cover of episode 20. What Makes a "Good" UX Professional?

20\. What Makes a "Good" UX Professional?

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NN/g UX Podcast

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#professional identity#professional networking#workplace strategy#personal anecdotes on pua#professional development#literature and publishing#workplace relationships#emotional intelligence in the workplace#workplace communication#personal growth and resilience People
Anna Cayley
Catherine Joyce
Kim Salazar
Maria Rosala
Rachel Krause
Tanner Kohler
@Anna Cayley 认为优秀的UX专业人士具备六个C:尽责、考虑周全、合作、沟通、好奇心和批判性思维。她强调了关注细节、考虑自身局限性、与团队合作以及有效沟通的重要性,并指出批判性思维能够帮助从业者在众多方法和框架中做出有效选择。 @Maria Rosala 认为成功的UX从业者能够对用户和组织产生积极影响。她强调了团队合作精神的重要性,并指出成功的UX从业者需要具备良好的沟通能力、同理心以及解决问题的能力。她还提到,一些重要的技能和态度在行业变革中依然保持不变。 @Tanner Kohler 认为优秀的UX专业人士能够深刻理解用户,并不会被用户的行为所惊讶。他强调了以人为本的研究的重要性,并指出从用户行为中学习关于人类行为的普遍规律至关重要。 @Rachel Krause 认为优秀的UX专业人士应该具备低自负、良好的沟通能力、销售能力以及能够适应模糊性和不确定性。她强调了避免以自我为中心,注重团队合作,并能够有效地向他人推销UX价值的重要性。 @Kim Salazar 认为优秀的UX专业人士理解UX是一门软科学,他们能够灵活运用各种知识和经验来解决问题,并能够在不确定性中保持自信。她强调了适应变化和模糊性的重要性,以及在各种约束条件下做出有效决策的能力。 @Catherine Joyce 认为优秀的UX专业人士需要具备好奇心、解决问题的能力、创造力、沟通能力、同理心和远见卓识。她强调了持续学习、积极寻求解决方案、有效沟通以及为用户利益而努力的重要性。

Deep Dive

Anna Cayley discusses the '6 C's' of successful UX professionals, emphasizing conscientiousness, consideration, and collaboration as foundational traits.

Shownotes Transcript

What does it take to be successful in the field of user experience? There isn't a single, clear-cut answer, but there are a number of different skills, traits, and perspectives that foster better workplace relationships and strengthen creative problem-solving. Anna Kaley and other fellow NN/g UX Specialists offer their insights on the commonalities that highly effective UX professionals seem to share, and how they can enable more human-centered outcomes. In this episode... Anna Kaley proposes "6 C's" list of characteristics that enable UX practitioners to succeed in the workplace. Maria Rosala shares some findings from our UX careers research, which prove have some timeless advice, despite frequent changes in the industry. Tanner Kohler highlights the importance of human-centered research versus feature-focused research in creating human-centered designs. Rachel Krause offers recommendations on how to evolve from being a designer in isolation into a designer with influence. Kim Salazar discusses the necessity to see ambiguity not as something to be feared, but as something to be explored. Finally, a featured clip from UX Certified community member, Katherine Joyce which celebrates habits and mindsets to which we all can aspire.