cover of episode 219. How Do You Identify a Narcissist?

219. How Do You Identify a Narcissist?

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John Rury
Aditi:通过邮件提问关于自恋的范围、识别方法以及减少其负面社会影响的解决方案。 Angela Duckworth:自恋是一个范围而非非此即彼的概念,临床诊断需要考虑其严重性和功能障碍程度。自恋有夸大性和脆弱性两种亚型,都具有对抗性,但其他成分不同。夸大性自恋者具有代理性外向,表现为自信、主动性和追求奖励;脆弱性自恋者内向、敏感,但可能隐藏着夸大的自我认知。两种自恋亚型都以自我为中心,但脆弱性自恋与低自尊相关,而夸大性自恋则与高自尊相关。研究表明,美国社会自恋程度在一段时间内有所上升,但之后有所下降,这可能与经济环境有关。经济繁荣时期可能导致自恋程度上升,而经济衰退时期则可能导致下降。社交媒体对自恋的影响尚不明确,需要更多研究。自恋程度会随着年龄增长而下降,但个体间的相对排名相对稳定。建议远离有毒和自恋的人,不要试图改变他们。目前尚无有效方法来减少社会层面的自恋影响。提高对自恋的认识可能是应对自恋问题的初步步骤。 Mike Mahn:自恋一词源于希腊神话中的人物纳西索斯,他沉迷于自己的倒影。2016年美国总统大选期间,对“自恋”的网络搜索量激增,反映了人们对自恋的关注度提高。“自恋型虐待”并非临床术语,而是人们在社交媒体上表达因自恋型行为带来的影响的方式。布莱尼·布朗将自恋定义为对平凡的羞耻感驱使的恐惧。 John Rury:不同文化对自恋的容忍度不同。 匿名听众:分享孩子生活信息在建立虚拟社区方面有积极作用,但随着孩子长大,应减少分享。不应在网上分享孩子照片,以保护孩子的隐私和自主权。分享孩子照片是为了满足父母的自我满足感,而非为了孩子的利益。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the difference between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism?

Grandiose narcissism is characterized by high self-esteem, assertiveness, and leadership, often associated with a sense of entitlement and antagonism. Vulnerable narcissism, on the other hand, is marked by low self-esteem, hypersensitivity to criticism, and a hidden sense of grandiosity, often accompanied by envy and social isolation.

Why does narcissism tend to decrease with age?

Narcissism decreases with age due to a linear decline across the lifespan, starting as early as eight years old and continuing until around 77. This decline suggests that individuals become less narcissistic as they age, though the rank order of narcissism among individuals remains relatively stable.

How does social media impact narcissism?

While some argue that social media fosters narcissism by encouraging self-promotion, research by Jean Twenge suggests that social media may actually lead to a decrease in narcissistic traits. This is because social media can increase self-consciousness and anxiety, which may reduce self-esteem and narcissistic behavior.

What is the prevalence of narcissistic personality disorder in the general population?

Narcissistic personality disorder is relatively rare, with prevalence estimates ranging from close to 0% to 5% in the general population. This is much lower than rates of depression or anxiety, which are more common mental health conditions.

Why did narcissism scores decline after the Great Recession?

Narcissism scores declined after the Great Recession, likely due to a shift in societal focus from individual success to collective challenges. Economic downturns may reduce a sense of entitlement and antagonism, leading to a more communal mindset and lower narcissistic tendencies.

What is the myth of Cincinnatus, and how does it contrast with modern narcissism?

The myth of Cincinnatus is about a Roman leader who, despite being called to serve during a crisis, promptly resigned after resolving the issue to return to his humble life. This contrasts with modern narcissism, where individuals often seek power and recognition for personal gain rather than civic duty.

How does Brene Brown define narcissism?

Brene Brown defines narcissism as the 'shame-based fear of being ordinary.' This means that narcissists often engage in grandiosity and self-promotion to mask their underlying fear of not being special or extraordinary.

What are the two main subtypes of narcissism, and how do they differ?

The two main subtypes of narcissism are grandiose and vulnerable. Grandiose narcissists exhibit high self-esteem, assertiveness, and leadership, often with a sense of entitlement. Vulnerable narcissists, however, have low self-esteem, are hypersensitive to criticism, and hide a secret sense of grandiosity, often accompanied by envy and social isolation.

Why is antagonism a common trait in both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism?

Antagonism is a common trait in both forms of narcissism because it involves a zero-sum view of relationships, where one's success is seen as another's loss. This trait manifests as rivalry, entitlement, arrogance, and a tendency to exploit or deceive others.

What is the role of agentic extroversion in grandiose narcissism?

Agentic extroversion is a key component of grandiose narcissism, characterized by assertiveness, leadership, high self-esteem, and a proactive approach to life. This trait allows individuals to pursue greatness and take bold actions, often leading to success in leadership roles.

This chapter explores the definition of narcissism, its historical context, and its prevalence in society. It distinguishes between colloquial usage and clinical diagnosis, highlighting the distinction between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.
  • Narcissism is derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus.
  • The term 'narcissistic abuse' is colloquial, not clinical.
  • There are two subtypes of narcissism: grandiose and vulnerable.

Shownotes Transcript

What’s the difference between narcissism and high self-esteem? Does social media fuel arrogance or self-consciousness? And do people get less toxic with age?