cover of episode How did Kara Scoop OpenAI, and More on Burn Book (with Sam Altman)

How did Kara Scoop OpenAI, and More on Burn Book (with Sam Altman)

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On with Kara Swisher

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kara Swisher
Kara Swisher:通过社交媒体平台发布关于 OpenAI 内部事件的独家消息,并纠正了网络上不准确的传闻。她认为 OpenAI 的高管更迭事件本质上是一场公司内部的权力斗争,而非外界渲染的文明冲突。她批评了一些科技界人士的“非我族类,其心必异”的态度,以及他们对自身过往行为缺乏反思。她认为在科技发展中,需要在技术进步和风险控制之间取得平衡,并批评了某些科技界人士在讨论重要议题时缺乏理性。她认为许多科技公司早期宣称要改变世界,但最终都沦为了逐利的工具,这与他们最初的承诺相悖。她认为科技行业中,真正致力于改变世界的人并不多,许多人只是披着理想外衣追求个人利益,并指出“救世主情结”往往会演变成“独裁者情结”。她解释了她预测科技行业动态的方法,即通过对人物行为模式和行业趋势的分析。她分享了她与科技公司高管沟通的经验,以及她对权力集中和缺乏问责制的担忧。她认为现在的科技新闻报道质量比以前高,但媒体行业的商业模式面临挑战。她认为 Elon Musk 对 OpenAI 提起的诉讼毫无意义,这只是他过去受伤的一种表现。她分析了 Elon Musk 行为转变的原因,并对其未来发展表示担忧。她认为人工智能技术是具有革命性意义的重大变革,并强调了关注其潜在风险的重要性。 Sam Altman:就 OpenAI 内部事件和 Elon Musk 的诉讼发表了自己的看法。

Deep Dive

Kara Swisher discusses her reporting on the OpenAI drama, including Sam Altman's ouster and return, and the inaccuracies she aimed to correct through her social media posts.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, we join Kara on tour as she speaks with some of the most influential names in tech about her memoir Burn Book: a Tech Love Story). Today's stop: San Francisco’s City Arts & Lectures with Sam Altman, OpenAI’s co-founder and CEO (and recently reinstated Board Member). This time, it’s Kara in the hot seat and Altman asking the questions. The two talk about last year’s OpenAI drama, Kara’s live coverage of Sam’s ouster and return, the lawsuit Elon Musk has brought against OpenAI and the public spiral that Musk has taken in recent years.

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