No Dogs In Space is a music history podcast featuring Marcus Parks and Carolina Hidalgo of the Last
In this the third chapter of our series on Joy Division, we explore the band's early missteps in fin
On the second part of our series on Joy Division, we cover the year the musical evolution of the ban
On this, the penultimate series of our season of punk, we begin the surprisingly funny and absurd st
On the conclusion to our series, we cover Frankenchrist, Penis Landscape, the obscenity trial that f
We follow the Dead Kennedys as they take on the 80s. Taking us out: City Barricades Follow Marcus on
We continue our story as the Dead Kennedys help shape the emerging hardcore scene, take on Nazis and
We follow the Dead Kennedys as they become San Franciscan hometown heroes, engage in political activ
In this special minisode, Carolina and Marcus dissect the newly-released Stooges show at the Goose L
We kick off our series on the genre-defining hardcore punk band Dead Kennedys. Taking us out: Very S
This week we cover the earworm of the century, the one, the only, Surfin' Bird. Follow Marcus on Spo
We conclude our series on the Cramps by discussing gruesome injuries, their tv and movie work and a
We continue with The Cramps as they develop their signature psychobilly sound, go on tempestuous tou
Join us as we dive into the horror-rockabilly world of The Cramps. Taking us out: Vuvuzela Follow M
We sit down with Allan Arkush and he tells us all about the punk scene of the 70s, the filming of Ro
We conclude our series on the Slits by following them as they choose principals over success and go
In part two, we follow the Slits as they face down record companies, misogyny, and addiction. Tak
We start off our two-parter on the influential and endlessly original all-female group The Slits by
We wrap up our exploration of The Misfits by following them as Glenn Danzig burns bridge after bridg
We kick off our series on the group that first injected horror into punk, The Misfits Taking us ou
In our finale on The Ramones we follow the band through tumultuous days of questionable solo project