cover of episode Everything You See Online Is Fake & Here’s Why

Everything You See Online Is Fake & Here’s Why

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One Thing About Us

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Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the inauthentic posts they see online, particularly in the fitness industry, and how people often lie about their lifestyles, finances, and eating habits.

Shownotes Transcript


Nice ASMR. It's like not a podcast if there's not a can. I know. I already had my poppy, so I was like, fuck. I wanted to have this earlier and I purposely held out for the day. Hi, guys. Welcome back to another episode of the One Thing About Us podcast. In case you forgot that last month we changed the name, just like that fresh reminder. In case you're not up to date. And...

I know we're not necessarily like in the fitness category anymore, but I do want to give a shout out to you guys because ever since the rebrand, like the charts, like it went up. Like we were number six. We were number six. Like round of applause. So I just want to say if you haven't yet already, like rate the podcast, follow the podcast, share it with the friends. Like let's keep the rankings fucking going. Yes. And we'll probably like,

If we do well in the fitness category, we're going to stay in the fitness category. Because one thing about podcast charts, a lot of people's categories is not what their podcast is about. The Crime Junkie, true crime podcast, for the longest time was under comedy. And they're always number one in comedy. And they're a straight up show about murder. People just put their podcast where it's going to get toward the top. Yeah, because it's so hard to grow as a podcast without...

already being known as the host. So like if someone's scrolling on Spotify or Apple Podcasts and looking at the charts or anything like that, like that's how people are going to find it. They're not going to find it just from fucking browsing, I feel like. Yeah. So until, you know, someone forces us to leave the category, I'm going to hold my top 10 spot and I'm going to hold it proud. And then for all the haters that are going to be like,

Like people will always say like in their reviews like this isn't a fucking fitness podcast. Get with the program. Bro, you're literally giving us a review. Like a review is a review. You're late. We know we're not a fitness show. I know. You are late. Late to the party. Which we are definitely going to be talking about quite a bit this episode within the fitness industry that I'm excited to dive into and talk about. We're not a fitness show, but we fucking are two girls that are in the fitness industry that have a show. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Get it? Got it? Good. Amazing. Speaking of rebranding, because we rebranded, our t-shirts, all of our shirts on our merch websites are 30% off. You might not see it when you're scrolling, but once they're in your cart, it will automatically apply. But I don't think if you're looking, it'll show a discount. So if you're like, I don't see it.

put it in your cart and like go to checkout and it'll be 30 off the t-shirts yeah so and we still live by like everything that that t-shirt says oh the t-shirt like the t-shirt it literally just says the f words that's the only thing yeah but and the old t-shirts like that just say the f word is cute yeah they're freaking cute i know so yeah let's get into the episode um one thing about us do you have your one thing about you can you go first yeah i'll go first what did i write down fuck

One thing about me is that I am all about eating like whole foods at the moment. So great for you, queen. I have been looking so much into my Snapchat memories of just the way we lived our lifestyle. And we're going to dive really not like deep, deep into this later in the episode, but there's a talking point within like the pop culture shit that I want to address. But yeah.

I have been just eating so clean and it makes me feel so good. And obviously at the end of the night, like I'm having fucking delights ice cream or some type of like frozen thing. Like, you know, there's, there's battles. You got to pick. Okay. Yeah. I'm not going to like be a hundred percent in every category. All right. It's the 80, 20 rule. But I will say like, if I'm going to be having two to three snacks throughout the day,

all those snacks don't need to be processed like i can get a snack through whole food so i've been just feeling really good with the way i've been eating lately you have been eating really clean really fucking even like go to a restaurant and like get something like good yeah like you just like you've been eating really clean yeah proud of you good job thanks what's your one thing about you okay so like i just like had a million in my head well i was really prepping a favorite and like forgot this was a segment i'm not gonna lie because i was like oh got my favorite i'm ready today and then you're like what's your one thing about you it's like

God damn it, motherfucker. Forgot that was the first fucking segment. But like I always kind of have to, but I'll pick one. And if we're talking fitness today, I'll go down a fitness category.

One thing about me is I do get bored easily and I need to change things up a little bit sometimes. And I really enjoy cardio today. I ran a mile at the gym. I'm not going to run a long time. I just got the urge. Started taking Lion's Mane and apparently that shit is like nature's Adderall. I don't know y'all drank Lion's Mane this morning and then I decided to run at the gym. Does it work? Take that information as you will because I never do that. So maybe it did work.

um but i signed up for class pass hell yeah because sometimes especially in my period which i am right now waking up is fucking hard but i like need to go to the gym before work because going after is just like not it and i feel like on the days where i'm like the energy's low going to lift is gonna be hard like mm-hmm

book the 7 a.m berries you know what i mean so you have to go yeah and have to do something and have to get something done because i will go if i book it yeah but when i'm deep in my luteal phase just started my period moment it's fucking hard to get up and go lift and like put myself through my own workout you know what i mean because not only do i have to wake up and get there but i have to

Like I can quit anytime I want. So yeah, I got class pass because I just need like new ways to keep me excited when I know I'm in a low motivation like week. Yeah. I obviously re-got class pass like two weeks ago and I go maybe doing solid core every Wednesday. I've been just like in a place where I'm trying to figure out what my relationship is with working out. Like

Like I'm struggling to even get myself to go lift four times a week. Like I cannot fucking get myself to like have the desire or want to do it. Now it's like a constant battle of, okay, well I like continually like putting on muscle and whatnot. But at the same time, like I just like don't have fun working out like that anymore. Like pushing myself like that. I just don't. So I think what I'm going to do is,

Ease myself into class pass and then maybe do more classes. Because right now it's just fucking class pass is expensive. It is. Like right now I'm doing the $80 a month one, which will get me like one class a week. And see if I bump it up and eventually do like twice a week of classes and then two lifts a week. And I'm just active four days out of the week.

then like that's expensive see i think i only did the like 40 doll because i'm probably going to class like twice a month like because i also dance like a bun i just i don't need to be going to a class twice a week or once once a week even i feel like twice a month is solid for me and i'll see and i even so i follow this girl from miami she goes to a crossfit gym mm-hmm

when i tell you it looks so fucking fun first of all she's fucking gorgeous body like body yaddy yaddy like doesn't look particularly like oh she lifts yeah she looks fucking great like abs but doesn't look like oh that girl's very strong you probably wouldn't think when you see her but like body yaddy yaddy but it looks so fun like she's doing like cleans and like

fucking can do a muscle up like and she just it literally looks so fun like she was doing like single arm pull-ups and like rings i'm like i want to go there and do that it looks so fun because sometimes like your mind just needs to be stimulated again because even me it's like i'm still in my like i do like to be strong i do get bored in the gym like i want my squat to be stronger and right now like doing it i literally sit there and yawn in between sets and i'm like

Shooting myself to go do it. I'm like, oh my god in a gym like that like squatting there looks so fun Yeah, like she looks like she's having so much fun So it also hasn't helped that our our gym has been under construction for the last like two months Now it's now it's like getting better but like I tried going last week when they were moving everything around and like half the gym was closed and I was like fuck like this sucks like I don't even want to go like and I would just leave and go on like a walk but

Um, yeah, I don't know. I'm just still figuring it out day by day on like what I really want. Cause like I, the thing is, is like my physique right now, like I love the way I feel, love the way I look inside and out. So I just like, don't feel the need to like change anything. So putting that extra like stress on my body and going to the gym and lifting, like I just don't really feel the need for it. It's also, you just can't do it all. Like you're eating so clean, like,

like hormone, like trying to get your hormones in check. Like it's hard to fucking do it all. Like, and it's like, I'm kind of the opposite. I'm like, okay, like then I'm going to try to book classes. I'm gonna try to get more cardio. And like, I'm going to try to get really back on my workout grind. Like am I eating my ultimate best? No, but like,

You can't... Like, to check off every single fucking box of, like, I'm going to read 50 books and have a morning routine and have a night routine and go to the gym five times a week. And, like, fuck. Yeah, no. You can't do it all at one time. Yeah, no. It's just not a thing. And sometimes with the gym, too, I always find I need... You need to, like, miss it a little bit. Yeah. Like, you got to do some workout classes where, like, everything's light and you're like, I'm stronger than this. Dude, solid core last week when I went for the first time in three months, I...

When you go to saltcore and haven't been in a while, it's not even the outside of your core that's super sore. It's like the inside. Like your inner gut is like in so much pain. And I love it. I love that feeling. Yeah. And I was like, oh, my God, like I miss it. So like that's like that felt good. Like being like, oh, I missed this. So now I have something that I enjoy once a week going to.

Yeah, that's just how I've been feeling with the gym. You'll find something that I feel like you just got to get. You miss it and then you want to go back. I know we talked about this last week, but I also am doing kickball with all my friends. That's another fun thing on Thursday nights of just getting my body moving and stuff. Did you know that your temperature at night can have one of the greatest impacts on your sleep quality? If you wake up too hot or too cold, I highly recommend you check out Miracle Maid's bed sheets. Inspired by NASA, Miracle Maid used...

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favorites of the week i have a favorite yes my favorite smoothie bowls i love smoothie bowls and i never eat them because i just never i'm in the place to go get them i don't know i just it's never a thing but you know during my sunday football lockdown yeah i was like i want a snack and he's like what do you want i was like but you don't want a smoothie bowl i want a smoothie bowl really bad

And he was like, and then I was like, are you sure? Like, do you want one? I'm going to go pick it up. He's like, no, I don't want one. I was like, okay. So I just went and got a smoothie bowl and a juice and escaped football. And it was so good. I got like a pure green juice. No fruit. Tasted like grass. It was literally. Disgusting, was it? It's not that it was disgusting. Like there was just no fruit in it. Because like a smoothie bowl is like,

Like high sugar and stuff. I didn't want like a fruit. I didn't need a fruit juice, but I wanted greens because I love a green juice on the weekend. Yeah. Pure greens. It just really feels like health. Yeah. It was like cucumber, parsley, spinach, kale, like straight greens. And a smoothie bowl from Juiceland. Fire. Delicious. Like...

So yummy. That's what I had for lunch. And I want some of these. It's kind of ironic that you're like category for this was food because mine's also food. And we just did the same thing with the one thing about us. Yeah. My favorite of the week is going out to eat on the weekend and just splurging on spending money on going out to eat. Period. Clark's was so expensive. So expensive. So did you get three drinks? Because I got three drinks. No, I got three. I got three drinks. But bro, like with tip and everything. Seventy.

Yeah. So I know my so my favorite right now is just like looking forward to the weekend. Like I power the fuck through on my groceries. And then once it hits Friday, I'm out. Like there is nothing I can fucking make for food. And I'm eating the scraps for breakfast and lunch. And then for the most part on dinners and then brunch on Sunday, like I'm eating out. I think I went to three new restaurants.

restaurants this past weekend. I fucking love it. I think my new vibe for a Friday meal, because I like what we did of like Saturday pregame vibe, happy hour, like small dinner. Yeah. Really like that. Found the perfect Friday vibe of

There's so many fruit trucks by breweries. Yeah. Like there's another taco place by this brewery that's like really aesthetic and like supposed to be really good. We went to a Thai place like at a brewery and it's like so fun and so casual, but the food was so good. Yeah. Eating out like I know obviously it's fucking pricey, but you know what? I do it now in the sense of avoiding the bars. So you win some, you lose some. Like I'm going out to eat on Friday and

A little bit. So we went at 630, but that's because we were working with a brand. But it's like I was going to dinner on Friday, whereas usually we would go to the bars on Friday and I'd probably spend like the equivalent out at a bar. So like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm just trying to go to the bar scene less, especially this month. And it's just been good, like going to try a new restaurant. I just like I don't even care if it's going to be pricey. Yeah, I just would rather not.

Because the average American literally eats out during the week, like all the time. Taylor, we were literally talking about this earlier in the week, the amount of people that will just drink like casually after work. Yeah. And it's like we save so much money like Monday to Friday of just eating our groceries, being home, drinking.

and not doing like the post work happy hour, getting drinks. So like Monday to Friday, like we're not really socializing. Yeah, literally. And I'm just kind of also like, bitch, I have like two jobs in a part time job. I'm going out to dinner. Yeah. What do I work for? To sit at home? No, literally. Because then one day we're gonna have kids and like a house and maybe more animals and that's gonna be pricey. And like I put money in my savings, of course, but I'm really bad at spending money, which you wouldn't think. You might think I spend a fuck ton of money, which I kind of do. But like,

I'm not great at spending money. Someone with the same amount of money in the bank account as me could run through it and buy way more things than I do. In my head, I have no money. And it's like, bitch, you work all day. Spend it.

Yeah, I agree. So the food aspect has been great. I love eating out. That's my favorite of the week. Yeah. Eating out's very fun. Going to a nice restaurant's very fun. Yes. So let's get into the hot gossip for this week's episode. First thing I have on here is I just want to talk about the hot mess pod, like Alex Earle's pod. What were your thoughts on it? Yeah. One, I like hot gossip. We're sticking with that. Yeah. Yeah. So just...

Guys, it's called Todd Gossett. Yeah. That's the name. So I want to start with Call Her Daddy. Okay. So Alex Earl's going on Call Her Daddy. I don't listen to Call Her Daddy just because I only listen to like one podcast, but I'm very excited because obviously I have to be up to date with the news. So I'm so excited to go on this walk after work. I'm like looking forward to it. I'm going to freaking walk and listen to this episode. I'm going to walk for like an hour because I'm going to be so into this episode. It's been fucking great. I'm sorry. I couldn't do it because it was a movie.

I couldn't walk and listen to the podcast and it ruined my whole afternoon because I wanted to put my phone in my little fanny pack and just walk into the distance. And I literally was picking up my phone and looking at it while walking, which...

literally ruins the entire purpose of going for a walk. Like, if I wanted to sit and watch a movie, I'd sit and watch a movie. I'm going to get hit by a car because I'm trying to watch it. So I really, really, really didn't like that it was a movie and not a podcast because I couldn't listen to it in the shower on a walk. Anytime I wanted to listen to a podcast, I couldn't listen to it. That's what worries me about podcasts right now is she just created the Unwell Network and then she has Call Her Daddy and I'm like...

If she's trying to recreate and rebrand how podcasts work, that's not a fucking podcast. That's a reality show. Yeah, like...

And I don't want other podcasts to start to transform into that type of creative art because it's like... That's not a podcast. Yeah, that's literally not a podcast. And especially with our niche of listeners, y'all are active people. Like you go on walks, you go to the gym, you listen to us on your way to work or tune from the gym or whatever. Like you're not sitting around watching us. You're listening to us.

And that's, I would say, how I want to say probably 80% or more of the woman population listen to podcasts. I will say men...

more will sit and watch YouTube podcasts. But even then, I love putting a podcast on the TV. Not to watch it just because I'm working on my computer. I just like putting it on the TV because I like occasionally looking. Because I listen to The Toast and their facial expressions are funny. And if it's a part I'm interested in, I like to look up and watch. But I'm never sitting watching a podcast as if it's a show. I'm always doing something else. And it's literally background that I just like to have on.

I've never sat there and I'm like, I'm going to watch this podcast start to finish ever. Yeah, no. So I wasn't a fan of it. I know a lot of other people that I was talking to, like our friends were like, I loved it. I'm like, oh, wait, why? Well, one thing about us is we go against the grain. Everyone likes to say they love things just to say they love things. And it's not to say that the substance was bad. I just like to listen to a podcast, not watch it. So it...

Just inconvenienced me Yeah and then for Alex's podcast I feel like It was like I know it's her first one So don't get me wrong like I know she'll get more used to it But it just felt so scripted with some of the Like the lines she would say I'm like that's literally written down on a piece of paper Like you can't tell me that somebody didn't tell you To say that Very produced Yeah

But I mean, I like how that she's getting like more open and stuff because when have when have you ever seen content by her that she sat down and talked to you for an hour? You know, 100 percent. It's definitely very produced. Both of them. Yeah. Maybe that's why I didn't like it because it's very produced. But teach their own. I just I don't like listening to a podcast that feels like.

way too produced and that I have to watch. Yeah. And do we think that she's ever going to actually not have a celebrity on? Because she said she's never going to have a celebrity on. I just see her doing that because I don't think she really needs to. No, I don't think she needs to either. But honestly, if she had somebody on, I feel like it would benefit that other person more than it would Alex because Alex already has her like... But she's going to have other influencers though. That's the thing. She already had Alex Cooper, which is a celebrity. Yeah. Alex Cooper's kind of a celebrity. Yeah.

So I'm just curious to see how like over the next few weeks. It's very interesting. But one thing I mean, I don't blindly follow a crowd. Like I think it's cute. I think it's like not a hater. Yeah. No, I just think it should be more down to earth. And also people like hating on her for the cover art. I thought the cover was cute. But people just love to look for something that they hate. I thought the cover. It's the best part about it. I know it was really cute because I guess there was a fake lash that was photoshopped onto her face.

like hair and everyone's like not the fake lash like photoshopped on like i hope this was an edit like brah it's really not that deep nothing in life is that fucking deep but i hate to break it to you like every podcast artwork wasn't just like a it's a photoshopped edit yeah i like color daddy's new cover art it's so basic it's literally just her holding a postcard with color daddy on it there's literally no edits to it ah you like that

Yeah, it's cute. Oh, do we rewind again? No, I'm kidding. Yeah. Literally. But yeah, I mean... No, this is the best art we've had. Yeah, no, 100%. I just... I hope that the entirety of the Unwanted Network and all these girls, that I feel like their brand is being so unfiltered. Mm-hmm. These shows are so filtered. Yeah, it's bad. And that's why I feel like there's just a...

A disconnect. Yeah. Okay, so one thing after listening to it that I wrote down that I wanted to know your thoughts on, and I feel like you're definitely the same with me, but you are from Miami, so I wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on the late night Miami nights? Literally, imagine here in Austin, it was the same party vibe of like,

The party or going out doesn't start until so late that you don't have to get ready until 9.30, 10 p.m. Yeah. So I've never been one to be leaving my house that late for anything ever. I will say it's something I would like to do like once. I would like to like Miami send it once.

I could not. You're telling me you take a nap and get out and get ready. Yeah. I was like, I would. No way. I take a nap and I wake up feeling horrible. I'm not a napper. I would wake up feeling. Well, when I wouldn't wake up. I literally try to do that to go see the freaking Barbie movie. And I almost slept through the movie. You think I'm getting ready and getting up and going out?

No. No. We go on a boat and I could barely make it out by like nine. Yeah. It's no. I have never been one to be like that ever. Even in high school, we'd have little get togethers. Oh, it starts at 10. I'm like 10.

dude in college i would literally beg my friends to go to the bars earlier they'd be like all right we're gonna leave here around like 9 30 10 which is still obviously way earlier than miami but i would be like no guys like come on what about like 8 p.m like let's start the pregame at like eight or something like would we all just like hang out and start them because like i don't want to start my night that late fuck that my college town was weird we started at like five

You what? We would start at like 5 Yeah We were bizarre I think the thing is From up north though It was just so fucking cold And just I mean it depended On what we were doing Yeah it was like a weird thing With it like It was kind of like Faded into all of a sudden The time to go out was As soon as clock hit Like 4pm Yeah It was so weird

No, I could never do it. And I love even recently, like we've been going out or starting hitting the bars at like three. I'm home by fucking like eight, nine. I got home at 830 on Saturday. Yeah. Like I cannot do it. And I don't know if it's maybe just no, I've always been like that. That's such a lie. I've never been someone that will go out that late.

Yeah, I cannot. For me, it's really not even the going out that late. I could start the club life that late if we had like plans the whole night, like if we had like the best plans ever. It was like after party situation. But taking the nap and going out the nap would do me. I would if I ever tell you I'm taking a nap and meeting you, I'm bold. I'm lying to your face. Yeah.

Like if we went on a vacation it was going to miami We're going to vegas or going to any of those types of place like I would rally because i'm so excited. It's A vacation i'm gonna have fun, but I that's not my everyday reality with going out. No, fuck that All right. Um next on here. I have the young la drama. Oh my god So freaking hilarious which guys if you are not caught up and you are not in the fitness industry and you don't scroll on tiktok um

and see all the fitness content. There is beef and drama right now between Young LA and Gymshark because Gymshark dropped sweatpants that look identical to, I guess, Young LA's sweatpants from like two years ago. And they didn't even hard launch the sweatpants. They just sneakily put them on their website like Gymshark did. And people saw it and were sending it to the Young LA. I don't know if he's like

Partial owner or what the fuck his role is, I don't know. But he lost his fucking mind. Like, literally had the most insane, like, episode freaking out about it. His Instagram story was 27 minutes long. That's crazy.

Crazy. But he was calling Gymshark like the C word. I fucking hate that word. So I'm not going to say that. The F slur. The F slur. Everything. Like any. Any slur bad word came out of that man's mouth. Crazy. And I just want to say like one thing. Like as someone who's been in the industry, these clothes are not designed. They're like.

picked up from a wholesale manufacturer. Yeah. Like, bitch, what? You didn't design those sweatpants. I don't get it. When we worked closely with Raw Gear and we would go out to LA and wear the clothes and we heard secondhand all the issues behind the scenes of the clothes and the restocks and fucking young LA and Raw Gear always having beef. But manufacturers are shared between...

All of these businesses. So for a long time, which not anymore, Raw Gear and Young L.A. had the same manufacturer. So there would be a catalog that Young L.A. got to pick from first and then Raw Gear would have the secondhand picks from that catalog for each drop.

and people would always be like your clothes are so similar well no fucking shit it's from the same manufacturer and the same catalog like have you noticed that the the drops are always around the same time like you see stuff you see raw gear um hyping up a job the same time as young la like it it's just that's just how it is yeah so i find it funny to be like my design yeah like what do you and two years ago too like

Like, what? Like, it's just it was really insane. And like the fitness world is so it's so stupid. Like, it's so dumb. It fucking frustrates me, too, because he can just drop all those slurs left and right. And it's no fucking problem because he's like this big macho, like military man that just like has like.

Like, I don't even know if it's, like, his following or whatnot, but, like, he doesn't get, like, in trouble or anything for his actions. Yeah, I'm sorry. If we forget, everyone was like, Sam worked with a racist supplement company. I don't know what the supplement company said, but if we're keeping that energy, then anyone that works for Young LA is canceled because... Literally. The, like, director of your company went on his story and...

slaying that F slur around like no one's business. So if we're just keeping that energy, I'm gonna need us to really keep that energy for everyone moving forward. And for anyone that's fucking confused on this, I, two years ago, got canceled for like...

a bunch of random shit in regards to like racist stuff. But one of the biggest ones was me being accused of working with a racist supplement company, which at the time I had no idea what supplement company they were talking about because I was working with three at the time and it ends up turning out. It was, um, should I drop the fucking name of the supplement company? I have no idea, but it was, I don't know. It was just like a supplement company that made like nut butters and protein powder. Yeah. And,

If you know, you know. So I had no idea about this and I'm getting canceled from that. So it's like, okay, now me as someone who's been through that, I want to look at that from that perspective with all of those young LA people who are not going to get the backlash of the way that that young LA co-owner is acting and speaking publicly on social media and

It's just insane to me how like the doubles like double standards. It's either keeping everyone accountable or no one accountable. You can't pick and choose what we're doing. There's no one that came for you and in turn us is going to come for them. Yeah. Not a fucking soul. No. Which like I don't even think they should. No, they shouldn't. But if it's.

I want to see the same energy. If you brought that last year, back your word then. Literally. And it's just funny how so much has like gone full circle with the shit that we've gotten and like we'll see it from another end. And it's like, well, what about them? Why are they not getting the same repercussions? Repercussions? Is that the right word? Yeah, you said it right the first time. There we go. Okay.

So I just want to put that out there. Just remember like the way you treat people on social media. Yep. I want to talk about one of my favorite sponsors and something a little bit more personal today and that's Hinge. So if you didn't know, I met someone special through Hinge. I actually met my boyfriend on Hinge. It's been an amazing journey. But here's the thing. Hinge isn't just your ordinary dating app.

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Yeah, I put that on there. I put Travis and Taylor Swift. Okay, so I've been following this because, like I said, I've listened to The Toast. So they talk about this a lot because they love Taylor Swift. And Taylor Swift, like, this is also how I'm up to date on Taylor Swift because I didn't really know anything about her until this whole Heiress tour, like, in the world's talking about her.

She is very private in the sense that you don't really like... She's not out and about. She's not doing like publicity stuff. Like she's not doing all that. She doesn't need publicity stuff. She's selling out the freaking largest stadium tour in the whole entire world. Like...

She's not out and about like that, really. She was in a long-term relationship. She doesn't go to every award show. She's kind of to herself. Then Travis Kelsey is all blasting this. And everyone's like, bro, she would never be into that. That's so not her style. So public. So social media. That's just not her vibe. Everyone's like, no shot. This is never going to happen. Okay, here's my take because I'm coming at it with a completely other route. I think it is because...

Did you see them leaving together in the convertible? No, I saw them walking out. Dude, they left together in a fucking convertible with no roof on the car. And they're sitting at stoplights, like in a convertible. And just like... And then they go to a restaurant after. And Taylor Swift buys out everyone's bill to shut down the restaurant. So them two can just dine at it. Come on. You cannot tell me that's a publicity stunt. Like...

There's people like because they obviously have their people. So I'd say like driving and being seen is never an accident. Like being seen is never like you being seen and getting pictures taken is never an accident ever. Like on purpose, especially if she's everything on purpose. Yeah. On purpose. A hundred percent of the time. Like I think that day was a publicity stunt. Like in particular, like leaving the way you do getting seen the way you do.

Or I don't even think stunt is the right word, but like everything's always set up like the photo ops or the photo ops. Yeah. Like, you know, you want to go to the game. Now we have to plan the day. Now the day has a set structure of where we're going, who's taking the picture, who's posting the picture. Like now we got to plan it because you can't just show up to the game and wing it. That'd be it. You got to have a plan. Yeah. So I think like in terms of that stuff, it's structured. But I do think like.

It like I really think he was just like really shooting his shot like he was really shooting his shot like I think he's like being for real. One thousand percent. I think he's being for real and I think she's kind of into it like their moms are like so similar like I fucking love it. First of all Travis Kelsey is like the hottest fucking like most eligible bachelor in all of the fucking country. Yes. Pop off queen. No. Totally agree on that. How would you turn that down? I couldn't. Okay so.

My thing with that, though, is I'm not a Swifty. I don't fucking know Taylor Swift like this, okay? So all the Swifties listening, don't come at me. They will. No, I know. Honestly, come at me. Like, come at me. But I'm bored. But no, I think that she just hasn't been really in the spotlight like that in the sense of like...

doing it on purpose like maybe she's just kind of bored and wants to just fuck around she was just in a public like out there relationship like a little bit ago not really that out there but her ex like with um the 1975 singer yeah and she like just went through a breakup like a long-term breakup like before so i see her like hottest guy in the world right now like in the country like fucking america sweetheart like she's america sweetheart he's america sweetheart like who else yeah i full send it

I love it. I just hope that wasn't the last of it. It's not like at all expected, I feel. Like to me, like those are people that don't know each other. Also, how do you date someone when you're a billionaire? Because like obviously Travis Kelsey has an absurd amount of money, but not to her. Like to her, he's poor. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like obviously you both have ample funds, but she has so much more money than him. So I just like wonder, like how does that work when you're a billionaire and you know you will like...

Money just doesn't matter. Yeah, because even... That's crazy. That's crazy. Like, comparing a billion to, like, however much he's worth, like, you still probably won't even... Neither of you will touch anywhere close to all your money. She literally wanted dinner that night and called up a restaurant that she, I guess, likes or he likes and was like, hey, kick everyone out. I'll pay for the rest of the bills, but we want dinner. Like...

imagine being able to do that he was also wearing this denim jumpsuit yeah that looked like her album cover and then people like online like it literally is like taylor swift 1989 like jumpsuit like that's what it is it's painted like that on purpose it wasn't a coincidence he's like wearing a taylor swift outfit yeah we need an explanation no i'm he needs to sit down and talk about this i'm obsessed i'm not that obsessed because it just like at the end of the day like

wow they're probably just laughing at everyone talking about it though being like yeah we got you like i'm jealous for sure so i'm like not that obsessed because i'm like man what a gal but like i'm obsessed i'm obsessed yes i like think that's the fucking cutest thing in the whole entire world but in my head it is very weird though i feel like she's above nfl players yeah did you see like instagram models date professional i saw somewhere that it was she's

been in a football stadium more than he will ever this year. He'll be in a football stadium a total of 12 times, and she's already been in one 17. And if she keeps going to his games...

Like, throughout the whole year, she's just going to be in a football stadium way more than him. And I'm like, that's badass. Yeah. That's, like, how he shot a shot. He was like, oh, I saw you perform, like, at, like, Arrowhead. Like, you should see me perform. Yeah. I love it. All right. Next up I have on here is not glamorizing thinking about food or meals your next day. Okay. So I kind of wanted to...

join this in to like the whole remainder of the episode and like talk about like the fake things we've been talking about social media as a whole if you're down for that because there's a lot i want to talk about i know we're talking about food we're talking about money yeah things we've been talking about now or do the weekend recap or just do it and then we can recap after maybe we can recap and then we could

dive in because there's like a lot of things of people being like not truthful online yeah i'm down because i'd love to to just dish i love it i totally agree because i have a few more bullet points about fake shit on social media that i can add in there sick

We can recap. Let's jump into it and then we'll come right back. Yeah. Friday, we went on a podcast. Yes, we did with our friend Justin. Yes, we went on the Grow or Die podcast. Really fun to be on someone else's podcast. We haven't done that in so long. If you want us to be on your podcast, shoot us an email. Yes. Maybe it's something we can work. Yeah. Podcast swap or just us coming to yours. I don't fucking know. If you have someone whose podcast you really like that we'd vibe with, spam their comment section. Be like, these girls are so funny. Get them on there.

Yeah. So that was really fun to do that and just talk and have a good time and be interviewed. It's fun. Yeah. I think it's not going to air for like two weeks. Taylor asked him this morning, but it's just weird talking about yourself for like two hours and getting questions because we're so used to just talk. I mean, we do talk about ourselves here in that sense, but more of like current things, not like

Our story. Our history. Yeah, our story. So it was nice. It was nice. It was very cool to kind of give that refresher. So when that comes out, if you're interested about our backgrounds, we kind of talk about a lot of stuff back there. Yeah. Which was fun. And then we both did dinner with our man. Boyfriends. Mine was a like paid partnership with one of our favorite restaurants. Yeah.

We went a few months ago on a double date to Cafe Noce for a brunch. And then they actually have a dinner menu, which I literally never knew that they did dinner. And now I'm so happy I know that they do dinner because it was so fucking good. And they do a rotating menu each season. And right now it's like their fall stuff. So it was just such comfort food. It was so good. But it was an early reservation. It was at 630. We got...

so much food. So basically what happens when I do work with like restaurants here in Austin, which if anybody, I've already said this before, but if anybody works in a restaurant, um, in Austin, reach out to us. Um, we'd love to work with you guys, but, um,

They'll give a like voucher so we got 150 voucher so me and my boyfriend just went in on that menu we got um an appetizer two entrees Drinks and then a dessert. I got the chicken mayonnaise, which again when I go out to eat Whatever i'm making later in the week is like my inspo So that's why I also love going out to eat and going to restaurants is trying new things because then I get to

get inspo for what I'm going to be making later in the week. So that was good. And then we just went home and hung out, watched a movie, avoided the bars. I tried, oh my God, a Modelo. That Modelo drink. I don't know what it is. That Modelo drink? That Modelo drink. A beer? Yeah, but no. Well, it wasn't a beer. It was called a pour over. Oh, because you got like a cocktail. Sorry. So it was like a cocktail.

So I wanted to try something new because obviously I was a voucher, so I was eating for free. So if I didn't fucking like the drink, it really didn't hurt me in that sense. So I was like, you know what? I want to try something new. And they had these pour over drinks and I got a mango tajin popsicle that came in a cup and you got the medalla on the side and then you poured it over.

and like the tahini would melt out into the beer and oh it was so good and then on saturday how did i start my saturday was the first thing i did you didn't get out of bed for so long what did i do because i woke up breakfast yeah well then yeah you were like gone but like i feel like it took you a while to like get your day going on saturday yeah because i didn't really have plans yeah like i was up but i didn't like i didn't have anywhere to be yeah so like i was up just like

I so I even know my fucking boyfriend's listening to this but like I just I know we live down the street from each other and he'll always be like like sleep over and like Friday night I just didn't want to sleep over because I'm like I there's nothing I'd love more than like the weekend and having a weekend morning to just do all my shit that I need to do so Saturday morning I'd

Cleaned my entire room, like bathroom scrubbing, like laundry, threw a bunch of like shit in the fridge away that was going to expire, go bad or just like I didn't need anymore and just like did all of that on Saturday morning and it felt great. Yeah. I'm going to have to start copying your vibe. Dude, it's like... I just... You know what? I just... Because that's one thing that doesn't get done is cleaning. Tonight I'm going to clean all night but it's one thing I like have trouble with but like I just...

I love sharing a bed with a person to sleep. Like, I look forward so much to, like, fuck yeah Friday. I can, like, sleep with someone. Yeah, I agree. I love it. Also, don't like sleeping in his house. He's going to hate me for saying this, but I just don't. I never sleep at my boyfriend's house. Oh, I know. You're so lucky. I never do. Like, if I had to sleep there, we would have left sleepovers. I know. So, I never sleep at his house just because...

Just as a woman, I need more things. Exactly, bro. He doesn't get that. You pack up your fucking toothbrush. Even then, he has a toothbrush here because I had an extra one. So he has a toothbrush here. Pack up your contact solution. That's all you fucking need. You can re-wear the same outfit. You know what I mean? Oh, okay.

We happen to be going to another thing you didn't plan for. They're on the same fucking shirt in the same khaki shorts. Who cares? You're a dude. And I like, so I packed up a bag, like a backpack about two to three weeks ago and I left it at his house, but it's just extra clothes. Yeah.

and he he made the comment of like oh like you have the bag now like that's why you left the bag you have the bag and i'm like that bag is meant for the times that i come over to your house drunk and i wake up the next morning and need closure something along those lines it's not for just my sober night staying over like if i'm sober i'm driving home i'm going home going to bed like but i'll stay a little bit later but monday to friday i'm home by 9 p.m yeah i mean like i don't hang out like

during the week at night like after we're like yeah i don't see him after the work at night really yeah like at nighttime it's like i'm like in bed early but on the weekends i just like like to have a sleepover even though if he's here like that's like really on me to like not have like like me not cleaning on the morning like i can do it if he's here like i know i can i can get out of bed and do whatever i want yeah i just don't so it's like and i have mac too like

you also have mac that's another thing that he doesn't realize with like the whole like dog responsibility and i don't think anyone will understand the responsibility of having having a dog until they actually have a dog because you can see it from the outside like oh yeah maybe it's a lot of work but i don't think people actually get it unless they have a dog i will say like i'm definitely more productive like when you're gone and like i have to watch mac yeah i get it because like you you have to get up

eight latest whatever yeah to let out mac to p yeah and then you're up once you're going for the day you're going for the day yeah saturday i don't have to get out of bed

Yeah, I like I literally don't have to get up. I've been doing better though at bringing Mac with me to his house So like this past Friday we had dinner and I knew you weren't gonna be home too to kind of like keep him occupied and like Give him attention So I brought him with me to my boyfriend's and then left Mac at my boyfriend's house with the other dog and the two of the dogs just hung out for the night While we were at dinner

And then that's when he was like, come on, just stay like Max here. And I'm like, I usually make the excuse of, oh, Max at home. I got to go home. But Mac was with me. I was like, fuck. I love a sleepover. Like, I really do. I just I love falling asleep with a person. I do, too. But it's just my house. Yeah. Yeah. My sleepovers are always at my house. So I really can't complain. And I would just have to say it's 100 percent on me. Like, like if I told my boyfriend, like, I just need to, like, clean all the weekends. He'd be like, so get up and clean. Yeah.

Like, you know, he's like, he's like, so like, that's not his responsibility. He also will say to me like, oh, just clean during the week. Like you work from home. That's different. Cleaning during the week is different than your weekend reset clean. Yeah. That weekend reset clean is so different. I haven't done that in a long time. Oh, I do it every week because I have to. I cannot function in a mess. Like I literally can't. If there's like a mess in my room, like.

Game over like I'm not able to function. Yeah, and I've realized that too So i've gotten a lot of questions lately about how I function like working from home with adhd and i'm like I realize it's literally the mess like if there's a mess I can't I cannot function Yeah, that's why i'm never in my room. I I can't do it. Then i'll look at it. I'll think about it I'll start to half clean it

And then I realize I'm supposed to be working. And then I just like will try to balance too many things at once. And I just can't do it. Yeah. No, I'm not going to lie. Like I am very stressed out with like the current state of my fucking life. And it's just one of those things you can't have it all. But it's something as I'm turning 23 that I'm going to try to fix. But I'm just like always like it's just always been me. It's truly always been me. But anyways, we're talking about our fucking weekend. No, but that's a big part of my weekend. Big part of your weekend. I need to clean. Yeah.

I mean, it's in my bed. If you just like love cleaning so much, like fuck. No. One thing I will do no matter what, though, like when it's time, like every other week, sometimes every week, if it just feels like it, I wash my sheets this weekend. Like the sheets will get washed. And I said, I have to because I have to because I'm sorry. Like I had another person in my bed. Like,

It's really hot out. And like we get the sheets get washed. Like I don't care if that's the only thing I cleaned. I washed my sheets over the weekend. No, same. So the sheets are one thing. And I've realized also my comforter has so many fucking rips in it from our washer. I'm so mad about it. Mine, I put my duvet cover in the wash. See, I put my whole comforter. So that's why maybe you could get a Miracle Made duvet cover and it's problem solved. Problem solved. I think I might do that. I was thinking about that. But at the same time, I'm like,

If I open up my duvet cover, then I'm just going to see a massive ripped up comforter. It's not super bad. But you never have it open. But there are a bunch of... It's only when you're washing. You never have your duvet cover on. Because our washer just fucking destroyed it. So... Tough. I know. But yeah, that's another thing I have to deal with is buying... Figuring that solution out because I do clean my sheets once a week. Sometimes I do. So I have this weird routine where...

Like, sometimes I just do the pillowcases. Sometimes I just do the pillowcases and my sheet because taking off the duvet cover, like, hassle. So, like, sometimes I'm like, I'll just do the pillowcases. Like, I feel like I can just judge. I'm like, do I think they're kind of dirty? Do I not? But then, like, every other week, if I haven't been doing that, like, yesterday was everything. Duvet cover, sheets, pillowcases. Sometimes it's just as needed. So, Mac sleeps with me, I would say. Not every night because there's some nights where, like, I need a good sleep and Mac will...

put his head on my neck or he'll wrap himself in my legs and I can't toss and turn and I'm like tonight's one of those nights where I want to fucking toss and turn you toss and turn I toss and turn a lot so I was like tonight's one of those nights I want to fucking toss and turn so Mac you're not sleeping with me so I'd say he sleeps with me probably four out of seven nights of the week and if he sleeps with me he gets fucking poopy butt all over my bed ew I know I'm like I don't know if he's like sharting in the middle of the night or what but it's disgusting that's gross so what I've been having to do is take my blanket that's like

my like little like cozy blanket and I lay it out on my bed so that he's laying on top of that and not on top of my white comforter. And then I'll clean that blanket with my sheets every week. But I'm like, it's disgusting. Mac has a little ass problem. No, it's disgusting. And I don't know what to do about it. Yum. And it's also crazy that people don't realize that like

I wipe Mac's ass. And he gets really excited. Mac literally doesn't know how to poop. He'll walk and poop at the same time. It just drips down his back. Dude, he'll be like... It's literally coming out of his ass. No, they're solid poops. He's not having diarrhea. But he has solid poops. And he'll walk and poop at the same time. And it like...

I don't know. It's this huge ordeal, but I always have to wipe his ass. Amazing. Beautiful. Yeah. Love that for me. Hey guys, as you know, as you can tell from us rambling on in our podcast, we're on the go a ton this summer, whether it be late days, boat days, traveling, you name it. We're on the go and need satisfying snacks that can give us a good source of protein through all of our summer fun activities. And of course we need the protein to keep those gains going. And if you're on the lookout for a snack that satisfies those cravings and gets that

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Visit to learn more. Anyways, I got breakfast. I got like pastries, kolaches, and coffee. Oh my god, it was so good. We've been like dying to go to this place. So we went, had a little morning. Delish. Posted a TikTok about it. Um...

And then we had a fun Saturday. Saturday was a lot of fun. I knew like going into Saturday with football, new thing, girls drink before meeting the boys. Like it's going to be happening every single Saturday. Like I'm not going straight to the bars because after the girls drink, I was already bored. But over it. I was already over it. Same, that's why I went home so early. Yeah. So we went to get girls drinks at this place called Clark's Oyster Bar. We literally have been wanting to go there forever. And I was just like,

whatever, bit the bullet on it, didn't have a reservation, kind of knew that if we were showing up there and we didn't have a reservation, we were going to be sat outside. And here in Austin, it's still high 90s.

at that peak hour of like three to four. So it was kind of hot, but we were in the shade and it was just the four of us girls. And I ended up getting three drinks while we were there. And I did not expect it to go down that route, but it did. I got two drinks, got the best dirty martini I've ever had, honestly. So now I know my spot if I want to go. I loved the two drinks I had. As I said, the two drinks I had were phenomenal. We shared two dozen oysters and this random guy was like, that's a lot of oysters. I was like,

Girls can eat. What about it? Like, did ask? Did we ask? And, oh, they gave bread. Oh, that bread was so good. I love when a restaurant gives bread. Any expensive dinner is justified if they give bread. Because I'm sorry, when I pay a fuck ton of money to eat at a restaurant and you get nothing for free. Yeah. You don't get bread. You don't get chips. Dude, one time... Actually, speaking of that, I was in...

Bahamas like last month we went to this massive like really expensive steakhouse and my mom had like a fit because they didn't give bread and we were all starving waiting for our food at like this five-star steakhouse and they're like the least you can do is give us bread we had been waiting like for

an hour for like $80 fucking steaks and they're like, just give us bread. I'm like, some like nice restaurants don't give bread. A lot of them don't. And it's not fair. And I don't know if it's like the economy or what, but these Mexican restaurants not giving free chips and salsa. Dude, right? What the fuck is that? Like putting it on, putting it on their appetizer thing for like $4 or $5. I'm like,

Some places actually will give it to me for free. Bottomless. Bottomless. What's a good example of somewhere here in Austin that gives it to it for free? Most. Does Matt's Old Rancho? I don't know. No. I've never eaten there. Yeah. Damn. You got to go to like a Chewy's, like a chain. Yeah. They give you free chips. Give me free chips. I will spend double the money if you give me a free chip. Dude, I would do anything to have chips and salsa in front of me right now. Ooh.

Should we get my seafood? No. Dude, I have so much fucking groceries. I know. I have to leave. Fucking make dinner. But yeah, it's like really this epidemic of no more like free bread. No, I hate it. I was shocked that we got free bread. I was like, oh my God, free bread. Wow. Yeah, that was great. But I was on my fucking ass when we were leaving. I was like, damn it. Because our girlfriends that were with us drink so slow. I had two drinks by the time.

They were done with one. I was like, oh, fuck. Like, I don't want to sit here empty handed. So I have to get another one. I have to. So I got another one. And then that's when Taylor and I went our separate ways. I went to West. She went to East. It's the same street, but it's just they're really far away from each other. Yeah. She was meeting her boyfriend and I was meeting up with my boyfriend. Yeah. I met up with my boyfriend, all his friends. I got one drink. Actually, not even. I got one drink at this one bar and then we went to one other place. Yeah.

Went to Revelry? Yeah. Then went to Whistler's. Got the most phenomenal drink at Whistler's. Like, I literally want to go there once a weekend to get that fucking drink. It was so good. It was called the Coconut Laundry. If you're on East, go to Whistler's. Get it. So good. I think I only got that there. So then that would have been like four drinks. I think that's all I had to drink. Unless I'm forgetting something. I'm pretty sure...

That that's all I had to drink. Like, I might be fucking up, but I really don't think so. And then I was like, oh, my God, I kind of need food. And we were sitting there. We were so planning to either meet up with his friends again or meet you guys. Yeah. We were going to go somewhere. So we get it. We go to this food truck. I get a quesadilla. I was really I was like, oh, I want quesadilla. So we're sitting eating. I'm kind of like fueling up for the night, kind of mentally preparing myself. Like the night is young. The night's ahead. We're ready. But like.

i wasn't getting answers from my friends so i didn't want to uber and then you guys be like we're going to east i've been like yeah fucker like just paid for an uber and then his friends are going out but it was like and i was like yeah like we're really trying to figure out he's like we could just go home i was like yeah you gotta love when it's their idea i was like we go home like yeah you know what because i was kind of thinking that so yeah 100 in my head i was like but it'll be fun but then i was like

If they're already that drunk and they're not answering, they won't even remember I showed up. Oh, dude, I was way more than kind of drunk. That's what I was like. They won't even remember I showed up. Dude, it's so... I'm going home. And it felt... I came home. I showered. I, like, washed my face three times. Like, when I tell you, like, I went to bed like a new fucking woman. I started drinking, like, a recess drink. Because I was like, ooh, I'll go home and drink wine. I was like, I'd rather go home... You came back home home? Yeah. I was like, I'd rather go home and drink wine. And I was like, I don't need a glass of wine. I had a recess drink, like the non-alcoholic calming drinks. It was a great night. Yeah. So I had quite the opposite.

And you know what? I don't even blame myself for this. So I blame everyone else. But I didn't even meet up with my boyfriend. So I knew he was at like that disgusting pop bar that we told you guys about that one time. That's like musty, dusty, gross vibes. Like gross. Like it's a it gives off like rusty club. And so I knew they were there and I was like, I want to at the last resort like end up there. So one of my friends was actually having a pregame at his house.

apartment downtown so me and one of the girlfriends went over there because a bunch of our friends were there so we went there sadly they were already out of booze when we got there so I was like fuck alright I'm sipping on like this white claw and we all know I hate white claw and twisted teeth so I was like this sucks and somebody made the comment of like oh let's go to rustic tap and I was like oh yeah let's do that like full send because I had two other girlfriends that were already there and I was like let's just go there

So we get to Rustic Tap and anytime I'm just like with one of my close girlfriends, what we do is like I'll buy the first round, you buy the second round, like we'll just off each other the whole night. So I decided because I was the first one to buy the first round. I was like, I'm getting a double. I got to stop acting. That's your new thing. Dude, I got to stop acting so superior. Because this is what you do. You're like, if I just get a double, I'd rather just get one drink. One double will do me fine.

No, I act like it's one drink. No, yeah, but you're kind of like... And then I just won't get any other ones. Like, I'll just get a double and be good for the next three hours. But you're going to have the double and a shot and another drink in 30 minutes and you're going to fuck yourself. I know. And that's what happened. So I'm like, oh, I look at her and I go, do you want a double? She goes...

Fuck yeah I was like I'll get us a double So I get us a double And then We go back over to the corner With the rest of our friends We're hanging out for a while And I'm like Fuck this drink of head And then one of Our friends Like girlfriend Not girlfriend But like

Girlfriend Girlfriend basically Shows up And she's like Oh my god Sam Like so good to see you Like let's do a shot And I'm like Fuck I don't want to do a shot right now And I ended up doing a shot And then also Because we happened to be at the bar That was when My other girlfriend Got us another double And

So like because she had to get the next round. So damn, you were just pounding, pounding doubles. And then that's when my boyfriend, like an hour later, ends up showing up and I'm holding that double in my hand. He shows up and I'm like, I'm really drunk. Like, will you take this? And oh, also forget to mention that shot didn't even take the shot. I poured the shot into the double.

Great. A triple. A triple. And it tasted like shit because it was a lemon drop shot with a fucking ranch water with tajin on the rim. And... But I'm...

You know what the thing is? I'm smart for not drinking it though. Like, I like, you know, like I was like, I'm aware that I'm really drunk. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm trying to make myself feel better. You're like, no, no, no. But I'm, I'm, I'm so smart. I'm so smart. I poured the shot into the double, made it a triple and then handed it to my boyfriend. He took a sip of it and goes, oh my God, like, what is this? I was like, the shots in there. I didn't take it.

And I don't even know if he ended up drinking it or not, but I didn't. And then that's when we went next door to Key, where all of our girlfriends work at that bar. Yep. And I walk in there and I get two shots handed to me for free. And I'm like...

And I had to take it because I had nothing else to like hide it. So I was like shot going down the latch and I took a shot and all of that alcohol just really, really did me dirty. Out of nowhere. Out of fucking nowhere. And it wasn't even like I didn't buy any of it besides the first one. That's so funny. It's like I only drank these 20 drinks. Then it just hit me out of nowhere. Yeah.

it really just hit me out of nowhere so wasn't even expecting it i know and oh oh and then we went to pop bro oh my god that was when i was in my peak i was in my i am fucked up i'm in pop right now so we show up at pop and you know what i was trying to be a good girlfriend for my boyfriend because his his best friend's birthday was that night they were celebrating it and i was like you know what like you're right i'm gonna go say happy birthday to him like let's get over there we

We get in there and I like, which it was like dead at that point. Like there was like maybe five of our friends in there. I'm like, where did everyone go? I didn't even know how long into the game, like the game was.

And I was like, let's get out of here. So we ended up going home. And then also my other girlfriend was also just as drunk as I was. And he was like third wheeling the two of us. And I was like, we got to make sure she gets home. So we're standing on the side of the road making sure she gets in her Uber. I'm just waving like the queen waving to her like, bye. Bye, sweetie. Hope you get home safe. And then I texted her, which...

I was really drunk, but I do remember I texted her and I go, hey, like you got home all right. And she was like, yep. And I was like, good night. And it's only like 9 p.m. And I want to give my boyfriend the boyfriend award because he took care of me really, really well. What did he do for you? I took a shower. He I remember like literally falling over like a bunch of times trying to put my clothes on. He like put my clothes on for me, ordered me some sweet greens and

fed me my sweet greens. Then I fell asleep on the couch, I guess. And then he carried me to the bed, tucked me in. And then the next thing I know, I'm awake the next morning. Like, I don't even remember being in the shower. Hardly remember eating my sweet greens. Don't remember falling asleep on the couch. But I woke up the next morning hungover. Fuck. And having a pretty productive Sunday. Wow. I'm not going to lie. The Tylenol really kicked in. Yeah. Wow. Felt great.

cool that's great um yeah i literally watched a movie last like on saturday night and like fell asleep like it was pretty like lame but great um and then sunday what did i do for food oh just like woke up made food i like stay just being the best girlfriend ever like making breakfast yeah making breakfast making coffee make him an electrolyte like i'm the fucking i'm like

I was like, am I the best girlfriend that's ever looked for you? Do I take care of you the most? What's doing this for you? He's like, yeah, one of two because I only have one other girlfriend. I'm like, okay, I'm just letting you know that I'm like, you see what I do for you? Fuck. I really just get this shit down. I made the best scrambled eggs I've ever made.

I don't know what was so different, but I just like fucking popped off, like made his coffee, made his electrolytes and then literally watch football and did a ton of online shopping. I want ham on my laptop because kind of like I said earlier about cleaning like 23, 22 years, like still kind of college age, 23. Like I just want to dress like a fucking woman. Like there's some girls I follow that I think they look so cute, but it seems so out of my comfort zone to wear. And I don't know examples off the top of my head. You just have to like see them.

And I'm like, oh my god, that's so cute. Like my latest thing is the ballet flats. I was so anti this, y'all. When people were like, ballet flats are black back. I was like, no, no, no. And now even the other day, I put on this shirt and jeans and I was like,

ballet flats would would have been the right shoes like because i didn't want to wear sandals but i didn't want to wear heels i just need closed toed shoes yes so i got a pair of ballet flats a pair of loafers a pair of mini uggs but not uggs from princess polly because it's almost fall so i was like i just need like a little shoe oh i got something else i think oh i got a pair of white sneakers because all of mine are kind of dirty so i just like for fall because no more sandals like i feel like i just needed like a sneaker and i got a pair of white sneakers

I ordered a fuck ton of clothes. I ordered some clothes on White Fox. I did damage. Damage, yeah. And I went to go get brunch, which I, like I said, I don't really like to sleep at his house, but the only time I really do is when I'm really fucking drunk. When you have no choice. And I have no choice. Like, held captive. If he was boyfriend of the year, he would have brought you to your bed. You know what? Now that I'm thinking about that, why the fuck didn't he do that? Your car issue? Yeah.

No, my car was downtown at our friend's house. Yeah, but like maybe... I mean, he just... I would bring you to like my own house too, but... Yeah. Yeah.

No, you know what? He's not best boyfriend of the year. He should have brought me to my house, into my bed, tucked me into my bed with my dog, with Mac. And left. No, if he left, I would have been pissed. Guys, one time he did that. Because you told him to. Yeah, I know. Well, my drunk ass didn't know. I didn't know what was going on. I was blackout drunk and I go, leave. And I wake up the next morning and he actually wasn't there. And I fell asleep in my closet. And I woke up and he wasn't even there. And I was like, where did this fucker go? What?

he goes you you told me to left yeah fuck you're like get this he left i'm like i mean i was there when you told them about 10 times to leave so i mean he did as he was told so yeah and i told him just never again like if i'm blackout drunk telling you to go home stay just stay please yeah um but we kind of just like hung out at home really like us four played some games which surprisingly we were able to get him to stay because of the cat allergies

And we vacuumed a little bit, like Windexed a bunch of areas Yeah, I wiped down like everything Wiped it down And he didn't really sit on the couch though He just sat at like the dining table the whole day And we went to the grocery store and stuff And he meal prepped in my kitchen So we were there all day We played Monopoly Yeah It was a good wholesome Sunday all the way It was, I got my juice land Yeah, all the way until dinner And then I made chicken melanase for dinner A nice wholesome

Home cooked Sunday dinner But he ended up getting sick I don't know So abruptly though So odd So he thinks that his immune system Like completely crashes When he's near the cat And

I don't fucking know. I need a fact check on that. I literally could not tell you. Like, I literally could not tell you. Because, like, it came out like he was fine. Like, we were there the whole day. Yeah. And he just, like, dipped. Yeah. So, who knows? Couldn't tell you. I've never had allergies, so. Yeah, like, I'm not built like a bitch. Oh, fuck. I don't have none of it. No, we were actually talking about that in Miami. Because, like, me and none of my siblings have allergies. I was like, hell yeah, mom. You really gave us those.

fucking strong ass immune systems huh we're not allergic to anything yeah i'm allergic to ragweed but that's not really around here what the fuck is a ragweed it's like that tall grass like it's tall grass with like the little featherly like stuff on top i'm allergic to the pollen from it not the actual weed cool so only like seasonal back up north cool i get those allergies yeah interesting and i'm allergic to peanut butter

You're not. I know. Imagine you've been living with me this whole time. And the reason is that I didn't like peanut butter, but I actually was allergic to it. I'm like, well, considering I've seen you eat it. Your story right now is like a date stuff with peanut butter. I know. I'm starting to eat peanut butter.

But that's only because there's more fiber in it than there is almond butter. And I've been like with my whole shitting issue with being constipated for two weeks. I'm very much in my wellnessy girl era of like tracking my fiber, tracking my food. And peanut butter is one thing that I'm like, fuck, Sam, start to like. I feel like when everyone goes, if someone goes through a really bad stomach issue with their poops, they become a wellness girl. No, I'm fucking wellness girl. Like they have one poop issue and they're like scarred. Dude, I'm scarred for life. You don't understand. I felt like...

I was going to give birth. Like that's literally how I felt 24-7 walking around with my like balloon belly like in pain. Oh, it was horrible. Never want to feel like that again. Wow. So, but yeah, Sunday was great. Awesome. Loved it. That's about it. Did you know that your temperature at night can have one of the greatest impacts on your sleep quality? If you wake up too hot or too cold, I highly recommend you check out Miracle Maid's bed sheets. Inspired by NASA, Miracle Maid used...

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That's about it. So I'd love to rant for the last 30 minutes of this podcast. Yeah, me too. So kind of going back to our hot gossip topics. One thing that we've noticed a lot on social media, especially within the fitness industry, is glamorizing thinking about your next meal. And that's one thing that we've realized is not a healthy thing.

way of living or just overall relationship with food is to be sitting down eating your breakfast and literally thinking about what you're going to be having for lunch or what you're going to be having for your snack or just overall your full day of eating it's not healthy there should be other things that you should be letting consume your thoughts um so yeah is there anything you want to put in with that yeah this was honestly one of the biggest symptoms of me realizing that i like

Like that I didn't know was part of my disordered eating. Because I'd hear people say that. That thinking about food all the time is like an eating disorder habit. And I would just think, how? What else are you thinking about? Like, no, it's not. I just like food. I didn't get it. I'm like, no, it's not. I was like, no, it's not. And then once I got rid of it and I saw from the other side of those people, I was like, holy fucking shit, it was. I would literally be eating breakfast and be like,

This should probably keep me full till like 12 and then I'll have a snack. What the fuck? Or in the other aspect of like you're sitting there eating it and you know it's not going to keep you full, not going to keep you satisfied. And you're like, okay, well, like, but I'm going to have that salad later. Like, how am I going to make it through like those hours of not eating? Exactly that. Yeah. Like that's not fucking healthy. No. And anything just it's used a lot of something funny of people being like,

Haha, when you're with your friends and you're all like obsessed with food, but not in like a foodie way, not in a you want to go out to restaurants and you guys love food and you

Order a pizza because you love food. It's not. It's very different. It's in an obsessive way. And some things like this with toxic behavior, any sort of toxic behavior. It gets glamorized, bro. It gets glamorized. And you can only notice it if you've been through it. Because it's like I used to post that. So I know what you're doing because that was me. So I get it. Yeah. And it's like you can't pull a fast one on me. I get it. And there's a lot of people in the fitness space that.

That post this. They post so much how happy they are with their lifestyle. And they're literally not. Yeah. It's all I feel like. And now we're not saying everyone. But like there are definitely. A good chunk. A good chunk. A good chunk is like.

I used to be like that. I used to post how happy I am, how disciplined I am, how proud of myself I am for like hitting my macros that day where realistically looking back on that lifestyle that we had, like I was miserable, like constantly tracking my macros for what? Like I get it if you're in competition, like that's a whole nother level of like discipline and like whatever. But like if you're literally just doing it for like the quote unquote lifestyle aspect, it's like,

there needs to be a fine line. Especially never taking breaks. How far you take it. Yeah. Like one thing that I realized and that kind of was a big eye opener for me was the travel. Taylor and I, for a while, we would travel a lot, but we stayed on track too much on travel where we weren't actually getting ourselves out there in those new cities, those new environments, trying new things. Like the first time really it was like,

Like Cabo, honestly, like the beginning of the year because we would go to like L.A. and like we would be packing up our food and stuff like we wouldn't. We would come up with the, oh, I don't want to spend money. But some of it was. Yes, it was. But at the same time, it's like I didn't need to be fucking bringing like all that shit with me. Like, yeah, take up such a big portion of my life.

my suitcase and it's like that was a big eye-opener for me like what it was a year and a half ago two years ago of like vacations are sometimes three days maybe a week maybe a weekend a weekend and it's like why am i not just letting loose letting go so when i really started to do with that was not work out when i would travel like if i went somewhere on the weekend i

Like to visit family or something like I wouldn't work out on the weekend And that's what really helped me like get out of that. Yeah I just think a lot of people are struggling and the reason I think and know we're right in our assumptions is Every single person we have ever distinctly thought this about gave it a few months and like all of them have posted something Verifying what we're saying and it's like I feel so bad that people are struggling so like never take this way of like oh like

It's not like how dare you have an eating disorder. It's just I want people to be... Have their eyes a little bit more open. Yeah. To what's a little bit of an issue and what's not. And like...

Not putting themselves in a situation to like really slippery slope fall down that path because it's really, really, really easy. Yeah. And just never even with our content to guys like people, some people will get so invested into a content creators content where they dive way too deep into it. And it's just it really fucks with your mind. And like I'm not saying my content whatsoever is like, yeah,

What's the word I'm fucking looking for? Like toxic or anything. But for some people it can be because they don't have quite the relationship that they need yet with food. Like for instance, that one person that we've had to block a million times that will be like, I'll post a recipe and it's like, where are the carbs? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like,

That's not the message I'm trying to put out there with that meal that I'm posting, but you're taking it that way. So it's just like never dive too deep into someone's content. Just take it as inspo. Don't look at it as like that's the lifestyle I need to live and just be open-minded to the fact that

some things that people will post is not like fully the truth even it's like we like to go out we like to party like for some people that's like so toxic to them like that that party scene like drinking so toxic for them like us going out every weekend like they might like that's not a lifestyle like they should follow blindly because like that's toxic for them and they don't like it like so yeah knowing what to like take from social media and what to let affect you people's life's choices because it's not perfect and they're not

It's not all that. It just makes me so sad with how much food has such a big impact with social media. For instance, the Tiffany Elizabeth girl, the cottage cheese carrot lady. She doesn't eat that way anymore. Yeah, well, guess what? Did you hear all the bullshit about her right now? How she's a Scientologist? Yep.

She doesn't even eat that way anymore. I know. So there's all this speculation going on right now that she's a Scientologist and that her dad is the Scientologist, but she's a second generation Scientologist. And the...

or like the food, whatever the program that she was marketing and selling was actually owned by her dad. And the sales were all going to like some church or something. And basically, I guess what Scientologist is, and correct me if I'm wrong because I don't fully know, but the more money you donate to church or charity is how high you're going to be ranked in heaven. And so...

Her fucking entire program of, like, her food or meal plan, whatever she was selling. I blocked her because I couldn't stand her content. So I don't know exactly what she was selling. But I just know that, I guess, all of that was led by her dad and the sales were going somewhere kind of sketchy. So that's another thing is, like, people would watch that fucking sausage, cod cheese, carrot, mustard thing.

And it's just like, I know for some people, they'll be like, oh, just let it be like she's just showing her fucking healthy food. But for some people that do not have a good relationship with food, we'll take that and run with it and yo-yo diet and not use it in a healthy manner. So it's just...

Never take anything on social media and run with it. Grain of salt with everything you see. 100%. Because you can never get the 100% truth from a content creator with what they're putting out there. Yeah. Speaking of the other thing that people lie about that's been a big topic of discussion in our household is money. Yes. And...

views success. People lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. If anyone puts out a solid number of money, it's a lie. Yeah. That's like rule of thumb. And the,

That's honestly really just something in this industry that's so hard is that everyone is an entrepreneur for themselves. So I'm going to quote that because a lot of people will lie and say that they do social media full time, but they don't. And they have a full on full time job that they're not telling people about. So it looks like they're able to make a living off of social media, but they really have a full time job behind the scenes that they're doing. And they're trying to sell it.

tell a course about how to be a content creator full time. They're trying to tell you all the trending secrets and what you have to do and portray this lifestyle that's not real. If genuinely everything I've seen is if someone says how I make $20,000 a month making content. Yeah. Wrong. When I see an account that has like 10,000 followers on TikTok and they're telling someone they're like, I made $18,000 this month.

Liar. And then people will be like, I love the transparency though. No. They're not being transparent. You think they are. They're not. No. I will get ads too of like entrepreneurs, like coaches saying,

And in the ad, they're talking about how they have so many people and they're making all this money and they have their roster. Like, they have all these clients and, like, they're going to teach you how to do it, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, but if you have this full roster and you're making all this money, why do you need ads? And I want to say this, too, because now Taylor and I have been doing, like, social media full time for, what, two and a half years now, three years now.

Now Taylor has a job that like is the back end. So she can see a lot of fucking shit that is not put out there to the public. And it's just crazy because it's a very competitive workspace. Everyone is constantly comparing one another with everything. Likes, podcast downloads, rankings in the podcast, everything.

amount of comments you're getting because maybe people will fucking turn off their likes views on reels views on tiktoks like everything is so competitive in that aspect and it's just so hard when people will openly lie about that being their full-time job or just anything with yeah which is why i don't like because i feel like people hear us talk about this stuff it's like

Why aren't you supporting other people? Not everyone, in my opinion... Sorry, cancel me. I don't need to just blindly support people for no reason. Yeah. I don't appreciate putting out false shit on the internet. Yeah. I don't. I don't appreciate putting out false shit on the internet. I don't appreciate you lying to people about a way to make money. Like the MLM people that want to lie and get you sucked in to sell shampoo. It's wrong. I don't think...

lying to people to make money and put a facade on the internet is right. So no, I don't blindly support your social media career because you're just trying to make fucking money. Yeah. I don't. And like another example with this too is working with brands of people that will literally just work with brands because of

The check that's coming their way. And for instance, what's the fight? What's the shit that's going on with bloom? But, or what's the brand? Oh, bloom getting taken off Amazon. Yes. So just like so many brands will go out of their way to just really promote themselves and not care if the consumer slash influencer is actually using the product. Um,

and being authentic with the ad. And so it's just, it's frustrating where people will also just make money just to make money because it's the paycheck coming their way, but like not actually care about the product that they're promoting or pushing. And I'm just using Blumen as an example, but there are just so many ads that I see out there that I'm like, fuck this. Like, are you being for real right now? So this whole industry is insane when it comes to making money. It's just very fucking...

fake like i don't know how to say like we see so many things a day that we're showing each other like did you see this what like it's just not real because it's either like we've been in the same place i worked with that brand too they didn't pay me that um oh i'm sorry your podcast has how many downloads but it's like 300 on the charts it's not adding up yeah it's not adding up and it's

It's just weird to lie because you don't need to lie. That's like imagine working in an office and you're sitting at your office with all your co-workers and someone fucking gets all excited and is like,

I just got like like say it's like sales. They're doing sales and they just openly just like get up and like guys are just like made the sale of XYZ money and it's like and they're like fucking fake like that'd be so weird. Yeah, that'd be so weird. Another thing is a gift to remember like the context around things. Let's say merch someone drop shirts. Oh my God, like we sold out today. How many shirts did you order? Yeah, there's only like 200. Did you order 50 50? Yeah, we still have a fuck ton of shirts. You know why we order a lot. Yeah. Yeah.

we order shirts bro like a lot of shirts and it's not like it's just things you have to consider because social media is a lot of comparing things to people you see so if you see like oh i wish i could be like like so and so and like oh my god she made merch and she sold it out in a day she might have ordered 10 fucking hats you don't know like and to be like how i made ten thousand dollars some people are also counting their gifting as money yeah

Like I got gifted my litter box. It's like a thousand dollar litter box. I don't say I made a thousand dollars. Do you know what I'm saying? But someone might because there's loopholes. Yeah. And then it's like, let's say you have 10,000 followers on TikTok and you see another girl with 10,000 followers.

living in new york city and being a content creator blah blah and you're like why isn't that me because she probably has a job or parents or daddy is daddy's money like you can't take things at face value because people lie like i'm telling you if people say how much they make it's probably a lie unless it's like that girl that interviews people on the street i'm like let's stop glamorizing social media and blah yeah it's

It's just crazy seeing shit be fake. It happened when we started going to influencer like meetup type events and it was like, whoa, you are not like how you post. Yeah. And it was clear as day. Like,

what the fuck like is going on that's why we literally don't have any content creator friends just like it's it's so i don't it's crazy i want my regular friends i want to like log off of social media when i'm with my friends and also like i'm sorry we were saying this on the podcast we were on like we just simply don't have it in us to lie online i have i am too fucking busy to think of lies

You know what I mean? Like, you guys know I was constipated the other day. Like, we'd be talking about anything. You're telling me I'm supposed to not only fill my life, but make up a new life? No. No. No. Like, when people, like, lie in full day of eating. I'm like, how do you lie in a full day of eating? I barely have the time to, like, film my real full day of eating. You made fake food? That's crazy. You made all that, took a picture of it, said you ate it, and threw it away? I didn't.

I would have been hungry I would eat that I just like That is crazy That you're just gonna Fucking lie You're gonna lie about finances on TikTok I don't even keep track of my real money And you're keeping track of fake money How do people do that?

And it's sad too, though, because it's like if you have to lie about your finance and like put up a front like that, it's like you're putting an expectation in your own head. Like you're creating a fake reality for yourself. And then you're going to get disappointed when you look at the reality of it. When you're lying to everyone, you'll never be happy because the thing is, I'm never gonna be happy. It is still. And that's the same with body, too. When you're editing your body. True. It's the same fucking aspect. True. So true. If you if you like make up a fake reality.

persona and lie to everyone you meet you'll never be happy because if you have 10 000 tiktok followers and you made a thousand dollars one month bitch that's awesome yeah that you made an extra thousand dollars you don't have to say you made 20 yeah that's fucking dope that you have 10 000 followers and made a thousand dollars yeah and it's like that's so much more like just like to like to be real because i'm sorry people aren't getting paid as much as you think yeah either like

Yes, a lot of content creators make a fuck ton of money. They do. But a lot... All these big brands... A lot don't... Don't pay... Like, they don't handle... A lot don't, okay? They really fucking don't. And like I said, like, I got the tea, bro. I'm on both sides. They're not paying you that much. So like some of these people, I'm like, how? The math ain't mathin'. The math ain't mathin'. The math ain't mathin'. But...

I think it might be comforting for you guys to know that it's not real. Everything you see is posted 100%. And also take a grain of salt with everything that we are saying, okay? Like...

There's like people out there that are genuine as fuck. 100%. We're not saying everyone's fake. Like take everything we're saying with a grain of salt. 100%. When we say like so many people, we mean because like out of the vast majority, yeah, it probably is majority. The good people you see are like the one person. Think about how many people have TikTok. Yeah. So many. Even on Alex Earl's podcast, how Alex Earl didn't actually go to the Drake party. Yeah. Just like...

little fronts everyone everyone likes everyone puts on a little front yes i agree um but it's just something interesting to take away that the internet's not real yeah the internet's fake as fuck it literally except for the show this is the only podcast on the internet that is real you heard it here first no i'm kidding i don't know i'm i'm everything i've told you today is a lie

Imagine. Yeah, find what was real. That's, oh yeah, it's like a brain teaser. Yeah. And guess what? Everything was fake. Yeah, I didn't actually go to dinner on Friday night and I didn't actually get really fucked up on Saturday night. I was dead sober Saturday night. My name has never been Taylor. Yeah. And you guys would never know. Yeah. Take whatever you, whatever you think and. Yep. So just, you know, those fitness girlies that you like.

Might be fucking struggling behind the scenes and lying about their full day of eating. And if someone tells you that they make 20 grand off social media, they're lying to your face to buy their course.

It's as simple as that, folks. Mm-hmm. Don't listen to anyone that's spewing numbers at you. Also, one last thing because I just thought about this. I forgot to fucking say it in the hot, the whatever. Did you see that Brianna Chicken Fry is like off social media? Like she like just said bye to everyone. I was like, this is so sad. I hope she's okay. What do you mean? She just like said like, she posted on her story and was like, guys, like I'm taking a break from social media. Like, see you guys soon. She's back. She is? Yeah.

took three days off social media and i come back to oh only three she said she was gonna be gone for a while no damn anyways brand chicken fry is one person that i that i genuinely really like on social media i just cannot believe she's like out here dating zach brian what the fuck is that yeah it's just crazy i know so many like random like combos we should add on a happy note who people you like on social media no you know at the top of your head you like brianna chicken fry

Oh, God. I could fucking go off on this right now. I have so many people. I really enjoy Brooke Michio. You know who I'm obsessed with right now? Who? Dude, like, she's my it girl. Kaylee Stewart, which I don't listen to her podcast, the Hot Girl Energy podcast. But Kaylee Stewart, oh, my God. I want to literally be her. Like, I... Everything she posts, her house...

her style her every like i want to genuinely be her when i get older and i'm older but like i'm saying like okay maybe tomorrow i'll start doing it but okay i need more people like this to follow because i'm trying to like revamp my closet i fucking love her like she is the it girl for me i love this girl called she's like not even big i wish she was she deserves a million followers on tiktok fits by carly with a y the with an eye sorry carly with an eye

This girl has such cute outfits. Obviously, it fits by Carly. She dresses so cute. But tell me how in my head I thought this girl had a million followers. Like I thought it was this massive fashion influencer I follow. So I'm like, I'm going to go to her LTK and buy everything. I go to her Instagram. She has a thousand Instagram followers. No LTK. I was like, Carly, I'm commenting on every TikTok. I'm like, hey, girl, make an LTK. I will pay your rent by buying everything.

Every single thing on it. Can you please link? But she's just like a normal ass girl making TikToks in her room. And I'm over here thinking that she's like a celebrity. You know what I think I might have just solved the problem. I think the realist people on social media are the people that post lifestyle content and fashion content. Because the girls that post solely just fitness or solely just food or business are

There's only so much you can post of that. So they start to post fake things or like a unrealistic life. Whereas like someone like us or like the gals on the go who I also like enjoy their content. I really like Brooke Michio and Danielle. Because it's like a lifestyle. A lot of people are always calling them fake, which like maybe I'm fucking missing something. But my fake radar is off the fucking radar.

Bitch, I can see fake a mile away. I truly don't get fake vibes. Yeah, no. That's a jealousy thing in my opinion because like... They're very successful. They're very successful. Hello. That's a jealousy thing. I like them. I think I just like have now really enjoyed following...

the lifestyle girlies rather than the girls that are within like one niche. Like I want to see every aspect of your life so that way you can't lie to me. I also like Clara Pierce or Purse. I don't know. I love her. Yeah. So just... I'll be honest. I don't really follow that many like influencers.

um i follow a lot of just like my friends so i'm trying to revamp my following because i'm late to this from when you did it yes i don't hold a lot of people and i'm trying to do it like i follow 420 people i need to like unfollow people and refollow people and just like get that together yeah but um i've been i know i might do that again after this just go through a spree of people i don't relate with anymore um

I'm just going to mute them. And it's just not because I don't like them. It's just I just don't relate to your content anymore. I'm muting a lot of people. And I followed people back in the day in the fitness industry when I was like, you follow me, I'm going to follow you type vibe. But it's like if I haven't talked to you in a year and a half, two years, I just... I also need to follow more people that aren't like all the fitness people anymore because it's not like...

helping me get inspiration for the content i want to post yeah exactly i need more people that inspire me yeah agreed comment accounts on our instagram post that really inspire you uh for lifestyle because i'd love to yeah oh my god i'm gonna make a post and tag your favorite creators yeah tag your favorite creators because i would love to follow them so that i can and hopefully we can give each other inspo okay yes all right well that's about it for me me too

I'm going to go heat up my fucking leftover food. I'm so hungry. I'm starving. I'm literally starving. All right. Bye, guys. See you in the next one. This is Below Decks Captain Lee. Listen to my new podcast, Salty with Captain Lee. Don't you mean our podcast? Yeah, I guess I do. Anyhow, listen to Salty with Captain Lee, co-hosted by my assistant, Sam.

And we will be talking about the latest pop culture news and all the gossip every week. So does this mean we have to talk by ourselves, about ourselves, or can at least have some guests on? I don't know. I find myself pretty interesting. But yeah, we can have some guests on. Some of our reality TV friends and some stars. Works for me. Listen to Salty now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.