cover of episode Introducing: Beak Capitalism, presented by Odd Lots

Introducing: Beak Capitalism, presented by Odd Lots

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Odd Lots

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本播客将探讨美国鸡肉产业的蓬勃发展及其对美国经济的深远影响。鸡肉作为美国人日常饮食的重要组成部分,其产业链的复杂性和规模巨大,使其成为研究美国经济结构、通货膨胀、劳动力市场等问题的绝佳案例。通过分析鸡肉价格波动、产业链各环节的运作方式以及相关政策的影响,我们可以更深入地理解美国经济的运行机制和面临的挑战。 本系列播客将深入探讨鸡肉产业的演变历程,分析其发展模式对美国经济的塑造作用。从鸡肉生产、加工、销售到消费,我们将逐层剖析产业链中的各个环节,揭示其背后隐藏的经济规律和社会问题。同时,我们将探讨鸡肉价格上涨的原因,以及这与通货膨胀、劳动力市场等宏观经济因素之间的关系。通过对这些问题的深入探讨,我们可以更好地理解美国资本主义的本质以及其发展过程中面临的困境。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

In this limited series, Odd Lots explains some of the thorniest issues facing the US economy through the medium of … chicken. Chicken occupies a unique position in the US diet, but issues facing the poultry industry illustrate wider points about the development of the US economy and the decisions being made about how it's structured and who benefits from it. So why has the chicken industry evolved in the way that it has? What’s been driving the price increases in eggs and meat? And what does it all say about things like inflation, the labor market and the nature of American capitalism?Check out Beak Capitalism on Odd Lots starting Friday, November 15th, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts.Become a subscriber using our special intro offer at You’ll get episodes of this podcast ad-free and exclusive access to our daily Odd Lots* newsletter. Already a subscriber? Connect your account on the Bloomberg channel page in Apple Podcasts to listen ad-free.

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