cover of episode The Day After

The Day After

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On the Media

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Katya: 大选后媒体应避免对竞选策略进行过度解读,关注点应放在更宏观的社会问题上,例如信息茧房和受众认知偏差。 Brooke: 美国社会存在严重的信息茧房问题,许多人对媒体报道的事实缺乏了解,主流媒体在信息传递方面也存在问题,未能有效触达和理解受众。她认为,民主党未能有效应对选民的愤怒情绪,而特朗普则成功地利用了这种情绪,其策略在于将自己定位为为人民对抗精英的斗士。此外,她还指出,加沙战争加剧了公众对媒体的信任危机,媒体对该事件的报道存在偏见,对以色列的立场过于偏袒,导致对加沙人道主义援助组织的报道存在问题。 Micah: 许多美国人对媒体反复报道的事实(包括对特朗普政策的质疑以及对其上届政府的报道)要么选择性遗忘,要么根本没有接触到。他认为,右翼的愤怒情绪部分源于对某些旨在帮助大学生的项目的抵制,媒体未能有效触达那些已经远离媒体的受众。他认为,主流媒体在信息传递方面存在不足,例如双重标准和虚假等同,但就风险的传达而言,在最后阶段做得比较好。他认为地方媒体在信息传递中扮演着重要角色,人们更愿意从当地媒体获取信息,但地方媒体不仅面临财务困境,还面临着意识形态的渗透。 Katya: 她认为,大选结果反映了美国社会的信息生态问题,以及主流媒体在应对政治极化和虚假信息方面的不足。她认为,媒体应该与听众进行更多互动,了解他们的需求和想法,并努力在信息传播中扮演更积极的角色。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the media struggle to reach a significant portion of the electorate?

The media delivery system has issues, and mainstream media still has a comprehension problem. The loss of local media has led to people seeking information from other sources like YouTube and TikTok, where they find personalities they trust more than traditional news outlets.

What role did anger play in the election outcome?

Trump effectively tapped into an anger that Democrats avoided, making the party appear as the party of the rich. Exit polls showed higher income people voting for Kamala Harris and working-class people for Trump, highlighting the importance of perception and the message that the American dream is dead.

How did the media cover the war in Gaza, and what was the impact?

The media coverage of the war in Gaza was heavily pro-Israel, with American officials dominating the discussion. This led to a decline in trust among many Americans and allowed Trump to use the war as a wedge issue, effectively exploiting discontent among Democratic voters.

What does the future hold for public radio and local media?

Public radio and local media are vulnerable, with listenership down and potential funding cuts on the horizon. The public radio system, while good at fielding reporters and stories, faces challenges from changing habits and competition from digital platforms.

What should the media focus on in the upcoming Trump administration?

The need for great reporting on the upcoming Trump administration is paramount. The media must continue to affirm the truth and reality to the best of their ability, focusing on honest reporting and contextualization.

The conversation begins with immediate reflections on the election outcome and the role of the media in conveying information and reaching audiences.
  • Media delivery system has issues with comprehension.
  • Mainstream media struggles to reach a broad audience.
  • Echo chambers and local media loss contribute to information gaps.

Shownotes Transcript

Brooke and Micah recorded a conversation on Wednesday morning after the election. On the Media is supported by listeners like you. Support OTM by donating today ( Follow our show on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @onthemedia, and share your thoughts with us by emailing [email protected].