Welcome to Nightmare on Film Street - the best horror movie podcast for those who love a side of hum
This week, it's an ode to the modern monster on Nightmare on Film Street, the horror movie podc
On this week’s episode of Horror Movie podcast Nightmare on Film Street, we talk the legendary, ong
I was a teenage werewolf.. Join us on this week's episode of Horror Movie podcast Nightmare on F
Horror's gone META in this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street! Join Kim and Jon to d
Werewolves of London.. also.. random psychiatric colonies in the woods..? Join us on this week's
Knock, knock. Who's there? KILLERS! THAT'S WHO!! On this week's episode of Nightmare on
Nightmare on Film Street heads deep into Vampire lore on this week's episode of the podcast, opt
The living dead walk in Beverly Hills! That's right fiends, on this week's episode of the Ni
Where does evil live? In the mind? In the arm? Maybe the armpit??? We went VHS hunting for classic h
Join Kim and Jon on this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street, as they dissect and resurre
It's a Crypt Keeper Double-Feature on this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street! Join
Who's got the button? ..Current events aside, on this week's episode of Nightmare on Film St
Controversial opinions abound on this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street! Join Kim and J
Still deep in the post-glow of Guillermo Del Toro's THE SHAPE OF WATER, Kim and Jon sit down to
Are you familiar with Larry Fassenden’s indie arctic horror THE LAST WINTER? How about the found foo
Despite what you hear in the first few minutes, this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street is n
John Carpenter has made some of our most iconic horror films. He’s probably even made a few that you
In this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street, Kim and Jon invite you to a not so dystopian fut
For 10 years there existed a horror film so terrifying, so sadistic, it could only be found in the d
Class is in session, Fiends – and on this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street, Kim & Jon