cover of episode EP 25. 全英文对话 Bain Capital Ventures 合伙人 Kevin Zhang: 硅谷创投新常态,做反趋势投资人

EP 25. 全英文对话 Bain Capital Ventures 合伙人 Kevin Zhang: 硅谷创投新常态,做反趋势投资人

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兔年快乐!这是2023年新年后第一期更新,也是一次新尝试!给大家拜个晚年,祝大家兔年快乐,开工大吉。而且,这一期非常特别:是Onboard! 第一期英文播客!

Hello World, who is Onboard!?


这次的嘉宾 Kevin Zhang), 是 Bain Capital Ventures (BCV) )的合伙人。 如果你不知道 BCV,那你一定知道大名鼎鼎的 Bain Capital, 掌管1600多亿美金的传奇资产管理集团,贝恩资本。BCV就是他们的早期投资部门。

Kevin 从创业公司早期员工转身成为投资人,短短5年时间从VP升到合伙人,他所关注的领域包括企业服务、开发者工具、fintech, Defi 等等。这次近2小时的访谈,我们聊了 Kevin 进入VC的经历,他对于宏观市场和早期投资新常态的理解,最有意思的,为什么Kevin从“人”不是所谓的市场大势中寻找方向。

最近投资者和很多创业者都在急切寻找所谓下一个大趋势,面对过于火爆的一些热点有些趋之若鹜又心存谨慎。Kevin说的 "anti-narrative" 的思路给我的启示是,投资人更要心存谦逊,到一线去,跟在各行各业深度思考的人才交流中寻找机会,而不是过度依赖二手的案头研究。创业者、想创业的同学,更要理性面对市场的危与机,从自己的身边寻找机会,更有定力,更相信本源的思考。





Kevin Zhang, Bain Capital Ventures (BCV)合伙人, Bain Capital Crypto 的 Venture Partner。Kevin 专注于SaaS, 基础软件、fintech 等方向的早期投资。他投资的项目包括 Lightning AI, Hightouch, Magical, Lumina 等。加入BCV之前,Kevin 是 fintech创业公司 Fundera (被Nerdwallet 收购)的 Head of Product. 也是非常典型的 startup operator 转身投资人路线~


01:47 Intro of Kevin and BCV, how Kevin got into venture capital

10:00 Why Hightouch was one of the most controversial investments Kevin made

15:23 How Kevin views the recent market downturn?

20:30 Where is the early-stage investment heading?

25:24 What are the typical valuations of an early product-market-fit startup? What metrics do investors look for?

29:05 Has the SaaS market become too saturated? What are the new opportunities for SaaS startups?

32:28 Why did Kevin invest in Magical and why does it stand out in the competitive RPA (Robot process automation) market?

36:07 How to understand the moat for a SaaS company?

41:12 What's hard about building a to-developer company?

46:49 Why does Kevin think he is an "anti-narrative" investor? How does he view the recent AI hype?

52:00 Have web3 and Defi proved their value?

56:50 Why does Kevin claim to be a "people-investor"?

60:48 Questions Kevin often asks to assess an entrepreneur

64:19 Deals that Kevin missed and his takeaways

67:05 Kevin's inflection points of his career in venture capital

69:50 Quick questions: book recommendations, what's overrated and underrated in silicon valley, 2023 goals


  • Hightouch): syncing data from the data warehouse to saas tools

  • Magical): RPA for everyday workers

  • Vesta): next-gen mortgage infrastructure

  • Monte Carlo): data reliability

  • Blend): cloud banking infrastructure

  • Fundera (acquired by Nerdwallet)

  • Stripe): payment processing platform



M小姐研习录 (ID: MissMStudy)
