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System Override

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Nobody Should Believe Me

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrea Dunlop
Jessica Pryce
Andrea Dunlop: 科瓦尔斯基诉约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的判决结果引发了强烈且两极分化的反应,支持者来自政治光谱的两端。右翼人士认为这是维护父母权利的胜利,反对政府对父母养育子女的过度干预;左翼人士则认为美国儿童福利系统存在严重问题,导致家庭分离过多。凯西·比蒂在科瓦尔斯基案审判中成为儿童福利机构的代表人物,她面临的指控包括殴打和疏忽照顾儿童等。比蒂在审判中主要反驳了针对她的指控,这些指控从严重的殴打罪到较轻微的违反承诺等都有涉及。原告坚持认为比蒂做了某些事情,这可能是为了简化叙事,将所有责任归咎于她一人。判决书中,玛雅因比蒂的拥抱、轻拍、亲吻和让她坐在腿上等行为获得了巨额赔偿。许多被指控虐待儿童的父母的故事之所以引起关注,是因为美国存在家庭分离问题。 Jessica Pryce: 我在职业生涯早期的一次家访中,感受到了家庭环境的糟糕,但忽视了母亲的处境和经历。儿童保护工作常常专注于父母的行为,而不是关注孩子的最佳利益。大多数儿童保护案件并非蓄意虐待,而是疏忽,这与贫困和精神健康问题有关。在离开儿童保护领域后,通过研究数据,更深刻地认识到该系统对弱势家庭造成的损害。在工作中面临道德冲突,因为她既要与所爱之人和敬佩的同事相处,又要处理系统中的问题。一些母亲更容易获得同情和信任,而另一些母亲则不然,这与她们的种族和社会经济地位有关。如果儿童保护机构上门,父母应该寻求法律建议,并考虑联系其他人士以寻求支持。儿童保护机构的权力在不同情况下有所不同,这与人们对它的认知有关。一些律师建议黑人母亲顺从儿童保护机构的要求,这反映了种族歧视的存在。并非所有父母都能平等地行使权利,因为经济能力、知识和获取资源的途径存在差异。作为强制举报人,在举报之前应该仔细考虑一些因素,例如与家庭的关系和可用的资源。在举报虐待行为之前,应该考虑可以提供哪些支持性措施来帮助家庭。在举报虐待行为时,应该考虑家庭可能面临的后果,并提供必要的支持。 Kathy Beatty: 比蒂在审判中主要反驳了针对她的指控,这些指控从严重的殴打罪到较轻微的违反承诺等都有涉及。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

With the jury's stunning $242 million verdict in favor of the Kowalski family, host Andrea Dunlop looks at why this case has struck such a nerve on both sides of the political spectrum. She examines why some mothers accused of medical child abuse are viewed as monsters and others as martyrs.  

Andrea looks at the charges against social worker Cathy Bedy the woman who became the face of the child welfare bureaucracy during the Maya Kowalski case and examines her testimony.  

We also seek out answers about the troubled state of child welfare in America by talking to Dr. Jessica Pryce, author of the forthcoming book Broken: Transforming Child Protective Services—Notes of a Former Caseworker. 

Dr. Pryce shares heart-wrenching stories of mothers whose lives have been turned upside down by investigations and sets out a compelling and urgent case for an overhaul of CPS. With her inside view of the system, she also gives insight on how doctors and other mandated reporters can do the best for the families they want to help even within the current, deeply flawed system.  

This episode grapples with the complexity around reporting child abuse suspicions and the potentially chilling ripple effects of the explosive verdict in Kowalski v Johns Hopkins All Childrens. It examines the lack of support for struggling parents in America, while leaving the listener with urgent questions about justice and equity. 

Pre-order Dr. Jessica Pryce’s book here:

Learn more about Dr. Pryce’s work on her website:  

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 If you have a story about medical child abuse that you are ready to share you can tag @andreadunlop,) email [email protected]) or leave us a voicemail at (484) 768-0266 

Follow host Andrea Dunlop on Instagram for behind-the-scenes photos: @andreadunlop

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Note: This episode contains sensitive content related to child abuse. Listener discretion is advised. 

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