cover of episode #FMOTIVATION | Why you need discipline

#FMOTIVATION | Why you need discipline

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One Thing About Us

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Sam认为真正的长期成功并非依赖于转瞬即逝的动力,而是建立在持之以恒的自律之上。她指出,许多人被社交媒体上的励志内容所激励,但这种动力往往短暂且缺乏持续性。她强调,设定明确的目标并坚持不懈地执行计划,才是实现长期目标的关键。自律意味着即使在感觉不佳或缺乏动力的情况下,也能坚持自己的计划。她以自身为例,说明即使在旅途中行程被打乱,也能坚持每天的锻炼,并最终获得身心上的满足。她认为,将锻炼融入生活方式,养成习惯,比单纯依靠动力更有效。 Taylor也强调了自律的重要性,她认为自律与动力不同,自律意味着即使在感觉糟糕的情况下也能坚持,而动力则依赖于感觉良好。她指出,人们常常高估了自身动力,低估了自律的重要性。她建议人们设定长期和短期目标,并坚持执行,以增强自律性和自信心。即使是很小的目标,也要坚持完成,以培养自律,提升自信心。她认为,在锻炼中要努力挑战自我,达到极限,才能取得进步。她还建议人们为锻炼做好充分准备,例如选择合适的服装和音乐,以提升状态。她强调,要对自己的身材充满自信,不要被负面想法影响锻炼效果。 Sam和Taylor都认为,健身计划的选择没有绝对的对错,重要的是找到适合自己的,并坚持下去。她们建议人们根据自身情况调整健身频率和计划内容,并养成良好的生活习惯,例如多喝水、多运动等,以辅助健身计划。她们还建议人们利用碎片时间进行锻炼,例如边走路边处理工作邮件等,以提高效率。她们认为,自律更容易在积极的社交环境中养成,并建议人们远离那些阻碍你进步的人和事。她们鼓励人们不断挑战舒适区,尝试新的挑战,并不断提升自己。她们认为,成功需要付出努力和汗水,没有捷径可走。她们还建议人们寻求他人的支持和帮助,不要独自承担压力。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the importance of discipline over motivation in achieving fitness goals, sharing personal experiences and tips for maintaining consistency.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up guys? We are back with another episode, but this time we're actually together. Yes, we're finally in the same city again. We're not like thousands of miles away, which is nice. We were having a little bit of technical difficulties because we are so used to the whole Zoom process, but we got it. We're going. Yeah, setting up in person is actually in a weird way more difficult than the Zoom call.

Yeah, no. But we'll get it down. And then we'll have our little podcast station when we have our little apartment. It will be so cute. Oh my god, yes. We're going to have like a table and the whole setup. And it will be way more organized to do it. Oh, yes. We're like just running around trying to cram in like filming these podcast episodes. But we're getting it done. This is five in a row. Consistent uploads. Yes.

This one's 24 hours in advance. We're filming this on Thursday, and it's actually going to be up tonight. Usually we have them a little bit more in advance, but we've had a busy week because she just came down here. I got my lips done. My car's in the auto shop. It has been a hectic week.

Yeah, traveling is just like always so hectic. I feel like I have so much work to do and so much going on, but I love being here and in my soon-to-be apartment complex. Yes. I feel like I actually am coming like home and then when I go home, I'm like visiting. I know. You really are. And it's like I live in Texas.

My family actually, or my mom just texted me and she was like, I just booked my flights because they're going to come down. I think we mentioned this already last episode, but they're coming down to kind of help us move in together on the 15th of August. Yes, that's going to be so fun. My parents should be coming too. I hope, I think they are. Yeah, I'm like 99% sure they are because I cannot do all that by myself. I'm also going to like get a car. Yes. And like, I need my parents. And your parents need to see the area. Yeah, yeah, they're going to come.

They're for sure gonna come. We had a great workout this morning. We haven't even worked out together since...

Me being here because we like did a bunch of stuff on the weekend and then it wasn't really like workout time. I didn't work out for two days in a row, which is like, I usually like to have my rest days like split up throughout the week, but I did two days in a row this week and it was so needed. But then I got my lips done on what Tuesday, so I didn't work out really early, but you know, good workout today. Yeah. And then it's just a random time of me getting there since we're not in a routine because me and my boyfriend are in a hotel and Sam's in her apartment and

If you guys are like, how are you together and not doing everything together on this trip? We've been staying separately, but it's going to be the weekend again. So it's going to be another fun weekend. Yes. I am so excited. We have plans to go out on a party barge. Um, uh, is that what they're called? Party barge boats, um, on Saturday from like the afternoon into the night. And so I'm very excited for that. I'm so excited. I, I miss being on boats. I'm so used to being on a boat. Like,

two to four times a week when I'm home because like I kind of live on the water at home so and my family's always sending me pictures of them on my boat I'm like damn that sucks I haven't been on a boat in forever and I want to go so so bad I'm so excited and then it's your birthday on Sunday

I know. We have plans. Okay, I don't even know if I told you this, but for anyone in the Austin, Texas area, you guys probably know getting a reservation at the Zanzer Bar rooftop is nearly impossible. But, you know, someone hooked me up, and I was able to get a reservation on my birthday there. So we're going to have some nice cocktails at sunset. It's so pretty. Yeah, I can't wait. We tried to go last time, but we couldn't get a reservation. But now we're going to go, and we...

We have a three year age gap and I don't think people know that. Or like two and a half. Yeah, I know. Like two and a half years. Seriously, I don't think people notice that either. Because even when I said, I even said it was my birthday this week and people were asking me how old I was and I was like, oh, I'm turning 23 and people were like, no way. I'm like, what? I'm like, what did you think I was? People are like, I thought you were 20 or something and dropped out of college. I'm like,

I feel like I've explained my life story enough where you guys know that like I graduated last year. Well, people think I'm 16. Really? You've gotten that? Yeah, I've gotten comments saying they thought I was like 16. Oh my God. But that's because 16 year olds on TikTok look so old. That's so crazy to me.

Because like I have a little cousin Katie if you're listening to this like a little shout out to you Love you miss you but like even like my Younger cousin like she's still young I don't think she's like gone through that yet But then there are like those girls you do see that look So mature nowadays I'm like holy heck

What was I doing at that age? I was playing, like, with my Nintendo. Exactly. That's so crazy. Playing, like, the Wii, like, Mario Kart. Yeah, I'm like, I did not look like this when I was 16. Like, I'm like, if I was 16 right now, like, I would look so different. I know. Crap. Ugh.

Like imagine if we introduced ourselves to weight training like that young on too. Oh my God. We guys, we literally always will be like, oh my God, like I wish we looked like this or I wish we looked like this or I had bigger muscles. And we're like, hold on, take a step back for a minute. We have been seriously weight training for not even two years yet. Like we have to give ourselves some time. Like I only started seriously weightlifting literally in December. Like we got to like, it hasn't even been a year. Give us ourselves some props for where we have come. Hell yeah. Oh my God.

But I don't know. Like we got an exciting week ahead of us. I feel like I've been like so off track with everything. Just eating out, you know, doing all that fun stuff. But it is good now that like I feel like next month we'll be in like a really good routine with everything. I've been enjoying it though because I know I'm going to be on it when I move. And...

Well, for me, this is obviously vacation, but my workouts have been killer because obviously the atmosphere for working out here is great. So we got killer workouts every day, steps every day, lots of water, I have the same breakfast every day. We went grocery shopping too to stay healthier, but also to save money because eating out for every single meal adds up a lot. So we just did a grocery run to get lunches and dinners for each person.

day so we don't have to eat out as much which has been great so I've been able to semi-track macros I did get a voodoo donut last night but it was so good and it was so worth it and I had only half of one the other day so I mean that's fine balance I've like come to the realization though like anytime I go to voodoos I'm doing it more than once like I just like

I go through that phase and I'm just like, oh, I had one. I'm like, I want another one. It's just because it's like, I mean, it's like my boyfriend's probably first and like maybe like, I don't know, the next time he's coming back. So it's like vacation. And I was like prepared to just go all out this trip. So I'm like, you know what? Like,

Last night, we were going to go get ice cream, and we were walking to it at 9.50. Where's a good ice cream place? Do you find one? I don't know. It was called Amy's. They had vegan ice cream. Oh. And it was really close. But it was 9.50, and then on the way there, we were walking, and we found out it closes at 10. No. And then we're like, if we get on a bird, we'll get there. And I was like, I don't want to be those people that walked in at like 9.58. And it's like, can I get ice cream? So I was like, we can just go back up to the hotel.

And then we ended up at Voodoo Donuts because we wanted dessert. Yeah. And guys, anybody in the Austin area, I have officially started my ATX Eats highlight on Instagram for all the restaurants I go to. So if you guys need any recommendations, even if you're coming down to visit the area, go check that out because I tag literally every single restaurant I go to. And I'm sure Taylor's probably going to end up doing the same. Yeah, I've been loving all the restaurants here. They're so fun. It's also so fun to just walk around and like you just pass restaurants. Yes. It's fine. It's fine.

find places to go eat like we went to a good sushi place found a good sushi place that was good yeah but even the coffee shop I went to yesterday I literally had passed it a million times going to Trader Joe's and I'm like you know what one day I just need to go sit down there so walking around finding good places that's like the way to go about it but also you guys have helped so much with recommendations for me like DMing me with stuff and I'm like okay I've been adding them to lists I'm trying every one like once at a time and I'm gonna figure out what my favorite things are yeah

It's fun. I feel like we've gone to so many, but there's so many we haven't gone to. I know. It's so fun. I love it. I love being somewhere new. I know. And then today, guys, my car's in the shop. I'm getting a little rental car from Jeep.

So I don't know what I'm going to get. But once I do get it, it will be so much easier for us to like for the next few days like drive around and like go places that aren't really walking distance. Because I do have a few restaurants like on the list that are like a little bit farther away that we can go to. Yeah, we've been scootering everywhere. Well, like me and my boyfriend have literally scootered everywhere. Like we are on birds 24-7. We'll walk like most things. Like coming to you today, I did half. I walked half and then scootered. But they're just the best.

I know they are. They're literally the best. I know. I cannot wait for my brothers to come down and visit and show them them because I know my brothers would love those scooters. They're so good. I'm almost like I barely even need a car.

I know. I can do everything in the city walking and a bird. When you start riding it, though, it's kind of expensive. But the more you ride it, the cheaper your rides get. So then the cheaper your rides get, you're just like, okay, well, now it's so cheap so I can just do it more. Yeah, and it's also close. So it's like $3. But that does add up, though. It does add up. Like $3, $3, $3. But worth it when it's really hot. Yeah. And sometimes you just don't want to walk like...

eight blocks in the middle of the afternoon. Yeah, no. I really do try to avoid walking outside in Texas anywhere from like 12 to like three. That's when it's the hottest and I'm like sweating my ass off. Yeah, it's hot but it's also nice like if it looks like it's going to rain and you were on a walk

Yeah. You can, like, hop on a scooter. Yep. That's true. Yeah. Like, I love it. I'm all about the scooters. We did it in Miami one time, but we did it as just, like, something fun to do. We didn't, like, actually use them to get around. Yeah. We're, like, using them to get around here. I almost thought, like, you should just, like, get, like, a moped. Ugh.

I would so get a moped, but, like, I had such bad PTSD from when I crashed one in Bali. They are so fun-looking, though. They really are. Right? I guess I gotta just, like, learn how to actually drive it. I feel like it'd be cheaper if you add up, like, all the birds that we would use in the next year. And you could... And you would have, like, little, like, storage unit inside the thing. So, like, I'd be able to bring, like, things with me. Go grocery shopping. Oh, my God. That's tempting. Our next post is, like, we got a scooter. Yeah.

We got like one of the ones that has like the little, like the little cart on the side. Yeah. I'm talking about where it's like the big one. And then off to the side, it's like the little small one. We have the goggles in the helmet. Oh God. I just need to get my car back first. Yeah. Oh my God. And I can't wait to get a car. Yeah. I mean, I have a car at home, but I could not wait to get a new one. Yeah. But we haven't even been able to go to like lift ATX. I want to go back there. Well,

Well, I know you went there, but it's like... Yeah, because she didn't want an Uber, but I wanted to go to, like, show my boyfriend the gym, and it was so good. I know. It was so empty. It's like an outdoor gym here in Texas, so it's so fun. It's so nice. You get such a good pump in there. I know. The blood is just flowing. And the people there, like, you know the people there are, like, they're there because they are there to, you know, they have goals, they have things. Like, whereas you go to, like...

a, you know, commercial gym and there's just like, sometimes it's just like old people, just people there to just like hang out and it's just like, ah, sometimes it just ruins my vibe. Cause there's a difference between like gym people and people that go to the gym every now and then. Yeah. Like, like lift ATX is like gym people.

And like the music's blaring. Yeah, the music's blaring. I love that the music is blaring because I hate wearing earpods. Oh, I hate when commercial gyms have music blaring, but it's like Taylor Swift. I'm like, can we put something different on? Like even Alphalete was doing that when I was in Alphalete. I was like, what are they playing right now? I was like, I had to put my headphones on. Yeah, Lyft plays like Migos really loud. Like it's a good time. I like it.

I like it so much. It is... You can't film in there, though, if you want to talk. Oh, no. No talking TikToks. Even the YouTube videos. It's so hard. I want to be able to film YouTube videos and talk into them and be able to talk to you guys while I'm working out or whatever. But you can't because the music is so loud. Yeah. Gotta step outside. But...

That's pretty much been our life the past week and random things on our mind. I guess we'll get into the main topic of the episode since you guys have been listening to us talk for like 10 minutes.

Our last episode, if you guys didn't hear it, was our interview with Jay. So we're going to go back into our information, giving it to you guys straight kind of episode. Yes. I feel like it's really good, too, that we do really informational episodes because we can go so much more in detail about these things rather than an Instagram story or a podcast.

like a post or whatever, like we can direct you guys to these and you get such better detail on like what we want to talk about. But for this episode, we kind of want to just talk about like discipline, like discipline and motivation. Like in my personal opinion, I think motivation is complete bullshit. Like I'm just going to put it out there. It is. It's I don't ever have motivation every single day.

Yeah, it comes right in the beginning. You know, like, you see one maybe, like, TikTok post of, like, some girl and you save it. And you're like, oh my god, like, I am so ready to, like, go to the gym tomorrow. Like, you get a cute outfit, then you go once. And then you're like, oh, actually, the gym's a little scary. Never mind. Like, not doing it. Or you're motivated to eat healthy, so you make, like, one healthy meal. And then you're like, mm, voodoo donuts. And, like, you just say, like, mm, nope. Like, it goes away instantly. Especially if the reason you're motivated is...

is something so superficial like seeing just like a girl's tiktok like a that girl yeah that's not gonna last like i get it like even like we we both get like dms from you guys all the time like oh my god like you keep me so motivated all that stuff in the gym and i'm like i freaking love that like i love that we can motivate you guys but you guys need to understand that if you want this to be a long-term lifestyle for yourself you need to have these set goals and you need to

know that you have that discipline to allow yourself to achieve these goals because we at one point in our life we were looking at these fitness accounts and we're like oh my god like they post a workout and we're like oh my god like I'm gonna go do this workout this is so motivating but then

all of a sudden, what if, what if the content, content creator is not there anymore? Like, what are you going to do? You can't always rely on a content creator. You have to rely on your own self goals. Yeah. I was just about to say that, like the exact same thing. What if we stop posting this? And even then the girls that we used to follow and look up to, I still look up to them, but I don't rely on them anymore. Like I don't,

to them as motivation like I used to. I used to see... I really like Natasha Oceane. I think that's how you say her last name. And I would, like, see her workouts and be motivated to try it. But then while I was doing it, I'd, like, kind of give up. And, like, she motivated me to get started. But...

It didn't really stick because I didn't really understand it yet. And I feel like that might be how people see our content too. Like they do one of our workouts one time. Yeah. But then what about the rest of the week? What about after you leave the gym? I know. What about before you got to the gym? What's happening with your nutrition? You know, like you can go to the gym. Awesome. Great. You did our workout. But like, what are you doing every single day to set yourself up for success? Like, are you hitting your 10K steps? Are you drinking your water? Are you prioritizing your rest? Like all of these things go hand in hand with your long-term goal. Right.

Right, and with discipline, the way it's different is motivation is like you're waiting for something to feel right, to feel good and push you in a direction. Whereas when you're disciplined, you might wake up feeling like garbage. Like the gym is the last place you want to go, but you literally have to put yourself on autopilot, get up, and go. Like even if the whole way there you're complaining, you just got to get up and go. That's the only reason.

That you will go. If you get up and force yourself, you can't rely on it feeling like a good time or feeling ready. Like pop open an energy drink, put your shoes on and go. And it's as simple as that. And people, I think, feel like it comes easy to us.

And it doesn't. It does not. Like, people will always say, like, how are you so motivated every single day? And that's, like, bouncing off what you just said. Like, we literally, like, this happened to me the other day. I,

Once you get halfway through the door and you start blaring that music in the car, there's no turning back. Like you got to go sis. Like you're going to the gym. And then honestly, when you look back on that workout, you're probably like, wow, that was actually a really good freaking workout. Like I enjoyed that. I'm happy I got there. Yeah. Honestly, last week I did not want to go to the gym. Nothing in me wanted to go.

I know I will feel better after I leave the gym. I wake up in a bad mood and I think, okay, the bad mood can continue all day or I could stop being a baby, get up, go to the gym and then feel better and it'll suck and I don't want to but I do it and all of those workouts last week where I felt like that were my best workouts I've had in a long time. Yeah. I got so in the zone.

Yeah, and another thing too is like this just doesn't typically happen for me. But say you have like a really busy day and you're not able to get to the gym when you regularly go to the gym. Say you have to go later in the night. This will happen to me here and there. I will still get myself to the gym if I'm off routine. Like knowing that like I have to go later in the day. Like I make sure mentally that I know I'm doing it even if I don't want to go. It's not I'm forcing myself because...

Yes and no, I am forcing myself, but I know that I'm going to enjoy it after it happens and I'm going to feel so good. Once you get past that like breaking point of like,

I have to go. It's going to start to happen like regularly, if that makes sense. It's honestly just our lifestyle. Like needing to work out five, six days a week is non-negotiable. Obviously if there's, you know, maybe some trip or social event or special holiday that that week it doesn't add up, that's fine. But for every other week of the year,

Five, six days a week I'm lifting weights. Like, zero questions asked. Let's say I'm in a hotel gym and I only have dumbbells. Cool. Make it work. Like, let's say I can only do two leg days instead of three. Fine. Make it work. Like, it is non-negotiable just because I was so disciplined to make it my lifestyle. And now, like I said before, I'm just on autopilot. I go on autopilot. Like, working out is what I have to do in the morning. Yeah.

Yeah. And this, this can go with everything. This doesn't even have to go with working out. This can go with like goals outside of it. Set goals for yourself. Like at the beginning of the year, I had set goals for myself, even with like inside the gym, like PRS by the end of the year, whatever it is, set those goals and know that you have things that you need to be working for. It can be a full year goal. It can be monthly goals, whatever it is, but just write those things down. Hold yourself accountable for it. That's actually something I'm glad you brought that up. Cause I wouldn't have remembered this.

Um, aside from like your longer term goals, if you write a little goal, like let's say, um, something I've been doing within the past, like one or two months before and after every workout, I walk for 10 minutes before and after every single workout, good warmup, good cool down, whatever. I like getting steps. I heard Ed Milet on a podcast. If you guys know, he's like a motivational speaker, whatever that to develop confidence, you need to trust yourself. Like that is self-trust.

So if you write down these little goals and don't do them, you're breaking your trust and just lowering your confidence. You're doing it to yourself.

So if I write the goal saying, you know what, today I'm walking for 10 minutes and six minutes in on the treadmill, I'm like, I'm bored. I could go work out. I'm literally breaking that promise to myself instantly. And I'm like, you are literally ruining your confidence and ruining your mindset by telling yourself you're going to do something and then backing out. Yeah. For no reason. Because...

That's not even something coming up or whatever. That's just me being like, eh, this treadmill is boring. Like, I want to go lift already. No. Like, you said 10 minutes.

So do it. There's nothing stopping you. And little by little, if you have even one thing in your workout that you can, you know what, today I'm going to go to the gym and just make sure I do this. Everything else will fall into place. Exactly. That's when it's like you do things like those, like the walk before and after for like 30 days straight. At that point, you're probably, that's like a habit for you. It's not even something where you're just like forcing yourself. Like, oh, I got to remember to do my 10 minutes before and after. Like you're just doing it because it's now a routine for yourself. Yeah. And yeah.

That's pretty much, I mean, in terms of getting to the gym and doing stuff, you just got to go and stop being a baby. Like I said, really, you can't make excuses. You can make zero excuses. I can't deal with excuses for the life of me. And I know, you know, it's easy for us to say this is basically our job to like go work out. But, I mean, there was a point it wasn't. There was a point that it wasn't our career. Mm-hmm.

And I see people like close to me in my day-to-day life, whatever. They're like, oh, like I don't have time or this. Oh my God. Oh, but there's always something. Yeah. Like if it's, if it's time or it's like, I get paying for a gym membership, but sometimes those people are also spending money on way more other things that don't matter. And you can budget your money however you want, but let's say you want to get a gym membership.

Even Planet Fitness, people hate on it, whatever. Get a Planet Fitness membership. Ten bucks. Yeah. Ten bucks. Like, get a Planet Fitness membership. Start there. You know what you could also do? Walk around your neighborhood. You have time for a walk. Everyone has time for a 15-minute walk. Yeah. YouTube videos, free. Online. 20-minute home workout. Everyone has time for 20 minutes. If you watch one, if you watch two Netflix episodes, swap one episode for a workout. If it's something that you want to do.

There's really no excuses. Yeah. None. I can even say this to like, this is for like a client perspective. If you were truly like investing your time and your money into bettering yourself, say you're one of our clients. I say this to my clients all the time. I'm like, you were like investing into yourself money wise. Do you want to look back on this program where you spent all this money and know that you didn't put 110% effort into it?

You just wasted so much time. You wasted my time. You wasted your own time. And you don't want to do that. You literally want to be putting your 110% effort in every single day. No excuses. Yeah, like I even have a client. She like babysits during the day and then her kids come home at night and then her husband deal with the kids so she can go in their home gym and get the workouts in that I give her. And like, I feel like that's a prime example. If she could have said she has no time to track macros or go without or go

workout but she makes it work even if she's doing her workout at 8pm you know that's

That's when she's doing it and she makes it work and she put in the work. Yeah. Or even like, oh, I can't hit my 10K steps every day. Okay, are you sitting on TikTok for 20, 30 minutes on your couch? Get your lazy ass up. Go walk your neighborhood and scroll through TikTok doing a walk, okay? You don't need to be sitting on your couch if you're not hitting your 10K steps, okay? Especially just knowing that it's going to make you feel better. Like any type of movement is going to make you feel better. Any type of thing that you pick that's going to better yourself. You are never going to feel worse because you went for a walk.

Yeah, literally. Like maybe I'll get sweaty. Yep. Yep. But you're not going to be like, wow, my day sucks now because I walked a mile. Yeah. No one's ever said that. Imagine. Oh my God. I'd literally look at someone if they said that to me and be like, you're psychotic.

Like, what? Like, even the gym, like, everyone's like, oh, it's so hard. Or, like, oh, like, I see TikToks that are like, oh, I want this body, but I realize I actually have to, like, work out and, like, eat healthy for it. I don't understand that mentality. And it's like... I really don't. Who cares about wanting to look a certain way? Don't you want to, like, feel better? Yeah. Mentally? Physically? Oh, my God. I remember, like, even your just, like, natural energy goes up so much from just getting active. Like, even when I was, like...

I used to be in like that state where I was just like, oh, but I actually have to do this or, oh, I have to work out. I have to lift heavy. I have to do these things. Like, I remember I was like that. Like we all at one point in our life are like that, but it's just like, why, why are we lazy to do such things? I don't understand it. And once it becomes, so like all this habit stuff, once that becomes a thing, if your goal, um,

is lifting weights like us, I think there's also a part where you have to be disciplined to actually do the workouts hard because that's something that I don't think people know how to do right away. Cause they're like, Oh, I went. And it's like, well, were you actually pushing yourself to your max? Like I hate squatting. For example, I did five by five back squats the other day for the heaviest I've ever done them. And you know, they were getting tough.

And I was maybe like, last set, maybe. Maybe I should go a little lighter, only go for like three. But no, like you literally have to be disciplined in that two second moment. You don't have time to think about it. Like finish it. And to be disciplined, no one's watching you. If I'm going to do shoulder press, I could do shoulder press with 20s. Yeah. Or I could push myself and grab like the 30s. Exactly. And get, no one's forcing me to use a certain weight. No one's forcing me to.

to put a certain amount of plates on the bar or do two more reps if I feel like I have two more reps than you. No one's forcing you to do that. I know. It's like if you go to the gym and you just like go through the motions, there's absolutely no point in

of that workout honestly like yeah you got good sweating you got your heart rate up you burned some calories great but if your long-term goal is to put on some muscle you know tone up all that great stuff you need to be struggling yeah and you need to be literally like near failure last two reps falling out of form like pushing yourself you want to cry like when I go in the hack machine I

I literally am in tears at the very end. Leg extensions. Oh, yeah. Every single time I do leg extensions, every single time without fail, my last rep is, like, almost to the point of tears. Yep. That and the hamstring curls. Both of those. I think machines are the best way. We have talked about this last week. But, like, machines at the very end of your workout to just do, like, a burnout, like, crazy, like, go past failure. Yeah.

It just feels so good because that's how just you're going to progress forward. Now, doing that on your own, I'm going to say is difficult. Like if you told little me to just like first time in the gym, like grab the heavier weight, I would have been like, oh no, like be glad I'm grabbing these 10s. Going with someone is such a great way to start doing that. Definitely recommend going with someone because they can like spot you and make sure you're safe.

Don't you guys hearing us telling you to go as heavy as you ever have and being like, oh, guys, I tore my quads. Yeah, no. Definitely with machines, too. Keep it machine-based at first. Going with a friend is such a good way to push yourself. I feel like I didn't start pushing myself as hard as I could until we started working out together. Yeah. I can give a massive shout-out to Jay for the past failure reasons why we do it. I've been training like crazy, but...

Yeah, you have to be disciplined to work hard for the results because working is one thing. Working hard and getting something out of it is totally, totally different. I feel like I would do the same movements months ago and I knew they weren't as quality as what I'm doing now. Yeah. At all. Another thing too is like for you guys kind of bouncing off of like

Really pushing yourself. I know there's a lot of you guys have been asking like oh What do you do to like document your weight like to make sure that you're progressing over time? Like if you don't have like an app for that You don't really need to be documenting your weight as long as you are picking up a heavy weight And you are pushing yourself to near failure every time like you could be doing like 20 like this is example of like a shoulder press you can be doing like shoulder presses with like 20s and

Just go as many reps as you possibly can. And then next time you want to, if you want to pick up the 25s or the 30s, do it. But make sure you're really pushing yourself and going until neo-failure. It doesn't, there's no like ABC, like XYZ to like have a perfect workout. Yeah, exactly. And if you are going to, if you're looking for that discipline, that motivation, that motivation to get disciplined, whatever it is, you need to set yourself up.

To be in the right mindset dress in something that you feel comfortable in Doesn't have to be some super expensive outfit dress in something you feel comfortable in that you're like, you know what? I'm ready to get some work in the right shoes blast some music get your hair up You need to set yourself up for success and like hold yourself in a way That you know, you're gonna go in and do a good job. You can't just like

like head down being like, oh, I hate how these leggings fit. Yeah. That's, that's setting yourself up. Yeah. Like if you're going into the gym, like not a hundred percent confident in that outfit and you're just mid workout looking in the mirror, like, like, oh, I hate the way like my stomach looks or, oh, I hate the way like my thigh looks or something like that.

you're just gonna be like in your head the entire workout like if you need to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants who gives a shit like sometimes i do that when i'm on my period like when i'm feeling a little extra like bloated like i wear what makes me comfortable yeah you gotta like believe in yourself first you gotta set yourself up with like the love to actually do good like hype yourself up be there for yourself because you're not gonna get anywhere by treating yourself like

Yeah. Like, you deserve to feel good to, like, wake up, make your bed, make a good breakfast, put on a cute outfit. All of that's going to add up all together to help you do these things. And, I mean, I guess, well, that was a lot of motivation about, like,

Working out in general, but what about like no one talked about workout splits and stuff like that? Yes. Oh my god so we've been getting like a lot of DMs guys about like Workout splits in this and that and like I feel like this is like a good time to like really talk about it because this is gonna go hand in hand we were talking about like workouts and everything like that, but honestly at the end of the day your workout split really does not matter and

There's no right or wrong answer to what workout split is going to work for you based on your goals as long as you are hitting each muscle group like twice a week.

Exactly. Exactly.

All your workout split needs to be is something that you can stay disciplined with. Like you said, some people can't go six days a week. If you know you cannot go six days a week, don't write out a six-day workout split and then be pissed when it doesn't happen. That's, again, like I was saying, the self-confidence and the trust thing. Boom, breaking your trust instantly. Confidence sucks. Then next week, you're going to be like, you know what? Didn't even work. Don't even have time for it. When you could have done...

Three days, two lower body days and upper body day or a lower upper and full body, whatever. You could do three days all full body, whatever like fuels your fire. Like whatever you're like excited to go do, go do it. Especially just starting. You're going to make gains. If you just starting, you're going to make gains doing what?

pretty much anything. Like, you, and another thing too is you guys need to understand that like, this is our job too. Like going to the gym, creating content, all these things, this is our job. So like when we go to the gym six days a week, that's because it's like,

We work for this. So it's like we have the time. We make the time to go six days a week. If you work a job nine to five, realistically, and you have other things to be doing, you're probably not going to have the time. I mean, you can make the time for it, but...

You don't need to be going six days a week. Like you can still reach your goals four to five days a week of the journey. And that's when if you're someone that can't go as much and dedicate so much, that's when staying on top of the small habits is going to make a big difference. Are you drinking water? Are you going for a walk? On your lunch break at work, can you walk around the hallways? Yeah. Like if you have to take a phone call, can you...

Can you stand up and walk around? Yeah. Can you do... I don't even know. If you're home, can you stretch? Can you go for a sunset walk? Can you do meal prep on Sunday? Those little things are what you're going to need to stay on top of if...

You can't dedicate your life to it because all those things take not a lot of time. Yeah, exactly. And now if, so as I was saying, if you wanted to go to the gym like three days a week, she had mentioned you can do all full body. You can do a lower body, full body. I mean a lower body, upper body and a full body. And then if you were to go to the gym like four to five times a week, you can do like the push pull, you know,

with a leg day. But then if you were going to do something like six days, that's where it can really get interesting. It can get complicated. Like you can combine like back and chest. You can combine shoulders and arms. You can do just full push, full back. Like literally the options are endless. Whatever you find fun, whatever you enjoy, do it. Exactly. And then if you want to like add cardio in, maybe you do, maybe you don't, whatever. If you want to, if you like doing ab workouts and you think they're fun, do it.

Do those too. Like you can even use YouTube videos. I mentioned YouTube videos for home workouts. You can use them for the gym too. There's lots of gym stuff on YouTube as well. But whatever you pick, it has to be something that you are realistically going to stick to. And I know for me, I still do it. I'll be like, oh, I'm going to do this. Like something that's hard. And then I like kind of slack. Yeah. Like I actually really pushed myself on Tuesday. It was the same day to the back squats. I just really went hard that day. But, um...

I always do three sets of, like, Bulgarians. I always do three. Three sets, always. Last time I did four. I did four, and I actually did it. And every single time I've done Bulgarians for the last, like, five months, I always say, I'm going to do four. And then I do three. Yeah. And Tuesday I did four. And I'm really proud of myself for that.

Yeah, but your hands are really fucking hard. But that was straight discipline. I literally... I saw death, like, near. Like, it was not fun at all. Yeah. But I did it. See, that's another thing, too, is when you look back on saying that you did it, now you know when you go again, you're more likely to do it again because you already did it. So it's like just getting out of the comfort zone, doing something for your first time, and you know you're probably going to do it again because you've already done it. Yeah, and you...

Like, let's say you haven't used a barbell and you're, like, so scared of it. Yeah. If you squat one time, like, you did it. Like, no reason to be scared again. You literally did it. You know you can do it. You know your body can do it. You know you could probably even go heavier than you already went. Or, like...

Like, for me, stairs was really hard. But, like, now I do 20 minutes on the stairs. And I'm like, you literally can't do it. Yeah. Like, so anytime I'm getting tired, I'm like, you can do 20. Yeah. Because you've done it in the past. Maybe just a little bit of, like, a phone-scrolling distraction or something. Yeah. But...

I hate those stairs. No, but that's another thing. You gotta do what you're gonna... I know. Gotta do what you need to do to get it done. Some people like to do their cardio and for them, they gotta be, like, not on their phone. Like, you know, it's time away from social media. Yeah. Not me. I need YouTuber TikTok. I need it. Yeah. You know? Me too. Like, seriously. Even, like, walking on the treadmill, like, I find, like...

People, like, come up with excuses, like we were saying, like, 10K a step or whatever. Like, ah, but, like, I just don't want to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes after my workout so I can hit 10K a step. I'm like, just scroll on your phone. Do your... If you have, like, an online job, do your online job on your phone. Like, do your work on your phone. We're not saying you have to go at a speed of, like...

4.0 at like an incline of like whatever just like get on it walk slow if you want like as long as you're getting some type of movement in like no excuses yeah I edit my Instagram pictures on the treadmill oh my god literally 15 minutes yeah flies by after I edit like three pictures yeah answer emails mm-hmm

Finding ways to, like, overlap stuff together and, like, get multiple things done. Amazing. Yes. It's also... The reason I think we're so on it and so excited to live together is discipline is so much easier when it's, like, what you surround yourself by. It's accountability, dude. It really is. And just not being so distracted. Yeah. If there's things in your life that are... You can literally tell are distracting you from what you want to do, why are they there? Like...

Why are they there? If you're like, doing this will make me my best self. And you know it. Like, zero questions asked. You know that your best self is, like, right there. But something's holding you back from it. What are you doing? This can apply to people, too. Exactly. Literally. Like, I mean, this is kind of dramatic. I left college. Yeah. We're not saying drop out of college, but, like... No, but, like, sometimes friends, like...

I feel like I've outgrown so many friendships. Yep. So many. And it's just because I'm in a different stage of life than a lot of people. I've literally outgrown my hometown. I moved across the country. Yeah, like I just packed up my bags and left because it's so hard to stay disciplined when you can lose track so easily of what you're supposed to be doing. Like when everyone's...

main focus is just so different than yours. Yeah. This is a shout out to Bradley because I was watching his YouTube last night, but he was even saying like, you need to invest into yourself to push yourself and get you to a point where you can like kind of build off of like what you're trying to do. Like I, if I knew, if I stayed home and I didn't move across the country, I'd be so many steps behind in life that

than where I am now. So like continuing to push forward, do those things to get out of your comfort zone. So that way you're building on top of like your achievements that you want to like build. Like I moved across the country and then from here I can do so many things and I can continue to invest into myself and build up from what I'm trying to achieve. Yes. And that's such a good point. I don't know how we didn't like touch on this already.

It's going to take going out of your comfort zone. Yeah. If you are not out of your comfort zone, you're literally not doing anything. You're not doing anything. If everything you've ever done feels like comfortable and great and fun. You're doing it wrong. Like...

There has to be something you're missing. There has to be something you're missing. Because let me tell you, that leg day with my back squats and my split squats did not feel great and fun. And signing Elise in one week to just move halfway across the country in the next month was a little scary, you know? Like, just to be like, hello, I met this girl like three months ago. And now we're living together. Like, you could be a serial killer. That sounds so fucked up. We got a matching tattoo. Yeah.

I'm so fucked up. Holy shit. I met this girl three months ago, but I'm moving in with her. People that didn't know us would be like, what is wrong with you? You know what was uncomfortable? Making TikToks. Oh, yeah. Oh, yuck fringe. I even look back on mine. I'm like, why did I just make that? But I still post it anyway. Nothing I've ever gotten has been...

No. At all. Nothing. Like nothing we've achieved I feel like has been given to us. Like we really fucking push for these things. Sorry for my swearing. It happens often. But like we literally push for these things. We get out of our comfort zone. Like nothing is just like

there for you in front of you. You need to literally push for it. And you, what you said was spot on. Once you start building on top of like, you did this, so now you can do this. And like you instill all these things in you.

like it all piles up like I even think back it's something I instilled in me in like high school in high school I got involved I pushed myself to be at the top of things I pushed myself to do more activities to get better grades like I pushed myself to do that and I know some of you might be younger and maybe in high school that that's how I started the mentality you know to me it was wake up make sure I eat a good breakfast when everyone else would be like

Not eating and like... I mean, I used to not eat. But once I got... Like instilling those habits then. And even those little things that aren't even related to fitness. Just being kind of on top of myself carries over. Yes. And you don't need that much time to do that. Because I figure most of you listening or even me right now. And even though you're older than me. We're still so young. So these habits are going to stay forever. And that's another thing too. Like...

We're talking so, like, gym-related and everything like that. But, like, even if... There are going to be so many viewers... Or viewers... Listeners that are probably in high school, college, whatever it is. Like, oh, my God, the party scene. Like, we have to see it. We have to do it. We have to enjoy it. Like, yes, you can. But you've got to find that balance. So that way you know you're continuing to set yourself up for success down the road. Like, when you go to school. Like, when I was in college, I literally worked, like, four to five jobs. Like, different types of income. So that I knew when I graduated, like, I had that...

I had that cushion for myself so that way I could move out. Like, I had that goal instilled into myself knowing I need to get out of here. Like, what are your reasons? Like, what are you going to do to set yourself up so that way you can do these things? Exactly. Especially in college culture, the drinking, partying is so intense. And if you want to live that lifestyle for a few years, you're never going to get those years back. Do it. I...

I don't care. It wasn't for me. I wanted it to be really bad. That's why I went to the school I went to, really. It didn't end up being for me. If it's for you, that is great. I mean, obviously, like Sam just said, stay on top of your future because I feel like I've seen some things with people that are really into the party scene in college. I'm a little worried for them. They don't do their schoolwork. They're failing classes. If you're letting it get to you that bad, maybe take a step back. But I just wanted to point out that if you are not into that...

Obviously, we talk about the whole fit shaming thing a lot. That's not a bad thing. Just because you're young doesn't mean that if you're not into that, that you're weird or not enjoying your life. Because people think...

I feel like even like my family are like, hi mom, if you're listening to this, but she's always like, what'd you guys do? And we're just like, oh, like went to the gym, like filmed. And it sounds like, oh my God, like that's all you do. Like, you know, they're like, are you going to like go do something? It's like, we'd kind of rather go to sleep at like nine. Yeah. Like that's our fun. Because we like enjoy it. Enjoy it. Like we'd actually rather like stay home and like make dinner and like

go to bed kind of early and then wake up and like make oatmeal. Like that's fun to me. Yeah. And it's not fun to me to be in like a crowd of people that I don't feel welcome in or confident in or where people are just really drunk. Like that, that doesn't make me happy. Yeah. And it doesn't help me with my goals. So seriously, I don't really want to be around it. And there's nothing wrong with that. You need to pick it. Like it's your life. No one else's just because

It may seem like wherever you live or whatever stage of life is set up in a certain way does not mean you can't change it. Yeah. You do not have to do what is, like, normal. Yeah. Even, like, you don't have to drill. Like, I know... I'm not trying to, like...

say like whatever like drinking is the only way like you don't have to drink to have fun like even like there are times like I'd go hang out with my friends at home and like I wouldn't drink and it came to the point where like they knew like they didn't make the comments like oh why aren't you drinking like you need to surround yourself around those people that are gonna know that you might not drink that night and not make fun of you for that reason but if they are making fun of you for that reason then hell nah they may not be your friends okay like

You need to realize the people that you're truly surrounding yourself with and they should just be happy that you're happy and you're having a good time. Especially like in college when, you know, you're getting to the point where this could end up being your future career. Like this is my, this might be where you meet your long-term like husband, friends, like this is really setting you up for your life. And if you're like, Hey, you know what? Kind of during the week, I actually want to take care of myself because I help like

Yes, 20 is so young, but you're preparing yourself to like for adulthood to like you want to be healthy and set your body up for a healthy like adulthood and not cause premature health problems that didn't need to happen or fail classes or like ruin friendships because you're not being your best self. And if you want to...

Hey, actually during the week I don't want to drink Tuesday through Friday. And I only want to drink on the weekends. And I actually want to wake up early and go to the gym. You can find people that want to do that too. Yeah. And it's okay to set boundaries with certain people to reach a certain goal you have. Like it's not like, oh, cut all your friends out that want to drink. But find friends that want to do something else. I feel like it's really hard to do that too in college and high school. Because people are so like...

not fake about it, but people are so scared to open up about the fact that they don't actually enjoy going out. Like, like I was one where like, I would go out, like do all these things, but like low key, I didn't really enjoy it, but I'm sure there are so many other people out there that felt the same way I felt and we could have been friends, but you need to be open about these things and you need to like talk about it because like, I kind of wish I looked looking back on it. Like I could have, you know, stepped back from it because I

I would just punish myself so hard for like going out. Like it just, it was such a, and even not in college telling people about what you're trying to do helps so much. Like how you said, you need to be vocal about what your goal is. I feel like a lot of girls, have you ever seen those tech talks where it's like, Oh my God, when you're like, someone opens the door when you're like working out in your room and like they didn't want their family to hear them. That's like, how are you ever going to progress out of that? If you're like,

I'm gonna like work out in secret or like yeah I don't want to go on a I've seen people like they don't want to go on a run because they don't want people in their neighborhood to to see them or you don't want to like talk to your parents about groceries you can't do it by yourself yeah you could not do it by yourself you're just gonna make it so hard on yourself if you're doing everything in secret you need to tell people so they know and can support you because you

You need support from other people. I mean, especially your family. Yeah. It has to be your family. And some people can't have that. And I'm so sorry if you don't have a supportive family when it comes to that type of stuff that I wish you the best. Truly. Hopefully, if you're like, you know, almost 18, you like can work your way out of it and can do things on your own.

But, yeah, you need support from other people because the discipline's going to get tough if it's just you. You versus the world. Yeah. You need to have other people around you that, like, support you. Yeah. Because not necessarily, like, motivate you, but, like, support the work you're putting in for yourself. Exactly. Yeah.

It doesn't even have to be a bunch of people. It can be one person. I don't have, we don't have these big, big circles of like. I don't live near my family anymore. Yeah, exactly. I don't live alone. And, um, I mean, what, what supports me the most is honestly like you guys. Yes. Like, like that sounds like so cheesy, but I mean, it's like.

It's the truth. Like, that's honestly what this is. Knowing that, like, we can help other people motivates us to keep putting content out. Yeah. So, yeah. That's so cheesy. But, like, that's so, like, aw. Yeah. I know. I feel like we've been literally ranting forever about this. I know. It's been, like, I think it's been 50. 50 minutes. Got almost an hour. I hope you guys...

I mean, I think we've been doing good length. Yeah, we have. I feel like over an hour might be too long. Yeah, no, definitely. Because I feel like I've gotten a lot of feedback from girls saying that they'll listen to it on car rides, walks, or at the gym. I feel like 15 minutes sounds like a good time. Yeah, because if you wanted to go on a walk, if it was like an hour and a half, I'd be like, I can't walk this whole podcast. No. But a 15-minute podcast? Yeah. I could walk that. Yeah, me too.

So I hope you guys, if you're listening to this and have been putting something off for the day that you know you should be doing, get the hell out of bed.

Okay. Oh, we're going to get a really good response from this. Turn this off. Put on a playlist. I'm making a playlist on Spotify right now called Hawkgirl Workouts. It's a really good vibe. I'm going to make it public. But yeah, put that on. I'm going to add more to it. There you go. And literally get up and start doing something. You have no excuse. And if you have that kind of excuse, DM it to me and I'll tell you if it's a good excuse. It's probably not. Definitely not. Probably not. But yeah, no. Repost this episode.

Put up that you're going to the gym, you're on your walk, whatever it is that you're pushing yourself to better yourself every single day. Let us know what it is, okay? Tag us and we want to see. I want to see even if it's so small, like water, like making a healthy breakfast, like whatever it is. Getting schoolwork done. I don't know. I want to see it. I want to hear it. We need that evidence. Yes, I love seeing the impact. We are still reaching for that swipe up. Let's see what...

This is like a good way to document our following too. 8,569. Okay. Can we hit 9,000? Yes. Can we hit 9,000? Let's just shoot for it. 9,000. Maybe for 10K we'll end up doing like a giveaway.

Yes. Oh my God. I would love that. Maybe we'll do a giveaway for 10K. Okay. That sounds like it could be, it could be put, put together. Okay. I really like the idea of that. I really like a 10K giveaway. So share this on like everything you can. We'd really appreciate, we really appreciate if you give us a little five star review. If you're on Apple podcast, you just click the little five stars. You can write something nice if you want. If you want to leave a bad review, maybe don't.

Yeah, definitely don't do that. Don't do that. But just a little five stars, just tap it. It goes a long, long way for us to get support because we can only keep doing this if we get support. We can't talk to no one. Yeah, right? I don't want to be doing that. Yeah, it's how we're going to get most content for you and the most free content is by just the little things to support. Share it on your Instagram story. Tag us. Follow us. Rate the podcast five stars and...

Yeah. That's it, guys. Hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day. And don't forget to share. Thank you guys for listening. Love y'all.