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I'm Jenna Fisher. And I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on The Office together, and we're best friends. And now we're doing the ultimate office lovers podcast just for you. Each week, we will dive deeper into the world of The Office with exclusive interviews, behind the scenes details, and lots of BFF stories. We're the Office Lady 6.0. Hello, everyone. Hi there. What are we doing today? We're
We're breaking down another Peacock superfan episode today. That's right. It's season two, episode four, written by BJ Novak, directed by Ken Kwapis. It's the fire. Angela, I understand you spoke to Ken Kwapis a little about this episode. I did. I just want you all to know that if you need to call someone who instantly makes you feel like everything in the world's going to be okay, it's Ken Kwapis. This is so true. His voice just immediately, it's like a hug.
Yes, he's like a giant walking worm hug. Well, everyone, we skipped this episode when we did our second drinks and the Peacock Superfan episode has about 10 minutes of added material.
And we know this is a fan favorite episode. And, you know, Dave Rogers' interview got me really excited about these Peacock superfan episodes. I had not watched them before we watched the Hot Girl superfan and then talking to Dave.
I was like, OK, I'm in. Well, you know, you just hear the care that he's really putting into them. And so I'm excited to see his work. Same. And there are also a lot of things that we did not cover the first time we broke this down. I'm noticing as we're going through these with our second drinks that our breakdowns are very, very good. But for example, around this time, I didn't have any Kentopedia facts.
I know. So this time I reached out to Kent Zbornak and he gave me a few good tidbits from the production side of things. Well, you know, in the early days of the podcast, we were still figuring out what is this podcast? How do we share this information? And I think we got better at just researching and digging and finding new information as we went. I agree. Yeah.
But before we break down this episode, we've got some Top of Show shares for you. Yeah. And my Top of Show share is a belated thank you.
We have received just some of the loveliest things from you all. So much mail. So much mail. You guys, I mean, on a personal note, your cards to me after the announcement of my breast cancer diagnosis have absolutely meant the world to me. I mean, just the kindness, the care, the specificity. I just appreciated everything.
all of it. Yeah. And also in going through our mail, there are some items that just really have stood out to us that we have used in our new workspace. Yes. You all are making our workspace feel so warm and more personal. Yeah. I wanted to share about two things and we're going to do this more often. Yes.
Because we are finally having the opportunity to go through this mail. It's so moving. It's like what Jenna said. It's the care that you're putting into what you send us. Yes. So here are the two things I wanted to shout out today. First of all...
Caitlin made these beautiful stained glass pieces for us. So pretty. She made a loaf of bread for me. She made a hummingbird for Angela. But then she made us one that is an office theme with a teapot and a beet and a stapler and jello in stained glass, everybody. We have hung them on the windows in the office. Yes. And the light comes through them and they reflect all this beautiful light. And it's, I can't believe it.
I can't believe. How do you even make that? I don't know. I don't know. But beautiful, beautiful. And then we also got just the sweetest hand-stitched tea towel, you know, that you would like wipe your hands on after you wash your hands. A kitchen towel. Right. Stitched with office ladies. It reminds me of the kind of gifts like my aunt would do. Like she would make little things like that for us.
Well, it is from Harper and Angela. Here is her letter. First of all, here's how she addressed her letter with her tea towel, which we have put in our kitchen here, by the way. It says, Jenna and Angela, Pam and Angela, Lady and Lady, Beasley and Martin, Ding Dong and Booster Seat, Debutante and Voodoo Mama Juju, Pammy and Monkey, the Office Ladies. Wow.
That's awesome. So thorough. This is like our Game of Thrones title. Like, first of her name. Yes. Yeah. I love it.
Here is what Harper said, a little about me. For the last six and a half years, I have been living and serving at an orphanage in Guatemala, being supported by friends, family, and my church in Florida. It's been an experience I cannot put into words. I'm just so grateful to be a small part of a ministry changing lives for a few kids here in Guatemala.
As a fundraiser, I hand design, draw, and stitch these custom towels for anyone who would want to support mission work. I wanted to send one to some of my favorite ladies as a gift to you both. Harper went on to say, I was born with a rare skin condition. For reference, I often compare myself to a chocolate chip cookie. I'm covered head to toe in large freckles.
This condition led to a lot of bullying, name-calling, and made me feel very lonely throughout most of my life. The office was one of those things I could hold on to tight to bring me joy during those moments I had a heavy backpack in middle school, high school, and my early adult life. Thank you, Angela, Jenna, and the entire office cast and crew for impacting at least one life. I'm sure I'm not alone.
And then Harper said, P.S., I've binged season one and two while stitching this towel, and I can remember Angela deep diving a certain museum in Iceland while I was working on the design. Yep. Yep.
We have to go, Jenna. We have to go. Harper, thank you so much. Yes. Immediately when I opened your package, I could really see the love and care that went into the stitching. And it's beautiful. And we thank you so much. And thank you, Caitlin, as well. Yes. Hearing from you all, it's really just such a bright spot in our lives, reading your stories. And we just thank you.
Well, you know, my top of show share was inspired by this episode. It's one of the main storylines. It's when Jim is trying to get all the Dunder Mifflin employees to play games while they wait in the parking lot. Yes. They're bored. He's entertaining everyone. Well, my friend Betsy, as a gift, gave me a game called All About the Office.
And it's an office trivia game. And I thought for sure I would just be like a pro at it. But I'm not so sure. It's divided into categories like seasons one through three, seasons four through six. And I thought if you guys are up for it throughout this episode, we could play this quiz game. I love this. You told me this idea and I promptly went out and bought us
buzzers everybody and not just buzzers though you have to tell them what makes them special each buzzer makes a different sound so our listeners will really know who came in first with the buzz so wait should we each pick our buzzer sound yes sam and cassie should go first well they're different colors and they all make a different sound so uh what color do you guys want
You have a choice of orange, green, blue, or purple. I want pink. I want purple. Okay. This is your sound then, Sam. Okay. Cassie? I'll take green. Green, you are this. Ange, what do you want? I'll go blue. Okay. That's you. Okay. And that leaves me with orange, which is ding dong. Here's the thing, you guys. With the trivia cards, the answer is listed right below the question. So I think we each have to take turns. Okay.
being the person that asked the question for it to be fair. Does that make sense? Yeah. So why don't we do four rounds? We can spread it out throughout the episode. And why don't you be the asker first? Okay. I will be the asker. Do you have your buzzers ready? Yes. Buzzers ready. I'm going to ask four questions from the teapot category, which is seasons one through three. Okay. Teapot category. Okay.
Well, hey, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to All About the Office, the ultimate trivia game. Are you ready? Yes, I have my buzzer. Question number one. In the women's appreciation episode, who was flashed in the office parking lot? Jenna, I heard ding dong first. Phyllis. That is correct. One point for me. One point for Jenna. Okay. In the business school episode, Dwight caught a bat by trapping it in a bag on whose head? Whoa.
Cassie, I heard yours first. Meredith. 1.4, Cassie. That is correct. Oh, this is the fire. Okay. Okay. In the fire episode, what three books did Angela say she would bring on a desert island? She would bring the Bible. She would bring the Da Vinci Code so she can burn the Da Vinci Code. And she would bring... I just watched that.
- So she would bring a purpose driven life. - Yes. - Yes. - All right. Two points Jenna. - Very nice. - All right. Let's see. - Last question for this round. It's two for Jenna, one for Cassie.
You can do it, Sam. Here we go. Here we go. In the Hot Girl episode, what product did the vendor Katie want to sell in the conference room? Sam? Nope, that was Cassie. Oh, Cassie. Luxury bags. Handbags. Will we allow it? We allow it. We allow it. All right. Very good.
Current score is Jenna 2, Cassie 2, me and Sam 0. Well, you didn't get a chance to answer, Ange. I will ask the next round. Okay, great. This is fun. Well, let's take a break because when we come back, we're going to dive into this super fan episode. Okay, let's say you just realized your business needs to hire someone, but you needed to hire them yesterday. How can you find amazing candidates fast? Easy. Just use Indeed.
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It's Katie. Yeah. And Jim shares they've been out a few times, you know, that she makes him laugh and he thinks she's cute. And then Pam says to Jim, you know, you can just give her your extension. Yeah. She's like, I don't want to talk to that bitch anymore. Fan theory that we did not discuss the first time. There's a lot of chatter of people thinking that maybe Jim purposely said
wanted Katie to call him at work through Pam? To make Pam jealous? Maybe. Well, when I was looking at the shooting draft, there was a little bit of like a topper to this scene before the phone rings at reception where Jim was going to be on the phone with Katie at his desk. On his cell phone? On his cell phone. And he would say, oh, my battery's dying. Call me back at work.
And then she calls reception. That got clipped off. So that would explain why she's not calling his cell phone. Yeah.
But is he intentionally doing it? Right. Is he pretending like his cell phone is dying? Because I don't think so. I don't think he's pretending. I think if anyone in this episode does something a little bit manipulative out of jealousy, it's Pam at the end. We'll get to it. We'll get to it. Well, now the show starts with a scene with Ryan in Michael's office. And basically what we find out is that Ryan needs an evaluation. He's got like this form that
And Michael is not taking it seriously at all. It's for the temp agency, you know, to see how Ryan's doing in his position. Yeah.
Michael says, Howard slash Ryan. Ryan Howard is sitting in my office and he has been a temp here for a couple of months and he's kind of gotten the lay of the land a little bit, had a few laughs along the way, and now he wants to know what I think. And Ryan says, the temp agency wants to know what you think. And Michael goes, shall we? Let us proceed. First up, proficiency and necessary skills. And Michael goes, excellent, and then starts laughing.
So the scene ends there in the original broadcast. But in the superfan episode, it continues. And Jenna, there's a little bit of Michael mangling phrases for you to add to your list. Ooh! Let's hear it. Thank you. Oh. Bad. I saw the sweat beating. Okay, let's get serious. Work ethic. Not...
Too shabby. Not too shabby. It's excellent, satisfactory, needs improvement, or not applicable. Or not too shabby. That's right. Well, there's actually a separate place for comments. I know, I know. Okay. At the bottom. It was fine. Thank you. Excellent. Social integration. That's not applicable. Wow. Social interaction? Probably. Social integration? Integration.
Not whatever Michael said. He also says applicable. Yes. Not applicable. And poor Ryan, he wants to just keep writing his own box that says not too shabby. Oh, my gosh.
As part of this interview, Michael's going to ask Ryan what he wants to be doing in five years. Yeah. And Ryan is going to reveal, oh, I want to have my own company one day. I want to own my own company. Yeah. And Michael is like, don't be ridiculous. Yeah. Ryan is like, I'm serious. I'm going to business school. I want to do this.
And for whatever reason, Michael now is going to decide that he is going to mentor Ryan. He's going to mentor him to success. Yeah. That is his new goal in life. Yeah. You know, Michael sort of says, I'm kind of like a combo of Mr. Miyagi and Yoda. And then Michael does his impression of Yoda. And we did not discuss this last time. And I think it's a decent impression. And I think we should hear it. Okay. Okay.
Rolled into one. Much advice, you seek. That's pretty good. Much advice, you seek. So this was in the original episode, this impression of Yoda. But in this rewatch of it, now that we've watched the whole series, it is really taking on a new meaning for me because Yoda voice is such a miss in bonding with Ryan. But later, it is the thing that will lead to love with Holly. Holly!
So he's had this Yoda voice for all these years and he just needed the person who appreciated it. Yes. Me and Holly. Yes. Well, in honor of Michael's Yoda voice, I should have told you guys that there is a prize for our quiz.
Oh, yeah. And guess what? It's like, you know, when like the bag is also a gift. So not only what's inside is a gift, but also the thing holding the gift is a gift. So humble. Yeah. Your favorite. One of my favorite things. Like I like the basket as much as what's in the basket. Yes. Well, in honor of Michael's Yoda. Oh, my gosh.
It's a Star Wars bag. And what is in it? We don't know. It's a surprise. Or should I say, surprise you, I shall. Well, when we broke down this episode the first time, we were very fixated on the green magic eight ball on Michael's desk, Angela. I know. We wondered, what is it? Where can you get it?
Well, I went back to your amazing Instagram post for the fire and I looked through all the comments and feedback from fans. Did people know? Yes. Yes. Dusty R.
He and EddieDel14 all commented that the Magic 8 Ball is called the Financial Advisor. Oh. The Financial Advisor Magic 8 Ball has hot tips to put you on the road to financial success. Hot tips. Mm-hmm.
Stocks, bonds, commodities, mutual funds, SEP IRAs. Confusing? With the financial advisor, sound financial device is always at your fingertips and it is the answer to all your money troubles. Doesn't it make so much sense? Like later, we're going to find out that Michael was going to go to business school, but he lost all his money in a pyramid scheme.
Isn't this exactly the person who would get financial advice from a green financial advisor ball? Yes. Yeah, that tracks. Well, while I was Googling green magic eight ball, I found a green magic eight ball necklace. It is this yellow gold orb on a chain. Okay. And it looks like a magic eight ball.
It is set with diamonds and green enamel, and it is available for $26,800. What? Yeah. It's pre-order only, though, and it takes about two to three months to be made. It also comes in purple or white. The white one is only $22,480. There you go. So if you are a person who...
Really? Has more money than you know what to do with. And you want to buy a magic eight ball necklace. We'll put a link in stories. Well, there is a second part to this moment of Yoda where Michael does his impression and he says to Ryan, do you know who that is? And Ryan says Fozzie Bear.
Now we have a Michael talking head that's only in the superfan episode. It's not in the original where Michael says, Fozzie Bear? Who could Fozzie Bear possibly mentor? Gonzo? Animal? Rolf? Oh, Ryan has a lot to learn. I was really curious about this talking head. So I found some candy bag alts for these Michael talking heads where he wants to mentor Ryan. And I want to read you one because it is so funny.
Do you know how much I would have killed to be sitting across from someone like me? The ironic thing is that he envies me. Ryan envies me because I know much more than he does. But I envy Ryan because I know what he's about to know. And it's awesome. Freaking awesome. I envy Ryan because I wish I had the chance to learn what I already know for the first time. I love that talking head.
Well, now we're going to have two little slice of life moments that were added to the super fan episode. They're very quiet. They are wonderful. I loved seeing them added back in. The first one is Jim going over to, I couldn't tell, the shredder, some sort of filing something by Pam's reception desk.
And he looks over her shoulder and sees the weather report. Yeah, it says 70s and clear. And he goes, that's nice. Where is it? Yeah, and Pam's like, that's here. He's like, hmm.
But Pam is not engaging him the way she normally would. Like normally we know that that little thing would lead to some flirty banter. Yeah. But Pam's got a wall up. Yep. Since the Katie phone call. And then we go over to accounting and Kevin is just he's counting out loud. He starts with the number 63. That's where we pick up.
And when he gets to 69, he just giggles. He can't help himself. He can't. And it literally is the bane of Angela's existence. And you just see her scowling at him. But that's it. And I loved these. They don't really further the plot.
But they're the little office slice of life that we had to cut out when we could only make a 21-minute episode, but that the super fan gets to breathe and enjoy. So I loved those. Me too. Well, now Michael is going to outline the 10 rules of business for Ryan.
And he can only come up with one on the spot. Why does he do this to himself? He's made this big statement that he's going to share this wisdom with Ryan. And then he stresses out the rest of the day because he can only think of one. Then he says, you know what, Ryan, I'll tell you the rest after lunch. Yes. Well, the one piece of advice he has so far is you have to play to win, but you have to win to play. Yeah.
Chew on that. Chew on that. You have to win to play? I know. How's that work?
Now we're going to have a Dwight talking head. And we should mention that this whole time, Dwight has been clocking all of this attention that Michael is giving Ryan. Oh, yeah. And he is getting jealous. He's really bummed out. He's wanted to be evaluated by Michael for years. Yes. And he says his relationship with Michael is special. It's like Batman and Robin, the Lone Ranger and Tonto. It's not like there was some third guy named Bonto. Right. This third guy, this third wheel is...
really a thorn in his side i know so dwight is going to approach ryan in the kitchen and try to bond with him he is and this is where i would like to give dwight a dundee for crappiest at small talk i really think we should hear it how's it going man what's up oh nothing much what's up with you uh i'm good thanks good good i'm good too how's it cracking uh fine
What's up? You know what you would love? Guns N' Roses. When I was your age, I loved Guns N' Roses. Do you like Guns N' Roses? I'll make you a tape. I'll make you two tapes. I don't want a tape player. Someday, Tim. I've got a couple of shirts that don't fit so well anymore. I'll bring them by. Okay. Okay. I have to give people a visual to go along with this because this is a super fan scene. And the way Rain as Dwight is standing is amazing.
so amazing. He's kind of cornered Ryan up against the kitchen counter. Yeah, like Ryan has some business at the counter, but then Dwight's like looming behind him. He's really in his personal space. He's close talking. Like Ryan can only turn around and then he can't turn back around because his space has been made so small for this conversation. That's
That was my favorite part of the scene was just the spatial relationship between these two actors and the way you can just see Ryan kind of dying a slow death inside during this conversation. My favorite part of it was also the pat on the back at the end. He's like, I have old shirts. I'll bring you some. And then he's like, he does this pat, but sort of like hesitantly like pat, pat, pat, pat. Like so awkward. So awkward.
So now we go back to Michael's office. Dwight is in there with him because Michael has to come up with all these 10 rules. So he's asked Dwight to help him. Yeah. And Dwight is like, yeah, let's do it. Except that Dwight's version are always like a bit too much.
Well, here are the two rules we get out of this think tank. Here are your gems. Rule three. By the way, we've skipped rule two. Rule three is reach for the stars. If you fail, see rule four. And rule four is failure is not an option. That's all we have. And then Dwight's like, and then at the end, you will reveal that they were all one rule. And Michael's like, no, Dwight, I'm not trying to trick him. I actually want to give him helpful information. Yes.
And then Dwight is like, maybe you need to ask for an extension. That really made me laugh. Michael's like, I'm not going to ask him for an extension unless I really need it. That really made me laugh. Just the thought of going to the temp and saying, can I get an extension on my rules of business for you?
And then in the superfan episode, there is a new Dwight talking head. And you can just tell he is just not happy about Ryan. He says, you know, Michael and I have a special connection, kind of like an umbilical cord. And he really doesn't want to see Ryan get tripped up in the umbilical cord or maybe with it caught around his neck. Well, now...
The fire alarm goes off. Angela and Dwight go into action. We talked about this last time. Jenna, when we first broke down this episode, you asked me if I had improvised anything during the scene. And I was pretty sure I had improvised arms at your side because that's such a ridiculous thing to say. But we didn't have the shooting draft, so I couldn't double check that. Well, now we do. And I was able to go and check it. And I did. I improvised arms at your side and your safety partner. Those were my big improv moments in this scene.
During the evacuation, Michael is going to push ahead of everyone and flee very quickly. He's the first one out the door. Well, he's the captain of the ship. Yes, he has a talking head where he explains why he needed to be the first one out. And I think we should hear it. Yes, I was the first one out. A captain is always the first one on the ship and the last one off the ship. And
This parking lot is our ship when the building is on fire. So I ran out onto the ship. And yes, I've heard women and children first, but we do not employ children. We are not a sweatshop, thankfully. And women are equal in the workplace by law. So I let them out first. I have a lawsuit on my hands.
Okay, Ange? Yeah? This moment made me think of this movie called Force Majeure. Have you seen it? Cassie, Sam, have you seen Force Majeure? I have not. No, haven't seen it. No, haven't heard of it. Okay, very excited to highly recommend. This is a movie that was written and directed by Ruben Ostlund. It is about a family. Okay. It's a foreign film. It's in French and Swedish and English. This family is skiing in the French Alps, and...
They're at lunch. They're kind of on the patio at their ski resort when all of a sudden you hear this big boom on the mountain sort of nearby. Avalanche? Avalanche. You see the snow coming down the hill and it's coming toward this outdoor patio that they're seated at. The dad gets up and flees. He's Michael. He runs.
indoors to safety. The mom only has time to like throw her body over her two kids. They get covered in snow. It's terrifying. Everyone is fine. No one gets hurt. But she's like, you left us. Yes. The whole rest of the movie is just the aftermath of
that this woman is realizing that her husband and partner fled during an emergency. It is amazing. It was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Golden Globes. They did an American remake with Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus called Downhill. We actually talked with Will about filming his version. Downhill is more comedic than the original.
But this is one of my favorite movies. It is riveting. It is riveting. Isn't that such a good in for a story? Yeah.
Like the dad is just like going on as it's like they're not talking about what happened that evening. They have some friends come over. They have a bunch of wine. And then the woman drunkenly tells the story. She's like, I've got a story for you. And everyone is like, what the hell? It all unravels. It's delicious. Everyone, please enjoy force majeure. But that's what that talking head made me think of.
Yes, because he's out of there. He's out of there. Well, now everyone has exited the building and the rest of this episode is going to be in the parking lot.
Michael is going to continue to mentor Ryan and he's got his next rule of business. Yes. He's not sure Ryan's listening to him. And BJ has the best line read ever. He's like, are you listening to me, Ryan? What did I say? What did I say? And BJ, as Ryan says, yeah, I got it. Adapt, react, readapt, apt. Apt. I'm not sure what that is. But that is actually rule number two. So we're back to rule two now. Mm-hmm.
Dwight is going to run out of the building. He's demanding a head count. He comes up to Michael and Ryan. He's like, Michael, you're number one. He will not let Ryan be number two. And then Dwight says something else, but I want us to hear it. Let's listen.
So what was rule two? Adapt, react, readapt, apt. Okay, well let's just kind of take it a little slower. Hey, Michael, Ryan needs a number for the count off. Okay, well one is taken. Okay, two? No! Okay, sorry. Okay, he can have 14. Marjorie's not here today. Marjorie is not here? Who the hell is Marjorie? Who the hell is Marjorie? I wondered if this was an improv, but it's not. It's in the script. Oh, yeah.
Is Marjorie the name we gave to Luann, our stand-in, our female stand-in that we had for all of season one? And I don't know if she was even there for season two. Is that who Marjorie is? Because she was, in fact, not in the parking lot. But Devin is in the parking lot. Creed is in the parking lot. And we're not going to really learn who Devin and Creed are until the Halloween episode.
So I'm pretty sure we called Luann Luann. I thought we called Luann Luann as well. But who is Marjorie? Who's Marjorie? Where did she work? I don't know. Well, now Dwight is going to say maybe him and Michael and Ryan are like the three musketeers. And Michael's like, are the three stooges. And this is my favorite Ryan talking head. I just love it. I thought BJ was so good in this episode.
He says, I don't want to be like a guy here. You know, like Stanley is the crossword puzzle guy and Angela has cats. I don't want to have a thing here. You know, I don't want to be the something guy. That's how little he wants to attach to this place. Please do not give me a nickname. Do not try to be my buddy. I am not going to be here long. He does not want an identity here. Nope.
Well, now Jim is going to gather everyone for a very important announcement. This is when he suggests that we play some games. Desert Island, Who Would You Do? And Pam's suggestion of Would You Rather that we never get to. Well, I think that is a perfect time to have our second round of office trivia. All right. Get your buzzers ready. Hand me the cards.
You're asking the teapot questions, Jenna. Am I? Maybe I am. What? I'm doing whatever I want because I'm the questioner. I thought that was what we agreed to is seasons one through three. No, you said that. Thank you, Sam. What the hell? Is this what playing games is like with you guys? You just change the rules as you go? So,
So these cards are really cute, by the way. So there's the teapot questions, the world's best boss mug questions, the pretzels, the beets, and then the fun orb. The multicolored ball that expands and goes back down. That was on Michael's desk. I actually think it would be fun if we did a different category each round. So I'm going to ask from the world's best boss questions. Okay. These are, I guess, later seasons, seasons four and five. Okay. Ready? Mm-hmm. Yep.
In the money episode, what is Michael's second job? Angela. He works at a telemarketing company. Yes. All right. In the chair model episode, who did Pam set Michael up with? Her landlord or landlady? Yes, her landlady. Do you know her name? Bonus point if you know her name. Angela. Diane. Nope. Anyone? No.
Susan? It's just a guess in the dark. Margaret. Oh, Margaret. That's all right. You still get a point, Sam. Okay. All right. In the Survivor Man episode, what bad idea did Jim have to celebrate birthday month? Angela? That they all combine all their birthdays. Into one party. Yeah. It's Angela. Yes. Very good. Final question. In the business trip episode, what was the name of the concierge Michael hooked up with in Canada?
Oh, shoot. Played by Wendy. Oh, Marie. Marie is in. Cassie, you are on the board with three. You are leading. I have two points. You have two points. I have two points. Sam, you have one. All right. Very, very good, everyone. Nice round. Yeah, it was a good round. You're changing the rules, but okay. I guess that's how it goes.
Well, now the fire truck is going to arrive. I don't think anyone's more excited than Dwight. He like fist pumps in the air. He's very excited. In our original breakdown, we had reached out to costume designer Carrie Bennett, who shared about how she recreated the Scranton patches on the firefighters uniforms. Very authentic. Well, this time when I reached out to Kent Zabornak, a.k.a. Kentopedia, he
He was able to tell me a little bit about how we got the fire trucks. He said we rented them. Oh. They cost $5,000. For each one? I think total. Oh.
I also asked him if there were any issues with standards and practices for this episode. I mean, considering that we're about to get into all these games, he said no. He said they didn't have any notes on the games. They just didn't like Randy Cordray. They were fine with Kit Zbornak and Steve Burgess.
Wow, you're right. Kent said they had one note and their one note was to be sure not to glorify fire in the episode, which is good. Yes, that makes sense. So now we're going to have three all new talking heads. We've got one from Dwight. We've got one from Angela and we've got Jim and Pam. Yep.
Angela, you break down crying in your talking head. I did. This is completely scripted. My character says, yes, there's a real fire, but it's okay. Everyone got out fine. This is why you practice these things. She starts to cry. It's like the stress has gotten to her. She got us out of the building. She did her job and now she's broken. Yes.
Dwight is just all excited. He says he's a safety officer and a volunteer sheriff's deputy. I mean, he has been training for this his whole life. Yeah. He said there could be fire inside the walls right now. Jim and Pam are going to have a dual talking head where Pam says she likes fire drills because they kind of remind her of when you would have class outside in school when there were fire drills in school.
Jim has fond memories as well. Yeah, Jim says, we had classes outside all the time and we never did anything. Actually, if I had fewer outside classes, I probably wouldn't be stuck here at a paper company. And then Pam looks at him and goes, you're not stuck. And he smiles. They're having a nice moment here. She's softening to him a little. They are. While this was the fourth episode to air in season two, this was the first one that we recorded when we came back.
From our break. Yeah. We were all reunited here and they sent a photographer to take pictures. And this photographer took so many pictures of John and I doing this talking head. And it was always so funny to me because the talking heads got cut out of the episode. But there's all these pictures of you too. All these pictures of us next to this fire truck. Yeah.
doing these talking heads. So now these photos make sense because these talking heads have been added back to the super fan episode. Well, I wanted to share two things that Ken Kwapis said to me about doing these parking lot scenes. All right. He said, and I quote, the most significant thing that he remembers about this episode was the heat. Yeah. He said he spent every day thinking he was going to faint. Oh my gosh. Yeah.
He said it was the most physically taxing episode that he directed. And he also directed Booze Cruise, mind you. He also said that it was very challenging spatially.
He said for him, it was like the flip side of the coin to Diversity Day. Diversity Day, it was like, how do I do this whole episode confined in this small room? And then this episode was how do I do this episode and establish relationships and intimacy in a huge wide parking lot?
He said when he directs, he's always trying to find those relationship moments. He's always trying to find the family, to establish family. I love that. I did too. But it's really challenging when people are very spread apart. So I just love that. But yeah, we talked a good bit of our phone conversation was just about how hot it was. And he said, in the end, I was glad no one collapsed.
I'm surprised that, you know, I think of the crew who, in addition to being out in that parking lot with us, were also carrying and holding so much heavy equipment all day. Yeah.
Yeah. And Ken was like, you know, Ange, it was record breaking heat wave. And I was like, oh, no, it was triple digits. We talked about that. But as we were talking, Jenna, I remembered this thing that I did not remember the first time. And when I rewatched it, I couldn't believe we didn't comment on it. You know, if you watch Dwight in any of his scenes, you see a full white T-shirt and
hanging out from his short sleeve button down. You see his white t-shirt sleeve. And it was because he was sweating so much that he had to wear that shirt because he was pitting out his mustard shirt. Yeah. So they were layering the guys so they wouldn't sweat through their shirts. So crazy. Well, and when I was trading messages with Kent, he also mentioned the heat.
He said this, quote, because we filmed this episode the first week of a hot August and a lot of our filming was outside in the parking lot. I made the decision to silk the exterior parking lot from the rooftop to the sidewalk so we could keep a little cooler. Remember those? Yeah. Wasn't it just like a giant tarp? It's like a very thin white tarp.
Silky. Yeah. Silky scrim tarp thing. Yeah. Yeah. And it's meant to kind of just diffuse the sunlight. So it's not I don't think it's SPF or anything, but it does like cut the heat. It's almost like in your house if you drew like a.
sheer curtain to cut the sun well kent said quote i kind of regretted that decision because you can see those silks in some of the shots and they were noisy as they flapped in the breeze now i did not notice them when i was re-watching this episode but i think it's funny that after all these years he is still annoyed he still remembers he's like oh those silk those silks yeah
I also thought this is when I think the fact that both Randall Einhorn and Matt Sohn had been camera operators on Survivor. I feel like that really paid off. Really came in handy because I know they did some pretty grueling things there.
You know, in those seasons of Survivor when people are like hiking through wilderness. Yeah, there's, you know, Randall and Matt were hiking alongside of them filming it all. Well, now Jim is going to ask everyone which three books they would take on a desert island. We've already covered what Angela is taking in our quiz. Well, I really loved Dwight's pick so much. I feel like we need to hear it.
Fine. Physician's desk reference. Nice. Smart. Hollowed out. Inside, waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket, and, in case I get bored, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. No, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Question. Did my shoes come off in the plane crash?
Amazing. Amazing. He's speaking to me. I know he is. Physician's desk reference. Such a smart answer. I wouldn't hollow it out. I wouldn't hollow it out either. But you know, the scene is a little bit longer in the superfan episode. Right after Dwight says, did my shoes come off in the plane crash? He goes on to say, this is important. Leather is a food source. Leather from shoes can be boiled down to a simple broth that can sustain a man for over two weeks. Well, lady, I had to know.
Is this one of those things that Dwight is half right about? Oh, my God. Tell me. I need to know. My survivalist brain needs to know the answer. Can I drink the broth of my boiled shoe? Well, will it sustain me? Well, here's the thing, lady. The quick answer is no.
You should not eat leather from shoes because while technically leather contains some protein, most commercially tanned leather used in shoes is treated with chemicals and dyes, making it unsafe to consume and eating it can cause digestive issues. Sure, eating it raw. Eating it raw, yes. But what if I boil it? It's still going to be boiled in its chemicals. I guess that's true. Don't we, remember in like old cartoons, you would see the cartoon characters boil their shoe? Well, here's what I was going to say about that.
There is this lore of eating your shoes. It's been around a long time. It's been shared in ledgers over history in extreme starvation situations. For example, Sir John Franklin was a British Royal Navy officer and explorer. And in his ledger from his ship between 1819 and 1822, things were not going well. He was losing his crew to starvation.
And the survivors even attempted to eat their own leather boots. And this is what gained Franklin the nickname of the man who ate his boots. And he survived. But this was in ye olden days. Maybe the leather hadn't been so treated. But everything the Internet says is do not try this. Okay. Well, good to know.
I remember reading this fascinating book. I wish I could remember what it was, but it was about an old ship. You know, they were explorers on a ship. And, you know, there was a lot of superstition when you were a sailor. And their whole ship was getting sick and people were dying of scurvy. And they thought it was like bad luck, you know. And then they eventually landed on an island that had fruit on
And they all ate some fruit and they were cured of their scurvy. And then that's when they realized, oh, my gosh, we just need like a thimble full of lemon juice a day. And then you don't get scurvy. But they didn't know. They didn't know. They didn't know. Well, I do think this is one of those times where Dwight had a little bit of some historical tidbit where people ate their leather shoes when they were starving in ye olden times and
But no, do not attempt at home. Well, listen, why don't we take a break? And when we come back, we are going to learn Michael's rule number four for business. And we're going to get into what movies people would watch on a desert island. You don't wake up dreaming of McDonald's fries. You wake up dreaming of McDonald's hash browns. McDonald's breakfast comes first.
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All right, we are back and we've got rule number four from Michael and Andre Agassi. Rule number four is image is everything. I'm so sorry. I thought rule number four was failure is not an option. No, things change. Okay, clearly. This is when Michael's also going to show off his car to Ryan. He loves that car. He really does. But you know what? His car is like a way to impress people. It's a marketing tool. I mean,
Ryan's already seen his car. Ryan has meticulously cleaned out his car in the episode Hot Girl, but Michael's going to show it to him again. And then they're going to sit in the backseat of it and talk. We'll get to that. Up next, Jim is going to ask everyone for their movies that they would want to watch on a desert island. And in the super fan episode, we're going to hear what Toby's picks were. I know. I loved that. They are Say Anything, The Shining, and Annie Hall. Jim can't believe it.
Yeah, Jim's like, those are some of my favorite movies too. And then he has a talking head with Pam where Jim says, you know, Toby and I used to sit together, but Michael separated us because we talked too much.
So here's my question. Okay, that was a super fan-added nugget. We're learning that Jim and Toby used to sit near one another, but they talked too much, so Michael separated them. Two things. Number one, I could see Michael hating Toby because Jim likes him. Right. Right? Jim, the popular one, the one that Michael wants to be his best friend. Yeah. So he's going to separate that because that keeps Jim all to himself. Right.
These two guys who were bro-ing out at work, who were bonding, just because they got separated, they can't be friends. Like, why do we see no signs of this friendship anywhere else ever? They're just, that's it. That's all it took. I don't know. To break them up. I can't speak to the dude-dom, but that tracks to me. It's like, I don't know, one year, like, you know, your son plays on a
sports team or something and has buddies and then that team gets broken up and they play on different teams and then you don't see those people again. I don't know. I guess. I don't know. I thought it was strange. All right. We're going to hear Meredith's movie picks now. You might remember they are Legends of the Fall, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Legally Blonde, Bridges of Madison County.
And then later she'll let us know she also likes just one scene from Ghost. Just the clay pot making scene. And we need to discuss this because Pam is going to say that she kind of likes Meredith's pics, particularly Legally Blonde. And this is going to...
lead to a big debate we had the first time because jim is going to give her grief about legally blonde he's going to say it's not guilty pleasure movies yeah and then pam's like okay you're right i take it back i take it back yeah she takes it back that legally blonde is not one of her desert island movie picks okay just hold that hold that we'll get back to it
Well, in the Superfan episode, we also learn Kevin's picks. They are Cannonball Run, Cannonball Run 2, Weekend at Bernie's, Weekend at Bernie's 2, and Groundhog Day. And Kevin is giggling the whole time he's saying these. Yes.
Stanley says, you know what? I have a client who watches Groundhog Day regularly, and maybe Kevin and him could get together and talk about that account. And Jim's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is sounding way too much like work. Let's focus here. We're playing games. Now, Dwight and Michael are going to check out Ryan's car. Mm-hmm.
And we got some comments in the Instagram feed that I wanted to discuss. Okay. Particularly from Amy B. in Franklin, Tennessee, who said, I randomly paused the episode around 9 minutes and 20 seconds and saw the camera guy leap out of frame. All right. I went and checked.
Yes, in the original episode, you can see Matt Sohn jumping out of frame at this moment as Dwight and Michael and Ryan are all walking up to the back of Ryan's car. But in the superfan episode, this scene happens at 16 minutes and 6 seconds later.
And I don't know if they used a different take or if they just tightened the shot because you can do that in editing. You can kind of like push in. Matt Sohn is not there anymore. Matt Sohn, you have been wiped out of the super fan episode of The Fire. They did a little tidying. They did. Well, while they're checking out Ryan's car, Michael sees a bunch of big, like,
class-like size textbooks in Ryan's car. And that's when Ryan says, you know what? I'm in night school. And now Ryan is going to start quizzing Michael on business. Yeah. Here's the first question. Why have people been rethinking the Microsoft model in the past few years?
First question stumps Michael. He has no idea. Second question, when the dollar goes up, what does that do to American business? Michael says pass. Again, no idea. Well, now Michael is going to have this talking head in the superfan episode. He's going to say, you know, I worked at a fast food restaurant and then I worked at a place that sold cutlery that could cut through a penny, which is life experience that Ryan doesn't have.
Well, lady, in watching these superfan episodes, I also go back and I rewatch the deleted scenes to see if everything is included. And in this case, they omitted just a little bit that was in deleted scenes where Michael actually shares which fast food restaurant he worked at growing up. Where did he work? Arby's. No way. Yes. He says he worked at Arby's. Did you ever work in fast food? Because I worked at a fast food restaurant in high school. I worked at Long John Silver's.
No, but my best friend in high school worked at Dairy Queen. And we would drive through the drive-thru and be like, hey, what are you doing? And then she'd hang out for a little bit and then she'd get fussed at. They'd be like, Amy, come back. Stop talking to your friends. We'd just drive up to talk to her. I lifeguarded in high school. Oh, I see. My very first job was at a kennel. I
I was only 15. My parents had to drive me on the weekends and I would clean out the kennels and play with the puppies. Oh, I loved this job. It was like I love taking care of all the animals. And then my second job was at Long John Silver's. And eventually I worked at a car wash for three years. I would dry off the cars.
Have I told these stories already on the podcast? I don't even know. But since I was one of the only girls that worked the car wash, I was tinier and I could fit in the back seat and I would spray the interior windows. And that was my job. I had to crawl in the car really quickly and do all the interior windows while all the fellas dried off the outside of the car when it came out of the car wash. Yeah.
And it was very fumey. I spent a lot of time in these fumes. Very fumey. Yeah. This is a cocktail party trick of mine. I can do the sound of like a spray bottle, you know, like a bottle that... Another sound effect from Angela. Let's hear it. Ready? Yeah. So imagine I'm holding a spray bottle. Like, you know what I mean? Like a... I know. Yeah. Windex. Windex. I'm holding Windex. Glass cleaner. Ready? Mm-hmm.
You're welcome. You're welcome. 2025 is also the year of Angela doing sound effects. I'm here for it. Would you like to know the next question in the quiz about business? Here it is. Is it cheaper to sign a new customer or keep an existing customer? Ryan says it's 10 times more expensive to sign a new customer. Hmm. Hmm.
Michael now has a talking head where he says, you know, I might not have gone to business school, but neither did LeBron James or Tracy McGrady or Kobe Bryant. They all went to the NBA, which isn't the same thing at all.
I know. It's such an unusual talking end. I know. Well, I had to see if there was a candy bag alt for it. Is there? There is. Michael would have said this. You know, it's just people weren't so ambitious. It was the 80s, you know. It was a more innocent time on why he didn't go to business school. I think in honor of this business school quiz, it might be time for another round of our quiz. Sam, do you have the questions?
Yes, I will. All right, Cassie. Are you going to change the rules? I might. Okay, what are you asking from this time? I'm going to ask from the teapot, actually. Oh, he's going back to the teapot. In the injury episode, what type of butter did Michael want Pam to rub on his burnt foot? I heard the boing. Margarine. Nope. Oh, shoot.
Jenna? Country croc. That's right. That is right. In the employee transfer episode, what song was on the radio on the drive to Nashua when Michael says, fourth time's a charm? Oh, shoot. I can hear it. I can too. Oh, gosh. I have it. Is it, life is a highway? That's right. Yeah. That's right.
All right. In the job episode, Michael thought he was getting a job at corporate. What website did he sell his condo on in record time? I don't even remember him doing that. He's because he thought he was getting the job. Yep. On eBay. That's right. No one gets that one. That's very funny. In the drug testing episode, whose concert was Michael at when he was passed a joint?
Jenna. Alanis Morissette? No, close. Oh! Amy Grant. Nope. So, first letter's correct. Alicia Keys. That's it! I just knew it was an A name. Yes! That's all I could remember. All right. In the gossip episode, when Andy was talking to Oscar about a gay fantasy, which celebrity tried to get to Andy? Brad Pitt. That's right. Woohoo!
All right. That's it. Wow. That was a good round for you, Jenna. Thank you. Yes, I'm leading with four points. Angela, Cassie, you each have three. Okay. All right. It is Pam's turn to share her Desert Island movie picks. Here's what they are. They are Fargo, Edward Scissorhands, Dazed and Confused, Breakfast Club, Princess Bride. And she has an all-time favorite that Jim will not let her add.
You know, something I thought could be fun for Office Lady 6.0 is what if we did rewatches of people's desert island movies and do breakdowns of them? Yeah. I think the only it would be a little tough to go through Kevin's list. Oh, man. But this could inspire some fun movie breakdown. I don't think I could do Weekend at Bernie's 2. I mean, like how many how much more can they shenanigans can they get up to?
You know, the first time we did this breakdown and you and I shared our movie choices, I shared that my movie choices were The Edge, The Three Amigos, Tootsie, Terms of Endearment, and Parasite. Angela, yours were Meet the Parents, Pride and Prejudice, Out of Africa, The Matrix, The Empire Strikes Back, Shakespeare in Love, and you said...
You almost chose no movies just down the Abbey. I thought it could be fun to revisit our choices and also include Sam and Cassie in the conversation. So I guess first up, Ange, would you change any of your choices? I mean, I just watched Pride and Prejudice. I love it. I rewatched that movie over and over. So that's still top of the list for me.
I would always keep The Matrix in. Always. Sure. I might include this time around When Harry Met Sally. Yes. I just love that movie. Yes. And then also I do love Shawshank Redemption. Okay. And here's a curveball for you guys because I love this movie. It's called The Wife.
And it is so good. The performances are amazing. It's Glenn Close and Jonathan Pryce. And Glenn Close and Jonathan are married. He is a famous author. And she is his wife. I don't want to ruin it for you guys. But it is so compelling. All right. I'm going to have to check that out. Oh, Jenna, I love it. OK. I need you to call me after you watch it. It is so layered. Their relationship is so layered.
Anyway, okay. Okay, I will call you after I watch it. I'm going to stick with all of my movies except for one. I'm going to get rid of Parasite. I had just seen it at the time. Turns out I haven't ever rewatched it.
I really loved it, but I'm going to replace it with Moonstruck. No, I love Moonstruck. Yeah, that's one that I watch a lot. Oh, it's so good. I love it so much. All right, Sam Cassie, your Desert Island movies, please. All right, I'm going to go with Princess Bride and Shawshank Redemption as well. Oh, I love Princess Bride. As well as Skeleton Twins.
And I Love You, Philip Morris. What is Skeleton Twins? Skeleton Twins is Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. They play siblings. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yes, it's really good. Deals with suicide and loss and grief very well. Oh, I haven't seen that. It's really good. Now that's only four. You get one more, Sam. For the fifth one, I'm going to pick The Rocketeer.
Oh, that's a sweet movie. I know it. Yeah. All right, Cassie, what's your list? Okay. You emailed us about this and I thought you wanted to know what our favorite deserted island movie was.
What is your favorite deserted island movie? This is a twist. Yeah. So I picked Swiss Army Man. And now I'm just imagining myself on an island watching a deserted island movie. But if I was picking five movies, I'd go with Bottoms, Big Lebowski, Billy Madison, The Shining, and E.T. Oh.
Oh, I love E.T. and I love The Big Lebowski. Yeah. Well, three comedies, a horror, and then one that just tugs at your heartstrings. Pretty good list. Thanks. Well, now we're back in Ryan's car. And, Ange, you like to assign things a cringe meter. I'm going to give this a cringe of nine. This is where things have taken a turn. And Michael has started just confessing.
That he went into sales because he loves making friends. He was promoted to manager at a young age and on and on. Ryan is so uncomfortable. He actually says, I have grown uncomfortable with the intensity of this conversation. Like, he needs to get out of the backseat of this car. I know, but it's so just revealing of Michael that...
He was probably a lot happier as a salesman because he got to interact with people and kind of butter them up and be pally. And then we're just going to move that cringe meter right back on over across the parking lot because Jim is about to start the next game, which is who would you do? Why would they play this? Why? It's a horrible idea. It's a horrible idea. Kevin and Oscar immediately say Pam. And while this is happening, Dwight is clearly...
Just sad that Michael's spending so much time with Ryan because now he's sitting in his car loudly listening to Everybody Hurts. Yes, he's listening to REM's Everybody Hurts. And Kent shared with me that it cost us $14,000 to play that song. Just that one song? Mm-hmm. Holy moly. Yeah. Everybody does hurt in their pocketbook. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm turning into Josh. This is like a dad joke. That was a dad joke. Sorry.
And lady, we brought this in our original breakdown, but I just want to bring it back up again. I don't like Jim and Pam in this scene. They're making fun of Dwight. They are mean. I'm just saying it again. But love Jim and Pam in this whole episode. I kind of thought that they were being too cool for school. They were laughing at other people's expense a lot.
This was so early for me to kind of like turn on them in this way. But in rewatching this, I was like, I'm not loving it, guys. I know. It's the too cool for school thing. I don't care for that. Let people like what they like. Let them like whatever movies they like. Let them be happy. We did have a comment about this scene where Jim and Pam go over to Dwight from Kristen W. in Pasadena, California.
She says, were John and Jenna breaking when they were talking to Dwight in his car? Did Rain improvise the line about Ryan dying in the war? It looked like they were all trying to stop laughing and then just keep going on with the scene. Kristen, that was all scripted.
Ryan in the war was scripted, and it was also scripted that Pam and Jim were trying to suppress laughter as they talked to Dwight. Yes. Because they're laughing at him. I feel like I remember it was a hard choice for me because Rain's performance is kind of heartbreaking. Like, it was a little hard for me to justify that my character was taking joy in this, but I tried to remind myself, hey...
This guy is really irritating to us a lot. Like, he's difficult to be around in the office. But, you know, the Jenna inside of me is like, it doesn't matter. You just don't laugh at people. I know. Not when they're hurting like that. No. And Angela, I know from our own personal experience in Hollywood, the thing that irritates us the most is when we run into the too cool for schools thing.
Oh, my gosh. Get over yourself already. Get over yourself. When we're like at an event or something and you're trying to talk to someone and they're just looking over your shoulder to see if the next best person is going to come in the room and then they say snarky comments. Oh, just please. You play pretend. Exactly. Exactly.
We're not solving the world's problems here. Just be nice. Be nice. It's not that hard. And that's what I want to say to Jim and Pam. One of the things I did love about this scene is that when Jim leaves to go to Dwight's car, he puts Stanley in charge. And Stanley takes it seriously. He's like, okay, Stanley's now in charge of the game. And when we cut back to the game...
We don't know why, but out of the blue, Kevin just says boobs. And Stanley says, what question are you responding to? Yes, that was a little added bit in the super fan episode. Roy is going to come up. You know, all the guys in the warehouse...
There was a scene where they were like doing donuts and stuff and drinking beers. And he's like, these guys are a little crazy. Can I come hang out with you guys for a little bit? He says they can be real jackasses. Yeah. And this is a moment where I'm like, oh, Roy, Roy, there might be something there that's sweet about Roy. He doesn't want to just, you know, drink beer and do donuts with the jackasses. He's like, that's kind of getting old.
Yeah, no, instead he wants to join the game of who would you do and pick Angela. In front of his fiance. Yeah. That's not being a jackass. Good job, Roy. Roy is not at the place yet where he's learning how to play the piano for his fiance. No, he's not. Exactly.
So everyone's going around and awkwardly shouting out who they would do when Ryan gets a call on his cell phone. And I love it so much because he's like, no, this is a good time. This is a great time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then Michael is suddenly bummed that he doesn't have his cell phone.
Well, Dwight says, I can go back and get your cell phone. I'll go in the building. I'll go in the burning building to get your cell phone, Michael. Of course, his subtext is, that's how much I love you. Yes. And Michael, as Dwight runs in the building, Michael's like, you idiot. And Kevin says, he could die. And the last thing you said to him is idiot. Yeah. That's going to weigh on Michael.
Well, now we have a new little scene where Jim and Ryan are discussing business school. Jim's got some questions. I wonder if this is kind of coming off of that added talking head that we had earlier where Pam is saying you're not stuck at Dunder Mifflin. Like she planted this seed. You could have options. Yeah. So I guess Jim's kind of looking at his options. Ryan says he sees it as an investment. Mm-hmm.
The ladies are still playing the game of who would you do. And pretty much everyone chooses Jim. Pam is divided between Oscar or Toby. Yep. And Michael, it's really weighing on him now that Dwight's inside the building. He's like, why is Dwight taking so long? Yeah. Katie is going to call Jim and have to step away. And Michael is going to tell Ryan, call my cell phone so Dwight can find it more easily. He's been in there too long.
And then Ryan's like, well, I don't have your number. And Michael's like, but I gave it to you back in the car. I saw you put it in your phone. I watched you enter it into your phone. And Ryan's like, yeah, you're going to need to give it to me again. Cringe meter of 10. Yes. So Michael uses Ryan's phone to call his own phone. And it rings in his pocket. Yeah. That's when Dwight comes running out of the building.
And he announces how this fire started. Yeah. Ryan left his cheese pita in the toaster oven and it caught on fire. For the guy who didn't want to be a something guy, he's now fire guy. He has a great talking head where he says, I can't believe I started the fire. I know.
And this is also when Dwight is going to sing the song he made up for Ryan. Ryan started the fire. To the melody of We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel, Kent said it only cost us $5,500 for the song.
And this is because we weren't playing it. We were just singing our version of it. So we only had to get what is called sync rights. I wonder what it would have been if we played the whole thing. Maybe something closer to Everybody Hurts. Katie is going to arrive now. And she's so excited to tell Jim her Desert Island movie picks. Yes. So Jim brings her over to the group. And she starts her list. And her very first choice is...
Legally blonde. Yeah, Pam laughs Jim cuts her off. He's like no. No, that's it. That's it We don't we gotta go we gotta go. Mm-hmm now when we first broke down the scene We had a hot take right here. Mm-hmm We got a lot of mail about our hot take in our hot take I said that I didn't like how Pam was starkly laughing at Katie. I thought she was being competitive and
But I said, you know, we know Pam likes Legally Blonde. And then you asked, why can't she just tell Jim what she likes? And I said, I know. Why did she edit herself? And now she's like being snarky to this other woman for liking the same movie she likes. Yes. This was our discussion. Well, a lot of people had a whole different take on this.
Kat S., Steven S., Scott G., they all felt like that laugh from Pam was Pam laughing at Jim, not at Katie. Sarah W. said, I don't think in any way Pam is hypocritically laughing at Katie saying Legally Blonde. I think she's laughing at the irony and the surprise.
And Lauren said, I read it more as a laugh at Jim because he had scoffed at it more of poetic justice. I could see the poetic justice. Yeah. And then Lauren C. said, I want to add that Jim hides his opinions from Katie and that kind of makes him just as guilty in terms of editing oneself. And Tamika M. said,
I actually want to stand up for Jim with the Legally Blonde thing. He never said Legally Blonde wasn't a good movie. He just asked if it was a movie you would bring if you were stranded on an island. When Jim said it's a guilty pleasure movie, I think he made a good point. So a lot of opinions on our hot take. But I'm going to go back to my hot take. Okay. I think I have a proof of sass.
And it has nothing to do with the laugh. I'll give you the laugh. I give that maybe the laugh was, oh, my gosh, Jim's new girlfriend likes this movie that he thinks is silly. Fine. I win. Sort of that kind of thing. I think the proof of sass is in her talking head. And I think we should listen to it. I forgot what a super nice girl Katie is.
Just good for Jim. They are so cute together. And what an adorable car. You know what it is. The adorable car. That's it. That's like such judgment. That is such sass. I feel like the whole thing is just dripping, dripping with sass. The whole thing is dripping, but like the nail in the coffin is adorable car. Yeah.
Well, as they drive off, this is the moment where I think Pam is being manipulative and jealous. She grabs Roy and kisses him, knowing that Jim is going to see it. I know. We've never seen Pam display this kind of affection for Roy. I know. Roy looks surprised. On their way back into the building, Michael is going to give Ryan another rule of business. It's rule number five.
Don't burn the building down. Safety first. Yeah. I also love that Michael tells Ryan he's going to give him the rest of the rules tomorrow. Yes, we got five rules. The rest are coming tomorrow. The episode ends with two never-before-seen talking heads. One from Dwight.
And it's actually kind of a jump cut of different talking heads. I think this was probably a compilation of candy bag alts. So I think this is a really fun thing for fans to see because they can see how we would get handed these sort of similar versions of the same topic. And this one is all about Dwight kind of talking about how he is really Michael's number two, his beta to his alpha. Yeah.
And that's sort of the theme of all of these little jump cuts. And then the whole episode ends with a new Michael talking head where he says if he could change the life of one person. Actually, you know what? That's aiming too low. He already changed two people's lives just by being born. Mom and dad. Yep. But if he could change the lives of 5,000 people, no, maybe 10,000 people, actually even one is amazing. Yep.
Yeah. He's a mentor. He is. Just like Yoda, just like Mr. Miyagi.
But he's got five more rules of business that he's got to come up with now tonight. I think we're never going to hear these extra five rules of business. No. Right? It's never getting them. Not at all. But I guarantee you, Michael stressed and flop-sweated all night trying to think of them. And guess what? This is time for our final quiz. Our final round. Cassie, you will be asking the questions...
So in honor of Stanley, I picked the pretzel. Okay. I want you to know, Cassie, unfortunately, now that you're in the question of asking, you are out. I'm in the lead with four. Sam, Angela, will I be going home with the Star Wars bag? I don't know. Let's see. Good luck, everyone. Ironic. In the Andy's Play episode, what did Michael drop on the floor during the play? I heard boing, boing, boing. Bottle of wine.
Correct. Oh, boy. Angela's coming in hot. We're tied now. In the Chump episode, fill in the blank for Michael. If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in the room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would...
Shoot Toby twice. Jenna, yes. Oh, I kind of jumped in at my buzzer. I hope I was the first buzzer. I think you were. Okay. Okay. In the happy hour episode, who beat Michael's push-up record to leave early from work? Stanley. Sam got it. Oh.
All right. Is this the last question? This is the last one. All right, Jenna. And if you get it right, then we're tied. We'll have to go to a tie break. Okay. There's a lot at stake. Okay. In the murder episode, what was the name of Michael's character in the murder mystery game? Oh, shoot. It's like a French, like a Cajun name, isn't it, or something? Mama. No, that's mine. Okay.
I got nothing. Pass. Caleb Crawdad. Oh, I knew it was a Cajun thing. All right. Next question.
Oh, no. Is that it? Do I win? I think you won. Oh. Well, I don't get a chance then to tie. That was your chance. Caleb Crawdad was your chance. Well, Jenna, guess what? You win the Star Wars bag of socks. Bag of socks. Bag of socks. Bag of socks. Bag of socks. Look at the socks. They are Captain Crunch and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup socks. Woo-hoo.
And I guess it would have been weird if I won the gift prize that I bought. Well, thank you all for listening. This was a lot of fun. A big thank you to Kent Sabornak. Yeah. And I want to say thank you to Ken Kwapis for sharing with us his memories about this episode. And I asked Ken if there was a project I could share about. And he said he is thrilled because he is directing all four episodes together.
of the Malcolm in the Middle reboot. A lot of the main cast is coming back and he's really excited about it. Oh my gosh, yes, I read about that. That's so cool. Yeah, there's some great articles about it. I'll share it in our stories. Well, everyone, thanks for joining us and we'll see you next week. Bye. Bye.
Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is a presentation of Odyssey and is produced by Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey. Our executive producer is Cassie Jerkins. Our audio engineer is Sam Kiefer and our associate producer is Ainsley Bubbico. Odyssey's executive producers are Jenna Weiss-Berman and Leah Reese Dennis. Office Ladies is mixed and mastered by Chris Basil. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton.