cover of episode 34. Data-Driven Decision-Making and Intranet Design (feat. Christian Knoebel and Charlie Kreitzberg, Princeton University)

34\. Data-Driven Decision-Making and Intranet Design (feat. Christian Knoebel and Charlie Kreitzberg, Princeton University)

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NN/g UX Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Charlie Kreitzberg
Christian Knoebel
@Charlie Kreitzberg :计算机技术深刻改变了我的世界观,让我投身用户体验领域。在多年的UX项目经验中,我发现团队协作至关重要,而缺乏统一的用户体验定义常常导致项目失败。为此,我开发了5D Rubric框架,它通过赋能、效率、直觉、参与度和信任五个维度,对用户体验进行全面描述,并支持定性和定量评估。通过与用户访谈和在线评估工具,我们可以收集到丰富的用户反馈,并将其转化为可操作的改进建议。在普林斯顿大学内部网项目中,5D Rubric帮助我们发现并纠正了最初的设计缺陷,最终获得了成功。 @Christian Knoebel :我的职业道路并非预先规划,在早期网络媒体工作中接触到可用性概念,后在普林斯顿大学与UX团队合作,将产品开发与UX结合。在普林斯顿大学内部网项目中,我负责收集用户需求,并利用pairLab框架对产品特性进行优先级排序。pairLab通过两两比较的方式,定量分析用户对不同特性的偏好,并根据不同用户群体的反馈进行细分分析。pairLab不仅帮助我们确定了内部网的核心功能,也帮助我们选择了最终的名称“Inside Princeton”。在与UX团队的紧密合作中,pairLab提供的定量数据与5D Rubric提供的定性数据相结合,帮助我们更好地理解用户需求,并最终设计出满足用户需求的优秀产品。

Deep Dive

Charlie Kreitzberg and Christian Knoebel share their unique paths to joining the Princeton University team, highlighting their backgrounds in computing, media, and UX.

Shownotes Transcript

We often talk about measuring progress, but it can sometimes be harder to do in practice than in theory, especially when you’re combining mixed research methods. However, some teams have managed to not only make sense of the data, but use it to make award-winning designs. In this episode we feature two members of Princeton University’s award-winning intranet team: Charlie Kreitzberg, Senior UX Advisor, and Christian Knoebel, Director Digital Strategy, and how they combined two frameworks: the 5D Rubric and pairLab, to bridge the gap between UX and product design.

Learn about the 5-D Rubric

Learn about pairLab

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