cover of episode Jay Lane | Becoming a fitness influencer and bodybuilder

Jay Lane | Becoming a fitness influencer and bodybuilder

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Jay Lane
Jay Lane分享了他从TikTok起步,分享健身内容,到最终赢得健美比赛的经历。他详细描述了训练方法的转变,从最初的无计划训练到如今注重肌肉募集和收缩,以及在训练中如何突破极限。他还谈到了备赛期间的心理状态,以及与教练合作的重要性。他强调了个人与自身的较量,以及享受训练过程的重要性。最后,他还谈到了在社交媒体上保持真实和负责任,以及拒绝向粉丝推荐补剂的原则。 Sam和Taylor作为主持人,与Jay Lane进行了深入的交流,探讨了健身、社交媒体和健美比赛等话题。她们分享了自己的训练经验,并就健身理念与Jay Lane进行了讨论。

Deep Dive

Jay Lane discusses his journey from football to fitness, starting on TikTok, and transitioning to posting fitness content which led to significant growth and a career as a fitness influencer.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up guys? Welcome back. And we are now on episode four and we have a special guest for you today. Do you think they'll know who it is? Yes, but before they come on, we're going to be doing, you know, just our little intro talking just us. It's basically been like a month of the podcast episode. I know. Crazy. And our first episode was literally in your bedroom and now we're in your room. I know. I mean, that's where I am right now. Yeah. Well, we were together. Yeah. Well, I come see you in like

What a week, exactly a week. Yeah. I was going to text you this morning and be like, I'll see you in a week. Yeah. I go see you in a week. And then when I leave there will be like exactly a month till I move. I know. So crazy. The summer is going by so quickly. I don't know if I like it. I like it. I feel like I don't even have summer anymore. Yeah. I realized I was like, I am so pale compared to the previous years. Cause now I'm like actually working a full-time job and I don't have chance to like do a full day in the sun.

Yeah, I know. I just feel like there's no summer and it's just Christmas. And it's not even Christmas break. It's just like the day. I know. I was thinking about that too. I was like, I have to like buy flights to like fly home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Like that's weird. That's kind of- Do you remember my first year having to travel home for holidays? Because like I went to school 30 minutes away from my house. So I would just drive home real quick. But now I'm like, I have to book a flight. Yeah.

Yeah, I had to drive five hours, but that still wasn't like getting on a plane. Yeah. Yeah.

What was I doing? Oh, yesterday I was filming my YouTube before like my part two, which is going up later today of moving in. And I was like talking about it on it. I was like, our parents haven't met each other yet, but they're going to meet each other August 15th when they're like moving us both into our new apartment. And I'm just like, I feel like I've known you for like a year, but we haven't. And our parents don't even like know each other. Yeah. But I lived in college with only random roommates. My first two dorm roommates were random roommates.

My roommates that I lived with in my apartment, we just kind of did like a Tinder type thing for roommates. And we found each other. I only saw them on Instagram and I survived. So I'm not really phased by living with people. Yeah, no. I've done it. Yeah. When I was in college, I roomed with shout out to Izzy, Georgia and Mandy, if you guys are listening to this, but I lived with like teammates that were my friends too. So like that was easy for me. I've never really lived with like strangers. Yeah.

Yeah, living with strangers was not good. My dorm roommates were, like, that's, like, a horror story. Yeah. Damn. Oh, my God, we could do a whole episode about college. We really should. I would love to talk about that. Because, like, mm-hmm.

But now, like, honestly, thinking back on, like, the whole rooming or not rooming moving progress, I'm going to have to, like, knock on someone's door in the hallway in this apartment complex and be like, yo, can you help me, like, lift this couch, like, down the hall? Yeah, the guy that lives next door to you. Yes, honestly. Because they're going to let us move. They're going to let us move in early. So I'm like, because my dad, my dad has, he, my dad can't, like, lift very heavy things. So, like, if he comes, he's not going to be able to help with much.

Um, so I'm not like ask people, yo, help me with my mattress, my mattress that I just got and had to put together. I have to figure that out. I'm going to end up like shipping stuff to you, but I don't know. I'm so stressed out. Like, it just feels like I'm being like spread. So like,

I don't know if like spread so thin is the right like word, but it's just seems like there's so much going on and people keep asking me if I'm ready to move. And I'm like, I guess like, I'm just going to pack a suitcase and leave. Like yesterday or yeah, no, yesterday when I went to go get that burrito, I said on my Instagram, like put in your recommendations for Austin, Texas food and

And everyone's recommendations that I was putting in, like everyone that put a recommendation in, I went to find like the restaurant's Instagram and I saved every single one of them. So I have a massive folder for you and I. A weekend treat. Yep. And I'm already started. I already started. Like, I'm like, okay, I'm not going to anywhere like more than once. I need to try all new things before I go to another place again. Yeah.

But that burrito business yesterday was so good. It looks super good. Oh, guys, me and Sam have been having like really weird, like doing the same thing every single day. Yeah. Like I literally posted the same, basically the same Instagram caption as her before I even saw her picture. Like didn't even see her caption. And I was like, oh, awkward. Like we did post the same thing. And then she got a burrito and I got like, like she went to a Chipotle style place and I got Chipotle.

And then today, today's post, she just posted on Instagram a transformation. Oh yeah. I have an Instagram that I'm, it's a transformation that I'm posting later today. And I saw hers. I was like, damn. But I also thought I got my nails done today. And I was thinking you were gonna get your nails done today. Cause we went and got them together at the same time. Yeah. So I was like, oh, Sunday's like a good day. I might make an appointment for tomorrow. I got orange. How like, unlike me, I don't know how long it's gonna last. Yeah.

I like them. We're going to have to go. I mean, when you get here, we're going to have to go before my birthday. I'm going to go shorter. I cut mine down.

because I couldn't grip anything, no barbells or anything. It was so hard. I worked out with Chase. We did back and buys and I forgot my straps when we went to Dallas and I was trying to grip like heavy ass dumbbells, like 75 pounds. And I'm like, I can usually like pull this and my nails were too long. So I was like, I couldn't grab onto it. So I was like, please chop these down for me. So I can have, yeah, like I've gotten used to it, but I feel like

If they were shorter, I could do more than I think. You definitely would. But like, it's amazing how much of a difference if you were to take those off and not even have like anything like hanging off, like you just had like your natural nail, I guarantee you, you'd be able to lift like 10, 15 more pounds. Maybe I will. Yours are really long guys. You guys can't visualize what we're like seeing right now, but her nails are so long right now. And they're grown out. So like, yeah, they're really long right now because they're grown out.

um so we're not being dramatic and our nails are not like like short long if that makes no yeah you guys have seen on my instagram like i have like long acrylics but i just want to get them shorter like look i'm like it's like i want to just show sam so basically what i'm showing my pinky nail broke

Oh no. And I filed it square. And I feel like it's at a good length. It is though. Right? I was going to say like, I wouldn't have been able to tell to be honest. Yeah. You can't really tell because it's like my pinky and like whatever, but like it's short. Yeah. Like it's not that long. It's not as long as these. I think this is the shortest my nails have been.

Like, honestly, I need a nail. Oh no. I was going to say, if you're listening to this, like then like DM me nail suggestions, but I will have my nails done. Oh yeah. I went to the place under my apartment. They're really good. So we're going to probably be going there. We're going to be living on top of a nail salon. Yeah. But I mean, if you're listening to this and you are in Austin and you do nails at people's like houses, houses, like if you come and do nails, you have us on Instagram.

same eyelashes we are desperate for that okay it's just like driving 15 20 minutes one way and then 15 20 minutes back and again like that's almost like 40 minutes of driving where we could be working and just like sometimes I don't have an appointment yeah and I don't have the time crunch for that sometimes I'm so busy yeah I kind of like

I'm getting like a super speedy manicure. I can't stand a manicure that takes a long time before I know it. I look at my phone and it's been two hours. Yeah, he was really quick today.

I was happy. I've been like vegging. I love Sundays where I can just like not do anything. Like I barely posted on Instagram. I think I posted like my meals today and that's it, which I've already had four meals. I've been eating like really small meals, like anywhere from like 200 to 300 calories. And I've already had four today. I'm just like, whatever. I woke up in such a bad mood because I was scrolling on TikTok for so long. And my comment section was just really annoying and like mean.

And then that put me in a bad mood. And then I was like, didn't want to go work out. But then I went to go work out. And then on the way there, my boyfriend was like, do you want me to get you a C4? And I was like, and then I had a good workout. I had a good leg day, but I woke up in like the worst mood. Now I haven't really been doing anything other than like waiting to podcast. It's

uh it's 5 p.m for me it's like 4 p.m for sam but i've literally been sitting here all day just waiting to do this my family's over so that's sad i told them all they have to be quiet yeah actually by the time this comes out um i can actually say where i'm going i'm going i'm going to houston tomorrow that i'm going for three days visiting chase i got an airbnb though i got an airbnb literally like right next to alfali gym

And I'm driving there tomorrow. It's gonna be like two and a half hours. But that's not too bad. Are you driving? No, I'm driving. Are you driving? Yeah. So that's what I have planned for the week. What do you have planned for the week? What do I have planned? Not much. So like since I'm leaving Saturday, I just got to work. I got to like, I'm in this weird spot where I have a lot of stuff. I moved out of my college apartment. I've said this before. So like I have a lot of stuff to organize because like I brought a lot of stuff.

back to my room but then I don't feel like fully organizing it because I'm really gonna pack up and move in a few weeks and one of those weeks I'm also packing no two of the weeks I'm gonna be going on two trips so like I'm barely gonna be home so I don't feel like super organizing this to just pack it again so I feel like my living situation is kind of a mess wait a second hold on okay so

I'm going to see you so much this month that we're not even living together yet. You come visit me. And then we have a work trip like a week later.

I know. Hold on. I gotta go look at my calendar. That's like also I have to figure that out but I mean that's another. Yeah. We gotta figure that out and talk about it because I have a trip with my family. Yeah literally a week later. That like is like family vacation. Yeah. My best friend Maya is coming to visit me the first week of August. I'm so excited. I miss her. Oh that's fun. I cannot wait to go for the 4th of July and for your birthday. I know. It'll be so fun. I'm so excited. I need to text like

a few people and see if they want to come around it's gonna be so fun it's gonna be a bender really though that we can start our um restaurant you know extravaganza list yeah when you get here yeah I need to book my like hotel I'm still trying to figure that out I'm in contact with a few hotels but I'm like if I don't get for sure answers by tomorrow I need to book an airbnb

Yeah, the Airbnb's around here are really cheap. Like even the one in Houston that I got was $40 a night. Oh, wow. See, when I was looking, I didn't see that. But maybe, maybe, maybe it'll work out. I got to figure that out tomorrow. Big stress. Yeah. I mean, it is Houston. Houston's obviously different than Austin. But yeah, it wasn't bad. And it's gonna be two of you too. So yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know.

I'm excited to like, you know, chat with our special guests. I know. I'm so excited. Our first guest on the podcast. This is so exciting. I feel so like official. I know. Me too. And you know what's crazy too is like, this is our first guest one. And like...

picture this for a year from now we're gonna be looking back on like our like list of guests we're gonna be like starting to like run out of like people to do i'm like who do we do next i know and i'm glad we're starting with someone we know kind of already yes we're not yeah hi nice to meet you over zoom i don't think i'm comfortable enough to do that yeah no

It's exciting. That's another thing too. I drank like so much water today. So if I have to go up and run and pee, like,

Which I don't really, I don't have to right now. But if I do, y'all won't even know. Last episode, I got up and peed. Did you tell them? No. Yeah, I texted her guys while we were doing the podcast and go, BRB, I'm going to pee. And she like looked at me and started laughing and just kept going with the conversation. I was like finishing whatever sentence I was saying. I was like, oh, I got to drag this out. I was talking about random stuff. I pee, my bladder is so bad. But it was like, I can think.

the hydro jug yeah I peed before I I sat down and I don't think I'm gonna touch my water it's sitting right next to me that's the issue with last week is I drank three of these glasses while we were sitting here and I'm like I'm not gonna drink it no after these podcasts I always run for water and food because we're just sitting for an hour yes like I need I know I made sure I had a quesadilla right before this

Yeah, I need... I don't know what I'm going to do for dinner. What are you going to do for dinner? I'm going to make pasta. That's all I eat. I need to make something because I'm going to be eating out probably like every night, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. But I don't know what I'm going to do. When I was in Dallas with the boys, they were eating the...

what's the lean cuisine? Do you know, I'm talking about the frozen meals. They were eating those like every single night, like wicked late night, like eating those, those meals. And I'm like, what is the hype about these things? And they were like heating them up, making them and they smelled so good. So I bought like three of them.

And I'm just going to take them with me when I travel this weekend. Cause I have a Yeti in the back of my car. So I'm just going to fill that with ice and like pack a bunch of my food for like the three days I'm gone. But I'm like, I've never had lean cuisine. I never had lean cuisine, but I've had the

the brand Amy's does frozen like vegan and vegetarian ones. Oh damn. And there's a few other brands that have frozen vegan and vegetarian ones and I've done those. My issue with them, they're not a big enough serving for me. I was going to say that the box is so small. I was like shaking around the container inside. I was like, they're not a big enough serving for me. The whole, the whole container of them is like 300 calories, which I get. They're not,

They're called lean cuisine. Like they're not supposed to be like high calorie, but even like the vegan or vegetarian ones that aren't labeled anything for like weight loss, there's still only like 300 calories. So for me, that's just too little for dinner. Yeah. Like I'll be hungry after, but if I have like plain rice or something, you could like,

add it all over something already made or like if you already have like a side to go with it can I pick it up I think I was thinking I was gonna like if because I feel like I'm gonna be an athlete like so long the next like few days so I was like I'll just bring them and they'll be like a quick ass like post-workout meal yeah no they're definitely convenient just

Just since it's the same amount, I'd say they might be a little small. Yeah. One of them was 230 calories. I'm like, that is not going to fill me. That's like a go macro bar. Yeah. Seriously though, just more volume, a little bit more volume compared to a protein bar. Like, damn. Yeah. No, I, they're a little too small for me, but they're good. I used to always like keep one in my fridge. I haven't been buying them. I eat pasta like every single night.

Guys, if you're listening to this, this is so ADHD of me, but if you're listening to this, add me on Snapchat, Sammy T711. I'm trying to rack up the, what? Should I start using Snapchat? Yes. It's so fun. No offense guys, but like, I love being able to post on it and you guys can't respond to me because like I'll post something on Instagram and then I get like a million like responses back. I'm like, Oh, like one, it stresses me out too. I can't get back to everyone. So like, I like being able to just like post and like just

just rant you know um but yeah no I'm trying to rack that up I think it's I think it's so fun because I can spam more and you guys can see more of my like sassy like personal side yeah and speaking of your snapchat I love what you posted today about like people that um buy followers dude oh my god me we me and the boys were talking about this last week at in Dallas we were sitting at dinner and we were talking about it we're like have you noticed the amount of influencers that I've never really looked at it until we talked about it at dinner and they're like

One of these, like one of these influencers, I'm not naming names, but they DM'd me on Instagram and I was like, oh wow, like this is awesome. Like you're a big athlete, you're a big name in the industry. And I went to go look and I get more likes than him for a photo. I'm like, something's fishy here. Like how are you making a living off of being an influencer, but you bought following? Like there's something going on and I just don't understand it. No, yeah, it's very, very common. But speaking of boys from Dallas-

Yes. Should we? I think we're ready to start talking with our guests. I know. Cause that's, this is a topic too, that like, I know he can relate real hard on. Oh yeah. This conversation happened with him too. And I was like, Oh, like he's the one that knows it too. I'm like, I don't know.

So maybe give a little intro, tell them who we're talking to. Yes. Okay. Well, they already know technically because the, probably the title of this podcast, but Jay Lane, he is living in Dallas at the rise house. I think it's called the rise house now. Yeah. It used to be called the swole house. But yeah,

he is he is freaking so inspiring um I think we connect I connected with him probably like maybe like six or seven months ago like on social media we just like always chatted he he's the one who persuaded me into working with rise because I was at first forum first and he dm'd me on instagram he was like hey like we're looking for more rise athletes and I was like oh my god like

Oh, did he just, is he coming in? Yeah, I think he's coming in. Yeah, he's literally coming in. I hope he doesn't think we're talking crap about him. But no, here he is. Hi, Jay. I was just talking about you. Oh, is this not even, sorry, can I, can you guys hear me? Yes, I can hear you. I have headphones on for no reason. I'm not even connected. This is fantastic. Okay. We can cut this.

Yeah. We can cut this while we figure it out. One take, everyone knows the rules. I just forget it. Are those your beat ones? Yeah, AirPods are trash. Yeah, why don't you like the AirPods? AirPods Pro, my ears are just not built for them. Oh. I hate new headphones. My AirPods are garbage.

Yeah, no, but Jay, I was just telling them about how we kind of like met. It was obviously through social media. And then you had DM to me probably like six or seven months ago being like, yo, like rise is looking for female athletes. And at the time, Bryce was like, not that big. So I was like, I was like, I don't know. Rise was definitely still not for the girls industry. I was literally, you were like, I would have been the first, I was going to have been like the first athlete for them. And I was like, I was in first form at the time, which hateful.

hate that. Well, that's another subject. Um, but yeah, no. And then it kind of, we started to stay in communication after that. And here we are, we've hung out a few times and then I just went to Dallas stay in his house. Yeah. Right. For a weekend.

Yeah, it was quite the trip. Yeah, no, but Jay, introduce yourself to everyone. Tell us who you are, how you got started with social media, all that fun jazz. So, I go by Jay Lane Fitt. You can call me Jay, you can call me Jason. First name is Jason. Everyone calls me Jalen. It bothers me a lot, so please don't call me Jason. Really? Because my name is Jason. Like, my first name is not Jalen, so it's like...

Everyone, because it's J-A-Y-L-A-N-E and they read it fast. I think it's Jalen, but it's Jalen. I started on TikTok March 23rd of last year. I did not start posting fitness stuff immediately. I just wanted to go viral. I posted cringy stuff like Lyskin J type deal. Like I just I just wanted that video to take off. That was my only goal.

And then probably about a month or two into it, I started to post more, like, fitness stuff. And that's when, like, it really took off. Were you working out, like, that whole time, though? Like, have you always been into training? Yeah. So I...

So 2019, like October 2019, I got out of a long, long relationship, a little over four years. And I had I'd played sports in high school. I played sports when you're in college, but I kind of like fell off for a few years. And then after I broke up with my ex, I got back into the gym. This is before like I was on TikTok.

uh and I went 136 days in a row I had an insane uh natural transformation like everyone thought I was on steroids at the time and everything and that was and I had two shows uh planned out I had one the 13th I believe and one the 28th so like right when I started TikTok was right when I found out that both my shows were canceled so and that was right like for I'm from New York

That was right. Like prime quarantine. So gyms were closed. Like we had to like, the only things that were open were like grocery stores. Like it was, it was awful. So I was like posting home workouts and stuff like that. It was, it's crazy looking back at everything now. Yeah. And for those of you that don't know, um, obviously, uh, he said he had shows planned out. So Jay's a bodybuilder.

If you guys are unfamiliar. So we're talking about bodybuilding shows. He actually just won a show. I did. I can, I can finally call myself like, cause I feel like anyone that works out technically body builds because that's what going to the gym is right. You're trying to work on your physique. You're building your body, but like until you step on stage, I feel like you can't call yourself a bodybuilder. So I can officially now call myself a bodybuilder because we stepped on stage and

That is true. Yeah. And honestly, Jay has been popping off on social media. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. Me and the boys, when we were at your show, like we kept tagging you posting stories and all this stuff. And like, I think you were like 23 or something thousand. You were like, you popped up, you got like 5,000 followers within like a few days. And we were like, Oh yeah. Like we were just like sitting there talking about it. Yeah. The Instagram took off. Yeah.

So when I first started on TikTok and I started to gain attraction, like this is before they changed the algorithm a couple of times, but I was gaining like anywhere from like a thousand to 2000 followers a day. It was like great. One month, I think I gained like 40,000 followers. And then once I had like 90,000, it like slowed down and it's been like super slow since. And like probably like a month ago.

I think I posted some video with my girl saying that it reacted, it got like a million views. And then like every video I posted after that was like taking off. And I finally am like back to growing and I shot up like 50,000 followers on TikTok. And now it's like, it's like I was going through a slump for the longest. I'm like, I post a video. It would do good.

But it wouldn't convert. So I'd be like, okay, well, maybe that was that style of video wasn't good. But then I'd have another video that like typically converts. Like typically, like if you post something informational, you're going to get a lot of followers off of it because people want to hear about more what you're saying. But like, I'd have millions of view videos and they wouldn't do anything. And I was like, what is going on? But I finally feel like everything is going in the direction that it's supposed to go. Yeah, no, I totally agree. And I feel even bouncing off of like your informational stuff, I feel like I have learned so much from you in terms of like training, like,

not necessarily supplements, but like that gel stuff that you randomly gave us that one time. Explain that. The guns of steel, the guns of steel I got put on. So yeah,

last so the summer like when i started on tiktok or whatever towards the end of the summer i got access to a private gym uh the cookies that i had at the show like that's from the owner uh that's like my family from they were so good oh my god those cookies give them a shout out give them a shout out eat me this uh vegan vegan cookies too amazing yeah they were so good oh my god they were amazing everyone was like

Oh, I fucked those cookies up. They were amazing, especially after starving myself. I was on another planet, but he had it like someone that went to the private gym, had it. And I tried it.

And I was like super fast there. And I was like, oh, and then probably like a month and a half ago, I like thought of it again. Like I hadn't used it in bad long. I was like, I should buy this again. Cause if I I'm getting leaner, if I put this on, I take a video, like it's probably going to blow up on TikTok. Yeah. I did exactly that. And I got a ton of like ton of shares off that video and everything, but it just makes your skin really hot. People will use it for like photo shoots and stuff like that. I didn't use it on show day. Cause I was scared it was going to mess up my tan.

Oh, yeah. It made me red. Yeah. Luckily, I'm brown, so you don't really get like the red doesn't show up as bad. But obviously, if you're a paler skin complexion, it'll show up pretty red. Yeah. You could also use the tiger balm. I think that's what it's called.

Yeah, I think so. Yeah, that does like the same thing that people use. It just makes you like super vascular. You can use it to aid in like the mind muscle connection. Like a lot of people have trouble with like their back. So if you put it on your back, it's going to light up your back. You're going to feel those muscles a lot more when you go through different movements.

Yeah. How do you feel like your training has changed since like you first started out, which I feel like it definitely has so much because I feel like just from even that one time I trained with you, I can like see such a difference in your training compared to like how I train. Yeah. So like if we go like originally I started working out because of football.

So I did all like that stuff. But if we go back to like when I started in the gym, like my routine, I don't know what split I was on, but I always, I ran a mile every day and I was always trying to run faster. You will never see me run anymore. Like I'm never going to run for cardio. I always went, I always trained hard. I didn't train to failure until I was probably like 50 days into my journey. And I learned like, I learned a lot through like that whole going to the gym every day. I constantly watch videos, but,

I think the biggest difference now is my muscle recruitment is like elite. So what I mean by muscle recruitment is you hear, you hear the term my muscle connection. So if I'm doing a bench press, my ability to only have my chest contract and not have, uh,

the other muscles that work in the movement fire up. So some people, when they bench, like their delts will take over a lot or their triceps will take over. And so the biggest thing in like bodybuilding is that muscle recruitment, like your mind muscle connection. And that's what I feel like is like the biggest change. Like mine's elite. Yeah.

Yeah, no, I definitely agree with that. I think I've gotten so much better with that, like over the years, like, especially with like building muscle there. I was even saying this on my Instagram story earlier. I'm like, you can't have mind to muscle connection if you don't got muscle there. So it's, it's definitely something that like I have even have been like trying to work up with. Especially with like my back workouts and just like any upper body workouts in general, when I had no muscle, like when I didn't work chest, like didn't really like do any of that, the

the day I first benched and like was trying to do like a chest and trice focus day, I was so frustrated because I only felt my shoulders getting destroyed. Like I just felt pain in my shoulders the whole workout. And I was like, this is so frustrating because I can't make any muscle feel like it's working. Any exercise was just like my arms ripping apart. And that's just because I had no muscle there. And now I can actually feel the pain.

the contractions, but I could not do it for the life of me. Yeah. And back is like one of the hardest thing. Cause it's easy. Like if you're doing a movement and you can look at yourself in the mirror, it's way easier to see the muscle flex and like you can refocus, but like your back, you can't do. So like a lot of times when,

One thing that helps a lot is like, if you work out with someone, if you literally just have them go, say you're doing a lap pull down, you have them like touch your lats or whatever muscle you're working that way. You can feel, cause you're going to feel it contract against their fingers. Game changer, absolute game changer right there. That helps so much. Yeah. And like to anybody that doesn't know this, even Jay, like, I don't even know if I had told you this, but like,

I was terrified to one, meet you for the first time, but also work out with you for the first time. Okay, so we guys, me and Taylor went out to Dallas

And I knew right away, I was like, oh my God, like I'm going to work out with Jay. And the boys always talk about how much like they throw up when they work out with him. And I'm like, great. Like I'm about to go through a back workout with him, but let me tell you, it had to have been the best back workout I've ever had in my entire life. I've never been sore from a back workout ever. And the next day getting out of bed, like I was like, what the hell am I feeling right now? Like I've never had a sore back.

Guys, he literally brought us through past failure. Like he was holding, if we did lap pull downs, he was like assisting the lap pull down, which you guys, I'm like moving my hands for you guys to see what I'm saying, but you can't see me. He was like,

he was like assisting us with getting the lat pull down down past failure. So like he was basically doing like the last few reps for me, but like, if you guys have a gym partner, go past failure on your upper body days. And we've been doing that for every back day that we're together, which back day sucks now that like, if I do it alone, I'm like, this is garbage. It's just, you can't go as hard as you want to.

But we've been doing that like every single time after that workout. It also got me into like not really caring about reps. No, that's, I don't. People always ask, like people ask what we're doing. I have no idea. I literally have zero fucking clue. Like if we're hitting body part, I can tell you what body part we're going to hit. I have no clue what we're going to do. Like you guys can like, Sam can attest, like we went and did a certain machine and I didn't like the way it felt. I was like, we're not doing this. I wanted to do this.

I'm not, I didn't like this. So we're just going to go on and do something else. And then I typically do like three to four working sets. And I just go, like, I have a rep range in my head. I'm in tune with my body. So I know if I pick this weight, I'm probably going to fail around 10 reps. Or if I go a little bit lighter, I probably can get like 20 plus reps, but I don't, I'm not counting because counting takes away from me focusing on the contraction, which is the most important part.

Yeah. That's so true. And even think about it like that, but I honestly like upper body days, I don't even count the reps anymore. I do on lower body days. I don't really know why, but it depends on the lift. Like if you're doing like, if you're, it depends on like, well, if you're doing like the power building sort of deal or like you're doing a squat and you're going for like sets of three or something like heavy or something like that, obviously you're going to count. But like, I run like just about everything to failure and by failure, functional failure. So

So like if I'm back squatting, I'm probably not going to go until I fail the lift just because I'm most likely going to get hurt from dead lifting or stay heavy barbell row. Once I feel that like my brace is giving out and I can't keep my back neutral and strong, I'm going to give it up. That's why I use a lot of machines. So like hack squat, I'll run until I literally like I go to push and I fail and the machine comes down as long as I can safely fail.

I'm going to run it until failure most of the time. Yeah. I've been doing that, especially like you said on machines. Like if I'm doing a machine or something that I feel safe on, I'm going until I can't. Yeah. Shoulder work too. Like if I'm shoulder pressing, I'm going until the dumbbell doesn't move. Yeah. Yeah. Like as long as you're, as long as you, you stop at like the form breakdown, it's when you start like swinging and start doing all this other stuff to compensate for the fact that your muscles failing, like you just got to let your muscle fail.

And you can do it safely and machines are designed to give you like the best contraction and to be as safe as possible. Like there's a lot of science behind machines and not just like randomly put together so failing on machines is like the best way to go about failing. Yeah, totally agree. Yeah, agreed.

And if anyone, you can go ahead. No, you can go. I was going to say with like the new, like training and having to push yourself so hard. Like, I'm curious what you think mindset wise it takes to like do the sport that you do. Like to be a bodybuilder, to go through prep, to learn, to train that way. Like, what do you think a person like needs? Like you actually have to like enjoy it because you don't enjoy it.

you know, stepping on stage isn't for everyone. I recommend everyone to try it, but you may go through prep and be like, yeah, what the fuck? Like I'm never doing this shit again because like, it's all, it's all fun and great until you get like closer to the show and the calories you cut and you got to push yourself. And like, if you actually get like super lean and like conditioned, like,

There's days where you're going to be like, man, fuck this. I'm going to Chick-fil-A like I'm sick of this. And then like having to starve yourself and then you still have to go into the gym and perform like it's just it's just like a different mindset. Like I've always found it very easy to push myself physically in the classroom. I was terrible. I was an awful student. Like I couldn't put any effort towards it.

On the football field, no one like outworked me. Track, hardest work on the team. Like, it doesn't matter if it was condition. I was coming in first. When it came to, like, physically punishing myself, oh, I'm there. So, like, pushing myself in the gym, going to failure, like, that's just – just comes, like, naturally. But it's not – it's not for everyone. But I do recommend everyone try because you will learn so much about yourself. And it's so much – it's not even, like – not everyone does it.

to win, right? It's a you versus you battle. It's to see like what you're really made of. Like you want a true challenge. You want a real gut check, like to see like what you're actually about, your discipline, your mental toughness, try to step on stage. Yeah. I feel like that like 75 hard challenge, I feel like going on prep is like that times a million. Like people do like a 75 hard and like they think they're mentally tough and it's like do a show prep.

Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot like it's it's an emotional roller coaster for sure. Yeah, even being around it I was like, I felt like I was like walking on eggshells with you and floors I was like, Okay, what can I say what can I not say what can I eat in front of you guys I was like, I don't even know like I was so scared.

no like yeah that's what the people always tell me all the time that i'm like extremely intimidating it's like i feel like i'm one of like the nicest person like people like fans are scared to come up to talk to me and stuff like that it's like what do you think i'm a punch in the face bro like i'm in this position because you like you're not interrupting my workout like catch me after my set like yeah i'm not big and scary i feel like people think that about like big muscular dudes especially in the gym like girls are like oh i can't be watched by like

the big dudes in the gym, they're scary. And most of them, like, obviously I'd like you and like almost anyone that's very serious about lifting. They're so nice. And they just want people to get better. They're always the nicest people and the most supportive people. And everyone thinks they're going to, like you said, like punch you with their muscles. Yeah. Yeah.

Like, it doesn't happen. It's not a thing. And another thing too, is like, even Taylor, you, we can agree on this. What it was absolutely where we were at. Like even like the big muscular guys, they're willing to come over and help you spot you, whatever it is, give you information. Like they're not like there to judge you in any way. Like remember the guy, like I was, was I, I, yeah, I failed. And this guy runs over. Yeah.

Cause Taylor grabbed the barbell and was like holding onto the barbell and I'm like failed, like on the ground. And this guy comes running over. It was so embarrassing. Yeah. Cause typically the guys that are bigger have been in the gym a while. And like at the end of the day, everyone goes to the gym. Not everyone's goal is to step on stage. Right. Not everyone wants to look like me for some people. It's like too much. Some people want to look even bigger, but like everyone's going to the gym to like,

better themselves and like that I draw motivation when like if I'm going to the gym a lot and I see someone where they're overweight and I consistently see them in there it's like oh yeah he's on his shit I gotta make sure I'm on my shit yes he's low-key I was like okay I'm here where you at like if I'm not there I got one up on you like come on now

I feel that I'll see some girls that I can tell are, you know, don't have muscle on them, maybe a little younger, like definitely new to this, like using the squat rack for the first time. And I see them consistently and I can tell they're pushing themselves. And just in the back of my head, I'm rooting for them so hard. Like, hell yes. Like every single time I see them, I'm like, dude, you're killing it. And they probably think,

that everyone's judging them and i'm just like so rooting for them yeah i know no one no one's judging you and like at the end of the day someone does you not doesn't change anything just do what makes you happy if you want to like that's the biggest question i get when people ask like how do you like film yourself i was like bro i like pose in the middle of the gym because there's no posing room i'm in my underwear just posing i don't care like what does it matter i'm gonna get judged regardless so might as well do what i want and get judged

Yeah, that is true. Filming is like the hardest thing that like someone can just start doing. I always say to like my clients too. I'm like, can you film yourself so I can see what you're doing? Like, no, I can't. I'm like, well, honestly, like it's so good to just even document it. Like being able to like look back. Cause we were all in that, like the first day one, like looking not the best with our form and stuff like that, but it is good to document it.

Especially like, I look back and there's so much like when I started my like 100 day or 136 day transformation, I didn't feel comfortable with my shirt off. So I don't really have any like very like day one pictures. I wish I had them now. Like it makes me so mad that I don't have them now. So now my phone is full of pictures with me with no shirt now.

So I'm the same exact way. Literally, I when I first started, I had no pictures, no nothing. So like that's the biggest thing I can say to anyone listening right now. If you're just starting like document it, even if you're uncomfortable, like, you know, doing like something like a bikini or something like that, literally document it because you're going to look back to one, two years from now and be like, why don't I have any photos? Because it's so hard for me to like go on my phone and like find a transformation to post because I don't have anything. And you don't give a lot of people don't give themselves enough credit.

So if you don't take pictures, sometimes you might be like, Oh, like if you don't have a coach or someone holding you accountable or something like that, if you have pictures to go look back two months and you're sitting there, you might be getting discouraged. Like, Oh, I'm not making progress. Go look at the picture when you first started. You're going to be like, Oh, Oh yeah. Yeah. And you're going to find your new spark. If you don't have that picture, you're going to get in your head. Yeah, exactly. Super important. And that's why I'm posting a transformation later today on Instagram. Okay. Okay. Today too. Cause I randomly found pictures.

Yeah. I think it's summertime is the easiest for me to find like transformations post because summer bathing suits, you know, but. And I know you mentioned like working with a coach. So like you definitely have to work with a coach on prep.

Yeah. So my first two shows that I prepped for, I went no coach. Well, I started with a coach and he was an idiot. And I was like, I know more than this dude. What the fuck? Like you're not helping me. So I did, I did the whole thing myself. I lost a lot of muscle through the cut. It wasn't, it wasn't the greatest. I got pretty lean. I say I got around like 8% body fat or so, but this time around, like my goal is pro. Like I have my national show here at the end of July and I'm working with Alex Webb, who's actually the affiliate director for Rise.

So he's from Buffalo where I'm from. So I've known Alex for a little bit. Like we work out a couple of times and like the biggest thing come to getting coached, obviously get someone that's knowledgeable.

that in like not based on their looks, but it's knowledgeable, but a coach that you like, because it's, it's about like the relationship that you're going to have. If you don't like your coach, it's not gonna like, things aren't going to go as well. You know, you're not going to receive their information as well. You may like second guess that, but if you have someone that you like, especially when it comes to like being transparent or being honest. So like, I'm not gonna lie. My show was last week. My diet's been dog water, absolutely trash. Um,

I haven't gained any fat. I'm holding water. Like I weighed in at 182. I'm 196 now. My hamstrings are still peeled. Like we're still super diced, but like, it's just, my hunger has been through the roof. Like I haven't had a day where I've perfectly followed my diet yet. And so like, if you're not cool with your coach and like on that level, you might not want to share that, but it's very important to share. Like when you make that mistake with your coach so they can make the adjustments and it takes off so much, like,

Some people are like, oh, I don't need coaching. I'm talking about LeBron James as a coach. Tom Brady has a coach. I think they're pretty knowledgeable when it comes to their sports, but

But like you need that, that second eye and like, especially like in prep, you don't want to think about stuff as you get closer, your carbs get lower, your brain don't work how it used to. You're just kind of just like grinding through it, just like dragging. You don't want to have to think about like cutting water, like how's your body reacting to this? It's way easier to just follow a plan. Yeah. I even remember Brandon saying that because Brandon didn't have a coach, right?

Yeah. So I even remember him saying this on his Instagram story, like he did a Q and a or something. And someone was like, Oh, like, are you going to have a coach next time or whatever? And he even said, he was like, yes, like I'll probably have a coach next time because I did not like the idea of having to make the decisions myself, whether like that week, if you were going to go into the week, adding more cardio, or if you're going to go into the week, like lowering the carbs and I'm like,

That is such a good point. Like if I was doing that, I'm like, I don't want to make these decisions for myself. It's a lot of pressure. And that's another thing you're already stressing. And then you add that on top because chances are most of us do not have the ability to just prep for a show, right? If you're prepping for a show, you have other responsibilities, work, whatever. So it's like, you have other things you have to constantly stress about as you're like draining yourself. So like not having the decision and like,

It's not going to be biased, right? The coach a hundred percent wants the best for you. If you're making decisions for yourself, you're like, yeah, I've been tired. We're not going to crank up cardio, but in actuality you need to crank up cardio. Yeah. So crazy. Yeah. Especially with like the jobs we have that we work for ourselves. I know I get stressed knowing I'm the boss and I have to choose what I'm going to do, how much I'm going to post. I can't imagine being on top of myself for that. And then being on top of myself.

As my own. It's a lot. Like I would need someone telling me what to do. Just takes, takes the stress away. And there's just like, and prepping is like, it's so much different than like getting, um,

getting lean, right? There's so many more factors. Like you need to be dry on stage. You want to be full on stage. You don't want to spill. Like it's one thing to get lean. Like you can get lean by yourself. Cool, that's no problem. If you want to have a coach to help you out, cool, but getting stage ready. And especially like if you were in my situation where I'm not a natural athlete, so there's a lot of other factors with hormones and everything involved too. So it helps to have someone that has a lot more knowledge when it comes to that. Yeah, I didn't even think about that.

I know you said dry and spillover. What does that mean? So being dry on stage. So you cut water. So we'll, so like you, you carve up for a show. You, you want your muscles full of glycogen because your muscles are full of glycogen. They look bigger. They press hard around your skin.

Obviously, if you're not show ready, as far as being lean, it's not going to make too much of a difference. But if anyone listening to this has ever gone on keto, if you notice you don't look as good in the mirrors because you're flat, your glycogen stores are drained, your muscles aren't full. And so you don't want to hold water because water is going to be a film over your muscle in between the skin. You want your muscles pressed against the skin. So you show your striation, you show like your conditioning off.

And so you got to play around with your water intake for your peak week, which is the week before the show or the five days before the show you play around your carbon take. And then you eventually, so one day out, like the evening before the show, I went like 24 hours with like six ounces of water. It's like, everyone thought like I would be so excited that I went to in and out after my show.

I was the most excited when I walked out of the convention, there was a water fountain that had ice cold water and I was on cloud nine. Like I was so thirsty. It was just like from not having the water. Cause if you drink a bunch of water, you're going to, you're going to get bloated. You don't want to look bloated. Honestly, do you want to keep your waist small? You also want to make sure you have food in your stomach that aren't going to make you bloated. That way you can keep your super tiny waist or if you got to hit a vacuum pose on stage, like there's so many like little factors that you'd never really think about.

Yeah. It is crazy listening to you about these things. Cause let me tell you, I'm not month ago, even a month ago, I was not educated on any of this stuff compared to like regular, you know, every day, just going to the gym type of video. And this is like the, the most extreme level to it. Right. The most extreme level of like working out, it'd be like bodybuilding. Right. It doesn't get any more extreme of that. So it's like,

For most of the people listening to this, this probably will never apply to you, but it's good to know if you ever want to dabble in the world of competing.

Yeah. I was actually surprised when I posted that I was at your show and I posted, I think it was on my Snapchat story or I don't know where it was, maybe TikTok. And I was like, oh, like maybe one day I'll do this. And like so many girls responded back being like, same, like I want to do this so badly. And like, I didn't realize the amount of like younger girls out there that like actually want to do it. And I'm like, that is so empowering. So cool. Because when we went to the back for the second day, I love sitting there watching all the girls up on the stage. I was like, this is so motivating. I love it.

Yeah. And it's like, and the biggest thing I've said it once, I'm gonna keep saying it again because it's, it needs to be instilled in everyone's head. It is you versus you when you can compete for a very select few, like obviously everyone wants to win, but it's you battling you every day and to see like what you're about. So like your first time stepping on stage, go out there and have fun and enjoy the process. I love that. And I think that can go for just working out in general.

Yes. First time in the gym first like month or so doing it enjoy it like it's straight versus you it's your PR from last month versus you today going for another PR like nobody else has any like experience.

Nobody else's progress matters. No one else's physique matters. It's you, me, and the gym, and that's it. 100%. Especially with the social media. Everyone gets caught looking at other people. If you go around comparing yourself to other people, you're going to constantly be down on yourself, right? It's you versus you. That's why the progress pictures are so important because you need to be comparing yourself from a month ago, not comparing yourself to some Instagram model that you found online.

scrolling through your explore page that for all you know photoshopped or edited out of this world like the best lighting post pump like not natural like there's so many factors like

Just go out there and enjoy it. If you're just getting into the gym, don't tie yourself down to like one avenue of fitness. There's so many different styles of training and everything. Crossfit, powerlifting, bodybuilding, right? Any different style. Hit workouts. Like try it all. Like experience it all because you might not be into bodybuilding, but you fall in love with like CrossFit, you know?

I think that's so important that you just said this because I have seen so many TikToks recently like anti-gym talk saying people that are all big in the gym say you should only be like...

lifting weights and doing it this way. So like, I think people need to understand people so serious about it. Even bodybuilders will tell you do whatever you want. Yeah. Happy in life. Fucking do it. I was not hurting nobody else. Fucking live your life the way you want to live it. And fitness, like we were talking like fit. It doesn't have to be going to the gym. There's so many activities that you can do, go out and like burning calories. It can be hiking.

You're going to burn. That can help you reach your fitness goal. No problem. Taking your dog for a walk can help you reach it. Going and playing basketball. Like there's so many different things. It doesn't have to be bench pressing, squatting and all this stuff, doing bicep curls and going in the gym. Like there's so many different routes you can go as far as living like a healthier lifestyle. Yes. I totally agree on that. I love going on my morning walks. Yeah.

gotta stay active movement is medicine you know it really is such I have such a clear mind when I if I walk in the morning I really do honestly that this was this was awesome I loved this I'm excited for like so many of you guys that are listening to just like learn so much from this because this is obviously such a different like aspect and all the other videos that we will obviously be covering like other types of information but I think this was good yeah and I think here like

And to understand that bodybuilding that such like, let's say restrictive mindset, mindset when it comes to fitness, like training so hard and no carbs and blah, blah, blah. That is only for the elite level. You are only doing that when you're competing for a show. No one thinks anyone should be out here. No, never. And it's still like, if I had to put a number on how,

Like for my 16 week prep, like what percentage I was like on point, I would probably say 70%. And I won my show now, uh,

genetics there's a lot of other things that factor into that but like for the majority of my prep like i wasn't that locked in it wasn't until like five weeks out they liked out and i'd still when i wasn't perfect like we had our cheats now a cheat in my head might have been me not weighing out broccoli and eating more which people were listening to this probably like oh yeah that i'm not doing that that sounds delusional but

It was a cheat. It wasn't on my diet or me having like a bag of smart pop popcorn, a little bit extra carbs or an extra protein bar. Like it's not the end of the world. Like the worst thing about like cheating or like being lenient is when you get in your head.

Like I was talking to Flores about it. Like he, I think he had binged a couple of times and he got in his head. Like anytime I cheated on my diet, I was chilling. I felt great. I was full now. I was happy. I was like, this isn't going to change anything. It's Kelly's universe. Kelly's out. Like if I lose the show off of this, I didn't do enough. I just wasn't prepared. But it's when you get in your head, like, oh my God, I can't believe I just did that. I ate so much. I'm going to be fat. That's when you really like tear yourself down. Yeah. And I'm sure you probably dealt with a lot of like, you know,

you know those comments saying that like it's so restrictive and like so disordered of you and such a bad mindset like the comments we could go i go on for days we yeah then the comments that that i receive the amount of just like it's ridiculous like yeah but i mean you're successful at what you do and your mindset's right about it i mean you just explained perfectly how the mindset

you let yourself have the extra food, you know, you know, it's not make or break and, you know, it's a sport. Yeah. Like it's, it's okay. And they're even like, like Terrence Ruffin for anyone doesn't know, he is the second best classic physique bodybuilder in the whole world. He flexible diets on his prep. So if it fits his macros, he has it. That is the second best in the world.

Do you know how many people there are in the world that body go to a lot? Like he is, that is, it doesn't have to be chicken and broccoli and rice all the time. Like you will not stick your diet like that. Like anyone that I like coach or anything like that, I do not recommend that at all because it's not sustainable. Like, unless you have to do it for stepping on stage or something, or that's like your coach's style for stepping on stage, like don't do that. Cause it's not sustainable. You won't be able to stick to your diet that long. Yeah. You're, you're coaching now, right?

Yeah, I just recently started coaching. I know, I saw that on your Instagram. So to all our, are you taking clients right now or no? Yeah, I'm still looking at, I'm still going through application. I'm being a lot more picky though, just because of how many I have so far. Thanks coach when we do bikini.

Yes. Well, I'm not, I refuse right now to take anyone as a prep client. Cause I don't feel I have enough knowledge to be feel comfortable prepping someone and charging them. I would, I know multiple coaches. I can point you in the direction you guys both arise. So Alex would definitely be more than happy to probably like cook you up to very knowledgeable coach, but I don't have the confidence to,

to where I feel. Like I said, like getting lean is one thing. You can get diced. That's one thing or putting on muscle. Cool. When we come into like shell prepping, that's like a totally different world. That's not something I feel comfortable and I'm not going to

charge somebody to do something that I don't feel confident in like that's that's a scam in my eyes like I'd be scamming someone if I prep coach them yeah no well I'm happy you started coaching because I remember even like what was a month ago we were talking about that yeah that was I think that was when you came yeah that was a month ago yeah I think it was a month ago damn yeah because I was asking you about it I was like yeah I was like let's let's run this shit yeah seriously

So you are open to applicants because I'm sure there are some guys out here listening to this right now. Yeah. Plug yourself. Yeah. If you guys want to find me on all my social medias are J Lane fit J Y L A N E F I T. You go to my link tree there on my Tik TOK on my Instagram. I believe it's the first link on there. You guys can apply. I will try to reach out to you within like two days, uh,

But depending on how this podcast is, there might be a ton of applications. And I will make sure if you're listening to this podcast, you click on that. You go to click on the link. If it says that I'm full and I'm full, but if I'm still accepting clients, you'll be able to click on the link. Yeah. The Instagram and stuff. I'll make sure to link you down below so you guys can just click that and do it. I don't know if you can click the links on Apple podcast, but if you're listening on Spotify, you can click directly to it. Put it down there.

love that yeah no i do i we do got a good amount of guys because i do have some guys that will like dm me on instagram be like i just listened to it like that was awesome like thanks like i love that we have like both like genders out here yeah i didn't even know that you guys had a podcast yeah this is our fourth episode so we're going on now a month you're our first guest yeah wow wow

You must feel honored. I am honored. I mean, you're just like, we're going to be building. There's going to turn it like, like the JRE is going to be a massive podcast. Yeah. Are you ever going to do a podcast? So like we did with the soul house, we did like the podcast. I don't know.

I don't know. I like, I like podcasts. I like just like off the top of my, just like saying whatever, like I'm just talking about whatever, because I'm a very open and honest person, very transparent. So, but I don't know. I don't know if I'd want to do it. Yeah. I don't know. I think the HQ now that you guys have, which is almost done is really cool. Cause you guys have like a podcast room. Yeah. There's going to be a podcast at the, at the rise, the rise warehouse and gym.

place is massive you got it when you come back hopefully everything's done by the time you come back here it's gonna be crazy i know a month from now hopefully i don't know if all the gym equipment will be here a month from now and it's okay make it work i just i still want to see it in person you know walk around it even though it's not 100 and complete but well i think

I think we've covered it all. We have. Yeah. We harassed him with questions. Not really, but like, I feel like. If there's anything that you guys were like on the fence about asking and you want to ask, you can ask me right now. Like, I don't care. Like I literally will answer any questions.

There's like one question I won't answer. And that's if you ask me like what PDs I take, I don't give a. Oh yeah, no, no. And it's for the same reason. I think it was on your story or you made a TikTok saying how you don't post your macros because you don't want people copying what you do because they aren't you. It's the same exact reason why I don't share what I'm on. I just share the fact that I am not natural. So responsible of you. Cause I think, and a lot of people don't realize that.

People think only the girl side of fitness, as far as looking a certain way, is the only one that's toxic. Guys want to be big and want to be shredded. If they see a big and shredded dude saying, I take this, they're buying it.

like zero questions asked i think it's almost worse than the girl stuff it's up there like people don't realize scenario a girl buys a waist trainer from like kim kardashian okay but if you put someone on like a supplement that's going to be harmful to them that's like a whole different lack of education yeah like i encourage all my followers to stay natural like i

I'm older than you guys. I'm an adult. This is the choice that I made for my body. It was a long decision in the making and I did it the right way. Like I always encourage them not to do it. And I get DMs all the time, especially if I make a video talking about it. Like, yo, I'm going to take this. What do you think? It's like, bro, get the fuck, get out of my fucking DMs, bro. I'm not answering that shit. Or comments all the time. Like, yo, what do you want? It's like, and it's, it's to the point now where my followers will reply to those comments.

saying exactly what I just told you guys that I don't share because I don't want people commenting and that's how I know that like I've put off the good message there you go yeah I love that love it yeah no I think that this pretty much covered it and we literally chatted for like an hour well me and Taylor in total for an hour and then with us probably about like 40 minutes so that's pretty good I think we covered a lot um yeah anything else you guys want to wrap I think I'm good I think we're ready to wrap it up

now go give jay a follow on all those platforms right now and if you don't i'm gonna personally attack you okay go out to the youtube video because it's the best edited youtube video i put out i paid jake to edit it shout out to jake it's a fire it's a fire youtube video it's like the whole show day and everything okay yeah no that's a good one like i'd love to see comments like i want to know who came from the podcast that'd be cool to know like leave a little comment came from the podcast

So we can see like how many. Now, when is his most recent? Let's do this. Let's have fun with it, right? I'm the first guest. You guys are going to be the first guest. Anyone that DMs me that you guys came from the podcast, I'm going to send you a code and go to my website and get any of my programs for free. Okay.

Okay. Love that. Okay. I'm thinking, I'm thinking the day of the, the day of the release, I'm going to repost one of your Instagrams and that can be the Instagram that everyone, you know, comments on. So post an Instagram on Friday and then I'm going to repost it and be like, comment on this, knowing that you came from the podcast.

All right. Sounds like a plan to me. You definitely have to text me because I will 100% forget. Okay. It sounds great. I'm down. Love that. Thank you so much for coming on. Of course. Thank you for having me. Until next time. Yes. Until next time. See you in a month.