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Trial of the Century

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Nobody Should Believe Me

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrea Dunlop
Dr. Elliott Crane
Dr. Santana Rojas
Jonathan Leach
Kowalski一方认为Johns Hopkins医院误诊Maya的病情为CRPS,并给予错误的治疗,导致Beata自杀。他们认为医院蓄意隐瞒证据,并对Maya进行非法监禁。他们还强调了Maya在接受高剂量氯胺酮治疗后病情恶化的说法,以及Beata对医疗体系的绝望。 Johns Hopkins一方否认所有指控,认为他们对Maya的治疗符合标准,并且Beata的死与医院的治疗无关。他们认为Maya的病情并非CRPS,而是转换障碍,并且高剂量氯胺酮治疗存在风险。他们还强调了多位医生对Maya病情诊断的异议,以及Beata可能存在代理型孟乔森综合征的行为。 律师Jonathan Leach分析了陪审团选择策略,以及双方在庭审中的表现。他指出,原告方试图通过情感诉求影响陪审团,而被告方则注重呈现医疗证据。 多位医生就Maya的病情、治疗方案以及CRPS诊断的准确性进行了证词。证词内容复杂且相互矛盾,使得陪审团难以判断。 Sally Smith医生作为儿童保护团队负责人,对案件中是否存在医疗虐待进行了评估,并驳斥了原告方提出的指控。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

With a verdict in the case days away, host Andrea Dunlop unpacks some of what’s happened so far in the Kowalski v Johns Hopkins All Childrens trial with lawyer and trial consultant Jonathan Leach. They analyze the dueling opening statements, consider what each side is likely to look for in jurors, and which of the charges—if any—might be most viable.  

Andrea shares insights on the lawyers after watching their interactions in court. She also weighs in on the extensive medical testimony so far, including a major revelation about the origins of Maya's controversial CRPS diagnosis. We also share a chilling account of Maya’s ketamine coma that was shared in court via missives written by Beata herself.  

As both sides begin their closing arguments Andrea weighs the merits of what each side has told the jury and considers what the ramifications of the imminent verdict might be. 

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