cover of episode Weekly Roundup 09/20/24 (Trump at Pubkey, Token 2049 review, RIP Airdrops) (EP.563)

Weekly Roundup 09/20/24 (Trump at Pubkey, Token 2049 review, RIP Airdrops) (EP.563)

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On The Brink with Castle Island

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nic: 我在新加坡参加了Token 2049大会。大会的氛围很好,大家对美国大选的讨论不多。我在大会上发表了关于加密美元及新兴市场的主题演讲。大会规模很大,到处都是加密行业人士,但他们的着装品味很差。我参加了一个关于加密货币的讨论小组,Brian Johnson 和 Eric Wall 也参加了。Eric Wall 谈论了人工智能即将引发的世界末日。Iggy Azalea 和 Eric Wall 之间的关于Meme币的辩论因为 Eric Wall 想在辩论中加入一个快闪舞而取消了。大会上有一些不错的产品发布和主题演讲,例如Google发布了其Theoria RPC服务。参加Token 2049大会就像是一种共同的痛苦经历,大家一起忍受时差和疲惫。我在新加坡的电子烟被没收了,我不想进新加坡监狱。新加坡允许吸烟,但不允许使用电子烟,这规则很奇怪。 Matt: 加密行业人士的着装品味很差,应该在FTX事件后提高着装标准。加密行业人士不应该穿着连帽衫和背包去酒吧或俱乐部。我参加了一个关于加密货币的讨论小组。我们讨论了关于空投的监管问题。空投机制已经失效,不再是有效的代币分发方式。空投机制失效的原因是人们可以出售空投获得的代币。空投机制最初是为了规避证券法而出现的。将空投与传统股票发行进行类比,空投机制是不合理的。空投机制无法预先确定市场结果。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对去中心化金融协议Rory Capital以及Flyfish Club 提起了诉讼。杰米·戴蒙声称摩根大通是全球最大的区块链用户,但这说法值得怀疑。摩根大通使用的是私有区块链,这与公共区块链不同。发生了一起关于爆炸寻呼机的事件,这事件非常复杂和令人震惊。我推测爆炸寻呼机事件是通过供应链攻击完成的。国家行为者可能会对加密货币硬件钱包发起攻击。五年前,人们建议不要使用Ledger或Trezor等硬件钱包。多签是保护加密货币资金的唯一方法。加密货币业务存在一夜之间失败的风险。FTX黑客事件的细节尚未完全公开。 Nic: 我已经验证了River交易所的储备证明。River交易所的储备证明功能是其投资协议的一部分。BitGo和Revolut计划推出自己的稳定币。未来可能不会出现大量的稳定币,稳定币类似于货币市场基金,市场集中度很高。美联储降息。Venmo宣布与ENS集成,支持使用ENS名称进行加密交易。GoogleCloud发布了Theoria兼容的RPC服务。JanusHenderson确保了600亿美元的资产,并与Fireblocks合作管理托管的资金。不丹通过比特币挖矿积累了超过13000个比特币。不丹拥有丰富的电力资源,这使其成为比特币挖矿的理想场所。我使用人工智能工具来获取播客信息,而不再直接收听播客。我使用人工智能工具来处理播客信息,包括转录、分割说话者和总结内容。特朗普在纽约市一家比特币酒吧用比特币购买了汉堡。特朗普是第一个用比特币购买汉堡的美国总统。特朗普参与了WorldLibertyFinancial项目,但该项目细节不明确。特朗普在WorldLibertyFinancial项目的X空间访谈中没有透露任何项目细节。特朗普大力推广WorldLibertyFinancial项目,但这项目令人困惑。美国众议院金融服务委员会致函SEC,质疑其对空投的监管。我将在Token2049大会上发表演讲,但忘记带西装外套了。我在新加坡的中国跳蚤市场买了一件西装外套,准备在Token2049大会上穿。

Deep Dive

Nic recounts his experience in Singapore, where Zyn pouches were confiscated, and previews his keynote speech at Token 2049 on crypto-dollar zones in emerging markets.
  • Zyn pouches are not allowed in Singapore.
  • Nic's Token 2049 keynote speech focuses on crypto-dollar zones in emerging markets.
  • Token 2049 is a large crypto conference.

Shownotes Transcript


Bright down by bad mortgage investments, leman, which has twenty five thousand employs, will be liquid the federal .

government loans, american international .

group A I G eighty five billion dollars.

The federal government is stepping up to a stabilize Fanny and friday map, the two mortgage giants .

that have been threatened by the housing crisis.

the zillion economy in new round easin A A couple trillion dollars and other some people starts are worried. So out of this worried, we have something called the bitcoin IT coin.

Welcome to on the brink of that.

Walsh and i'm a Carter and sub soit .

is brought you by with them. And if you listen to the show, you know that we take tax accounting and auditing very seriously when IT comes to digital assets, building trust and relationships with counterparties like custodians, brokers and even regulators is critically important, and that's where widom comes in. There are top twenty five accounting, tax and advisory firm.

They have a team of professionals that is one hundred percent dedicated to the digital asset in box chain ecosystem. They work with some of the highest profile companies in our space on things like tax advisory, accounting for token sales, stable code, its financial statement on its and much, much more. They're not just accountants.

They are cyp to enthusiast, and they are the first accounting firm to build build out a full scale digital asset. Practice with them is passionate about this space. They're passionate about helping your company.

So head over to with them dot com sash crypto to learn more. So we are doing this one on wednesday, late night, my time, early morning, your time you are in singapore. singapore. Part of .

fives five was pretty good. Yeah, that's always a good conference. Serizy pores of very nice place. I've I had a hick up here with singapore. I don't know if i'm I like to say this or not, but turns out then is not allowed in singapore.

They don't allow that. Well.

I had kind of then confiscate lake, so they just .

take IT away from you.

I didn't get thrown in singapore in jail. I don't think that you want to go to singapore prison.

no. Is that the death penalty for then? I'm surprised to get away with that.

I don't think it's the death penalty, but just weird. You are allowed to smoke cigarettes but not team pouches, which know I don't know about that rule, think they might have their own backwards.

Yes, so you can smoke. Can you smoke indoors now? right?

I thought, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know any the rules here. Yes, I know.

I'm onna. Try to make IT back possible. Things going good at the energy levels are high. There's not that much chatter about the us. Election here, which is refreshing.

Wow, that's good because you walk by egypto person in the us without the masking about the election.

I'm right after this, i'm gone to deliver a little keynote. It's gonna a equal to my key o last year. Um so it's on crypto dollar zone, specifically emerging markets.

So if you're here, well, that does not make sense because we are going to publish this episode right away. But anyway, by the time this episode is out, mike will have been delivered. And a purpose asides like ideal and yeah i'm pretty excited about IT.

IT seems like everyone in the industry is there as IT as big as I was last year.

Yeah, I would say so. I would say so. Every you can go ten feet without finding happy hours. It's actually kind of hard to find a bar, a restaurant here because they're all closed for private events. Like yesterday I was trying to get a coffee and I walked into a coffee shop. Davy was there and he was like, oh, so have you made IT and he was throwing an event that I had been invited to that I nice no.

that I was meant to beat there last.

nice if you do attend. So I was like, oh yeah, i'm definitely not here by coincidence. Like, i've really intended to be here.


yeah, but the city is absolutely crawling with cyp to people. The aesthetics are of the cyp to people are still very bad. I'll say that we turned .

the dress out.

Yeah, we're just not looking good as an industry. We're not looking good. yeah.

Yes, IT kind of like the zuker berg thing. Remember when he wore a suit tie for an entire year? Just like get serious, think we should have probably done something similar after F, T, X.

yeah. I mean, like the hoodies and like the wearing backpacks around, like to the bar, to the club is just not giving, you know, just leave the back at home. Guys, leave at home. You look like your medical school. It's weird.

We we like the backpacker.

So yesterday I did um actually a civil content panel which was very good and brian Johnson went on after me.

Oh see though i'm going to .

look for ver ka yeah I don't understand what his angle is with cyp to at all, but ah he was had everyone like standing up and doing exercises and things like that and I think he looked the virus very pale. Yeah, very pale. I don't agree with his avoiding the son element of his routine and then eric wall went on and he just talked about how there's an AI pocalypse coming .

that was his tark .

so he was meant to have a debate with azalia regarding meme coins but has been great controversy ah over that debate. I don't know if you saw this.

I didn't see that. Did you not show up or something .

I think is going to be today or something. And he pulled out because he wanted to do a flash mob style dance event during the debate, like, have a bunch of dances come up on stage. And apparently break point didn't want that interest and they were kind of humanity about the whole thing.

So he actually pulled out. And now my understanding his answer is gonna. The pro mem corn side of the debate is the heart .

hitting panels. That does seem like you've been some decent announcements like product announcements and subject that over there.

Like which ones uh like google.

I just announced that H A theoria RPC service.

I totally miss that.

Um you that's the name coins and then you must spend the the other panel.

Well, I would say you know you're not missing out on that march. I mean, this feels like IT feels like east coaster is going to singapore, just we're aging and like a shared suffering ritual. You know getting here immediately, hoping the meetings being horrendously jet lag did not actually recovering from jet lag for for the whole week.

Yeah you're recovering unlike that you're last day there and then you just have to recover when you come back.

Yeah, it's like when you do like on another turkey chase on thanks giving you know I just sucks so much that the rest of the your day is Better. I think that's kind of the point of this conference is the suffer together could .

could have some combattre. Well, maybe i'll come next year again, right? Well, what's happen to some deals?

The week I was a very busy week this week um first one up is permissionless labs. This is a developer of a permissionless cdn called hype network. There are is ten million dollars from multiple in robot ventures and salon adventures.

Then we have farma A Z K proof generation layer. There is five million from limbless cop A C cy kitto and bank less functions.

Then zvantzev network for user own data there raise five million dollars from coin base paradise. And polygon .

then have cut as a web three A I wellness company. They race five million from draper associate sky bridge and panels.

I didn't really click into this one. A I wellness. I got .

A A wellness, just the intersection of web three A I and wellness. nice. right.

Next one up is limit with labs. This is a developer of a prediction market. There is three million dollars from one confirmation paper ventures, collider and others. Prediction markets are just having a year this year.

Um they really are um next up we have hemmy a bitcoin later two network built on or it's later to work on big on anotherin that can speak to that. There is fifty million from baLance labs, breyer capital on big brain holdings.

Then here's an announcement, uh, bit get in four side ventures announced that they had jointly acquired thirty million dollars worth of the on token, which is the telegram based blockchain. So that looks like an O, T, C deal to invest thirty million dollars in that project.

Then we have regular labs. S their developers is of a proof work currency on salona. Interesting, there is three million from foundation capital collegium in slaw adventures.

Then it's yellow network. This is a decentralized clearing network that raised ten million dollars from Chris larson consensus G, S R. And others.

And then we have borders capital they are script investment from there is one hundred million for the latest deep in focus fund backed by peaks on a foundation jump clipped on others big congrats, the border less steam.

Here's another fund uh, that raised hacked V C, uh, crypto investment firm raised seventy seven million dollars for their latest fun. Congratulations to alex row in whole team over attack air.

Before you happen the news, let's look the metrics minute. Today we're looking at coin metrics detonation product to digital set classification framework. The crypto universe is expanded from a single asset, two thousand and nine, two ecosystem of four asset classes, fourteen sectors and forty one subsectors.

As to find by data, omy aggregate market cap stands at two trillion, doubling from last year. Digital currencies make up fifty seven percent of the total market cap, while blockchain infrastructure, like smart contract platforms make up thirty one percent on gender atis and digital asset applications represent eight and four percent of market market prospectively. The specialized coin sector leads in year to day performance, followed by application utilities and information technology sectors. For more on that, cheko coin metrics stayed in newark that you matrix minute.

right? And that was the metrics minute.

So just breaking news. Minutes ago, trump showed up to a pumpkin. Is that right? Shadow the pumpkin. And yeah, so he bought a burger with bitcoin. Is that what happened?

yeah. So it's not a clock key. Stern time this were recording this and that looks like a couple of hours ago, uh, Donald trump went to puke, which is, of course, the bitcoin bar started by Thomas pa, our former colleague, which is is definitely my favorite in new york cities. The cool bar. We did a podger epp de.

There did galaxy that we did. So, I mean, so what he just happened to be in the neighborhood and popped in to a dive barn and just happen to be the big coin born in new york, is that would happened.

And then he bought a cheeseburger with bacon. This appears, I think he is. He's got to be the first president in the history of presidents to buy a she's burker with bit.

do you think? Well, I mean, they're only been like two presidents and bitcoin came out. Yes.

this is first.

This is first I don't think by and did IT at any point what .

a cool thing the pumpkin is uh is really firing on all solon's. Now I wonder how that all came to pass.

There's other trumps stuff that we're less happy about also .

also he he announced the world liberty financial thing. I I guess he did a big uh, x space. I did I often through .

that thing. I was two hours that I mean, the interviewer is this guy from rug .

radio rock familiar.

That's for rock, paul. I think unless if there's some other. Term that starts to the rug. I mean, IT was IT was terrible, but I don't know if that's trump's lor what but he was there was just battering and didn't really disclose any details of the project at all. So we just have to listen to this in software banter for two hours, didn't learn anything about IT. I don't know why they're so reducent to share any substantive details of the project.

I'm just trying to bury this story under rug because this I don't see a lot of outside on this. I mean, pretty cool that all into crp du, but there's an election here. No, it's not cold.

It's not cool. It's like focus on the election. Don't focus on this weird crypt or sideways st.

You already to commence us the like crypt, do you don't need to do anything else? There's only downside. The whole thing is totally baffling, and I don't know what's going on. And trump is putting meaningful effort into promoting this.

He is, well, he's going to pumpkin in buying cheeseburgers with big coin. So that clearly likes his ripped out ut's happen. There is a bunch of S C C stuff.

Um I feel like we were talking about the S C C just every podcast steps for the past two months here. But end of the fiscal you are coming up. Uh, they had another enforcement action, this one I not not heard of this.

This was uh, called fly fish club. I guess that was a kind of like one of these membership only clubs, uh, in new york city that issued N F T to represent the membership interest. So I guess the S C C said that these N F T that represented the membership interest were unregistered security.

They find these guys seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars uh so they settled and then uh there is a decent so commissioner as esta person and Marcus uh had a pretty great design. I mean this descent searches really impressively. Um they said the S C C should change its menu to include a healthy serving of guidance to give non security N F T creators the freedom to experiment.

Kind hard to argue that logic. I mean, this is just put this one in the category of like what does the us. Popular get from the S C C. Spending time and resources is going after a members only club in new ork city that is not hurting anyone and just happened to use blockchain k technology to do a membership .

club yeah that ones that this is a little baffling actually. So this was is this something thing to do with fishing? Or it's just a restaurant, an N F. T.

I think it's just like a private club cause the fly fish club, maybe there's a fly fishing theme now. So they sold .

memberships and they're just so happen to be an of t format. And so that was sufficent call is apparently for the S. C, C. To come in and see them.

Yeah, the S C, C said that they were stipulating or they were suggesting that if you bought a membership that could go up in value and their rare, but a .

waste of .

resources, this is the case of all membership.

yeah. I mean, if reeler, I don't know that this ones a little beyond the pale, in my opinion. Apparently it's gary vee project.

Oh yeah.

So I can feel less bad about that now not much .

about garby uh in other S C C news uh house financial services community chair Patrick materia and house majority wipo m emr center letter to S C C chair dancing or accusing the S C C of quite creating a hostile regulatory environment with regards to token air drops and they asked for general clarity on air drops including, you know why this thing should be treated uh, differently from airline miles or credit card points uh yeah, good luck getting a response on that one, but we appreciate the effort.

I think the air drop's matter is totally done and over, and not even strictly, because the s you see, just because IT ended up being a covert form of proof work, which is something people understand. But, you know, they became the summer red. They emerged this industrial airdrop farming sector out there which completely eliminated the democractic zing nature of their jobs um and IT just became yeah the cut mouse game between increasingly aggressive civil resistance mechanisms and increasingly sophisticated their drop fibers and regular users to whom the air drop s were presumed ly intended to ended up cn the middle here. And so air job that are done not because the C C, but just because the mechanical doesn't work as IT turns out.

Well, the only reason that the mechanism really existed at scale was because people felt like they cannot sell the tokens. And that's actually probably the best way to get tokens into the hands of people, just sell them at a fair market Price.

Yeah, I guess you could say that's why our drops existed initially was because they are concerned about security laws.

yeah. I mean, I think certain air drops in the early days like Stellar did want, I think with facebook where you could like sign into their you could like the page or sign on to a group or something that and IT was kind of like a marketing expense, but IT wasn't a huge percentage of the overall load.

And then once the ico thing happened and the S C C started going after the ico s for being unregistered current offerings, um people started putting the air drop mechanism s in place in order just get wider distribution of the token. But what you really just need is a way to safely and compliantly sell the token. So you basically need something like what's in the market, structural bill?

Pretty interesting. I mean, there is not really analyse gy for air drops with equity to like traditional equity. Like think about if at IPO, at every IPO, IT was expected that the company would not only list you know twenty percent of the choice, but they were also to give away an additional twenty percent of the shares to like users of the product or the general public. If that happened in the equity world, people would think that the company was completely out of their minds, but it's completely Normal. And cypher IT is yeah .

is I think uber actually tried to do that. So I didn't. They try to give their drivers equity, try to have them buy IT at a lower Price, but the S, C, C put the cables on that. Um I I think there S I think we have talked about on the podcast before, but the kind of the analog would be the russian privatization right post. So the union collapse when yes.

to be clear and work now .

I did neither did their .

it's a good lesson in markets actually, because most people know how to value the vouchers. They were getting a and so they sold them for a sort of pennies on the dollar. And then a few sort of hedge funds and industrial is kind of bought them up and I didn't end up decent salzer ownership.

And I think there is a false there, which is that you can achieve a market driven outcome, which is more fair. And i'm doing air quotes right now with my fingers, and it's just kind of like a social theory. It's like a it's collect, you know the means of production and then distribute them out to the general public, to the labors, to the working class and will have a more accredited situation.

That's just not you can't predetermine a market outcome is what i'm saying. And I think it's the same policy that underscore the russian privatization and air jobs. So i'm i'm happy to consign them to the dustbin of history, to be honest.

R R I P R drops uh and then the last S C uh story so far this week, maybe it'll be more um in enforcement action and settlement against a defy protocol called rory capital, uh, which is being charged with running and unregistered brokers basically. So see a few those already. And just to add this one to the list.

okay, here is something that cracked me up. Did you see this? Jamie diamond has said something again.

uh, something about like, J. P. Morgans, the biggest user block chain in the world or something.

Yeah, this is something you definitely say if you are one of the bigger. This is a blockchain, which is, quote, we are probably one of the bigger users of blockchain, just blockchain, an actual user like a real user. He said about the blocks in technology.

Quote, it's just a database. I don't know if I believe him. Is James Morgan one of the biggest users of blockchain?

Well, J. P. Morgan has a private blockchain that moves dollars, right? They have a some sort of like an internal ledger system that is not decentralized. So you might as well just be like, k, we're the biggest user of oracle, the infrastructure in the financial services. Will they do the same statement?

So is actually asked this. I did A Q E about our paper, and I was asked, why didn't I publish analytics on private blockchain movement of dollars? And A I don't even know if there are any of those.

Is J P M coin real? Does IT exist? Are the J P, M coin floating around somewhere?

I don't think so.

And B, I don't have the data because the bride and lock ship, let me come on. And I meant to get the data.

And even a private black chain in the context of these private black chains that are raising capital on twenty fifteen that we're like IT, we can have a network of users and they're gonna running validation and they're going to be biotic. The infrastructure is just J P. Morgan running a centralize database and sticking the word about check on IT.

So yeah, you apparently, according to him, they are the biggest blockchain user I thought to see some data that I don't know.

Here's an interesting story that happened this week. Uh, so r cam came up with a, uh a report that says that the kingdom move utt now holds over thirteen thousand big coin which should be at today's Prices a little bit over seven hundred and sixty million dollars thanks to their uh, bitcoin mining Operations. It's pretty big how offer a country .

like button yeah this is consistent with my understanding of boot on actually. So I believe that they have been mining. They do IT with with bit men, a bit dear.

I think they have abundant hydro resources. And IT always was interesting to me that people were sleeping on button because it's been reported in the press that they were mining bache in. But no one ever talks about them as a kind of bacon focus nation.

Yeah this has been out there and it's also been out there because I think they do some work with bit deer. Um I think bit deer might have to file some public statements. And so this has been in like S C reports that uh the kingdom mu button as a pretty scale up mining Operation, pretty awesome. How do you get to.

So you can't just visit you on well, you can't if you know the leadership of the country, but you can't just show up. There is a closed country like took ministry in north korea. They're very they're guarded. They don't want globalization and you know I don't blame them. Globalization is bad.

IT seems like a pretty .

beautiful place so yeah that .

I must next, the big coin mining rig which proves loud that's .

the amazing thing about IT is it's the last destination that hasn't been polluted by you know instagram um travellers. They just can't get there. So let's keep IT that way. Let's to keep them closed.

Let's put out a little chAllenge to the a on the brink wordpress community. If anyone has ever been to btan, put some pictures up there. We'd love to see some pictures of the top.

Yeah, our warp casters been very quiet of late. So please.

there is a guy in the word cast though, did you know this? Uh, he runs a five k every friday morning listening to our, uh, on the rank budgets. So I his starts up there.

I see that I can't run and listen a podcast at the same time. Really that's all I do. I can't focus my brain is to gram what i'm running .

ah I just throw on like one point five ex uh crypt up by cast that thing I N to do .

internalize that.

Yeah I listened to that. I just listen to the dozen x podcast I just won for a run like a alan arga.

So I waited about this, but I don't listen a podcast anymore. I've figured out how to do just the information with the A I.

I saw this, what that seems really complicated that.

yeah, that turns out there's like way easier ways to do IT. I've made IT difficult for myself, but there is a pocket I want to listen to bid as two hours long, and I didn't have the time. And so I spent way more than two hours actually figure this whole thing out.

But you know, you download the M P three, you use a transcription service, you segregate the speakers and the different speakers, and then you summarize the conversation with the eye. So you don't have to listen to podcast anymore. Podcast are absolute. We are just going to use A I tools somewhere as them and extract markets. great.

I'll take the podcast. I'll take the podcast. I think you just keep the keep one a airport and at all times and just listen to podcast all the time. That's what idea.

Um next up we have river that supports fully company of hs there a bitcoin burker biton financial institution of the U S. They launched a prefer reserve system actually publishing an episode on this imminently um trust sly verifying that the exchange holds the big coin is based on the bit max pref reserve implementation which is the moral approach, not the Z K approach. As a river user, I have I going to test that.

I've verified that my coins were there. I did the proof of reserve. So yeah, I listened the episode. Congrats to alex.

Actually, when we made the investment to river, which I think was twenty eighteen, was twenty eighteen out of our first fund, I told him he that was contingent on him doing a proof reserve. I remember that. I remember later they came through. So very it's really well done.

As soon as I got the email, I did IT immediately.

It's pretty out. IT works. IT works. And what I like about is that is doing an off cycle like proof reserve is the thing that some exchange is formal in two, when there's an exchange hack like enough ax or could jug.

But not a lot of exchanges are just pathetically plotting away at making themselves more credible, insecure all the time. River is one of those exchanges obviously were bias because for investors, but alex says a nack of doing the right thing, not when it's buzzy and exciting but just when is necessary. So this is an example that spot .

on um right other product announcement. So bit go um which is of course the product ecus dia and now plans to launch their own stable coin uh as did revolute. So this is uh, revolute is the european and dial back, uh, they are apparently in later stage developments for their unstable coin. We are about to see just a banana a of stable coin issues come into this market, especially if we get a stable coin bill in the U. S.

I have to say, I mean, I don't think I don't know if there is going to be a long tail stable points. Be honest with I think liquidity network fax really matter. Well, I think .

there's gonna a lot of people trying to win IT. I mean, a IT could be the circle and teller already have the insurance that's possible, but that is not going to stop people from coming after this market. Have beautiful this models.

The prize is very big, so people will try. But if you think about IT, I think stable coins like mutual like money market funds, and there's not that many of those. There's like five big lines .

now there's I mean, there's like twenty that are great businesses though still I mean, even the twenty four largest mutual fund complex still prints money.

Think about bank. So it's like the question is what's what's the stable coronary is to the mutual founders at a bank or is that something else? There's lots of banks setting this five thousand banks and create unions in the U.

S. Yes, they that's the case because they have geographic focuses. They were and they have there, you lend to different types of borrowers and they're based in a certain place and they have some knee.

You know, maybe it's like the whatever they landed to veterans, only stable coins endeared to be this global settled in the week. That's kind of the point of them. So and they want to be listed and never exchange against every of experience.

So I just don't see why there would be like a lot of segmentation there. I think they endeavor to be a nately global. And I think that's why tether has dominated this entire time.

They've seventy percent market share. IT just makes sense to use one common you know liquidity venue as opposed to being super fragmented. That could that .

could very well be the case. Um but I do think you'll see a lot of these um pin tech firms try to compete in that space. I mean, it's just so much profit to be had there. Um yeah but we'll say, hey, interest strates went down today. We didn't even to took us half an hour to get to that, but fifty basis point right .

cut they did. I think the floods panicking, I think if you look at history when the right cuts happen, it's actually not a good sign for markets because IT implies that something terrible happened. That makes sense.

Well, it's almost bit warm. Sand letter earlier this week asking for seventy five and all SHE out was fifty.

So still on the french side, actually vanna owned by paypal. They announce an integration with E N S enabled in crp transactions via using names as post wall adjusts. So that's .

pretty all yeah. And then I mentioned this one earlier, but google cloud they on they launched a theoria compatible uh remote procedure call R P C uh is the short time for that. Um it's a service that allows to centralize applications to easily interact with block change data.

So pretty um pretty exciting stuff. Google has a great cyp to team. They're not very public. But this is definitely service that will be used.

That's true. They are under the right are but very active in building critical products. And lastly, on news, janus Anderson s ensured thread sixty billion dollars of A M. They are partners with some reviews to manage totonac ed treasury funds.

put more and more traffic coming in here.

So would you make you the exploding pager story?

Oh my god, I cannot I cannot believe the level sophistication that that must taken to pull that off. I mean, if we are going to see a movie about this.

i've never heard anything like that in my entire life.

I mean, it's got to be the highest profile other than maybe stuck stuck night when the C I A and israel got into the um into the new range.

Yeah yeah .

but I mean this is probably higher profile, right? I mean, in the the second order effects are going to be crazy because you presuming they would know everywhere that these beepers went. So you've got beepers and different countries attached to .

different people that maybe know where I mean, my own descent is that they did to supply chain attack and just put small amounts of explosives in the pages.

So you don't think they have like A G, P. S. Device in there as well. This OK someone is in turkey, and this just blow up or something.

I think they just had a sense that they are being used exclusively by the hesper kind of higher ups. So the at least met rank ah what's .

is coming out there about people getting blown up that you we're surprising. I would say the .

whole thing is completely in stocks now was a little different because IT was the computer virus that was actually an discriminate. But I had a specific target. So it's kind of benie and and infected like half of all windows Operating systems I think. Yeah, but it's still found the target in the end and exploded the interfusions.

Yeah that was what like X, P or something was like an older version of microsoft. Um but yeah this I feel like we're just scratching the surface on the story .

here IT IT scares me the crypto context because not that that's like should be the main take whatever having that shows the sophistication of state level agents. And what if you rogue state like the north rea infiltrated the leger manufacturing facility and was able to just put a poison pills or whatever in every single new letter device SAT on IT for a year and then collected all the coins. I mean, that's not outside the role of possibility.

I remember talking to the category about this uh when I was first setting up my casa like five years ago, whenever that was um and day at the time were advising to not use all letter or all treasures to right that's .

right hardware what they call IT like the hardware to centralization or something .

yeah and that was kind of a pain because I had a preference at the time. Um but IT really does make you think that yeah ah any device could .

get compromised and muli device hardware, multi sig is the only way to do IT. You can never .

be too careful. I mean, yeah just a wild, wild story. The level of paranoia .

you need to Operate in the crypto industry is just off the charts.

IT is especially .

I was talking to one of our investors recently, an exchange and you know, they knew this, but it's explaining them that the one left tail, there's a fat left tail running a crypt of business. This custodio, which is the business can cease to excess overnight if there's a hack.

And I was just running through dozens and dozens and dozens of saras if how you can be hacked and explaining they are the best, most sophisticated hackers in the world, they're up against deal, you know. And IT doesn't matter if you only way to sees a seed round or whatever, like you're still up against these guys and they're actually going to come for you and your most vulnerable. So it's very symmetric gender me that that reminds me of um speaking of .

like attacking when are the most vulnerable all hub like the F T X tack I don't think we ever got to the bottom of who actually hacked F T X right as they were declaring yeah what do we .

know was that in an inside job? But I never came out.

I mean, I was never in any other charging document said that wasn't inside job or anything like that.

So maybe IT, since alumni book, he rode a book.

right? Oh, did you read book? Yeah.

I think he had a tell all book that he wrote.

I don't think so. I mean, he isn't he just about to go away? No.

he wrote a, but he has been published.


I would read that. Yeah, i've been curious, very excited the story.

I feel like he probably has a lot of things to get off of his trust. amen. There's I don't know. I can't think you might have the right under that deal.

Agree, justice first along .

my all right. Well, I think that's IT for the week. I'll let you get off to your key out here. Goodall.

the outcry. Pt, dollar zone. Here I come. You know, I left. I had a bit of a dilma yesterday. I left my suit jacket, all my blazer, or as a miami, I forgot.

I know there is something going to forgot that was that the saying myself, can I just do a keino in a button down? And yeah, most crypt or brows would say, yeah, like, you know, they do their key noted flip flops and t shirts. But I just think that we have to have a little bit of a higher standard and industry, you know.

And i've never not delivered to talk wearing a blazer or suit. So anyway, I want, I precured one. I went to the chinese flee market here in singapore, in my neighborhood, and I was able to do IT.

Oh, that's great. High quality. I might have to send you my measures. Honestly.

I don't know. I don't know if it's high quality or not. I don't know what I paid for IT if some number. I don't know what the exchange rate is, but i'm going the extra mile is what i'm saying.

I mean, you're the guy that used to wear a suit and a tie to work on just a regular day.

Well, you know back in the day, people everyone would do that. So i'm just you know I belong to a later A I don't know to say too right well .

good luck with the key. No um we will get this one out and we'll see everybody back on monday for another opposite de safe and heavy weekend.