Katherine Nicolai
@Katherine Nicolai : 我关心听众的睡眠,这始终是我的首要任务。更年期严重影响了我的睡眠,Bioptimizers的睡眠突破饮品帮助我改善了睡眠,让我感觉更好,精力更充沛。本周我们向Operation Sight捐赠,支持他们提供改变人生的眼科手术。我创作并朗读《Nothing Much Happens》中的所有内容,订阅NMH Premium频道可以获得更多福利。专注于一项任务可以帮助人们入睡。今晚的故事是《情人节旅店》第一部分,讲述了客人在一个阳光明媚的寒冷日子来到村庄旅店的温暖和魅力的故事,以及旅店里发生的一些小事件。夏天我们在后廊供应早餐,冬天则在正式餐厅和客厅的组合空间供应早餐。我穿着舒适的衣服,准备迎接客人,并为情人节增添了一些节日气氛。第一批客人到达旅店,我的猫Sycamore非常兴奋地迎接他们。第一天晚上,我们为客人准备了美味的小吃,他们都感到很满意,没有人离开去村里的餐馆。早晨,我和Sycamore一起准备早餐,厨师也加入了进来。 @Chef : (在厨房工作,与Katherine Nicolai进行简短对话) 我在厨房工作,与Katherine Nicolai进行简短对话,并提到她在十一月之后的一封信中提到的关于万圣节派对当晚发现的事情,暗示自己可能知道一些关于旅店的秘密,并提出交换秘密。

Deep Dive

The episode starts on Valentine's Day at a cozy inn. The narrator describes preparing for guests' arrival and the special breakfast setting in the drawing-room, highlighting the charming atmosphere and the presence of the inn cat, Sycamore.
  • Valentine's Day setting
  • Breakfast in the drawing-room
  • Cozy inn atmosphere
  • Sycamore the cat

Shownotes Transcript

Our story tonight is called Valentine’s at the Inn, Part 1, and it is a story about guests arriving on a sunny cold day to the warmth and charm of the Village Inn. It’s also about breakfast served on freshly ironed table cloths in the drawing room, socks with hearts on them, a black cat and a feather duster, and a little mystery that begins to unwind.

We give to a different charity each week and this week we are giving to the Open Sight Foundation who aim to provide access to life-changing eye surgeries. Through Operation Sight, we strive to restore vision and transform lives.

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