The Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast is aimed at Multifamily Real Estate Investors both new
In the last 24 months, Bethany and Gregor Ulteig have invested in 16 apartment transactions as equit
Property taxes, on apartments, is a huge expense. You need an advocate to help you lower that cost.
For years, Kevin Chalmers & Chase Maupin, were team members at the same hi-tech company. Now, they a
Alan Stewart has been investing in apartments for several years. First, as a passive investor, then
What is crowdfunding? Elizabeth Braman with Realty Mogul discusses the benefits of using crowdfundin
Rupa Keskar buys apartments in secondary markets because she found the primary markets (Dallas, Aust
Investing in self storage properties could be an alternative to multifamily. The two different asset
Will Jarnagin & Michael Ware are with Berkadia in Dallas. We sit down and visit with these two top p
The Old Capital Lending team sits down and discusses what’s working and what’s not working in commer
‘Fightin’ Freddie Mac versus Fannie ‘The Legend’ Mae. These two lenders are fighting for your busine
Will Crozier is very inspiring. He buys large value-added apartments and turns them around and also
Meredith & Brian Sifford began investing in real estate about 3 years ago. This husband and wife tea
Pradeep Mistry transitioned from HI TECH to LOW TECH. After 30+ years in the high technology busines
Talk about stress. You found the right deal, you’re under contract with $100,000 nonrefundable earne
Dante Andrade just purchased his first apartment building in Arlington, Texas. He explains his journ
Hiring the right property manger can make you or break you. Brett Zaitoon owns a third-party propert
Meet John the Community Banker. What is a Community Bank? It is a locally based Bank that lends almo
Apartment owner, Tom Lafferty's full time job is a Captain in the fire department. On the podcast, T
JC Castillo lives in San Jose, California and buys apartments in the Dallas area. He started his acq
Rowan Properties sell apartments in Texas. Mike Burch and his team have been advising apartment buye