cover of episode #FGYMANXIETY | How to walk into the gym with confidence

#FGYMANXIETY | How to walk into the gym with confidence

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Sam 和 Taylor 认为,克服健身房焦虑的关键在于迈出第一步,不要害怕健身房的规模或设施,重要的是开始锻炼。她们鼓励听众从舒适区开始,例如在角落里使用哑铃,或先在有氧器械上观察环境,逐渐适应健身房氛围。她们强调,在健身房里,舒适感比完成特定训练更重要,即使动作不标准也没关系。她们建议听众可以参考网络上的训练计划,并在开始训练前在有氧器械上观察健身房的环境和其他人如何使用器械,让自己适应环境。即使只是在有氧器械上锻炼一小段时间,然后离开,也是迈向健身房舒适的第一步。她们还建议,即使是经验丰富的健身者,也会在去新的健身房时先使用有氧器械来熟悉环境。不要害怕向健身房的工作人员提问,他们不会觉得你很笨。健身房前台的工作人员很乐意回答你的问题,并不会因此感到困扰。如果对制定自己的训练计划没有信心,可以参考网络上的训练计划。大多数人在健身房不会关注你,即使你的动作不标准也没关系。健身房里的健美人士通常都很友善。在健身房里,应该对其他女性给予积极的评价。主动赞美其他女性可以营造积极的氛围,并消除不必要的紧张感。克服对杠铃的恐惧,可以从尝试几次开始,逐渐建立信心。参加免费的健身课程可以帮助你更好地了解健身知识和环境,从而增强信心。观看教学视频可以帮助你学习如何使用健身器械。如果可以,最好与朋友一起健身,互相鼓励和帮助。不要害怕向其他健身者寻求帮助,他们通常很乐意提供帮助。即使和朋友一起健身,也可能会有不适应感,但至少你不是一个人。强烈的健身愿望可以克服对健身的恐惧。克服对杠铃的恐惧后,你就会对其他健身器械更有信心。注意周围环境,提防健身房里的不当行为。勇敢面对健身房里的骚扰,不要害怕表达自己的不满。如果有人让你感到不舒服,可以直视对方,并表达你的不满。不要因为穿着而感到羞愧,在健身房穿着运动装是正常的。如果遇到严重的骚扰,要告诉健身房工作人员或其他相关人员。如果遇到持续的骚扰,要保护好自身安全,并寻求帮助。学会忽略健身房里的不当行为,专注于自己的训练。处理健身房里的不当行为,要自信地面对,或者寻求他人的帮助。健身房里的不当行为通常是对方的问题,而不是你的问题。不要害怕在健身房拍摄视频或照片,并分享到社交媒体上。不要害怕在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,即使可能会收到负面评论。在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,要先从分享给朋友开始,逐渐建立信心。坚持在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,最终会获得积极的反馈和支持。不要害怕在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,即使可能会收到负面评论。在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,可以让你获得乐趣和满足感。勇敢尝试新事物,并坚持下去,你会获得自信和快乐。 Taylor 认为,在健身房里,舒适感比完成特定训练更重要,即使动作不标准也没关系。从健身房的角落开始,逐渐适应环境。即使在大学健身房等环境中感到不自在,也要坚持去健身房,并尝试找到舒适的方式。在开始训练前,先在有氧器械上观察健身房的环境和其他人如何使用器械,让自己适应环境。即使只是在有氧器械上锻炼一小段时间,然后离开,也是迈向健身房舒适的第一步。即使是经验丰富的健身者,也会在去新的健身房时先使用有氧器械来熟悉环境。不要害怕向健身房的工作人员提问,他们不会觉得你很笨。克服对杠铃的恐惧,可以从尝试几次开始,逐渐建立信心。观看教学视频可以帮助你学习如何使用健身器械。强烈的健身愿望可以克服对健身的恐惧。克服对杠铃的恐惧后,你就会对其他健身器械更有信心。学会忽略健身房里的不当行为,专注于自己的训练。在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,要先从分享给朋友开始,逐渐建立信心。坚持在社交媒体上分享你的健身经历,最终会获得积极的反馈和支持。勇敢尝试新事物,并坚持下去,你会获得自信和快乐。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their own initial fears and experiences with gym intimidation, emphasizing the importance of starting small and gradually building confidence.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi guys, welcome back to the podcast. What is up? This is episode 6 already and today, today when we're filming this, we're filming on Thursday, July 15th, it is one month.

Oh my god, I honestly forgot about that. Because when we left, I was like, one month. Damn! Exactly one month until move-in Thursday, July 15th. According to a little late, it'll be ready to go right after this. But life has been crazy as always. I feel like that's always what we say on here because it's summer and we're like going back. It really is.

I know. I know. I feel like anyone who's like following my page right now on my stories, they're probably like, what in the hell, Sam, why are you home right now? So much has happened in the last like two days where it just came to the point where I was like, I'm shipping it home. Like I was supposed to have a me and Taylor, actually, we were both supposed to go to Dallas in next weekend for a rise event with like all the athletes. And I literally turned down a wedding in Aruba for this, you know,

for this party. But then the event gets canceled. So I'm like, okay, I'm sending it to Aruba. And so many other things were happening down the road. It was just such a bad, shitty week. Yeah, I was looking at your stories and I was like, you are not having a good time. I was going through it yesterday. The flat tire getting pulled over by the cops. Yeah, no, I thought it was just the flat tire. And you're like, no, I'm truly stressed. And I'm like, well, it must have been a big deal with like tire. And then I kept checking the stories and I was like,

Yeah, no. And the eyelash lady. Did you see the stories about the eyelash lady? Guys, I literally, I booked. So how this lady that I was going to get my eyelashes done, like how she did it is if you paid in full, it was cheaper before going. Whereas if you paid after you had to pay a little bit extra money. So obviously I'm going to go with the deal. I'm paying in full before I get there. So it was 90 bucks. That's including tip.

And I get there. It says on the contract, if you're 15 minutes late, that she's not taking your appointment and you basically lose all the money. I was 14 minutes late. And this lady knew the situation with my car. And I told her, I was like, can I please like reschedule? Like, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it like all this stuff. And it was a long conversation all day. And she was just like, I'm sorry, but I can't give you a refund. You're just gonna have to come in. So I get there at literally,

I think it was like nine or it was five o'clock was the appointment. And I texted her at, um, or I'm yeah. Five o'clock. I texted her at five 14. And she was like, it's too late. And she literally closed her doors, locked it, turned the lights off and went out the back door. And I was like knocking on the door. I was like, let me in. It was, that was just the nail that I was like over the fence. I'm like going home the next morning because this happened last night and now I'm home. And I was like, you know what? That was it. I went home right after that and booked my flight home.

Now I'm going to Aruba on Sunday. Well, that's fun. Yeah, but I'm down 60 or I'm down 90 bucks. So use code ST fit. Sorry about that. But at least you went to the beach for a week. I'm going on a vacation with my family next week. We're just staying in like a cabin in like the woods. I don't know what I'm going to do, but yeah.

So traveling again, which I'm honestly kind of glad we're not going to Dallas because that's like less plane rides. Yeah. Oh, I'm thinking about it. I literally flew here. Two days later, I'm flying again. And then four days later, I'm flying again. I'm like, the amount of rest days I'm going to be taking this week. I'm honestly, guys, I love you all. I love giving you guys content, but I'm probably not going to be posting as much as I usually do.

Yeah, well, like, you need a vacation. I do. A really horrible vacation. I need a vacation. Bad. That's so fun. I want to go to the beach. I should go this weekend, honestly. Yes. I got, okay, well, exciting thing in my life is that I now have a treadmill. So I've had this treadmill. This is so random. I'm very excited about it. I've had this treadmill for, like, two months. I'm doing, like, a campaign with it. Whatever. You guys will see it.

But it came and it was broken. And I'm like back and forth with like this lady who's like, whatever. We're back and forth and back and forth. Still no one's here to fix it. It's been two months. So then I told my dad, can you just try to fix it? And he did. And there was just one little thing on the bottom that was unplugged. And now I have a treadmill. So my steps are just going to be immaculate. I know. I want to buy one of those like desk treadmills so bad.

I want to buy one so bad. It would fit in our apartment. You can get the ones that they fold so we could put it in the pantry. It's literally just the ground part and then there's a very small handle. We could just buy a standing desk and then we could keep the standing desk where it is, whatever. And then the folding treadmill, we can just slide it right under and put it away when we just don't want to use it. Wow. I think we might have to do that. I know.

Because like, yeah, we have a gym in our apartment, but you can't put your laptop on it. Yeah, putting your laptop on it is like, I'm going to try to see if I can balance my laptop in a way on this treadmill because I'd really love to do that when I like- Like imagine, yeah, I was about to say that. Imagine editing a YouTube video while walking. The steps that we would accomplish would be immaculate. I would literally do like 12,000 finishing a video. Oh yes. If I finished the whole entire video on the treadmill. I know, I'm not going to lie. I've only hit-

8,000 today. And I'm just going to go after this on like a little, you know, neighborhood walk. Hit that 10K. It's important. 10,159 because I did 10 minutes at the gym and then 30 minutes here at home. Because the reason I wanted this treadmill to be working so bad is like I can do outdoor walks, but in Miami right now, it is so hot that I can't just like

casually walk out the door and go for a walk without literally preparing to have to like wash my hair and change my clothes and take a shower it's like a whole thing even if I just want to do a quick 10 minutes I'm going to be sweaty and then it's just not enjoyable because it's so hot and it rains sporadically like all the time so I'll be like oh I want to go for a walk and then it's like a hurricane yeah I can't but now I have a treadmill what would you compare that to Austin weather though

I think it rains less in Austin. Yeah, you think? Yeah, like here. I'm like, you had the worst weather though when you visited. Here it's like, it rains like once a day it's going to rain. I feel like in Austin it was like a rainy day or a good day. Yeah. In the middle of the afternoon it's going to rain. Yeah, I kind of remember that when I visited.

Yeah, like, it's, in the summer, it always rains in the afternoon. It sucks, so I can't go for walks because it's just nasty outside. But the steps are going to be great, and the workouts have been great. I've been feeling super strong, and I feel like it's that, like, cheat.

a whole entire tea week in like oh yeah can we like talk about that week we we need to catch up about this week so so fun like my 10 days it was so long yes I think the most fun was like my birthday weekend of course like it was we went on the barge that was so fun it was so fun we're literally on a two-story party boat it was so fun we met so many new people it was so cool to just

go with a group of like 40 people and be like hey we don't know any of you yeah no guys I was literally running around like asking people at one point I was like do you live here do you live here because like I would say like 50 of the percent of the people there are visiting during the summer they don't live there so my first like words to a new person is do you live here and if they don't live here I'm just like oh whatever like

moved on to the next one but if they live there I'm like give me your phone number give me your give me your snapchat like we're becoming friends like all of this stuff but no the group that we were hanging out with they um I would say like what was it three or four of them like actually live in Austin and then like a bunch of them live here back in Boston um but they were all super cool big shout out to them I know they're gonna be listening to it so they were like no they they texted me and they were like are we gonna get a bad rep on your podcast yeah

I was like, no. No, they were such a good time. Except, you know, that TikTok sound that's like, how old are you? I'm 20. Yes. That was me all weekend. I know. Everyone's like 26 years old. That TikTok sound is literally my life. Yeah, we should have used that. Damn. Yeah, that TikTok sound is literally my life. I probably shouldn't have used it for legal reasons. Yeah, no, that's true. But...

I know. I can't wait. I'm like, I am away, but I'm like, I'm already like, I can't wait to go back just because I've had so much fun, like meeting all these new people and hanging out with them. Like it was so, the lake life is so fun. I want to go. I'm I want to go back. So good. It's just so cool how their city and like water. Yes. Love it. It was such a good time. I ate lots of got donuts. Of course.

I had to. Right there. Lots of snacks. I wish you guys could see her face as she's saying that. It's so funny. You're like shaking your head. You're just like, I had to. So good. It's going to be weird living there and not...

like it's not like oh it's vacation so let's get donuts yeah now you have a routine to make it yourself it took me kind of a while to like make myself a routine though I feel like ready though because I feel like even when I visited you and like we were like we had our stuff yeah well I mean you're gonna be

your movement is gonna be so much smoother than my movement was. So like you're gonna have like already 50% of the stuff you need, like ready to go. Yeah, that's true. I'm basically moving into like a done apartment. I just have to figure out packing all my stuff and bringing it there, but that's whatever. I think we need to celebrate again the weekend you come back and go back to the ranch. And I actually need to stay out past 12, 15. Yeah.

If another shout out to people that see us out and say hello. Love you guys for saying hello. And also, if you see us out and you don't say hello, say hello. Yes, there's nothing worse than the message the next day saying you saw us, but we're too scared. We're like, no. Hello. I love being out and like seeing people that like.

low-key like follow us and like bring it up it's just funny but definitely bring it up if you see us around Austin Texas we'll be out in about August 15th

I got to do better too. I've come to the realization, like y'all like know who we are when we, like when you guys come up to us. So like, you already know our names. So that's not how the conversation starts. Like there, you know how, like when you meet someone new, you, you exchange names. Like that doesn't happen when you guys come up to us and I got to do better. I know I got to do better with it. I'm like, so what's your name? Like, because you guys know me, you know where I'm from. You know what I like to do. You know, my favorite food. I'm like,

But I don't know your name. I didn't do that either. And then I think, I think it was my boyfriend who said it. But like, he was like, you should ask their name. But like, the first time that happens to you, you're just like very overwhelmed. So you're not thinking like what the right thing to say is. And I was like, oh my God, you're right. I was like, I should. Like, it literally just, it's very overwhelming the first time it happens to you. But now I make sure. Yeah. Because I felt bad that it got pointed out. But that's basically it.

I mean, it's just been go, go, go. But, yeah, I brought up Austin because basically what I was saying was I feel like all that food. I feel so strong in the gym lately. I don't know what the hell happened. Yeah. I need to get back on that. I need to start eating more carbs. I need to carb up. Yeah. I've been on my macros, too. I meal prepped. I meal prepped this week. So good. Guys, if you guys don't meal prep, I'm, like, going to be talking about all my stories every single day. So good. Regardless...

Okay, yeah, it's healthy. It helps you hit your macros. But besides that, even if that wasn't a thing, you do so many less dishes because you only cook once in the week. So, like, whatever you use to cook, you only wash it once and then you only have containers. Save space in your fridge because, like, everything I bought, I put into three containers and cooked it and, like,

There was no other containers in my fridge. It's just the best thing in the whole entire world. If you're not meal prepping, meal prep. I meal prep my lunch. I meal prep all my tofu. Like, it's really the greatest thing ever. And I'm so proud of myself for doing it. And shout out to meal prep. That's that. I can't wait. Our fridge is going to be beautiful. Like, Pinterest worthy. I know. We can make those restock videos. Yes. We're doing it.

we're doing it we gotta buy like good organizers for the fridge too yeah because like i realized like if the fridge is the same fridge that's in my apartment right now there's such like a big gap between like a few of the shelves and it's like i could fit so much more stuff if there was another shelf so we might need to like buy like something we'll get on it we'll be on that restock tiktok yeah probably make i want to make a lot more meal prepping videos

I can do that once I move out. I live with like three other people. So filming in the kitchen is just a little difficult. And they hate it. At least my family hated it. No, they don't hate it. It's more just like one, I'm a little embarrassed to like film and talk. And two, my kitchen has horrible lighting to film. Yeah.

And a lot of the times when I'm about to eat, I'm really hungry. Yeah. And I don't want to film myself. I just want to eat. But once we have, like, our apartment settled and it's, like, good lighting and, like, nice and just us, the meal prep videos will be so good. Definitely do, like, in-depth videos about it. But it's hard for me to do at the moment because I share a house with my family. Yeah. Yeah.

You're probably like looking at me right now. And you're probably like, Sam, why are you out of frame right now? Guys, I'm like bending down right now because there's this ingrown hair on my knee and it hurts so bad. I'm picking at it. I shouldn't be doing that. But anyway. Anyway, that's us in our lives. Yeah. But now we got an episode to get into. What's that? Now we got an episode to get into. We do got an episode to get into. And I think you guys are going to like this one. Yes, it's something that I feel like I get a DM about.

every single day honestly and that is gym intimidation gym anxiety getting I feel like yeah we're pretty much going to cover like a lot of things that we obviously always talk about on our stories but this is gonna be such a great place to direct you guys to just listen to it you know that's why I love doing like informative podcasts because when you guys ask us questions like in our dms like we

we have the whole podcast episode covering like that topic you're asking about. I can be like, go check out episode three or whatever. I know a lot of you guys listen to this, maybe in the car, on the way to the gym, or maybe you're on the treadmill right now about to go lift, or maybe you're about to go lift and you're standing on the treadmill, but you still only stuck to the dumbbell section. Maybe you're a little scared to branch out.

and you're probably like, oh my God, she's talking to me right now. That's literally what I'm doing. Yes, I am talking to you. So hopefully if you're listening to that in that type of situation, maybe you're in the car and you're about to like back out. You're like not going to go. Not today. Or you're just like, I don't want to even get the gym membership. Like I remember when I was in that situation,

I think let's start from the very beginning. Okay. Let's start it off because planet fitness gets so much hate. Not sure if you have a lot of planet businesses around you, but planet fitness is a very big chain where I'm from. Me too. I don't understand why people hate on it. Cause that's literally where everyone I know has their day one, who cares what the gym is, what it looks like. If there's not any free weights there at the moment, because planet fitness doesn't have like a free barbell.

Just get a gym membership. It does not matter what it looks like, what it's called or anything like that. It really doesn't. Yeah. I had a UFIT membership, which UFIT is a fine gym. I never went back to anywhere that had

weights at all because I went like once sorry mom she always talks about I paid paid ten dollars a month for a gym membership that I never used and now no my job is the gym sorry mom I was scared to go but I never went back to the weights are so I can't tell you if they're good weights but I've seen people post at you fit and they look totally good but I never used it because I was scared

I got a YouFit membership. YouFit is $10 like Planet Fitness. So if you have YouFits near you, I'd probably check those out because for the same price, you can also get barbells. But I think Planet Fitness also has like tanning salons and like saunas. Yeah, they got it all. Like sometimes I used to just have the membership just for those things. But no, yeah, Planet Fitness, it deserves more hype than...

All right. It deserves more hype. Yes. Um, we're not saying guys like you need to go right into the gym and be doing the workouts we're doing. Like that's definitely not the case. Like you guys can literally find dumbbell only home-based workouts on our pages. Even if you're doing like a home-based workout that can totally be done at home. As long as you're getting into the gym, just to feel comfortable. That is all that matters. Okay. It doesn't matter what you're doing. It doesn't matter if your form looks like

not the best as long as you're getting in there and getting comfortable with it because getting uncomfortable is how you're gonna get comfortable I started in the corner of freaking planet fitness bringing over a dumbbell and that was it until I got comfortable I started in the corner of a u-fit on a mat um I went once saw people I knew and left and never went back because I saw people I knew in there but that was like super early on that's like before I got into like

actually like starting my fitness journey that was me being like oh I should like go to the gym and then I saw people I knew and I was like no yeah I never went back but when I even went to like the gym gym at college I would go on a cardio machine and then go to the little mats where you stretch

not even probably bring a dumbbell there downstairs they had like one of those big rooms where you could probably do like hit workouts type room yeah with like balls and like ropes and like a room like that I'd use a dumbbell every now and then maybe like a medicine ball if I was feeling fancy but I'd never I literally probably went to the weights one time did one thing got so scared and never went back I just couldn't go over there

Because let me tell you, those of you that are in a college gym, I know that it's honestly, I think, 10 times scarier to do that alone than a normal gym because every single person there goes to your school.

and sees you, and you're probably going to know people. Now, if you're at a college, you probably have, like, a friend to go with, which is great, but you guys probably get what I'm saying if you're in that situation. Like, I would also still feel probably weird being in the gym solely with people that go to my school that probably know me and are, like, in my classes, and

That sounds like a bit much. So I feel for you if you're in that situation. But the advice still applies. It's so, like, funny, like, kind of, like, thinking back on those, like, scenarios because, like, like...

I don't even know how to explain it, but like we have such a different now we do like gym intimidation than we do like how we used to. Like, I remember when I used to be so scared to go into the free weight section, if it was just all guy dominant, like I literally couldn't do it. Like if I was walking in there and like, I was trying to, you know, do it for my first few times. And like, I saw it was all guys and there was not a single girl in there. I would turn around majority of the time. Yeah. Basically, um,

So obviously we got comfortable, clearly. And how I, my main thing for doing that, so what I would do is go on a cardio machine, get on the cardio machine, look around, try to find everything where people maybe would do certain things, because let's say,

I don't know how to explain it, but let's say there's like dumbbells in two sections, right? But you notice one side is kind of actually like bodybuilding type people, but the other dumbbells, maybe they're kind of doing like hit and abs over there. So you can kind of see like what the norm is for the gym you're in, like how people are using what equipment, how the equipment works. You can just watch people and see what goes on.

And a cardio machine is a great place to do that. You can like stand on a Stairmaster and see everyone and see what they're doing and get comfortable. And I personally really like doing that. It gave me like 10 minutes before my workout to see what was going on rather than just like walking around like a chicken with my head cut off. So that's what I always tell people to do. And you don't even have to do anything after that. You can get on the machine and that could be your workout for the day. And then you could leave. Yes. And you can go.

Yeah, that's another thing too is like even Taylor and I we still go on the treadmill, no matter what, before our workouts if we're going to a new gym to scan out the gym because we don't want to just walk in there and look at each other and be like, so where's the squat rack. We don't look like chickens with our heads cut off.

Like, we still are in those situations where we need to go to the treadmills before working out to scan everything. So it's not just someone that's a beginner. It's literally anybody, no matter your gym. And even I was even scared to, like, go to the front desk people. Like, I didn't know where I was kind of thing. Like, you ask about signing in because...

When I was at school, all you needed to do was, like, swipe a card. But, like, you know, I'd, like, never been in this place. There's, like, all these people at the front desk. I'm like, where do I even go in? Is it the entrance? Is this all I have to do? Like, thinking that the people that work at the gym, like, will think you're dumb if you ask a question is...

literally about signing up and they will not at all like no one that works at a gym would think you're stupid for not knowing how stuff works there i'm pretty sure they would give you a tour if you ask them those people are bored okay they're sitting at their front desk for hours doing nothing just saying like hey have a good workout

hey have a good workout you would probably honestly make their shifts so much better if you gave them something to do ask the people a question i worked front desk at a workout studio and people coming in and asking me questions gave me something to do i was not bothered by it at all so don't be afraid of the people at the front desk even because i know i was maybe i'm just a little baby i hate talking like people at workout places like that but the people at the front desk want you to be there they want something to do with their day on their shift

They will not mind talking to you. I've made friends with a good amount of like front desk people. Like seriously. Yeah, that could be such a good connection. A little bring a friend, a little free guest pass. Maybe they're like hook it up, you know, like you've got to make connections. I love it. Yeah. So that's basically like first steps in the door.

Yeah. Always to guys, if you are like newer to the gym, you're not really confident on making your own workouts, save our workouts from Instagram. Okay. Make sure you have your workout ready to go for you. And then when you are on the treadmill, obviously figure out what their equipment is, but I guess the next phases would be transitioning over from, you know, using the dumbbells, the machines to get into the damn free weights with the men. Okay. What is there to be scared of?

First of all, in my opinion, if I because I used to be super scared of this, but like I'm thinking of it now in terms trying to boost your guys's confidence. And I'm thinking about it. I'm like, what are these guys going to be thinking? They're not going to be thinking like, oh, her form's crap or oh, what is she doing in here? Like that's not going through their head. And it's like that's what I used to think was going through their head is like all of them just staring at me. Most of the time they're not staring at you unless they think you're cute.

Or they're a gym creep, but that will be coming later. Yeah, because in the nicest way possible, no one cares about you and no one is looking at you. Yeah. Like, no one cares what you're doing, which sounds harsh, but it's the truth. Literally no one cares what you're doing. And especially the dudes. Like Sam said, if they're looking at you, your outfit probably looks good on you. Yeah. They're probably just staring at you.

Guys in the gym, like bodybuilder type people are so nice. So nice. We talked about this, didn't we? Yeah, we did on our first episode. They're so nice. So the men should not even be a concern because unless they're creepy, which we'll get into just them being there, like the guy that looks like he's there three times a day. He's so nice.

I would say I do get fear in front of other girls, let's say, that kind of, like, comparison, jealousy, but that's a whole nother thing, because obviously that's something that you can get even outside the gym. Like, maybe if you're, like, in a bathing suit around girls and that makes you a little insecure, like, getting, like, similar type scenario, I feel like.

Because you might look awkward or something. But first of all, if you're not looking awkward, you're not doing, you're probably not doing it right. Like, if you don't look, if you look hot the whole time and cute the whole time, you're literally not doing anything. Yeah. If you're just going there to socialize, like,

Nah, get a workout in, get sweaty. No tea to the, no shade to this girl because her hair looked beautiful, right? She looked great. No shade. I just saw her hair down. It was like super pretty blonde with these super perfect waves like down. Maybe she hadn't started yet. I don't know. But the first thing that went through my head was like, come on earth. Does she keep her hair like that? And if she keeps it through that, that way, the whole workout, I want to know how she does that because that is so impressive.

just yeah no I could never so impressive like that was like she gonna keep it like that the whole time I don't know just like no one and even then I was looking at her because I literally was like wow her hair looks pretty and I could never do that I have never once seen a girl in the gym and been like judging them even if I think like there's sometimes where I see people I'm like oh I wish I could help them because like maybe they're doing something and like I can see such an easy fix I'd make their like

form or their workout in the or that workout in the moment just so much better for them that I'm not going to go up and tell somebody that they didn't ask so you know I don't but I'm not like oh those girls look so dumb like yeah you don't know one thing one thing I challenge all of you guys listening to do let's spend some positivity to the

girls to girls in the gym. I do this pretty much every single time I go to the gym. If I see another girl and we make eye contact, I'm a hundred percent taking my ear pod out and giving her a compliment, whether it's her shoes, her sports bra, her hair, whatever it is. I challenge all of you this week to do that. Take out your headphone, make eye contact with a girl, give her a compliment. That's it. You don't have to have a conversation with her. Just compliment her and just keep walking because there's no better feeling than another girl stranger giving a

compliment away. Like, you're just like, oh shit. Like you probably thought like in your head, if you're receiving the compliment and in your head, you're probably like, wow, like this girl keeps staring at me. Like she's giving me dirty looks. But then all of a sudden, if you give that compliment,

It's like, oh, okay. She's actually really nice. Like we're vibing. Like we're both here to support each other. Okay. And you don't know if maybe that girl was so scared to be there. Yeah. Or like maybe she was like insecure about her outfit or didn't know if she wanted to go and like blah, blah, blah. Then you tell her like, oh, those leggings look so good on you.

I want, I really, I like, I really hope you guys can take this and actually do it. I'm going to do it too. Because I try to do it like at least every single time I'm going to the gym. Like there was a girl the other day on the treadmill next to me. She was wearing bright white shoes. And I was like, took my headphone out. I was like, girl, your shoes are so freaking white. Where'd you get them? I love them. Whatever. Turns out she's had the shoes for three years and she just bleaches them all the time. I was like, you gotta start doing that.

Okay, so in the free weight section, that's like basically gets the people out of the way. You have to know that they're not caring about you or looking at you. They are literally not. And you kind of just have to switch that mentality yourself because there's really no way to prove that except doing it and realizing that nothing's going to happen to you. But as far as the like movements themselves, because the barbell is kind of scary. Like you load up weight on your back. I still like a heavy squat.

like walking with like close to 200 pounds on your back is not scary not feel that safe and the way this is something I don't talk about that much but I think it really helped me

I did a lot of workout classes for free before I got into the gym. Workout classes give you free trials, almost all of them. And I did like a month of free classes. Warning, they're probably going to email you and call you about signing up for a few weeks after. But whatever, you don't have to. I mean, if you like it, that's great. You found something you like. But I took these classes and I feel like being in a guided setting for a little bit got me just a little bit more comfortable with

With exercise, even though obviously we weren't like back squatting in the workout. I just felt a little more comfortable maybe I knew more terms and I did before got to see a gym environment a little more I literally did everything I did kickboxing or we did some weights in there I did cycling I did Pilates.

what else did I do? I don't even know. I did a lot, but that really helped me feel comfortable with my knowledge of exercise just because I felt like I had had people guide me a little bit and that made a big difference in my confidence. Yeah, honestly, same. It's so crazy because for me, this whole entire topic is probably like two years down the road. What do you say for you? Around two years. It took a while.

It's wild. I feel like it took, I don't even know, like, even in the fall, I would work out in my apartment complex gym, just because it was, like, right there, whatever. I was even scared to use the Smith machine in there for the first time in, like, August, because I didn't want to, like, not know how to use it, but I went on YouTube, looked up how to use the Smith machine.

That's the thing. My gym at school didn't have a Smith machine. So I kind of had to force myself to use the barbell. See, I didn't have a squat rack in my apartment. So I just used a Smith machine. But the barbell, once you put just the barbell on your back, you realize it's literally...

not bad I would really recommend going with someone if you can I know not everyone can but if you have someone that you can get to go with you maybe not every single day but just once to like help spot you help you set it up like that's I wish I had that well I guess I did when I went to a barbell but when I was in the gym just dumbbells I was alone

and I feel like if someone was there I would have maybe went a little bit farther into the gym but by myself hell no so having someone go with you is also just a good safety safety measure don't want any of you getting hurt but even then like I said asking people in the gym there's people there that'll show you how to use stuff too and I promise they won't think you're weird they would like to help you and not have you get injured

Yeah, it's funny too because I was like, and I had no one to like go with really when I like first started I had more like girls, like my best friend Maya like she'd come with me sometimes like it was more like someone that didn't know as much as me. So I'm like, okay, I hardly know anything but like I'll take the leap of faith like I'll be the ones like direct us through this workout right now. But no matter what, if the other person doesn't does or doesn't know as much as you go with a partner.

Yeah. Like seriously, you can both look awkward together. Yeah. At least you have like another person also clueless and you're not alone. And I think for me, I didn't, so I was going to the gym with my boyfriend, but he wasn't like actually setting up the barbell for me and like spotting me. Like I did it by myself. He was just also in the gym. I feel like when you get really, really into working out, even if you haven't used a squat rack before, I was itching for a squat rack.

Like, I used a smith machine. I used, like, all the things. And I was like, I want to lift weights for real. I wanted a barbell so bad. And so I was just ready. I feel like I wasn't scared at all just because I was itching for it. Nothing in me wanted anything more than a barbell.

yeah me too once you but guys once you like once you do the barbell for two three times game over you're not like you're not stepping back from that like you already are gonna be so confident with it and then once you're confident with it you're gonna be confident with everything else in the gym barbell is literally the only scary thing yeah and even then I still like Sam was saying new machines that I've never used I still look like an idiot and don't know how to use

For example, the golds we were going to, the hyperextension machine is different than mine, like where you put your feet. And I was trying to adjust it, and I couldn't, and I was pulling on knobs for like five minutes right next to two dudes. Probably looked like an idiot. I don't know if I was pulling on the right things. Couldn't get it to move. Just went with it. Don't really think my feet were in the right spot. But I tried.

I was trying to look up like a video of someone using the same machine because I just couldn't get my feet right. Probably look like an idiot because I still this was like last week. I still go to gyms and don't really know how to use everything they have, even if it's the same machine I've used. Maybe there's a just kind of weird or I like can't.

push his seat back or like it like sometimes things happen and you look kind of dumb but i mean not to get like deep and inspirational but if you let that hold you back from like anything in life you're literally not going to get anywhere because like i said no one's looking at you if you mess up or don't know how to use something like i literally promise you no one can tell yeah no not a single person and if it's anybody i'm

should we should we start talking about it should we talk talk about the gym creeps yes literally gross yes it's probably gonna be those creepy creepy guys which is a whole other that's not even like a oh get over it that's like be aware of your surroundings and be aware of what's going on i haven't had that many experiences of you

Yes, my home gym is horrible actually I just put an Instagram up, or I'm sorry not Instagram a to talk. And there's a fake account that just commented on my thing and was like oh my god I'm so happy you're back at knack. I can't wait to see you in the sauna like being creepy as, but there was this other like fake account of some creepy old guy that used to go to, or go to the gym back home. It's just like, like, I don't know.

I've had scenarios online, in person, all of it. I had today, I was on the cable machine doing cable kickbacks. So, I mean, kind of a exposed exercise. And there was an old man just staring at me. Just staring. Try to give him the benefit of the doubt. You know, maybe I was, like, exaggerating. Maybe he wasn't looking at me. Maybe he just, like, made eye contact. I don't know. But I think he was staring.

Wasn't that fun. I also have guys like talk to me like the creeps that kind of like, I really don't know how to explain it properly. Like kind of like diminish your like intelligence or what you actually know about the gym. Like this guy came up to talk to me because I was filming and he was like,

oh like what are you filming for like you're a trainer and i thought he was actually like interested in what i was talking about because a lot of people do that like you know ask me if i do instagram like oh what are you filming for you know i'll tell them like oh yeah i do instagram whatever whatever and he's like oh you know i like work for a few businesses if you ever need a job like i know a manager at a hooters like you'd be a great hooters girl the fuck and i was like

mind you like I thought he was talking to me like interested genuinely in what I was doing with what I was filming and like my exercise and I'm always very ready to tell someone like oh actually I'm a personal trainer and like I do like Instagram it's like like my full-time job right now I'm just like oh well you'd be a good Hooters girl like kind of just being like oh you're probably just like stupid and I'm like I was so like like literally jaw on the ground I was like

no thank you like what men have no filter no filter I that was one of like the boldest things anyone had just like said like imagine like someone like I don't know in what other thing and I know like a hooters girl like just like a waitress but obviously in the context that he was saying it he meant like

you'd be good at getting tips like half naked like yeah that's the context he was saying it in and who would go up to someone after like yeah actually this is what i do for a living like i'm actually like pretty good at it and i'm just being like oh well i think you'd be good walking around with no clothes on it was super weird and i make every like turn i get i try to get away from the guy

But I feel like I don't deal with anything that bad at my gym. Everyone's pretty nice except for that weird guy that I had that encounter with. Mine isn't really creepy. It's more just maybe people kind of trying to flirt with you and you just have to be like, no, sorry. Oh my God. The worst is when the guy doesn't understand no the first time. Like, yeah. Except the first no, don't keep freaking trying. Like,

It's actually insane. But no, yeah. I think we need to give these girls some advice, you know? Like when it comes to a gym creep, literally be bold as fuck. Who cares? You're probably like, you're going to scare him. So if he's, okay. I posted a TikTok and everyone thought,

Like it was fake that I mouth every time a guy gives me a look or stares at me or makes me uncomfortable in any way I mouth to them. Like, I'll say like, I won't say it out loud, but I mouth it. And I'm like, what the fuck are you staring at? Or I'll be like,

I'll just be like, what the fuck? Like in a pissy mood, like bitchy face every single time someone's staring at me and it makes me uncomfortable. And I stare until they look away to claim that dominance. And that's literally all you need to do. And they'll probably stop. That's so good. I've never had like the time to do that. Like that's never been like an issue for me. I guess I just go to a good gym, but I highly do. Yeah, they're just honestly pretty nice, but yeah.

That and don't let anyone because I saw that video you posted people trying to say that it's because you what you were wearing. Dude, I was wearing a t-shirt. Do not feel like you are in the wrong for wearing a sports bra. You weren't even wearing sports. She was wearing a shirt for wearing shorts or sports bra or whatever in the gym. It's the gym.

Like that is what you're supposed to wear to the gym. So don't ever feel like you need to like move or cover up or do anything to stop that from happening. That's ridiculous.

And honestly, I've never brought anything to the front desk, but if you feel more comfortable bringing it to the front desk and having the front desk person say something, do it. Like you can just do that in private. You don't have to like make it known that you went and said something like just low key, like have say something to the front desk and they will handle it. And they'll most likely cancel their membership if it's something really bad. Yeah. I was going to say that too, because that's, it's really not something to mess around with. If you,

especially girls, if you like notice someone doing that a lot to you, please, I know the world is scary out there. Watch yourself walking to your car, lock your doors, be aware of your surroundings. And if it is a repeated thing, please tell someone, please, please tell someone because at the end of the day, there's not much you can really do to stop it. Obviously it can be annoying, whatever, but if it becomes a serious issue, you need to do something about it. And you're probably not the only one that feels that way.

I would, you can make friends with other girls, you know, even make friends with one of the guys in there maybe to kind of have your back if something ever happened. One of those really nice bodybuilders. There's, I, a lot of them talk to me all the time. I feel like I have some like gym bro friends and my boyfriend's there a lot, but if he ever wasn't with me, I feel like some of them would like have my back. Yeah. And I'd be good to go. Yeah, I never usually have like people like that near me in the situation, but if you do, go for it. Definitely tell someone. I feel like

Also, you just have to mind your business. I just kind of pretend it's not happening because it happens. Let's be real. Yeah, it happens in the gym, but it happens at a lot of places too. You're going to have guys staring at you, and I know it might be uncomfortable because you're doing... Like I said, when that guy was staring at me, I was doing cable kickbacks. I'm kind of leaning forward. It's like a butt exercise. It's a little more uncomfortable in the gym because you're putting yourself out there, but...

just mind your business and pretend it's not happening women's only gyms also if there's one near you if it bothers you that much you can always try one of those if they have one near you that's always a good option too but I honestly would just say you've got to mind your own business you've got to yeah I agree it's honestly like it's one of those things like I get it all the time too like

Like in my DMs, like, how do you handle like gym groups? Literally that is it. Like what we just covered is it, you either handle it with confidence or you have someone else handle it for you if it's like a really bad situation, but it's,

It's just at the end of the day, it's not what you're wearing. It's not what you're looking like. It's not you. It's just them and having no filter and not being able to control themselves. That's it. Yeah, that's really all it is. There's really not much you can do. You just got to mind your business. Headphones are a wonderful thing. Yes, and a hat. I wish I could wear a hat, but I have to wear a bun. I love just a, hi, I can hear you. Yeah, right? Sometimes I feel like I'm getting stuck talking, especially...

even if they're not hitting on me just saying something stupid trying to like give me a form lesson or anything like I think someone's gonna ask me a basic gym question like oh how many sets do you have left or hey are you using this so they come up and talk and I think that's what they're about to ask so I like pause my music so I can hear them and then I'm like dang it because then they start talking to me about something I don't want to be spoken to about and I could have just left my headphone in and been like

can't hear you sorry don't talk to me but unsolicited form advice for men if you're getting that also if they're trying to be nice like which most of them probably are it might be annoying but they're trying to be nice so I just deal with it like there's these guys that have come up to me and they're like oh you're looking good you're so strong and I'm like well thank you and then I keep going and then they're like

You could do better at this if you did blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And literally just give me a whole form lesson for any sets I have left. And, you know, it's just like you didn't ask. Like you didn't go to the gym requesting a one-on-one training session. But you just got to deal with that too, especially if they're not being rude. They're probably not trying to be nice. You just got to take it. But I feel you. It's super annoying to get.

people thinking that you don't know what you're doing or that you need their help but you just gotta take it yeah even in dms yes i cannot stand i can't even the tiktok the tiktok comments recently because i mean yeah that's also what we're going to talk about kind of is that posting without letting anyone know think about you guys being scared to go in your gym right

Okay, imagine we feel that too. And then we also have thousands of people critiquing everything we do once we go in there. So, and I'm not saying that as like, oh, so suck it up. I'm saying that as like a, so think of us next time you're scared as like you're like,

guardians of yeah hey you know what i'm scared right now but think about the bs we go through trying to help you let that fuel you because let me tell you i don't get the worst tiktok comments for nothing yeah and always guys right if i'm gonna get hate or no mine recently was all chicks

It was a lot of chicks. They had the nerve. But anyways, like if I'm going to get hate comments on hate comments, I at least better get at least two of you this week up to a barbell. Okay, just putting that out there. Or else you're letting me get those hate comments for nothing.

think about it like that yeah and tag us in it yeah I love seeing it anytime asking us in like what I got a lot of dms from last week's episode saying that people you know wrote the essay they've been putting off or like yes they were gonna do or like did all that stuff and I love to hear I also keep getting tagged in macro caps

macro caps are my favorite ones because then I go to look and I'm like wait what did they make because I need some ideas I'm like I'm really toast I'm a good cereal also guys tag not only tag us but also tag the podcast page so that maybe we can start to make like highlights of them like repost them and stuff on the podcast page that's a great idea but yeah so we film ourselves and post it all the time and filming ourselves is something I know we tell our clients to do

tell people in our day-to-day life to do, checking your form and whatnot. Some of you also, I know, want to start posting it, which is great also, but just filming in general, that's another one of those no one's looking at you times. And I can prove that to you. The amount of times people have walked straight in front of the camera.

They literally don't know you're filming. Yeah, I was going to mention that earlier too. Yeah, they don't know you're filming. They don't notice. They will stand and walk right in front of the camera and not notice. So I'd say like once a workout, someone walks in front of the camera when I'm trying to film and they literally don't see that I'm filming. And it's not that weird to film. A lot of people film, especially with like the way social media is now. It is so common to see people like

filming their workouts. Like there's another guy in my gym that brings a tripod. Like it's really not that weird. And

It's becoming more normal and I'm loving it. It's so normal because so many people post their workouts. Love it. So many people also just want to see their form. Filming to see yourself is so helpful. And my biggest advice, if you're scared to do it, is to realize people are just going to walk right in front of your phone like it's not even there. And you get more confident with it. Like I, going back in my Instagram feed,

I would film so close to myself. Like, my full body was not even... I would too. Because I was so scared to, like, take up space or, like, put it far away.

I was even noticing that today at my home gym, like three months ago when I was filming myself at home, I was doing like videos where I'm like half in it. And then I was comparing the videos that I record today. It's on a tripod, my full body's in frame, full machines in frame. I'm like, damn, filming confidence has gone up. I still need to get better about filming my tripod. I can suck, but.

Now I know it can be hard like getting people in it. I sometimes get people in my stuff and I mean, I don't mean to, but I just pray they don't mind. And if someone ever said something, I would totally stop filming or take it down. But I try to get no people in it. And now I'm more way more comfortable with going a little farther into the gym. You're allowed to take up space. Obviously there's basic gym etiquette, but I felt like I couldn't bother like anyone in the gym because I was like,

knew or like didn't know what i was doing you can space you can put your phone your phone takes up no space if someone needed to walk in front of it they can like i said they will you can put it a few feet away from you and record yourself your water bottle is allowed to prop up your phone a little bit away from you if it's near machine all that's going to happen is someone's going to say hey are you using this machine because your stuff is near it and you say no and that's another thing too

I cannot stand like the tick when I see like tick tocks and someone propped up their phone and someone walks through the frame. And then the person that's trying to film like has like a little temper tantrum because someone walks through the frame. I'm like,

I'm like, why are you so heated? Someone walked through the frame. Clearly they weren't paying attention. They had no idea. Like they didn't see your water bottle. They didn't see your phone propped up. Big whoop. It's not that big of a deal. Like that's why when I see those videos and that's why some people get scared to film because they think that the person is going to react like that way, if that makes sense. Yeah, like-

One, if you're filming, you've got to know that you're filming is not priority. Yeah, it's not at all. I've seen someone they had their phone propped up on the weight stack and someone started using the cables. So the phone was going like,

oh my god that's bad that's so funny but like your filming does not take priority if someone's gonna ruin it oh well film again and also people are gonna film themselves in the gym so don't make fun of people or think it's weird or annoying that's kind of part of it like yeah people are gonna film themselves in the gym get over it i know you posted today that someone made fun of you for filming oh yeah this little boy he was literally like 15 like not even i don't know how old he was

But he, he like started doing like the tripod motions and like laughing and like, Oh, let me just like real quick, like capture a selfie of myself. I literally, I'm so happy I kept my mouth shut. We were like five feet away from each other. Oh, sometimes I like when I get mad, I get mad, but I kept, I kept it close. Yeah. No one at my gym.

I feel like all of them just kind of know I do social media, like, low-key. Or, like, and they're like, oh, that's a girl that films herself. I don't know. I also got super comfortable taking mirror selfies. I've gotten comments before being like, you took this in front of the whole gym? Because I'll take, like, a mirror video. I'm like...

Yeah, no, I was. I don't care. I think my thing with that though is just like I'm like, I don't want someone to see themselves in the background. Yeah, that's it too but I feel like I used to even like in the girls bathroom, someone can't walk out while I'm filming and obviously I prefer that not to happen, but.

Most girls in the girls' bathroom, too. I'll be taking pictures like, oh, sorry. They're like, let me get out of your selfie, girl. Yes. Take your picture. They're like, I don't care. I'll take a selfie anywhere. Especially just, I mean, we don't have that much of a choice because it's literally work.

We will be posted up in the gym taking pictures for a long time. I sat on the leg press machine at Gold so Sam can get a TikTok. So really at this point, everything was kind of out there. And I feel like in the gym, that's basically all it takes. You do anything once. Anything. A lift, film, picture, wear an outfit, whatever. You do it once, you'll do it.

again you'll do it again no problem because you'll realize nothing happens pay attention to i don't know how we can mention this of what time your gym is busy and what time you're comfortable there because maybe you're like oh this is too overwhelming i can't go but you're there at like peak time another thing you can ask the front desk about they'll probably be very kind to tell you when it's kind of empty go when it's empty go when it's empty duh like it's going around

And going around like the same time every single day. Like if you go at Monday, the same time, every day of the week, you're going to be around the same people every single time. Because the majority of the people that go, you'll pretty much know what will be open. Like, for example, if you're always there Monday at 9am and that's your leg day, right?

And you kind of always have a skull rack. Like there's always some, like there's always one open for you. Okay. Cause the people that go at that time aren't doing legs at that time. Like you just know you're going to have it and you kind of know what's going on. And yeah, the time you go to the gym can impact that as well. But as you get more comfortable, that's just a beginning thing. As you get more comfortable, you can go at whatever time you want. I'm talking basic, like when you first started going and you don't want it to be packed because it can be a little intimidating sometimes.

um like let's say having a workout then you're like oh my god I saved Taylor's workout and none of this stuff is open for me to use and I don't know what to do then you're like screwed and you're gonna go home so thinking ahead for you guys but yeah so filming I guess going along with that is posting it because posting it is a whole other a whole other thing literally we were saying because we were talking about this before we even came on here

And the biggest thing I think everyone's scared of, even I was, is that when you start off your page, you're going to have your friends following it. That's all you're going to have. Like no one's going to really see your page other than your friends. So the biggest thing is getting comfortable with posting and not feeling awkward that your friends are seeing these things because that is the biggest insecurity I had personally with finding someone that was, you know, not someone I knew. You got to build up that platform, you know, of like people that are actually there to like

push you, encourage you and stuff. But at the very beginning, it can be definitely awkward. You're intimidated by like what people are going to say, but don't let that get to you. Okay. Because you never know what can happen down the road. Like me and Taylor didn't know our platforms. We're just going to take off. Like we were just consistent with it posting because we didn't care what other people thought. And look at us now. Okay. Confidence is key ladies.

yeah especially people really aren't gonna make fun of you because so many people want to be influencers nowadays if not everyone so especially with tiktok yeah everyone wants to be an influencer right everyone if they say they don't they're probably lying everyone wants to be an influencer so they're probably not to be like oh they're just jealous

they probably see you and think like, wow, that's cool. I wish I could start the page I wanted to start because so many people probably have a hobby or an interest that they would probably love to make a whole page about and have people follow it. But it's scary. It's really scary to just post yourself. But if you make an account for it and just go for it,

someone might see it right and maybe let's say they make fun of you that is five seconds of their day for an account that could like change your whole life and yeah you like doing it takes up all of your time why are you gonna let one person's opinion mess up what you're doing like obviously people tell us stuff all the time people told me stuff in the beginning just like little things

Yeah. I mean, to be real, I feel like there's people that didn't like me in high school and then they, like, follow my page because people, girls like workout advice. People want, and if you're putting out useful information, people are probably going to want to use it. And all of a sudden, people are coming to you asking you questions and asking you for advice and this and that. It feels so good. Yeah. I made a TikTok about it, like, a while ago. I was really petty. I was like, girls from high school, like, want to start asking you for workout advice. It was pretty funny. But...

But posting it is like another rip off the bandaid. Like you gotta just go for it. And maybe you could literally post it and maybe not like promote it everywhere at first. You can get like a few posts up there and just like see what happens because it's truly fun. I think it's so fun to post fitness stuff. I don't know why. Like, I just think it's so cute to be like, Hey guys, this is the outfit I'm wearing today. And like, this is the workout I did and look at my lunch. So fun. It's so fun.

Yeah. You guys are going to put, you got to spam your stories because the more you talk in your stories, the more comfortable you'll do it, especially doing it in front of other people. I used to literally like hide myself in a corner or I'd only film myself in my car. Yeah. I would not talk in front of anyone. I did not want to film in front of anyone. I got a DM that was like, how'd you film this story in front of people? Cause I was talking in the hotel gym treadmill and I was like, Oh, no one was in there. But thinking about it back, I was like, I probably would have still made it.

yeah no one was in there though it was empty but talking's really not that big of a deal to me like you you get way more used to posting stuff just like we said with filming like getting actual good angles in the gym not just putting it so that you can only see like one foot so you can see your whole body it takes time with posting you're gonna want to only do like one story a day because you're nervous and you'll do another one then maybe you'll talk it took me a while to talk

I was like do you guys like these like talking spamming stories do you guys like these and we're like yeah I'm like oh my god I kind of hate them and now we talk for an hour on the podcast yeah it's like I think it's such a good way too for someone to get like a sense of like your personality too like if you're just posting pictures of your food all day or like something that you're holding like or just like a selfie like no one's gonna know like really who you are you need to like

Show your personality with it. Exactly. And if you're nervous to post it, like you actually have to ask yourself like, one, what do you want out of it? If you want to actually, you don't need that many followers to maybe do training, sell a plan. You know, you can get, make this like a good amount of like income for you or like a good side hustle with not even that many followers. Get yourself a swipe up link and you can do some serious stuff with your platform. So are you going to let those

people from high school make you not do it like seriously you have to really really really go inward with yourself and think about how bad you want it and what's actually going to make you happy not people that literally don't care about your life or else you're never going to get anywhere I'm like do we make this a um hashtag for the week so that way when they post because they're getting out of their comfort zone to post they use our hashtag of some sort so like um

I don't even know. It's like F gym anxiety. Yeah. F, F gym anxiety. That's what it is because it is uncensored. F gym anxiety. Some sort. F word. Yeah. Like F gym anxiety. I like that. Do something today guys or, or this week. I'm sorry.

to either compliment another girl or do something that's going to get you out of your comfort zone, whether it's in the gym or on your social media platform. Okay. There's nothing more important than just taking that first leap and getting out there.

Do it multiple times this week. You will not regret it. You will not regret it. Literally nothing will happen. Nothing bad will happen. You will live to see another day if you walk into the gym in the freeway section, compliment a girl, film yourself, post it. What a crazy day that would be. Seriously. That would change some of your lives. You will be in the best, best mood ever.

I'm excited. I'm excited to see confidence come to these girls. I'm so excited too. You guys deserve all the confidence in the world. I wish we could have a meetup in a gym filled with just our followers so that we could get them comfortable. You know what I'm saying? If it was just us and our people, we could be like, this is how you use the squat rack. Be all ready to go. That'd be so fun. Alright, guys. I think this was a good one. How long was it? It was like an hour and two minutes.

Damn. We did good. Okay. Okay, well, see you guys next week. Bye, guys. Bye.