like wearing his jacket too. And I'm like shivering. And I text all my friends. I'm like, I text all my friends in the group chat and go, fuck all y'all. You left me behind. Yeah.

And that's when Connor texted me and he was like, or called me, I'm sorry. And I remember this and he was like, we're all on our own.

all on our way back to the Avenir. So I thought you guys were all in one Uber together. I have no idea. I couldn't tell you. No, I know. So I, that's what I thought. So I just remember screaming at Andrew, that's my guy friend from back home. I remember screaming at Connor and being like, how can you guys leave me? Like, this is so messed up. Like what the heck? And Connor's like, calm down. Like just Uber back to the Avenir. Like it'll be okay. So whatever. I ended up Ubering back to the Avenir and we're all one big family in the Avenir. Yeah.

But you got there before us, you said. Oh, I did. I don't know how that happened. Did you guys get, like, picked up at the Uber, like, on the way or something? No. See, I don't know how that happened. That's the wrong girl. Listen, I don't know. All I know is we all totally...

It was one of those nights where you sleep with all your clothes and all your makeup on and then have to walk home in front of your neighborhood families looking like a hooker. Yeah, so it was not okay. This podcast is brought to you by Waterdrop, the new go-to hydration brand. Because if you know, one thing about us is that we love our beverages around here. Any way I can make my daily water intake more fun, I am totally about. And that's why I love Waterdrop. I love all of their little...

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I don't know. None of us know. And that was our first time where we all got so drunk but had so much fun. Yeah. And then the next day, we spent the whole day on the couch. Yeah. And then I had to text Josh the next morning. And I said, hey, I'm sorry. I think I blame the espresso martinis that I drank at 7 p.m. Ha ha. And he was like, it's okay. It's fine. Like, it's fine.

will hang out this week and i was like yeah my bad yeah i was like i don't and at the time i was like i don't really remember like i don't know what he saw like for all i know he saw me making out with like that boy and like it's okay and i feel bad it's okay you're hanging out with him tomorrow yeah i'm going to the gym with him tomorrow i can't wait i need to figure out um my love life right now and like what the hell i'm doing yeah you do let's bend about that real quick because taylor never likes to talk about it

So I have like a what do you got a situation ship is that what it's called? Yeah a situation ship like but it's like All of my friends think that I like are like guy friend and like think I'm like in love with him and I'm not Okay, and I'm literally not no I'm not literally. Yes. She is. I love the attention. Okay Well, then you need to get it from somewhere else. I know but like we're always together so exactly

That's where it does me dirty. That's why you need to find somebody else. Because, okay, we're not going to get into hardcore details about this, but, like, they are not a match made in heaven. No. They are not a match made in heaven whatsoever. Zero. When I told him this, I was like, I literally, like, could never date you, don't want to date you, would never do that. I would literally break up with you. Like, I hate you. Yeah. Like, we don't get along. So, I...

I know Taylor has a little bit of feels for him. She's not going to admit it, but it's okay. I wouldn't call it feels though because it's like I don't like, it's just like I like the like, I like hanging out and I like the vibes, but like I don't like you. Like you could be anybody. I get that in a sense, but you can't say that you don't like him because like you do. Like those, that's like qualities of like liking someone. Well, I like him enough that I like to hang out and then I like to like,

You get giddy when he shows up or when he's around. Yeah. Exactly. That's liking someone. Because I want the attention. Oh, my God. Because I want the attention. Damn, guys. She drives me fucking crazy. So it's like, do you like Michael? No, I don't like Michael. I don't get giddy when he's around. Like, what are you? That is not a comparison at all. So you like Michael. But you like the attention. I like the attention, yes, but I don't get giddy when he's around. I don't think I get that giddy.

Taylor, you're squirming in your chair right now. I'm cold. Okay. But you also openly cuddle with him. Oh my God. I wouldn't do that. Like, I wouldn't do that with fucking Michael. You'd make out with him in Beaufort. So would you. Yeah, I know. Not Michael. Someone different.

Speaking of actual Michaels, we have a real Michael in our friend group. We picked a bad name. I know we did pick a bad name. It was, Michael's so generic. But we have a real Michael in our friend group. And me and one of our guy friends...

We're like talking at the bar and Taylor thought we were like flirting and all this shit. And Taylor's like, oh no, we got to stop this. We got to stop this right now. Meanwhile, I think me and Connor are probably talking about like fucking like crypto or some stupid shit. They looked a little close and I didn't like it. You know, I'm deaf. I got to get close to people at a bar. I can't do that. So, so,

I guess Taylor supposedly looks at Michael and goes, we need to stop that. We need to stop that right now. Like it needs to end. And then Michael just looks at him or looks at Taylor and goes, relax, like chill, let it go with the flow. Relax. And like, I know you guys don't know Michael, but like, that's so funny to hear him like saying that. Cause like his eyes get all squinty and he's just like, relax, like go with the, go with the flow. It was so like, listen, I just like,

want to do what makes me happy so if it's gonna bring me joy i'm doing it yeah um another i'd be unhinged like a crazy person i am like yeah that's where you need to find that person and i'm on him that you just want to like that you just want to have a fun time with that you don't want to all the time you know um can we talk about real quick our stalker update

Yeah. Yeah. So guys, you guys know for the longest time we've had a stalker and she lives here. She follows all my friends on Instagram. She now has my phone number. It's down bad. It's scary. I don't like it. Well, I didn't even know this until the next morning. My friend told me that he has very vivid memories of that night of my stalker being in the corner of the bar.

Just standing there, just watching us all like in our section, just like staring at us and just like watching us for like a long time. And now I'm assuming she probably was with like her friends and whatnot. But like the fact that like my friends know who she is, because I've never been like

I've never been like, watch out for this girl. It's always been like, hey, Sam, do you know this girl? She's DMing me on Instagram. Yeah. So I'm like, oh, that's my stalker. Like, don't answer her. Like, do not engage. Do not answer her. So they know of her because...

she's interacted with them and i guess he just has a little vivid memories of her being in the corner of the bar just like staring at us and i'm like that's fucking horrifying to like think about like i'm so happy i didn't see that because i probably would have gone over there and be like what are you doing like stop like get away yeah no that's super creepy yeah but um we need to talk do you have any like other life recaps you want to do because i don't um

I want to talk about what we were talking about. Yeah, I wrote down gel girl drama. Oh, yeah. Dude, the TikTok. Have you seen that shit? I was so invested last night. The girl in the army? Yeah. Yeah.

Did you see that? You didn't see that? Bro, this is why I can't stand TikTok. We have two TikTok things to talk about. We'll use this as a segue into the second TikTok thing. This is why I can't stand TikTok. So, Gel Girl, I don't know what her real name is, but she came out with her own gel. She's in the military or whatever, has a great gel that slicks back your hair and whatnot. So, this one girl made a review on the gel, and basically it was just showing that it doesn't work for her hair, which is totally fine. She used another product, whatever. But the other product that she used, like...

I don't even know how to explain it because if you don't know what i'm talking about like you're not gonna get it But basically two different gel hair companies

And, like, the followers and, like, the supporters for each gel hair companies were fucking going at each other and, like, bullying the shit out of each, like, owner of the other companies. Like, going crazy, like, bashing on the company, like, all this shit. I'm just like, TikTok? Y'all have fucking, like, crazy fans, like, fan bases. And it's, like, it drives me insane how, like, people can't just take, like, one negative comment or one, like...

like it like turned into World War fucking like a million and like the poor owners of both the gel hair gel companies are getting such like backlash on their brands of like bad reviews like all this shit like it's just like it's

It's so crazy how like one little video could potentially just like ruin someone's like brands. Like the other girl. I know. Yeah. Facts. We do know. Felt that. Like I felt so bad for like the other girl, not gel girl. The other girl that was involved in this is like a small business and she had to make a poor video being like, oh my God, like guys, like I'm so sorry. Like I'm just a small business. Like can you guys stop like sending hate like my way and stop sending hate her way? Like I'm just trying to survive out here. Like, and I'm just like thinking to myself, I'm like, that is literally like,

so sad sorry i i don't know why i wrote that down but like when i was going through like the videos and watching i was like damn like i'm like feeling real bad for like that poor girl with a small business that's just like getting bashed on by gel army that's why fan base i know the other thing happening on tiktok is the alex earl um tyler wade drama um and i just like we really were talking about this on the couch because like

The TikTok population is truly unwell in the head. And I'm just going to like some of you need a reality check.

first things first we love alex okay so don't misconstrue what i'm saying love her wish her the best i hope she's so successful love her but at the end of the day i think a lot of you need to really realize that you don't know this person like you don't know anything about them you know their tiktoks you don't know anything about them the way people just elevated alex earl to god status saying she's gonna be kim kardashian oh like okay i'm not gonna say

let's pipe down on that for one second. Okay. Like let's, let's chill there. That's a bit much of a statement. And then with her breakup,

Like, obviously, I'm, like, not helping because now I'm talking about it on a podcast. But I'm, like, I just want you guys to, like, chill for a sec. Like, everyone's so quick to be, like, F him. Which, like, I get it because, like, you want to be a girl's girl. Like, you don't know these people. And some of you need to, like, put your energy back into your own life. Yeah. And, like, remember that this, you don't know these people. And, like, you need to, like, people need to know how to follow someone without being, like.

actually insane like just be normal no it's literally insane and like the one video like where taylor just said like how someone said alex is gonna be the new kim kardashian but instead of having siblings it's gonna be her roommates and i'm like yo like let's chill out with that because i don't think you guys understand like she's just like a girl like us like she's just like you her life like

I get like this is now elevating her life where she now has more opportunities, more brands, more like things that she can potentially do. But it's just like like chill the fuck out. Like I don't know what like scrolling on or TikTok right now is so annoying of just like all Alex Earl content. Like I obviously like loved her was super into her content. But now it's like annoying.

Well, it's just like the people because I like her but I feel bad people are doing this to her. Yeah. If that makes sense because she didn't ask for that. People are like, oh my God, she broke up with her boyfriend. Now I got to break up with my boyfriend. Her content is good and I love it on its own. Like I genuinely watch every single one of her videos that comes up. Like I love her content but you guys making videos about her are like unwell in the head. People being like, no one would know who Tyler was if it wasn't for Alex. He plays Major League Baseball. He's fine. And like I'm not trying to like make excuses for him because like if what she said is

the whole truth which like obviously there's three sides so like her story his and the truth like whatever not my business but like let's bring it down for a sec she was just in college like he's a major league baseball player you don't know these people you don't know these people like you guys need to take a chill pill and this isn't even just an alex thing this is like anyone who quickly yeah anyone rises to fame to fame especially through tiktok

So, like, you know, in six months it'll be someone else. Like, that's just how the cycle shall repeat. But, guys, people on social media are just, like, they're not God. And, like, I feel like it's just, like, not good for her, for, like, people to hold her so...

hi, like you got, and even people already being like, can't wait to see what she's going to be canceled for. Like, shut up. People were saying, I saw comments of like someone saying like, you guys, like this was someone that kind of had the same mindset of us of like the whole, like y'all are crazy for fucking like praising her so much. And they said, and just wait, these exact people that are praising her are going to cancel her. Exactly. And it's, it's insane. But like going off the Tyler Wade thing, it's like people saying that he's irrelevant and no one would know him. Well,

you're not his niche of like people that should know him. Like I bet you a lot of guys that are super into baseball probably don't even know who Alex is and vice versa. Like all the boys or I'm sorry, all the girls that aren't into baseball probably didn't know who he was. So it's like he has his own niche of people. It does, it does not matter. But yeah, we just kind of wanted to put our two cents into that because it was, we were talking about on the couch and it's crazy. Yeah. People just get so, so into these internet people. Like it's,

I don't know. I think it's because with the way social media is right now, back in the day, celebrities, you only saw them in the movie they did, in the TV show they did, on the

Should like news appearance maybe they had and that's all you saw of them but with people now they rise to fame and you see every you saw her do her makeup this morning you saw her pick her outfit you saw her go to lunch you saw at you see every single thing they do and that makes people feel so close to these people and.

And I just think overall, some people need a bit of a reality check that it's like not that deep and you can just be a fan and support without being crazy. But secondly, props to Alex Earl for saying that she's only going to spill any more tea if she goes on Call Her Dad. Oh, I cannot wait for that to happen. That is the best business move of her, not of her life. I don't know what she's doing behind. I don't know what else she like is doing, but like

great move yeah 10 out of 10 move on her part she's because she's gonna get on like easy but like that's that was genius yeah i agree that was genius and i will be listening like i hope it's like making sense like i get being interested in the tea i get it but like

there's a like there's a line that there's a line and just like make sure you're well in the head yeah anyways kind of last on the recap is i'm going home tomorrow you guys are gonna be listening to this i'm already gonna be home and i'm home for the week for the holiday and then for my brother's hockey game and all that and then we come back and rage for new years yes i leave on saturday saturday am christmas eve um i honestly just picked the

And I want to, this is my plan. I want to wake up, go to the gym really early. And then I want to go to the beach with my book every day.

Yeah, at least once. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. But okay, let's get serious for a second because the holidays are finally almost here. And I know it's a lot of fun stuff. But in the midst of all that, I know for a lot of us that struggle with mental health, we deal with seasonal depression. The weather is getting colder. It gets dark at like 5 p.m. And all of that just doesn't make us feel our best.

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Trust me, guys. You can do all the little healthy habits to get your mental health right, but there is nothing like getting into therapy and talking to a professional. So try BetterHelp. All right. Let's get into the episode because we can continue to rant. You're not done with us yet. And as you guys know, we have been doing top 10 ways to have a hot girl experience.

And then fill in the blank the season and now we're into winter Um, I know most of you guys probably have a way more severe winter than we do. We're in austin texas. So You know, it's not dropping too low, but I can relate to you girlies because i'm from new england So we definitely made sure to get some good stuff in there Um till you want to start off with number one because this was yours Yeah, this is mine because it makes me feel like really hot and I found my go-to outfit for the winter which could be hard because you need a

cover up and that's like hard like to be like so what's cute and like hot and fun for a night out v-neck body suits and if you don't have natural perky boobs just buy a bombshell bra it does wonders for you v-neck long sleeve body suit bombshell bra outfit of the winter i have two um i can't do that anymore unfortunately i literally there's nothing that can be pushed up with a bombshell bra

But side note, I'm going for my consultation for my boobs January 6th. I'll keep you guys updated on that. Woohoo. But I do agree. It's a great outfit. Her bombshell looks fan-fucking-tastic. It's a great outfit. I love it. It, like, really will do it to you because, like, just adding, like, getting some boobs in there that you may not have would, like, upgrade that, like, covered up outfit. Also, side note that has no bullet point on this is...

One thing that sucks about long sleeve tops in the winter is you will have sweat pits. I have sweat pits every time I go out and it's totally okay. True. Like I'm out cause I'm wearing a jacket and like I'm warm inside, but Oh hell no. You lift up that armpit. Okay.

Lots of sweat pits. Yeah, so don't wear light gray. Yeah, don't do that. This next one's super important. Hit them with it. Yeah, number two, which I actually did literally 30 minutes ago, is self-tanner, moisturizing, and your lip balm. You need to make sure your body isn't like crusty and dry. Moisturizing every single day. I try to remember to do it every single time after I shower. And then your self-tanner. I have found a new routine for myself with my self-tanner, and it has been working wonders. I used to do it like...

Three years ago four years ago when I was in a college dorm room And buying medical gloves, okay use those medical gloves as your mitts for self-tanner And use that to just apply it all over your body You will literally not miss a single fucking spot on your skin if you're doing it properly. Um I got into the one that you have now for self-tanner. What is it called the technologist and I use shade extra dark There's water and mousse. Um

do as you wish. Um, right now I have the water in there. Um, Mr. Yeah. So, um, I have that, but I like, so I like it because it's not going to stain anything. Cause it's clear and it just gradually shows up. But I do like the moose cause you could see where you put it. So they have their pros and cons, but I, yeah, it's the shade extra dark and tonologist. I'm pretty sure they both like show up the same way, whether you get the moose or the water. Um,

So just personal preference, whatever one you want. Yeah. And moisturizer. I literally use whatever. I don't even care. But also make sure you're exfoliating the shower too. Like I exfoliate twice a week in the shower, like middle of the week and then right before the weekend. Oh God, what's that scrub called? Tree. Yeah. Tree hot. Tree nut. Tree nut. Tree nut.

I think. I don't know. I can't remember. But it is my favorite body scrub. I have used that body scrub every single, like, that's the only one I buy now. I've used every single, like, type that I've seen. And tree nut is literally my favorite one. Smells good. Gets your skin all, you know, perfect. I love it. Tree Hut scrub. They have it at Target, Ulta, Amazon, Walmart. Yeah. Perfect. Perfect.

But yeah, what was I going to say? Oh, also the self-tanner. The one I have is the One Hour Express. So I don't know if that makes a difference to anyone, but I kind of like that. And then if I miss a spot, the next day I'll just go where there's a spot missing. But yeah, you need to moisturize and have your lips nice and moisturized. I like the lip mask from Babe Lash. It's actually just called Babe is the brand, but their lip mask is really good. And then this stuff, it's Alba Botanica's

unpetroleum jelly so it's like aquaphor it's like vaseline but it's like a plant-based organic alternative it's like six bucks on amazon it's in my storefront if you want to find it but the clear stem girlies had recommended that to me so i bought it duh as one does uh it's literally six bucks and i don't know it's supposed to be better ingredients i don't really know don't quote me on that it's cheap though so you can get it on amazon and i like that on my lips too

number three is gonna be cute jackets my jacket collection is massive me too i have been slowly like bringing jackets from boston down to austin because when i first moved here i was like i'm never gonna need them fuck that like i'll never use them yeah i'm gonna use them because one i'm gonna get used to this quote unquote cold weather that's not even as cold and i'm gonna feel fucking chilly i'm gonna want it but this time last year like the winter i was like

This cold was nothing to me. So now I have a bunch of jackets. You can get them at Garage. TJ Maxx are a lot of my OG jackets. When I lived back up in Boston, all my jackets were from TJ Maxx because...

the parkas the like michael kors jackets like you can find them there for like such great discounts and so check that out if you can um taylor you love princess polly right i like my leather jacket from princess polly i think i have two leather jackets from princess polly and they've both done me well um i got a puffer vest on amazon i went from having zero puffer jackets to like

one two three four to five in the span of a month so i really stocked up on that don't need to buy any more um like literally anywhere like if there's a cute jacket i just realized like i should just get it because i need one of like every color like i got a little cropped white little denim one from forever 21 and it's like jackets are hard to match with outfits really hard like so hard like i i

I can get my outfit ready when I'm going out, but then the jacket can completely make or break the outfit. Yeah. Like, I have a little, like, cropped ones, long ones. Like, just, like, find a few because they're really good to have. You obviously don't need, like, five puffer jackets, like I just said. Like, you can get, like, one. Yeah. But, like, just eventually stocking it up because it's really hard. Like, in Miami, I had one jacket. I had a denim jacket. And that was my, like...

If I needed something over clothes, I'd just wear a denim jacket. I didn't have other jackets because I didn't buy them. So now it's like I need a bunch. And that's weird to me, like to spend money on jackets. But you got to do what you got to do. Yeah. The next one is going to be gyms having a sauna. My biggest thing. I was lucky enough when I lived back up north that my gym always had a sauna. But if you are struggling to, you know, sweat throughout the winter, get like a good like

just feeling really good because i know like back up north when i was like working out and i didn't get a good sweat like i was like all right like this kind of sucks like i it feels amazing to get a good sweat so if you can find a gym and get a new gym membership just for the winter that has a sauna that will help you out so much with just getting like a good sweat and if you want to like obviously be doing that but we'll get into later about like the whole bulking thing yeah um next is

This one I actually need to start doing. I actually need to go to CVS, so I might go buy some. Take vitamin D, and that's going to really help seasonal depression. Seasonal depression isn't like a myth or like a made-up topic. It is...

actually real because seeing sunlight being outside is really, really good for like everything in your body, especially your mental health. And the sun obviously, as everyone knows, gives you vitamin D. So it is no like placebo taking vitamin D supplements in the winter is something a lot of people do to treat their seasonal depression because it's like kind of getting that artificial vitamin D as if you were

getting it from the sun and it does help so if that's something you're struggling with it couldn't hurt to go pick some up and take some I'm literally going to get some at CVS today um

um not that i'm like i don't feel myself struggling with it right now but like you better like why even like sounds like i need vitamin d i don't want to let it get there i can pick up two bottles yeah i might as well go get some vitamin d um up next is going to be this is kind of going off number one because i don't have big boobs to show off um but embrace

Feeling and looking hot and baggy clothes for the longest time I used to feel like I needed to wear like skin tight clothes showing off my waist Showing off like my legs or just showing off skin in general And you need to work like on your inner self to realize that like you don't need to be showing off your skin or your body to Feel hot look good. Like you can look fantastic in baggy clothes And that's one thing I like kind of used to struggle with and now going into the winter like

I'm more into like the fashion statement when I go out rather than like the showing off my body. So that's one thing. Like if you need to do that with your wardrobe is like,

Get more baggy clothes. Get more things that, like, cover your skin so that way you feel more comfortable and confident wearing those things. Because if you only have crop tops, you only have, like, the v-neck tops that, like, show off your skin and your body, then when you're wearing, like, a jacket and stuff and you're, like, covering yourself up, you're not going to feel as, like, good or as confident. So that's one thing I've noticed is...

don't rely off of showing off skin and body to feel hot yeah pinterest that look up like cute like winter outfits like the other day yesterday i ran errands and like a turtleneck and like leggings with the give it and it's like it was so cute yeah and like and i mean it happened to be a crop top because that's all i had but like it didn't have to be if it wasn't a crop it still would have been cute yeah um but like that was a really cute fit um at number seven

Winter typically comes as like a less active kind of thing. Like it's bulking season for a lot of people. You're not going to go out and go for walks anymore.

in your like freezing cold weather so crushed in the gym hit those prs get strong like literally go ham in the gym with the weights now's the time to do so because it's like kind of that it's bulking season energy whether you're actually bulking or not it's just strong girl season yeah 100 and we've gone over this in other episodes if you need a full in detail um

episode on how to bulk we have bulking 101 um it's kind of a ways back but you will find it and it's going to be helpful information like a year ago yeah um next one is outdoor activities i know it's freezing cold but that doesn't mean that you can't still be active outside okay for my people up north that have these things take advantage of it you got your skating your skiing your snowboarding your tubing and if you don't have those types of things you're

Get out there and do those things by taking like a trip with your friends on the weekend. Like obviously it can be financially hard, but if you have like one really like long weekend that you look forward to and over the winter break,

I was gonna say winter break, but like that's not winter season. Obviously, I'm going home back up to Boston. I'm going to take full advantage of that. Like I might go skiing. I might go skating, like rent some ice, like whatever it is. Just take advantage of it because staying active and being outside like it does feel good. Like even if it's freezing. Yeah.

Um, number nine is don't be sad about cuffing season. Everyone knows right now. It's like, oh my God, cuffing season. Need a big boy. You know, that whole song literally says like it's cuffing season.

It doesn't need to be cuffing season. Okay. Like just because everyone's posting with their man right now, like doing little cute Christmas things like then it'll be like city girl summer, hot girl summer and it'll be fine. Like don't say so focused on the fact that you don't have like a New Year's kiss. Like it's really okay. They're really be calling me out on this one. Yeah.

Think about the positive. You don't have to get a boyfriend gift. You don't have to split holidays with your significant other. That shit sucks. So lame. Hate it. Like you don't have to do any of that. Like it's okay. It's just like one month of Christmas and New Year's. You'll be okay.

Yeah. And honestly, this is something I've been struggling with a lot. If you watch my YouTube videos, I've been inventing in my YouTube videos about this. And one thing that I've found that's kind of helped me make that transition of like seasonal depression, feeling lonely, cuffing season is like moving into like, okay, I just need to be occupied.

So what i've been doing is just like hanging out with guys Getting the attention from guys and it doesn't necessarily have to be like i'm looking for a boyfriend Like i'm in that mindset now just like keep myself occupied keep myself happy And just have fun with it Like I know like maybe these guys that i'm hanging out with talking with like aren't you know? Potentially going to be like the lovers of my life But like i'm just having fun and being occupied and that's helped me so much

Yeah, be a little toxic. Yeah, a little toxic. It's totally fine. Do it for yourself. Be selfish. Yes. We're in our selfish girl era. Yes. The last one is going to be it's okay to gain weight. You got to be comfortable gaining weight because wintertime, we all know a lot more comfort food is around, you know, warmer foods. Like, I feel like just winter just like brings...

Brings in the comfort foods. Christmas cookies. Yeah, just all of it. With all the holidays, everything. So just know it's okay to gain weight. You're not... Like, it's not a make or break moment for you if you gained 5 pounds, 2 pounds, 10 pounds, whatever the number is. Like, you can...

work on losing that weight going into the summer. Like you have time. Like if you're worried about like a wedding in the spring or like just summer in general, like you are totally fine. Take advantage of the fact that you're gaining weight, use it in the gym for your strength, your energy in the gym. And you never know where it could take you.

Yeah, and our bodies, like, you can listen to a bunch of, I'm not, literally not going to talk about it because I don't know what I'm talking about, but look into podcast episodes and actual people that know what they're talking about, about how, like, your body likes to eat and live with the seasons. So, for example, like,

When it gets colder, putting on a little bit more weight to like literally warm your body. Your body likes to live with the seasons. It knows what to do. So you can do some research into that if that would help you. If you like to hear like scientific explanations about things, but it's literally okay and you'll be fine. There's so many fun things like to do in the winter that like gaining weight is not worth like not doing them.

Yeah. Especially just like enjoying like literally like Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever, like enjoy yourself, drink the champagne on New Year's, you know? Yeah. I'm here to talk to you guys today about Element. So if you're looking for something to get you through a tough workout or just your overall active lifestyle or just maybe you had that week where you had a little bit too much fun and now you're getting a little dehydrated, Element is formulated to help people with their electrolyte needs and is perfectly suited for anyone, whether you're following keto, low carb or paleo diet.

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All righty, so to kind of end off this podcast, we want to do our submissions. Make sure to be following the podcast Instagram because that is where you can get all the updates on like submissions, the link for the submissions and all of that, including like our cool little posts about the updates of our podcast and all the reels. Always so fun. But let's get into our nice, fun little Q&A's.

Okay, so this one's about boys. I'm going to try to pick ones that are kind of versatile throughout all the subjects. I'm 23 years old, moved from a small town in Manhattan a few months ago. My boyfriend is 28. Okay, so girl, your boyfriend's five years older than you. And we've begun...

been together for a year and a half now i've been in a couple long-term relationships before before this and part of me is having a feeling like i want to be alone and really figuring out oh i'm liking this and really figure out myself but i want to live life i've never just focused on myself and especially being in a new city making me curious what else might be out there the problem is that my boyfriend is such an amazing person and boyfriend his family and friends are amazing i'm just scared i'm gonna regret losing him i don't know what to do taylor take it away ah

You literally just answered the fucking question. I know. I don't know. Like, you literally just answered the question. And I get he's probably a great person and so amazing. And the truth is, like, that doesn't mean, like, you'll never see him again. Because they're not long distance, right? They live in the same place. I moved from a small town to my boyfriend and we were together. She did not preference.

Okay, well, if you live in the same place, then you're probably going to like see him again in your day to day life, which means you have a better chance of if you break up breaking up going back to them because like you live in the same place as them. So you do have the chance of that. And like he'll probably get it because it's like was he single at 23? Like he'll probably get it. Like I don't think he'll hate you.

um my cat needs to fucking stop i don't think he'll hate you for it um and don't that his family and his friends fuck that doesn't matter you're not like it's about him and you doesn't matter about his family and friends you can find people that have nice also you are so young like you're 23 and you've only been dating for a year like

Yeah, he's amazing and great, but what does he do wrong? Which is not to be a toxic, pessimistic bitch, but what does he do wrong, right? And you just answered the whole question for yourself because you literally just said you want to experience your life and you've never been on your own and you want to do that. So you just answered...

Answer the question. You literally just answered the question. Yeah. Next one is going to be about being a college athlete. I played field hockey. Same sis. I feel like I'm going to already relate to you on this one. And I got a new coach this past season, I feel like. And I don't like her at all. And I've never been so stressed or cried about field hockey before. But it's just making me not want to play anymore. But next year is my senior season. I don't know what to do. I love sports. But I've never been so miserable. And I'm so torn. I would keep playing. I would keep playing. Obviously, I have been through...

through seasons of having some really shitty coaches, not in college, but I do want to say you are going to look back and wish you played your season, senior season, your season, senior season is like the most important one. Like you're honored as a senior, you get your senior game, you got like all like the ceremonies, like all the events, like,

stick through it my girl i know the coach may suck like you may hate it but like just remember all the memories you're gonna make from playing that sport like that's like your last season you're never going to be able to play again after that unless you want to play like club pickup or whatever after but just know that like that competitive level that you're in right now isn't you're not gonna be able to do that again yeah my dance coach we like all kind of were beefing with her all the time and like didn't really fuck with her and then um

we finally like all kind of made a decision like okay we're gonna stay but we kept being like we're gonna quit we're gonna quit and we never ended up quitting and thank god we didn't because i don't even remember really the things she did that pissed us off like i remember little things but i don't really know for sure everything she did to piss us off and we were all like we're quitting like that's it and like our senior year was so much fun every single thing about it was so fun and if i like quit dance because my coach was annoying me i would have regretted it yeah and

Agreed. All right. Next one is about body image. Hey, Sam and Taylor. I know neither of you have been a bride yet. Well, congrats because it sounds like you're a bride. But I'm hoping to get your opinion and advice on how to have a healthy mindset around food, fitness, body image leading up to my wedding day. I'm currently working through some disordered eating behaviors and poor body image. But I've noticed that it's getting worse and worse and worse the closer I get to my wedding day. Do you have any thoughts on how to drown out of this noise of shredding

shredding slash shredding for the wedding or is general ideas that brides need to be as small or skinny as humanly possible for their wedding day how do you think you would combat these ideas in the comments that people have made about it being bride season needing diets for a wedding and all that um shift on my mindset thank you i think that there's nothing wrong with being like this is a big time in my life so i want to be feeling my best for it yeah like there's already a lot of pressure on it i don't think that's wrong i don't think that's wrong to be like

Like people wanting to lose weight for a wedding. I don't think that's inherently toxic. I think that's valid It's a it's a big exciting point in your life. Like you're gonna have these pictures forever. You want to look in for your best? I think that's fine But if that's toxic for you, then you might need to like maybe unfollow some accounts It seems like you're seeing a lot of it. Like I don't know I feel like maybe it's just like her friends just saying people are saying like people are saying it to you. Yeah Well, people are saying that to you. That's really fucking weird. Um

But like and if it's people close to you that are maybe also getting married and talking about it Maybe bring it up to them that like you don't want to hear it But you also reframe it all into doing things that are going to make you feel good don't be like I need to lose weight and get shredded for the wedding be like

I want to be in my best, like I want to be feeling my best, like for my new marriage, for this new time in my life, like for my wedding. Do things that make you feel good because you want to be in your best shape to deal with like the stress of a wedding. Like you want to be feeling your best on your A game, ready to go. And like think about it as like feeling your best.

Yeah. And also remember, like you're getting married to someone that like loves you for who you are right now in this present moment. So they're not going to look at you any differently on your wedding day. So you just need to remember that. Obviously, it's kind of a battle with yourself. No one is ever going to look at you differently the day of your wedding and be like, oh, my goodness, like

She doesn't look as good like no one's gonna say that it's all in your own head So if you're combating like the relationship you have with food Just don't give up on your relationship with food that you have now Try to like stay positive with it And just know that like taylor said like the stress of the wedding day is the most like I feel like that's the biggest thing you need to kind of have under control because that's going to play a big role on like

Your body like honestly stress is like the biggest thing when you have when you're stressed like for me I'm like i'm bloated like my digestion is so off like that's just one thing that I like to focus on the most Yeah, and then also be um, really, you know, it's your wedding day. It's your day make sure you're Picky with like if you don't like the way your hair looks a certain way Don't wear it like that like wear your hair the way you feel confident wearing it Because like if that's gonna make you feel a certain way looking back on pictures a lot of people try to change

So much for their wedding which i've seen through like I watch a lot of like tlc where people like get married and shit on tv So you're probably like how do you even know you're talking about you've never been married But people are like i'm gonna cut my hair i'm gonna wear my hair this new day new way on my wedding like no wear it how you know that you like it like don't try to like you're not gonna like yeah do it don't try to like pull out like new fancy stops that you're not gonna like if you hate how your hair looks and up to don't do an updo like don't do it because it's your wedding if you hate

Like how a certain type of like cut makes you look at then don't wear it. Like wear what you think is flattering and pretty on you and what you want to wear and make sure your makeup is how you like it. Like don't like set yourself up by being like disappointed.

And like and also don't get in your head about like sizes of dresses either. Like you're going to have to get a dress altered. That's not like bad or whatever. Like don't get in your head about that either because that's like stupid. Everyone has to alter a dress. Yeah. Facts. Well I loved getting to connect with you guys on those last three little submissions. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Yeah. I like doing that. I think it's really fun. Me too. Lots of fun. And I'm sorry we can't get it to everyone's. Like I'm skimming through them and I'm like they're also there. There's quite a bit like.

I can't count, but like there's definitely a good amount where like I'm like skimming through them and they're all like long too in detail now, which you guys did a good job. I told you like two weeks ago, I was like, make them more detailed because I'm only going to answer the more detailed ones because if they're not detailed, then I don't know how to answer your question. Yeah. But yeah, other than that, just make sure you guys are following the podcast Instagram. Give this...

episode slash podcast a five star um that would be greatly appreciated um that's about it next time you guys hear from us we will be recapping on our holiday and being home and we'll do a little new year's just episode recap resolutions the whole the whole thing the whole shebang

The whole thing. Thank you so much for listening. And yeah, see you next week. Bye, guys. Bye. Merry Christmas. See you on Friday. Hey, Kitty G.

And hopefully learn something by the end of it.

So listen to and follow Coffee Combos now at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast One, or wherever you get your podcasts.