主持人:多家美国主要报纸,包括纽约每日新闻、芝加哥论坛报等,起诉OpenAI和微软版权侵权。这些报纸的母公司是Alden Global Capital,它们指控OpenAI和微软未经许可使用其文章训练AI模型,并删除了版权管理信息,如记者姓名和标题。诉讼还包括商标稀释索赔,声称OpenAI和微软未经授权使用其商标。此外,新闻机构还指控OpenAI和微软的AI模型出现“幻觉”,损害了其声誉。OpenAI和微软则回应称,AI模型并非故意复制粘贴新闻内容,这只是罕见的bug。此次诉讼的核心在于OpenAI是否在未经授权的情况下使用新闻文章训练其AI模型,以及这是否构成版权侵权。这起诉讼将对AI公司如何使用新闻内容产生重大影响,并可能改变新闻出版商的盈利模式,因为生成式AI工具正在颠覆传统的搜索引擎和新闻获取方式,AI新闻简报的兴起也正在改变人们获取新闻的方式。
This chapter explores the lawsuit filed against OpenAI by eight major US newspapers, all owned by Alden Global Capital, for copyright infringement. It examines the financial motivations behind the lawsuit and the role of Alden Global Capital in consolidating the legal action.
Eight major US newspapers, owned by Alden Global Capital, are suing OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement.
The lawsuit alleges OpenAI used copyrighted articles without permission or payment to train its model.
Alden Global Capital's financial motivations are highlighted as a key driver of the lawsuit.
In this episode, we analyze the lawsuits filed against OpenAI by various news organizations in response to their recent deal-making, and explore the potential implications for the wider AI sector.