cover of episode Bonus: Unabridged Conversation with Dr. Marc Feldman

Bonus: Unabridged Conversation with Dr. Marc Feldman

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Nobody Should Believe Me

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrea Dunlop
Marc Feldman
Marc Feldman: 本访谈主要围绕代理型孟乔森综合征展开,Feldman博士详细解释了该综合征的定义、与其他类似疾病的区别(如虚构性障碍、模拟症),以及其背后的心理机制。他强调,代理型孟乔森综合征并非罕见疾病,而是由于缺乏认识而被忽视。他批评了媒体对该综合征的误读,指出一些媒体报道倾向于淡化或否认该现象的存在,并对虚假指控的比例进行了澄清。他还分析了该综合征施害者的动机、行为模式以及司法判决中存在的问题,并对该综合征的治疗可能性进行了探讨。 Feldman博士还分享了自己在法庭上作为专家证人的经验,以及他如何应对来自对方律师的攻击。他指出,法官们往往对该综合征缺乏足够的了解,对施害者的处罚也往往过于轻微。 最后,Feldman博士讨论了互联网和社交媒体如何加剧了这种虐待行为,并提出了相应的应对策略。 Andrea Dunlop: Dunlop与Feldman博士就代理型孟乔森综合征的定义、误解和应对策略进行了深入探讨。她关注了该综合征对受害儿童和家庭的深远影响,并对媒体报道中存在的偏见和误解提出了质疑。她还探讨了该综合征施害者的动机,以及如何识别和应对这种行为。 Dunlop还分享了自己在研究和写作过程中的一些发现和感受,并表达了对受害者的同情和支持。她与Feldman博士就该综合征的治疗可能性、司法判决中的问题以及公众对该综合征的认知进行了深入的交流。

Deep Dive

Dr. Marc Feldman explains the differences between Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen by proxy, and malingering, emphasizing that Munchausen by proxy is a form of child abuse associated with a mental illness called factitious disorder imposed on another.

Shownotes Transcript

In today's bonus episode, we share Andrea's unabridged conversation with Dr. Marc Feldman, one of the experts we heard from throughout season one of the show. Dr. Marc Feldman is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa and an internationally renowned expert on Munchausen by Proxy.

He is the author of five books, more than one hundred peer-reviewed articles, and has appeared as an expert in dozens of television programs, print media, and documentaries throughout the world. Dr. Feldman is a longtime member of the APSAC’s MBP committee and originally nominated Andrea as a member. 


More about Dr. Feldman: )

Munchausen by Proxy is a serious and widely-misunderstood form of child abuse. It can result in a wide swath of destruction and trauma for everyone involved and lifelong devastation for survivors.

Munchausen Support was created in collaboration with some of the world’s top experts and provides science- and fact-based information about Munchausen by Proxy.

It is also intended to offer resources and support for professionals in the midst of a case, family members in crisis, and survivors seeking treatment.

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