Mark Immelman, golf broadcaster, acclaimed instructor, and former college coach, delivers top insigh
John Tillery is one of the leading young golf instructors in the game and he is making waves with hi
2014 FedEx Cup Champion and 2014 TOUR Championship Champion, Billy Horshel joins the podcast to remi
Hear insights on how to put yourself in the position to play your best golf during long and challeng
Tony Ruggeiro is a vastly experienced and well-respected golf instructor. He has worked with a numb
Sean Martin brings deeper insight on one of golf's newest stories and sensations, The Bryan Bros. S
Nick Bradley, noted golf instructor and former Strategic Assistant to European Ryder Cup Captain Pau
Garret Kramer helps you understand how your mind works and how you can parlay that very fact into pl
Ron Mintz joins Mark Immelman to delve deep into Tiger Woods' announcement that he could potentially
Noted golf instructor, Andrew Rice, answers all of your questions about the backswing. He shares id
The Equipment Insider for, Jonathan Wall, joins the show to fill us in on all of the equ
Respected play-by-play announcer, Carter Blackburn (CBS and ESPN) joins the show to set up the 2016
Karen Palacios-Jansen. one of Golf Digest's "Top 50 Best Women's Teachers" discusses the top three g
Respected global golf instructor, Denis Pugh, joins the show to talk about the fundamentals of the g
There are many cool things happening at The World Golf Hall of Fame. Dave Cordero (Director of Comm
Michael Breed from The Golf Channel joins the show and brings insights, tips and drills to help your
Brandel Chamblee (Golf Channel) discusses his new book "The Anatomy of Greatness" (NY Times Bestsell
Mike McAllister from wraps the 2016 Men's Golf Competition in Rio. He shares anecdotes
Mark Immelman, shares thoughts and insights from Jim Furyk, who shot the lowest round ever on the PG
Talented young golfer ( Tour) Max Homa joins the show. He talks about his influences in golf
Bob Harig (Senior Golf Writer for is on location in Rio for the 2016 Olympic Games. He jo