cover of episode 218. Why Do Parents Overshare on Social Media?

218. Why Do Parents Overshare on Social Media?

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Angela Duckworth
Mike Mahon
Angela Duckworth和Mike Mahon讨论了父母在社交媒体上过度分享孩子信息和照片的问题,分析了这种行为背后的动机,以及由此可能带来的风险,包括身份欺诈、隐私泄露等。他们还探讨了相关的法律法规,以及如何平衡分享的乐趣与潜在的危害。他们认为,分享信息可能是一种本能的驱动力,但需要在现代社会中加以控制,并强调了征得孩子同意的重要性。 Mike Mahon主要从身份欺诈的角度分析了过度分享的风险,指出许多父母分享的信息与网络安全问题的答案重叠,这使得孩子更容易成为身份欺诈的受害者。他还引用了巴克莱银行的预测,指出到2030年,身份欺诈事件将大幅增加,其中很大一部分与过度分享孩子信息有关。 Mandy作为提问者,主要关注过度分享对孩子的实际威胁程度,以及已经过度分享后停止分享是否还有意义。她的问题引发了对信息不可逆转性以及如何保护孩子隐私的讨论。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is 'sharenting' and how common is it?

Sharenting refers to parents sharing photos and stories of their children on social media. Many parents create Instagram accounts for their minor children to document their lives, similar to how people create accounts for their pets.

What are the potential dangers of sharenting for children?

Sharenting can expose children to privacy breaches, identity fraud, and exploitation. For example, Barclays estimates that by 2030, two-thirds of identity fraud cases among young people will be linked to oversharing by parents.

What legal protections exist for children's online privacy?

In Europe, the 'right to be forgotten' allows citizens to petition for past information to be removed from search results. France has strict privacy laws allowing children to sue parents for sharing intimate details without consent. The U.S. lacks similar protections.

Why do parents overshare about their children on social media?

Parents may overshare due to a mix of motives, including pride in their parenting, social connection, and an evolutionary drive to disclose information. This instinct is rooted in ancient survival mechanisms but is now exploited by modern social media.

How does social media exploit our evolutionary instincts?

Social media taps into our ancient drive to disclose information, which was crucial for survival. However, in the modern world, this instinct can lead to oversharing, fraud, and privacy breaches, as the immediate reward of sharing conflicts with long-term risks.

What are the career aspirations of preteens and Gen Z regarding social media?

One in three preteens and over half of Gen Z individuals aspire to be influencers. Child influencers can earn six-figure incomes by promoting brands on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Does Angela Duckworth regret sharing stories about her children on the podcast?

Angela has occasionally felt a twinge of anxiety about sharing personal stories about her daughters, especially in her book 'Grit.' She acknowledges the importance of considering the long-term impact of sharing personal information about children.

What example does Angela give of a child who was affected by oversharing?

A woman wrote about her daughter, who, at 13 or 14, Googled herself and found extensive posts and photos her mother had shared. The daughter felt her life had been ruined by the oversharing, highlighting the potential emotional impact on children.

How does Taylor Swift's approach to sharing differ from typical sharenting?

Taylor Swift chose to share a montage of home videos with her mother when she was a teenager, showcasing her own decision-making process. This contrasts with parents who share their children's lives without their consent, emphasizing the importance of allowing children to control their own narratives.

Shownotes Transcript

How does social media exploit our evolutionary instincts? How dangerous is it to post about your children online? And does Angela regret talking about her daughters on the podcast?