cover of episode What Jack Knew
Andrea Dunlop
Dr. Sally Smith
Gregory Anderson
Jack Kowalski
Peter Kowalski
Andrea Dunlop:本集是对科瓦尔斯基案的持续关注,探讨了Netflix纪录片《照顾玛雅》中未呈现的细节,并质疑了媒体对该案的报道。她认为玛雅和凯尔是受害者,并对杰克·科瓦尔斯基的参与程度表示担忧。她分析了杰克在案发前后与比阿塔的关系,以及他是否知情或参与了医疗虐待。她还讨论了该案对医疗报告制度和儿童安全的影响,以及其他类似案件。 Dr. Sally Smith:她对医疗儿童虐待的施暴者多为女性这一观点进行了阐述,并质疑了杰克·科瓦尔斯基最初声称对女儿的医疗状况不知情的说法,指出他参与了玛雅的许多非常规治疗。 Jack Kowalski:杰克在证词中表达了对妻子的思念,并声称自己一直与比阿塔站在统一战线,否认自己参与了医疗虐待。他将妻子的自杀归咎于医院的干预。 Peter Kowalski:彼得·科瓦尔斯基提供了与杰克·科瓦尔斯基不同的说法,他描述了杰克和比阿塔婚姻状况的紧张关系,以及杰克对比阿塔施压的情况。他还描述了凯尔在比阿塔回家后才开始抱怨疼痛的情况,这与玛雅的情况相似。 Gregory Anderson:作为科瓦尔斯基家族的首席律师,他建议陪审团在计算赔偿金时,应考虑杰克失去妻子的各种损失,包括情感上的损失和家庭服务的损失。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

As we prepare to launch Season Four next month, we’re revisiting the subject of Season Three—the landmark Kowalski v. Johns Hopkins All Children’s verdict, in which a jury awarded Jack Kowalski more than $200 million dollars in damages following the suicide of his wife Beata while their daughter Maya Kowalski was in state custody because a medical child abuse investigation. Though the media has been largely sympathetic to Kowalski’s case—thanks in large part to the popular Netflix film “Take Care of Maya”—our exploration continues to reveal that nothing about this story is what is seems.

With the case headed towards appeal, we take a closer look at newly released information about what was going on with the Kowalski family, as well as how this verdict is affecting mandatory reporting and the safety of children in pediatric hospitals all around the country.

Get up to speed on the Kowalski case with our Kowalski Catch-Up Playlist) on Spotify

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