cover of episode Top 10 Necessities for Hot Girl Fall!

Top 10 Necessities for Hot Girl Fall!

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Taylor和Sam分享了她们对秋季时尚、护肤和生活方式的看法,包括她们各自喜欢的单品、穿搭风格以及对一些社会现象的评论。她们还分享了各自的周末经历,包括参加ACL音乐节的感受以及对一些社交媒体现象的看法。 Sam谈到了她最近开始吃肉以及对男友效应的看法,并分享了她对一些社交媒体现象的看法,例如那些在社交媒体上炫耀收入并销售课程的人。她还分享了她对一些护肤品的看法以及她对秋季时尚的看法,包括她喜欢的单品和穿搭风格。 Taylor分享了她对秋季时尚的看法,包括她喜欢的单品和穿搭风格,以及她对一些社交媒体现象的看法。她还分享了她参加ACL音乐节的感受以及对一些音乐人的看法。

Deep Dive

Taylor and Sam introduce the episode focused on the top 10 necessities for hot girl fall, discussing fashion, scents, and self-care.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello guys welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. I'm Sam. Today we're doing our top 10 necessities for hot girl fall. You know what's funny is I was searching the web for inspo for this to like you know put together a list you know taking inspiration from what's trendy what's in. So I look up

hot girl fall necessities and i clicked the first link and i didn't realize it was a link to our hot girl episode last year shut up it was like the podcast one link so that was funny i was like what did i just click on i'm like oh i literally just clicked the first thing but we do this for like every season i don't really know if we do it for spring but we do it for all the time yeah our just top 10 things for the season kind of like a favorite episode kind of like what's trendy what our focus has been on things like that um

And it's just like, it's cute. It's fun. So get a notepad out. It's very important. And I feel like we're very much dressed like fall vibes right now. Like you, you just got your hair darker. This is my fall uniform. Yeah. Like we're full, full sending the fall title right now. We wanted to do this episode like one or two weeks ago and I'm like, but the thing is like it was still a hundred degrees here. I'm like, it's just, I feel like a fraud making a fall episode. Yeah.

But today it's 60 degrees. So this is my fall uniform. You can't see if you're not watching on video. I'm wearing like a white fox, like a one piece, but with the pants and they're like flared with like Uggs. And I'm like, oh, love walking around running errands like this. Yeah, I'm wearing a maroon leather jacket. I got it on Friday and I've already worn it twice and it's Monday. But I wore it out like at the bars this week. Where's it from?

I've never bought anything from there before, but I'm actually like, I like it a lot, the quality. So I was like, I might have to get more of that. I'd have to. Because they were only, it was only $50, which for a leather jacket, that's cheap. Yeah. I did a big haul of some stuff too. So stay tuned. We're always shopping. But yeah, so we'll get into that. But first, do you want to tell me one thing about you? Yeah. One thing about me is I realized the boyfriend effect is real.

In what way? Like, everyone always says, like, oh, the girlfriend effect on the boyfriend. Like, how, like, you as a girlfriend can kind of change the boyfriend in a way. But I realize it's kind of also the other way around where the boyfriend has an effect on the girlfriend. So, like, the boyfriend effect is real. I now eat red meat. I'm drinking regular milk. Like, there's just... Oh, and I'm drinking wine. Like, there's just things that I have...

about myself over the last few months that I probably wouldn't have if I didn't start dating a boy. Interesting. Like, it's, yeah, it's very... See, I think boyfriend air is real, which is... Which is gross. Right? Which is just like... That breaks you out. When you're around your boyfriend, you're ugly. Yeah, you're ugly. See, okay, well, I'm talking more of like traits, not physical appearance. Yeah, like I think boyfriend air is so real. Like if I spent the weekend like at my boyfriend's house, I would look at a crusty...

like rat. And my boyfriend always has a beard and a mustache. And when he like rubs up his face against my skin, I'm like, don't, don't do it. Cause I'm like, I just know it could either break me out or just, I just don't like the feeling of it rubbing against my skin. But yeah, boyfriend effect is real. Lots of things have been changing. Diet's been changing. Um, the way I'm eating everything, drinking wine, I'm going out less.

Like, it's just... It feels great. Yeah. I feel like I'm not related to, like, boyfriend things, but, like, I feel you on, like, all those things you just said. Like, I agree. And, like, maybe she's also just, like, you. Like, roommate. Yeah. Roommate effect! Roommate effect! Like, also real... I, like, see you more than I see my boyfriend. Yeah. So, like, I feel like... Roommate effect is real. Roommate effect. And also... So...

I guess I'll just like talk about it right now because it wasn't going to be my one thing about me, but I'm just going to make it my one thing about me. That or you can go on a tangent with my one thing about me and then we can do whatever you had in mind. No, it's fine. My one thing about me was just like it's something I could talk about in my weekend recap. All right. We'll skip it. I'll have a new one.

Things change. Things happen. There's just so many things about me I could talk about all the time that I'm like, which one of the five do I pick? There's so many. That's why we got a podcast. What I was originally going to talk about is how much I love live music. But I can touch on that later, so I'll skip it. But one thing about me is I think after... I think it has a lot to do with getting off birth control. Yes. Like...

Your brain rewires? No, I'm... Ever since you and I both got off birth control, we have changed so much as human beings. It's insane. My brain rewires, like, literally. And... But one thing about me is, like, recently I've been just, like, on the more, like... And this sounds very, like, vain and it's very superficial. So just, like, let me have my moment. Yeah. Like... Like...

I don't say like insecure looks wise, but there's just like things I don't like. Not in a way that like makes me fucking cry or like not in a way that I'm like that it's making me do anything unhealthy. It's just like there's certain things I want to be different. Y'all know my skin has always been an issue. Duh. Been an issue since I was like at the womb. Nothing new. But just like little things about myself that I just want to be like my best. And I also want to get to a point where I don't have to take my antidepressants anymore.

that being um i just want to live like as good as i can and do everything as good as i can and i think i'm gonna start eating meat which freaks me the fuck out because i haven't eaten meat since i was literally 15 years old it's wild um and i didn't really like it back then that's why i stopped eating it because i had no desire to eat it so i feel like it's almost like

I don't even know if I like... I don't know what it tastes like. I don't know what it tastes like. Dude, I haven't eaten meat since I was 15 years old. And even before that, I don't think I ever sat down and ate. Like, I would never be like, let me, like, eat this chicken breast. I literally don't think ever. Like, I'd have meat in things. Yeah. You know, taco meat. But I would never... Let me cut this steak and eat it. Literally never done it. Never liked it. Never been me. I don't eat meat for the animals and the environment. Always been like... Well, at first it was because I was like...

But then it became animals and environment once I got more knowledge, not really like a health thing. So I'm kind of at the point where like,

it's gonna make me like really sad and it's gonna be really hard but it's like if i want to put like my health first then i need to do what i want to do to like maybe feel better um but i don't know like maybe i'll still hate it i don't know like because i've never really enjoyed it but it's just like that you can't really speak on the future with it like you right because maybe i'll try it and be like oh my god no i literally don't want to eat it like yeah like i remember why i don't want to eat it i don't like it freaks me out and i won't

keep eating it or maybe I'll be like oh it's actually fine but yeah that's where that's where I'm at so one thing about me I just want to like be really as healthy as I can and the most convenient as I can with being like so busy and stuff it's hard for me to be like let me make gorgeous plant-based meals like in college when I literally had no life

And I was living in my apartment. I was making such healthy food. That was probably the healthiest in terms of food I've ever ate. Like I would eat so much like healthy vegan food all the time because I had literally nothing to do. Like I was fucking bored. Wasn't eating out with friends ever. Literally ever. Wasn't doing anything of the nature. I was straight up just being a health queen. And it's, I just can't do that anymore. Yeah. We do too much.

and i think too much to do not like now that we're older too it is nice like last night for instance i went out to dinner with a bunch of our friends and i got a full like filet steak and it's like i just i don't know i felt like an adult doing that and getting a glass of red wine like i don't know that's crazy i know it's just like but it's just like a time in our place it's so different it's just so hard i think it's also it's also like i'm literally 22 years old then it's like

I made that decision when I was 15. Yeah. Like if I'm open to making the decision again, I would rather be like, yeah, I made that decision as an adult. You know, if I don't like it, I don't like it. Or if I feel the same, nothing changes. And I'm like, my skin is still bad. I like if that's not the answer, maybe I stop eating it because I'm like, if I wanted to put it back in for me to feel better and I feel the same.

Or you can do like how I see so many other content creators that are doing like the meatless Monday. Like for you, like morally, if it makes you feel better where you know certain days out of the week, you're like meatless Mondays, I'm doing it. And then like whatever. That's so weird. I thought about that today. Yeah. Like you could do something like that. Yeah. So let me know too, if you did this transition, like I already eggs and fish, like, did you feel sick? I got bone broth to maybe help ease in.

Stomach wise To kind of like ease my body into it So just let me know like did you anything that like Helped were you sick like let me know Hit my line

There we go. Love that. All right. And then favorites of the week. Do you want to go first this time or do you want me to go first? I'll go first. Okay. The Milk Hydro Grip Primer is my favorite. Now, it may or may not have broken me out, but I'm not going to blame it on that because I was at a music festival. It was like dusty, dirty, standing all day. That could be why I broke out too. So I'm not putting full blame on her.

But let me tell you, normally, I've talked about this before, if you follow me. I get back and my makeup is fucking gone. Yeah. I can leave the house for five minutes and I can put a full beat of foundation. I literally come back. Wasn't there? None. Gone. I put this on, went to the festival, got back the first day. And let me tell you, I slept on it because every other primer, I'm like, there's no way it's going to fucking work. They sent it to me. Very grateful. So I used it. Came back from ACL day one. Makeup was still on my face.

I have it too. I barely use it though just because it's so sticky. It's going to keep... Like I didn't put it on today. Like I'm not doing anything. Like I only would ever put it on if I'm doing like full beat because of how sticky it is. And it's like I would only use it really I feel like if I was doing... Well, you don't wear foundation. That's what I'm saying. Like foundation, concealer, I don't wear any of that. But it is really good. It... Literally, I came back and the fact that I could see that I still had foundation on, that never happens to me. But...

I don't know if it was breaking me out. My breakouts were more so on the side of my face and I feel like I didn't put it there. I feel like I put it more in the middle where you get oily. So I feel like it wasn't that because of where they are. I don't know. If it keeps breaking me out, I'm going to be... I'll just say it's probably ACL. Yeah, people commented on my video because I asked and they were like, yeah, it broke me out really bad. I'm like, okay, I'm going to blame it on ACL.

But if every time I use it, I think I wake up with a new pimple, I'm going to be fucking pissed because it works so well. Yeah, you should try experimenting with using it during the week when you're really not doing anything. If you're doing a work week, like this week, just do it. So that way you know, I didn't really leave the house. I just was wearing makeup at home. I was taking my makeup off really good too, by the way. Because we'll get into this, but I wasn't drinking at ACL or anything. So it's not like I was...

sleeping in it. Like, I was all good. But it keeps your makeup on like a motherfucker. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So my favorite of the week is going to be Amazon clothes. Oh, duh. Because I, this year, have been...

going crazy with the amazon clothes and it took me a while because like once you buy one thing from amazon and you see the quality of it and you know kind of like how it is with the same like brands i know brands on amazon are weird but like you know i'm saying like there's that one brand solely hawks or whatever i work with one brand on amazon yeah so like love them so like if you know a product from them is like really good you'll continue to buy it and that's just what i've been doing with a lot of the clothes i have like there's one sweater i have now i have it in three colors and then no i kind of want it but i'm like we live together do we need

10 of the same sweaters in one house. No, you can also borrow my sweater if you ever want to wear a sweater. Yeah, like you posted about it and I was like, literally, that's such a good sweater. Yeah, no, it's nice. I love it. And they have a lot of different colors. So anyways, Amazon clothes, it's like, I would say on the cheaper side for most of the stuff that I'm getting and

I'm gonna plug Amazon fashion because I am working with them this month and I did Amazon lives but I will say if you guys want to see a try on haul of all of my fat fall fashion I did a try on haul on Amazon lives so you just go to my Amazon profile and find all the Amazon clothes but like literally I think throughout the week I would say like 70% of stuff I'm wearing is Amazon it's like a good chunk of it which I know I

Which is crazy. I mean, it's all coming out of my pocket. You know, it's not like, like I am getting gifted, like a good amount of stuff, but like Amazon for the most part, like I'm paying for all that stuff. Yeah. Speaking of Amazon this week, there's like deals going on. This comes out and it's still the last day of Prime Day. We both have in our storefronts list and things of stuff that are on sale. Which a lot of gym clothes. I'm going to be buying more gym clothes. That's like one thing I noticed of the stuff that we have.

Is on sale by like 30, 40% off. Like so much random stuff like storage things I have. Like I don't even remember random stuff. Like my list is like all across the board. Yeah. On things. Also ring cameras. I was like I kind of want to get another ring camera but for the fun tour. Yeah. So check like our bios on literally anything. We have our Amazon with our Prime Day. Prime Day list and like things on our stories and stuff. So shameless plug. Hell yeah. What's your favorite of the week? I just said my favorite of the week. Oh. Yeah.

My brain is not fucking working today. All right. So we should go into hot gossip then. Yes, some hot gossip. One thing I want to talk about... We kind of have like one overall theme we want to talk about because there's not much going on in terms of light news. There's obviously heavy news. We're not the show for that. Yeah, we want to be like an escape. In terms of light news...

There's really not much going on, I feel, that I saw. I feel like what we're going to talk about is honestly the only thing overpowering the internet right now. Right. The only thing to talk about is Travis Kelsey. Oh, I have something else to talk about. Okay. Is Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift. Obviously, duh. We know this. One, there was an interview with Travis Kelsey's mom talking about Taylor Swift. I didn't see this. I didn't watch the whole thing. I just saw headlines. And she kind of just didn't say much about it. And everyone's like...

I don't know her name. You're like, she hates Taylor. Shading Taylor Swift. I'm like, first of all, this is a grown ass woman just probably trying to be respectful and not putting their information on blast. Yeah, like she doesn't want to gossip. Yeah, like shut up. Like it just made me kind of hate the internet. They're like, she's shading Taylor. I'm like, you're crazy. Yeah, no. She's literally a grown ass woman. She just doesn't, one is like, stop talking about it because we'll talk about it. It's getting fucking out of hand. Or she's like,

This is their business. I'm not like or she's not even on social media and doesn't really know how crazy it is. Homegirl doesn't know what's going on. Yeah. Out of it. She's like, why do I need to talk about this? Who's Taylor? Leave her out of it. Apparently she said she was OK. But like, I just like don't think she meant to be rude. Yeah. I think she was probably like, I don't want to talk about my son.

In his life. Dating sex life. Yeah, like, it's not his... It's not her fucking business. Yeah. That's so fucking weird. Like, I... Like, I feel like my parents would be awkward if a reporter went up and be like, what were you... What do you think of her boyfriend? They'd probably be like...

Yeah, because you don't want to say too much and you also don't want to say the wrong thing out of like accidental. Like, what the fuck would you say? Fucking twist everything. But yeah, basically my takeaway from all of this is that I think that the NFL is going way too out of hand with Taylor Swift, which I didn't watch any football yesterday. So I don't even know if this past Sunday. No, there was a lot involved with her. But just in general, like it's getting out of hand. Like, um, fucking...

What's the ketchup? Jalen Hurts? What? Jalen Hurts. No. Oh. Your face just lit up. Yeah, I was like, my man? But anyways, what's the fucking ketchup brand? Heinz. Heinz. Made a fucking ad out of it. Like, everyone's just taking every opportunity out of this, and I'm just like, y'all, chill out. Like, it's football. Also, it seems so... Like, well, y'all know from our football NFL episode that I 100% think it's rigged. But...

besides that i just feel like the nfl is just like we love the chiefs it's like how you picking favorites yeah big favorites but i feel like it's so just like chiefs are number one no seriously it's like the only team that i ever see or hear about on tiktok or the news yeah it's just crazy yeah i mean we're contributing to it we talk about it on here yeah which speaking of i'm like

Not that I really care about football. Football is like my least favorite sport out of all of them. Growing up, I never really went to any... Like my family was very big into going to sporting events and football was like on the bottom of the totem pole for me to like go to. But Patriots, down bad. Down horrendous. Yeah, they're really bad. So fucking bad. It's like...

And I want to go home and go to a game just because like all my friends always go to the games and the tailgates are so much fun. Yeah, but they suck. I know. So bad. So I'm like, if I do go home for the holidays and go to a game, like I'm going for the vibes, not for the actual game itself because they're so bad right now. Yeah, they are so bad. The Dolphins are doing decent. Yeah, they are. Speaking of the Dolphins, last thing I want to say, Alex Earl and Brass Navarrios are like hard launched as fuck. I know. I know.

Which, how can you say you guys aren't dating but then post all that shit like that? I think because... Think about when you and your man weren't dating. Yeah, but I wasn't hard-launching like that. But because no one's... It was already hard-launched. So at that point, it's like, what are you going to do? Run around and see... One, maybe they are officially dating now. Yeah, but they're like... She's posting pictures of them kissing. Yeah, but the internet already... Every single person already fucking knows...

This is the dude you're fucking with. Every single person, like, literally in the country. Yeah, but at the same time, if you were Alex or any girl in that position and you wanted to have, like, an open roster, why would you be posting you kissing another man? She probably doesn't want to have an open roster. You don't think so? Then why aren't they dating? It just doesn't make sense to me. Look at yourself, girl. Dude, what do you mean? That was you.

What do you mean? I didn't hard launch him. But I'm saying like if the whole world already knew like the whole like the thing is like the whole world already knows. So why not just have fun and the picture got like a million likes? I guess I would just say they're like dating though. Yeah, but she's just like probably can't be like he's my boyfriend because like they maybe haven't had that conversation. So but they're together. They're just not there yet. Yeah, crazy.

But it's this whole concept is so like the world is already out in your life. You might as well like rather than people trying to like leak pictures of you or like sell a fake narrative. Fuck it. Post that you were together hanging out on a boat. Yeah. Because people are going to talk anyways. So you might or you might as well be the one controlling the narrative. Yeah. You know, I guess because if she's like literally like I went to an NFL game with him and then did this with him on Sunday, it beats the fact of like.

where'd she go? Like rumored with so-and-so. It's like, no, she literally posted everything she was doing. This is so random, but do you think that Alex will ever achieve slash gets the level of the D'Amelios? No, I don't think so either. The D'Amelios are a weird... They're like reminding me of the Kardashians. The D'Amelios... They're going to be the new Kardashians. They're a weird level of celebrity. Yeah. Because Charli was like the first person to get famous on TikTok. Like...

I don't know if it's just, like, I don't know. I'm just interested to see where Alex's career goes in the next two years. I'm interested to see where every single person on social media's career goes in the next two years. Yeah. That got started, like, 2020 and onwards. Yeah. Very interested. Not to say, like, very interested, like, was gonna flop, because, like, obviously it's, like, us too. I'm just, like, fucking interested. Like, we've never seen this before. People...

blowing up over short videos so fast that I'm just like what's gonna happen I'm so curious my fucking mind is racing right now but also another thing I wanted to say is that we were literally talking about two episodes ago about how social media is so fake and someone in the fitness industry like posted day in my life day in my life as a full-time content creator and then like goes about their day and then they sit down midday or not even midday after breakfast and they're like okay time to do client check-ins I'm like

So you're not a full-time content creator. You are a online personal trainer. You're not making all your income from social media. You are a online personal trainer. Stop saying that. It drives me nuts. That's so true. We also got tagged. Someone sent me this video of this girl being like, how I made $8,000. I think it might have said 18 or 8. And she was selling a course. And she just sent it. And I was like, cap, cap, cap. Show me your bank receipts or I'm calling...

total cap i also saw this other video of how i made four thousand dollars a month doing ugc and then she went in to say gifting that she was counting the price of what that's like that what kind of math is that that's not girl math no that's not girl math liar math it's like yeah scammer math scam math like and i'm like you can't

You can listen to that episode last week, basically. If anyone tells you how much money they're making and they're selling a course, they're fucking lying to you. Point blank, period. But I'm like, how can you say, literally intro the video...

day in my life and how I make a living as a full-time content creator and then after breakfast is like okay time to sit down for the next three hours and do client check-ins you need to tell me who this was off oh 100 you're gonna know who it is yeah 100 I just want I mean it's like all it's like everyone just like bruh you're not you're not a full-time content creator you do online personal training like which don't get me wrong I was at a point in my life doing that too but I never called myself like a full-time content creator

I'm going to watch my words because someone's going to go back and find a video where I had clients and said that. But I was not making all my money from clients, though, even when I had clients. But I'm like, someone might be able to go back and find time. I mean, honestly, I hope they do. I hope they do. Reddit thread back up, please. For the love of God. I know.

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Anyways, let's get into our weekend recap. Yes. I didn't have much going on on Thursday. My freaking kickball league has all the games have been getting delayed because of the stupid weather here. And I have kickball every Thursday and I haven't done kickball in three weeks. So hopefully this weekend it doesn't get canceled. But what do you do on Thursday? Anything fun? What did I do on Thursday? I went to dance as I do. That's it. Yeah. How many times did you last go to dance? I feel like you went to dance. Twice. Other weeks I did three.

I'll go like two to three. I just make myself go do it because it like literally like when I finish it makes me so happy and I'm like it's one of those things like you know you'll come back and be like so happy and in agreement. So like why don't you go? And it's free for me to go. I teach there so it's free for me to go. So it's like why not just go? It's like little things like my boyfriend's like you're not coming to my kickball game? I'm like no.

Yeah. I mean, there hasn't even fucking been kickball. So whatever. But like just prioritizing it because it's so good and nothing like a little extra cardio. Yeah. And then Friday I brought Mac to the gym for the first time in months because lift ATX is fully outside our gym and you can bring your dogs with the weather has to be under 80 degrees. And finally, when I was going to the gym was like 72. So I was like taking advantage of this brought Mac and

and I love bringing him because it lights up everyone's day. Like, I'll look over mid-workout, and he's being pepped by someone at all times, and when I see somebody else get such joy out of just Mac being there, it gives me joy, so I'm like, I love it. Like, there was this one guy at the gym who kept coming up to me, like, probably five or six times just talking about how much he loved Mac and how much it reminded him of, like, his dog back home and then, like, would get into, like, this deep, like,

emotional like conversation with me about how much he misses his dog and I'm just like okay yeah like I'm happy my dog is bringing you joy and Lyft always posts him sitting all funny yeah how he sits because he's always sitting like a weirdo yeah like his legs are crisscrossed and he's like hunched over Daniel the owner of Lyft goes yeah mood mac mood like

because it was also raining like that morning so it was like a rainy slow morning i was like yep mood yeah and i would go over to mac on friday morning as i'm leaving like just pet him and this guy's like i think same guy that sam yeah it's the same guy he's like his name is mac and i'm like

Oh, I know. I'm like, this is my roommate's dog. The dude was like, I'm aware. He was like so excited. Like, oh, his name is Mac. I'm like, I don't know if it's because he didn't hear what I said, but I went up and I go, hey, Mackey. Like, he might have not like registered that that's what I said. Yeah. I know. I was like, that's really cute of you that you want to tell me. Yeah. This is like pretty much my dog, sir. So funny. And then later that day, so I kind of came back home after the gym and

Got a little bit of work done, but date night every Friday. And we went to this place called La... How the fuck do you say it? Lauderette? Lauderette? Launderette? Launderette. Is there an N in it? Yeah. Launderette. And we were trying so hard to avoid...

The downtown area because ACL is obviously this weekend and the traffic I knew was going to be fucking horrendous. So this restaurant was on the east side, which is right kind of near where both of us live. So it was perfect. Didn't drink.

Which I've realized like yes getting a drink at dinner just one is great but it can be fucking expensive. I would much rather get another app. Yeah like so that's what we did. So I like I'll get a drink if I know I'm going to get another drink somewhere else after if I'm going to continue to like drink. But if I'm just getting one drink just to get a drink now like I'm

I'll have a glass of wine when I get home if I want to get drunk. Yeah, no, I agree. There's been times where I go out like on a date or something. I'm like, okay, we can drink. We can get another app and dessert. Yeah. Like for the same price. So I just got, we got ribs, which was my first time having ribs in

Honestly, I think ever. I don't think I've ever really had ribs before. We got ribs. The place was more of a tapas style, so you get four to five things. We got ribs, which again, I cannot remember the last time I've had ribs. Then we got the hanger steak,

Brussels sprouts, this whole feta, olive, cheese board type thing. Ooh, yummy. Bunch of goodies. So good. But like I said, it was all red meat that I ate. No fucking chicken or anything. But it was really good. And that's kind of why I'm like, I've been craving fucking steak every day. It's the weirdest thing. That is so weird. Yeah. I've had steak, oh my God, every single day. Can we go to a restaurant? This week? I can't do it. My week is so fucking busy leading up to Friday. Okay.

Okay. What do you have to do? What do I have to do? Wednesday, I have a facial massage, and then I have a chiropractor appointment. Then I have...

Thursday, the dibs event, and then kickball, and then Friday. So if I could, I would have to do it tomorrow. Anyways, so my Friday, went to the gym, had myself a morning because I had ACL this weekend. I went weekend one because me and my boyfriend literally needed to see Shania Twain. It was not really a question of...

I had to go weekend one. There was really no ifs, ands, or buts about it. And Shania Twain is like my boyfriend's favorite ever. So I just had to go. Like we were looking forward to her so bad that it wasn't really a question. And we were like literally like not that many people we know are going weekend one. But we got to fucking see Shania. And it was worth it. But we go to the festival on Friday, keeping it super, super chill. Like after work, I just...

put on my like cute little outfit booked it over to the festival and then the first person we saw was Lil Yachty which was just so funny cause like what like and I was like our first concert together was Lil Yachty

dude it was daytime too like imagine listening to which i'm gonna end up doing this coming yeah enjoy like i don't like watching him live during the midday yeah he looked like he gave that he didn't rehearse at all no i'm so excited for it's gonna be so comical it was just like and then i get a dm oh my god girl i saw you on friday during little yachty but i didn't want to say hi like you look like you were having so much fun you're like i was i'm like

I mean... You saw me at Little Yachty? I don't think I was having that much fun. Like, I was just, like, literally being a little, like, whatever. We didn't even stay for the whole thing. I'm pretty sure we left Little Yachty fairly... Yeah, we did not watch the whole thing. Got some, like, drinks. So expensive at ACL. Everything there is so fucking expensive, which is why I didn't drink a lot during the festival. The whole weekend, I had literally... Dude, if I go, I'm sneaking nips in. I had three drinks all weekend. Like,

I really did not drink at the festival. And then we saw... Who was the second person we saw after that? Oh, just the Lumineers, I guess. There was like no one else really wanted to see. I think I'm most excited for the Lumineers right now. I mean, I'm hyping it up like a mother. I know. The Lumineers. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. They were going to be my favorite, actually.

Fucking incredible. Like, anyone that chooses to go to Kendrick Lamar over Lumineers, if you happen to be going to UCLA. Which was me. Like, you are a batch of crazy. I would literally, like, never... Couldn't be me. Hold on. Hold on. Gay keep that shit, though. Because now Lumineers stage is going to be, like, packing. It was still packing. No. Which, actually, shout out to all our listeners. Austin is...

um like one of our top cities um i meant to say that at the beginning of the episode and then our other top city is fucking somewhere in canada i was like so random but okay you want to talk about packed so every single stage you get to we wouldn't like except for noah khan noah khan i was trying to weasel my way but every other stage we'd get to where we could hear it um and where we could see the screens and i'd be like let's just stop here we'll stay toward the back yeah we'll just stop here we were never in the back they would do aerial shots

holy shit the crowd goes so far i'm like i thought we were like we are in the front dude i can't even like have i do the bathroom during that it's gonna stress me out going to the bathroom is easy getting back though and finding everyone oh see that's why i went with one other person like when i tell you it was low-key the move like we like it was so not stressful like there was no one to find during like a headliner you would go pee no

That's what I'm saying. Don't go pee during a headliner. Well, you know, I have a bladder of a fucking two-year-old. Well, you just got to go. You won't have to pee during. I don't know, dude. Like, I always have to pee. I pee like three times at each festival in between. Only three times at the festival? Yeah. Dude, I'm going to be there. So you're telling me you were there from like. From four to like ten and I peed three times. Oh, no. I pee. The bathrooms go quick, though.

That's crazy. But anyways, so we kind of chilled. The first day was so empty, which I didn't know was so empty because there were still a lot of people. But then Saturday and Sunday came around and I realized how fucking good we had it. That Friday was so empty. We had such a big break, so we just kind of sat on the ground under the flags. What, on Friday? Yeah, because we had such a big break. I know. I can't wait to do that. And then we went to the Lumineers and saw...

The greatest fucking display of music I've ever seen. And then went home. Yeah. Which, it's funny because every single time you came home, like, I was just, like, in bed this weekend because I didn't really go out. But on Friday night, you guys came back and we were watching a movie in my bedroom. And I was like, holy shit, they got back, like... Because what time did you get back? We left at 9.30. Yeah, I think you got back around, like, 10.30. Because we got back from dinner around 8.30, in which I fucking put on a movie...

I watch movies in my bedroom, not with the TV, with my projector. So I put the projector on. It's like a whole setup. Like it's a process to set that up, which my boyfriend's listening to this probably right now. Like Sam, bitch, it fucking takes two seconds. Like what are you saying? But anyway, it's a process set up and his idea is like let's watch a movie. So I'm like okay, bet. He falls asleep halfway through the movie. That's so me. Dude, it pisses me off like no other. I'm like if it's your idea to watch the movie, don't be falling asleep halfway through. But to be fair-

Well, I am a fall asleep in a movie, but half the time I want to put a movie. I'm like, can we put this on to fall asleep? I like make it known I'm going to fall asleep because I like falling asleep to TV. Really? See, no. Like if I'm going to watch a movie, like I want to watch it with you. Yeah, but I just will fall asleep. And I did pick the movie and I was really into the movie. What movie was it? Hypnotic on Netflix.

Peacock. Okay. It's so good. It was only like an hour and 50 minutes, not long. And it was good, but he fucking fell asleep halfway through it. And I was like, I'm mad now.

But yeah, so you got back around early on. I was still awake. He was passed out. I was like, side eye. And mind you, Kendrick Lamar that night was late and we're walking out and it's like half sidewalk, half street. And they're like clearing out the street. They're like, everyone move, everyone move. There's a police escort with this big black SUV, like going pretty fast. And people were like, that was Kendrick. I'm like, that wasn't Kendrick. Kendrick's on stage.

Soon to find out it was Kendrick getting to stage because he was late and it was him getting over there. So that was just funny. We were like, who the hell was in that car? Yeah. Like zoom in to the stage. Kendrick Lamar. So but the drone show. Super cool. Like Friday was good because I'm telling you, I didn't know how good I had it. And the fact that it was fucking empty. Yeah. What'd you do Saturday?

Saturday, which my entire weekend was so fucking laid back, but Saturday morning it was so cold and I was like, I want to go to the gym maybe or do something like that. And I, not even kidding, when I went on my morning walk like I do every morning with Mac, it was like 50 degrees. I was like, there's no way. And it was so windy. I was like, there's no way. And he was also sleeping over, like my boyfriend was sleeping over, so I was like,

Took my time waking up and then made breakfast for the both of us. I got him into oatmeal, finally. I make my boyfriend oatmeal. I love it because now he just recently went to Whole Foods and he called me yesterday at Whole Foods. He's like, Sam, what's the protein powder that you use? I was like, Kos, get it. He fucking bought it. I'm like, I am transforming this man.

But anyway, so made him breakfast. And then we ended up going to HEB and picking out the pumpkins because we knew like during the day we were going to carve pumpkins because it was like 65 degrees all day. It was cold. So we got pumpkins, carved those, which it was like a whole event. We did so much. I...

The week before was stuck at the airport for about 12 hours and got Starbucks three times. And one of the things that I tried was the ham and cheese croissants from Starbucks. So I had been craving them. I was like, I want to recreate these so bad. So I got all the ingredients to make ham and cheese croissants.

made eight croissants we've downed every croissant they were so good while we were carving our pumpkins and we got like the pumpkin carving tools and everything so it was pretty official I was drinking he's not drinking right now which I'm not gonna go into detail but like he's been dealing with stomach issues and like so he's figuring that out and I've been just you know getting wine drunk it's great having a DD you know but um you

Yeah, carved my pumpkins, posted it on my story, not really shading him in any way, but everyone else, like I did like the poll of voting like which one's better. And I was just like curious, like what people were going to say, but I wasn't trying to shade him by any means. And everyone's swiping up and be like, not you shading him so bad. Like, you know, we all know that you're on the left. I looked at it and I like didn't know whose pumpkin was which one. Really? Yeah.

So, like, everyone's like, you're shading him so bad, like, through this. Basically, like, we all know yours is on the left. Like, ha, ha, ha. Like, we love that you try to keep it low-key. I'm like, I'm not going to shade him. I just wanted a vote. That's so funny. But then after, like, an hour of the votes being up, it was 1,000 votes me, 50 for his. I was like...

I told them about the votes. I was like, just so you know, a thousand people voted me in one hour and 50 people voted you. I was like, this is bad. Like he felt so bad. I was like, yeah, damn. But yeah, I got a nice wine drunk. I was wine drunk by like 2 p.m. Nice. I can't remember the last time I've day drink just casually like that. Nice. Okay. Bye. Like casual drinking. So fun. Yeah. And I was drunk before you even got to ACL. Literally.

Saturday was a really fun day. I had a really... I vlogged a little morning on TikTok. But I wanted to get some movement in. But I didn't want to go on a walk because I was going to be on my feet walking all fucking day. So I didn't want to go on a walk. I didn't want to go to the gym. I wanted to do something light, but that would just get me, like, my energy up. I didn't have caffeine. I just needed something to wake me up. So I did a little, like, at-home Pilates. It was so easy, y'all. It was not hard. But it was just 30 minutes of getting...

movement in a little plank action little like squat like just like movement and then my boyfriend came out he's like what are you doing i was like working out you want to do it and then like he did it with me but it just like felt good to get the weather was so nice so i was on my balcony it just it just felt good i was like i need to do something that will move and wake me up but my body cannot handle a hard workout with how much fucking standing on my feet i'm gonna be doing all day so that felt so good then we got ready for the festival i

like showed up it was like my fucking day at the festivals Noah Khan and Shania Twain and

And other people, but that's the only people I wanted to see. So did the whole fit, like denim fit jacket, which thank God it was cold enough to wear a jacket because the outfit was like not secure enough to be jacketless. It's too naked. I was like, this needs a jacket. And thank fucking God it was cold because the jacket worked perfectly. And we stopped at his friends before because they were watching football and

and stuff and like we weren't going to late so we kind of had the whole day so we just like went with some of his friends they weren't going to the festival oh they were like so we were like oh we'll just like chill there and watch football and then like uber to the festival so i was like literally sorry guys about what i'm wearing because they're just like chilling watching football i'm like yeah acl

this is not my it's not my casual daytime attire they're like no i figured i'm like yeah just like dude seeing the people wearing stuff just because i didn't go obviously this weekend but like seeing people walking the streets with their outfits i'm like so we all look so cool yeah which i know you said a lot of people were kind of casual most people yeah like honestly if you were wearing like an out there outfit like

It was like, what the fuck are you wearing? Yeah. I'd say 99% of people were just wearing normal ass clothes. But so we go to the festival. Noah Khan was on late. So Noah Khan was on at 7. So we were like, was there anyone before that that you wanted to see? No. We wanted to see a lot of s'mores set a little bit. But see, I feel like Saturdays. Yeah, I'm going to do the same thing of not going too early. But we got there still at like.

I was like, let's just go. We can listen to some music. Might as well. You bought the ticket. We bought the ticket. I'm like, we love live music. I really love live music. We're like, we can fucking make ourselves busy. We knew that day we were going to get food. Just make ourselves fucking busy. Saw a little bit of Alanis Morissette. Questionable. And I was like, let's get out of here. And then went to the Noah Khan stage 30 minutes early.

got situated he was on such a teeny tiny little fucking stage because i wonder if they'll change that for next week they don't think they can't there's so many open slots though it's all staggered yeah like you can't have two people on the similar stage at the same time next to each other

the because like the noise yeah it's like you can't yeah you can't so he was on a tiny stage um so like the screens were smaller but and i wish he was at night because like the music at night is just it was dark but it was half at night but he was the most beautiful sunset was behind him the whole time and it was so beautiful he's such a funny dude like

singing how long was his set an hour an hour an hour um i think they're all an hour except for the headliners are an hour and a half he didn't sing like my favorite song which is fine but his set was so good everyone knew like all the words which is just crazy that people know all of his music even like besides like the two like popular ones like people know like all of his music he did so good

And then we booked it. When I say booked it to Shania Twain, like, he was like, all right, thank you. I was like, let's get out of here. We ran. We're, like, trucking to Shania Twain because that was, like I said, the reason we fucking went to weekend one, even though, like, everyone we know is going weekend two. We're like, okay, let's go. We book it. So good. It was so fun. Like, everyone fucking...

like was having such a good time she was on at the same time as the foo fighters the foo fighters were on a little bit after but like i don't really care for that music i like literally don't i was like what song do they sing i recognize one song i'm like i literally have no idea who those people are my boyfriend was more like i want to see them and i'm like okay we're gonna finish 920 and set though and then we can go over there um

And as we're walking over to the Foo Fighters, I'm like, so Shania Twain has this long ass red wig. It's like to her knees, like it's long. As we're walking over on the screens, I'm like, is that Shania Twain on the other stage? And she just finished. And they're like opposite of each other on the threshold. And I'm like, well, first I go, is someone else wearing red?

Like a red wig? Like over there? Like what are the odds? It's so weird. I'm getting closer. I'm like, is that Shania Twain on the stage? And he's like, wait, wait, no, it is. So she was performing with the food cutters? She like performed, finished. Someone must have picked her up in a golf cart and like took her to that stage. And then she did a song with them.

And I'm like, how the fuck did she get over there? Damn. Crazy. Like, it was... No, I didn't... Then we didn't watch it. Like, we literally stood there for five seconds. I was like, can we leave? Yeah. I was like, I want to get the fuck out of here. But she was so good. Like...

just so like good energy like one thing about me in a crowd i'm gonna sing and dance i don't give fuck like i don't to me that's not embarrassing dude i'm gonna have no voice which i'm surprised you have a voice i'm shocked when i tell you i'm shocked my boy it's probably because you didn't drink because the mixing of drinking and singing the two of them when we were at shania twain my boyfriend's voice was like raspy as fuck i was like holy fuck your voice is gonna be gone like in that moment we were both like

oh my god our throats. Like it hurt? Yeah. Yeah it was like I'm gonna wake up unwell because I mean like Noah Conch and I twain back to back. Hello screaming. Woke up fine. Crazy. Damn. But leaving was a fucking nightmare. A nightmare. I'm so impatient. I was being so bratty. Like

Like, because on the pedestrian bridge, like, everyone's walking so damn slow. Oh, I hate that. What the fuck is the holdup? I hate that in general. Like, in general, slow walkers, my biggest fucking pet peeve. What is the holdup? No one to go. Like, I need pep in your step. I need us to walk. Or, like, just be considerate of the fact that there are probably people behind you that want to go around you. Don't take up the whole entire sidewalk. Well, it was packed full of people on that little pedestrian bridge, and I was like, what's the weight limit on this thing?

Oh, that. Don't even bring that up because I'm going to be thinking about that now when I'm going. Oh, I was so anxious. I'm going to be sprinting across. Because it was like jam-packed full of people. I'm like, are we good? I'm like, is this meant for like 500 fucking people? It's like POV from like 100 yards back looking at the bridge. The bridge is like down. That's literally what I was picturing. I'm like...

Um, yeah, leaving was an absolute fucking shit show nightmare. I recommend walking up to the deep eddies like cabaret bar area. Walk all the way over there. If you're coming out near the high school, easy to get an Uber over there, but fucking nightmare. But the music was so good on Saturday for the two people that we saw. It kind of sucks that there was only two people we wanted to see, but.

They were a good two people. You were convinced, though, like, a little bit throughout Saturday that you were going out after. So I wanted to. Yeah, because I was slowly kind of getting convinced by our friends in our group chat around, like,

I don't know, 7 p.m. They kind of started the, are you going out? Like, go out, go out, go out. And I was like, no, I'm not going to go out. Like, I want to save money. Like, you guys have fun. You can go out, whatever. And then I went and got ice cream. Dude, I got delights at 8 p.m. So, guys, if you don't know, we have this thing that once you have your ice cream, you can't.

It's game over. You can't mix alcohol with ice cream. If you have your night, your dessert for the night, you cannot go out. It's just like how our body live by. You're just done. Like I'm not having ice cream with a cone and sprinkles and Oreos and then a tequila soda an hour later. It's not happening.

But this fucking weekend, what did I do? The complete opposite of what I fucking lived by. I had one drink. One. I had one drink and which I told myself I wasn't drinking. I had one fucking drink. So I went and got ice cream, got back to my boyfriend's house and I was like, I have Mac with me.

So I was like, I can't go out. I have Mac with me. Like I need to bring him home. So I go home and by the time I get home, it's like 845. And then Haley calls me and was like, they're at latchkey. They're literally on the picnic tables at latchkey. It's 845 blaring the music and they face. I mean, they're like, come. And I'm like, you know what? Fuck it. Twist my arm. So I was like, I'm going because I already knew a few of our other friends were going that weren't drinking. And one thing I didn't know was that I was going to be drinking.

One thing about me is like I just love to be social And I was not social all weekend Did not see anyone all weekend And I was like you know what Fuck it I'm going So I hopped in my car Drove downtown Went to the bars For like an hour and a half Just to see everyone Because I knew there were friends there That also weren't drinking So I knew it wasn't going to be annoying That they were all going to be drunk And like harassing me Like a bunch of them weren't drinking But I expected Taylor to show up So yeah And he never showed up I was like really dead set on going I was like do you want to maybe

just like go i didn't want to drink there either because again i just wasn't in drinking mood this weekend i had a marathon ahead of me um i was like do you maybe want to go to latchkey like not really drink just like pop by for a second i just want to like say hi to my friends because i didn't see them this weekend like we just like we just pop by for a little bit yeah so i'm actually not twain fucking so tired i was like get together but then she starts let's go girls and if you don't know i literally have a playlist called

damn, I feel like a woman and it's my hype song to go out and it's like all music like that. So that came on. I was like, oh, I'm ready now. I'm like, this is literally my going out song. I'm going out. I'm like, this song revives me and I need to go and I need to go out and need to have fun. I was so ready to go out. But the Uber situation was a fucking bitch and both of our phones had 10%. Oh, no. So I'm like, what's going to happen? And it was so hard to get one. I'm like, what if our phones die and we don't get one? The fuck do we do?

Where do I go? Yeah. You don't have to hop in like someone's random Uber and be like, can you add a ride? Or like pedicab to Latchkey. I don't know. I was like, where the fuck? What do we do? And I'm so pissy. I'm so pissy because everyone's walking so slow and the Uber's not working and I'm so fucking pissed and the Uber's expensive. So I was like, you're telling me if we take this expensive Uber to Latchkey, I'm going to take an expensive Uber home? Yeah. Like, you know, like two? Like, just crazy. And I was so pissed that I was like,

I want to go home. And he was like, can you just go home? I'm like, I need to go home. I can't. Like, I'm so annoyed of, like, the long Uber. And we literally, our phones were going to die. I'm like, this is just not a good situation. I need to go home. But I really did want to go. Yeah. I was, like, upset. I was pissed, too. I was like, this fucking Uber was such a, I was like, I want to do one thing. I wanted to go hang out with my fucking friends. Fucking, like, I was so pissed. Like, I was like, I wanted to go. Yeah, I mean, honestly, no one was drinking there besides, like, two people. Like, every single one of the girls ended up showing up.

But like I would say 50% of the girls there weren't drinking. We were all just kind of there for the vibes because we all knew we had not all been together or seen each other. So I was like that's why I was there solely. But then it hit like 1045 and I went home. Yeah, I was so pissed. I was like whatever. Didn't go because dead phones. But yeah, it honestly made me kind of miss being feral. I don't because I had that weekend where I blacked out. Dude, like I don't know. I haven't been feral in a while and I kind of miss it.

yeah you haven't been fair in a while because you're traveling and stuff i've been traveling i've been avoiding i just which to be fair i did say the month of september i didn't want to go to the bars and i did a really good job at it i went to the bars like one weekend i cannot be feral like i'm in my homebody era yeah like i like don't want to do anything i just want i'm like feening which is a good weekend this coming weekend is a perfect weekend weekend to be feral yeah that's really good for you i'm like so the opposite right now i'm like

Yeah. I don't want to go. I know. Um, but then Sunday I went to dinner with my friends, which was nice because like I said, I had not really been social at all. And for me, social means like being out of the house all fucking weekend. That's my form of social on the weekends. Whereas some people will be like, Oh, I just, I went out once for an hour and a half. That's my social. But for me, like I need to be out of the house doing things like

Like all day. And I didn't do shit all Sunday. So I went to go get dinner with a few of my friends. We went to North Italia downtown. Reservation was at seven. I got a glass of wine. That one glass of wine got me a tipsy and it got steak. So it was just like I felt like an adult at dinner. And I was wearing like a adult outfit. I was wearing my loafers, a dress like

I felt old. Oh, we're going to talk about that because I'm in my dress like an adult era. Yeah. So I felt old. And then I went to a speakeasy after that. All of us just get like one drink and drinks were expensive. Something I realized about speakeasies is like their other hit or miss with the drinks was

Because obviously it's speakeasy. The drinks are going to be unique. So the drinks are going to be expensive. But sometimes they're bad. No, yeah. Sometimes they're so bad and it has no alcohol in it and it does nothing to you. And I'm like, okay. Like, I think a lot of the time most people are drinking to get drunk. I know we're kind of drinking for also the aesthetic of a speakeasy. But, like, I want to feel a little bit of something from this drink. And I felt nothing. So, whatever. We all went home. And it was just, like, a nice...

Sunday nights of going to get dinner and drinks. I haven't done that in, God, I think ever. So that was fun. And the whole time Taylor was at fucking ACL. So I was like, you know what? I'm all alone. I might as well go. Yeah. So Sunday took a very easy morning because it was the last day and we wanted to get there for Nile Horn at four. So...

We got over and we went straight to Niall Horan and he was so good. Like he was never my favorite of One Direction. I was a big One Direction fan. Never my least favorite, but just like never had a crazy soft spot for Niall Horan. And I just feel like I owe him an apology for him not being more of my favorite in the band because he was so good. I only knew two of his songs and he sang a One Direction song.

which was fucking awesome but even the songs i didn't know i just kept looking to my boyfriend he was like this is good i'm like no this music is like banging i fuck with it like the aesthetic was good his outfit was drippy as fuck like i'm like he looks so good and he's just one of those guys that i feel like growing up literally being like at the top of the top every girl's in love with you like your confidence on stage is just like yeah i feel like i just kind of miss the nile horn like

Crazy era. You just weren't a One Direction person. No, not at all. See, I fucking love One Direction. So it was very full circle for me. Like, oh my God. I was like, dude, I'm seeing a member of One Direction. Like, I'm telling my boyfriend, like, do you understand how big this is for me? I love One Direction. Like, are you comprehending? He was so good, though. Like, he really, really was a really good performer. And then it was kind of back to back to back.

this day we had a little break with a little break and then we saw hosier he's another person i only know like two of his songs are like three that he's saying so good though what a voice coolest fucking looking dude i've ever seen i was looking at him i'm looking at my boyfriend i'm like hosier's so fucking cool he's just long hair and these glasses on he's irish everyone was irish at the festival nile horn hosier i think mumford and sons is also low-key irish i'm like is it

What's going on? Hozier was drinking tea. What a guy. I'm like, you're the coolest fucking person I've ever seen, first of all. That's so funny. I'm like, yeah, he literally picked up his, like, thermos and had, like, the tea, like, string sticking out. Oh, my God. And everyone's like, is he drinking tea? Like, kind of at once in the crowd. We're like, tea? Odd. But he, like, incredible voice. Awesome. And then...

And then we kind of hit a wall of the standing on our feet. We go to Labyrinth. I love Labyrinth. I know, like, most of his music. If you watch Euphoria, you probably know, like, every song. And I'm like, the performance just wasn't doing it for me. Like, I like the music, but the performance wasn't doing it. All of his songs are like those...

Like they're just noises. A lot of them. So like he wasn't like doing crazy vocals. I don't know. He wasn't giving it to me. And I was like, do you want to get dessert? Because we knew we wanted to get soft serve. There's a soft serve truck. Ooh. What kind? Mr. Soft Seas. I got a vanilla cone with. Oh, so the dessert. No, I love soft serve. The dessert was right by the labyrinth stage. So I was like, you know what? How about we go get ice cream? Sit on the floor, buy ice cream and just listen.

Oh, so we got ice cream and I just sat and listened to Labyrinth and ate my ice cream cone. And it was the best move. I was like, I don't want to stand there and do it. Like it was really hitting that time. Like my scoliosis was hurting like a bitch.

My feet hurt. We run well. I'm kind of happy. Like, I wish we got to go together for ACL, but I'm very happy that we went separately because I'm going to prepare like no other. Okay, well, if you want to see Labyrinth, get ice cream during Labyrinth. Okay. And listen. But, like, I'm going to – even, like, I know you didn't do any of these things, but I just feel like for my own, like, sanity, I need to bring these things. I need to bring Advil. I need to bring Band-Aids and gauze pads just because I get blisters in my boots. See –

I didn't wear boots, which I'm such a boots gal. Didn't wear boots because I was like, one thing about me, I'm not going to do with my feet hurting. Yeah. I didn't wear them. I'm going to wear my boots. I'm going to wear them, which one of them are like the really like nice ones that are molded to my feet. I know I'm not going to get blisters in those ones, but if I do wear my Doc Marins, I need to prepare wisely. And then my Amazon boots that I got. We'll see. Yeah. I went Air Forces and Saturday I wore platform converse. Wrong choice.

Not okay. But my air forces were fine. But either way, just standing so much, your feet hurt. Like no matter what, your feet kind of hurt. So sat during Labyrinth and then it was Mumford and Sons and Odessa. Obviously you're going to go to Odessa. I could not name an Odessa song if someone put a gun to my head. I am so excited for Odessa. I'm just like not a person that enjoys seeing that type of music live. I don't quite understand the point of seeing that live. My body is going to be flowing. I'm just like...

What's the difference of just playing it on a speaker? I just don't get it. It's not for me. It's not for my boyfriend. So we were like... There's probably so many people on drugs too there. But I'm just like, what's the difference? I don't get seeing a DJ play a set when you could just play it off a speaker. I just don't get it. It's not for me. So we went for... It's more of like...

a show rather than just a light show that's what i'm saying like it's more of like a show i hate strobe lights i don't like it dude oh my god when i was at a millennium like the fucking lights was the best part i can't wait so i me and my boyfriend are very we have the same music taste which is also why like it was just good to go together because we just we have the same taste in music and i know a lot of my friends i don't have the same taste in music as you guys i would have been like can we please go here so we went to mumford and son's

And they were really good. I don't know a lot of their music, but they sang Little Lion Man, which I didn't know was the name of the song, but you guys would recognize it if you heard it. It's very popular. Really great. These girls, I wish I videotaped them and then got their number and sent it to them. Yeah. I was almost like, dude, should I film those girls? You should have airdropped it. People do that all the time. They were like...

They were young, but they were, like, holding hands, like, jumping around in a circle, dancing. They were having so much fun. I'm like, aw. I'm like, those girls are being so cute. Like, screaming the words. I'm like, I literally should have filmed them and gave them the video. They looked adorable. In my story, I put, like, a little thing. You can see them in the corner. Yeah. I'm like, these girls were literally having the time of their fucking life. Like, it was really cute. So they sang that one song that I liked.

And the theme of the whole weekend was me being like, maybe we can leave soon. And my boyfriend's like, we could leave now. And I'm like, yeah. I'm here for that. 100%. Because the other song we wanted to see, their other big song, I knew they were going to close with it. So it's like, if we want to see that song...

We're here for an hour and a half. Yeah. Like we're here till the end. They're going to close with it. I'm like, you know, it's been a long weekend of music. I think we did it. Let's go the fuck home. Great decision. Uber came right away and the Uber was 15 bucks. Immaculate. It was great. But I did learn to find out that they did bring Noah Khan on stage. No. And I did miss it.

Damn. Yeah. But, I mean, I did already see Noah Khan. Yeah. If I didn't see him and he was a special guest and wasn't on the lineup, I would have been pissed. But I already saw him. Was there anyone that you know of that was brought in for just one song or anything that wasn't a headliner or anything? Yeah, so the only people that we saw brought in were also on the lineup. Yeah, okay. Yeah.

like this random country singer well i guess not random i guess none of these people are random but like he was brought in with shania twain and then noah khan brought mount joy who's like on the lineup never heard of them people did know them but apparently they have a song together so they sang it people are gonna come for you and like how do you not know him i don't know him i don't know um so yeah apparently he brought noah khan on and i missed it but my 15 uber home yeah that's prime it was worth it how much was it every other night

The night where I wanted to literally jump off a bridge because getting an Uber was so lame on Saturday, I think I paid close to $60 to get home on it with an Uber. Friday might have been like $30. Yeah. Saturday and Sunday, when I tell you packed, packed. Like, ridiculous. Which, guys, I also want to keep in mind, like,

When it comes to Ubers here in Austin, they're pretty fucking cheap. Like, Austin's a very small city. I don't think we ever pay more than $20 for an Uber. So, just a little heads up. Because people are going to be like, oh my god, $30? That's nothing. Whereas, like, pricey. Yeah, to us, like, that's a lot just because it's... We're going, like, three miles. Yeah, literally. We're not going very far. Yeah. So, that was my Sunday unfortunate miss of...

No con again, but it's all right. It was, it was fine. I feel like I did saw what I need to see, did what I needed to do. And that was that. And I'm happy I went. Yeah.

I love that for you. I'm applying lip gloss to my lips because my lips get so fucking dry when we talk so much. Anyways. Hot girl fall. Hot girl fall. It is our mission to make sure each and every one of you accomplish having a hot girl fall and pretty much look like that it girl. Clean girl aesthetic. It's Sophia Richie fall. Actually, it's like this like my whole life. I feel like this aesthetic is...

Is like my prime. I'm falling into myself. I'm doing a little glow up with me series on my tech talks. I'm turning 23. So now I'm a woman.

So I need to dress like a woman. Anyways. So that's kind of it. You're making me feel fucking old. Am I a grandma then? Well, no. 23 is a woman. No. What is 25? It's just because 22, you could still be in college. Yeah. 22 is like, and 23, if you did another year or took a year off, you could even still be in college. Yeah. But I feel like for the most part, 23 is post-grad. Mm-hmm. So I'm like, I'm turning 23. Not in college anymore. Exactly. We're in the real world. Mm-hmm.

So anyways, but for fall, we put together a little list. Like I said earlier, get your notepads out. Number one on the list is got to get your hair done. Preferably darker.

Just get your hair done. Gotta get your hair done. Cut it, I would even say. And cut it into a style. Like, if you've been wanting to do a style that's different, do it now. Like, if you want bangs or something, do it now. Some are hard for bangs because you're sweaty and they're sweaty on your forehead. But cooler weather is easier to style your hair because it's not a humid fucking mess. Yeah. That if you want to get your hair cut in a way that...

You might need to style more. Or not even cut extensions too. Extensions. Like anything that maybe is more maintenance. Yeah. Is easier in the fall. Like you're not in chlorine pools. You're not.

In the sun. Yeah. So just like anything you want to do, you can do it now. But going darker with your hair, cutting it, doing something fresh. I have my appointment in two weeks, I think. Nice. It's in two weeks. Yeah, I think I'm going to do an espresso brown. There's this girl that I follow on social media, which she's another new person. Her name's Natalie. She lives in...

She lives in Nashville, Natalie King. She's literally so fucking cute, but her hair is like exactly like what I want. Oh yeah, her hair is real cute. I'm, I, that's the goal for my hair when I go next. I will stick to having my little like, like pieces that I have, but I do need to fucking fix them because the sun destroyed them. But yeah, Natalie King, if you need another like it girl to follow, follow her.

She's so fucking cute. Yeah. You want to read number two? Yeah. Number two, loafers and ballet flats. I broke out my loafers yesterday and I felt so cute. I did a big shoe order these last few weeks because I'm like, I need...

women's shoes like i said i'm upgrading my entire life so it's gonna be a theme on the podcast in the next few weeks just be like you can be sick of me it's fine but i was like shoes shoes gotta be revamped i got these uggs if you're watching on youtube um i got um loafers i got flats i got a new pair of boots did the damn thing when i tell you i was so anti this ballet flat trend

Because I'm like, I wore these when I was little. I feel like moms wear these. I'm not wearing those. I'm not wearing fucking ballet flats. That's ugly. I was so... I was literally like, no. Absolutely not. And then I saw like three more people do it and I was like, it's cute. So I bought some. And I'm... Because it's just classy. Like sometimes you want your toes covered. And I like how they're not like...

Like, they're not... There's no heel on them. Like, you don't have to... They're so cute. Yeah, like, they're cute. They're so cute. I feel like it's, like, soft. Everyone's in there, like, embracing being so girly. Yes. And they're so girly and so cute. And then when I got my loafers, my boyfriend was like, what the fuck are those? Yeah. Like, I took... I put them on and he's like, your pilgrim shoes? Yeah.

I'm like, first of all, they're cute. And you don't get it. And you don't get the vision. They're so cute. And he was like, yeah. I'm like, it's not for the boys. Dude, yeah. I wore them to dinner last night with two of my best guy friends. And they looked at me and they go, we're in loafers, Sam. Interesting. I'm like, yeah, they're cute. What are you going to do about it? They're like, okay, no comment. Yeah. So boys just don't get it. You got to dress for the girls. Yeah, you're dressing for the girls. Oh my God, dude. I was literally saying this to my boyfriend the other day. I was like,

I don't think you realize that, like, when I'm in a room, I'm not glaring at the guy that walks in the room. I'm glaring at the girl that walks in the room because I like their outfit. I think they look pretty. Like, girls just... And it's not in, like, a, like, sexual, like, I, like, think she's cute, like, that type of way. It's, like, in a, like...

I don't know what the fucking word I'm... You're just, like, admiring them. Yes, I'm just, like, admiring them. Like, she's so fucking pretty. Like, yes, that's... Girls look at girls more than they look at guys. Like, when... If there's a group of people walking in the room, like, I'm probably glaring at the girl being like, oh my god, she's so fucking pretty. Yeah, same thing when people say a compliment from a girl means way more than a guy. Way more than a guy. Because what the fuck do you know? Yeah, dude. Like, and you're only doing it because you want to, like...

you know yeah but even my these new little like ugg dupes i was wearing them my boyfriend just kind of laughed and i was like what's wrong with my shoes they're like uggs and he's like no nothing and i'm like yeah they're nice these are normal shoes yeah like you're just like okay i think you look like pocahontas i'm like okay like they just don't get it so don't listen to them yeah don't listen to them wear your fucking loafers okay oh yeah we should just add that we're gonna add

number 11 to the bottom of the list don't listen to boys about fashion for fall or any season or anything or ever yes uh number three good neutral basics so layering like i feel like fall to winter it's like you have all those opportunities to like layer in summer you can do more like

Oh, give me that, like, cute, fun crop top. Because that's kind of, like, all you have to work with. You can't wear layers. That's all you have to work with. Whereas in fall, my thing is bodysuits because I've realized I feel really confident in bodysuits. I, like, I think they're very flattering. I'm kind of out of my crop top era. Yeah. And bodysuits, I just like on myself. So...

Find something you like, buy a bunch of them. I have a fuck ton of bodysuits and it's like a bodysuit you can wear with any type of pants. You can layer it a bunch of different ways. You can make it casual. You can dress it up. So it's like good basics that you like that you can layer and wear a million different ways in the fall and winter are so key. And pants, good basic pants. Like,

I call them teacher pants, like trousers, good pair of jeans, that kind of stuff. Because you're going to be layering it and you can make a bunch of different outfits out of it. Yeah, I agree with that. I have a bunch of basics. Body suits though for me, I look like a fucking turd when I wear body suits, I feel like.

I just like I can't I don't know like sometimes it depends but I just I can't do it interesting yeah anyways number four football days equals self-care days this is so important I didn't go to my boyfriend's house this past Sunday I was like I'm taking this day for me I ain't coming over you want me to come over no I told my boyfriend I said I'm

I'm gonna need my Sundays back because we like typically spend all weekend together because we don't really hang out during the week. Whatever. Y'all don't care. I'm like, I need my Sundays back. He's like, okay. Like, cause he's football. He's like, like, he don't care. That's how my boyfriend was. You're supposed to miss me. The thing is, here's my issue. I actually, I do enjoy Sunday night football. I like Sunday night football night. Here's the thing. I was like, I would like to maybe do my thing and like meet up with you for Sunday night football.

And he's like, you're going to drive all the way to my place to watch Sunday Night Football? See, no. No, I will not. They literally, once they start watching on whatever couch they're on, they're not going to get up and move. Well, the thing is, his TV has more better where you're supposed to watch it on. Yeah. He doesn't like watching it on our TV because we don't have the right thing. We don't have fucking F on our zone. Does it have the four square thing? Yeah, I don't know. We don't have red zone, okay? Sue me. Good. Good. Keep it out of our house. Good. Good.

But, yeah, I'm like, no, I'm not going to go over there. But, like, just taking your Sundays. While the men are watching football, us girls can run this town. Dude, and you know what? This is so fucking random and off topic, but if we do want to enjoy Sunday football with them and you start eating meat again, I will do it gladly because that way we can be in the kitchen, make some buffalo chicken dip, some buffalo tenders, make all the good, good, like,

appetizers for football and that's the only way i'll do it i can get him to come over instead of me going there if i promise food buffalo chicken dip if i promise food he'll come yeah pig pigs in a blanket ham cheese croissants anyways uh my next one you know the weather's changing sick weather take your supplements every single day because we're not getting fucking sick okay

Take your fucking supplements. Take your vitamins. Whatever you have to do, take them. Take your pills. Take your powders. Do your thing. This is the season of edelberry. I start supplementing that again. Those little gummies taste so good. They are so good. I honestly just get them just because they taste good. I get them at T.J. or fucking Trader Joe's. That's where I usually get them. And like at any...

You can get them at CVS and stuff too. Treasure is way cheaper though. Don't get them at Whole Foods or anywhere else. I'm convinced that when I had COVID, Elderberry cured my COVID in a day. But I think I'm just delusional. But when I tell you I was so down horrendous when I had COVID years ago. Like so bad. I literally took some gummies and in the hour I was fine. And it was so weird. I don't know. And I just told everyone that I know that it was the craziest thing that's ever happened to me.

Hey, maybe. I don't know. And then number six, new perfumes for the season. Can't fucking speak. I am loving the new perfume we got from that brand. I've been loving it. Literally, it's the best fall one ever. It smells so good. It smells so fucking good. It smells so good. I haven't linked on my link to know it, but I can't remember off the top of my head what it's called. Let me try to find it. It smells...

And along with perfume, though. Joey. J-O-I-E. Joey Perfume. They have one perfume on their website. It's the only one. It's...

So delicious. It's on the pricier side. It's like $125, but it's a big bottle. It will last you a while. It's a very big bottle. But I have even, we got from the same brand at their event, they gave a body scrub. Body scrub. Oh, the brown sugar body scrub. It's like cinnamon roll. Yeah. It smells like fucking Christmas. And I got the pumpkin spice body scrub from Trader Joe's. Oh my goodness. Just like the scents. Like the scents are so huge. And I like a new perfume for a season. Yeah.

I think I'm going to start doing that. I'm huge into not even season for events too. Like having a nicer perfume? Like just for like whatever I'm doing, like during the day casual shit, going on date night, going out, like I have a perfume for like everything. See, my thing is I love being a signature scent type person. Yeah. I like being like, my thing since I was in middle school is alien. I go on and off using it because again, like I get other little perfumes and I use them.

But Alien is like my favorite ever and that really lasts on you to the point where your stuff kind of smells like it and other people that wear it know it. And I kind of like the people that always smell like one perfume all the time. Yeah. So I kind of like that. Like when you're always wearing like one thing. So I might like season by season like make it known to like get a new perfume in each season. There you go.

But I'm loving that one too. I'm obsessed. No, it smells so good. I like to surround myself in perfume. Me too. I'm never a two spritz gal. No, I do a four or five. I do like right here because when people hug me, I want them to like smell it when they hug me. And I put it on my wrist. I put it on my clothes. And then I walk through it. I'm spraying perfume everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Oh, I love it. Number seven, skirts. I have so many skirts and skorts.

skirts are so it yeah I which I have almost every skirt possible I have a silk one I have a leather one I have just like a plain basic black one but I realize I don't have a plaid one yet I need to get a plaid one I've yeah plaid one is cute I need to get a plaid one real bad my favorite one right now which mine I need a better one because it's not fitting me great and I feel like I want one that fits me better

It's from Addicted, the one I have right now, which is, I guess, what you get when you get one of those kind of like fast fashion-y brands. Yeah. I feel like a better one would fit me better. The denim maxi skirts. I fucking love it. You gotta go to Urban. I was there the other day and they had so many. I just need a better... It's not like denim. The one I have is not denim. It's like stretchy kind of material. Yeah, no, that's how they are. No, I want a denim one. Oh, you want a denim one? Mm-hmm. Oh, okay. The one I have right now is like... I want like a nice quality one.

Yeah. Well, the ones that are urban are probably a nice quality, but they're not like super like tight. Like they're kind of like the white fox. That's what I want. Yeah. Yeah. Like this. Yeah. I'll show you the one I have and what I mean by the material. But it's still cute. It's a little bit big on me. Regardless. Still very cute. I felt like a basic bitch because when I wore it out, we went to this place and literally three other girls were wearing it. Really? Yeah.

Way to go, gals. Like, we look so cute tonight. Maxi skirts in general are, like, very in right now. Very, very cute. But just skirts are so cute. Like, wore a skirt to ACL. My thighs were chafing, but it's all right. It was still so cute. I do, like, I also have a little skort, which is the moment because we love having a beach shirt. The skorts are game changer, dude. And then if you're going to get, like, any type of skirts, make sure you're getting, like, some type of skims to put under there so that way you feel a little bit more confident running around.

Um, I have one from Amazon that I got, but you have a regular skims one, right? Yes. It's actually skims. I just like, don't know why I like felt like buying the real skims. Like I'm such a dupe girl and I was like, okay, we'll do skims. And it's phenomenal. It makes you feel so secure when you're wearing it. You just feel like you're not going to flash people. Like I feel more confident to walk around and move when I wear my skims. Mm hmm.

Yeah, I agree. Or even, like, if it's a little bit see-through. Mm-hmm. What is next on the list? Why did I close my phone? Number eight. Number eight is get a solid nude brown lip combo. I have so many of these. My favorite is Morphe lip liner in Sweet Tea. If Morphe's even... Is Morphe even still a fucking thing? Oh, yeah. I think they just don't have stores anymore. But...

Yeah, the Morphe lip liner in Sweet Tea is my personal favorite. I think it's so good. It's so obsessed. I love it. And then I like it with just like any type of gloss, really. My favorite glosses ever, and they don't get enough hype. I actually need to make a TikTok about it, I feel, because...

I just don't think people know about these enough and give them enough credit. The ColourPop lip oils, they're just lip oils, so they're not super tinted. Like you can wear kind of whatever one. But I love the ColourPop lip oils. They're really, really cheap and they're just fucking great. I have a million of them. So taking like a darker shade of that with the Morphe Sweet Tea Lip Liner is my favorite. There you go.

I honestly don't like lip oils. I don't really have that many of them. I just use lip gloss. Maybelline, baby. Maybelline is fucking bomb. I don't know the difference between what makes these ColourPop ones not a gloss. They feel like a lip gloss. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. But they're just cheap and affordable and the best. ColourPop has great lip stuff. Yeah. Number nine.

Number nine is to get a fall bag for the season. Something cheap. You don't need to go to a Louis Vuitton. Okay. And red is in. I've been seeing everywhere that red is the color of the season. Red shoes, red bag, red glasses. Like cherry red is the vibe according to the fashion girlies on the internet. We're doing red. So I'm literally on Amazon before this trying to find myself a little red shoulder bag so I can be with

With the shit and with the trend, with all the girlies. But red is apparently it. But I feel like a fall bag, like you just got your little bag. Yes. So I was going to say Brandy Melvo right now has the cutest fall bags. Like I walked into a Brandy Melvo at Naples and I bought a bag while I was there. It's like, what's the, is it suede? Corduroy. Corduroy material. Yeah.

super cute brown bag but they had a bunch of bags in store I don't know if their website like is the same I'm looking right now but yeah so their bags are on the cheaper side obviously anywhere like Princess Polly White Fox Amazon get cheap bags do not spend a shit ton of money on bags that is something I've learned from my mistakes okay I have spent money on bags and then it goes out of style and it's like fuck I don't really want to use this anymore I feel like bags bags and glasses I want to spend like

less money on because i'm kind of i glasses yes i've never wanted to spend money on glasses because i feel like you just get those fake yeah if anything i do like a designer bag i just think i'm very particular with what i would buy and what i wouldn't buy exactly yeah designer like i i like my designer bag like my louis vuitton is just black like it's just a black bag um i think like i do like designer bags i just wouldn't buy like when people buy like

To me, Prada's very trendy. Like, what they put out is very, very trendy. Yeah. Like, the triangle, like, one people have. The, like, nylon ones people have. There's, like, a bedazzled one. To me, those are too trendy, and I'm not fucking rich enough to just buy trendy bags like that all willy-nilly. That's super cool that people can. I cannot. So, like, I wouldn't buy that because it's, like, not my favorite. But, like, even the idea of, like, the red. Like, I don't think I'd buy a red bag.

No. Nice bag. Personally. No. I wouldn't either. Because... I mean, I guess red is fairly, like, normal of a color. But, like, I just... I think I just... I don't like buying an expensive bag. Or I won't even really look an expensive bag that I think is absurdly trendy. Yeah. I'm not... I'm not a fan of a trendy designer bag. Literally get a fake one. No. Literally. I only have one fake bag...

And it was gifted to me from like this DHGate company. I've never fucking used it because it's the pink Balenciaga or what the fuck is that? It's the pink Balenciaga one. I've never actually really used it, but...

um anyways number 10 halloween i don't really have very good halloween choices this year not gonna lie but what i will say is fuck it if people are gonna make fun of you for being like a pick me girl with your outfit because i can't like last year this was so big of people on social media like making fun of other girls because like

They wanted to be like kind of slutty or like they want to be funny. Like, why was there such a separation on TikTok last year of like the girls that were either trying to be funny or be slutty? Like there was so much drama with that. And it's like, who gives a fuck? There's always I think it I think there is a lot of people always every year that want to be funny.

To be like, I'm not like other girls. Yeah, literally. I'm not being like, oh, like you're being a sexy cat. Like, I'm a ketchup. Like, shut up. Dude, like, I cannot stand that. It's like, just let the person do what the fuck the fuck they want. I think it's just annoying. I don't like women that shit on women for being girly. Yeah. That's a big thing of mine that I ate. I kind of went viral for it on TikTok, talking about the Snow White girl, about me saying...

How I don't think it's fucking feminist to hate girly things. Like, it's fucking cool to dress like a hot girl. Yeah. Like, be a hot fucking bitch. Like, don't... I don't like taking girly things and making it seem like that's less than. Mm-hmm. That you're being a girl. Like, be a fucking girl. Like, wear pink. Yeah, so do whatever the fuck you want for Halloween. Wear a little fucking slutty outfit and shirt around town, queen. Literally. Like, love it. I don't even think I'm dressing up for Halloween. I want to. I want to have fun. No, I'm saying I don't think I'm, like...

gonna be around for something to dress up for oh yeah oh yeah you won't be i know i've been looking on the internet the last like two days trying to figure out what the fuck i'm gonna do which i do hate halloween so it's like whatever but i love a slutty costume yeah don't get it twisted i have my costume from last year that i got too and i didn't wear one of them so i have one that i could wear but the shorts are a little small so i'd have to like

get my ass on the Stairmaster if I want to wear those shorts because they're itty bitty. But so I do have that. I do have a costume that I can wear if there's something where I'm going to end up going somewhere. But sadly, I don't think I'm going to be dressing up for Halloween because I made plans to go to Dallas with to go see an NFL game, which is cool. I don't know the last time I've been to an NFL game or if I've really I really don't know the last time I've been to an NFL game.

Yeah is what and I'm like we're not gonna dress up for Halloween and my boyfriend's like you hate Halloween I'm like yeah, I do I have said that multiple times that I literally hate Halloween but it's a one time of the year that you can dress like a fucking costume Slut what does that say like what's that audio? Yeah, like Halloween is the winter. Yeah in girl world Halloween is the one time of year We can dress like a whore. Yeah, that thing from Mean Girls, but it's like I mean I did basically dress kind of slutty at ACL too But like Halloween's different. Okay, but I do always an excuse. I do hate Halloween. I

Anyways, I have to fucking pee so bad. I'm like squirming in my seat. That's okay. We're done. Yeah, I know. Bye, guys. Thank you for listening. Have a hot girl fall. Bye. Two sisters, one a respected TV producer, Jill Blackstone, and the other, Wendy. She was disabled, nearly blind and deaf, and Jill had devoted herself to taking care of Wendy. Jill was her best friend, her sister, her everything.

But the sister bond was shattered when Wendy and some of the sisters' rescue dogs were found dead in a garage next to a toppled over barbecue grill. Jill says accidental carbon monoxide poisoning killed everyone. Police do not believe her.

I always say, show me a perfect family. I'll show you a family with secrets.