Get exclusive first details on next week's PSN game lineup from the staff of the official PlayStatio
The braaaains behind The Walking Dead: Episode Two - Director Dennis Lenart and Lead Cinematic Artis
Dead Space 3 Level Designer Warren Price talks about designing for frights, co-op, and how he landed
A homecoming all around! We're home from E3, Nick is home from his African sojourn, you're home from
The Blogcast team reflects on their favorite games and moments from E3 2012 with special guests Seth
E3 2012 is days away and the pressure is on! Gary Steinman from Games Radar lays out his case for hi
PS Vita's in the spotlight this week when Sanzaru Games stops by to talk Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
A late-breaking interview with the creative director and game director of Naughty Dog's survival opu
Live (sort of) from Toronto! Sound Shapes' Jonathan Mak shares his origin story, first details on Li
Lead Designer Mark Simon spills his guts on God of War: Ascension's new multiplayer mode while Treya
PHWOAH. Lead Combat Designer Paul Edwards dissects PS3 brawler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale,
Capcom's Seth Killian is back to give us the latest on SF X Tekken Vita, Resident Evil 6 and more, w
Jeff and Nick hold down the fort while Sid gets hot new deets on Starhawk's single-player from Dylan
With the gang hopped up on maple syrup and no guest to pull us back from the brink, we descend into
Assassin's Creed III is finally out of the bag, and we've got Creative Director Alex Hutchinson to a
Best pun ever! Legendary designer Warren Spector (Deus Ex, System Shock) talks Epic Mickey: The Powe
Last week's GDC special was so packed with radness (go listen!) that it spilled over to this week: W
Game Developers Conference is upon us! We talk with Quantic Dream director David Cage for "Kara," Sh
Capcom's Seth Killian stops by to spinning bird kick some Street Fighter X Tekken knowledge on us, w
A crazy #13! Tons of Vita launch goodness including chats with final boss Jack Tretton and the devel
With PS Vita's launch looming large we answer a host of user questions, throw out every tip and tric