cover of episode What’s in the Water in Tarrant County?  (S1E3)

What’s in the Water in Tarrant County? (S1E3)

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Nobody Should Believe Me

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrea Dunlop
Deanna Boyd
Detective Mike Weber
Dr. Jamie Kaufman
Dr. Karen Schultz
Dr. Mark Feldman
Andrea Dunlop: 本集探讨了塔兰特县儿童医疗虐待案件频发的原因,以及一个有效的系统对于保护儿童的重要性。人们往往相信自己所爱之人的话,这使得识别梅内奇综合征(Munchausen by Proxy)这类案件变得困难。 Deanna Boyd: 塔兰特县之所以能侦破如此多的梅内奇综合征案件,是因为其调查体系完善,各部门协作良好,包括警方的专业调查、儿童保护服务机构(CPS)的介入以及库克儿童医院的积极配合。 Detective Mike Weber: 塔兰特县梅内奇综合征案件数量多的原因是其拥有一个完善的系统来抓捕罪犯,包括医生积极举报,医院提供支持,以及警方的专业调查。医生和医院需要在举报梅内奇综合征案件时得到充分的支持和保护,才能积极主动地参与其中。 Dr. Jamie Kaufman: 库克儿童医院设有专门的儿童虐待诊疗团队,这对于有效侦破梅内奇综合征案件至关重要。各医院的儿童虐待诊疗团队规模和职责各不相同,这导致了医疗资源分配不均。库克儿童医院内部良好的沟通协作关系,有助于快速有效地处理梅内奇综合征案件。 Dr. Karen Schultz: 诊断梅内奇综合征需要仔细审核所有医疗记录,包括来自不同机构的记录。诊断梅内奇综合征的关键在于发现医疗记录中不一致之处,并识别虚假报告。审核外部医疗记录存在困难,因为需要家长的同意,而且记录数量巨大。梅内奇综合征并不像大多数人认为的那样罕见,只是常常被忽视。社交媒体的普及使得梅内奇综合征更容易发生,因为施暴者更容易获取信息并寻求关注。医生在诊断梅内奇综合征时会经历一个过程,从最初的怀疑到最终的诊断,期间会经历自我怀疑和道德困境。医生会根据病人的情况和病史来判断家长是否诚实,并识别梅内奇综合征的蛛丝马迹。医生会关注一些迹象来判断是否存在梅内奇综合征,例如家长是否在不同医院就诊(doctor shopping)。梅内奇综合征的一些常见症状,如“生长迟缓”(failure to thrive),容易被家长伪造,难以被医生识别。医生在怀疑梅内奇综合征时会经历一个艰难的抉择过程,需要在医疗误诊和家长不诚实之间做出判断。医生在怀疑梅内奇综合征时,可能会因为害怕错过医疗诊断而继续进行不必要的治疗,从而间接地纵容了施暴者的行为。 Dr. Mark Feldman: 社交媒体的出现使得伪造疾病变得更容易,因为施暴者可以轻易获取医疗信息。梅内奇综合征并不罕见,只是常常被误诊或忽视。实施梅内奇综合征的施暴者并非精神失常,他们通常表现得很正常。梅内奇综合征并非总是为了经济利益,而是为了获得关注和同情。

Deep Dive

Andrea interviews Deanna Boyd, the crime reporter who broke the Hope Ybarra case, and discovers that Hope's was one of many Munchausen By Proxy cases in Tarrant County. The discussion reveals how Tarrant County's system is set up to catch these offenders, involving CPS, law enforcement, and medical professionals.

Shownotes Transcript

Andrea speaks to Deanna Boyd, the crime reporter who broke the Hope Ybarra case and discovers that Hope's was one of many Munchausen By Proxy cases in Tarrant County that Deanna unearthed; all of which had flown under the radar. What's going on here? Why are there so many cases in this one area?

As Andrea interviews Deanna and meets with Detective Mike Weber, as well as Dr. Jayme Coffman and Dr. Karen Shultz--two doctors involved with the Ybarra and many other MBP cases--she makes a chilling discovery. It's not that there are so many cases in Tarrant County, it's just that they're catching them. If the systems meant to protect children were functioning, every county would look like Tarrant.

Andrea can only guess as to what truly went on behind the scenes in her own family's case, but she begins to grasp what the systems involved--CPS, the police, the doctors--are up against and why so many cases are destined to fail. Meanwhile, Andrea continues her maddening back-and-forth with Hope.

Follow Andrea on Instagram for behind-the-scenes photos: @andreadunlop)

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For more information and resources on Munchausen by Proxy, please visit

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children’s MBP Practice Guidelines can be downloaded here).

For more about Mike Weber, visit

Read Deanna Boyd’s original reporting:

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