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Office Ladies Announcement!

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Kendra Adachi
Kendra Adachi: 新年伊始,我们常常感到需要重新开始,但Kendra Adachi 认为,与其重新开始,不如继续坚持已有的事情。她提出三个关键词:继续、呵护、小步。 继续:新年不必一切重来,要持续进行已有的事情。我们生活中的许多事情都是建立在过去的基础上的,新年只是时间上的一个转折点,并不意味着需要重新开始一切。如果我们感到有压力要开始一些与自身价值观不符的事情,不如继续做我们正在做的事情。我们已经做得很好,不需要重新开始,也不需要大刀阔斧地改变。继续做那些我们知道重要并且有效的事情。 呵护:与其修复生活中的问题,不如细心呵护。我们常常试图修复生活中的问题,但其实生活更需要的是呵护和关爱。要以同情和细致的方式逐步改进,而不是试图一次性解决所有问题。要温柔地对待自己和生活,一步一个脚印地前进,这比不断地拆解和重建生活中的系统、流程和目标更可持续。 小步:新年目标应该从小事做起。新年常常伴随着巨大的能量和宏大的计划,但这些计划往往难以坚持。与其设定宏大的目标,不如从小事做起,从微不足道的小事开始,逐步积累,最终实现目标。即使是很小的事情,只要坚持,也能带来改变。即使是很小的进步,只要坚持,也能最终达到目标。不要因为大的目标失败而想要重新开始,从小事做起,一步一个脚印地前进。

Deep Dive


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Good morning, everyone. Hello. Hi. Hi. We are excited. Very excited. We are popping into your feeds today to give you a special top of the year Office Ladies announcement. As of today, Office Ladies has expanded to be a network. A network. Network lady. Okay.

And we want to tell you about the first podcast joining the Office Ladies Network. It is a podcast called The Lazy Genius with Kendra Adachi. We are so thrilled to have Kendra join the Office Ladies Network. We wanted to share with you an excerpt from her podcast. This week's episode is called Starting Fresh When You Can't Start Over. We hope that you'll give it a listen and love it as much as we do.

I think we need a fresh take on January energy. We need some new words when we feel this compulsion to start over. I shared some of these words last January, actually, and I need the reminder just as much as anyone. So we're going to look at those words again. The first word that will help us start fresh instead of starting over is continue. Continue.

Continue. Instead of beginning, continue. Everything you do builds on what has come before. You're living a beautiful, sometimes messy life, and it's a continuation.

January does not have to be a restart. It is not necessarily a new beginning. Now, energetically, there are some really hopeful things about those feelings of January, of the literal turning of the calendar, but that does not require you to begin everything anew. In fact, you can't. That takes so much work. Instead, if you feel the pressure to begin something that does not truly align with what matters to you,

Simply continue. Continue doing what you're doing, knowing that you're not failing anything by not starting over, by not beginning again, just because it's January. Continue. You're really smart. You're probably already doing a lot of great things that don't need a reset. They don't even need tinkering with. Just continue. And the places that you know what matters and you know what works most of the time, continue.

The second word is tend. Don't fix, tend. And don't get me wrong, there are things that need fixing. They need to be taken apart and put back together. But usually that stuff like toilets or an Ikea closet that was not installed correctly. We fix things. We can't exactly fix life.

But we sure do try, don't we? We come at it like a certain part of our life is a problem to solve and to fix when really most of our lives need nurturing and tending.

They need compassion alongside correcting. And when we compassionately correct one small thing at a time, that is tending. That's looking at what's there with kind eyes, not going too fast and taking it one step at a time. That is so much more sustainable than continuously taking apart and putting back together all the systems and processes and goals of your life.

So think about where you feel the need to fix and if instead you need to tend. The third word is small. I love small things. I love small choices, small differences, small steps, small problems. That's why one of the 13 lazy genius principles is to start small. The smaller something is, the easier it is to solve, to tend to, to manage, to live with, to incorporate into your life on a regular basis.

But January energy is big energy, right? It's big swings, big systems, big changes. And that's why we can't stick with anything. We're starting with big problems and big problems require big solutions. I don't know about you, but I don't have room for big solutions right now. Life is beautifully unwieldy and inviting big systems or big goals or big solutions into that is almost impossible, right?

And when those big things don't work and they won't, I want to start over. I want to call them all again and get to try again so that what came before wasn't a failure.

Instead, let's start small, like really, really embarrassingly small. I told a story in my first book, The Lazy Genius Way, about how I started small with yoga. I have terrible joints, as well as like a lot of frantic mental energy. I call myself a caffeinated squirrel. And consequently, being a caffeinated squirrel with hips and knees that are basically made of glass, I'm

yoga is really good for me. It's good for my joints and for my brain. Well, years and years ago, I knew this and tried to incorporate more yoga into my life, but I could not make it work. I couldn't get it to stick. And I got so frustrated by that because it mattered to me. Like yoga mattered to me for reasons that felt right and good and aligned with tending to my body, but I just couldn't seem to get into a rhythm at all.

And you know what I did? I just kept restarting. I kept restarting the commitment counter to zero over and over again. And that was also defeating. So I tried a new approach. I made doing yoga embarrassingly small. I said that I would do one down dog a day, one down dog a day. If you're unfamiliar with yoga, that's basically like bending over once a day and sticking your butt in the air.

Some might argue that's not even yoga, but it was so small that I did it. I did this thing that mattered to me. And because it was so small and doable over time, I built on it. And hear me when I say over time, I don't mean like days later. I'm pretty sure I did one down dog a day for weeks and weeks without much difference. Some of those days I would do like a full sun salutation, which still only takes like 60 seconds.

But I didn't change what the daily habit was of one down dog a day for literal months. But guess what? I did yoga every day. It was so small that it became part of my life and my routine in a way that worked, in a way that supported what mattered. So your third word is small, even embarrassingly small. Nothing is too small. Don't start over. Start fresh by starting small.

I just love the way Kendra breaks it down. I just love it. I know. She's the best. If you want to hear the full episode, which I hope you do, head over to the Lazy Genius Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Or you can find Kendra at slash officeladies. And we'll share a link in our Instagram stories as well. And please join us next Monday for a special episode.

Office Ladies Monday Motivation with Kendra. We had the best conversation with her and we can't wait to share it with you. Listen, if anyone's going to motivate you on a Monday, it's Kendra. That's right. Welcome to the Office Ladies Network, Kendra. We're so excited to have you.

Mom, Dad, you should shop Amazon for back to school and save some money. See, I'm currently obsessed with superheroes and need all the superhero stuff. Superhero lunchbox, superhero bag. But next year, it'll be something else. Maybe dinosaurs? I don't know. I'm not a fortune teller. But I can tell you not to spend a fortune and shop low prices for school on Amazon. Okay, good chat. Amazon, spend less, smile more.

Be warned that once you pick up a refreshingly cold drink from McDonald's and

and people see just how refreshingly cold that drink from McDonald's is, you may create drink envy. Because there are drinks. Then there are drinks from McDonald's. For a morning brew that really creates a stir, get any size iced coffee, including caramel and French vanilla, for just 99 cents before 11 a.m. Price and participation may vary. Cannot be combined with any other offer or combo meal. Ba-da-da-ba-ba.