Join former House Speaker, professor, historian, and futurist Newt Gingrich as he shares his lifetim
How was George Washington’s upbringing shaped by his mother Mary? A widowed single mother of five ch
The Tuskegee Airmen were the first black pilots in America. They overcame segregation and prejudice
The Iowa and New Hampshire results are in and the race for President is underway. With 41 years of
Is the Coronavirus the next global pandemic or will the disease be eradicated in a short period of t
Speaker Gingrich provides his vision for an American conversation we need to have headed into the 20
75 years ago on Monday, January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated from the Nazis. What can we learn
In 1979, the Shah of Iran was overthrown and the Ayatollah Khomeini came to power. 52 Americans wer
The opioid crisis is not only about drug addiction and life expectancy, it's also about our national
Incredible new breakthroughs in research reveal that we can slow down, or even reverse aging. Newt’s
The U.S. Presidential race and election, Brexit, North Korea and more. Newt discusses the five most
On Christmas Day 1776, General George Washington crossed the icy Delaware River and led his army to
Speaker Gingrich reflects on his experience on the impeachment of President Clinton, and how the pro
From Pearl Harbor to 9/11, what surprise attacks on the United States can teach us about intelligenc
Newt is joined by veteran reporter Lee Smith, who tells the incredible story of Congressman Nunes an
From the Pilgrim’s first Thanksgiving in 1621 to the modern day. Newt explores the history of our un
President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on the afternoon of November 19, 1863 dur
Actor Gary Sinise joins Newt for Veterans Day to talk about his journey from self to service. The Ga
Journalist Sara Carter joins Newt for a discussion about the danger of Mexican drug cartels and the
On June 12, 1987, President Reagan gave his Berlin Wall speech at the Brandenburg Gate that would br
Since the end of the Cold War, new global alliances and partnerships have formed. The most alarming