cover of episode Road Ecology (ROAD KILL) with Ben Goldfarb

Road Ecology (ROAD KILL) with Ben Goldfarb

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Ologies with Alie Ward

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Ben Goldfarb
Ben Goldfarb: 本书作者详细讲述了自己研究路杀的历程,从在蒙大拿州目睹野生动物穿越设施的启发,到深入研究路杀对不同物种的影响,以及人类在减少路杀方面所做的努力。他探讨了路杀对人类和野生动物的双重影响,指出道路生态学最初关注的是人类安全,特别是由于鹿与车辆碰撞造成的风险,后来才逐渐关注到对野生动物的影响。他分析了鹿群数量激增的原因,包括狼和美洲狮等捕食者的减少以及郊区的发展,并指出汽车文化与郊区的发展密切相关,从而导致了人与鹿之间碰撞的增加。他还讨论了路杀对不同物种的影响,例如鹿、美洲狮、ocelot、两栖动物等,并指出路杀对稀有物种构成了严重的威胁。在解决方案方面,他探讨了建设野生动物穿越设施、安装动物探测系统、降低限速、以及恢复自然捕食者等多种方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点。他还分享了自己在塔斯马尼亚州和巴西等地的研究经历,以及当地社区为减少路杀所做的努力。此外,他还讨论了食用路杀动物的安全性、以及如何处理路杀动物尸体等问题。 Allie Ward: Allie Ward作为访谈者,引导Ben Goldfarb深入探讨了路杀问题,从路杀研究的起源和发展,到路杀对不同物种的影响,以及各种减缓路杀的措施。她提出了许多发人深省的问题,例如路杀对人类和野生动物的双重影响、不同物种对路杀的易感性、以及各种减缓路杀措施的有效性等。她还分享了自己与路杀相关的个人经历,并与Ben Goldfarb一起探讨了人们对路杀的常见误解和一些未被充分重视的方面。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Deer in headlights! Alligators in crosswalks! A possum in the oven? If you love wildlife, this is a must-listen to avoid killing critters with your car. Ben Goldfarb wrote the book on road kill and we chat about: wildlife crossings, skunk smells, moose impacts, ocelot facts, what to do if you see roadkill, how to avoid making more of it, and whether it's okay to pick up a dead thing. Ben is an award-winning science journalist with a Masters in Environmental Management from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and I’ve waited LITERAL YEARS to talk to him about this topic as he wrote his latest book: “Crossings: How Road Ecology Is Shaping the Future of Our Planet.” Also: flip phones, sleep hygiene, and how to ask your boss for a raise. 

Visit Ben Goldfarb’s website) and follow him on Twitter) and Instagram)

Shop Ben’s book, Crossings: How Road Ecology Is Shaping the Future of Our Planet (2023)), and his award-winning first read, Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter (2019))

A donation went to Wildlands Network)

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Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes)

Other episodes you may enjoy: P-22: The Life & Death of an L.A. Cougar), Cervidology (DEER)), Lupinology (WOLVES)), Testudinology (TORTOISES)), Opossumology (O/POSSUMS)), Neuropathology (CONCUSSIONS)), Gustology (TASTE),) Scuridiology (SQUIRRELS)), Acarology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE)), Bisonology (BUFFALO)), Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE FOODS))

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Editing: Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions)

Managing Director: Susan Hale

Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

Transcripts: Emily White of The Wordary)

Website: Kelly R. Dwyer)

Theme song: Nick Thorburn