Angela Duckworth:长期亲密关系可能带来益处,例如应对压力和缓冲灾难,但也可能导致精神健康问题,例如抑郁和焦虑。传统观念认为婚姻总是积极的,但研究表明,亲密关系可能成为心理问题的诱因。婚姻率下降,人们对婚姻的看法也在改变,不再认为婚姻是幸福生活的必要条件。中年以后,单身人士的幸福感会随着年龄增长而提高。
Mike Mann:长期浪漫关系是否值得取决于关系本身的好坏。人们对亲密关系的需求是普遍存在的,但满足这种需求的方式并非只有婚姻。个人应该对自身的幸福负责,而不是依赖伴侣。拥有广泛而稳定的社交网络可以增强婚姻关系。“爱与生活平衡”很重要,需要兼顾伴侣关系和其他重要关系。人们需要一些无条件的、长期的友谊。
The episode begins with a discussion on whether long-term relationships, particularly marriage, are worth the effort, considering the potential for mental health issues and the cultural shift away from traditional marriage.
Can long-term relationships do more harm than good? Where is the line between intimacy and codependence? And should we all try to be more like Mike’s parents?
Eli Finkel), professor of psychology and of management and organizations at Northwestern University.
Katie Genadek), economist at the U.S. Census Bureau and faculty research associate at the Institute for Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Faith Hill), senior associate editor of culture at The Atlantic.