News in Slow Japanese / The Podcast

Hear interesting news and stories in slow, easy, clear Japanese


Total: 53

Have you ever lost a wallet or something valuable. What’s your feeling at the moment you notic

Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlo

This week we hear from a contributor who really likes the style of bathing in Japan. I have to agre

NISJ 266 – Fast Version


This is the native speed version of Episode 266:

NISJ 265 – Fast Version


This is the native speed version of Episode 265:



Here is some good advice about overcoming heartbreak and moving forward. It is a good chance to lea

Learn some important phrases related to relationships when this contributor shares his feelings abo

SB022 – Fasting


Have you ever considered fasting? Some people swear by it. This week’s contributor is just abo

SB021 – Belly Fat


This is something a lot of us have to deal with–putting on weight too easily. Listen to this

NISJ 388 – Fast Version


This is the native speed version of Episode 388:

In Japanese, Onomatopoeia can be divided into a few categories; they are called giseigo (擬声語), gion

Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) are words that represent sounds, and they are used in many languages to add mo

Japanese school clubs have a very rigid hierarchy. Seniors in the club can be very demanding to t

How strict were your parents? This person had very strict parents. She was made to do all kinds of

ima de wa, atte atarimae no insutanto rāmen. Jitsu wa Nihon hasshō da to iu koto wo…

This episode will help you get some really useful practice with the passive forms of Japanese, whic