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One Thing About Us

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Taylor认为,找到理想伴侣的关键不在于四处寻找,而在于提升自我,吸引对的人。她强调要自信、独立,明确自身需求和底线,积极主动地结识新朋友,并保持积极的思维模式和对爱情的积极预期。 Sam则补充道,寻找理想伴侣的建议应该健康且实际,避免有害的建议。她认为,吸引理想伴侣的关键在于提升自身魅力和自信,并明确自身需求和底线。积极的思维模式和对爱情的积极预期,能吸引积极的恋爱体验。积极的自我认知和积极的自我对话,有助于提升自信和吸引力。不要因为一些暂时的困难而放弃追求爱情,要相信只要努力,就能克服困难。在择偶过程中,要区分高标准和过度挑剔,避免因为一些琐碎的事情而错过合适的人。外貌和经济条件等因素是可以改变的,更重要的是关注对方的内在品质和潜力。在择偶过程中,要关注对方的内在品质,如诚实、体贴、尊重等,而不是只关注肤浅的条件。 在找到合适的伴侣后,要放下不切实际的期望,专注于培养感情。一个积极主动、有计划的男人,更容易吸引女性。观察对方是否细心体贴,是否能记住你提到的重要事情,是判断对方是否重视你的重要指标。在恋爱中,要保持自我,不要为了迎合对方而牺牲自己的兴趣爱好和社交圈。在恋爱中,要保持真实的自我,不要为了迎合对方而伪装自己。在恋爱中,要保持独立和自信,不要过度依赖对方。不要为了对方而放弃自己的计划和重要的事情,要让对方尊重你的时间和安排。在开始一段新的恋情之前,要先提升自身的自信和独立性,才能更好地经营感情。在恋爱初期,要勇于敞开心扉,进行深入的沟通,建立更深层次的信任和连接。在约会过程中,要保持轻松愉快的氛围,进行轻松的互动和交流。在恋爱中,不要过度纠结于时间和节奏,要顺其自然,享受过程。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with Sam and Taylor discussing their current relationship statuses and the focus of the episode on manifesting and attracting the right man.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, Essies? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. I just had to burp. Fuck. I literally just asked if you were ready. I thought I was ready. We can keep going. Okay. And I'm Taylor. Today is an episode about manifesting your dream man and then making him fall in love with you. Yes. Yes.

fitting for the week because now i'm cuffed and i'm booed up and hot girl summer is no more i know r.i.p i'm still in it though i don't really want hot girl summer like i just like being in a relationship like it's like being like single is fun for like four seconds yeah and then it's like

Yeah. No. I mean, I can't relate, but like maybe one day I'll be able to relate. Yeah. Soon. I don't know. This episode is going to be great for me. Honestly, this is like a therapy session. I get to talk about like...

Manifesting the boy of your dreams and then also like i'm working towards that Maybe like there's some things that I didn't realize that I need to do So I don't know i'm gonna really dive deep into this conversation today Yeah, I mean this is also we're gonna try to keep it very like like like Actual health but like healthy and real relationship advice I feel like when you look up like how to make a man fall in love with you. It's like toxic It's like yeah do this and like this is like actually for real like not

Toxic because we were looking up kind of like inspo Of things to talk about and it was like Go on his Spotify and see the song And then like I'm like okay We're not doing all that We're not getting like That like toxic vibes That's like not the point we're being so For real So stay tuned for that but then We had a weekend apart We did have a weekend apart first time in a while Actually that's such a lie we were gone like During the holidays away from each other

But yeah, it's been like three months. Yeah. I had fun. I went to Tampa. If anyone didn't know, I did a whole vlog there. So if you want the visual aspects, sub to the channel. I was there from Thursday to Sunday and it was a bender. It for sure was a bender. I had a lot of fun. My brother goes to school there. So I was basically visiting him, but at the same time, my whole family went. So

So we were all together. We stayed in an Airbnb. My brother even stayed in the Airbnb. But his like house that he's like staying in because he lives off campus. He it was literally down the street and it's a shithole. I could tell by the photos. It's disgusting. Like typical like frat boy. Is it like literally awful? It's fucking disgusting. His bedroom is the only bedroom that has a door on it. The rest of the bedrooms doors they've knocked off.

And so by accident. Yeah. Just being drunk and stupid. Brian's the only one that has a door. And like you first walk in, there's just like literally like overflowing, like recycling bins of like,

The amount of high noons, they solely keep high noon in business. Yeah. Oh, I know. I don't know why they're so obsessed with it. Everywhere we went, no matter what bar... Yeah. High noons are pretty good. Like, yeah. I guess, but it's just like, really? Like, I don't know. I'm not like a seltzer type gal. No. Okay. Good is a strong word for a seltzer. Like, if I had the choice of like truly white claw high noon, high noon. Yeah. I don't know. I just like wouldn't prefer it. Like...

I'd rather get drunk off of a tequila soda. No, yeah, I would never pick that either, but if it's all that was there, I would drink that. Oh, there was this one bar that we went to, and they didn't have a liquor license. They got their liquor license taken away, and I was like, nope, we need to leave. Oh, I've been to a beer and wine. There's a bar like that in Miami. It's fun, though. Oh, no. I was like, I got to go. They do a lot of bar ripping, though, so...

the beer and wine place in Miami it's funny because Alex Earl like when I didn't really know it was a U Miami bar like in one of her videos she was like we're going to like one of the old like I don't know it's like a college bar I was like what bars are her college bars and then it was that one I was like oh my god I've been there I didn't know that when I was there like but this was like before she was big and it's like

What if she was there? Like, she probably wasn't. But, like, imagine, like, she could have been. I don't know. But it was, like, before she was, like, famous. But that's just funny. But, yeah, but no bar like that. And, like, it was kind of fun because they were just giving me, like, cups full of wine. So I got, like, kind of trashed. Yeah. But while I was home...

um alone um i was just like really booed up all weekend because i was like terrified i was gonna get murdered shit though too it was so bad it was like and that's why i didn't go out on friday um but i went out the whole day on saturday because it was i'm i feel like i still i'm still gonna think it was my sneaky legs birthday like the word boyfriend like

is so like makes you want to ease yourself into that word makes you want to scream yeah it's kind of cringe right like i don't like it i don't like it either it like literally makes me want to pass out oh yeah gross so it's my secret like birthday so i'm like we went out all day like kind of not like i mean i guess intentional but like not intentional but we're out the whole entire day it was so fun like it was really one of like top

top days being out here in the city like I had so much fun with people like I really didn't know which I feel like means it was fun because my friends weren't even there well toward the end of the night some of my friends were at the bar and I was like oh my god wait I know you guys but like yeah it was a whole lot of fun and then Sunday was Easter and then Sunday I became wifed yeah

So I went out... Well, I went out twice and I was on my best behavior the second night. But Friday night, I was like, you know what? Fuck it. Like, we're getting feral tonight. Like, I already know... Balls to the walls. I was like, balls to the walls. We're going out. We started, like... My brothers had been daydreaming because we rented a boat. We did, like, a tiki bar boat, which...

Kind of big for just four of you. Well, okay, so the thing was another family was supposed to come with us and they bailed last minute. So it was just our family. Okay, I was like, why'd you guys do that? No, yeah, it was just our family, but I guess there was supposed to be more of us and that never happened. But honestly, I wouldn't even recommend it anyway because...

At least the Tiki Bar boat that I went on, they didn't go towards other boats. We were so isolated in this little bay area for so long until the very end of the ride when we were finally near homes and dolphins and shit. But I was just like,

People were asking me, they're like, oh, bachelorette parties, like, would this be fun? I'm like, honestly, no. Like, I don't even... Like, sorry, I hate to say this, but I hated Tampa. Like, Tampa was... Like, I just didn't... The vibes there are just not it. Like, the city was not, like, super pretty. Like, the... Okay, so, Friday we went out. We went to, like, a beach bar. It was, like, a man-made beach bar with, like, a public beach off to the side. We were...

we started drinking there around five. Then we went back to our Airbnb and then we went out at night. And obviously I know I'm with my brother. He's in college. I'm expecting to go to college bars, of course. But when we started off our night and I went up to the, the, um, not the bartenders and they were girls our age. One of them was from Connecticut. So I was like clicking with her, having a good time. Cause I'm like, Oh fuck. I'm from Boston. Like,

if anyone's from New England and I have a quick conversation with them I'm like instantly click with them like right away and we were just like chatting about things up north and I was like oh by the way like where are like the post-grad bars and she literally couldn't think of any and I was like okay well I'm going here tonight and I'm I've already been here because we had been bar hopping like what about any others and she's like honestly like I can't really think of many like places like

In comparison to like where I was, like where I was was kind of like West 6th, but so much smaller. Like all the bars were like the size of like Rustic Tap. And they were using like the parking lots for like once it hit like 1130 midnight, they were using the parking lots as like extra space for people to like stand and drink.

What the hell? I know, right? Like this one big bar that I forget the name of it that Brian loved, but we were there at the end of the night and we ended up seeing, I saw a bunch of you guys listening to this, like there, um, it was like their bigger bar on the corner. And like, they have like a stage thing and like a bunch of bouncers, like along the edge. And they bring out like high boy tables to the parking lot.

And you can like go drink out there. And I'm like, this is just so weird. Like, why isn't there like a second floor? Like build more floors. Like everything was like a single floor, like bar. And like, I don't know. It was so weird. Yeah. Very interesting. I can get being in college and that being fun, but like one, the alcohol was so cheap and so gross. And then two, like,

I don't know. Like, I just... My love for Austin, Texas is just really grown the more cities I've gone to. Yeah. We do love Austin, Texas. Yeah. We love it over here. And then Saturday, I did the Riverwalk, and I was so surprised by the lack of people that were out walking the city on the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk's like...

Lady Bird thing. Yeah. It's like, I think I did like two and a half miles on that and then we kept going. So I don't know how long that exact like mileage is on it, but it's throughout the entire fucking city. And there was like, it was so quiet. I was like, what the fuck? Like if I were walking on Lady Bird in Austin, like I'd be bumping into people left and right, like trying to maneuver through people. I found it the weirdest thing because I'm like, I know. Yeah. I was like, I'm like, we're in Florida. Like why aren't people out and about? Like,

Like come on. Yeah weird. I've never really been to Tampa. I've only been once moving my brother into college and we literally just like moved him in and like didn't really do anything. They told me I had to go to St. Pete. St. Pete. St. Pete. Sorry everyone getting pissed that I called St. Pete. I'm like St. Pete. Everyone's like stop calling it that. I don't know.

But yeah, I didn't get to go there because it's like an hour away. Yeah. I can do Uber. Yeah. By myself. Yeah. Other than that, though, like besides weekend stuff, I have been so like the way I just want to be so crazy on my shit like you've never believed. I am like busting my ass in the gym these days. I'm waking up so early. Like I'm literally trying to be so on my shit. It's like.

Like I am the epitome of health. Like I've been doing cold showers in the morning. Do you know anyone else more healthy than me? No, you don't. Yeah. Like that is literally.

literally the healthiest thing i've ever done in my life i was like thinking about this too it's like we've been so like go crazy on the weekends but like the shit that we do monday to friday like to be on our fucking grinds like our guy friends our friends in our group chat will be like wine night i'm like no like i don't want i refuse to drink monday to friday like it's not happening yeah and i think like i want to try to remember like i feel like sometimes i forget to like we forget to talk about that on here yeah sometimes but it's like

I think it's also hard because it's like, okay, but like we do day in the life. So we do Instagram story. We're on TikTok. Like I do like me being wellnessy on TikTok all day, every day. So it's like in my head, all of you have seen my other content. So I'm telling you what you haven't seen, but I know some of you haven't and you want like all of the information because I'm like, oh, I've shown you like literally all my mornings and stuff on TikTok. Like, but I didn't talk to you about Saturday. So I want to come on here and talk about that. But it's like,

Right now I'm so fucking healthy. Like or I'm like that's just like my goal is to just be like working toward like real goals. I just feel like so much more like so much better and less like anxious because I'll get really anxious if I've been like not on my grind the whole week and then like a new week starts and I'm like oh my God like I didn't even work like and then I start because you know we work like an inconsistent job. So like if you don't you get what you put into it. So like if you're not on your shit it's like.

that's like how you make money and it's like so then i just like stress if i'm not on my grind i'm like oh my god i didn't like do anything and i'm like no like i want to go into friday night being like i did so much literally everything i possibly could like my tiktoks were great like my like i read so much like i want to be like i did so much yeah my weekend work is literally just snapchat

Like, I spam the fucking shit on my Snapchat on the weekends. Like, so if I'm like... And getting content for the podcast. Yeah, getting content for the podcast and, like, spamming shit on Snapchat. Like, that's my work. Yeah. And my brother... So I was, like, talking with my brothers, like, posting, like, a bunch of shit for...

Snapchat and YouTube and my brothers were like damn Sam like you're always on your phone and I'm like I don't think you understand like I have a family and a community of girls that genuinely want to see this shit like yeah and they love it like my brothers are like making fun of me like even all the comments in my um YouTube video are like oh my god your brothers are so funny like shitting on you like making fun of you for like doing an outfit check like it's so funny like they just I have to watch your video I didn't want to yeah and I'm just like yeah like they really like they give me a hard time on it but it's honestly like

I like...

I know like some people will be like, oh my God, like just take the break, take the break. But like I genuinely love like connecting with you guys listening so fucking much because it makes me feel less lonely. Like is that sad to say? Yeah. Just the community that we've built and like being able to share my entire life with you guys is just like so fun. So if I'm working on the weekend, like in that sense, I don't care. Taking photos and videos to me doesn't bother me on weekends. The only thing I don't want to do on a weekend is sit and edit, sit and answer emails, sit and like...

Sidney glued to my computer, but taking photos and videos, I'm... Yeah. That's fine. Because even if I didn't do this for work, I'd like...

Like I liked making TikToks before making TikToks was my work. You know what I mean? Like it's just so many girls. Right. So many girls like go out, dress nice and make a TikTok. So it's like I feel like it's like that doesn't bother me. Speaking of a community of people that's really involved in our life. Y'all, I was on live and everyone's like, ah, like there were so many people on this live. Like not me using my new relationship for clout. Like let me live.

um there's so many people on this live because i just posted like oh my god he asked me to be his girlfriend and everyone's like oh my god like do a real do a real like and i i like recognize the usernames like if you're constantly in our stuff like i know the usernames so like everyone talking ah

Oh my god my water oh my god sorry headphone users I just screamed into the mic but my water fell over Anyways I will recognize your username so the girls talking I was just like these are my girls Like I know these girls like like Olivia like I was like these are the home Avery Avery Avery commented she commented on my YouTube video and goes haha so funny I was on that live that Taylor's talking about Yeah so like Avery of course you were you're on every live Avery always Avery like Olivia's on everything Julia's on everything like there's girls that are always on

Like, and I just know. So, um...

I was like, these are just the homegirls. And then probably random people that I've never seen my face in their life. Or like fucking that Sean guy. Literally. Literally. So I was like, y'all, like, I'm not going to, like, do a reveal. But, like, let's, like, be for real. Like, if you guys want it to be nosy, like, go look at who I follow. It's so easy. I'm like, it's literally in chronological order. Like, if you really want to figure it out, just go figure it out. Every single time we follow someone that's, like, in our life...

like say like i've hooked up with someone or something random and like i like follow them i'm like just so you know like that's kind of exposing a lot like i'm not following you for no reason so then they're all like oh my god ha ha ha is this girl like i don't follow this guy's this girl literally goes is it first and last name and she goes if it is he's cute and i was like

I'm not confirming or denying but thank you everyone was like no way I'm gonna go look and I was like y'all I was like don't and so I was like everyone go comment hard launch on his picture and I was like no no no no no I was like and then the people were like oh my god his tagged photos I was like no you guys creeping I was like stop it but like everyone was like like it was just so funny like I felt like I was in a group chat with like

my friends like i felt like i was like at like a girl's night like telling my friends about like a boy and they were like everyone comment on the picture i was like no no and they're like okay no for real no we won't and i couldn't check guys be for the girls i couldn't check because i was on live and someone was like don't worry like there's nothing there and i was like okay sick they're like no no we won't i was like okay i was like and you guys then i had to block his name out of the live so someone only got to say it once but then they were like spelling it weird so that it went through

And I was like, you assholes. And then I get a text. Did you already expose me? I just got like 20 followers on Instagram and they all follow you. And I was like, bruh, I hate you all. Like, I literally hate all of you. Yeah. So that was super hilarious and funny. Speaking of guys. So I've been like obviously out of town. And I'm like, oh, my God, my man, like my sneaky link and my other man, like.

YouTube fam you guys know I got my sneaky link and then I have like a guy that genuinely like is so sweet so nice like we hang out like twice a week and I don't know what to do with either of them because like I'm like a little nervous because I said to myself the point of a sneaky link is that I don't catch feelings for the sneaky link I'm like oh my god like how am I gonna hate this feelings are fun though they are fun but it's just like I didn't I told myself like

The thing is, we're gonna get... We're gonna talk about this in the subject of the episode. But, like, I told myself he was not my type. Because he's not my type. And then, like, now I'm like, fuck. Yeah, we're gonna go deep into that. So...

Anyways, we didn't really I didn't really talk to like any of them while I was gone, which was like kind of good. Oh, actually, that's kind of a lie. The one that's being like super sweet, super nice. Like he like texted me and was like, oh, like, did you land safe in Tampa? And then we were like texting for like two days while I was there. But then my sneaky link didn't text me at all. I'm like, OK, fuck that. Fuck you. Like you're not even thinking about me.

But today I got a text from him about a boat this weekend, inviting me on a boat. So I'm like, oh, so you were thinking about me. Yeah. But I think I just need to like figure out which which male I want to like completely pursue and like dive into because like.

I need to put my 100% effort into one of them because it gets to a point where it's like, okay, what the fuck? Make up your mind, Sam. So I have no real boy update other than that. I'm trying to think of what else I've been doing this week. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I've literally just been being...

a healthy housewife yeah i mean oh oh another thing i want to say class pass guys when you're traveling game changer oh because you can you can do even so on class pass you can even do day passes at gyms oh which i was way too hungry to work out but if you have class pass take advantage of it when you're traveling because you obviously can do workout classes but then also some gyms use class pass and i could do like a

freaking $5 day pass or a $2 day pass using like my credits. Like, so that is something you need to take advantage of. I was like mind blown. I was like, why have I not been doing this this whole fucking time? Because there has been times when like I went to Marco Island last year and I spent probably like $100 on day passes at gyms.

And I'm like, are you kidding me? Speaking of ClassPass, if you live in Austin, Texas and you want to come to my dance class, you can book that on ClassPass. Yes. Maybe one day I'll go. You can book it on ClassPass. But I got to be like mentally prepared to go to that. I wonder if like...

maybe you could teach me the dance before i could teach you the dance yeah i would definitely need that because i would look so clueless in the back of the class like what the fuck is going on i would be like honestly embarrassed if people i knew were in there to be like doing my doing my thing oh i would be like embarrassed well like maybe like i can't tell like if you and like if like a few of you came like i'd have to like like pretend you weren't there yeah you just gotta pretend i'm not there

yeah but yeah you can book on you can book it on class patch should we just get into the episode yeah i think we should because before we just like ramble about boys for no reason we might as well do this so this is just actually i have one more thing i want to say yeah sorry um guys i this past tuesday got botox in my jaw um master yeah master masters i don't know in my jaw because i have been like dealing with like like

Being super stressed and anxious and like i'm clenching my jaw so much that like The worst is when i'm laying in bed when i'm laying in bed at night I'm, like sitting in bed thinking and thinking thinking and like getting super stressed and anxious and i'm clenching my jaw and I can't fall asleep because of it

And i've been having like the worst night sleeps like tossing and turning clenching in the jaw like it's been so bad So I was like fuck it I'm gonna finally just book my appointment to get botox in my jaw And see if this helps in any way and i'm two days in and I can already feel the tension in my jaw going down So much like last night's night's sleep Was so good. Like I fell asleep so quickly like not like clenching the jaw because it's a it's a cycle for me like if i'm like

When I'm like clenching my jaw Like I get anxious about the fact That I'm doing it Yeah And then I start to do it more Yep And I'm like

Fucking stop saying like what the fuck are you doing and it gets worse and worse and I just get like in my head and it keeps going so It's helping a lot. Like I'm super can you see like the bruises on my face? I didn't barely I didn't put foundation on barely like there but um Yeah, I got 16 units on both sides. I cannot remember off the top of my head how much it was This is my toxic trait just handing my card

I could literally be getting fucked. Like a restaurant could be like double charging me. And I'm like, literally like it. My toxic trade is just handing my card and not even thinking about it. Like just trusting the fact that they're like, yeah, no, literally. I don't remember.

Yeah, I have no idea. Literally. But yeah, 16 units on both sides. I go to my man, Caleb. And if you guys were ever interested in us having him on the podcast, let us know because he could go in so much more depth of like all the treatments and like the benefits of each treatment and everything. So let us know. I want to do it. Yeah, I really want to do it. I think it would be...

um quite fun to do because there's a lot of like misconception and like especially nowadays every activity towards like that type of stuff everyone's getting shit put in their face so like might as well educate you might as well know what's going on yeah exactly um but yeah so let's get into the good stuff um this is basically just gonna be

The real like way and like tips like manifest the guy you want things to look for when you're dating how you know It's gonna be a real thing how to make him fall in love with you um So let's just get into it first is like how to manifest a man how to attract the right kind of guy Into your life and I just want to put on put out there right off the bat When people talk about attracting a man that they want and they say things like

you're not gonna find the guy you're not gonna find your husband out on the bar at the week on the weekends like you're at the bar what's the difference no that makes me so mad that's my least favorite thing when people like stop searching for it it will fall in your hands like bullshit yeah like okay because it's like i wasn't searching for it but i was because i was on hinge and i was going on dates yeah exactly like yeah i wasn't searching for like

a boyfriend but like i was outwardly searching for like male attention like even like without that people would say and be like just delete the apps like right it's like no you'll meet him somewhere he'll fall into like no he won't no you need to actively out in about meeting new people constantly yes and while you're doing that the biggest thing that i think for myself that i realize is you need to be confident and secure in yourself like you need to be that like

bitch when you're out and about to just like you don't want to seem like you like like I don't know desperate like too available like you and you get what you put out so if you don't want like an insecure like annoying

man you need to be like your fucking best self and you just like get what you put out into the world yeah and that's the manifestation stuff but I think it works you also need to have like clear deal breakers you have to know what you want I didn't necessarily know what I wanted in terms of like oh my god do I want a relationship do I not want a relationship but I knew what I wanted in terms of like if someone was like what are like deal breakers with a man in a relationship like you need to know

And you need to know. Like, and be certain on what you need, I feel like. Like, you can't be, like, wishy-washy and things. Or else you're going to attract someone wishy-washy. You always get what you put out. Yeah, they can be, like, big deal breakers or even, like, small deal breakers. Yeah, like, okay, deal breaker, allergic to cats. Yeah. I have a cat. Yeah. Deal breaker, you can't. Yeah, like, mine's also, like...

needs to know how to do like the simple like household things like that's not for just girls like you need to fucking learn no right know how to like wash the dishes do like the girly things like i'm not i'm not doing all that shit yeah fuck that yeah um i could never talk to a man that didn't know how to do his own laundry fuck oh my god yeah yeah oh my god no that's like so icky that like literally just gave me the egg yeah no like no couldn't be me yeah or like

You don't necessarily to me have to be like a good cook, but like someone that really can't cook. Yeah. Like literally being like, how do you make pasta? Hey, don't call me out on that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, but you can cook other things. You're a very good cook. You just don't know how to make rice. But you know what I mean? Like if I was like, can you like fry an egg? And like, how do you fry an egg? Yeah.

What? Yeah, no. Like, what do you mean how do you fry an egg? And they need to know how to use a grill. Like, that's for men. Using a grill is so hot. So hot when they're shirtless too. I was about to say something bad. What? Taylor, what? What?

I was just going to be like, our friends are like always grilling shirtless. I know, I know. And I'm like, good for you guys. Here's the thing. My sneaky link, for some reason, every time he's in the kitchen cooking for me, he takes his shirt off only while he's cooking. And then he'll put it back on when he's eating. I'm like, are you doing this on purpose? Cooking with the shirt off. That's how, do you guys remember my fall in love in Nashville story?

Yeah. Because that's how I fell in love in Nashville. No, it's bad. Like if you, if you're a guy listening to this right now, if you want her to fall in love with you, rip your shirt off while you're cooking and

And she will fall in love. Wait, I'm dead. I'm like, he asked me to be his girlfriend right after he cooked me breakfast without a shirt on. Is this something guys, wait, do guys like do this on purpose? Is this talked about? Well, okay. The thing is, wait, I'm like, I don't know because well, for at least for me, I told my sneaky link. I'm like, I said, take your shirt off. No, I said, take it off.

I said, I think it's so hot when you cook for me shirtless. And then literally like the next day, he did it again and ripped his shirt off and started cooking shirtless. No, but I feel like men just like do that. Maybe they do. I don't know. Like if you like bring a girl over and like you want her to sleep with you, like even if you're like microwaving popcorn. Take your shirt off. I'm just visualizing this right now. I need to go home.

Anyways, what were we talking about? I'm like, I'm like, is it? I need my sneaky link to come over. Us in the beginning of this episode, this is going to be really serious.

This is really serious, really crucial information. So what we were talking about, that was on the have clear deal breaker. It's just the last thing I said. I said they should be able to cook. But just know what you fucking want in terms of a man. And think about it. So that way you attract it into your life. It's like when people... What's it called? Oh, there's a name for it. Okay, there's a scientific name for it. But it's like, you know if someone...

a red car and then all of a sudden you see red cards everywhere. Yeah. Because like you got a red car. Or like you want a boob job and then you see everyone has a boob job. Like so if you're thinking of something like I want a man that like does this like and you think that it's like then you see that characteristic in people. It's like if you start thinking about something you see it and it's like a real scientific thing. Oh 100%. And like the example the most basic example is like if you get a red car you will see red cars on the street. Like I got a Tesla. I see Tesla's

And it's like I wasn't noticing them before. Or even like coach bags. Oh my God, everyone has coach bags. Coach bags, like I was seeing them fucking everywhere. So it works like that. And if you have that in your head, it's like then you start seeing that in people. And that also goes for like other things not guy related. This one is the one you want to talk about. You have to like drop negative ideas of love because then you're one manifesting negative things into your life. You need to just think about like the good, the good. Yeah, like no matter like

I feel like there's going to be in so many different like ways of life, like the way you've grown up with like seeing love or anything like seeing your family go through divorce or seeing your family like go through hard times or anything or like just like anything like you need to like get rid of those negative thoughts and think that like it's something that it's not possible to find love because I know a lot of the times like people will just be like, oh, like.

making jokes out of like their parents divorce being like oh my god like i'm never gonna find love like i don't believe in love like fuck that like no like it's definitely possible and if you're gonna like cause yourself to be scared of something you're never gonna go after and go find it because you're literally self-sabotaging yourself yeah by allowing yourself to be afraid to find something that's like pure self-sabotage like saying like another thing is like um fuck what was it

I had an example. I have an example what you think. Also like negative self-talk about yourself. Like I'm going to be single forever. Like I'm never going to find someone. I'm going to be single forever. Like all that kind of just like negative like talk about yourself. I literally made a TikTok about negative self-talk today. But like talk good about yourself. There's no reason to be shitting on yourself in like any aspect of

um and i keep saying this we're talking about manifesting you get what the fuck you put out and if you sit there every single day and like literally even if you're joking just like i'm gonna be single forever like stop saying that yeah uh well my example was like for example if say someone's gonna move in six months like and you don't want to pursue them because they're gonna move in six months like you're self-sabotaging yourself from like wanting to pursue something because like you if you like pursued that person and you really ended up like falling in love with that person within six months like

You could make that work. You could make, like, the long-distance work if you really, like, loved this person. Then let's just go for anything. Or, like, oh, like, they don't like... Say they don't like dogs. Oh, he doesn't like dogs. Oh, like, I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to do that. Like, those are little things that, like, you're allowing yourself to get terrified of because you're scared to fall for commitment and then...

You self-sabotage yourself. Yeah, it's like making excuses to justify the fact that you're scared of committing to something. Exactly. Like, yeah, being scared of commitment. And that's how I was in the beginning. And like, it still like scares me a little bit, but I'm like, there's no like,

Why? Obviously like the worst thing that can come out of anything when you are like putting your full commitment into someone is like... Is you break up. Yeah, you break up. You have like a little bit of feels for a little bit but then fuck that. Like you all get over it. Like think about it. I've gotten over two relationships. You've gotten over two relationships. Yeah, yeah. You get over it. Like shit moves on. You get over it and it's like I still get that question. Like I still get like breakup advice questions and obviously now it's hard because I don't want to be constantly making TikToks about like a breakup when like... You're in a relationship. When I'm like in a relationship but like I know some people just like...

In a way, almost want to hear it more because they're like, oh my God, wait, you're good and you're over it. Like, we want, like, I need, like, the advice. Someone also, because I posted something about being over it, they're like, well, you're clearly not over it if you're making these TikToks. I'm like, no, I'm making TikToks, like, being relatable to girls and telling them that it's okay. That TikTok is not about him. Like, so annoying. But, yeah, you will, like, eventually get over everything. And at the end of the day, like, every single relationship is a learning experience and there's nothing wrong with a little...

little commitment and like feelings like feelings are scary and all of that but just because it like hasn't worked out for other people or hasn't worked out for you in the past like if your last relationship ended shitty or like someone cheated on you don't just be like

every man is trash like no yeah like don't be like you're literally self-sabotaging yourself i will say it a million fucking times like yeah this last one's funny and just like so like the trend right now but like be a little delusional yeah be a little bit delusional it's totally okay to be delusional i am so delusional i think that's why i'm having an issue right now is like i'm a little bit too there's a line you need to definitely draw a line but you need to just

be more toward the optimistic side like be optimistic like don't immediately go on a date and then be like but what if he's seeing other people like oh like he's probably doing this like oh but like oh this one thing is pissing me off like he sucks like no no let's not like go down the rabbit hole of like every single possibility that's bad yeah like don't just be like a pessimistic like little bitch yeah like be actually optimistic and like seeing good things and like delusional in that sense don't be too delusional yeah like

We make jokes all the time of like, oh, like he hasn't texted me like all day. He must be like nervous to text me. Like, yeah. Oh my God. Like he blocked you on Instagram. Like you're just too beautiful. You're too beautiful to see him. He can't even concentrate on work because like you're so hot that he had to block you. Yeah. Literally. Like that's exactly why. That's why. Oh my God. Like he texted me at 2 a.m. He just wanted to make sure I got home safe.

Right. That was it. Right. Just make sure I got home safe. He didn't want to just like, you know, hook up. Like he just cares about you so much. He couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't fall asleep. Yeah. So like that's toxic. I mean, fun, but like toxic.

But you know. Yeah. It goes to a certain extent. Be real, but just be like glass half full. Yeah. You can't be a glass half empty bitch all the time. That's just like, no. Speaking of being a glass half empty bitch, this is something that I was thinking about because we have a friend that's so picky. And then people are like, oh, but never settle. And I just think there's an important...

um line between never settling and having high standards and being picky so i really want to dive into this because i've like made tiktoks even before being like um so i've gotten hate comments like you're so self-centered that's why i'll never find anyone and i'm like no i am because i know what i want and i'm not gonna settle for anything less but when i say that i'm not talking about like superficial random things so just like little examples so you get what i'm talking about like um being like oh like

I'm never going to... I only want to date men over like 6'4". Okay.

be for real like like i like a man i like a man taller than me too but like you're not gonna talk to him because he's six one not six five yeah come on or like i like i don't like blonde haired dudes so like if i thought a guy was like kind of cute i was like oh but he's blonde i don't like blondes bitch yeah like don't don't be doing that because that's not literally like you're never gonna find like obviously everyone wants like

Supermodels, smart, rich, tall, fit, funny. You're not... No. Yeah. It's not gonna happen. It's literally not gonna happen. And another thing, too, with all of that is, like, you are totally okay with, like, having, like, this superficial, like, looks aspect with it. But, like, give those other people a chance because when you have, like, a great fucking personality, it instantly bumps you up, like, two to three, like, points of, like, attract... Like, physical attractiveness because, like...

Personality wins all like you could be so funny and like i'm instantly gonna think you're like so much hotter literally And it's like obviously like you're gonna go for someone there has to be like attraction but you can't be like

they're not literally a Greek God so I'm not gonna date them like you need to be serious because at the end of the day especially things and not all of this is even looks related but like if it is like looks related pickiness like you're never gonna get anywhere and looks can change so much like

Because we're both really fit right now. What if by the time I'm 40, I gain 100 pounds? You never know. This is dramatic and sad, but people get sick. Looks go fast. And they can change. Someone could...

like i don't know if you want like a big like gym dude and they're like not as big like okay give them six months on like a gym plan exactly like you know what i mean and the thing is taylor and i guys we were literally talking about this the other day because like my sneaky link isn't like super into the gym but i'm like i'm like oh neither is mine oh make him obsessed with no i literally texted him today um because he swiped up he was like i was literally like using that weight i posted the weight on the machine i was like i only did it for three reps so like don't and he was like okay i did it for 12 like i was like yeah yeah i wasn't don't i'm not like

insane don't worry like i'm not catching up to you like that don't get too scared i was like let me train you and he was like honestly i need that i'm like you would literally be a green juice drinking bodybuilder before you know it yeah because like those types of things are easily like changeable like yeah also another thing too that i was saying to taylor is like fashion like fashion for me is such a big thing because i love a guy that can dress but like you can change that about i literally will buy you a whole like i will literally i will buy you a whole

New closet I don't give a fuck Like yeah so just changeable things So little things that like So here's an example like you want Someone who like um Like I don't know like a high standard When it comes to looks is someone that like Take cares of themselves Is clean like Dress is good enough like maybe not like The best you've ever seen but like That's like a standard like you want someone who looks like They take care of themselves maybe Is not like the most like

Stylist like bodybuilder we've ever seen but like takes care of themselves Yeah, like just like those like small differences or like even if it's not looks related like money wise like okay Like you're not gonna marry like the millionaire, but is he like determined and like focus on his job? Yeah, that's another really big thing like so that's like different like don't be picky and being like Oh, like he doesn't make like a million dollars a year It's like okay. No have the standards that you want someone driven and work driven who can like provide for you. Um

Because, like, provide for you can mean... Like, someone can be... Let's take Cabo Man. Someone can be rich and not providing for your ass. Leaving you in Mexico and cheating on you and using your money to buy boats to, like, take girls on boats. So it's, like, amount of money doesn't... And another... I want to put, like, another perspective thing into this because, like, there's definitely been scenarios, for me at least, like, of guys that I didn't necessarily, like, turn down, but maybe, like...

I went on a few dates with them, never really, like, continued to pursue it. And then a year later, that person, like, changed so much in, like, a better way. So, like, it's like, okay, well, what if, like, I actually ended up pursuing that guy, like, then and there? And then a year later, they're the person that they are now. It's like, so much can change in a year, like, in terms of all those things, like finances, looks. Literally. Like, the way they treat their body. Like, all those things in one year can change. Like, think about how much you've changed as a person in one year. Yeah.

Get rid of all those stupid fucking things and, like, really worry about, like, the actual type of person that they are. Deep dive into, like... Yeah. If, for example, um...

like, work success and, like, the amount of money they're making is probably maybe... Like, if that's a big deal for you, like, have those conversations and see if, like, they are working hard in their job to, like, maybe be higher up in, like, their job and stuff. Yeah, like, what are their goals? Are they, like, driven? Are they focused on their work? And then, like, the important things, like, honesty, like, thoughtfulness, respect. Like, those things, I feel like people...

Like fuck themselves over because they're focused on such superficial stuff that makes them insanely too picky like we have friends and

um like the way our guy friends like talk about girls sometimes i'm like oh my god like i get you want this like victoria's secret model who like owns her own business and is like just the most perfect like like us but like i'm like oh so you want to date me like i'm so worried but it's like you're not no like that's not how it is like that's literally not how it fucking is like

I don't want to talk shit on our guy friends at all. No, it's not talking shit, but we say it to their face. And some people, I think they think they're doing selves a favor by having standards that are so high. But it's like, that's not real. That's not real. You're not going to date...

an instagram model because then you find the instagram model you talk talk to them and their personality shit or like you know what i mean like you're never gonna you can't you can't win you cannot so having all those standards is literally just doing yourself like an awful disservice because then too it's like you probably turned on dates with people for like stupid reasons yeah also another thing is the x like if you know you have specific x and men and you're gonna like

Like, try to avoid seeing those. Because, like, if you really know, like, you're really liking this guy and, like, you have specific ics, you're like, fuck, like, I don't want it to get ruined, but, like, this icked me out. Like, easy. Don't focus on those things. Like, look away from them. Like, one could be, like...

I don't fucking know. Like, what's a basic ick? Okay, I was going to say, like, let's say, like, you don't like when, like, a guy wears a certain type of shoes. Like, a certain type of, like, style of shoe, like, gives you the ick. Like, they wear, I mean, like, flip-flops. Like, that is kind of a deal breaker. Or, like, fucking shorts down to their knees. Okay, like, a certain article of clothing. Yeah. Like, that article of clothing gives you the ick. Guess what? When they're your boyfriend, then you have full range. You'll be like, I literally hate those shorts. Don't wear them. Yeah.

Like you have like I'm like now I got girlfriend privileges. Like now if there's anything you don't like you can literally be like I literally don't like that shit. And okay. I am going to speak on behalf of like my brothers for example because I was just spent the weekend with them.

For example, we're sharing a bathroom. I have like a massive bag of like skincare, makeup, all of this shit. And they have absolutely nothing besides body wash and a razor in the bathroom. I will update you guys once my boyfriend has a skincare routine. And I was like, and I handed my brother, one of my brothers, my face wash. And I was like, here, like, do you want to use this? Like, it looks like you guys didn't bring any. And they go, we don't wash our face.

They probably have a layer of like inch thick... No, but their fucking skin... No, but their skin... Perfect. Perfect. Fucking perfect. I know. They just use soap like in the bathroom. And I'm like...

What the fuck? And I'm like, you guys are lucky because neither of them have ever had a girlfriend before. But I'm like, the second you guys have a girlfriend, I already know these types of things are going to change because one, I live across the country, so I can't be changing these things for you. But I know the second you get a girlfriend and the next time I see you, you're going to have a skincare routine. You're going to be like taking better care of it. Just like,

A few little things that really pissed me off when I was spending my vacation with them. I was like, I cannot fucking wait. Yeah. So you really need to fall for and look for the real inner qualities of a person. And obviously, they can't totally repulse you. You should find them attractive and be into them. But you can't let little shit...

deter you when the real shit that matters is right in front of you because then you'll find yourself talking to like the hottest most rich like professional athlete that's like cheating on you every day and like what do you actually want like because I mean unless that's like the life you want to live then go for it but

find people who actually are worth your fucking time and don't shoo people away because they like wore the wrong shoes yeah and like have the wrong color hair like come on for like me at least like i'm kind of like dealing with this right now of the sense of like

My sneaky link, like, looks-wise, height-wise... Not your type. Literally not my type at all. Like, if you looked at all the guys that I've either dated or, like, hooked up with, like, they're all, like, kind of the same. And this man's is literally the opposite of that. And it's just going to show that I'm, like, proving myself wrong in the fact that, like, I don't have a type. And I sell myself short with a very small group of specific men that are out there in this world. Right. When I know, like...

Now I know and I do well I've always known like personality has always been like number one for me but like looks has always been like very close up with that and like I always go for like the guys that are um like not like I guess quote unquote like class clown like it's always been like that like my two exes were like that. That's how you are. Yeah like I guess that's how I am. Not in high school though I was not like that I was so quiet in high school but like I've always just been like

going for those types of guys so that has always been a thing but looks is always with it and like height was always kind of a big thing for me but i don't know i feel like i'm like slowly starting to like change my like standards in that sense because bitch i've been fucking single for four years i have to lower my standards a little bit because i'm never gonna find anyone yeah like just like the

The inner stuff of a person is just so much better. Also, speaking of looks, you know what's also really hot and makes someone hotter? When you could have really good sex with someone who you didn't even think was physically your type, and then you couldn't have sex with someone that is physically your type, and it sucks. Yep. Good sex is important. Very important. And you can't be... Well, maybe, I guess to some people it's not, but to us...

I think it's important to most people even if you're not having sex with someone until marriage like once you I can understand that there are gonna be some girls that are listening to this right now that like probably are so self-conscious with sex that they're like wait maybe I'm not good at sex you know like it's the other way around I don't even know if I'm good at sex and then you know what's the good thing about that I literally don't care yeah I literally don't care yeah I don't care

Don't care. That's like my toxic trait. Yeah. Literally don't give a fuck. I'm like, I enjoyed it. Did you? I don't care.

Yeah, like, because we were even talking about, guys, every time me or me and Taylor, every time I'm on shrooms, me and Taylor, we always end up talking, like, this little, like, brief conversation about sex, like, while I'm on shrooms. Because, like, it's just so fun to talk about it. I love talking about sex. Because it's so fun to talk about it. But, like, I always just, like, bring it up. But, like, one thing we were saying, like, during our conversation, like, two weeks ago was, like, oh, like, I don't give a fuck. Like, if it feels good for me for that, like, two minutes, like, we're fucking doing it. Like, I don't care if you don't like it. Like, we're doing it. 100%.

Sorry, Rhyna. Oh, like, are you, like, sweating and, like, out of breath? I don't give a fuck. I literally... The way I feel so great right now... Don't care. I feel so great right now, so keep fucking going. The way I don't care. Like, oh, you want to switch positions? No. Keep going. I don't actually talk to them like that. That'd be fucked. I'm the dominant one. Imagine. Sorry, guys. Too much information. I'm in a pee.

I'm sorry. I'll go home. I'm going to pee my pants. Yeah, no. I just... But, like, it is, like, really important. And, like, I've run into that scenario where it's, like, you have really bad sex with people and good sex with other people on it. You would think it'd be, like, the opposite. Yeah. And it's just not. The more, like...

sexy the person the better that sex they are no no no no and if a guy has been with more than 50 people they're awful in bed yeah because it's like why hasn't one of those girls wanted to like they oh they they have sex with you once they run away they fucking run away because they never want to do that again yeah okay bad

Let's get... I can... That could be another... I'm like, let's just talk about that. Fuck the rest of the script. Okay, now... So you attract this man. You lowered your standards. No, no, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You lowered your like superficial expectations. Your superficial expectations are lowered. Your real standards of like respect, honesty... Morals. Morals. Morals.

You know, and you're allowed to have you're allowed to have like two deal breakers. Yeah. Like two deal breakers on like superficial things. Yeah. Once you go over that, you're being bitchy. So your standards are acceptable and normal. You manifest you manifest every day. You tell yourself that love is real and that you're so confident you're going to find the best man. And now you have a date. He takes you out. OK, what to look for? One, look for the fact that a man even asked you on a date and knew what he wanted.

Yeah. That is my number one thing that I learned makes me attracted to this person and why now I have a boyfriend. Like someone that knows like what they want. I don't even know how to explain that the second a man's like,

oh like maybe we should do something this weekend like what day are you free what do you want to do no text me that we're having drinks on Saturday yeah like just like make a plan and if I can't go I'll tell you we can't go and we can reschedule but just being like oh I don't know like whatever what do you want to do okay yeah like we'll try eh like no text me like make a plan like if you're on a dating app a man being like

Do you want to get drinks tomorrow at 7? Amazing. Go. Green flag number one. For the most part on Hinge, I am not engaging or having small talk on that fucking app. If you're within the first three messages to me, not mentioning something about a date, I don't want to talk to you. This was the only person on the app that I like...

would ask me on a date and i went on the date straight from the app yeah the other like dates i've been on were like we met in person first coincidentally small talk bro like and yeah it was a hinge we can do that in person literally and then it was like the night before and even been like oh i'm out do you want to meet me here and like he came yeah you know what i mean like just being actually like like like actions speak louder than words bitch like don't like text me that like you wish we could hang out so hang out with me like i'm

I'll tell you like I'm available I don't even work like a nine-to-five job make a plan with me I quite literally am always free yeah like there's no excuse like for the most part like there's no excuse as to like why like they don't want to like hang out with you like a guy should know and like fall have head over heels for a girl like straight away like they should want to like be hanging out with you being and like this is something I need to say in here out loud because like

I give guys way too much of like a break on this type of stuff. But like, it's true. Like a guy should be like wanting to hang out with you. And if they don't, then it's like there's something else going on. I don't know. Yeah, there's something else going on. They're not 100% into it. They're not into it. Or they're just like not the best type of like...

like partner in general because then it's like in a relationship like something i really value once i start dating someone which is why i look for it early on once you start dating i still like to be treated and like go on dates and like make plans so if you're not even gonna do that like yeah to go on one date with me then like that means for sure once you like are in the like

boring part of your relationship like once you've been dating for a while if you can say like air quotes on like boring then it's like then you're for sure not gonna be like trying to take me out on dates when we're like you know like married for 25 years you know what i mean so if someone asked you on a date and like really planned it and did all that that's already like green flag number one that someone went out of their way to like make a plan with you you know another way like to test a guy with this type of stuff is like talk about things that you really love like

If you could be sitting and just having conversation, like talk about how much you like, I would talk about how much I love hockey or how much I love a specific coffee shop or how much I love a specific restaurant, like, and then see if they pick up on those things that you're saying that you absolutely love and see if they take advantage of that and like,

maybe plan a date like they're gonna take me to a hockey game that happened to me and i literally was so happy they'll take me to that sushi restaurant or like something like whatever it is that like i've been talking about that i really like and see if they listen because that is a huge green flag i literally said i look like baseball then he was like you want to go to this ut baseball game with me and i was like bruh yeah like and that's just like fucking thoughtful yeah it's like little things to look at like thoughtfulness like either doing that or like

Or just like remembering things. Like what's another thing? I'm like, he's gonna, I'm just like exposing this. No, the biggest fucking red flag is when you have to readdress or re-talk about like a specific subject. That you already talked about. Yeah, it's like, oh, okay. Like how many siblings do I have? I already told you I have two siblings. Why did you not remember that? See, like I'm not gonna lie. Like,

I probably do that because I have, like, honestly the worst memory of all time. No, but, like, you've got to be, like, fully engaged in the conversation. Like, even with, like, strangers, too. Yeah. Like, when, like, last summer, we, like, had this new group of friends that, like, we were kind of hanging around. And, like, the amount of times this one specific guy re-asked where both of us were from and we would have the same conversation. I'm like, are we dead ass right now? Like, I've told you a million times I'm from Boston. Be so real. Like, be fucking for real. So, like, even, like, those types of things, like...

like we don't need to be talking about it like we literally had a one-on-one conversation why are we talking about it again yeah yeah yeah 100 i'm convinced that my ssris make me unable to remember things so you know but i give people that warning i'm like look i don't remember shit these medic i think my medication makes my memory stop working yeah uh let me know in the comments do you feel that way because i can't remember shit for shit but anyways like thoughtfulness and that like remembering what you said um

Again I feel like I'm literally just like putting him on blast But I'm like this is nice things that he did That made me feel like Makes you feel like special Like I literally was like New Girl's the best show I love New Girl it's my favorite show literally of all time And then like the other night he was like I'm gonna finish it like I'm gonna like finish this show Like he sent me like a Snapchat Watching it I was like You're gonna watch that show Like you're like I don't know just like And it's sad like the bar is like literally in hell But like It's really sad though to say that like

that's not common i know it's not so if someone's doing it to you it's like it's like worth something yeah because that's not something people do so it is worth something don't like brush it off like it's like nothing and that's also not like too obsessed like actually that's the perfect line of like he doesn't need to be too obsessed and love bombing you but he should show you that he cares and that's yeah like that's

You should look for that. You should also look for, like, basic chivalry on a first date. Like, holding the door, pulling your chair out, walking on the right side of the sidewalk, walking you to your car. I don't know. Basic shit. If a man doesn't have manners like that, that literally, I will be repulsed by you. Yeah. And, like, another thing, too, like, kind of going to go back towards, like, the deal breakers, too, is, like, don't ever...

Like remove anyone from your life to be adding a guy into your life. Like never do that ever because God forbid that guy, it never works out with that guy. What if you lost a friend out of that? Right. Like you don't want to be sacrificing those types of things. Yeah, I kind of have. So the next part I have after the first date thing is make him fall in love with you. Like now, like so now you've been on a few dates or you're, now you're continuously going on dates. Like first one on, well, first date went well, you have to like, you want him to be around, you want him to be your boyfriend. Yeah.

don't be like trying to be this perfect version of like a girlfriend. Like, like you're going on dates and like, that's cool, but you need to like be yourself. And I think guys are attractive to, attracted to girls that are really being themselves and not just trying to be like perfect all the time. Like,

meet me out with all of my friends and like i dance at the bar and like see me like being myself and like my interaction or like if you come over and hang out like okay like me and my roommate like watch reality tv and like talk shit like yeah like you can come join be there like be like you're i feel like being yourself around people makes people like like you and like

like i don't know if it was like real and i feel like guys like that like even like we even say this all the time in like the the reality shows that we're watching like people fall in love with people on reality tv but then the second you go out of the show and you like meet their family meet their friends like that's another whole chunk of that person's life that's like that's like a kind of a deal breaker it is like if it doesn't end up working out with like all that it's like i'm sorry like

It ain't going to work out between me and you. Like, you have to get along with my family, my friends. You need to be an addition into the group. Not me never being able to hang out with my friends anymore or me, especially with guy friends. Like our friend group is four girls and six guys. Yeah. And you're telling me if we're all having like a game night.

Like you can't be getting like insecure about the fact that I have a game night with all my friends. And there's six guys there. Like that is not happening. Yeah. Or just like.

i feel like sometimes guys are very hot-headed and like argumentative like i don't like guys oh my god such an ick is guys that like it invites like yeah guys are just hot heads like i oh my god like chill the fuck out like i hate just angry men and like so someone that even tries to come across when they meet people as like fucking

Like, alpha. Like, shut the fuck up. Oh, I can't do that. Shut the fuck up. Uh-uh. I can't. Like, I love when guys just, like, all get along. Yeah. Like, when we had our pool party, like, last month, and we finally introduced our two guy groups together, I was like, see, this is the shit I love, because I was so scared that you guys were all going to hate each other, and now I know you guys are all, like, good guys, because you all got along. Got along, yeah. And it's not like, oh, why are there dudes here? Yeah, like, what the fuck? Like, not more dudes. What the fuck? Yeah. So...

Being like your total self around someone and not just keeping it this like... I feel like it's almost like thinking of like dating on The Bachelor. Like always going on like perfect dates. Dressed to the nines. Like literally in a ball gown. Like for every single date. Like no. No.

gross because i feel like even guys like say multiple times like how like they really like a girl better like no makeup at home like chilling like guys like that and i feel like just like being yourself around someone is like key to making them like be obsessed with you um and then also don't act like you need him like obviously show that you want him don't be like playing hard to get for no reason but don't act like you need him don't be like a desperate clingy no

no one wants that no no one wants that like don't be up someone's ass like we had a friend who was talking to this girl and within like one or two dates she was like why do you follow all these girls on instagram what that's insane like you don't even know each other that's insanity so just like don't be clingy and like have that little bit of like

like mystery to you in the sense of like you have a life like not to be a part of it and he wants to be part of it and you can be a part of his but like it's like you're two whole people and you're just coming to make each other better you're not like i have no friends and like no life and like i need someone like i need you because i feel like that also makes a guy know that you're like worth something to them like

They need to like put in the work to be with you because you're literally fine on your own. Yeah. And you like can live your life. Exactly. A-okay without them. Like they want to be coming to your plans. Yeah. Or like.

He texts you like, oh, what are you doing this weekend? Like, oh, I don't know. Like, I got invited to like a boat like this weekend. Like, might be going to that. And like, he better be like crawling on the back of his phone. Like, fuck. Like, oh my God. Like, she has plans. Like, I want to hang out with her. Like, it shouldn't be like the other way around. Yeah. And also, like, not canceling like things that are important to you for a man. Never do that. Like, I'm not like, like, I don't know, like,

Now I teach dance. If it was like, oh, but like it's easier for me to like see you after work. Like you should just like if someone was like stop, you should just stop doing that. You don't need to do it anyways. Like no. Like little things like that. Like not like get rid of your hobbies or anything like that. Yeah. Like don't fuck that up because people like want your time. Like they should like respect your time. So yeah. Like if someone was like, no, just like don't do that. Like do this instead. Like skip it. Hang out with me, bitch. No. No.

uh-uh like don't be like making time for people like that at like any time they ask because then you just look kind of like maybe just like a pushover yeah don't be pushover desperate yeah like literally desperate you need your things that are like for you um and yeah as far as other things of like making a man fall in love with you i don't know i feel like it's just like truly like being like really yourself yeah fully yourself and like

That's honestly about it. Like, it's...

It's definitely hard to like find someone. Like you have to really put yourself out there. And you've got to be patient. Like it's going to take time to find someone like that. Especially like if you are also at the same time like working on yourself. Because I know like being confident in yourself. And like having like a good friend group. And like not relying on somebody else. Like to feel dependent on. Like those are things. Those are qualities that you need to work on on yourself. Before even like putting an effort into somebody else. You know what I'm saying? So it's like...

having all those qualities set in stone so that way you can eventually like put your effort into someone else is very important yeah um and it's also funny because i'm like making people in love with you like maybe i'm not i'm like i'm like i've never like said that you might be listening to this he's like what are you talking about

like you didn't make me fall in love with you um but it's also like putting your walls down quick like i feel like people hold walls up for like so long which like a little bit you're like protecting your peace but like once it's like like you can't be like not letting people like in to you yeah one thing i love more than anything is like really deep conversations like when you first get to know someone because i feel like it just brings out like another whole level of like

that's not like sexual. It's just like, wow, you really trust me with like this, like to talk to me about this. And like, then you get like a more, a more defined like respect for someone when you know certain things that they've like gone through, whether it was in their childhood or recently or just like anything is like, so like, don't be afraid to like open up to a stranger like that because they'll love that. They'll respect you like,

Not that they don't already have respect for you, but like they'll just like have a deeper like connection with you after like having deep conversations. Like none of the conversations after like the second, third date should be like surface level still.

yeah what do you do this week like i went on a date um recently like it was our second or third date third date and it was so quiet at the table like so surface level and i was just like oh my god this is like miserable get me out of here like yeah i wrote easy conversation on here on the first date thing like you should just be able to

Yeah, be able to talk, like, be able to bounce back and forth, like, kind of throw shit at each other. Like, that's my biggest thing is, like, being able to throw shit. Oh, that's a way to make them fall in love with you. Yeah, like, I throw shit at you, and you better be able to throw back. Like, we better have, like, not, like, necessarily the same sense of humor and everything,

But like just understanding that like that's how I that's my sense of humor. So like laugh at it. Fucking laugh. Yeah. Fucking laugh. God damn it. So just dominating again. Literally. I don't know. Guys, I'm not like that. I swear. No, I think you are. Maybe I am. Maybe. Maybe that's why I'm like, is this what's going on on your dates? You're like, that was funny. Laugh.

Put a gun up to his head and laugh at me. Bitch. They're like, okay. And you're like, I don't know. The date went well. I don't know. Weird. That's weird. Really weird. It's delusional. But overall, it's just like being open to everything. And then once you are in something that you like,

Just going with the flow and also a big thing I realized too is not getting your head about like is it too fast? Is it too slow? Because I feel like you can get wrapped up in that and like I almost started to like

Like what's like the right amount of time to be in what there is none. There literally is none like people know life should not be lived by a timeline. There isn't. Yeah, there really is none. So like drop that out of your head that you need to be yourself, be open to things and put out positive energy into the universe. And then before you know it.

someone will cook you food shirtless and then ask to be your girlfriend I really hope my sneaky link cooks for me shirtless this weekend I hope me too I hope so too I'm so down bad guys not in our kitchen because I'm going to come home and I'm going to be like after having this conversation I am like so fucking single it hurts

But um and I need Even though here's the thing I'm like yeah obviously like I want you to have a boyfriend Because like then I want to do like a couple stuff like How fun would it be to like go on a trip oh my god Stop but then I'm also like No no no but I like that you're single because I'm like Um like we're not just gonna be both Like losers who only hang out with their boyfriends No I don't be No no right but like

I refuse to be. I feel like you're a little self-conscious about it. Oh yeah. I told him that yesterday. I get so self-conscious. I was like, bro, I was like, oh my God, like the weekend comes so fast. Like I don't even want to like go out because like y'all like going out. She's like, I'm like 22 and a half now. So now I'm old and I'm like, oh God, I'm kidding. But I'm like, I'm like, oh my God. Like I really just want like a whole weekend like home and sober. But I'm like, I can't do it this weekend though because you just asked me to be your girlfriend. Then if I do that,

Then everyone's just going to say I'm a lame girl with a boyfriend. Even this past Sunday when I literally got off the plane at 7 p.m., Ubered home, changed, cooked food, went over to our friend's apartment, and then, like, went to Latchkey. And I'm like, all right, Taylor, like, let's go. She's like, Taylor's like, bro, like, I have to go because, like, I can't be that loser girl for now. Like, I get so in my head about it. Oh, my God. Because, like, I've had friends give me shit for it before, and they were giving me, like,

One of them like ended up like literally like sending nudes to my boyfriend and then sabotaging like another time I was talking to a guy. So she was just jealous clearly. And that was like the issue. So I've gotten shit for it for like the wrong reasons. I feel like of like I wasn't actually doing anything, but they're just like shitty and jealous and toxic. So they were just like. And it's like so now I'm like in my head because like in high school and I had a boyfriend, everyone like hated me. And also my last relationship, I had no friends.

So, I mean, like, I had no friends in my last relationship, so there wasn't much, um, there wasn't much else I was doing. I was literally, like, working out and that's it. Yeah, like, my dream ideal relationship in terms of, like, socialization would, like, my dream would be, like, okay, like,

I'm going out on the weekend and then like another night it's like low-key with them that that last weekend was perfect going out like I'm gonna go that's why last weekend was perfect going out last week I have so much fun with my girlies and my and my guy friends also like I like being out with a boyfriend yeah or even if you're even if they're not doesn't go out and he stays home and you go home drunk yeah oh my god no but going out with a boyfriend is like

honestly top tier fun like having someone that you know is like one taking care of you and getting you home safe yeah because like we have each other but sometimes that's questionable so like someone that's taking care of you and getting your home safe and a dude that's ready to like protect you from other dudes and just like someone to dance with like I get touchy when I'm drunk so like being out with a boyfriend is

is, in my opinion, one of the top tier activities of this lifetime. And the thing is, you still get the fun of like... Because random people flirt with you at the bar. I would say 99.9% of the time, I was never engaging with them anyways. But it's still fun to like...

Just like deny attention. Like to get attention and then deny it. Here's the thing though with like that aspect of being in a relationship. I want to still be the girlfriend that like can go like snag drinks for me and my boyfriend. Oh yeah. He was like when are you going to go get us free drinks? I was like do you want me to or are you being serious because I can't. Because like a guy if a guy is going to get insecure or pissed at the girlfriend for getting free drinks from a guy and like bringing back. Yeah. Like I get it if it's like okay I'm bringing one back but like if I can like maybe finesse like two or like something. No if I'll get one I'll give it to you. Oh that facts. Or even that. Or even that.

Or not even because it's like if you're going to open a tab at a bar like what you want me to put another drink on your tab. Yeah. I can get this one for free. Yeah. Like. Yeah. Why not? Or like.

Like if I had a boyfriend and he got pissed that I was on elevated surfaces dancing. Literally. Like an idiot because I do that every weekend. It's never going to stop. Like I want you to be up there with me or in the corner like rooting for me. That's my girlfriend. You should be mesmerized. Yeah. Like you should be like, oh my God, that's slob of a like a slay. Slay of that like drunken mess. Like slay. Do you want another drink? Her hair is all frizzy and fucked up. Because first of all, that means you're having great sex later.

If you like act appropriately And hype me up we're gonna have a great night So why are you insecure You want me to be boring and lame because then I'm going home and I'm going to bed Yeah like so pick your battles Yeah literally But yeah I do get really insecure about being like

a lame girlfriend just because i just won't have it i just won't have it like i won't do it like i just can i call you out right now and you can't get mad yeah do you oh my god i feel like you're doing this in the mic and then it's like a safe space because like what can i do yeah you can't do anything but like well i don't know also like you're like this is so different because like you're kind of a different person than when you were in your last relationship but your last relationship like you're so different now in a right but like to be fair i was also like

insanely depressed. No, that's what I'm saying. So yeah, I don't really know if it was like... That's what I'm saying. Like the girlfriend you were previously, like compared to the girlfriend you are now, like this is the girlfriend now that I want to see of you. Yeah, it's different. It's also just like different like my other relationships are always like a big like 24-7 like communication relationships.

Yeah, now that this is a new relationship, you can set the boundaries. Yeah, you can redo your whole life. When halfway into a relationship, it's hard to be like, we should text less. Like, okay, you've been texting a certain amount for two years. How are you just going to change that? You can't. But it's like, now it's like, okay, anything I've ever wanted, I can redo your whole life. Yeah, this is what you want out of the relationship. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm here for this. I'm a huge fan. I like this man. The one thing I said about this weekend, though, is I was like, okay, well, if you're coming over this weekend, I'm coming with you guys to go get some breakfast tacos and coffee. Yeah, because that's what we do. I'm like, I gotta come to stuff. And that's the thing, too, is getting the approval from my friends. If all my friends were like, I don't like him, then you are quite literally out. You're gone. You're gone. I don't know what to tell you. Like,

These people like matter to me. Yeah. So and then so this weekend guys, I'm going to give you the heads up before we next episode. So, you know what to expect. But Friday, we're going out like a little low key. But then Saturday, we have a boat that we're going on with my sneaky link and his friend group. Oh, my God. And I'm meeting.

a my sneaky i'm literally still gonna call this my sneaky links a family member yeah that's crazy literally i'm gonna get official i'm gonna puke yeah but it's also just hard i'm like not the rambling she becomes your new best friend not the rambling at the end it's like a catch-up at the beginning and at the end yeah i know because it's like this is for the people that

That's date The juicy shit The juicy shit The juicy shit is for the real Like because not that many people listen All the way to the end of the podcast I don't listen to the last like few minutes of some of my podcasts This is juicy But it's like when you date someone from another state It's like

Because he was like, do you want to? You don't have to. Like, if that's like too much, like, I get it. Like, we just started like dating, dating like two days ago. Like, if you don't want to, you don't have to. And I'm like, it's fine. I don't care. I'm like, if you don't care, I don't care. Like, it's not that big of a deal to me. Because then it's like, we don't live in another state. When's the next time I might meet them? Who knows? Yeah.

Yeah, exactly. You literally don't know. So it's like, might as well do it now. Because it's not like we can plan it. Because like, what if she's like, what the fuck? Like, why didn't I? Yeah. But he didn't really like tell his family yet. But he's like, I don't like to like tell a lot of people. Because like, what if it doesn't work out? Then you know. I was like, see. That's so true. See, I told the internet. Yeah. So like a few hundred thousand people. Yeah. I'm like, I like very much told the internet. But you know.

It's fine. The things you got to do. I know. That's another thing, too, is I get so ahead of myself with things that it's like, oh, wait, fuck, that guy that I went on a date with last week, yeah, we're not talking anymore. But that also, seriously, it's like, oh, I have to explain why it didn't work out. But then it's like, okay, then so what? I'd have to explain why it didn't work out. Oh, I want to give a nice shout out to Queen K because I know you're listening right now. I posted a TikTok about my sneaky link. I'm like, oh, the situationship with the recent guy didn't work out. Time to go back to the roster. I was making that TikTok, yes, about my sneaky link. It was a joke.

it was kind of a joke but um no we're still pursuing the sneaky link um until this weekend and i'm gonna figure it out i'm gonna make up my mind this weekend um because i know queen k she fucking commented on it and she goes no not this one i had hope in this one yeah we still hope like queen k like pray for me but yeah you guys are listening to this on the friday when we're going out so i'm excited yes and the weekend the friday where i'm meeting family yeah

but other than that oh and we also one last thing to kind of wrap this up we do have our merch that is going to hopefully be coming out soon um we finished up the designs if you guys saw on our vlogs slash snapchat we're bringing it coming out with um a new shirt this shirt is going to be our favorite shirt oh my god it's such a good shirt um a koozie and three different types of hats so stay tuned for that the hats are

so fucking good guys this merch is like so fucking cute so cute like we truly outdid ourselves we did i'm so proud the creative but like no so good like we're like what should we put on a hat and i was like it should definitely be this and we're like that's the best it's the best hat we've ever made yeah literally the best friends for that one literally all righty well thank you guys for listening

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