Noodle Loaf - Music Education Podcast for Kids

Noodle Loaf is an interactive music education podcast for kids that has received the Common Sense Me


Total: 112



Hello my mustachioed mammal friends! It's Noodle Loaf time.  Singing? check. Moving? check. Laughing

Honus Burpytoad


This is not a tub.  This is a podcast powered by my good vibes.  And we're back with more music fun

Dingo Bingo Bongo


We were sitting here eating gustew when who should stop by?  Adam Gardner from the big deal rock ban

Doodle-Dee Do


My kids have been loving the I Had A Rooster book by Laura Vaccaro Seeger recently, so we decided to

It's Not A Tuber


More interactive music education games from the Team Noodle Loaf coming coming atcha! This episode h

Pillowcase Pants


Ever wonder what it sounds like when a tiny dog knocks on a door and asks for candy? Finding out has



I love a good pattern and we've got plenty of them on today's show.  We also update an old echo song

Razzle Dazzle


Mystery abounds in this edition of Noodle Loaf as we ask the eternal question, is it an animal or is



Howji hijie heejie hojie? I dooji fineji, thanks. Especially since we get to play more fun music gam

The Nut Butter Solution


We kick off with a sticky predicament. A blueberry problem so to speak.  It requires moving in slow

They say you should dance like nobody's looking at the kitchen utensils.  And that writing about arc

Hello Hello Hellooo


Learning through play! Or to quote Beyoncé "I Play, Okay, I Play."  At least that's what I think she

Noodle Loaf - The Trailer


Hello potential new listener! This trailer is for the grown ups.  It's basically just me, Dan, letti

We've teamed up with some of the best kids podcasts out there to bring you our final summer bonus ep

Together Like A Song


We saw the Noodle Loaf in the sky above a traffic clogged highway and are swooping in to rescue your

Tickle Me Yeezy


Happy Summer Noodle Loafers! We missed you, so here's a bonus ep to get your summer road trips off o

A Spectacular Ending


Season One's grand finale! And we're ending with a boom bap boom. We've got a guest appearance by An

What A Bam Bam


Going for a drive with the kids? Start praying for traffic because we've got all new games this week

Some Sun Summertime


When was the last time you clapped the rhythm of ice cream flavors?  Has it been awhile?  Well the l

Fribble Frabble


Noodle. Loaf. Noodle noodle loaf loaf. Sing, say, dance and play. Get involved. Get into it. Tell a