Today on Now and Next:
·You thought 2022 sucked. The DOOMSDAY CLOCK is closer to Midnight than it’s ever been. The clock’s second hand was reset this week by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ …It’s 90 seconds to MIDNIGHT…the closest it has ever been to the symbolic midnight hour of global catastrophe – namely a nuclear war.
In case you’re wondering, the clock was set at 17 minutes to midnight in 1991. That followed the fall of the Soviet Union.
As expected, the BofC raised interest rates yesterday…but some interesting analysis by Professor Ellen D. Ross at Wilfrid Laurier University. “The reputation of the Bank of Canada will be undermined if the public believes that it’s pounding away with a hammer that is not needed and causing much hardship in the process.)”
It was a year ago yesterday, the first COVID 19 case was diagnosed in Toronto – a good seven weeks before the pandemic was declared in March 2020. News today from Canadian Press) “A new report says misinformation about COVID-19 contributed to more than 2,800 Canadian deaths and at least $300 million in hospital and ICU visits
AND, we feature a wide ranging discussion about the gender wage gap and the cultural perceptions that make it a tough nut to crack. We sit down with Eleanor Beaton from SafiMedia).