cover of episode GIRL TALK Q&A | Onlyfans, Situationships, Therapy

GIRL TALK Q&A | Onlyfans, Situationships, Therapy

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One Thing About Us

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Sam和Taylor讨论了女生之间分享私密话题的重要性,以及在处理感情问题和心理健康方面互相支持的必要性。她们认为,与女性朋友交流比与男性朋友交流更能深入探讨这些话题。 她们还分享了她们在OnlyFans平台上的经验,以及如何利用这个平台来变现她们的社交媒体影响力。她们强调,OnlyFans并非色情平台,她们的内容主要面向男性受众,并以此获得收入。她们还谈到了在处理与男友的关系、处理与前任的关系以及如何设定界限等方面的心得体会。 在处理与男友的关系方面,她们建议要坦诚沟通,并设定明确的界限。在处理与前任的关系方面,她们建议要避免暧昧不清的关系,并明确彼此的关系定位。在处理心理健康方面,她们建议要积极寻求帮助,例如寻求心理咨询或加入支持小组。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the popularity of girl talk episodes in podcasts and how it provides a space for deep conversations among friends.

Shownotes Transcript


What's up you guys welcome back to another episode i'm sam and i'm taylor today we're doing a nice little girl talk q a which is so fun we've done like two of these in the past i think but Everyone loves a little girl talk. I love i love girl talk. Yeah, it's like our most listened to episodes and when i'm listening to some of my podcast I love when they do this kind of stuff. Yeah, like even

Whether it's podcasts or in real life, I just cherish having girlfriends to talk about these types of things because having guy friends, you can only go so far with conversations like this. So even when we were hanging out with our girlfriends a few weeks ago playing pickleball, we were talking about literally everything we're about to talk about right now. It's like, I fucking love it. Yeah, just going all in to just the girl things that if you don't have people you can talk about this with, you can hear us talk about, maybe things that you...

Are too like embarrassed to ever ask people or talk about. We're talking about it. And if you ever want to ask anything, it's all on our Instagram is where we get all the questions. So you can always find it on our Instagram. Yes. So make sure to follow the F word underscore podcast on Instagram. Yes. A little general housekeeping here.

Our fitness app, Fitness Uncensored, is on the App Store forever. It's always going to be there. Basically, if you've ever wondered our workout plans, if you've ever wanted to be coached by us and we don't do clients anymore, we don't do any one-on-one clients. If you've ever wanted to be coached by us, that's basically giving you what it's like to be coached by us besides the...

One-on-one talking to us, but you get to talk to us for an hour on here. Yeah, and you get some crazy good recipes on there. You get recipes, you get progress trackers, you get literally everything. And yeah, things will be continuously added to it. It's not like

done. You know, it'll never really be done. A lot of features being updated. Yeah, like it'll never be done. It's just going to be something we're going to do forever. And if you just want one place to kind of like narrow in on your fitness routine and just have one place that you're going to continuously go to, you can just go there. Work out with us. Yeah. And yeah, let's get into the real stuff. Yeah. This weekend was like

This weekend was fun. Did you do anything fun during the week? Not really, just because I was really trying to lay low, I feel like, leading up to Saturday. Because I knew we were going to start drinking at night in the morning. Yeah, I've been trying to be really productive during the week. Me too. I've been trying to just really, really grind on getting out content. I've been posting seven to eight TikToks a day, which is like...

absurd because a lot of they're like TikToks I take like editing a lot of the times too and it's like it's so many I've been trying to be back on my YouTube grind

um which is always fun uh we're both actually blogging today we both upload on youtube like pretty frequently but i used to be like super into doing youtube like always twice a week no excuses then i stopped and then you've been doing it really frequently and i was like yeah it was like three times a week yeah i need to like get back on like doing youtube's youtube's like fun it just like

I don't know. Like, I feel like with so many platforms, you just, like, fall into, like, which one... Yeah. Which one you like at the moment. And I think for me right now, it's TikTok and YouTube. That's, like, where my energy is going. And this, obviously. But this, like, doesn't count. This is, like, separate. Yeah. But, like, yeah. I've been trying to be, like, really productive during the week. Yeah. Even if that involves, like, socializing, too. Like, just being productive in all aspects, I feel like I've been doing good at. Like...

Last week, we were pretty social, but not in the drinking aspect of social. We did go to that bar. We went to First Thursdays on Thursday. Didn't drink. We went for two hours. And that's something like that. I wanted to go just because I wanted to dress up. I love dressing up and taking photos, making TikToks, all that. And then on Friday, we went to the gym. And it was so hot last week. Yeah.

It was so hot. It's hot this week too at the gym. But it's just so, it's like raining every single day this week. But last week it was so hot. And we, if you guys remember like a few weeks ago, me and one of my friends who's from here went on someone's boat because his parents has a house like on the lake. But he ended up inviting us on Friday over to a pool party at his place. We didn't get there until like 3.30. And then we ended up staying till like almost 8 p.m. Because like the good thing about here in Texas compared to at least up north is like

You can be sitting by the pool, tanning outside all the way up until the sun goes away. Up north, the second it hits like 430, there's no point in laying outside. Yeah. So it's definitely different and weird when I think about it because I'm like, oh, I'm sitting by a pool still. It's 8 p.m. Sun's still out. It's still beaming hot. But it was nice. We didn't drink. We were on Lake Austin. So there's Lake Austin and Lake Travis and...

Lake Austin is like basically downtown, but some of the neighborhoods are like really far. So it takes like for us like 35 minutes to get there, but it's definitely worth the drive. Yeah, I mean, it was so nice. It was such a nice house and such a nice view. So nice just to be outside. I got so crisped.

Yeah, I got so tan this weekend. Yeah, I literally they had one of those like little lily pad float things and I just Laid on that I think for like two hours straight hanging out with everyone. There was probably like 15 Ish people there everyone was sitting in the pool just hanging out talking We were the only ones that weren't drinking but you know socially battery only goes so far. So we were like we need to go yeah, um, my social battery definitely is like

Lacking these days like just in terms of like oh my god, like I can't like non-stop like I love I love a little I like need a little recharge. I need a little recharge moment to just like fucking chill Um, so just like it makes me feel good because then it makes me like want to be yeah and I knew that day too because I was like, oh my god, we literally have to be up at like Seven in the morning to like start getting ready to go on a boat like I needed to get back

and so we went back i had dinner and then literally went to bed and saturday baby that was our our day a day of a lifetime it was honestly so much like i've never drank that early since college i think it was so much fun like party barges on lake travis are just like

unreal levels of fun on like unreal level fun is just like you can't even imagine unless you've unless you've done it it was our friend's birthday the boat was from 11 to 3 which means we had to get there at 9 to leave by 10 so the day started we'd be somewhere at 9 a.m on saturday i was up at 7 30 like it was a freaking marathon yeah like we literally i had

wake up a little bit earlier than her just because I have to take Mac out and go to the bathroom and like all that stupid shit. But like literally from the second 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. at night, I was on my feet. Yeah. Like doing things. And I, as you guys may know, if you watch my YouTube channel, I went to the liquor store like a few days before that and got the espresso martini like in the handle like from the brand called On The Rocks.

I brought two of those and I was like, you know what? Like these two were going to like last me the whole day. And I pulled out one of them and everyone's asking for sips. And I'm like, all right, I already know I'm going to run out of alcohol. I was like, I was like, I already know I'm going to run out of alcohol, but I don't really care that much just because you know, your girl was doing shroomy shroomies that day. So like, it was just like a great balance. Like I never was like, I was like fucked up, but like I was never like down bad on the boat. No, no, no, no, no. Like I was never fun. Yeah. Yeah. I was never like,

I was never, like, down that. It was also because they had, like, pre-made cocktails and they were really weak. Yeah, they were really weak. So, like, I was drinking those and there was, like, not a lot of alcohol in those at all. So, like, it was just, like, a good, fun vibe. Like, it was really, really fun. Like...

Core memory is just like dancing on a table like all of us on the way back. I thought that table was going to break. Guys, it was one of those like foldable plastic tables and there was four of us girls standing on that table on the party barge bus or I'm sorry, the party barge boat. Like, so...

You like for the party barge in general, it's two floors and it's like a massive pontoon boat. Like you've probably saw our photos and all they have is those tables and then like a few chairs. And I don't know what it like what made us decide to just jump onto that.

I don't know. I just like will always stand on a surface. It's just like I saw somebody up there and I was like, okay, I'm jumping up there. Like it's just like so much fun. Like I just love being the center of attention. Yeah. It's so fun. Yeah. We did such a good job taking pictures. Oh my God. The amount of photos I took. Insane. Yeah. Right when we got there, like I was being very like

Take a picture. Like, you were standing with some of the guys, and I took a picture, because I was like, everyone is, like, pretty sober right now. Yeah. Let's start, like, cheesing for pigs, because no one's going to want to do this in a little bit. But it was so much fun. And then me and Liv, Liv was like, you want to go down the slide? I was like, yeah. And then we're, like, the only girls that went in the water. And I was like, because I just, like, will always go in the water. Like, that's just something about me. Yeah. And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, like, we're, like, going down the slide, and she was like, like, what?

No, like, why are we always, like, the only ones in the water? I'm like, I don't know. I always go in the water. Like, you tell me. I'm just, like, not a water gal. I don't know what it is. I just love it. Like...

Here's the thing. I'm a water gal when it comes to like tubing and like that type of stuff. But like just like swimming and like being immersed in water. I just I would rather be in the sun like tanning, you know? Yeah. I just like to take a break and go in and come back. Yeah. I just love it. So much fun. And then it's just like everyone just like having a good time. Yeah. No one was giving bad vibes. Well, actually, like some people were, but the boat's so big that like I can't even like who was giving bad vibes. Like just some people on the boat that we didn't like.

Who was that? Remember we were like people that are just kind of like saying to themselves. Oh, yeah. Oh, well, okay. Speaking of that. So my sneaky link hadn't seen him in like two weeks. So he was, I knew he was going to be there. Like we picked him up on the way to go to the bus. And then the guys that Taylor's talking about who were just like so to themselves. So one of them in the group, there was like three of them. I had like,

At the very beginning of when me and Sneaky Link started to hook up, I was also balancing one of the other guys, but not in the sense of hooking up. It was more just flirty, making out in public type vibes. And when we saw him walking towards the bus...

taylor looks at me and goes oh my god this is great like this is awesome like oh yeah like because i just wanted like drama yeah like boy drama someone do something exciting yeah like someone someone make it interesting for sam and i was actually like really excited about i was like oh shit because like he's so cute like he's like six foot four like tall super tan super tall like muscular like picture perfect but i was like

Pitcher Burbick can only go so far. Like, personality is huge for me. And like, he literally was sitting in the corner of that

Bus and boat like not talking to anyone the whole time and like I went over to him to talk to him maybe three or four times trying to get him out of his like Shell or like out of like the area it was he was in and he just like wouldn't move I was like I have like too much like Socialization going on like I can't sit here any longer and like chat with you like I tried um So I got over really quickly and I ran right over to my sneaky link yeah, and then just like

The other person we know that we just like don't really like vibe with that we have like beef with but like he was like in his own world too. Oh, yeah. But so but it's like the boats are so big that like, yeah, I didn't even see you. So many people didn't even know you were there. But we had so much fun party bus there party bus back good energy singing dancing like so much fun like dancing on a bus like back home definitely like not safe like I feel like party buses like how are those safe?

uh i mean no seatbelts i mean it's not too bad they're going fast i mean it's going car speed on a highway i'm just saying like why party buses like do not need like seatbelts i don't know it's just weird like why is that like oh whatever but um so much fun and then we go home i'm not even done with the the boat what else happened on the boat well just like so much i feel like

You're always in such a rush. But, like, what happened on the mountain? Like, I took shrooms. Like, I was vibing with all the people on shrooms. And then, like, I literally was tripping balls trying to get out of the bus or out of the boat. So, anytime I'm on shrooms, guys, I literally, like...

I don't know what it is. I have like a tell it like a, like a vibe and like a mindset where I don't need to talk to anyone else. That's also on shrooms. Like we're just on the same wavelength and towards the end of the bus or towards the end of the boat, I like looked at one of my friends and I'm like, should we take more? And I took more cause I, it was like fading out. Like when I'm on shrooms, it only lasts like two, three hours and it was toward the end of the bus or the boat and the boat was four hours. So I took more and,

And as we're getting off, I'm like peaking so bad that like two of our girlfriends, I was walking off with them and I literally needed to them to like carry me. I didn't know this. Yeah. So like I'm like literally like

but like in a good way like it sounds bad no it sounds bad but like anytime you don't want to like when i always tell you like oh my body just feels heavy and like i just don't want to like move my muscles you're like condoning drugs to her no i'm not who gives a fuck um so like i'm like literally having the time of my life trying to get back to the bus get back to the bus gets back to the bus and then we get to back to the bus and

um, from there, that bus ride, like the amount of like energy level from like going there to coming back, I was doing like backflips off the rails. Like there's like these little things that you can hold onto on like the back of the bus. And I was in the back of the bus and I'm wearing just a bathing suit. And Jeannie has a video of me and I literally, my entire coochie is just like

shown to everyone I was like oh fuck like I was doing that because I didn't see the video until the next morning and I was like that that was not it like I literally was doing like flips in the air like in my bathing suit and yeah that bus ride was long it was so fun it was so much fun um trying to think of what else

Oh, boob luges. I love when people touch my boobies when I'm drunk. I have so many pictures. Taylor and I brought like a flask of tequila. And I don't know...

Like why we brought it We just You were just like Let's bring it And I was like Full send Yeah I was like Let's bring it Because I just knew I only had those like Nasty like seltzers So I was like Just in case Like I have to bring it Yeah so I love when I get drunk Like people touching my boobs I don't know what it is But I'm like I spent a lot of money On these things Like I want everyone To touch them

So like even like my our girlfriends one of our other girlfriends has like really big boobs and so me and her were just like standing there and I was like she was like can I touch your boobs like I want to know what they feel like I'm like sure they're kind of like hard but like if you want she starts like poking them and I was like okay I was like so can I touch yours and then so I start poking hers and

And I was like, we look at each other like, oh, I have such a good idea. And she was like, well, I go, let's do boob looges. And so she did boob looges off my boobs. And then all the guys saw her doing that to me. And they were like, my turn. And I was like, well, we don't really have any more alcohol left. And then that's when we got the flask.

and all the guys started doing like boob looges off of me other than sneaky link everyone keeps being like oh my god like every time i post one of them is that sneaky thing is that sneaky like i have yet to post a single photo with him so good luck good luck you're not gonna figure it out maybe one day if i slip up but i've been pretty good at not slipping up yeah other than if we're like out in austin and you guys come up to me

and i'll like because i just get so excited that i get to meet one of you guys and i'm like i'll point to him i'm like that's him that's sneaky link and then like if i meet you out you're like oh my god like that's crazy and i'm like don't say anything don't ruin it yeah or when you slip up on the pot we have to edit that like four times yeah yeah those those two yeah

This day, that's when you went to go get sushi, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I came home with my boyfriend. We Uber Eats food. It was like Uber Eats, shower, get our lives together. Sam went to go eat with her mans. Which was so much fun because we don't hang out alone like that. That was my first date with him. He took her on a date. He took me on a date. And that was our first date.

We were both on shrooms just sitting there cracking up at everything that was going on around us. It was so much fun eating raw fish. Yeah.

Yummy. Feeding each other raw fish. Raw fish after a day in the sun. I don't know. He wanted it so badly. There was a Torchy's Tacos in a sushi place right next to each other. I'm like, ooh, we should get Torchy's. He goes, no, let's get sushi. I'm like, okay, whatever. I'm so against eating raw fish when I'm drinking. Yeah, it's not correct. I'm like, I don't want to do it. But he wanted to, so I was like, whatever, fine.

um we got so much food like man's could eat and i was like i'm just warning you right now like i'm one not that hungry and two raw fish right now like so i got like a bunch of meat like i got like other things like miso soup and like little appetizers but i was like this raw fish nope yeah that's nasty i got cilantro which is like so fucking good yeah cilantro is so good the um and then we we came back and i i

needed to get ready because it was at that point i think like six or something because the restaurant didn't open to like five so it was like 6 6 30 we came back i needed to shower desperately so i hop in the shower and i'm like oh you can shower with me if you want he comes in for like a few minutes and then gets out and then i had to get ready and like it's just funny like getting ready with a boy like in the bathroom i'm like i haven't done that in a very long time like and he's just like staring at me watching me get ready and he like finds it so like interesting it's like

This is so weird, but like, hi, like what are you staring at? And I got ready. We took a few shots and then literally just went to the bars at like 730. Yeah. And left me and my boyfriend. They leave. And I think he was rushing me. So I think Sam is still home. So I call her because I didn't want to go downstairs and I wanted to be like, oh, what are you wearing? It's like I wasn't sure what I'm

she put on to wear to go out and you know gotta coordinate and then i hear like you're like outside and i hear palmer being like the uber's here i'm like uber what i'm like i didn't know you were in your room i didn't even know if you were dressed yet and i was like oh my god they already freaking left so now i throw clothes on and then i get an uber and we get there and then

your fucking sneaky links like oh like my bad like were you coming were we supposed to wait for you i'm like oh no yeah we weren't coming we weren't gonna do anything but like we met up with them and all was good just like got it together from that moment on is when i started to black out yeah you were definitely in another universe so we took shots like i said before we got an uber and i don't know what it is with me but i guzzle shots

Can't really. I guzzle it. Like, I just, I can't hang. Like, I'm fully like. Like, tequila goes down like water when I take a shot of it. That's, I can't do that, so.

So, yeah, I took shots. And when we get to Lucky Duck, which is where we get the rubber ducks, you guys know the vibe. That's our little pregame spot before we go to Latchkey. And me and my sneaky link get there first. We were supposed to be meeting people there that were supposedly already there, and they weren't there. So we're like, all right, whatever. Let's get drinks, and then we're going to go find a place to sit. So we find a place to sit, and there's...

i would say like a dozen picnic tables back in the back and there was one that was open but it had two guys sitting at it so i was like okay like there was three of them no there was only two there was two on one side one the other no there was only two unless maybe when you got there there was i don't want to drop name drop but when i got there there was two on one side and one on the other yeah no just two like unless there was two when you got there and three when i got there but when i got there there was two on one side and one on the other yeah no

So we get there, whatever. I sit down with these guys and I find them so cute. Like...

He was, fuck, and you know what? I'm single. This sneaky link, he's got nothing claimed on me. So right in front of him, I'm exchanging contacts. I'm getting their numbers. We're taking pictures together, sending them so that they have my number saved, they remember my contact. And we're all sitting there, and I... Actually, I didn't even guzzle down my espresso martini. He guzzled down his. One thing about him, he drinks and eats everything so fast. And I thought I was a fast drinker and eater. No, he's very fast.

But after that espresso martini, I knew I was down for the count because everything started to just like all like blend together and everyone started showing up. And then we went to Latchkey at what, like nine? Yeah, something like that. And from there on, I was in a different universe. Yes, very much so. I was vibing. I don't even know. Like, I mean, it's just the usual freaking like dancing on the table, the whole thing. And then I was like...

you need to go home i made the executive decision so i ran to find your sneaky link and i was like sam's drunk take her home and he was like okay yes ma'am and like runs grabs you you leave i really don't know why i stayed i was just having fun yeah i just i was like do i leave right now because i'm like could just go back like boyfriends here like you left like our other friends were there like dayton and all of them were like still there so i was like i'll stay yeah so i was just like i'll stay for a little bit and then like leaving i was kind of like

I don't know why... I didn't drink more, though. Here's the thing. I don't black out, but I do black out. I remember pretty much 98% of everything that happened that night. It's because not that much...

You weren't there for long. I know. But like, I just remember going to the bathroom in the port-a-potty by myself because my vision started going. Like I started to like not really be able to see a lot. Like everything was just like moving and like motiony. So I go in the bathroom and I'm like, oh fuck, like I'm really drunk.

And then I get back on the picnic table and I'm on the picnic table trying to find Sneaky Link because I'm like, oh, maybe like if I find him, like we can say we can go like we'll get out of here. But then I'm on the picnic table and I try to convince myself that it was just my contacts that fell out. I'm like, I'm sitting up there dancing like context. I'm like, yeah, context fell out. Like I'm invincible. Like I'm not drunk. Like I know what's going on. And then I fell and

And I was like, you know what? We're really drunk. We need to get out of here. So I sit down on the back of the picnic table, sit there for a minute. All the boys are like, are you okay, Sam? Because they all had to grab me and pick me up. And I'm like, yeah, I'm fine. I'm sure I'm fine. And then that's when I looked at you and I go, I need to get me the fuck out of here. Yeah, I already knew that though you didn't. Yeah. Which I'm glad you said it though because I already knew you needed to go home when I was not ready for you to be like, hey. Because I was going to be like, no, bitch. You're gone. Yeah. I was going to lure you. I was going to put you in an Uber and be like, we're going to Katz. And then we'd like...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That I would have been, like, pranked. I left at 10.30, but, like, that's a long day. It was a very long, long, long day. That's why I... Okay, here's the thing. I like to day drink because I get home early, but at the same time, it's such a long period of time drinking. Like, so I don't know. There's, like, pros and cons to both of, like, day drinking. No, I just can't... I mean, Jeannie... It was Jeannie's birthday, which is, like, a special occasion, but if it wasn't that, like...

I'm just gonna pick one. It was just like a special, like, because I discovered that the other few times we've day drank. I'm like, I literally can't fucking do this. Like, it's like, I hate it. The thing is, if we day drink, I want to go out at night too. Right. So I just need to pick one. Yeah. And the thing is, like, I can go out at night. But the thing is, I can go out at night and I didn't drink. Like, I drank a few drinks. I don't even really think I drank at Latchkey. Oh, I guess I did. Like, well, this guy, this random guy that was friends with her friends, like, insisted on buying us so many drinks.

like he kept coming up to like like being my boyfriend and being like i don't know someone's friend like one of our friends friends and he was he was on the barge or no he was like blonde yeah i know you're talking about shirt fuck what was his name i don't know but he was like what do you want like you want a ranch water and like ask my boyfriend like oh what do you want like what the hell i was like and it was like yeah sure and i was just kind of like what he bought me a drink too and i was like i didn't even know who he was so i'm asking my boyfriend i'm like do you know

What's going on? And he was like, that's your friend's friend. I'm like, why is he buying us so many drinks? It was our one guy friend that couldn't come on the boat, remember? Because he brought friends in town. But anyways. Yeah, it was his friends. And he kept being like, I'm only in town for the weekend. Like, I'll buy y'all drinks. Like, I love all y'all. Yeah, it was crazy. Like, it just... I know. When we were at Lucky Duck, he bought, like, three, like, buckets of, like, beer and got one, like, right before we left. I don't even think they drank them. I was like, sir, like...

What the fuck are you doing? No. Why are you doing this? It was very interesting. It was very interesting. Didn't even know anyone. Yeah. I had... We had, you know, chill nights. Sam slept at Sneak Healing. So I just came back here with my boyfriend because we had a boat in the morning, which was awful. Yeah. The boat... I, like, it was one of his friends, like, birthday, like, whatever. So, like, we didn't, like, know a bunch of people. But, like, the boat itself was actually kind of relaxing because, like, they were older. So it wasn't, like, party lit vibes. Yeah.

Like maybe lit for them because they were older, but it wasn't anything like the boat we're on on Saturday. But y'all, I wasn't even like, I don't get hung over. I wasn't even like really, really drunk on Saturday. But something about being on a boat the day after you drank, the way I wanted to yak so bad. And I just realized I'm never doing that again. I'm never getting on a boat after yacking.

a night out it was really brutal i was like this is awful um i got really tan on the boat though and it was a fun boat because they let you jumped off they let you jump off the top and they were like we're the only party rental service lets you jump off the top and i was like oh hell yeah so obviously i had to go in i wasn't even sure if i wanted to go in the water but i was like if we're gonna jump off the top then i have to um

So I got really tan, which was a plus. But I literally was so going to puke for like three hours straight on a boat. So that was not fun. Yeah. And in the Fetty. Like, because I was just like... Because like going up there, like the roads are a little windy. I was just like very motion sick. I didn't do much on Sunday. I went to the grocery store and laid on my couch literally all day. Yeah. I wish I did that. I mean...

Yeah, I don't really also like give a little bit of a sneaky link update, even though we're about to go into like the podcast episode of like boys and situationships and all that. But like, guys, I'm literally freaking out because I don't know what to do. We mean, my sneaky link have been hooking up for three months and we've only hung out

Well, we've never really just, like, hung out sober. And if we have, it's been in, like... A group. Group settings or also the next morning. And, like, I just, like, don't know what to do about it because, like, it's been three months. And someone made a comment on my TikTok and was like, girl, like, if it's been three months and he hasn't, like, committed to you, like...

he doesn't want you but i'm like you guys don't understand like it's really complicated because he literally just got out of a relationship it's not that he doesn't yeah like no it's so it's so complicated like it's so yeah i fucking hate it so like i'm in like situation ship until forever but we are hanging out tomorrow and and friday sober

He's coming to the barbecue. And then... Is it a barbecue? I thought we were eating tacos. Well, it's like... We're just, like, cooking out. We're doing a barbecue, cooking out. I don't know. And then... I'm helping him move on Friday. So... Yeah. Big moves. He's putting you to work. I know, but I'm, like... Well, I said to him, I go, I better get something out of this. He goes, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll see. The thing is, we, like, fuck with each other, like...

I don't know. It's just fun. It's too fun. Bad fun. Yeah, I mean, but if it's fun, just enjoy it. I know. That's the thing is, like, it's summer. I'm not, like, I'm not in a rush to get into anything serious going into summer just because, like, I'm having fun. But I also want to know, like, where his head's at just so that way I know if I stick around or if I, like, leave and do something fun with somebody else. Yeah. You know? Yeah.

I don't know if I like him like him like that because we've never hung out sober alone in sober activities. I don't know if I like you like you like that. Obviously, I like you. It's fun hanging out with you. I get excited hanging out with you, but I don't know if I like you like you in that other sense, if that makes sense. You've never had a serious let's go out on a date and get drinks. You've never done that, which is like

So different. We shall see. We'll see where things go. Taking it very slow. Yeah. With this episode, I'm excited to sit here and talk to you guys about literally all things Girl Talk. Love it. Birth Control, Boys, literally you name it. A lot of these are very detailed, which is good. We love detailed submissions. We don't like the...

like three word questions like make them detailed okay um so i'll just kind of read them off in no specific order or category um but this first one is about birth control i want to get off the pill but my boyfriend doesn't like to use condoms and i honestly don't either should i try the iud or track ovulation but not sure if it's 100 effective as a birth control um so

one like kind of fuck with your boyfriend so sorry um i just started tracking my ovulation with natural cycles which i'm i'm a pretty big fan of right now because then you just like know when you have to be more careful than others um at the end of the day like condoms really aren't that bad yeah i don't even really notice them just like

Be careful. And, like, I mean, I'm just going to be, like, 100% real. Like, if you're, like, tracking your ovulation and stuff, and I'm not, like, condoning this. I'm just saying. Like, you can, like, know when times you have to be, like, more careful than others, if you know what I'm saying. Like, when to, like, use it, you know? Like, you can, I mean, obviously, like, realistically, if you want to be, like, extra super safe, you should use one every single time. But, like, depending on how in-depth you go with tracking your ovulation, you can also, like...

learn what works for you um in terms of getting an iud i mean do your own research i debated it do whatever you want some people love there some people hate theirs so like at the end of the day you'll just have to see for yourself yeah there's no there's no real thing other because some people will be like the copper iud was the best thing i ever had and some people are like it was the worst so it's like if you want that and you need that security that's just a choice you're just gonna have to like

if you think you want it. But I 100% would rather use condoms every single day for the rest of my life than take birth control. Yeah. I mean, I was going to say, like, neither of us have an IUD, so we can't really talk from experience on that. But like Taylor said, it's just all your decision with what you want to do. I personally don't really notice condoms when I do use them. Like, if you use lube, like, that helps a lot. Like,

Got to make sure to like certain lubes you can't use, which we didn't know until Taylor looked it up. Yeah. Oil based lube you can't use with condoms has to be water based lube. It's the loyal, the loyal, the oil can like break the latex. Yeah. So make sure you're careful with that if you do get condoms. But I use like the just like the Trojan Trojan.

like, ultra-thin ones. Like, and I don't really notice anything with them when I do use them. So I have no problem. And it's just one of those things where, like, I know when I need to be using them and when I don't need to be using them and just using the Flow app and tracking everything. Taylor goes a little bit more advanced with tracking her ovulation. Yeah, I just... Now that I'm tracking my...

ovulation i'm basically using like three forms of birth control at one so i'm tracking my ovulation using condoms and like pull out like i would never oh yeah like game yeah yeah like so like that needs to happen it's like all three of those stacked on top of each other like so i don't know i feel like that puts your odds pretty good mm-hmm

The next one is about boys. How do you approach setting boundaries with a guy about talking about other girls? I know my boyfriend loves me and doesn't mean any harm, but he brings up this girl that we know almost every day. And at first it was fine, but now it's just making me compare myself to her. And I just wanted to tell him to not...

To not discuss her around me so that it does not always... But I do not want it to come off rude. I know part of me is in my own securities. Also wanted to say this girl is one of our dance teachers at college and she is in a relationship and has no intentions of dating him. She just talks about how great... He just talks about how great she is all the time. That's so fucking weird. Yeah, I think it's fucking weird. That's so weird. Like, I don't even know...

I like literally don't even know what I would say. And I don't even know like, cause you didn't bring it up. Like what, what he says about it. Yeah. Like great in what way? Yeah. But like, yeah. Like why? Like I would never in a million years, if I had a boyfriend be talking about another guy about how awesome he is. Yeah. Like, cause even like, I can't even imagine like,

um let's just for example like let's say we were like hanging out with our friend dayton like i can imagine coming to my boyfriend and being like i just love going to dayton's house like yeah it's so much fun and like he's so cute and i just like like him so much you know like isn't he the best like i could what like imagine like coming home and like saying that or if he was like i literally can't imagine the way i would react like

If my boyfriend came over and started, like, talking about, like, a girl from his, like, work and how, like... Awesome she is. Great she is. Unless he was, like, this girl's really cool. Like, you guys would be good friends. Or, like, I don't know. Or, like, a friend. Like, I don't even know what scenario would be, like... It's never okay. That is so fucking weird. And, like, my advice to you with that is, like, obviously just keep... Like, just, like, doing what you're doing. If he doesn't understand that, then, like, that's...

That's a big red flag in a relationship. Yeah, and I feel like in relationships, I mean, this is super weird, but even for things that might be a little more normal, even if it bothers you, I have a really easy time in relationships being like, hey, just so you know, I don't like this and it bothers me or this makes me insecure and I don't want you to do it.

literally just saying it outright is the only way because at the end of the day like boys are fucking stupid and they can't read your mind and they barely know what's right and wrong and

And also if they're not willing to like change and like change those things, it's like at the end of the day, I really hate to say it, but like the relationship is just not going to work at the end of the day. Yeah. He's not willing to like work on those things that you're insecure about in the relationship. I just, and it's a dance teacher at the college. Like this is so weird. Yeah. So I would just continue to have those conversations with him. Let him know like that it makes you insecure. Yeah.

And that you're not a huge fan of it. I would literally... Like, the way I would snap. Like, after, like, the third time of her bringing it up, I'd be like, can you stop fucking, like... I would be like, you should date her. You should ask her out. Next one is about OnlyFans. You guys...

um, should really go in depth about what you do on OnlyFans and how it works. And I have no problem talking about this. I feel like it just needs to be like more talked about. Um, not like more talked about, but like there shouldn't be a problem talking about it. Yeah. Cause I feel like OnlyFans has a very bad, like,

Even with like our friends, when people like bring up comments like, oh, you do OnlyFans. It's like, I think a lot of the time people assume that it's porn, nudity, all this like really ridiculous things. And it's not at all. Like, and I can speak on Taylor and I's behalf, but I do know there are girls out there in the industry that do those things. Yeah, you can do whatever you want. You can do whatever the fuck you want with it. But for us, you know, we've just really capitalized on monetizing our business

with the male side of things. Obviously, we do have some females that are subscribed. But like, for instance, TikTok is one of those really big platforms where we post bikini TikToks, bikini videos, whatever. And you just get nasty, like,

from men just like really sexualizing you. And so what we've been able to do is just like take that and like bring it over to OnlyFans where they are, you know, allowed to just say whatever they want. But like at the same time, we're getting paid for it as they're doing that. You can kind of think of it as like we are Snapchatting them in a sense. Like,

you do you want to yeah i mean yeah and it's basically what you said like i get nasty dms all the time like from gross men like i can post like a selfie and i get like sexualized for it so you might as well make the fucking money um half of it is things like um that basically angles of my body i basically would have posted them on the internet like sometimes i'm like this is

cute like i've posted pictures like in a bra and underwear on my instagram feed um and i can just sell different variations of those on only fans but it's like i've posted in my bra and underwear on my instagram feed like on my grid there's pictures of me in underwear like it's not that big of a deal to me um i'm i mean obviously it's like a little like pg-13 like i'm not gonna sit here and say that we're like not yeah but it's definitely 13 but it's not like porn it's also allowed me to get more like confident with like

photos of myself like I've gotten more confident posting a little bit more like not like explicit content but like bikini photos for instance like I've posted ones more of me like sitting from the back and it's like me on the lounge chair sitting from the back like two years ago I would have probably never have posted that just because I would have felt wrong doing that which there's no reason to feel wrong posting stuff like that so it just allowed me to like gain more confidence and like taking photos and bathing suits and like

Just posting whatever the fuck I want because I can. And another thing with OnlyFans is a lot of time, they just like to talk to you. Yeah. So like even like in messaging, like they'll pay us just to message back and forth with them, like asking how their day is going, what they're doing for the day. They're asking what I'm doing for the day. Like it's very much just like another monetized platform and I don't see anything wrong with it at all. Now when it comes to like

You like you guys listening with it like I don't think if I didn't have social media I would do OnlyFans so if you've ever contemplated doing OnlyFans that's just one thing I would keep in mind with it is that I personally wouldn't have probably have

started or made one if it wasn't for having social media and already having a reach a hundred percent i wouldn't have done it either yeah so that's just something to keep in mind and it's like i get a lot of questions too um is there other only fans questions yeah okay because i was just gonna go on a little thing i know i get a lot of people being like and how do you feel about like like how does like you're having a boyfriend you're like my family and it's like one my boyfriend doesn't give shit um he like

has never even like brought it up yeah like one of the first times like we people don't really know we haven't he knew like when i told him like what i was like oh by the way like i do only fans he's like i know and i was just like okay he was like i don't care it was like okay and then like my parents at first was like what and then i was like i literally explained it to them straight up like i was like i was like okay see this picture of me in a

And they were just like, okay, whatever. At the end of the day, I'm an adult. So it's just not a big deal with people around us. Yeah, exactly. Next is going to be about boys. How do you go about being in a relationship with a long-term boyfriend but having a crush on somebody else? I don't want to leave my long-term boyfriend for just a guy who wants to hook up or attention, but I also don't know why I'm thinking like this. Okay. I have maybe an unpopular opinion, but not... Okay. Okay.

I don't think... I think it's normal that when you're in a very, very long-term relationship, like, oh my God, you see a guy at the gym and he's cute. And you're just kind of like, ooh, that guy's cute. And it's just like... Getting attention from people is fun, right? I'm not saying cheat or do anything bad, right? But I'm saying when you've been dating someone for three plus years, five years, five years,

You're like a human being and I think it's like naive to think that like you're going to be like never ever being like that guy's like cute and like being like

he he like you have like a celebrity crush right it's like you can be in a long-term relationship and it's like okay and i'm obsessed with jalen hurts like but you're not actually gonna like cheat and do anything bad so i but so i think there's a line of like do you like genuinely want to have sex with that man and you genuinely would like kiss him if you're trying to kiss you do you break up with your boyfriend

But if it's just like literally like you think someone's cute and like you just kind of like go about your day and you're like, oh my God, that guy from the gym is so cute. Or like the way you have like a celebrity crush, but it's like you have like your boyfriend, like then like that's like semi-innocent. So I think it's just like naive to think that like even like your boyfriend doesn't go about his day and think like, oh, that girl's like cute. Yeah. I mean, I've been in this situation before, like my two ex-boyfriends.

We're literally like a month apart. Like it was very short like pretty much this situation like is what happened to me I was in a relationship and then toward the end of my relationship I had been dating this guy for like three years And I was just kind of falling out of like quote for quote love with this guy and I was finding more satisfaction and more like interest in Which ended up being my next boyfriend so like

There are two sides to it. Like, I think that it's definitely possible where like a lot of the times people just look for rebounds, more attention from somebody. Cause it's like, how much attention is your current boyfriend giving you? Like if he's not really giving the attention and he's kind of falling, like the love is just falling out of the relationship. And now you're kind of looking for love or like attention elsewhere. Then in the sense, it's like,

maybe that relationship isn't really meant to last any longer. And then you end up finding like that rebound situation. And then you end up catching feelings for that person. Then maybe you end up dating that next person. That's just for me, like what happened with my relationship. Like I was very interested in this other guy while I was still in a relationship, but I didn't do anything. Like I didn't cheat, didn't do anything. I broke up with my boyfriend so I could continue to pursue my,

Which ended up being my next boyfriend. So yeah, I also want to give a disclaimer to what I'm saying. I was talking about people that are kind of very like distant from your life, aka like someone you see at the gym that you don't even know your name. You like never see them. You might only see them like once or twice.

twice in your life a celebrity you're never gonna meet someone you see on tiktok that you're literally never gonna talk to ever if you like literally have feelings and a crush on like your friend that like you know very well like you like them that's different and that's like not not the vibe and you probably should be out of your relationship i'm talking more so it's like okay to have innocent like

Yeah. Almost like celebrity crushes on people that like aren't even real in your life. But you probably at the end of the day don't even like that other person that much. You probably just want something different. You're probably just like craving something different and like new, which it's like, okay. And like you can either like work on ways in your relationship to make it feel different and new or you like literally want something different and new, which is valid and a good enough reason to like feel like you need to be single. Yeah. Yeah.

Next one is thoughts on your boyfriend watching porn while you're in a long-term relationship. I don't care. I don't care either, but it does cross the line. I think not too much. If you start having sex with him and he literally can't finish, that will make me so insecure. I think there's a level of too much, which everyone can have their own, like, you know, what you think is too much and someone else can be like two different things. But I think there's a level of too much. I just feel like you don't need to watch porn like every single day because like...

I think I'm like, I should be like, I don't know, for you. Also, like subscribing to people's OnlyFans. Yeah. Way off limits for me because that's like very personal. Yeah. That is like, that's just way too personal. That's, that crosses the line to me. I agree. What else was I going to say? And then also, they were talking about this on another podcast that I was listening to and they were just kind of like, like,

Like I'm not going to want to have sex with my boyfriend as much as he wants to. So it's like, yes, like watch porn. Like, like I'm tired. Like go do your own thing because it's like, I'm not going to be like, I'm not down to like give you a blowjob five times a week. And like, it's, it's almost just kind of like, don't you want your husband to like leave you alone? Yeah. Like, like do your own thing because it's like,

if that's gonna like if it's a at the end of the day i think if it's affecting your sex with him then it's an issue but if it's not then it's no issue yeah and it's like if you think like you're just valid and what you feel because sometimes i do think i'm like wait like also like girls watch porn too like yeah so i'm just it's always just like what do you feel about your boyfriend watching porn like your boyfriend watching porn like

Girls watch porn too. So you can also watch porn. I don't know. It's always just like, oh, what do you think about that? But you're also so valid and being like, that's a boundary that you don't want crossed. And if that's a good deal breaker for you, you can be – I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting your boyfriend to watch porn. You don't want him looking at other –

naked people fair like i don't know like if that was something like in my relationship that i wanted i think you're totally a hundred percent valid and like wanting a boyfriend that doesn't do that yeah i agree situation shifts this one's long is it wrong to turn your ex into a sneaky link my ex and i broke up a few months ago and have been decided to move forward as friends i went on a trip to see him and he kissed we cuddled and had sex and pretty much acted like we were just dating without the i love you and cute names

He lied to his family and told them that we are back together just so that he wouldn't be judged by them since they were strict Catholics. We even spent time with his family and he treated me like his girlfriend still. It seems like he wants to be back together even though I made it clear that we would be nothing more than just sneaky links. Any advice? Gotta cut it off. That's not a sneaky link. Yeah, like there is way more than like just sneaky link there. Like sneaky link is...

No feelings you only hang out really when you're like drunk you want to hook up like with an ex like there's feelings there Yeah, like when I was having sex with my ex like well we didn't live in the same place like only like once and like He like came around my family too Like that was fucking hard and like the only reason I was able to do it is because it was literally we were literally going to opposite states after that and we weren't We literally couldn't see each other after that. That was bad if I lived and

in at home and for more than two weeks went on doing it like that he'd be my boyfriend yeah that's no like literally the only reason i even did it was because we live in separate states so i wasn't even gonna see him again after so there was no possibility i could literally not even fathom doing it like oh yeah like if i still was home near my exes like

And I was continuing to consistently hook up with them. Like in the back of my mind, like there would be feelings there. There would be like me contemplating like the, oh, like this is fun. Like I do really like him still. Like I want to be around him more like and would want to date him again. So like you can convince yourself all you want, but like it's not the best decision. Cut it off. Unless you want to date like... No, she doesn't want to. She said she wants to make it clear. Yeah. It's him that wants to. Yeah.

Okay, another boy one. Lots of boy ones. Every boy I talk to only wants to hook up. I've been on and off on Tinder, but everyone on there is just looking for hookups. How do I meet a guy who actually is interested in me as a person? Everyone in my family is in a relationship except me, including my 13-year-old sister. I also don't know how to open up to someone because I have health issues that hold me back from doing a lot of things. I honestly not even seeing myself getting married. Any advice would help.

I think Tinder is very much known for hookups. One. Yeah. So like you're saying you're meeting guys on Tinder. I feel like that's what people use Tinder for. Yeah. So I would like maybe stray away from that. Don't hook up. I mean, maybe you are, maybe you aren't. But like don't. If that's not what you want on people and you keep getting used to that, don't.

hook up with people like yeah don't dump it out for dudes um but like give it time and like don't have that attitude like that attitude isn't isn't helping by like writing out into the universe like i don't even think i'm ever gonna get married because i'm guessing you're probably what like between like 18 and 24 years old probably you're fucking young like don't it's it's normal that if you're like in your early 20s

every dude is being like a scumbag yeah like normal normal i've been going through this for the last like year like i counted how many first dates i went on this year and i've gone on like 17 dates so like and every single one of them has been horrible to the point where like it's just fuck boy fuck boy fuck boy like no guys actually down to like really get to know me or like be in a relationship and i thought it was an age thing like i was constantly going for the guys that were in like

They're 28 to like 31 age. Like I thought the older guys were the ones like I was going to find someone like that. Whereas realistically, like you just need to be patient and like age is just a number. Guys are way less likely to be looking for something serious than a girl is. So you just need to be patient and know that like you will find the one. I was on such a timeline crunch. I felt like for like the longest time feeling like I needed to find someone. But like at the end of the day, like,

Just because your 13-year-old sister has a boyfriend or anyone else in your family has a boyfriend, like, doesn't mean you need a boyfriend. Yeah. No, not at all. Stop comparing yourself to, like, other people. Yeah, and it's always... It's always when...

you're like stressing that hard that there's like, you can already tell in the way you're writing, there's so much pressure on it. Like you're already thinking you can't open up to people. Like you're never going to get married. Like that's so much pressure and you need to just like start meeting people with the idea of just like meeting people, friends, like just like,

Meeting people for all types of reasons. And you'll see who just, like, kind of falls into your life. But, yeah, it sounds like so much stress and pressure on yourself. Like, crazy. So, don't stress it. This next one is going to put me in my feels. This was, like, probably the only one that had nothing to do with, like, boys or anything. It had to do with family. And I feel like this was asked because I...

Like it's very similar to my life. A few months ago, I moved in with my dad after a traumatic event that happened to me away from home. My dad was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer four years ago and is on the very end of his battle. I barely turned 20 this year and the thought of losing my dad has been something that I've had to think about since I was 16 years old. My dad and I are best friends and the only parent, only parent in my life. He also is the only family I have besides my brother who is eight years older than me. My question for you is,

How do I navigate through this time without damaging my mental health to a certain extent? I suffer with anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and seeing my dad's health decline so rapidly has...

Kept me up at night bawling my eyes out I don't want to lose my only parent my only family member and my best friend when I try to talk to my Friends about my dad's health. They just say okay because they don't know what to how to respond I don't blame them because no one should really ever understand this type of situation at my age I don't want to go do a therapy But none of my friends can help me and I know I don't want to do it How do I protect my mental health where i'm also taking care of my dad throughout this entire journey? I'm, so sorry. I know like

I don't want to cry because like I've been there, like I've been through this entire like situation. And mine was like, I think like my dad was battling for like five years. So like I do know what it's like. And looking back, I'm going to give you advice based on

myself looking back on what advice I could have gave myself going through this because I bottled up a lot of emotion and I know your dad is like first of all one of your only family members left like you don't want to show that you're sad or like emotional at all and you don't want to go to therapy but like you need to be emotional at this time like bottling things up down the road like I'm still struggling like 10 years later with like

That entire time period of my life of bottling up my emotions and not letting anything get to me Like you need to be emotional during this time Your dad is not gonna care. I promise you he's not gonna care seeing you cry seeing you emotional about the situation Seeing you go to therapy like if you guys are there for each other crying with each other emotional together Like that's how you guys are gonna get through it So just be emotional don't be scared to not be emotional like go to therapy. Okay?

Don't you don't need to be afraid to go to therapy because if you deal with your emotions now Five years from now like it won't feel as bad as it May in five years if you were to bottle it up like that's one thing I wish I could have done is like cried to my dad Told him how much I love him while crying like That was one thing I was scared to do was show my emotions and show him that I was scared for him and scared for myself I wanted to be the big tough guy and like

show any type of emotion. And I never also really went to any of my friends either. It was more of me just kind of fighting the battle by myself. I had two younger brothers, so talking to them about it was also hard because my parents never really told them a lot of the things that they told me. So...

If you feel like you can't talk to your friends or family, like that's totally okay. And if they are very short with their responses, just know, like you said, like they don't really know what to say to you. So like going to therapy and just talking to a stranger is going to be like the best thing for you. I know that's like pretty much all you're asking in terms of mental health with like taking care of your dad. But that's as much as I can really say or give you in this time.

And I'm so sorry. Like it breaks my heart. Like hearing that you and anybody else is going through this because it's not a normal thing to be going through at such a young age and like seeing family go through that because you want to be there for your family in the sense of like strong and not like you don't want to be the emotional one. But like at the end of the day, like cry, go through all the emotions. It will bring you and your father way closer together if you're

emotional with him. Yeah. Obviously, like, I don't have, like, the first-hand experience, but...

Um, as far as like therapy thing, like as someone who like was hesitant on starting therapy, like even though for a different reason, who was hesitant on starting therapy and didn't want to do it and then did it, it really, really did help. And I'm like, I wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't go to therapy. So I highly recommend going. And what you said that just like stood out to me about like, how do I get through this without damaging my mental health? It's okay to not be okay. And obviously,

doing going to therapy and like using all your resources to be like the best you can be is always you know something you can strive to to do but it's okay to not be okay so to think like what can i do to like not ruin my mental health like you are going to be sad you're going to be anxious that's okay there's not like that pressure to like how do i stay perfectly fine yeah it like it's

It's totally okay to go through whatever X amount of time you're more anxious, like you're more depressed. But that's why like go to therapy, like get the help, like support groups, like just from like things I've heard of other people that go through this.

Because, like, that's all I can speak on. Like, as I've, like, heard people say, like, that were maybe, like, really hesitant on going to, like, support groups that it, like, changed everything for them to, like, talk to people. So, like, any, like, help like that, like, it's really worth a try. Yeah. And I don't know where your relationship is with your brother, but I know you did say he's eight years older. So that is, like...

From my experience, like, that definitely could be better, that he's older than you, eight years older. He has more experience in life. He can understand more things. Whereas, like, maybe if your brother was eight years younger, it wouldn't be the best to, like, go to your brother who's younger and, like, talk to him and vent to him and, like, discuss these things. But, like, maybe in a time like this, if your relationship with your brother isn't super close, like, bringing that relationship closer. Like, I don't know, maybe you guys...

because he's eight years older he could live across the country he could maybe not live near you but like even just hopping on phone calls with him and talking with him and just getting closer with him will also allow you to cope a little bit better um but again you didn't mention like where your relationship is with your brother so i don't know but even reaching out to him and talking with him because that will help but yeah so again i'm sorry you're doing what that miss girl if you want to dm me on instagram i'm always here to talk i'm always here to talk

So you can DM me, I don't care. Next one is about boys.

best way to tell a guy you're not interested in when you've been on a couple dates already and i miss girl i've got i've had to do this a few times i'm really bad with this because i'll just ghost them bitch but at the end of the day it really depends on the guy like you don't owe anyone anything like if you've met like this guy on hinge and you've gone on like three dates with him on hinge like you don't really at the end of the day owe him anything yeah like i've been in situations where i've ghosted them and i've also been in situations where it's like

he's not looking for what i'm looking for so i just simply addressed that like hey i'm not looking for what you're looking for and this is what i'm looking for so it's just not gonna work out like simple as that no need to over complicate it yeah like i i did like i went on a few dates with a guy and then i ended up like canceling when we had planned because i just like couldn't like i couldn't go and then i just kind of like never followed up to reschedule and we just like never really talked again so it wasn't a flat out ghost of like

they just text you to never answer it was just like oh yeah but we're scheduled and then you just never did like natural fade outs if like you really hate confrontation so they said you don't owe anyone anything if this is someone you're like literally never really gonna see again natural fade outs are fine and like you don't need to write someone an explanation of like why you hate them right that no one really wants to hear that so yeah natural fade outs from five I just never rescheduled the date it's fine um but like there's also nothing wrong with just like

Sending a little text. What's great about it is it doesn't have to be in person. It's like a breakup where it's like

You need to have like this in-person conversation. Like you can literally ask freaking AI to write you a text. Literally. And just text it through. Like it doesn't matter. It's not that weird. You're not the first person to do it. It's like you're definitely overthinking it. Especially if it's only been like three dates. Like it's really like really going to be okay. Mine was literally three dates. I didn't go on the fourth. And then we just like never talked about it. Yeah. Just fade out of it. Just fade out of it. I'm pro ghost. Yeah. Me too. It's...

Friendships. What to do when your friend's relationship is toxic, but you're not that close to her to tell her about it. Her girlfriend is over controlling and it's reaching the point where she's not allowed to hang out with anyone anymore. So she just locks herself in a room all day. If you're not that close with her, it's like not your business. Even if you were really close with that person, there's only so much you can say to someone who's in a relationship that doesn't see the toxic side of a relationship. Like,

all of high school, me and my friends had this one friend that she was in a relationship with this one guy. And we would tell her all the time, like every weekend, how bad the relationship was. Like it was exhausting. And like we try our best. But like looking back on it, it's one of those things where they're not going to see it. They're so blinded by love that like you're going to at the end of the day really feel

start to fracture the friendship rather than the relationship that that girl has with the girlfriend or boyfriend because she's going to start to get no trust around you when she wants to vent to you about her relationship because you're always complaining about it. So it's like, just be careful with how much you do get involved with the relationship. You can, out of guilt, bring some things up because you're like, hey, like,

I feel guilty not bringing these things up, but just careful how much you do get involved. Yeah, because I always side with the person who is being treated bad in a relationship. And I know it gets frustrating and I know it gets annoying. But manipulation and emotional abuse and toxic relationships are a real cycle to get stuck in. And it's not necessarily...

their faults. Like, I was in a really, really, like, toxic relationship in high school. And I remember, like, it made me so mad when people, like, called me stupid because, like, it was almost like the blame was, like, on me for, like, being, like, in such a manipulative scenario than, like, on him for being the ass. Like, it was just like, oh, but, like...

You like let him do that like you're stupid. I'm like why are you putting the blame on me like when I was being like fucking like tormented in this fucking relationship like so I just think like be there for people because like those relationships are hard like very toxic like emotionally abusive physically abusive relationships even like when people are in like really bad relationships it's like why don't they just leave like because it's hard and it's scary and it's like they make you feel like like my boyfriend in high school was like if you break up with me I'm going to like

unalive myself like you know it's like fucking complicated and a fucking lot so just like don't like like you said like cut them off and like have animosity toward them but at the end of the day you said you're not that close with them so I just like it's like really not your business to like stress about it

Like, it's not your, like, battle to fight. Yeah, exactly. And if someone's gonna, like, do that to themselves, that's their thing. And if it's, like, that toxic, it's not gonna work out and they'll break up eventually. Yeah.

We have one left and that is going to be about Friendships So I'm currently living with three girls and we all used to be Best friends did everything together etc But within the last year they have never Want to hang out anymore purposely don't invite me Anywhere and honestly ignore me we're in college And moving to another place and signed the lease Before they started acting like this I can't think of anything I can do wrong but I Really don't know where to go about this Situation so please help PS love the pod And love you guys so much first of all love you Um

My take with this is, and I've said this so much recently, but we need to normalize friendship breakups as much as we normalize relationship breakups because it is so normal to not really vibe with people anymore. And I know it sucks. You're in the situation of these people don't vibe with you anymore, but it's like...

It's so normal to have friendships that come and go, like that are like two years long, six months long, five years long. Like it's normal, but

People change and grow just like you would in like romantic relationships. And you're in college. Like I'm not friends with any of my college friends anymore. Come on. Yeah. You might like, I'm just like, yeah, there was some harsh truth here. You may have done something like it's like all of them. Yeah. They're like, maybe like,

from you right now you may have like done something that like pissed them off which is like fine like that happens but also girls in college are catty girls are catty so it's like if you like care that much like I mean like if you think it could be worth like a conversation try to have a conversation if not these people are like not that important and you will be okay like like

like you said like you're not like you're not friends with your college friends like it's like truly not going to make a difference in five years anyways you're not going to be like friends with them in five years probably it's not going to matter that much so it's not that big of a deal um i think it'd be worth like if you haven't had one maybe have like one conversation i think it's worth like if you live together like like you share a house so i feel like

one conversation's worth it considering you like literally share a kitchen with them um and then after that i feel like it's just like up in the air once like you figure out how the conversation goes i don't know how many of them are in your group but like when i was in college i was in like a three-way friendship and i was always i always felt like the third wheel in like the hangouts and like the invites and everything so it's like

at the end of the day like i know how it feels feeling like not important enough not as involved like in all those things but again like friendships are going to come and go like crazy as long as you just find like people surface level level people just to get you through like college let that be the case let them get you through college and then after college like people mature people grow so much that like you will find genuine friends but like

at the end of the day, like, friendships need to be treated... Friendship breakups need to be treated just like relationship breakups. Yeah. They happen. And like I said, there could have been something. Maybe there's beef. Like, maybe, like, you did something and they didn't really fuck with you. Maybe they didn't. And it's just kind of like how it's working out. Like, they have a class together and you don't. So they go study for it. And they just, like...

ended up doing things that way um but yeah i think like it's worth like that one conversation it's worth maybe maybe like you've been distancing yourself from them you don't really know it so i think it's worth like that one extra effort since you do live together but then once you give it that it's just kind of like how the cookie crumbles and you can go make your own friends exactly

But yeah, that is it. We had so many submissions and I'm so sorry we couldn't get through all of them. I just picked some of the really juicy ones. There was literally like over like 200 submissions. Maybe next week we can do a part two. Let us know like on Instagram how much you guys liked this episode because if you did like this episode, I would love to do a part two of the submissions that were submitted because we weren't able to get through all of them. But that's about it. Yeah. On my end.

So make sure to be following all of our socials. And I hope you guys all freaking kick ass this weekend. Yes. Kick ass this weekend. Love you. Bye. Bye, guys. See what's streaming free all month long during Amplify AAPI Voices on Pluto TV. Watch shows like Kim's Convenience with Simu Liu.

And action.

What's up, everybody? I'm Sarah Gretzky. And I'm Natalie Buck. And we've definitely been known to cause a scene. So whether you've binged a show this weekend or you don't even know what a streaming service is, don't worry because on Causing a Scene, we've got you covered from Netflix to Hulu and everything in between. Grab your popcorn or your martini and get ready to cause a scene with your new best friends every Thursday.