cover of episode Our Goals for 2023 | Fitness, Mental Health, Finances, and More!

Our Goals for 2023 | Fitness, Mental Health, Finances, and More!

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One Thing About Us

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sam:2022年播客从未间断上传,这在经历了人生中最艰难的一年后显得尤为不易。她回顾了过去一年中实现的目标,包括直觉饮食、百万播客下载量、更加注重健康饮食、独自一人完成全额付费假期以及阅读超过10本书等。她还分享了养狗的经历,以及与前男友重归于好但没有复合的经历。展望2023年,她计划继续坚持播客上传,学习更多关于荷尔蒙健康的知识,开始进行心理治疗,持续使用计划本,专注于肌肉增长,特别是二头肌和臀部,并在三个月内完成卧推一个盘子的目标。此外,她还计划增加收入来源或投资理财,并为结肠癌筹款。她还计划在白天做更多的事情,例如外出就餐、去公园等,而不是只在周末活动。 Taylor:她回顾了2022年实现的目标,包括三个月的直觉饮食(并持续至今)、百万播客下载量、在过去六个月里更加注重健康饮食、独自一人完成全额付费假期(也是她第一次与成年朋友一起旅行,大家各自承担费用)、140磅的卧推目标、阅读超过10本书以及养狗。展望2023年,她计划阅读50本书,继续坚持播客上传,学习更多关于荷尔蒙健康的知识,并开始进行心理治疗。她还计划持续使用一个计划本一整年,专注于肌肉增长,特别是二头肌和臀部,并在三个月内完成卧推一个盘子的目标。此外,她还计划去一个新的国家和两个新的城市旅行,结交更多女性朋友。 Taylor:2022年,她成功地进行了三个月的直觉饮食,并持续至今;达到了百万播客下载量的目标;在过去六个月里更加注重健康饮食,专注于食材和全食物;独自一人完成了全额付费的假期,这是她第一次与成年朋友一起旅行,大家各自承担费用;完成了140磅的卧推目标;阅读了超过10本书;养了一只狗。2023年的目标包括:阅读50本书(计划每月阅读5本);不跳过任何一期播客;学习更多关于荷尔蒙健康的知识;进行心理治疗;持续使用一个计划本一整年;专注于肌肉增长,特别是二头肌和臀部;在三个月内完成卧推一个盘子的目标;去一个新的国家和两个新的城市旅行;结交更多女性朋友;每个月设定一个小目标。

Deep Dive

Sam and Taylor discuss their holiday activities, including family time, watching movies, and weather challenges.

Shownotes Transcript


What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go. What's up you guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Sam and I'm Taylor. We are virtual. We haven't done a virtual podcast in like a really long time.

Yeah, but I just got back from the holidays and Sam's still home, so I'm chilling alone. As you guys are listening to this, though, I am probably going to be flying out and I'll be back in Boston. I'll be back in fucking Austin. And yeah, I don't know. This week has been like kind of like low key, a lot of like family time, but I'm so happy that we like waited really to talk until now because it feels like we're just recording a like

like friends, FaceTime, catch up call. Yeah, basically that's 100% like what this is. We're also going to do a little, it's a little New Year's episode, a little year recap, talking about our goals for 2023, all that fun stuff. But yeah, we like really haven't talked much. I didn't do much at home at all.

Christmas Eve just hung out with my parents and we watched a Christmas movie. It's a really good movie. Actually, it was called Spirited. It was a really funny. So I watched that with my mom and then Christmas just with the fam. And then I had another family dinner. That's kind of it. Like I was just chilling at home with my family. Yeah. And like went to the gym. But that's basically it. And I wanted to go to the beach, but like my most free day was

The weather, except for the day I left, the day I left had nice weather, was, like, cold and cloudy and rainy, like, every day. Yeah. I got back on... Well, we both traveled on Friday, so, like, we literally both got back, like,

or no well you got back on Christmas Eve on Christmas Eve but yeah I just did the same like a lot of Christmas family time I vlogged both days so if anyone's curious and wants like the visual aspect of my family a lot of people in the comments were like saying like oh my god your family's just like mine like so loud so crazy I was like yep mood but I just have the last like few days been playing a lot of like games my family has been so into activities and I don't know where this came from because my family used to be so against just like

Getting out of the house and doing like things. So we went bowling. We did this virtual golf thing, which Taylor, if there is a virtual golf thing in Austin, we should definitely do it because it's so much fun in the Waterloo.

Yeah, but that's, like, not – that's not the same, I feel. Like, it's a bar. Like, you go to a bar. It's literally, like, a full bar. And then outside of the bar, like, there's different private rooms that, like, you can go into. And then there's another whole room in the back. This is in Pembroke, Massachusetts. By the way, guys, if anyone lives near it, it's called iGolf. And they have – they have just every game imaginable. And it was just so much fun. I feel like that's, like, a good thing to do when it's, like, raining or something. But, yeah. Yeah.

pretty much did all that i was i want to do a lot more but my family there's five of us and there's only four or there's only two cars so it's been really hard to just like be able to like

secure a car and make plans. I feel so bad for so many people that wanted to like see me or like meet up with me. Like I already know Queen K is listening to this right now and it's just like I feel bad but it's impossible to like make plans and meet up with people and I feel guilty but it was kind of hard. Yeah I mean I was just kind of like okay I'm not gonna be doing shit. I slept in so much. My family we played a lot of games. My sister bought Monopoly Deal.

She's like, I bought this because you keep talking about it. And she's like, but it looks so hard. I feel like I'm not... I'm like, it's really not hard. It's very fun. But I didn't play it with my family. I tried to keep my drunk brothers and they did not get it. I didn't play it with my family because I was like, this is like... Like, you guys aren't going to listen right now. Like, I'm not going to like go through that. But what we did play, which we're all... Like, this is such a fun game and I can't wait to play with you guys.

it's like i don't know if it has a real name i just we just called the dice game don't know if it has a real name but you basically just kind of like a betting like luck game like you could put money on it we were doing like shots like if you lost like you were taking shots and it was so funny because my grandma's my grandma's 81 but she acts like she's 30 years old like that woman doesn't age and she's like ripping shots and like my sister like couldn't she's like i work tomorrow early like i'm not drinking it my grandma would be like i'll drink it

And we were like, oh, yeah. Like, oh, yeah, get it. If my grandmother were to have a shot, she'd be, like, on the floor. Like, you have to water down her drinks when we give her alcohol. That's so funny.

Like, my dad will, or my grandmother will be like, oh, Steven, like, will you go make a drink? And then my dad's, like, over at the bar making a drink, and it's, like, half water shot, half, like, vodka shot with, like, club soda. Like, she has no idea. But, yeah, I don't know. I've been loving seeing also, I've met so many of you guys, like,

listening right now like either at the gym I was just out like shopping a little bit and I ran into two of you I had one of you Lauren shout out if you're listening right now I don't know if you're listening but she said I used to listen and watch all your videos I'm like I'm like you stop I was like damn it like what the fuck like why'd you stop but I was just thinking that in my head I was like damn like did she mean to say used to or like does she still so I just thought that was funny that's interesting

And then I had a few girls at the gym. This is, like, actually funny. I haven't said this to you because I was, like, waiting for the podcast. But I had a few girls that thought I was from the town next to me, which, kind of backstory, there was a girl that started this rumor about me, about high school drama of me, like, making girls get downstrip naked in the locker room and run around, like, naked and I would steal their clothes. She made up this, like, horrible rumor about me and, like,

whatever. Obviously it's not true. And I had a few girls come up to me at the gym this week and I said it was from Hanover and they were like, oh shit. Like I thought you were from Norwell. And like, I know why they think I was from Norwell. They think I was from Norwell because of that girl that started the rumor is from that town. And I'm like, oh, haha. Like funny. Like it's just funny. Like what people will believe like automatically just from people like

going off of like social media and just rumors so I was like no I'm actually from Hanover and then like both of them like looked really confused I was like yeah I'm not even from that town that girl doesn't even know who I am I've never met her in my life but yeah so it was good meeting a lot of you guys um

I wrote down like a whole list of things that I wanted to talk about. Yeah, I have. Well, my main thing like hanging out with my family like is so fun. Like hanging out with my sister. And it's funny. I posted something and I mentioned I have a sister. And like I feel like people don't even know that, which is funny. I have two sisters and a brother. They're all older than me. Just fun fact if you didn't know. But it was so fun just hanging out with my sister. And she was like, it's so much fun when you come home. Because we were like, I posted the video on my TikTok. Like we were all just like singing like.

and my sister and me were like line dancing because she was like oh my god I learned this dance like I'll teach it to you and she just like taught it to me and like I taught her another one and we were just like she was dancing and like drinking and singing and playing games and she was like we don't have this much fun when you're when you're not here like we have fun when you're home I'm like yeah I'm like I am just like

The best one. Like, I really don't know how you guys function here without me, but, like, I know. I just bring the life of the party. I get it. Yeah. Facts. I wish I could say the same about my family, but honestly, I'm not like that. If anything, it's my brothers. My brothers are home. My brothers are crazy. But, um...

Yeah, tomorrow I'm going to my brother's hockey game and that's like the main reason I stayed so long. Next year, I'm really hoping like my brother, it's gonna be my brother's senior year for college hockey. And I'm really hoping that like he has a game within like Christmas. So that way my parents don't make me stay again for this long because like I feel like this was really pushing it like a full week pushing it to the max. But I'm excited to go to my brother's game because I'm having like a lot of my friends come to it.

It's literally right next to my college campus too. So I'm going to like be able to go to my college campus. Well, I'm not going to go actually to my college campus, but like I'm going to be in the area. So it's going to be like a little throwback moment. And then I fly literally back out and land in Austin, Texas at like almost one in the morning.

Have to wake up in the morning. And it's New Year's Eve and we're ready to rage. Ready to rage. Yeah, I was literally having quite the panic attack when my Princess Polly box wasn't there because like every other... Was it in the mailbox? It was in the mailbox. But every other package was brought in by my pet sitter. Like every other package...

of all shapes and sizes like they were all brought in they were all there there was so many it was like literally so many i opened the door i was like i was like what the fuck did we buy i bought a lot like yeah there was quite a lot of boxes so i was like uh i was like well every other box is here and like there's been a few issues of things getting delivered to the wrong like place like we got someone's wrong package package goes somewhere else i was like let me just see if it went to like i really thought i was like honestly it probably went like

a few houses over or something yeah our neighbor was so concerned she was she texted me and she was like obviously taylor knows this but you guys listen to this she texted me and she was like hey like you guys have quite a bit of packages like i hope you were like enjoying time up north because she knew like i was gonna be here until friday she's like do you want me to like grab all them and i was like no hopefully taylor's actually gonna be home later today and she'll just like bring them inside but yeah but i did go to the mailbox and my stuff was in there and i was there a lot of stuff in there huh

Was there a lot of stuff in the mailbox? There was my thing and your Windsor stuff. Oh, okay, cool. I think it was like one Windsor thing because it was a very, very small little... Yeah, no, it is one thing because the other one got dropped. I don't know why it was in two separate packages because I ordered them at the same time. But yeah, I usually walk over to the mailbox every single day with macro. So I was kind of like, oh no, like I haven't checked on it in like a week. So there really wasn't a lot in there at all.

But I was really freaking out because I was like, oh my God. I was like, it's not with like literally all these other packages. Like that really fucking sucks. What am I going to do? And then I was like, okay, I think you also ordered like four things just in case. So there could be quite a bit of New Year's Eve outfits in our house if mine didn't show up. I was like, so maybe it'll be fine. But I tried it on. The dress I want to wear fits. Yay. Which one? The...

I don't want to say what it is. Why? I'm kidding. It's just like short and black and like... Okay, that one. Yeah, it's like a short black, like sparkly. So I need to go to Forever 21 because it matches. Technically, it's black. So I guess you could wear gold. But to me, the vibe of the outfit is silver. So... I went to...

Francesca's and bought a bunch of silver jewelry because I knew I was not going to have time to do it tomorrow. Or I'm sorry, not tomorrow, Saturday when I get home. So I went and bought so much silver jewelry. Yeah, I'm going to do it tomorrow. I'm going to go to either Francesca's or Forever 21. Francesca's, I don't know if they do the same deals around the country. I think they do.

If they do, right now it's buy one, get one for $8, which isn't like the best deal. Usually it's like a little bit better of a deal. Buy one, get one free. Yeah, buy one, get one free or like buy one, get one like 50% off. But yeah, no, it wasn't bad. I got four different things and then like some of them had like stacks of stuff. I was just like...

I might as well stack up on silver jewelry. I never wear it, but it is always good to have because Francesca's, I'm not going to wear it, like, every day, so it's not going to tarnish. I'm just going to be wearing it when I'm going out, you know? Yeah. So it's not, like, it's going to, you know, get gross. Right, 100%. Do you have any, like, old friend drama tea, old boy drama tea, hometown drama? Honestly, no, because...

No, honestly, no, because I haven't even really been with my friends until tonight. I'm going out tonight. I'm going into Boston. I texted my friend Andrew who lives in Hawaii and he's back for like two weeks. And I'm going to be meeting up with him and we're going to be going to Cabo for anyone that's from Boston that knows of that. And then we are just going to go from there. But a lot of my friends work.

So like my friend Kylie actually just texted me and she was like, what's the plan? But it's like they can't do anything during the day. And I'm like, obviously, I'm free all day.

And then they all live in Boston and I'm like 20 minutes, 25 minutes south of the city. And then also I get so irritated by this. People in Boston are like so culty. It's insane. Like I say I'm from Boston and people get pissed that I'm like not actually from Boston. I'm like, why would I say I'm from Hanover, Massachusetts? Anyone across the country or across the world is not going to know what that is. So if I just say Boston, Massachusetts, people will understand what that is. So why?

like it presses people the wrong way people people in my like snapchat or in my comments on my tiktok like that's the suburbs of boston like why are you saying boston you're not from boston i'm like can you guys relax like it's not that deep yeah and i'm like it's really not at all it's also 20 minutes south it's not like you're on the other side of like yeah because if i said i'm from just massachusetts i could be literally from like worcester or like like the middle of fucking nowhere or like cape cod like i'm as close as you can get to boston and

Like, closer than the Cape. Closer than, like, all the way western Massachusetts. Like, I just say Boston. And people get so mad about it. Whoops. Little text. That's weird. I didn't hear that. Yeah. I hate to break it. And it's always the boys. The boys. Like, there's one guy named Sean. He's always in my things. He's like, stop saying you're from Boston. You're not even from Boston. I'm like, chill, bro. Yeah. And that's what's weird about Miami. Because Miami...

Like I live in Kendall, but it's still all Miami-Dade County. Like Miami's huge. Like all of it, even though I'm not from like Brickell, South Beach, that Miami, it's still all Miami-Dade County. So Miami-Dade County is huge. But people live in Broward and say they're from Miami. Like if you live in Broward or Fort Lauderdale, you're not from Miami. You're from Broward or Fort Lauderdale. But that's like an hour away.

yeah which is like far also i probably wouldn't say i'm from boston if i didn't go to school literally in boston that's so true but 20 minutes is like not far at all and also like

Yeah, you know who you're talking to. If you're talking to someone from Boston, you'd be like, I'm from Hanover. Yeah, exactly. Because they would be like, I know where that is. If someone, like, if for you, for example, were like, oh, where are you from? Like, I'm not going to look at you and be like, Hanover, Massachusetts. Yeah, I have no idea where that is. You'd be like, okay, so where is that in comparison to Boston? Yeah, I'd be like, is that Boston? 25 minutes south.

Or actually, if you said I would assume you lived really, really far from Boston or something. Because I'd be like, why did you say Boston? Most people that know, like most people that know Massachusetts, I'll just say I'm from South Shore. Because if you look at Boston on the map, there's the North Shore above Boston. And then there's the South Shore below Boston. And then below South Shore is like the Cape. So see, but I thought South Shore like was Boston. That's Southie. Southie is like where all my friends live. It's just like, like.

Right, but when I used to watch Emma and Maggie McDonald and they'd talk about South Shore, North Shore, I thought that was all Boston. Yeah, no. It's all easy to get to, though. South Shore to North Shore is like an hour. It's not that hard to navigate. Okay, well, random Massachusetts geography lesson. I know. Everyone just needs the little geography lesson because some people get pressed that I say I'm from Boston, but if I need to all of a sudden just start switching it and saying where I'm from, now you understand. Yeah.

But anyways, I wish I had like more to do in Miami when I was home. Like I can't wait to go back to Miami with like actual like plans to do things because the weather being bad really just like killed my vibe because it was it was cold on Christmas. It was like 40 degrees and I was like, what the hell? I was like, I thought I was coming to like the tropics like I wanted and I'm I was planning on going skiing.

While I was home, but I totally forgot that, like, when I would go skiing, I would borrow my ex-boyfriend's ski stuff. Like, I don't even own my own ski stuff. And it, like, hit me. I was like, fuck, like, I used to borrow my ex-boyfriend's shit. Like, I can't even go skiing. What is this? Yeah. So I wasn't able to go.

Because I'm not buying all that stuff. I'll give the update that most people are waiting for that I get asked about literally in everything that I post. I did end up seeing my ex-boyfriend and went really, really well. It was like all good. Because if you didn't know, we went like literally no contact for six months. Like we did not speak. Like we literally don't talk. Like...

So it was kind of like... Even if it's good or bad blood, I feel like that's how ever like breakups should be. Exactly. Because it was good. How are you ever going to move on? It was a good... Like we ended fine and we literally stopped talking, which was good. It's not like we've been talking all the way up to this point and then like saw each other. We literally hadn't spoke. Like...

I just like texted Merry Christmas to be like nice because like he texted me on my birthday. Like that's the only communication. It's like he texted me on my birthday and like I texted him on the anniversary of his like grandmother's passing to like not be a horrible person. Like that's like the only communication. So I just texted Merry Christmas and then he was like,

He just had a few questions for me. He was like, I just have a few questions I need to ask. It's just crazy how much six months you got a new tattoo. I was like, oh my god, what happened in your life? How you been? It's crazy. How have you been? What the fuck have you been doing? I'm like, damn, tatted? What else? It's also like a three-year relationship just ending over the phone. I don't know. I feel like normally you break up

And then you like see each other and maybe you see each other again. Like, cause normally like you live in the same place, but like to end a three year relationship, just like, and like, we literally didn't speak for six months. It's like, that's kind of crazy. And like, that's wild. But we like really didn't talk. And then we just like talked it out. Oh my God, Kitty, don't open the door. He's trying to open the door. Yeah. He's literally trying to come in here.

Oh my god, he's literally... He opened it. I thought we were feral, but I think Phineas is feral. He opened it. Okay, but anyways, so then I feel like he's gonna get like... Nah, he doesn't listen to this. Because I know he like doesn't want to be like... Even if he does, you're saying good things and it's honestly good for... I know, but I'm just saying he doesn't want to be like on my social media, so like sorry if he would rather me not tell the world, but I don't really care. So...

um he just like came by on like christmas night my family like adores him like loves him to no end so it's like not weird my mom was like so what's going on i'm like nothing and she's like well you guys seem fine i was like yeah but like neither of us want to date each other so not a big deal like i mean like as long as i didn't know it's kind of like what it because i didn't know it's like oh my god oh

You cannot walk on the laptop. We're doing a podcast. But it was kind of like, okay, like, does he, like, want to date? Does he want to be together? Like, I don't. Like, that was kind of, like, what's back in my head. Like, does he hate me? Does he not? Does he want to be together? Does he not? Like, I don't know, like, where anyone stands. And he was just kind of like, no. Like, he used to hate me a little bit because of things. But we cleared that up. So now he doesn't. But, um...

He was like, I literally don't want a relationship at all. Wouldn't do like the long distance again. Like, I don't want that. I literally don't want that at all. I was like, me neither. I was like, and then he, um, we, I saw him at the gym the next day, like not on purpose. Cause he was like, don't come to my gym. And I was like, I'm not, I'm going to go to LA fitness. Like, don't worry. I won't intrude on your gym time. But then LA fitness was so trash that I literally texted him. I was like, I'm will be coming to paradise tomorrow. Just letting you know.

like didn't tell him a time or anything but of course he was there at the same time i was there and he was just kind of like why the fuck are you here i was like because the other gym is fucking trash so i'm gonna work out here and you're gonna have to deal with it because i paid my day pass like everyone else so and then my week pass was 30 i was shook that's i only paid 15 bucks and i only went twice though i took a rest day on wednesday so i'm just gonna work yeah i've gone five times like a whole split that's crazy but yeah we hung out twice we hung out twice

um and it was kind of just like all right and now I'm gone so you know see you next time I go home I guess yeah like now I'm gone so it's like it was literally like all right bye and like yeah me and you haven't really been texting and so Taylor texted me and was like what I gotta scroll up and read it exactly because when you said that she goes I need to fill you in on my life with like the

the emoji that's like the smiley covering your mouth and then the shook face and I already knew right away I was like oh boy like spill the fucking tea like I need to spill more tea but after the show oh no off the mic

Oh, we all can know where that's going. It goes a lot of places. Oh, God. Oh, God. Okay. Anyways, let's segment into something different before I try to dig it out of you on a fucking microphone. Anyways, should we segue into the actual part of the episode? Yeah. Yeah.

All right. I kind of want to talk real quick before we jump into our goals for the year and just recap on the year because I want to give us a pat on the back. We never missed a podcast episode. We didn't. And that was that was in my goal. That was in my resolutions. We never that was in our goals for this past year to never miss an episode. And let me just say, guys, it may seem like sunshine and roses and fucking rainbows, whatever that saying is.

But let me tell you, the beginning of this year was the most toughest years of my entire life. And I am so happy that we were able to power through and get an episode out to you guys every single week. Even if some of the episodes at the beginning of the year were like 30 minutes, like we still got them out. And I feel so good about that. I am so happy that we never missed a week because I would have been so mad if I...

Look back because this episode officially coming out was the last one of the year, which means we did it. And like if I would have been like, oh, we didn't do it because of like other people's shit. I would've been so annoyed. And it's like, no, we did it. We did not miss one episode.

And like and so many people like the truth, like so many people slack and miss uploads. People literally say they're going to podcast. You need to treat podcasting like a full time fucking job. Like and so many people start podcasting, quit or like do all this shit. And like June will be two years. And by then we still won't miss an upload. I don't know why we would ever miss an upload because I will talk for 10 minutes and upload it before I miss one. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like I will. 110%.

I will talk in my voice notes for 10 minutes before I just let it go unuploaded yeah and like I know some people are more like like yeah you want to put out quality of course but like they're every week so it's not like that one that maybe you just like put out and like wasn't your best it's gonna like stick with people for so long I just know with my podcast that I like to listen to all the time I don't care if maybe one episode's better or worse than another I want the episode

Like I want it regardless. So that's just how I feel. And I'm proud of us for getting all of these episodes. And that was a really big goal of mine. Do you have like your goals written down on your phone? Huh?

Did you have your past, like this past year's goals on your phone? I do. Yeah. I just want to like read off the ones that I was able to accomplish. One of them was eat intuitive for three months. I ended up eating intuitive for the rest of the year. I thought I was just going to intuitive eat for the summer because I really wanted to intuitive eat and not really pay attention to anything during the summer. But then I ended up falling in love with intuitively eating and just like tracking my progress, like through just like how my body feels. And I have not stopped. So...

That's like even like a double check mark for being able to accomplish that goal, but then also continue on with the intuitive eating. Speaking of eating, well, I have two. I want to go back to podcast. I also had a million podcast downloads and now we're probably at like two. Oh, yes. A hundred percent. Like almost two. So that's sick. A million podcast downloads was check. Check.

And then on the food realm, I just have be more health conscious, really focusing on ingredients and whole foods. And I feel like I overall have gotten more health conscious in the last like six months, you know, like getting off birth control, like really getting more like just focused on being like overall more healthy than just like gym. Because that's just kind of what I meant like that, you know, kind of do a little less of the like protein powder, like

like candy mid set, like do less of that and like be more health conscious. And I think I really made that transition this year. Yeah. Do you want to do more to say?

Um, not really food related. I had one and it was, this was like my second one. This one was huge to me and it was going on a fully paid vacation on my own. And we went to San Diego. That was my first ever like actual vacation that was not work related at all that we like went on. And obviously I feel like I could have probably done like a better vacation that was like, maybe like Tulum, Cabo, like that type of vibe. But just to say that like, we actually finally went on a vacation that wasn't work related travel wise, like

I'm happy we were able to do that. That was my first vacation ever with like friends too. Like being like all friends that are adults paying their own way, like doing something. That's the first time I did that. I have on here my last two. I only have two more that I did. So I'll read them off as bench 140. My max is 145. So that's sick. I did that. And I also had read 10 books. I definitely read more than 10 books. I don't know how many, but I did read 10 books.

There you go. And then I have get a dog. I got a fucking dog. That feels so good to say. Like, I can't remember. Like this time last year, I was literally like geeking out. Like, do I do it? Do I get a dog? Like, I don't know if I should get a dog. And then I spontaneously just one day in the middle of February, which is like, we're getting a dog. And thank God you did. That macro really helped. Like,

really, like, was there when you needed him. I know. He was, like, a blessing in disguise because none of that happened until after I got him. Yeah, and, like, Macro helped you, like, you had to, like, if you were gonna do anything that day, like, you had to get up and, like, feed Mac and, like, take Mac on a walk. I know. Like, even if you wanted to do nothing else, you had to take care of him. Isn't it crazy, too, to think that, like, with all the shit that happens, like, I brought him to Alpha Land, too. That's crazy.

like it's so weird to think about like I literally had him for like two weeks and brought him to fuck no not two weeks I'm such a lie like two months right I don't know he was running to upland and then yeah so yeah Mac is definitely a blessing in disguise and then my last one I also don't really know I've never counted like my full pull-ups but I think 10 pull-ups was like

I don't know if I've actually ever hit 10 pull-ups. I think I got like nine and a half. So tomorrow, you're going to try. I'm going to try to go for 10. And that's, that's you. That's your last chance or Saturday. I know. I think I've gone nine and a half before. And then I remember doing it. It was when my brothers visited and I did like nine and a half. And I remember those like, you can't fucking count that. I was like, what about, what's wrong with nine and a half? Like I got half up there. Okay. Well just try it. Just do it.

Yeah, I will. I have on here that I didn't do was to learn how to hold a handstand. I didn't do it. Okay, because I'm a lazy sack of potatoes, but I still wanted to learn so bad, but I just can't do it. And then 100K YouTube subscribers. I stopped doing YouTube for like...

Our little February incident did not help gaining following anywhere at all. That did not help. So definitely that attributed to the fact. Anything related to fault, like that shit, that did not help at all. Yeah, that did not help. And also I kind of took a little bit of a YouTube break because I broke a camera. And then I like wasn't uploading for a little bit and I like put my time and energy into other things. So that didn't happen. Mm-hmm.

Alright, let's get into I have like, obviously, a few that didn't happen, but I don't really care for those. Mine were stupid, like flexibility and shit. But let's get into actual goals for the year. I want everyone listening to this right now to make sure going to the new year that you actually write things down because this is just so much fun to look back on, like on seeing like what you actually accomplished. And then at the end of the year being to like check things off of like what you did.

So I just keep it in my phone notes and I have just like a goals folder. And within that notes, like I have, I've literally been doing it since 2020. So now I'm going to be putting in 2020, what, 2023. That's so crazy. That is so crazy. All right. But do you want to start off with your first one? Yes. My first one is to read 50 books.

Um, so I, my last year's thing was 10. This one is 50, um, which is roughly for a month. Um, in January, I already have it set out that I want to do five books in January. So that'll put me ahead, but I want to read 50 books. And when you're writing goals, you have to think also about how you're going to be proactive about them, which for me, I might get a Kindle.

I'm really leaning toward it just because the convenience of finishing a book and being able to immediately get one is really nice because a lot of the time what sets me back with reading is like I'm about to finish a book and then it's like, oh crap, I have to like order another book. And then like I'm like waiting for a book to come. So I didn't read for like three days and then it like really sets me off. Whereas I feel like a Kindle, it's so easy to just always have books like whenever you want them and it's like easier to bring with you.

um you can read in like the dark because the thing just lights up but i do like real books because it makes me feel less like really not on technology but like i just need to get over that a little bit and like whatever i can do real books sometimes but like i think it kind of because kindle's convenient but i want to read 50 books that's insane

Yeah, so all of those are in my Amazon storefront, if you're wondering. All right. Mine, I'm going to try to keep mine relatively around, similar to your vibes as we go on with this. But I don't have any in terms of reading or writing, so that's unfortunate. But one for both of us, because, I mean, well, yeah, you need to be part of this, is never skip a podcast episode again for the year. Oh, 100%. That's it. I think...

That's just given at this point. Okay, given. That's given. We will never. If anything, like, yeah, no, it's just given. Like, we, duh. Yeah. And then I'm going to move my way. Actually, no. We'll stay in the educational ones. I want to learn more about hormone health because your girl is still struggling. She's off birth control. And this week is supposed to be my week of getting my period. I'm right now getting all the symptoms, but they're not as bad as last month.

And I just want to be more in tune with my body. So I'm going to, when I get home, just get more into it. Everyone wants me to read the pill book, whatever the fucking book is called. But I'm like, guys, do you guys not realize I don't like, I can't read. Listen to it as an audio book or as a podcast. Okay. If there's a podcast out there, I'll listen to it. I'm pretty sure the person that wrote the book either has a podcast or you can just listen to the book.

as an audiobook yeah then i'll do that because everyone kept saying read the book and i'm like yeah yeah i'll read it to you i'll like sit on your bed and like read you a book

Yeah, thank you. Read it out loud. Yeah. So that's one big goal for me just because I want to get more in tune with my body and then hopefully get my period back, have regular hormones, and just see where I go with that. So that's a work in progress. And then the other one is go to therapy because I want to be putting my mental health first. I want to just be, like, you never know what the year can bring. So if I'm already, like, going to therapy and already being proactive about my mental health,

I feel like that will really help me out if anything does happen in the new year, because I feel like this time last year when going into the new year, I wasn't like super on top of like mental health. I feel like I could have handled things a little bit better mentally. So yeah.

Yeah, going to therapy. That's definitely super true because when you're down horrendous, the last thing you want to do is start searching for a therapist. Yeah. Like, that's literally the last thing you want to do. So that's actually... That's honestly, like, a really fucking good idea. I just really can't be bothered. But that's really good and you really should do it. Yeah.

But to be fair, I have already done therapy one time. So I'm like, I feel like it's okay that I don't want to anymore. I know. I just want to go and I need to find somebody that is like kind of young because social media is a lot of what I'm going to be talking about. But I have like a few therapists lined up that I'm just waiting till I get home to even message them back because I'm like, right now I just can't deal with this. Okay. I'm going to go staying in the kind of like self-help genre. Okay.

I want to literally use a planner continuously one planner the whole year. I have struggled so much with finding a way of using like planner calendar that actually like benefits me and that I do continuously. I've tried like this one thing that I got that I saw other people use and I literally am staring at it right now, but I realized I kind of just hate the format of it. It doesn't make sense for me like the format and then and then that makes me not want to use it because I'm like the format of this I don't resonate with because it's very like

list and order your top three things to do today of in and like of importance and then like the next list of importance and I'm like my tasks aren't really like more or less important or like let's say the podcast is like the most important thing I'm doing that day but I'm not doing that until 3 p.m. well I don't want to write that first I don't know the layout of the thing to me just didn't click in my brain to make sense for me to plan things

And then like I put things on Google Calendar, but I like a physical book. It makes me feel good. So I want to go – maybe I'll go to Target literally after this. I want to get –

a planner that I actually take time to look at the layout and think does this actually look like something that'll make sense that I will use and then if it does actually getting it and literally using it the whole year I want to look back at this time next year and be like this planner is full of everything I did so I really want to do that and then I'll throw another one out there

I want this to be a year of really just growing my muscles, not necessarily doing like a tracked bulk and cut because that's kind of what we did last year. I just want to steady path grow this year. Like I want to specifically I wrote grow my biceps and my glutes like I want juicy arms and I want a juicy.

juicy ass like and that's really what I want to focus on I don't really know if I'm gonna go back to tracking my food this week I just planned groceries kind of mentally thinking because I've tracked for so long that I know kind of what's in what I'm eating and like today I went back to having like a protein shake like I was always having like that second scoop of protein having a protein shake and like I just want to go back to that I want to go back to having like a pretty loaded shake with like

nut butter protein fruit chia seeds flax seeds creatine like putting all of that in a shake and like drinking that every day to really like get those gains going i just want to be really on top of it being like one whole year of growing so i don't have to go through like a crazy like bulk and uncomfortable and then cut and do cardio just like solid one year of growing slow i agree on that one

I didn't really put anything down in terms of like gym related just because my goals are things that I've already been doing toward the end of this year. So I was like, I'm not really changing anything going into the new year. I'm like continuing to do the things that I'm doing now. So that's why I didn't like put them as goals. But like, yeah, everything that you just said, I'm kind of like,

agree and I retweet um You have one related one. I do want a bench a plate baby. That's what I say you posted bench a plate And I think you're gonna do that in I'm gonna give it three months. Okay, let's go three months, baby I've been feeling so good though like in the gym like honestly, I'm so surprised like I I don't know what it is, but something in the fucking water. I'm drinking I thought oh my god my headphones

I know I need to get I need to get new headphones but I literally today in the gym I am right next to the speaker in the bicep curl machine right next to the speaker that is blaring I could not hear one single word not a beat I could not tell you what song was coming out of that speaker because they're so noise canceling like I cannot hear shit so I was so focused because I

I literally can't get distracted. I can't hear anything. I feel like I wouldn't like them if I wanted to wear my hair down to the gym. That's my issue. Oh, I wore my hair down the other day with them in Miami and like I liked it. I literally... Did it make your hair like crease though? Because I feel like for me that would make my hair crease. Not really, no. They're not very like hard on your head. Like they're very lightweight on your head. They're not very like...

Because right now, for everyone listening, all I have is like the OG AirPods. Yeah, that's an issue. No, that's an issue for you. You need to get AirPod Pros at least. Yeah, they got stolen by the homeless guy that stole my car. You need to buy a new pair. Ever since, I have not gotten a new pair. You need to buy a new pair. I am so surprised I've lasted that long. Yeah.

Damn. But my headphones have really like I was so zoned in today and I was like, oh my God, I can't wait to be this zoned in all the time because like literally I can't be bothered like because I can't fucking hear you like because before I feel like anything like.

Someone's like smashing plates. Like you look like someone like grunts where you look like, I don't know. I literally can't hear you. Even if someone was like, excuse me, miss, I can't hear you. Like I literally can't hear you. I forgot to add also for like, like gym wise, I want to become more active outside of the gym. And period. I want to keep going to dance once a week. Obviously.

I'm going to be shipping my ice hockey bag down to Austin. And then I bought rollerblades, my field hockey stuff, but also like with our friends, like playing tennis, playing golf, like just like being outside and being more active. Cause I really want to take advantage of the fact that we live in such a warm state, like being here in Boston, I have not gone on a walk. I have not, I have not done shit. I have not been active. So I really want to take advantage of it.

and just be more active during the week because it's just like serotonin. It just feels so good. Right. So that's like mine. I have on here, I want to bench 155, which is a red kilo plate.

I really want to do that. I don't know. I don't have anything else to say except I want to do that. I have two for traveling. I want to travel to a new country and I want to also travel to two new cities. And for the new country, I literally do not have any country in mind. I just know at some point during the year, like it's going to happen. I don't know. I'm just, I love traveling. So, and then my two new cities I want to travel to this year are going to be Chicago and Las Vegas. Okay.

Okay, I really want to go to Vegas. I've been to Chicago, but I was little, so I don't remember too much, but I did go to Chicago.

but I do really want to go to Vegas. Yeah, those are just two I put down. It can be any two new cities. I just want to make sure each year I'm going to two new cities no matter what, and I'm just continuing to explore the country because there's just so much to do and so much to see. And I just love being like, when I talk to people that have not traveled, obviously there's the luxury and being able to afford to be able to do something like that. And like,

I just feel like when I'm talking to like my cousins, for instance, when they were over for Christmas, like they're in college, they haven't really quite traveled yet. And just like talking with them and like,

explaining to them like there's just so much out there and I really really hope that like because my cousins like I would hope look up to me and I really want them to like really branch out there even my brothers too and just like see the country because you just learn so much while you're traveling yeah I'm big into the little like different cities trips because y'all know me like just like long plane rides and being away from home for such a long period of time like literally just gives me the most like

sounds miserable, but these little trips to fun places like in the country that are two hour plane rides away are just so much fun. Like just thinking like going to Nashville and like talking and seeing different types of people that like nothing crazy or anything, but just like wouldn't have met those people if we didn't go, like wouldn't have that story to tell. Like it's just fun like being in different places and

And you can just do so much in a weekend and like see so many new things. So I'm like in love with the little city trips. I think they're so fun just bopping around the country. I have like in terms of family travel, I have so much family travel coming up in like the new year. I'm going to Tampa in April with my family for the Frozen Four for hockey. And then right after that, I go to Marco Island. And then my parents during Memorial Day want me to go to Puerto Rico with them.

I don't know if that's going to happen. I didn't like Puerto Rico. What? I went to Puerto Rico on a cruise and I didn't like it because I thought it was literally, we got off the boat, off the cruise ship and I was like, are we back in Miami? Like, it just felt like Miami. I was like, are we home? Like, it was giving Miami.

We haven't gone in a while, but we used to always go to this, like, little resort that is, like, an island off of Puerto Rico. But because of the... I want to say it was a hurricane or something, it completely destroyed the island. So they had to, like, rebuild it and whatnot. But yeah, so then Puerto Rico. And then I'm going to Hawaii in August for two weeks. And then... Oh, I want to also bring you guys all up to Boston's last Martha's Vineyard for July for my birthday. Lots of little...

traveling going down I literally go to this month when I'm going to Georgia then are we going to LA I don't know Steve never answered because like that's just I mean that's just gonna be two weekends back to back of me like going on a plane which I mean like whatever I do want to see the new gym though but like if it's not like an event I don't want to go

like that weekend if it's not like an event because the grand opening is gonna be so crazy busy i'd rather go like maybe two three weeks after the actual grand opening yeah if it's not an event but if it's an event like i i would yeah like yeah just so much like travel in the last like two like i don't want to go back on a plane but whatever you know what you gotta do and then i'm trying to plan with like one of my childhood friends who like used to be my neighbor she lives in

She lives in Connecticut, but, like, we're going to go to, like... She wants me to come visit, so we can do, like, New York. So, like, I want to do that. And she was like, maybe February. And then, like, if I want to go back to Florida, like, when you go to Florida, maybe. Yeah, I only bought a one-week ticket. I do want to go back to Miami. What?

I only bought a one-way ticket because I wasn't sure what our plans were. So I only... Like, I bought literally Austin to Tampa. I want to do Miami again, like, with the gang and have, like, a time in Miami. I want to do that so bad because I just love it there. But only when there's, like, fun people to, like, do Miami with. And then after that, I don't have, like, much. But, like, just another year that's going to fly by so fast. But I hope we just do...

a lot more fun things. Again, I think for, like, all of our friends' birthdays, we should just go somewhere each time. Agreed. I also made it a bucket list, or bucket list goal for the new year to make more girlfriends. Yeah, facts. I have set, I've set coffee dates with, like, two different girls next week because I was like, I need to go into the new year, like, actually with the intent of, like, hanging out with girls because, like, it's one thing, like,

going to get like going out and getting drinks or like going to pre-games with all these girls but it's just like we don't we don't know them like yeah exactly like i want to get to know you on like a deeper level that can potentially then end up being like a friendship so if you're listening to this and don't have a lot of girlfriends literally just reach out to people that like you know of or you're always like in the same group around and like try to develop like a deeper level friendship in that sense because that's what i'm trying to do i just feel like it's

sometimes like even new year this new year is like taylor and i are the only girls really like in our group that we know so i'm like oh fuck but yeah more more girlfriends for sure yeah and then 100 do you have any like relative to friends family anything like that um not really but i have i didn't really write this down because the ones that i said already were my like

Those are things you can feel like you can literally check off, you know, like read 50 books, bench 155. Yeah. Those are like check offable. Now, if I'm saying things are more kind of like general vibes, I want to do not really like, okay, I can check off that I did that. But I want to and this might entail like me just trying to like wake. This might have to be like waking up early. But basically, I want to like do more during the day because we.

are in a situation where it's great that we don't go somewhere and work and our work is kind of like whatever we want it to be and like yeah there's some days where it's like oh my god computer all day but i feel like i get very like oh if i have to do something till like 2 p.m that that's like my whole day and the day's over when it's like no i can't at 2 p.m then i like throw on an outfit and like go somewhere

like yeah and like do something like go like take advantage of like going to like even like restaurants and stuff like we never really like go like when we went and got brunch that one day you and me or that lunch like you can do that middle of the week that's what i'm saying and i feel like i'm very hard on myself or like it's a work day and then that ends up with like i can finish my work in a day in like two three hours which like is a nice thing about my job that i can do and it would make my content better if i like got out of the house and did something

like i don't know i just like always think like oh look i don't have like time for that today or something and it's like you literally do yeah like there's there's no way why you couldn't fit in like going downtown for an hour in your schedule like why can't you go to the park yeah like just just little stuff like that so i just want to during the week just get out more and do things rather than only doing things on the weekend i sound i sound like fun on weekdays

Yeah. I have like one that's like money related and that, or this is like a two in one. Do either of them or do both of them add an ink, add a, another source of income or like invest my money. So like the two of them, they can go together. They can be separate, but I just want to like continue to obviously grow. Cause like social media is just like one of those things where it's like, it's never promising with work. So,

So just adding another source of income and then investing my money. My dad is actually... My dad's job is investments. So I'm hoping that I can talk with him, work with him, see what I can do with that. And then...

figure out what maybe my another source of income could be yeah i agree with that i should have wrote that down because that's check offable too um like i want to start investing to like start like a roth ir way roth ira or whatever the hell i literally started doing this because listening to a podcast and i made an account like i felt they were like go to one of these websites like they were like it's really easy like you go on one of these websites like put in your information like vanguard fidelity like all the whatever they are and like

I could not figure that shit out for the life of me. Like, I mean, I got to the point where they had my information and like I have an account with like my information and like my social security number and all the shit. But I really can't figure out how to do more than that. And I really don't get how it works. And I really want to learn how that works because.

I just want to like be semi on top of that. It's like literally so it's like, oh, put $100 away every month and by this age, you're like a millionaire. And it's like, okay, someone teach me. Like, how do I start the thing where I put $100 a month into it? I also want a certain amount of money in my savings by the end of the year. I'm just, I mean, I don't want to say the certain amount of money because I feel like that's just weird. But I have like a money goal for my savings account.

Yeah. And then I have one other one that is, this is like, I guess my last one, and that is going to be raise money for colon cancer. I really wanted to do this this past year because I've done it every, I've literally done it every year for the last like few years. For anyone that doesn't know, my dad had colon cancer and March is colon cancer awareness month.

This past year, I really wanted to raise money, whether it was walk a 5K or whatever, and then give it back to, like, a family in need that is – has a family member that is going through colon cancer. Because that's something that, like, happened for my family is, like, other people outsourced, raised money, and gave it to my family, and it helped my family out, like, tremendously. Yeah.

So I want to be able to do that in March. And I wasn't able to do that in March because that's when the whole social media thing happened. And I just didn't feel comfortable going on to social media and being like, hey, guys, I know you all fucking hate me and you want to cancel me, but give me money because I want to raise money and be a good person. Yeah. Yeah. Also, people would have totally been like, look at this girl trying to do this to like prove she's nice. Like they would have thought that you were doing it for that reason, which is like so annoying. Yeah.

I know. So that's why I didn't do it last year, but this year hopefully I can do it in March, raise money for colon cancer because that means a lot to me. That's really nice. You should definitely do it. I am typing right now because, not me forgetting the months of the year, August, September, October, November, December. Okay, so I saw on TikTok this girl being like, instead of New Year's resolutions, what she did was set mini goals for each month.

Like kind of already because i've done that before i'm like i'm doing a 30-day challenge for this and I do it I feel like once or twice a year anyways, so i'm like, okay, that's actually really cute Like maybe not new year's resolutions But for example, I already know january for me or for both of us is gonna be like dry january And I want to read five books. So that's like my january And then for like february mine could be like go to a dance class once a week boom That's my february and then mart like, you know, like set little

things for each month that like are kind of not that serious and then it's like Then by the end of the year you had all these little tiny things I'm like i'm not gonna make like don't make them that hard like don't be trying to do like a 75 hard like every single month like make them like Like i'm not gonna be like stupid but i'm also gonna write those out so that way each month if i'm like I'm, like I always have something to do because I like a short-term goal because it keeps me i'm like four weeks I can do that for four weeks

Like making sure I hit my gallon of water. I could do that for four weeks. Yeah. So I don't know. I'm just going to like also go in and write those. I don't have them written yet like or like thought out yet, but I'm going to try to like write all those down. So each each month I kind of just have like a mini like challenge to hit. I made a vision board for myself. That's really cute. I always want to do that and then I don't. So yeah, I made one of those and I put it as my wallpaper on my laptop. Just kind of remind me like

every day when I'm opening up my laptop, like what my vibes are for the year. And I'm actually going to do a video probably tomorrow because the sun's going down and do a TikTok video explaining my vision more because it's pretty much everything we just talked about, but in like a visual aspect. And I, it's like, I try not to use any photos of like my photos. It was all like outsourced photos. Um,

And, yeah, so I made a visit board. Yeah, that's cute. I didn't. Maybe I will today because I'm bored. Yeah, do it. I also want to go to Target and get a planner. I wanted to get, but, like, I'm stupid and I didn't order it. And the thing is, like, I want it on, like, the first. I wanted a paper, paperier. How do you spell it? It's P-A-P-E-R. I don't know what you're saying. Papier. I don't know how you say it. They have really, really cute planners. Yeah.

They're like adorable, but I don't want to wait for one to come in the mail because I don't think I'll get it on the first and I didn't order it in time. So, you know, that's my bad. But I want it on the first because I can't miss a day, baby. Yeah, I'm going to go through all the months and add like mini little things. Like I want to do so. So far, I only wrote like for March. I added like I want to do kind of a no spend month where all you kind of buy is like.

I mean, obviously, you're going to get, like, groceries. And, like, I feel like... That's just... There's no way I can do that. Because when I tell myself... I don't need to, like, go to, like... Like, I could do without shopping. I can not. No, but the thing is, like, if I tell myself I can't do that, it makes me want to do it even more. So, like, if I just, like, actively say, like... Like, I can't write down somewhere and be like...

dry spending like not spending because it's gonna make me want to fucking spend money no i need to because the amount of money i spend my chase wrapped was truly unwell so i need to put like three months in the year where i'm literally not buying things because like it was really not okay

This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. But okay, let's get serious for a second because the holidays are finally almost here. And I know it's a lot of fun stuff. But in the midst of all that, I know for a lot of us that struggle with mental health, we deal with seasonal depression. The weather is getting colder. It gets dark at like 5 p.m. And all of that just doesn't make us feel our best.

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You can tackle that seasonal depression, holiday stress, New Year anxiety, whatever it may be. You can tackle that all on BetterHelp. And you can actually get 10% off your first month when you go to slash fword. That is slash fword for 10% off your first month.

Trust me, guys. You can do all the little healthy habits to get your mental health right, but there is nothing like getting into therapy and talking to a professional. So try BetterHelp. Yeah. Well, that's it for me. That's all my goals, and I'm ready to conquer the year.

Yeah, that's all my goals too. I really think this is going to be the best year of my life. Like not to be dramatic, but I just. Same. I wanted to say also at the beginning that this is like going to be my like it year, I feel. No, this will be like the like, like, I don't know. Just like, I feel like I'm just really in as I'm being so just like fully egotistical, conceited, all of the above. Like, I just feel like I'm like up here right now.

I'm that bitch right now, and, like, I just think I'll feel that way all year. Because, like, I don't know. I think also, too, like, I've just become more aware of, like, self-care. Like, I do skincare now. I do makeup, like, better than I did, like, at the beginning of the year. So it's just, like, I feel like I'm slowly becoming that it girl. And now I, like, coffee. Like, it's just, who am I becoming? So basically, you became me. So that's great. Yeah, basically. Yeah.

so that's basically um i have just um i don't give a single fuck about anything anymore and my mental health for the first time in years is good so there is no stopping me i just feel like i can do anything and i'm so just on like experiences and like it sounds cheesy when people like do it for the plot like like doing things like who can't like doing things and having fun and like i want this to be the year of like

Like, when I was 23 and young and hot and single and can do whatever I want and, like, was, like, work was good, like, was making good money, like, living my best life. Like, truly. Also, I'm just looking at my vision board right now because I put, like, big boobies. Oh, yeah. But, yeah, January 6th, guys, going to my consultation. Oh, this year I want to get new teeth.

New teeth. Let's go, baby. I'm not really putting, like, those things down as, like, my, like, goals. Yeah, it's not my goal to get new teeth, but it's just I want to. But, like, I'm just, like, so excited to go. Okay? Yeah. Anyways, that's a wrap for me. I'm starving. I need to go have a snack ASAP. Yeah, that's a wrap for me, too. Oh, my God. You have Mary Lou's coffee? Mm-hmm. I'm looking at your story right now. I know. I'm uploading my vision board right now. Yeah. I mean, I'm going to blast. I don't know what.

you know yeah i'm actually gonna go to target see because guess what why not like on a normal day it's like i probably wouldn't go to target right now but like why not like yeah it's also just leave the fucking house like just go like getting in the car seems like such a chore but it's like just drive yeah and target's so close it's literally so close but like i just the thought of driving and going somewhere seems so lame but like i'm just i need to do it yeah

yeah so i'm gonna go to target our computer's gonna die anyways make sure you write down those damn goals baby yeah write them down on your notes check them off as the year goes on i'm gonna need to keep a running list of my books so i know when i hit um 50 i'm gonna start a new thing for that too so i can number it and then i can know when i hit 50.

But yeah, thank you guys so much for listening. I hope you guys have a wonderful New Year's Eve. A great start to your new year. And yeah, thank you guys so much for watching. Rate us five stars as a little holiday New Year's Eve present. It would mean the world. It takes two seconds. Tap the stars. Rate us five stars. And yeah, bye guys. Bye guys. Bye guys. Bye guys.