cover of episode Sam’s Quarter Life Crisis

Sam’s Quarter Life Crisis

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Sam回顾了她25岁生日派对的盛况,并与Taylor深入探讨了25年来的人生感悟、30岁前的目标以及从中汲取的人生教训。她分享了派对的细节,包括场地选择、准备工作、与朋友们的互动以及一些意外情况的处理。她还谈到了对年龄阶段的看法,以及如何平衡工作、社交和个人生活。Sam坦言,她过去曾对婚姻和家庭生活抱有期待,但现在她更享受单身生活,并专注于个人发展和事业。她还分享了在处理人际关系、情绪管理和独立生活方面的心得体会。 Taylor则从女性生理角度分享了她对月经周期的观察和感受,并与Sam就如何更好地了解和管理自身健康进行了交流。她还分享了她对工作的感受,以及如何平衡工作与生活,并保持积极乐观的心态。 Taylor分享了她对月经周期的观察和感受,以及如何通过身体变化来追踪自己的月经周期。她还谈到了在工作中遇到的挑战和机遇,以及如何保持积极的工作状态。她与Sam就如何平衡工作、社交和个人生活进行了交流,并分享了她对未来职业规划的想法。她还对Sam的生日派对和生活态度表达了赞赏。

Deep Dive

Sam and Taylor discuss the transition from early to mid-twenties and the societal expectations that come with turning 25.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, besties? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I'm Taylor. So happy to chat today. It's Sam's quarter life crisis. So I found a little article online and we're just going to like discuss how it feels to be 25. Yeah, I'm kind of excited. I feel like we're going to get really deep in this episode. Yeah, just, you know, you're old now. Maybe some tears, maybe some laughter. Who knows? You're old now. So I know we have to discuss the fact that

Dude, also, let's talk about the fact that we've already brought this up together, but I want to bring this up on the podcast of people getting so pressed over the fact that when I was 24, saying, oh, I'm my early 20s.

Like no one says mid twenties. I feel it's either people are always like I'm early twenties or I'm late twenties. Right. Because mid twenties would be like spot on 25. Like, like literally like the month you turn 25. Yeah. Cause then after that you're closer to 30. Like, yeah. You know, like when I'm 24, I'm not gonna say a mid four or mid twenties. That's, or that's like, I am early twenties.

But now I'm literally just like mid-20s. Mid-20s doesn't exist. Yeah. Mid-20s does not exist. But now, no, no, no, no. It kind of has to while I'm 25 though. I think maybe 25 is the only year you can be mid-20s. Because you're telling me I have to say now I'm like late 20s? You can be early 20s forever. You can be 50 and in your early 20s. I was complaining about this on TikTok and then I had like a bunch of our followers that are like in their late 20s or even in their 30s like being like, you feel old, how do you...

how do you think i feel and i'm like oh fuck i'm glad this episode is kind of like all about you today in your life because y'all i started my period this morning i woke up low energy this morning i've been waking up really early but i knew i wasn't going um to the gym because we were doing this yeah i didn't like need to get out of bed because i didn't have to go to the gym before anything but i was like damn like i'm just like

I literally go take my morning pee and I was like, oh, there we go. No, it was like, wouldn't you know? Explains it. Wouldn't you know? Makes perfect sense. When I tell you guys the cramps I feel in my body, I've never experienced something so horrible. And for the people that their whole entire life have had cramps like this, this is the first time I've had cramps to the point where it's debilitating me. I tried to go on a morning walk. I'm not even kidding. I went to like the first stop sign and

And every single step felt like a knife. Like this is going to get real TMI, but I know my girls know. It felt like a knife stabbing in my like vagina, a knife stabbing in my butt and a knife stabbing in my uterus.

with every single step like i was literally if you saw me i was like and i was like you can go for a walk and i was like i can't go for a walk like everything fucking hurts bro i hope i don't get my period i got like spotting two days ago and then it went away but you know when you put a tampon in you're like oh my god yay and then you take the fucking tampon out thinking dry as fuck i was like what yeah so all morning i've just been like truly unable to function as a human due to these um

Cramps and I really hope they go away. But speaking of my period Um, I think I talked about it on here, but I was also talking about it on tiktok I started taking a bunch of vitamins that I looked up best vitamins to regulate your cycle Maybe was the vitamins maybe it wasn't this is the first time in four months that my period came on exactly day 28

And that's crazy. It was coming like a week to two weeks late, anywhere between there for the last four months. And it came exactly on the right day this month. And this is the month I started taking the vitamins. Yeah. Don't you get knock on wood or some shit? Yeah. So that's just crazy. Um, but the vitamins are not helping with the symptoms. I am cramping like a mother fucker. Yeah. Um,

I don't know. I have no fucking updates on my period. I hope I get it. That would be fucking awesome. Oh, my other period update is that... Y'all know I've been trying to track my cycle and whatnot. I think I know without even an app. Dude, yeah, me too. Like, I know. Explain yourself and then I'll put my input. Okay. Like, well, one, you know when you're on your period. Yeah, obviously. Because you know when you're on your period. So that phase of your cycle is a given. I know, like...

I feel like it's easy to tell, like, right... Like, obviously, I know what phase I'm in right when my period ends because my period ended, right? So, it's like, you have that physical marker of, like, the period ended. So, I'm in my follicular phase. But even if I didn't, I literally feel different. Like, I'm literally, like, so happy. I'm obsessed with my boyfriend. Obsessed. Like, if he wanted to put any bad news on me... That's the time to do it. He needs to do it in my follicular phase because, like...

i'm obsessed like i'm sad like it's okay sweetie like i've been cheating on you this whole time and i'd be like it's okay i'm just still so pretty yeah yeah like but you're so cute like literally you tell me anything and i'm just like i'm obsessed and like obviously i know he listens he's like no it is oh yeah yeah get out of here like literally like anything can go wrong and i would just be like mm-hmm

Yeah. Okay. Like I'm obsessed with you. Love you. Like I'm so it's bad. And then when you're ovulating, like I get a little bit more, like I still kind of feel that way, but I get a little bit like PMSC symptoms, like, like a little bit of a cramp, like, like my, my boobs are a little sore. Like I get like a little bit, a little bit PMSC.

And then I can kind of tell when that's over because like the high of being like in that phase like kind of goes away. And then if I'm a few days before I'm about to get my period, I get bloated. I get like one pimple. Today was a big one on the side of my cheek last week. I get like one pimple and I'm bloated. And then like my discharge is different. Yeah. And I'm gassy. Yeah.

yummy give us all the tea taylor it's helpful to people i know well okay another thing that i realized no but another thing i realized is like i also think like if i did have sex like during the time i'm ovulating like i bleed a little bit and then like i looked into it so i i don't know if i'm fucking right on this okay so like go into the dms if you know all the information about this but like i bled a little bit and i guess that means like you're like

my cervix is like very sensitive and very thin which if you get like impounded obviously by a wiener then it causes you to bleed so i realized that's like another thing that i experienced and i was like oh no more sexy time for you my guy interesting interesting well when you're ovulating you're the most

yeah yeah but i just feel like i know like i feel like i know what's up yeah but yeah so because i knew i was about to get my period like i don't know yeah and i did and it hit me like a ton of bricks i'm literally gonna lay on the couch in fetal position and do things i need to do on my computer i'm not gonna go to the gym while i'm on my period

Yeah. I'm going to make that decision. I might go and walk on the treadmill just because going to the gym is therapeutic. It's just like an outing of my day. Yeah. I work from home like...

It's like part of my routine to go to the gym, drive there. You know what I mean? See people. So I might go to the gym to like walk or something, but I'm not going to be lifting. And I might do like yoga at home or like an ab workout at home. Like something easy. Yeah. Do some yoga. I want to come home and watch you doing some yoga. I love yoga. On the terrace. Yoga is the bomb. Yeah.

Yoga's the best. Anyways, another fucking period talk, okay? Did we do any self-care or anything like that last week? I think last week I touched on how I got my hair done and got my nails done. Yeah, you did like everything. I literally did everything. Oh, I got a fucking IV.

On friday guys, okay So when we went to san diego taylor didn't do it because she's scared of needles But a few of us did iv is like hydration ones for like hangovers And we did it after a hangover. So this weekend on friday before our Festives even began. I went and got an iv before like drinking so I'd

did that on purpose because I was like I want to compare like the before and after of like what I see more benefits with and I'm gonna tell you right now doing it before the hangover is amazing because you don't even have to worry about like waking up and having to like get in your car and like going to do like an IV like I was already set and the only thing that I experienced over the weekend was a um a headache and obviously just being a little bit tired because like

An IV is not going to fucking fix your headache and like being tired. But the whole like hydration, like everything else, like I just felt fucking fantastic. I just had to pop a little bit of Advil. So if you ever considering doing an IV, do it before you go out and drink and before any of your festivities. I'm getting so old to the point where like,

Hangovers really do me dirty. So I feel like if I know there's going to be a special occasion coming up, I'm going to go get one. I want to try one. Yeah, do it with me. Honestly, like I said a few weeks ago, I'm working with Restore right now. So I've been fortunate enough where a lot of the stuff that I've been doing with them has been through partnership. But if I don't...

if we don't stick out the partnership like i'm gonna get the membership just because of how beneficial i feel like that whole packaging is like everything you can do there so yeah do it with me next time maybe i will yeah maybe we're the boat on the 29th maybe yeah

Maybe I'll do that. So yeah, that's what I did on Friday before we got into the weekend. And then Taylor and I, we went to Bar Peach, which is our favorite restaurant here in Austin. Well, one of our favorites. What would you say our top five are? I was thinking about that last night. Bar Peach. Abba. Abba. 1618. 1618. 1618.

We were just talking about this. Blue Sake Sushi. Blue Sake Sushi. 100%. We need one more. 100%. I mean, like, this isn't a restaurant, but, like, the Veracruz. Yeah. We can see Veracruz, the restaurant. Yeah. Veracruz Tacos. Speaking of that, when I went yesterday, I... So, you know how that blue Marg that we got a few weeks ago? A few weeks ago, Veracruz has, like, this really strong, like, blue Marg, frozen Marg, um...

I guess it's like their strongest on the menu and like the bartender was telling me that like everyone like can feel like a good tipsy after that like one like six ounce drink. I'm like firm. I'm like, yes, I can confirm. Did you get one? No, I didn't. I got just like a regular green juice, but I was like anytime I know where I really want to get like hammered before I need to go anywhere. I'm going there and getting a drink. It's a good place. So good. Good place. But yeah, that's our top five. I think.

Yeah, I feel like there was another one that I thought of after we were talking about it and I can't think of it. I don't know, though. But this year is the record-breaking year for the amount of restaurants that have opened in Austin, so I've been trying my best once a week to try a new restaurant. So many restaurants. So many. I'm going to continue that on. But Bar Peach just so...

Yeah. And we were working with them this past weekend. So I want to also say like we like are trying to get more into like the Austin, Texas scene, like more of like the Austin, Texas, like influencer type vibe, like just overall like health, wellness, fitness, but also like.

Austin, Texas is a very big thing, at least for me, that I want to incorporate in my content. So if anyone listening to this knows of anyone that's a manager or works at any restaurants or anything here in Austin, hit our line because we're going to start doing that more often. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it. Basically what we did was just we went to the restaurant, ate at Bar Peach in exchange for content and just promoting their stuff. And I did a few vlogs there.

and stories and stuff but we got pretty much everything we got anytime we go for food so good we didn't get any drinks though which i want to say too people ask us all the time about mocktails like how do you know if a restaurant has mocktails for the most part any restaurant you go to you can get a cocktail as a mocktail like taylor what do you get

It was, like, a beet. I think it was called, like, the Beetle Juice. It was, like, beets juice and something. But it was supposed to have tequila in it. Yeah. But it was so good. And so she just got it as a mocktail. I just got, like, a regular mocktail because they had a mocktail menu. But, like, if you were to go to any restaurant, for the most part, like, they can make you a drink into a mocktail. Especially, like, if you just ask because some drinks are more so, like, you can't really get a mocktail, like, martini because...

a martini is like all alcohol so like um a lot of the times like you're not going to be the first person that's asked for a mocktail at all so a lot of the times like i asked like which cocktail is good as a mocktail like which one would be the best and like she told me like oh this one's really good as a mocktail because like some are just kind of easier to make or it's not going to be like oh maybe one drink if you get as a mocktail it's just lemonade yeah you know like oh if you get that as a mocktail it's like

Can I get a vodka soda minus the vodka? Yeah, like it's just going to be like the one, like it's not going to be like a thing. So like if there's one on the menu that has a lot of other stuff. I like getting a, like if I know that like I'm at like a bar that really doesn't have any mocktails or like fancy drinks, I'll usually just get like a virgin mojito. A virgin mojito. Like those are just so good. A virgin mojito is good and those are really easy to make. Yeah. But yeah, I wanted to put that out there because I get that asked a lot.

Yeah, but we had to take it easy that night because Sam's birthday festivities were the next day. Yeah, I knew I needed to get to bed early. Like, I was in for a long week. Well, not weekend day. And we've also been cutting back to drinking only once a week. So I've been feeling great with that. And obviously, it was my birthday weekend. So I want to put all my effort into that. So yeah.

Woke up in the morning. Basically, it felt like I had to get ready right away. We had breakfast, coffee, and then basically started putting all the decorations everywhere, like in the kitchen and stuff. I just got decorations at the grocery store and stuff because every time we host pregames, there's always spillage. So I was like, you know what? We need to get those tablecloths and napkins and shit just to cover the tables because...

When we leave, like, it's gonna be so easy to just, like, pull off the fucking tablecloth and just throw it in the trash and, like, head out. I was going crazy cleaning when people got there. I mean, when we were leaving. Oh, yeah, I noticed that. I was going crazy. Yeah, I noticed that. But, yeah, we were hosting 50 freaking people in our house, which kind of overwhelmed me at first because last year I had a birthday boat and I only had 40 people on the boat. Whereas this year, the boat was, like, it was 48 people. But, like, either way, like...

Eight more people makes a big difference, like, in a room. So I was, like, kind of freaking out. I was like, oh, fuck, like, is this room going to be, like, big enough? Which it ended up being big enough. Like, I felt fine. Like, there was definitely a lot of people in there. Check out the TikTok vlog that I did if you guys want, like, visual reference. Because I have, like, my...

Ring camera up in the corner of our kitchen Which the only reason we have the ring camera in the corner of the kitchen is just so I can check on the animals if we're like Not at the house like literally all day so I can just check in on mac and see like what he's doing um, but

uh i took a little screen recording of like the kitchen of like everyone in there and like waving at the camera which i did last year too so i feel i feel like that's just like a little like thing that i do now um but it was a lot of fun we made margarita pints jello shots the cutest little jello shots and then everyone strongest jello shots i've ever had in my entire life dude so strong so i usually will do just like

The recipe calls for, like, 50% boiled water, 25% cold water, 25% tequila. So I just did 50% boiling water, 50% tequila. Well, it was obvious. Yeah, it was real obvious. They were, like, absurd. Yeah. But I had, like, myself a good morning. I, like, went on my morning walk and everything because I, like...

I love like still doing a little bit of a morning before a long day of stuff just makes me feel so good. I went on a little bit of a walk. I don't know if I went like super far. I was gone for like 20 minutes. Yeah, me too. Yeah. No, no, no, no. That's a lie. I was gone for like 40 minutes.

I did like my typical loop with Mac and then I walked to Starbucks after but hey guys as you know as you can tell from us rambling on in our podcast we are on the go a ton this summer rather it be lake days boat days traveling you name it we are on the go and we need high protein satisfying snacks to keep us going through all our fun summer activities and

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anyways so we went to the liquor store the night before and i'm really i really wish we didn't because of the amount of alcohol people fucking brought for me and like i wasn't really thinking that people were gonna do that well either way the thing is like it's gonna get drank at some point yeah it is but like every part like every group of people that kept walking in they were handed like handing me either a handle or a bottle of like prosecco because like all the girls know that like

I only really will drink like Prosecco. So like there was like three bottles of Prosecco that came in and then like two or three bottles of tequila. And I was like, holy fuck, like this is a lot of alcohol. And a few of them were like, oh, like we'll bring this on the boat with us. I'm like, no, no, no, no, we won't. We will not be bringing the boat with us. Like there is so much alcohol. Like I already had a whole Yeti full of like

beers and shit that i had like leftover from like other nights and pre-games and i was like we just have so much alcohol but your girl went to heb that morning and bought like over a hundred dollars worth of hot dogs and hamburgers so i was excited to bring those on the um on the boat because there's a grill in the back of the boat and so i had all that ready to go right in the corner of like

Because I was like, okay, I'm just going to like literally grab this and go. Or I'll make the boys grab it and go. But we get on the bus and we rented a bus through Ninja Bus, which is like the best party bus you could possibly rent through. It literally is just like an old...

Retired bus. Yeah, like an old retired city bus that like they didn't really do much work on it like at all. Besides put like maybe better speakers in it and that's about it. And we had the best little driver guy. He was so nice. Like he reminded me so much of like my dad. He was talking about like his kids and like how proud of his kids. His name was Mickey. He was so nice. But when he dropped us off in the wrong spot, I wanted to literally murder him.

Oh yeah. That was bad. We had to walk so far. Well, because normally let us out and then park. He's like, hold up. I got to park. Let us out first. And why do we need to be here when you park? Let us out right here. I think it's because he wanted, he wanted us to know like where he was parked. Yeah.

like just in case you... Your big giant red bus will find you. I know, I know, literally. But like this marina that we went to was like not the marina that we usually go to because like the other marina that I wanted to book through was fully booked already. So I was like, fuck, we have to do a different one, which is annoying. But the bus itself, the bus ride is I think my favorite part of the entire experience. It's fun. It's a 45 minute ride from...

I don't even know what kind of music

kind of music would say it is being on these buses feels so illegal though dude so illegal like we're literally driving past people that are like going to work on the highway and we're like open containers jumping up and down swinging from the railings yeah like i'm like grabbing my tits and like fucking running around but it's like party buses are a thing like that yeah i don't know why this feels different it's just because it's on the highway going like

It's the highway 70 miles an hour The highway is like what Like it definitely seems illegal I don't get how the road rules are different for party buses I know I don't understand it either But like the whole entire time I was like Everyone was like taking seats on the bus So I think there was about 40 No maybe like 35 seats And then like

15 of us had to stand so like the entire thing was completely packed and i'm just running back and forth making sure i'm saying hi to everyone and we brought a dizzy bat on so our guy friends went to five below down the street and they bought a dizzy bat and they were playing dizzy bat during the pregame outside but then they brought the bat onto the bus and they're like okay sam we want you to take like dizzy pat shots out of the fucking bat so they're pouring like beers into it and

And making me chug it and I think there was like probably like six or seven videos of me like doing that from like every single angle which was so awesome I love when there's just like random drunk videos of me but I knew right when we were getting off that bus I was like fuck I'm hammered and I need to be the responsible one right now.

because I had to check us into this damn fucking boat make sure everyone gets on make sure everyone signs the waivers like I just hate feeling responsible but luckily I had Haley like right next to me the entire time and she was pretty sober so she was like you know what I'll help you handle this like because I was like I'm fucking hammered like this is bad and

We get down after the boat, the bus parks, and we had to walk like 10 minutes down to the marina. And once we got onto the boat, the captains were like, all right, everyone needs to sign in, check in. So all 50 of us are getting in like a single file line, barely single file, but getting in line and signing this little paper, which was it you or did I make Sneaky Links sign for me? I was the first one in and I signed for you and Jonah. Oh.

Okay, cool. So I was like, Taylor, sign for me, please. And she signed for me. We were all getting on the thing. I like settled my stuff down. I had one of my friends put my Yeti cooler down and just like all my stuff. And then next thing I know, I just have the fucking captain coming up to me and was like,

I counted 47 or I counted 48 people and only 47 people signed. Mind you, this is after the people have screamed a million times to make sure everybody signed the damn waiver. Yeah. Like, and I'm like standing on the fucking like stage thing where the captain has to drive and I'm like, who the

fuck hasn't signed like who hasn't signed like come on like we need to sign like what the fuck's going on and i was like oh maybe like i miscounted how many people are here and she was like no i counted as well as when you guys were walking on and i'm like oh okay so like it is 48 and i'm like i don't know who the other person is that hasn't signed like let me take a look at the wafer so i'm looking at all the names and i'm like i don't know and then all of a sudden this girl comes out of the fucking woodworks and she waves her hand in the massive crowd of people and goes it was me i was like proud of herself she was like we think it was me

It had been like 15 minutes of who hadn't signed this waiver. And this girl's like, oh, it was me. I was in the bathroom. And this girl's like not a friend of mine. She was just like a girlfriend of like one of my guy friends. And I was like, oh my God. Like I was fucking pissed. Yeah. And then it was so I

literally was like are you not a grown ass adult yeah and then as that's literally going on I get brought to the back of the fucking boat because I guess the manager of the whole marina like wanted to talk to me so I'm like oh fuck and I'm getting to the back of the boat and it's this like grumpy old ass fucking man and

And he goes, Samantha. And I'm like, yes. He was like, just so you know, you're fucking responsible for everyone right now. And I'm like, literally, I'm teary-eyed. I'm like, oh my god, hold it together, Sam. You're drunk. This scary old man. I'm not even kidding. When I was looking at him, I thought he was a monster. I thought he was a crazy fucking monster screaming at me. And I was like, oh my god, this isn't happening. He's like, if we get over to that fucking...

like islands where we dock up and anyone misbehaves i'm cutting the ropes you're fucking coming off we're ending it early and i'm like i just want to celebrate my 25th birthday and i started like crying i'm like oh my god like this is horrible they were all so dramatic like yeah i agree that one girl needed to sign the waiver like but we were all in agreement that we hated that one girl it's not like we were all being delinquent yeah all of us were like who signed it everyone else had it together

And the marina was just very... They were, like, surprised that it was people coming on that were drinking, trying to party. When that's quite literally what keeps your business going. That's the point of your business. Like, that's quite literally the only point. It's literally called the party barge. That's what everyone does on them. And the normal rules, you know, you can't puke, you can't get hurt. Like, normal things. But we were...

No one was even doing anything bad. And then they're trying to say the rules. We were parked next to another boat who wasn't getting rules read. So everyone on that boat is talking loud because they are just on their boat minding their own business. And she keeps telling us to be quiet, to listen. And I was like, bro,

no one's lips are moving i'm like it's that boat that's loud it's loud because the boat next to us has all these people talking nobody's lips are moving yeah i'm looking around i'm like who's talking no one it's the other boat they were just like so cranky at us yeah we were like five minutes late but how was that anything like that's our problem yeah in a way it wasn't even our problem though because the

bus like dropped dropped us off so far away so far we weren't just late for no reason we were like on a hike to find this marina like you ever pre-game a hike that's what we did we literally like we had to walk so far but even if we even if it was our fault it's our time on the boat that we paid for yeah you know what i mean like us being late it's not like no effect on you no yeah so like we whatever we we were 30 minutes late with like leaving the actual dock

And like I even said, like, so while the captain was doing her speech, I even said because

The manager was like, it's going to be your fault if anyone throws up or jumps off the thing. And I'm like, no, it fucking isn't. Like, I'm 25. All of these people are also grown adults. I'm not fucking responsible. So I stand on the stage and I scream at all of my friends. I go, just so you know, if anyone fucking throws up, jumps off the thing or breaks any of these rules, you're paying for the fine, not me. And then I told the captain, I was like, Captain, if you see anyone do anything, you're

You need to point it out to me immediately because I'm making them pay for the fine, not me. Like, that's not going on my card. That's not fucking happening. That's what she said. She was like, by the way, whatever you do, like, it goes on Sam's card and she will Venmo you for it. Yeah. I was like, I ain't fucking paying for that shit. Like, sorry, $500 fine for you being a dumbass and throwing up on the boat? Nope, not my thing. So, whatever. 30 minutes go by. We finally fucking take off. And my teary eyes, I'm wiping off makeup off my face. I'm like, it's time to rage. So...

We finally dock at the island, which we get to island and the party barges is there's like probably like 10 party barges just like all tied up on this island. And you're able to get off if you want. And there's like a rock climbing wall thing like where you can go cliff jumping, which I have never done. And I don't really ever plan on just because I'm like drunk and I just feel like this doesn't seem safer. Right. So I stay on my I stay on the boat.

but we dock and I'm like I'm fucking hungry so I look at everyone I'm like where are the wieners where are the wieners I'm running around like a psycho person where are the fucking wieners where are the fucking wieners and I look at Taylor I go Taylor where are the fucking wieners so this whole time since we got on the boat and you were crying and there was just there was just a lot of like

The vibes went down because the people were being mean. The one fucking stupid bitch didn't sign the waiver. We had to walk so far. Like, vibes just went down. They tanked from the bus. Yeah, really fucking quick. They really tanked. So we're like, where's the hot dogs? And we're like, no, no, they're here. And then, like, me, Dayton, Jonah, we're like, where are the hot dogs? And we're like, we're going to find the hot dogs. And Dayton's like, I put them in, like, a zippered cooler. So I'm opening everyone's cooler. I don't care who you are. I'm like...

Nope. I'm like hot dogs, hot dogs. We're like, they're not here. They're literally not here. And we're like, no one, no one tells Sam, like just don't tell her. And then a little later we like, we're telling live. We're like, no one tells Sam, like we don't have hot dogs. No one tells him. And you go over there. You're like live, start grilling. And live is like,

yeah she looks at me because your back is toward me and she's facing me and she's like like mouthing and i was like sam and i go to him i was like we don't have hot dogs and my face i was defeated i go because i'm like happy at this point like excited i'm here i'm like awesome and i just go oh no everyone's gonna eat and we're like no no because we weren't telling her because we didn't want her to be like

We didn't want you to be mad. Like, we don't want you to be mad. No, but you're going to be mad at me. We're like, no, no, no, no, no one's mad at you. We don't want you mad. We're good. Everyone's fine. Like, look, we're going to be hungry, but we were going to be fucking and then I

I go, we're going to be hungry. And then I felt bad because I had a sandwich and Jonah was like, let me get a bite. I was like, you have hot dogs. Let me eat my sandwich. And then I felt bad because I would have given him half my sandwich if I'd known there was no hot dogs. Yeah. But dude, I was like, don't eat my sandwich. You have hot dogs. Like I need my sandwich. And bro, and I pounded it and I was like, oh, I'm really sorry. I would have really split that with you. Well, I'm really happy and like...

lucky well we brought the hot dogs though keep that in mind they were just left on the fucking bus oh and one of our friends is like no they were up top on the bus like i saw them when we were leaving and i'm like why didn't you grab them i was like and you left them there like it

Yeah, but fortunate enough, the three bags of chips and popcorn and the buns made it on the boat. So I'm like running around like a crazy person. I'm not like really hungry like at this point, but then I'm running around and all of a sudden I look over and I see like four people scarfing face into the bags of buns. Like they're just going crazy on the buns. I was like, y'all are fucking ridiculous. They're just scarfing down buns. That's what I do. Not like...

Sometimes like because obviously I don't eat meat so I don't eat hot dogs. Sometimes I'll just put some buns. Hot dog bun with mustard? Yeah. And eat it. But that's literally what they were doing. They were like sitting on the ground on the front of the boat like. I was like, okay, have some fun.

And then I grabbed the bag of popcorn because I was like, this is my favorite popcorn. I was grabbing the popcorn and people were taking handfuls. I was like, no! This is my popcorn! It was so fun once the vibes got up. We started playing flip cup, which really made it so much fun. The flip cup up on the top was... I played like two rounds of that and my ADHD couldn't do it. It was so fun. This is the funnest way to play flip cup.

We were playing like survivor mode. So we weren't playing teams. We were just going last one to flip is out until there's one person left. And then the second round we did it, me and Jonah were last. I was representing for the girls. I was the last girl like every single time.

Um, I was pretty freaking good at it, but that was so much fun and it was just it was a good time It was it was it was a lot of fun. Yeah um, I was like running around with my phone for like a good amount of the time because I was like I'm vlogging and I want to take photos with people So like for the first like hour I was taking photos videos But then I decided there was a party barge next to us And I decided with two of my friends jordan and hope I was like guys Let's go hop onto the other boat and let's see if we can get some food

So like I get off our boat I run over to the other boat And I'm on their boat we're dancing They're all like twerking and I'm like I don't know how to fucking twerk They're like come on twerk it's your birthday twerk twerk And I'm like I don't know how to twerk I was like shaking my butt and they're like They're like laughing at me they're like all pointing laughing I go bitches come on what the fuck I don't know what I'm doing Like I don't know how to twerk like teach me

And then they were like, oh, we're going in the water. I'm like, okay, fine. I'll come in the water. So I jump onto this lily pad in the back of the water. And I still have my phone in my hand. Like, keep that in mind. So I'm, like, jumping on the back of the lily pad. And I'm sitting there. And I'm, like, I'm blabbermouth. When I'm drunk, I am blabbermouth beyond belief. And these girls, like...

I don't think they, like, hated me, but they just definitely were like, who is this bitch? And, like, why won't she shut the fuck up? So I'm, like, having a good time on the lily pad. And then our friend Danny, like, looks at me. And he notices that the girls are just, like, probably, like, Sam, like, what the fuck? Like, shut up. Like, go to your back to your place. So Danny from, like, the water, because I'm in the water. He's, like, on a little noodle. He's, like, far back in the water. And he goes, Sam, what the fuck are you doing? Like, why do you have your phone in your hand? You're on a fucking lily pad. And he was like, get your ass over here. And I'm like...

And like Danny's like the one that's like he's like a dad. And also if he's mad at you, like you're clearly doing something really wrong because he doesn't really get mad at people. So I just like look like a sad puppy and I'm like, OK. And I hop into the water and I start swimming over to him. He's like, you have your fucking phone, you idiot. So he grabs my phone, gets out of the water, like puts in some random bag. And I'm like the rest of the night on the boat. I had no phone because I was like, I don't know where the fuck he put it.

But, yeah, so I was just running around with no, like, peace of mind. Like, not peace of mind, but, like, no, like, clue. Like, I was a turkey. What is the saying? Chicken with my head cut off the entire fucking day. I was a turkey. I was a turkey. But the captains...

We're like, hey, since we took off from the dock 30 minutes late, we can keep you out 30 minutes longer if you want. It's cool with the marina. They said we could do that. And I look at Haley because Haley was next to me when she asked. And I was like, Haley, we have no food. And everyone's going to be borderline blackout.

if we stay that extra 30 minutes. Yeah, like going home was just better. I was like, you know what? Like I'm having fun. I would love to stay, but we literally don't have food. Like we need to fucking leave. So once the 7.30 like clock hit, like we were heading out and I was like, thank God because like I would have probably wanted to stay if we had food, but just knowing I'm responsible for 50 people that don't have food.

I was like, the smart decision to do is just go home. Yeah. So we started heading home and we had to make that trek back up to the fucking bus, which was like 10, 15 minutes away. But as we're getting off the boat, I see like a young kid, like a college student driving like a go-kart thing. Like a, no, no, not a go-kart. A golf cart. No, no, like a four-wheeler. What are those things called? It was like a golf cart, but the golf carts you use like on a...

now in bigger tires yeah so i saw him with that and i'm like oh like because he's a young kid i feel like he'll say yeah like but if it was that old grumpy ass guy he would have said fuck you walk so i go up to him and i go yes guy and i'm like i so at the time i was with like eight of my like there was like eight of my girlfriends we were all just standing right there and i'm like can you fit us all in this golf cart right now

He was like, I don't really know if I can. I'm like, please, it's my birthday. Like, we're both... So, I was being like a little baby. And he was like, oh, fine. So, all of us get in the golf cart and he golf carts us all the way up to the bus and everyone else had to walk. So, we're like...

10 minutes ahead of schedule and we're on the bus and I get on the bus and the fucking wieners and the burgers are on the top of the bus rail dripping down. Like there was a massive puddle of just like ice just dripping from where the cooler was on the thing. And I'm like, I was like, you gotta be fucking kidding me. I was like, no way. I was so pissed. But

Then again, the bus ride back was so much fun. It was so hot. We were... All of us were sweating bullets. Yeah, it was really hot. I was like...

like it looked like i had just jumped into the water that's how sweaty i was and so we opened up all the windows which was so definitely illegal like we shouldn't have done that because they're not like the they're like bus windows they're not like ones that go up and down they're the ones that like shutter open the one there was some we could open they don't go all the way and some that were emergency exit windows that open all the way up and someone almost fell out of one yeah i

And I almost did too because I was sitting on the edge of it, like on the rail with my ass out the window. And someone was like, Sam, don't fucking do that. I'm like, what do you mean? And I leaned back a little. Oh, you're right. You should not do that. But we were just listening to...

A bunch of good music again, and I want to share my like playlist thing because it's all the same music so if you guys are interested in the music that we were listening to because I'm not even kidding like this is the best fucking playlist that I've ever could listen to when i'm drinking It's the wakeboard summer playlist on apple music So if you just type in my username, my username is literally the username for my instagram So it's sam taylor, but with two s's at the front and then two t's for taylor

That's my user and it's wakeboard summer playlist. All the good songs if you want it. But then we got back and it was time to fucking rage.

Yeah, but it was a light rage. Yeah, it was definitely a light rage. We got back around like 8.30. Sun was still out. Sunset doesn't happen until like 9 p.m. here. So I was like, oh, I was like, it's so early. It's 8.30. Sun's still out. Let's go. So I take a shower really quick. A few of my friends decided to stay at our house because they live like up north. So it made no sense for them to go.

go home just to come back down and like go out. So I was like, you guys can get ready here. If you need to borrow clothes, like do that. And so there was about six of us and we all just Ubered straight down to latch key. And I stayed at latch key for probably an hour and a half. Yeah. You were in and out. I was in and out. You stayed for a while though. Didn't you? Not too much after you. Yeah. We got there around like 10 and I left,

right i don't know what time i left i think i was think i was there for like not yeah i don't know i don't know what time i left but it wasn't it wasn't that late i didn't stay much later than you did yeah um i just was like so drunk like obviously it was my fucking birthday as i should be but then also not a lot of us like went out it was like

probably 25 of the boat that actually yeah there wasn't that many people there yeah so i was like i have no problem with leaving i've had such a good day like awesome and we speaking of with like the wieners and stuff we were cooking up the wieners as we were getting ready at my place like the boys all like while the girls were in the bedrooms getting ready all the boys like sneaky link i didn't even know this was going on dude yeah i like came because obviously the bedroom bedroom is right next to the kitchen so i like come out

And all the boys are blaring music off my new speaker because the boys got me a speaker for my birthday. And they're like standing like 20 feet away from like the stove tossing wieners into the... Jonah too? Yeah, they were all like dancing around like throwing wieners and...

and like trying to land them in the fucking pan and they were pan frying fucking wieners and then they were taking my tortillas and wrapping the wieners in tortillas and like dipping them in ketchup and like dancing around like little boys dancing with wieners. I was like this is fucking weird. So weird. It's so weird and they ate like 20 wieners. Of course they did. Like room tap wieners. Of course they did. Because they were sitting out of the cooler.

but um yeah so that was my eventful night i had so much fun and it was just good to finally have all of my friends like in one location because i feel like it's been a while since like everyone has been together like we're always with our friends but it's never everyone yeah and so it just felt really good to finally have everyone in one spot um especially some like groups kind of like combined into one because we have like

a few different like friend groups and then we just like combine them all and I feel like everyone now like loves each other after that boat day I got so many text messages from people being like that was the crew like next time we have a boat like I want that exact crew on on my birthday it was really fun and I was like oh my god that makes

me feel so good because like I was so stressed at the beginning that like people weren't having fun like I was like not throwing a good party like whatever but the fact that people were like that was like the most fun party barge like I've been on it was very fun I want that exact crew there like even if like those people weren't really friends with each other like they still want each other to be there I'm like

That makes me so happy. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Yeah. And then Sunday was just like a... I didn't do much. I went to the domain. Yeah, I went to sit by a pool for a little bit. But before that, Sneaky Link and I have been doing meal prep Sunday mornings. We'll wake up, go get breakfast, then go to the grocery store, and then meal prep. And then we'll come home.

And... Like... We'll not come home. We'll meal prep at home. And then we'll go back out and just like hang with people. So that's what my Sunday was. And... It was a lot of fun. Yeah. I just chilled out. I went to the domain. That's it. Yeah. And then... And I went to Trader Joe's. And then of course... Like my birthday wasn't even until Tuesday. So like...

I had like so much to fucking do. Like from the last two weeks, I've been so crazy. Like with the 4th of July long weekend and then my mom coming to visit this past week, like my mom just finally left this morning.

And we're recording this on thursday. So it's going to go live literally tomorrow on friday So my mom had just left I have like so much work to catch up on it's like crazy But my birthday was pretty basic. My mom was in town. We went to the spa um, we went to abba for to go out to eat and kind of just hang around and Just show her like all the typical things that I would do while i'm

like while i live here she's come to visit four times so every time she comes to visit i want to make sure i'm doing something new with her and so it's kind of getting a little bit difficult because like she has been here four times and i squeeze so much into the little days that she is here so i'm like what haven't i like what haven't you seen like what haven't you done like i'll ask her i'm like have you been to mount panel she's like oh no i'm like okay we'll go there we'll go there i'm like have you been to veracruz obviously hasn't because that's a new restaurant i'm like we're gonna go to veracruz like um so i'm

It was just, it was good. But now I'm happy to just breathe for two days. Yeah. Two days. That's it. It's insane. It's like these, this entire like month is going to go by so quickly. Yeah. This was the first week that I like had a full week of like working where it's like, I can't just like do anything I want at like 12. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. How was your, how was your job going? I fucking love it.

Yeah, I like is it gonna calm down a little bit because I feel like the first like week and a half you were super This is my first week The first week was busy because I had so many onboarding meetings and it was short and it was a short week So it's like it could be spread only three days that week because it was fourth of july Yeah, so it was like so many onboarding meetings Um, and then this week like my manager's at office. So like she hasn't I haven't had meetings um but yeah, it's just like getting in a groove of like

work it's definitely like there's a lot of work but it's it's doable there's just there i didn't have as many like meetings this week but it's a lot of work but it's really fun like it's

it's fun work i enjoy it yeah now do you feel like you're like i feel very fulfilled yeah like i'm not stressed yeah i've been so obviously we've talked about that in the past of like social media doesn't fully fulfill either of us really anymore like we want it to be more of like something that like isn't such a chore because for me at least i feel like it's a chore you can probably agree yeah now i'm at the point where like before if i posted a picture and it did it tipped

It tanked on likes. That would have killed my day. Ugh, hurt. That would have killed my day. It's like I'm irrelevant now. And now it's like... It's whatever. Yeah. Like, I do social media, like, in the mindset of, like, if I didn't have followers, would I still post this? Yes. And if it was, like, if I didn't have followers, would I post this and I say no, then I'm not going to post it. Yeah. Or when I get, like, deals coming in from my manager, rather than being like, oh my god, like...

It's only this amount or is this going to be enough? Like now like everything's a blessing because it's like extra. You know what I mean? Like it's not like, oh, but I wish it was more and like, oh, I hope I get another one. It's like, oh my God, I got like three, these three deals. Like no matter how much they were like, cool. Like now it's just like, now I have like an extra, like the stress of it is like so, but I've been liking...

um what i'm posting recently because i'm trying to make my page more of a not like educational resource but like a motivational resource like i'm not going to be out here like telling you science things but like posting just like more motivational things like how i used to like um i just want it to be like uplifting and like

like kind of just like lifestyle tips and like motivation, like on my page, like reels and like captions and like just things. So I've been liking it, but yeah, I feel definitely more fulfilled. Yeah. I feel like my platform, like I want people to like go to it and see like, like that you can be extremely disciplined, but also like able to let loose, like the happy medium of a balance of the two of them. Cause like,

I don't know, I feel like if you go to my page, it's very much like...

I'm drinking alcohol, but then I'm also posting workouts. Yeah. And then I'm also posting like meal prep. So it's like, I just want people to know that. Cause like, I feel like when I first got into fitness and wellness and all that, like I was just following straight, like fitness, fitness, fitness, fitness people. And I wish for my own sanity, I followed more like well rounded people to make it not seem so bad if I wanted to have fun on the weekends, because that's where I kind of like let myself go.

fall into a little bit of a hole of being like way too obsessed with the gym right so that's my goal yeah my page um speaking of your goals for yourself yeah um these there's only five of them but um they're pretty good this is from i don't know i didn't come up with these okay i had five questions to ask yourself on your 25th birthday found it on the internet so the first one

In the past, where did you think and hope your life would be by age 25? Oh, my God. Bro, it's actually crazy because like we were talking about this with my mom earlier. I literally thought I was going to be like married and settled down at this age.

Like, my mom had me at the age of 24. I'm 25 now. And it's like, I can't even fucking imagine being settled down at this age. Like, I'm so happy I'm not. Like, there is no reason for me to be in a rush with my life whatsoever. And obviously, like, when I was way younger, like, in college, I would have thought that I would probably be working, like, a corporate job, like, graphic design or something for, like...

I was hoping the Patriots. That was my big goal of mine. Patriots or the Bruins, being a graphic designer for them. And I was well along the path of being able to do that because post-grad I was supposed to be working for

Boston College Football is their graphic designer, but obviously COVID happened, so that didn't happen, which is a blessing in disguise because that's why I'm living the life I am living now. But it's just crazy. The whole settle down, married, having a house, that was what I really thought 25 was going to look like. And I feel like I'm living literally my best life right now at 25. And I get so many comments on social media of like, why are you acting like you're 18 or 19 years old at the age of 25? And I'm like...

It's just a number. Like, why put such a strict timeline and, like, be so anti-fun at the age of 25? Yeah, and also, like...

Yes, I partied at 1819, but it looked different like so different now It's like we go out to nice dinners like we go to nice like cool bars like I'm sorry I was not renting boats with my friends. Yeah, you know what I mean? I couldn't afford to do that. I was drinking in basement I was drinking vodka out of a water bottle in a backyard like it's not I have literally no responsibilities besides my dog Yeah, like

There's no nothing better than that and obviously like I would love to hopefully buy a house by next year when our lease is over like that's like my goal going into next year is finally buying a house but I have no like worry on like the fact i'm spending so much money on food alcohol like I'm young this time of my life is only gonna happen once I don't want to look back on my 20s and be like

You were saving your money and you weren't having fun on the weekends because one thing is you can't get time back. You can't get money back. So that's just how I'm living. I feel like that directly answered the second question. The second question was, in what ways are they different from how things are now? Yeah. And I feel like that answered it. Yeah. You're not settled down. You're...

not in any way, shape, or form going to have kids soon. No. Literally no. You're getting slightly closer to settle down. I know. So crazy. You're well on your way. I know. Well on my way. Which I am going to make a comment on that because...

I want people to know the only reason I call him Sneaky Link is because that's what you guys know him as. Yeah, now it's just a joke. Now it's just a joke. People get so fucking pressed on TikTok when I'm like, oh, me and Sneaky Link. And they're like, sounds like you have commitment issues. Like, call him something different. You know what's funny? I used to call Jonah Sneaky Link. Yeah. Remember? That's what I used to call him on here. I know, but it's like...

why does it matter like i'm not gonna call him situationship man that sounds so long it's just funny yeah so people can stop getting press and then people people that listen to the podcast were like sticking up for me being like oh trust me girl like we know like you're loyal as fuck you've been wanting him to wipe you up for so long like don't worry like we get it i'm like exactly thank you so yeah on your way to being settled down what are three main things you've learned about yourself three main things

Um, oh, fuck. Uh, I am extremely independent, which is crazy to say because I would never have said that five years ago. Like the dependence I had not only on like my parents, but also my ex-boyfriend five years ago is insane. Like you're telling me now I can go up to strangers, have a conversation with them, or I can go out like by my, which I wouldn't do, but like I could if I, if, if I had to, I would go out.

By myself. And just, like, any little, like, adult things, like, I can do so much on my own. So, definitely, like, I've learned a lot about my independence. Secondly... Fuck. This is such a hard question. It is such a hard question. Because it's, like, I know these things about myself, so how did I know I, like, learned them? Like, from an outsider's perspective? I don't know. I've learned...

I've learned that I also really bottle up my emotions. You did? Yes. I literally bottle them up so much. And that's because... But not necessarily like... Because I think some people bottle up emotions in the sense that like...

they can't like tell people what bothers them or they're afraid of confrontation and it's not like that it's like you can tell me i don't want to be a victim it is or like it is things that make you emotional personal things that make you emotional you're not going to reach out to someone and be like i want to talk to you about this yeah yeah no exactly and i feel like that it's all stemmed from like my childhood with like my dad being sick and shit like

Growing up with that, I never wanted to cry in front of him. I never wanted to show that I was upset for him or I was scared for him or any of that. So I bottled everything up because I wanted to look strong and like there for him. So my emotions never got to like come out. And through that, that's just how I kind of learned to deal with my emotions is just bottle it up and not tell anyone that I'm sad.

So like that's been something that I've been trying to work on. I'm aware of it, which is good rather than not being aware of the fact that I do that. So like I'm aware of it and I'm trying to get better at it. But it's hard because I hate fucking crying. I hate it more than anything.

I think another thing, if I were to say something you learned about yourself, I think you've, like, learned to embrace your girly side. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 100%. I think, like, you've really, like, learned to, like, bring out your girliness. Like, the fact that you have, like, from the, like...

you that i met like the fact that like when i saw the artwork you bought for your room i know it was like bitch what and like like the makeup like when i moved it when i met sam moved here sam did not wear makeup literally i didn't even know where makeup and you're like what

like what's concealer you were like what's contour i don't get it like i was like oh my god like so it's just like i feel like you really like it was because i grew up with brothers obviously yeah i feel like you just like really embraced your and my mom was never like into your girly side and i think you've learned that about yourself that you like that yeah i love it do you have this is three pieces of life advice but maybe if you don't have three we can

No pressure. Yeah. But do you have any like advice you think that you've learned? Like to basically what I would have given myself. Basically, is that what you're saying? Kind of. Yeah. Okay. Maybe that like you've... Yeah. Like you've learned like maybe something happened that now that advice like has stuck with you or like someone told you or... Yeah. Don't put a timeline on your life. Like don't care at all about like the number of age that you're at because I feel like for the longest time I used to stress out...

about the time of my life and compare my timeline to other people's timelines and i'm definitely in a place where i don't do that anymore um other than like like stupid shit like i'll joke with you being like oh you don't get fucking hangovers like that type of shit right stupid silly things but realistic timelines i could do not stress over that whatsoever everyone's time is different um the second one i think would be work on your like

Be happy being alone. Like I have spent the last five years being single and I would get so upset about it and like hate feeling like I had no one to talk to. But that's kind of when you learn so much about yourself, like being single for that long. I have learned and changed so much as a person. So just know if you're like going through a breakup or you're really searching for a relationship,

to kind of like not let that overtake anything like allow yourself to be single it's so much fucking fun you have no one telling you what to do so don't stress over finding like a relationship it will eventually come and then the third one uh i'm doing this more this year and i think that's going to be reach out and try to see your family as much as you can i feel like we've just had a lot of things over the last year that i've noticed like i need to like put more effort into like

talking or seeing my family because life is just it's a crazy thing man um so I've been trying to this year I've seen my family almost every month um so whether that's they come to me I go home we go on vacation together like I this year over the last two years I've lived here I've seen my family what is it six months I think I've seen them or it's now around seven months I've seen them five out of the seven months that we've

been through this year so just take the time out of your if you haven't talked to your family in like a week two weeks a month just reach out to them yeah yeah that's solid advice yeah where do you hope to be in five more years this is the last question dude as we just said not to put a timeline on i'm gonna i'm gonna um listen back to this podcast episode in like five years

Well, I think it's crazy because this is where I keep – because I get – we've – I don't know if we've talked about this in the podcast. We probably have, but it's something that's just been a thing in my personal life. I'm really, really bad with comparing myself to people. Bad. Like, horrible. And, like, something that has been keeping me so –

Like when I like think I'm about to spiral, what I do is I think you're the age Sam was when she moved here and how fucking different are you as a person? So different. And I'm the age you were when you moved here. And like how much you've changed as a person. I'm like literally don't stress about anything because you have no clue. Where life will be in two years. What it's gonna be. So like that like is what keeps me grounded because I'm literally like...

Like, like memories will come up and I'm like, oh my God, like this feels so long ago. And like, you were my, like, yeah, like the boat of your 23rd birthday was like just in my memories. And I'm like, oh my God, like you were my age. And that's a different person. Who even were these people? Literally, even last year, like when they were showing the photos of our boat last year, I'm like,

I had fake lashes. Like I had no, like I just looked very different. And like, obviously like internally I was very different as well, but it's just crazy. Yeah. Um, but five years from now, I also meant to bring this up. 30. I know, bro. Oh my God. That's crazy. But yeah, so I am hoping I was going to say this when Taylor was talking about her job, but I'm,

I have a few business ventures that have been in the back of my mind for like a while now, and I'm finally pursuing those. So I'm really hoping within when I hit 30, like I'll have... I want to open something up. I'm not going to say what it is quite yet, but there is something...

that involves my presence to be there that I want to open up and I'm hoping I could maybe have two locations by then. That would be sick. If the first one is successful and it works out, then I'll have a second one. And if I have a business venture that I'm able to pursue, I can kind of take a little bit of a step back from social media and not being so stressed on it. And obviously I'll have a house and maybe I'll be engaged or married. Who knows?

I'd say in five years at least you're engaged. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I would hope engaged. That'd be kind of fucked up if I... I feel like once you're in your 20s, like, I feel like I thought that I had to date someone for, like,

five years before being engaged to them yeah but then as you get older i feel like relationships can be you're so much shorter because it's not you you kind of just know yeah you know because you're at this age everyone's dating for that i would hope everyone's dating for that reason whereas in like

High school, college, like... Or you think you're dating for their reading, but you're not. You think you are, but there are so many life obstacles that are going to come in the way that are just going to prevent you from that. Like, with my ex-boyfriends, obviously, we were so immature, so that's why we broke up. But if we did work out, like, with my two ex-boyfriends in high school and college, like, if we did work out, there was just...

so many obstacles of like long distance or going to college like those things that got in the way that would have affected it whereas like we're older now like there's not really obstacles like that anymore yeah it's like it either fits your life or it doesn't yeah like exactly so i don't know crazy and i don't know also five years from now i don't know i want to like i want to

Austin is such a big part of my life and I have so many fucking friends here and I just like never really want to leave here like I would love to like have a house here yeah and like maybe have another house somewhere else where like I can go back and forth to like

Obviously, once the kids become a part of the life, then that maybe will be a little bit different because I'm like, okay, where do I want my kids to grow up? But realistically, I do want a house here. And I've struggled with that because people are like, do you think you're going to stay in Austin forever? And in my head, nothing's pushing me out. I feel like some people live in a place and they know that they're not going to be there forever. They know that for a fact. So nothing's really pushing me out of here.

And I've, at first I would have told you, Oh, a hundred percent I'm staying. But then I think nothing, no part of me thought I was going to live in Austin, Texas. Yeah. So there's a high chance I couldn't end up.

in some other place that I never thought in a million years I would be... Yeah, the thing is, though, I don't really want to go somewhere new and have to, like, make new friends. I don't want to live in a different city than you. And I don't want to go back to Massachusetts. I don't want to live in a different city than you. Yeah, no, I don't want to live in a different city than you. What the fuck would I do? I'm so happy you're on the same page as me. Fuck. Okay, but, like, I kind of want to move to, like, the middle of nowhere in Tennessee. No, what the fuck? I'm not coming with you there. Okay, okay.

But the thing is, a lot of our friends live here and aren't leaving. Like, Haley's never leaving. Dayton's never leaving. Seth's never leaving. There are friends that I know are going to stay here, and I don't want to leave them. Okay, but then it's like part of me, like how we're talking about family. Yeah. My sister is going to move to where my other sister is in Georgia. And it's like, I would love a life where...

I live with my sisters and our kids. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like when I think long-term of having kids, I want to be able to celebrate holidays and live down the street from my sisters. Yeah.

You know, like that to me is how I'd want to live my life. I can't imagine the rest of my life being a plane ride away from my family. See, I can, I can do that. I know it sounds so fucked up to say, but like I can do that. And I probably could. Cause once you get to the point, then it's like your husband and your kids are your family. Yeah. But I just know right now, like to me, like in an ideal world, like I would love to be closer to my family. Yeah.

Like, I'd want, like, my kids and their, like, cousins to live near each other. You know what I mean? Yeah. I just want... I know for a fact I think I want a house here. Because, I mean, I'm buying a fucking house. Yeah, you want a house. The goal is I want to buy a house next year here. But hopefully within...

By the time I turn 30, I can financially afford to invest into another property. And that property could probably be where my family... Like, my parents are retiring in Florida. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, how fucking awesome would that be to have, like, a little condo in Florida somewhere, you know? And I can go there for weeks at a time and, yeah, hang out there. Do you think you want kids by 30? Oh, bro, that sounds... I don't know.

I have no idea. That's scary. I'm on a strict timeline. Yeah, you are on a strict timeline, which I just said, no timelines. Well, I'm on a strict timeline. I want to be engaged by 25, married by 27, kid 29. I know.

I got a schedule, and my boyfriend knows about it. Get with it or get lost. Yeah, he does. Which I... And it's like, get lost fast because you're infringing on my timeline. Yeah. I told... I haven't really talked about Sneaky Link at all with you guys on here. And that's because there's not really much to say quite yet. We're going on a little vacation this weekend. And...

He really wanted to take me out to... I don't know if you guys know what Big Bend is. It's like a national park. And he wanted to go out there. But it's like literally a seven-hour drive to get out there. And I'm like, I have literally not just like done nothing in two and a half weeks. And I was like, I just really don't want to go out there. So now we're just going like an hour outside the city. And we're just...

Basically camping, like doing nothing, like literally not moving my body whatsoever. Because if I was going to go to Big Ben, we would have been hiking all fucking day. Just like going through the national park. So I'm doing basically nothing. Going on a little vacation with Sneaky Link and seeing where the weekend takes me. So exciting. So exciting. So exciting.

I'm going to be doing random activities this weekend. Yeah. I think I'm going to go to a movie. Yes, please go to the ACA. I think I'm going to go to this one right here. No. Actually, no, not this one. I think I'm going to go to that one, but a different location. I don't know. I'm going to maybe go to a movie. You can go to the one in the mall. You can go to Cheesecake Factory. Might do...

mini golf yeah just do like things yeah i wanted to go to a comedy show but it was kind of expensive even though like i love trevor wallace but i like his podcast and then i saw clips of his stand-up and people were saying that like it's not that good yeah so i was like if it's not gonna be that good like not worth it

but i fucking love a comedy show but yeah i'm like literally obsessed with sneaky link it's a fucking problem i know i was telling your mom i know my mom's like oh my god you're so cute like the way i like talk about i was like no no she like really likes it no i'm like mom i'm like chill chill child anyways i really have to fucking pee and i need to just like squirming out of this chair

lay down and get to work because i'm like i have so much work to do so many i gotta be ready on slack i'm like 10 minutes late oh my god all right guys well i can't wait for next week's episode to fill you guys in on my my weekend adventure with sneaky link i'm gonna be doing lots of tiktok vloggy vlogs so make sure you're following me on tiktok and you have me out on snapshot anything else you want to say taylor um

No. I just... My cramps have subsided a little bit. That's good. So I'm hoping it stays like this. Really? You should. I know. But is this, like, weird? I want to, like... I wanted to just see how they naturally, like, affect my body. Yeah, I mean, that makes sense. Like, just because I've never... Like, you know? Yeah, I could never...

i'd be like i don't know if they kept going it was really it was an hour of like agony like pure agony but i just kind of want to see how my natural like how i feel yeah i love talking to you guys i really do same like you guys are a fan like family type shit i wish you were all here in this room i know dude that'd be sick because i just want to chit chat i know i

Hopefully my business ventures eventually one day will allow me to meet so many of you guys in person because I just want to like see all y'all's faces. Yeah. Yeah.

Anyways, tag us on Instagram of the way that you watch or listen to the podcast. I always love seeing that. It kind of inspires me to talk as long as I can because now I know a lot of you guys are literally doing like 12 overnight shifts and I'm like, okay, now I need to talk as much as I fucking can to keep you occupied. Also today I'm bringing merch to the post office. Every Thursday merch will go to the post office. So if you order anytime before Thursday, it gets packaged on Wednesday, bring it on Thursday. So it'll always ship on Thursday. You'll get it by like Monday.

word okay have a wonderful friday weekend monday whenever you're listening to this bye bye guys