cover of episode Tasha Wall | Binging Sex, Money, and Food

Tasha Wall | Binging Sex, Money, and Food

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Tasha Wall
Tasha Wall分享了她从暴饮暴食到疗愈的个人经历,指出暴饮暴食的根源在于情感缺失和对自身价值的怀疑,并将其与性、金钱等方面联系起来。她认为,通过正视内在需求,学习如何表达和满足自身需求,才能真正获得掌控感和幸福感。她还提出了“灵魂性爱”的概念,强调在性关系中,双方应平等尊重,并通过沟通表达真实感受,而非仅仅为了取悦对方或满足生理需求。此外,她还探讨了“金钱蓝图”的概念,指出人们在金钱方面的模式与在性、情感等方面的模式存在关联,需要进行自我反思和调整。 Sam和Taylor作为播客主持人,积极参与讨论,分享自身经历,并引导Tasha Wall深入探讨暴饮暴食、性、金钱等话题背后的深层原因和解决方法。她们与Tasha Wall的对话深入浅出,既有个人经验分享,也有专业知识讲解,帮助听众更好地理解并解决自身问题。

Deep Dive

Exploring the concept of 'bad bitch' relationships with sex, men, money, and food, and how it relates to feeling empowered and taking back personal power.

Shownotes Transcript

We are joined by Tasha Wall to discuss how your relationship with loving yourself is all related to your relationship with food, money, men, and sex. We go all in with Tasha about how to take your power back and live as your hottest self! That out of control feeling you find with binge eating isn’t only a food problem, but an overall loss of control that can transfer into all areas of your life. Enjoy! Thanks to our sponsors: Better Help = This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.”

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