cover of episode Oikology (DECLUTTERING) Encore with Jamie & Filip Hord + Joe Ferrari

Oikology (DECLUTTERING) Encore with Jamie & Filip Hord + Joe Ferrari

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Ologies with Alie Ward

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Allie Ward
Dr. Joseph Ferrari
Filip Hord
Jamie Hord
Jamie Hord:从小就是一个井然有序的人,成为专业整理师后,她学习到不仅要了解自己的整理方法,还要根据每个客户的需求调整方法。Horderly 公司有一套11步的整理流程,第一步是与客户沟通并确定优先整理的区域,然后进行物品的全面清理和分类,最后进行编辑,决定哪些物品需要保留、捐赠或丢弃。处理物品的情感依恋需要深入了解客户与物品之间的联系,并帮助他们克服对物品的负面情感。标签机有助于保持整理后的空间整洁,即使是独自居住的人也应该给物品贴上标签,方便查找和归位。专业整理师的服务通常需要至少6个小时,因为这套流程需要时间才能完成,且目标是帮助客户建立长期有效的整理习惯,而非一次性的整理服务。对于有心理障碍(如抑郁症、ADHD或焦虑症)的人来说,寻求专业人士的帮助可以提供专注力和责任感,建立合适的系统比坚持系统更重要。 Filip Hord:以前比较凌乱,但通过与 Jamie 的相处和学习,他现在也变得井然有序,这证明整理收纳是可以学习的技能。 Dr. Joseph Ferrari:男性也存在杂物问题,只是他们可能不会像女性那样认为这是问题,而是将其视为“我的东西”。女性更倾向于寻求专业帮助来解决杂物问题。杂物与生活满意度呈负相关关系,犹豫不决和对物品的情感依恋是导致杂物的主要原因。囤积症和杂物不同,囤积症是一种心理疾病,而杂物目前并非如此。“怦然心动”整理法中“心动”的含义可能被误解了,研究表明触摸物品会增加对其的依恋,而“心动”更应理解为“快乐”,而非更深层次的“喜悦”。美国人杂物多的问题不在于物品过多,而在于对物品的依恋,以及不知道如何处理这些物品。 Allie Ward:整理收纳的关键在于及时收纳,避免物品堆积,并逐步将物品移至其应存放的位置。整洁的空间能让人感觉清爽,因为杂乱的空间会让人感觉身心俱疲,而整洁的空间则能带来身心上的放松和愉悦。整理收纳的第一步是确定优先整理的区域,从小处着手,例如厨房的抽屉,循序渐进地进行整理。送礼物时,应考虑避免增加收礼人的杂物负担,可以考虑送体验式礼物或附上礼品收据,让收礼人自行决定是否保留礼物。处理衣物时,应像处理生鲜食品一样及时处理,避免堆积。书架的整理方式因人而异,可以按字母顺序、主题或颜色排列。专业整理师最喜欢看到客户对整理后空间的反应,这是一种成就感和满足感。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Why does clutter happen? How can we get rid of it and how will it affect us psychologically if we do? Buckle up for an encore that will lift your spirits and quite possibly change your life. We all have unfolded piles of laundry, that closet we don’t want to open, a tornado of papers on our desk that seems impossible to sort through. Enter: Oikology, the science of keeping things contained. Alie hunted down world-famous professional organizers, Jamie & Filip Hord of Horderly to chat about -- FIRST OFF-- their name, plus gender and messes, when to call in a pro to help, the step-by-step process to tackle the entropy in your home and life, what do do about gifts you don’t want, what tools you might need, the KonMari method, how to overcome the emotional attachment to objects, and why decluttering becomes addictive. We also called in the big guns, research psychologist Dr. Joe Ferrari of DePaul university, to share his research on clutter, its psychological causes and effects, if the “spark joy” method works for everyone, when to call a professional organizer and how many pants is too many pants. Also: dispatches from my own front lines. This episode already changed my own life… and closet.

Visit Jamie and Filip Hord’s website) and follow them on Instagram), X). and YouTube)

Listen to Dr. Ferrari in the Volitional Psychology (PROCRASTINATION)) episode and check out his book: Still Procrastinating?)

Donations went to Dress for Success) and the Institute for Challenging Disorganization)

More episode sources & links)

Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes)

Other episodes you may enjoy: Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD) Part 1) & Part 2), LIFE ADVICE), Volitional Psychology (PROCRASTINATION)), Eudemonology (HAPPINESS)), Discard Anthropology (GARBAGE)), Disinfectology (BLEACH))

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Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions), Jarrett Sleeper) of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris)

Managing Director: Susan Hale

Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

Transcripts by Aveline Malek and The Wordary

Website by Kelly R. Dwyer)

Theme song by Nick Thorburn