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Well, plate. Well, well.
well, get this.
What we got a energy. Welcome back to new heights, present way sports and entertainment where your host, i'm travel's Kelsey, is my big brother, Jason kelley guite a cleaning heights, ohio. He said, I die as my dog and gk would say, and man, i'm just roll with rides right now.
New hide straps every wednesday during the nf season. Subscribe on youtube, whether you get to procs united two percent, follow the show on all social media at new hyde show with ones, and check out our official fank live at new heights show that com also with us. Jason, talk to the people. Another fantastic .
show you guys coming up. Iri onic.
at this point, I have you see we're going .
to reach out both of our week twelve wins with travis breaking yet another record and the eagles getting IT done in overtime. Baby also going to talk about the biggest story lines from around the league and it's a juan element.
queen to do more, more juice, more very queendom. We got to get him .
back on and he's he's a character. Hello, but first there's always no.
no, no news.
New heights, one of apples most followed shows of twenty followed. Not quite sure what that means. I think that means were describe .
to nice we get some book .
ribes I know is the first part of of new news as apple podcast put out their list of most popular podcast of twenty twenty three and new heights is in the top three of the most followed shows of the .
year of what did you do we know what the other two are?
Well, it's apple. It's not. So juran is only spotify, so he's out. So apple.
can we get some help run .
in some news bay shows maybe?
Oh, you're do you .
thinking in C N N. fox? I do know this were the only sport show in the top ten of their rankings, which the sports this is, is this still sport show? Who knows? So huberman lab and smartness were about, oh, those are ones, the grey ones.
He remain law as a one of my favorites to listen up up and coming, uh, biohacking or health related things. Smartness is years of areas. Check out out the bateman in the crew, a commander. So how you say that scamander .
is the .
male robbin's .
podcast scamander .
whose is no Robin, somebody who .
should know no robbins, five sell to no Robins .
I know about Brooks .
crime junkie and I can see, I can I can just dive down that when I you're .
a big crime, a podcast .
how do you not love some good not necessarily big pockets .
guy general but man, I mean, we watch enough long order with yeah and I think we got addicted to anything crime related.
I'm honestly if I if long orders on, i'll just sit there for like five minutes. And if if I catch on, I am just there for .
fucking in an hour. I'm in all I have to do. I'll never turn IT on. But if I ever just here, here we go no nice .
we I caught from the beginning so I get all the details.
Were you original long order review?
That was whatever d Kelsey .
was watching, I think was that was the one with .
ice cube oh, I mean, I think he was pretty .
much all event. Yeah, I think they're both good. As for you, as you was just more diocles.
I don't even know that word .
means like original law in order is just like murder in like typical I S V U. There's some about spu crimes that your like, man, that's this goes a bad.
That's a stretch.
Yeah, this was a bad guy, right? So yeah, human lives want this.
Shut out everybody.
Yeah, and shut out to the ninety percenters that got us up in the top three. So much for continuing to make the show successful and listening to two more talk about where anything.
including foobar moron or another new news, Kelly jacket auction, a replica of prince's Dianas equals jacket signed by he and favorite of the show and my sister are not Kelly. Kelly sa. Jason's wife, has officially brought in one hundred thousand dollars in an auction for the eagles audience foundation, and the window of the jacket has yet to be revealed.
But we know well, travis. We're going to reveal the winner of the field of eagles throwback jacket of with princess Karena signature right now in the show. Ninety two percenters, please welcome to the show.
The cocreate, or of always Sunny filled out here. wow. Co owner of rec F, C and the men who put on sixty pounds for bit this, the fact matt himself, A H. anymore?
No, not more. I slam down a little .
bit in shape and spell. Yeah.
i'm going for more .
of a travel body. The bigbang, I don't know, know you more.
I used to get fat, fat mac walking around filled out here for a good six or seven years IT was definitely um I think I was more well known for that than being a on the eagles but um rap thank you so much for one coming on the show but also being a part of the egos as of foundation you you're always involved and forbidding on this jacket the last I saw and um there was a tweet out that he was at sixty two .
thousand you had IT up to okay well we have to start the beginning because I just read something from people magazine that says Kelly Kelsey eagles jacket raises one hundred thousand for autism foundation and rob mceleney is outbid at sixty two k which is accurate. That is accurate. I was out. That's accurate. Yes, that is accurate. I.
I started the beginning. Well, okay, so the answer is yes. I'll have. I'll start from the beginning though I I was just on twitter and I saw or si X, I was on x and I saw that um that that the that the jacket was up for auction and IT was a great foundation, something that we believe in and love and have a lot of connections to yeah and I really love the jacket.
I thought that was beautiful and I thought, hey, there's a great cause of great jacket. Put me in for ten thousand. And then I think within a couple of days, somebody came in for twenty.
I thought, well, all right, okay, now we will get in serious once again. It's it's a foundation, I believe, love you guys, love the jacket, love the eagles I put in for twenty five and I thought, okay, that's a good donation that you'll get IT done. Somebody outbid me for thirty, then from thirty.
Now i'm like that. Now, scan serious. I mean, again.
this is, that was personal.
Nl, now, if this was personal and somebody puts in, I put thirty five thousand dollars, and somebody goes and immediately and puts in for fifty. Now I thinking I might be jeffrey I thinks jeffrey luri who caught wind of this and was like, i'm just going to drive this Price up as much as I can and and I was always for, like, great again, this is a great as I believe in. Let's go for IT when .
I think that actually crash the site at that point, because I remember you tweet IT out, I found out that you had bit, and then we went to go check that out. And I was like having the issues.
They were having issues because I was smashing the button as hard as I could because I couldn't believe, I couldn't believe that somebody was, like, immediately jumping on every time I bid. And so my final bid was going to be my favorite player, representing my favor player on the eagles sixty two. I thought that was a good number.
I thought that was that was A A number that would resonate in the hearts and minds of birds fans all over the world. And again, was for A A foundation that that we feel really strongly about, that we really love and believe in holiday season coming up. This seem like the right thing to do.
Nice, nice.
And then I got a text from somebody that I know who said, i've been the one betting against you both. And IT did not even cross my mind that this was a possibility. And IT turned out that I .
live with this person.
Oh, my gosh, is my job.
We live in the same .
house. This is a foundation that's important to both of us. The jacket looks great on your wife. It's clearly for women.
I want IT love IT he .
mentioned nothing about IT. I'm like, what are you doing?
SHE didn't likely .
point out that it's been modeled by a woman. Ka, s, jacket. SHE look to wear jacket.
princess Diana. IT went from princess is Diana to ki kell sy to a dude that doesn't IT also, hi, we share a bank account. Maybe just fill me in, you know I mean, I know how to percent bored, but what are you doing? Blow my mind.
Oh, my goi .
even came home one night only over the course of much she's and from Jason Kelly, you saying crashing the site as like not to know i'll .
be crashing the site.
but I brought IT up at one point and was like, this is crazy. Somebody's outbidding me and he just went to stone face and I didn't. I apparently can't pick up on the social cues of someone i've been marry to for eighteen years. But fifteen years, sorry, but every guy, just again, what is happening? And oh, this is .
So this is all leading up to the monday night game. This is all around the same time. And then we were like, well, okay, now, now we now I know who's our bidding me i'm like, okay, well, maybe we can stop, have some fun with IT. And you had an idea that I next immediately you, yeah, I was like, okay, on my next bit will be eighty seven thousand dollars, which would .
make a sense 哦 yeah。
Ec, saic.
we're on the travel Kelsey train these days, you know.
try the city brother.
I love golden t, golden ds though.
So golden ds, I was unwilling to compromise on the eighty.
but I get a gover. There is no there was no compromising as far as access. But again, we just truly believe in this organization, and it's actually something that we really lean into a at rem as well.
In fact, we've done a few episodes of the documentary a about a lot of the work we've been doing with the artistic community and actually spending the whole spectrum of all sorts of different um more diverse, no divergent um disorders and and it's something that we talk about all the time. It's something that we um we feel very strongly about. So to be a part of IT in any way um especially under the guys of, I mean, I win basically I win. I win a jacket .
for sure .
he will not be wearing the jacket. So we just we felt like and even one hundred thousand dollars as .
as .
a donation number.
we're just honor to be a part .
of IT with you guys. And are you do you guys have the jet?
You guys no have the jacket with this dumb switcher for now?
No jacket. Ah okay, weird. I think it's still take the grand we can overnight night that I think the eagle should be able .
to overnight we can expect.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much to both of you.
Thank you. Your wife looks great in IT.
by the way. 哦, thank you. And he is on SHE 鞋子 a way of making anything look good。 Yes, that's but no. Thank you so much for one supporting you a lot in the foundation rob, I see every year at the golf outing that we do and you know every dollar goes to equals autum related research, autism mulato research uh and an autism later support for families.
So it's it's a really highly run foundation and can think you got enough for always being supporters of IT and supporters of the autism community. So thank you to both of you. This is beyond generous. It's also some you guys are incredible. You're created everything you do, including competing for a jacket.
making a fun for everybody to follow how you.
and the fact that he didn't do IT publicly SHE just did IT just texted me on the side. And I was in the car when I got the, I got the text that was like, it's me domestic. You really call me a bozo. And I one hundred percent was about, yeah I didn't need the attention.
That's okay. Oh, I guess .
the this is great as .
fun yeah but honestly, thank you both and thank thank Kelly and certainly ryan. Ryan hammond does an amazing job running that foundation and uncertainly all the work that that Jeffery is doing. And we just love being associated with you guys in anyway anyway, shape and form. So we're happy to be a part of IT.
Thank you so much for being a part of IT. Thank you so much for buying the jacket, being birds fans. And you guys .
are the best go birds. I'll you say go bird. Yes.
yes. yeah. To say IT for this right here.
i'll say, go, we deserve IT. You guys are awesome. Thank you.
Thank you. No, thank you. This is really cool.
That stories hilarious. absolutely. If I can, there is.
what does you guys up you right now? What's the latest?
Well, rexam is playing right now, rob. Like I am also .
checking .
the stories. They, yeah, yeah, it's currently too, too. It's all over. Yeah okay, so but again, in in football, I have to call the football. So I don't get stabbed.
When I go to europe, played global football, a to two is actually not so bad. I was, in a way, game. So we get a point.
still a point.
which is always a good thing. Stop point. I'm the point.
How many games are left in the season?
We're almost about thousand thousand five hundred games left in the season.
There's a lot of .
game because .
I like in season tournament though, that's adapted from you .
guys and a fascinating part of the sport because some people really care a lot and then other people don't care at all. And so you have fan bases that are sort of torn. But I do find that is a win, win.
Because if you advance and continue to win through the tournament, everybody gets excited. But if you lose, nobody cares. So that in in fact, the end of sea championship game last year, which we came to, we watched the rexam game in the parking lot with the tailgate before the end of sy championship game.
And we wanted drawing .
that game against the team that was retired than was. And then we watch you guys, you know, go there .
and a weapon .
on on your competitors.
which was fun to be a little. Remember that one.
I know blood .
in this game. yeah.
L racing red level don't act like.
you know how to pronounce.
We going to get alpine racing team football. Football is so .
With that, I am now correcting people on the words soccer versus football and now alpine versus out pin. I mean, people just want to smack me.
I ve, you're all in, you're doing right things. You're in baby.
I am all. And but yeah, we watch you guys. We after week, mostly, Jason.
probably respectably. But man.
that came. You guys were so differentiated. I watched the most recent podcast where we were talking about the game and they they were so respectful to each other and so nice and and giving IT up for the defenses, which are are playing so incredibly well. But man, Patrick homes is .
something else.
That dude is incorrect. Ble, yeah. And the chief s are not going anywhere, and I do not want to see you in the super ball. I.
we go as putting the house are .
right now but yeah, I, I, I again, I feel so honor to be to be a part of this with you guys. I'm just such a master fan of you both in and OK feels the same way yeah. Thank you for having a song.
Also, can I just mention, I know it's sort of alt there, but you're such good examples of positive masculinity and everyone's talking about IT and they're not wrong. It's lovely how much you love each other, how kind you are to your mom and to your male teammates. And it's just really nice to see we have two boys and were like big hugin caster is in our family and think it's really important. So thank you for that too.
We're big huggers .
in the e to get no um the .
feeling is mutual were obviously huge fans and love everything you guys do yeah you guys kill IT best to lock this year with rexow and obviously gold birds .
got finish that golden at once again.
Hopefully we'll .
see you guys and see I if not, be back oh my yeah.
Get out on the beach where we go. I'm on that for sure.
I I have to ask you guys because I truly don't understand this. And I thought, I thought that I knew the rules of football. And but my kids asked me after the second false start that was called on, my favorite player on the team just made a very small mistake.
Even so, I went back and round IT to watch IT, to explain IT to them. And I can understand what a false started, because IT feels like you didn't move at all yet. I see centres all over the league moving the ball constantly, looking around, setting. So I I looked at both of those place through the lens, not of a bird fan, but of, uh, just someone trying to understand the rules. What is a fault?
start? What s what happened? yeah. So IT was definite fall star. IT was for sure a false star.
He was good, a good lad.
Rather have you are set and you function at all in an away. So there's there's movements that are allowed and was actually one called in the previous game against create humpy. That kind of thought was a bogus call.
IT was a very natural movement for person to make, but if you flinch and move in a way that isn't natural, especially if you trying to draw, deepen ds of players off sides, but if you like false start, literally like go to move. And it's not the right time to do that before the ball moves. It's gonna five yards and that was very small in my head, i'm like, or they might not seen IT because sometimes they do miss IT. But you got to play IT off Better.
You you got to fuck and point. You got a point when you do .
IT I know h what's that over there?
I feel they cut to you and you you turn around and like, you are busted.
I know I should have acted and that we do teach that like they're like, no, if you move, you plame the other guy rather if you're fault or not, you're blame in the other guy to .
scratch or something next time yeah so it's a judgment call on the referee ultimately, right? Because I feel like I I feel like I see centres moving the ball like a is IT just once you're set in the ball is planted then, yes.
So if if you do anything so that the key, the key things are either in a brought movement, so if it's like super quitter key. Or if it's an unnatural movement. So if you go up to the ball every time and you're like moving IT to adjust your hand, they're gonna call that. If you go up to the ball every time and do this with your hand, they're not gna call that but if you do something either I brushed quick or um that is unnatural to what you're doing the rest of the game to call you for a full start wow.
So it's just a judgment of just a judged call. It's as confusing a pass in a ference.
Yeah well, yeah, I know you're doing.
rob. Especially if the devils of player .
comes off sides like I do think if we wouldn't drawn the events player off size on the first one, there is a chance IT doesn't IT call because IT wasn't that minor or that much moment, but because the diva player just they have to call somebody, they're going to call the guy that moves first. So yeah, thank you to jack eli. Big time for a and IT was weird like, you know, you're good at kicking its rainy, terrible weather. The game.
he's so good.
like the worst conditions every year is .
sixty article. He's that good.
He's unbeliever. He's incredible. And i've asked him about IT to, and I can tell, I ask them, like what does that feel like when he goes out there? How like as your stomach and knots. And the way he answered me was as if he didn't even know what I was talking about.
You don't have others. Why would I be nervous .
at all the time? Why would I be nervous .
about what he goes? I don't. I don't even like football that much, wants to be a tennis player.
And he has funny, so nicked that the whole bit about so tiger words, I guess, famously made light sound like three hundred plus consecutive ten foot butchers somewhere there made five foot tch. And he said, jack, you know, good jake, he is a golfer and go in the front of the room and he had jake just start hitting these puts and he's got trying to prove a point. Like, out of ten puts, jake is gonna miss one. And it's gonna like, look at our great tiger was jack did not miss single one. There's just something, a bottom that he does not get resolved .
in from the whole groom.
I, but I asked him to about, and people find this fascinating. I know I found a fascinating. I asked him where you just a soccer play, a football player, a soccer player, where did you always were always good at kicking things and he goes, now I wanted to be a test player. That's what I wanted to do.
And one day I was just a gym class and we were just kicking balls, and I just walked up and kicked a forty five years years go like that and the coach, the coach was like, a scholarship can play on the high school, on the high school team and he said, no. And he waited for until his junior, senior year before he started playing. And that amazing.
How about dad?
He's just naturally created everything.
I guess, every single competition that we do in the all season as a team. And we have like little, you know, a chipping competition. A ultimately, jl is the first thing because, you know, he's gonna good at IT, so he's a beast.
He's obese. I want that. alright. Thanks guys. amazing.
That was a great no dumb question from them, Michael. anything?
Oh yeah. Can I go on? No dumb questions.
It's one .
hundred person. yeah. And going.
no news .
coming in that. And thanks, rob. K, thank you so much.
Thanks, guys. Say, thank ys, yes, thank you.
Thank you.
Well, how right now, how about big rob stuff and through with his wife, katine? And that was pretty fucked in. amazing. Those actually really amazing. I just had the time of my life.
You cannot have one talking to rob OK. I mean, that was incredible.
the best and we got ta no dumb question, which leads us into our segment. No dumb question.
Never go.
The Michael and a family got us going. But let's answer a few not dumb questions because it's no such thing as dumb questions. Young people .
like here.
no questions brought to you by our friends at both the wild wings, let's go sport .
park and I still in a leg. So good. Yeah, you're off every time. Are you before me or mate in .
my I just think we're on queue is just the sounds of our collapse. Don't sound like their own because of the delayed or whatever technology there's going on. Their art from nol randle via email, why our reporters allowed in the locker? This is a fuck and fantastic question. Do they at least give you a warning before they come in so players can cover their Harry bunds and stuff? Harry bones, yeah well, you hit right on the logan guarantees and I haven't seen your s and while, but you got marry buns.
We ve got that what to match as the drops for sure. every.
Yeah, which is Harry. People big and is difficult Harry buns. And they do actually there's a good question. They do actually give us a warning. I think it's after the games over, after like meetings and everything, they give everybody, I think like ten fifteen minutes to kind of get way to get dressed or at least make your self presentable and um then the media can just come in and is a free, free, free for all .
like little tiles.
I'm not sure why they just make IT like a free locker. I guess it's just kind of in that way, sce, they made this rule that you know, the media gets uh, like a specific a lot of time after a game. Instead IT just making certain guys go to the podium.
Well, they can only have so many guys go to the podium. So I think the media wants this um time period if they have a chance to talk to every guy sentiment that played in the game, which doesn't always happen if you're injured or you're in a hurry. Sometimes you don't talk to the media but for the most part um they can talk to whoever they want to in the luck.
And if you remember the martian links, i'm just here. So I don't get find as a player in the nfl, you have to um you have to allocate time for the media um and if you don't.
you will get fine. No, I mean, I guess you don't have to. You just take the fine, but you don't want to lose money.
I have to.
Was that ever weird? Weird having people in the lock around this? weird.
The only time I feel like it's weird is if you're like as naked next to the guys love ker that's get interview .
yeah because then .
there's just a whole bge of people like media people dressed in my full, those men and women just standing next to you being asked naked so no.
I think i've just been taking in front end of people this point that I mean.
I think he was I think he was more like getting that feeling when I first got to the league. I could give a rats .
as now I thought I was weird in high school when gaza wears like bathing suits into the showers. That was weird. That was weird.
Good naked. We're all gonna naked now. It's not weird. You're making to wear by name. And now would you try to hide to be naked? Here I mean.
that was you do I fully understand that it's a look at weird the .
end of focus women in the back room. But I mean, there's a way that you can shocker, you don't have to get naked in front of the male reporters that you can cover yourself, go into the bathroom, they're not there and just get naked there and take your course out there. So there's ways to not, uh, just be naked if you don't want to be seen. So I I don't think is that weird and does .
your answered no? Well, yes, for our last no dumb question from ad user x px, up, up and up on. This is the bot. This is even a real person.
This can be a real person.
I got a hockey question. Who would you guys think would make the best hockey lineup for only using nfl stars? It's actually a fun question. I am going to think about this one.
Yes, we we had a best. What do we have best basketball from five features football players once.
Or what do we do? I pick up football game with only commentators, maybe because I remember I picked shack rand im, yet we do that one time. Anyway.
best a good matter.
So let's do starting five, right? We don't. We can't do a whole hockey team.
So we do. After five, starting five. And I art, do you have a .
pending paper over? There is something what bright we are? no. So we .
get dependent fans.
Could you write down you do doing right now?
Are we current or former players or all the above?
I say all the above.
So any player in history, yep, as we were gone, mean, okay, you M A more modern.
I'm just going to go for the guys that I know they can escape. So at center, are we able to pick us? Oh.
because i'm I think we avoid us. I think I think we don't pick us.
right? We're going to pick me. Are you one hundred percent? I was going pick you, you. But now .
i'm not, let's assure. Okay, for the secular question, everyone can escape. Although my first pic was going to be just what? Just because I know he can escape.
I mean, I was going to go the White brothers, and then and then just put like grana goal because I saw my goal.
Wait a goal.
You saw grok. Yeah, you I think he he, he did something with the ten bay lightning and he was in nett for for a practice of something like that, how to work? I mean, IT was, he was a great bit.
I enjoyed watching. I don't know any of us in net against actual N. H. L. players.
Is gonna good? Grand made IT look in as fun as we could to get that I wanted. Do IT now like I want to hit up the black oxx and .
get in netter something? Alright, i'm going at center. I'm going in jji up because I feel like he's an eric in .
joss .
saber power player. He's gona bad check hard. He's going to play a physical game in front of the net team.
i mean, going to make the house like .
that and he's got some. You mean some is not going to be it's not going to play that mean .
he little creativity to left wing. Go to speed. I need some speed of jji.
What's holding down the center position? I need speed. Go entire hill. He's onna. Fly up.
Assume that everyone can skate. This is like the rocky, that the the black oxide. I was talking about a band benda.
I on't even want to say his last name. I just know I love, what can I do play? So who else?
Who else we got? I'm going on right wing. I gotto have a left tended person because 是 they need to be able to cut to the middle or get a good angle on the net。
Good angle. Yeah, go on my vic, right? Yeah, I mean, fuck, you guys are a fast, powerful team right now. Who else we can get .
a play defense? I feel like it's going to be two linebackers that were just like be, I want to go dick buckets and ray Lewis to just bring that energy, just going to bring that energy. Dick buck is lot of just toughness.
Dicky buck is play tighten. I thought.
no dig book is place D A midland .
bear who might think .
of you're thinking of the other bears coach. You're thinking my dick.
a dick. Sorry, mike, you're fuck in .
your legend. You you hate .
when I get him.
Shuttle around and then a goal because I don't know anybody can play goal. Usually goal tenders are really skinny, so their agile and move. I don't think any nfl players going to be able to do that well.
So i'm going to go the opposite direction, which is whatever youth team does, where they just put somebody who occupies a lot of space. I'm going to go tourney series gosip. Rest in peace.
R, I, P, to.
And I was on the same, not going to bring good energy.
You and that's fucking you're gold needs to be be that fucking .
they need to bring the to, oh my gosh, what was the golden t think .
I knew exactly like what I said. IT, right? That was was a fucker.
That was a good, no one question you get up. I feel like, yeah and White brothers, that's fuckyou. Let's get on the ice together, boys.
Let's get this. Create a team that would be pretty fucking found. That would be fun. I think I saw J, J playing.
And like a mens league, we should all seriously go to a random, like open ice time, or like older guys, get out there and just create a team and see what we can do.
see what we can get the, get the boys together and be like little giants.
They have be fun that does .
IT for no dumb questions. The season is .
in full swing, and that's why we need to tell you about our special hook up for today is public. And we have a special .
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Now is a great time. Let's give some bold topics to wrap up. A weak twelve in the N. F. Man, where are already in we twelve? Well, man, this .
thing .
is the chief thirty one rates before. Again, in the game, we going to shut out apparently friend of the show, a new teammate and friend, Justin read, shows up to the game, is pregame out IT? They read, little new heights emerge.
swag testing. I was like, I was like, really, how comfortable is that thing? He's like, he is pretty comfortable. And like, you look good and baby, you good and the and he's a great fuck and photo, man, so cool. If we get the you get the support that we get, you know from the ninety two percent is, but when our teammates, because those are the guys that I like really like, are do they find me doing this every week? Like.
and you actually like to show.
should you shot up, I stop talking about you. yes. But yeah, jay read, ever since he's been on the team, is has been one of the spartiate foobar players i've ever played with.
One of the hardest workers you named of man comes down to play physical. Foobar actually love a love playing with love heaven among the other side of the ball. And obviously, you know, when a super balls, no, no one to heard a super bolt with him has been fuck and for no.
absolutely. And you can tell, just watching the tape and by plane against him, he's one of the leaders out there. He's one of the guys that really good at all organized. So tone of respect for j read.
shout out the j read for for rapid new heights, baby. And a taking the chief to new heights when he got to.
when he got to cancer city. Hi the game. Do you have any initial thoughts? Uh, from this one?
IT was a game obviously everybody knows was going on in the radar organization with the new coaching change. I've always had a bunch of respect for the guys that are on their team.
Uh, you know even more respect for having to go through what they went through in in terms of like the coating change and scrutiny and everything in and rally and together men, we knew we are going to get their their best shot, the excitement of being the rivalry that IT is um and shared after they came up fourteen nothing. And we had a regroup man. We had a regroup.
We knew we knew he was common and um you know they got off to a great start offensively. I think we only had four place in the first quarter as an offence um and that is yeah it's hard to deal with. And um luckily enough, our defence started in steps after fourteen, after two scores and we start rolling as an offence man got a lot of got a lot of the Young guys involved.
Um I say Young guys, but I mean got a lot of our weapons involved in a rushy rise and sky morn. Right now our run game with the those big, big office of line, we baby um IT is rolen and when we do that man is a IT opens everything up as as I say and your run game, you get the run game going and that past game is going to thrive. So IT was IT was fun to put up some some studies, especially in the second half. We get things rolling for cheeking them in the second half after have having whatever was our downs. But it's it's good to it's good to go into someone else a stadium and and find a way to win a like that, especially especially being down four team.
Nothing chief are now eight and three. Um the top team in the F U S, and currently the number two sea behind the ravens in the fc playoff picture. There are also foreign o at the brand new allegiance stadium in los vegas.
I love that stadium. IT is it's one of the IT is so far fun of plans. I came I came out a half time and rev run is DJ and rap and that was, I know, but the run, B, F, C, that's what you go.
Just a good man. no. And before that, IT was the last year. IT was, what's your name? I'm fucking to love is what I got.
that's not the most famous song, but I fuck and is this is where my players fuck me because I don't sublime, got diet. How did I not think of that? Do submit. Playing as I as we .
were coming out .
from nine time was last year. This year was everyone. But i'm pretty sure they do that every game.
They bring in somebody for the halftime show and they perform. And like the rafters, almost, they should. Sweet, yeah, nobody doesn't like vegas.
Bb, well, as you, we're just talking about first half. Come back. The chief s office didn't start hot early into the second quarter.
You guys are down fourteen. The rater scored on the opening drive. And early in the second quarter, just, Jacobs said sixty three years touched down. And obviously you guys are .
frustrated. Fuck foobar the m .
and he can, he can bring you just like anybody else. So you guys are down fourteen points. And the wrong mother fuckers finally woke up with the cheese, finally scoring down the field to set up A A A cheko a first touchdown of the night. Make IT a one score game then on your next possesion you even things up a bit with a twelve play, seven one you are drive that ends up in a homes to just in watch and touch down.
Day one, baby.
The big idea had a couple of huge catches on the drive, one for twenty seven yard and one for twenty three yards.
By by J. Y. Doesn't enough credit for that touchdown. man. He got absolutely smoked, trying to get through second level on that touchdown. He was supposed to be unlike the other side of the field.
And uh, forty forty one you caught him trying to get through second level, like trying to like run through second level, get decline to gets up off the ground that finds a void as pat like to starts leave the pocket a little bit that some touched down goes right up to the guy that just fuck and late him out and let some fucking in here that you ve got the flag for which I loved every bit of IT what what you can do is you can't go helmet out point you mean you can't put your face mask into somebody else face mask after you just score a touchdown that'll give you every single time. But I tell you what, men fired me up, fired me the fuck up. And I early. I want tokyo ship on that drive .
you to twenty seven yard catch that you officially surpassed even thousand career receiving yards on becoming the fastest side and of the history to reach that milestone in your one hundred and fifty fourth game and you're the only player achieve friends of history to have eleven thousand perceiving you're just set records ever .
yeah literally I mean, you could do just because it's a whole number. We're going to say that and I was the fastest to eleven thousand nine hundred .
ninety nine and i'll be the fastest .
two eleven thousand at this point is just know it's cool but we don't need to say congrats every time I get to a whole number.
It's kind of nice though.
It's whatever, it's whatever. Not all my teammates helped me get these records every every week. This is a lebron step at this point.
Yeah, will will be back the same time a next november when traffic to two hundred years, thousand.
the only .
other time, and with seven thousand yards, are witten gates in gaza. So I know it's a bit .
You might not care about records, but you know who does ninety two percent about the name of Taylor swift that SHE liked an instagram announcement from the chiefs about you breaking .
this record oh right now um thanks tay. I appreciate you. Um on the cheese cheese page important kind of of the support the yeah yeah what's this next question?
SHE always been a fan. Tighten receiving yards SHE a big tighten receiving ards. I'm not.
He has a good question maybe. Oh no, oh no. She's a family tight and or not.
have to ask her. Both of our hoffs has struggled in the first APP this week. What do you think LED to you guys turned on around in the second of well.
IT started in the second quarter when we finally got things roll in a little, obviously got those two touched down. The second half was just that moment on, I think we came out. And after scoring two, two touchdowns back to back drives, having the first possession in the second half, known that we could steal that amenable and kind of shift the, the, the points, then just take the lead.
And sure enough, padding my homes walked us down the field and I say, a checked, obviously help. And your baby pop is down, is just getting down. Healy, so fuck and fun to play with.
man, fun to watch .
you run in hard. And when he get tackled, I like try and I go over there to help him up and get my guy help. Man, he run tail off right now.
He gets up faster than I can even move over there, and I like, okay, right? Five, five. Is just the development. And then and all you Young football players, you guys love the game, you guys love playing. Uh, for the guys next year, that's how you do IT, that's how you show you love plan for the guy next to is running your tail off like that being the first one to pop up, not let the defense even feel any any sense of you know i'm getting hate or i'm heard or him you know i'm getting tired just pop companies like give me the ball that again, baby, just keep give me the rock and yeah that's what we're going to keep doing.
Well outside of his touched down on that for a of the second half, there is also A A big moment on that drive after russia rises a nineteen yard reception where you pulled a man off of another man um and they got a little heated the extra curricular. Uh, what happened here?
Do you know I think I think when you tackle a guy, uh, you shouldn't try and rip the ball out when the guys on the ground.
yeah, it's over.
Yeah, the place is over. Why we are we doing that?
I fuck and love IT. I love IT. There's some about if you are protecting another player on your team.
i'll take that fifteen year early all day and I don't .
IT is if it's truly for protective reason. Now you be if you're just doing IT like a quick draw, then yes, not acceptable. But if you're there isn't it's on the officials to keep the game respectful and appropriate. And sometimes officials don't do that.
I'm sorry. And this goes both ways. I've seen office of players do this year.
It's not all officials. Sometimes they can see that they .
don't know that this guys all for sure .
yeah I mean.
this isn't just, yes, we're not playing once at the ball here. Yeah I mean.
deep of the players definitely do IT more their decades. But IT does happen both sides IT does have both sides. Yeah the events continued to dominate the second half um highlighted by a big day by rushy rice thirteen forty left in the fourth quarter pack connects with rice on a thirty nine years touch reception and the chiefs went up twenty eight seventeen man.
I was elected c men .
or SHE finish the game as the chief's top perceiver with one hundred and seven yard and a touch down the rookie this was the rookie's first one hundred of your reception game of his career. I'm not A A lot. This is big and I think that we've kind of seen this coming from or SHE, right? Like he's beginning Better and Better. You see him improving as a rookie. E my .
possible out there. This yeah good.
And I think that you this been the big thing that I guess you guys are kind of a missing offensively, like obviously.
what people want to fuck and point at first. They don't see the big numbers in the wider receive a room that they've seen in past. But it's obviously, it's a combination of a lot of things. And but when a guys taking a shallow crossed to the house, that's elective, that's electric and that's something we can definite use when we haven't that sadly seen up to this point. And yeah, we keep their shaming.
Baby baby like to .
keep being your dog. Um but he was that apple ay alone was like everybody on the sideline was happy as um and it's just you know when you see like we always mentioned me, when you see a guy coming into his own in the nfl and and having successful and you can be more happier form, especially when you get to win. Well, you guys got ta go on .
offensively in the second half. But again, we ve got to bring him back to this defense. The chiefs are the only team in the nfl to hold their opponents who under twenty five total points in every game this season.
IT has been a truly master class performance so far by Steve begala and that entire defense. Um I mean, that's a APP when you you come out great players with great coaching and um smart players like not only and really it's not only are they physically good, but they're smart. They play together. It's it's a very complete defense across the board and it's fun to watch and play really is I mean.
you think about we are to talk about jay and how smart he is. We had a guy, our middle line accord, nick bolden, go down, who hopefully will get back here. But h my guy, drew trinkl, who is a who is the off season addition, has been fuck and just play in ball.
And he's just what you think of a football guy. This is who i'm talking about. Man i'm talking about has like every brace you could, he doesn't give a flux how he fails. He's going to go out there and place some flock and football going to do with the guy next to a man, my kind of ball player right there, a mayer right there. And trank has brought the mentalities, brought smarties, brought athleticism and just fits into this defensive mode um especially with with stud like neighborin going down, it's going to be awesome to have both those guys on field the same time.
Speaking of uh doing IT right you also made a Young fans day when you gave her your glove after the game and try to p the stavros tweet what a day we had at the chief game. T Chelsea made my daughters day, month, year her first ever chief game. We're over from the U.
K. And SHE ends up with a travel Kelsey glove that's right. Such a stroke of luck. But he's made a little girl happy beyond words. Chief s kingdom, hash swifts has stakes.
Swifty, I had no idea. As he was a swifty. I might have, you know, assumed that he was a swifty.
I mean, let's be honest, who's not a swifty at this point?
I mean, to share, he has like a good number. Nine years ago.
SHE had a jude. Yeah, every go she's on all all.
She's on the good squad, all robot. But he was cool. You know, after the game I always trying you give the souvenir to a little one in ah those two little ones the gender Young boy next to next to her where they were just scream in their tails off trying to get my attention so yeah that's that's always like one of the gratifying things after win has been able to celebrated with the the fans and the kids and everything so yeah.
already well, way to go trave. That's what it's all about.
That's what about baby.
Let let's wrap this one up with the abroad stand of the game with the chief s went over the radars. Andy read earned his one hundred and twenty fifth regularity and Victory with the kansas city chief s and officially became the Winnie's head coach for two different .
organizations. That's right. This is not a the bronze dead.
We understand what to.
as legit of a staffer, go to as IT gets. This guy is won the most games ever in two organizations.
For two organizations, we surpassed hate stream who had one hundred and twenty four wins .
matrix late in the ball down the field.
And of course, holds the eagles record for most, most wins by a head coach with one hundred and thirty regular season winds. So a lebron stat is the best. What is.
is what I did. The record access.
He is the fascist too, is not the receiving your age record holder. He is the fastest to that number. There's there's a caveat in IT when you're just the winning his head coach and organza history, there's no caviar in that.
Don't me wrong at the end, lebron. I get what they're going on because lebron is the highest score or like the best in just about every organization that he's been, in short. So I get that I get that reason company has has they come up .
with the bronze test to justify players that they know are great to compare them in a specific time frame, a specific season, a specific like oh.
category hundred percent.
There's nothing specific about this. This is just an overall ascap metric that is done now with two different organza. Is he the only coach that holds record an organza? He's gotta the only coach.
This paul Brown.
This paul Brown maybe have a disease of the Browns and the bengals maybe yeah.
I think IT.
he's the only cost .
to do with for too. I remember IT because our owner Clarkin t came and gave in the ball, and I mention that he was the only one to do IT. And you really response with everybody screaming.
what is IT .
are the taking break, i'll father he just starts IT off and is that you can tell he's he's now worried about this. He is worried about the next months why we love big red.
no doubt. Yeah, I guess you'll be the most winning his coach and chief history with every next game.
I'll be sure to congratulate late him on all the whole numbers that he gets to.
All the home members will come back to.
yes. So one twenty five, we win this week. I congratulate .
late on being grata. Where to go, baby?
So should I got my dog calls, calls, call me and I call IT request .
that ah machine .
I can cool calls was good. Your live brother, your live brother, you see my brother.
What are we do .
was really good. Brother A J, can I talk to your brother really quick?
Do you think what you .
get up for me here? I'm sure you get asked this question behind closed doors a lot, 老师, i would be remiss if, due to the nature of our friendship and just as a cavender, that I did not insert this question personally, okay. Or if I did not answer this question personally, I will give you five hundred thousand dollars cash upon arrival just for shopping or whatever you want, as well as mashing that same amount as a donations to both of our high schools, both shaker hides and clear eyes, as well as everyday breakfast and coffee delivery from my restaurant. These would just come home and put on these colors .
right here. You mother.
you know, that was the original dream dog, you know that was the dream. 然后。 Home, put these powers on and around the city.
I'll tell you what.
man, that is an intriguing offer. IT is an intriguing offer because you know how much we love the estates. Ally, when the heights, shaker heights, clean my heights.
You all know, brother, i'm not gonna ve situation is pretty good in kansas city. I'm there with a brief case like this, just for one on arrival. On arrival, this is a legended.
You ready know that was original dream? No, you already know when they brought the team back. Like, I remember, I think I cried in coach to zinsky at like face when I was getting drafted to like, please let me fuck and play for cleaning.
IT was like one like, I was like one of my dreams of play for the Browns, but my fingers crossed in and you don't have to make. There is no decision I need to be made right now, but just know my offer is real and it's on the table and I will i'll take the season. I'll make beats in a lot of room everyday.
You are, you know I A close if that's what needs to happen to to make to make travis go home. And two, man, man, you are, you know, man, i'll tell you what. I i'll consider IT if James considers IT too, though, because I know I know he at one point he was IT was the Browns for him too except i've got to split the five other kid yeah no.
I it's only five educ for travis. As long as I get the free coffee .
my that that was personal shopping. Money for is the high, high shades with just the five peace. But did you graduate? You graduate to a way too, right? Oh yeah, you know what? IT, Jason was old six.
Yeah, he was old six. yeah. Lessons inside lessons though, i'm sure I be i'll be sending you all the new music since you every time though, you know, i'm still a rocky with everything my.
Secret, you know, the real ones are guid back to your dog. You the best, bro. I press, you want to shout, shout out to clean, shout to the Brown, shout to the e side later, later. What a guy, man, had no, had no idea, had no idea what that was going to be just and um in terms like he hit me was like you I got a request I was the I art and I am to call you next time you're doing the pod let me know when you guys .
are doing IT for five hundred, five hundred, this hundred, five hundred, eight and two yeah to shake .
her and and what was the .
coffee coffee breakfast and he would make beats .
in the locker every day a coffee and breakfast .
just for you for whole t we have .
to iron out the details but yeah, that's a is well, cheese came them. You know, you know, I love the baby. You know, I look and I I think i'll ever play anywhere else. But clive in was always the dream, grown up as a damn share, being a sports sports fan and leaving, you can not dream about playing for all all three of the clive ant sports teams, let alone the browser.
And you're play in all the video games, you're play in franchise mode and everything with the Browns and trying to get that done. That was the dream. Grow up for sure. But he worked out.
yeah, yeah. You really know. I do remembered crying in front of a coach. A sexy though, put my heart on the .
line .
for this city. Where were you cry in his office I had when you visited your project? T is my him in a .
coach embry title .
coach down in my ami right now? Um I was crying in front of both. Yeah no. IT was there, which is probably why .
they didn't draw this.
He is a mess right now. Now shot out to calls, man. He shot out to his daughter, his daughter Cassie.
Did I think he was the M. V P. For a beach with volya all this year. So stamp, you're just excited. Clever ballers baby is in the blood.
in the blood.
Now you are not appreciate you guys.
The kills many sports.
Uh now he was he was full music, full on music um by high school he was like, I would remember hearing about him like doing like freestyles I like house parties and stuff like kills was full of music. By college he was he was already hit although mgk my douk pelton has what you need .
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Let's keep to stay moving in. Eagles, thirty seven. Bills, thirty four in time. Thrilla man guys are to win fun, fun way. Not always the best for stress levels.
but it's fun. And IT is not fun in the middle of IT when you continue fill with things.
Stress news broke before the game. The lane Johnson was dealing with a growing injury going in, going for MRI, but right before the game is determined that he will be out. So it's never easy playing with without that big guy.
Nobody going to replace lane Johnson. He is a premier player. Hundred, one of the best right tackles on my opinion, ever play the game he's played at a high level for so long. You know jackers, you've got the call the morning that there is a chance he's going to have to go and start and a new jack play earlier in the year for us. A lot of people don't know is that jack was working out mainly at center and he's moving around multiple positions earlier in the week.
More you can do, baby.
This week he really was at tackle in his preparation so his technique, a lot of his sets, everything was more iron out this week, I think and a lot that I think had to do with um you know just more prepared because that's what he had worked at all week but you went out there you know with back of you just don't want a bakker player to affect um how you call the game how you the the all you want with the back was be able to go there and to run your office and held his zone had a great game so you shut up the jack for forget to done tell you well hopefully .
hofus ly lane is doing our right man just initial thoughts from from the game before we dive .
into IT obviously frustrating start you know he was no offensively just strugling the first half again struck to get anything go on uh we had the one scoring drive but outside of that IT was a lot of the same stuff. And um no, I think we made some really good adjustments at half time, regrouped. Um and I think that you know we got some momentum in the second half and um you know had a few things fall away away um including a sixty r vehm and will fit in is technically and even though I wasn't working out the first ef and we have such a veteran team and team has been through a lot of these games that at all time we felt like we were going to get something going offensively, he was only a matter of time. And luckily we have a defense I kept in IT long .
enough to get going. Well, eagles moved the ten in one, hold down the the number one seed, the in the nsc, and with their second win in those beautiful Kelly Green jerseys. Should you guys just fuck and .
wear them every game? I mean, I where I were the print, I think I look good.
So the fact you said you look nice in IT is surprising because you don't think you look very nice. And anything i've heard, i've seen you get dressed and ask the question.
I definite, don't look good. And what and .
White look like the .
missionary man and I wait and wait. No, look good.
K, this talk about the first struggles, old men. Outside of the touchdown drive, the kept off that was kept off with jail's Brown ley showed touched down at the end of the first quarter um not the best half of the eagles offense. Unfortunately, this was the first rushing td by a courteous c the bills defense had allowed all season, which is very impressive. Men, especially with the injuries that they've dealt with on that defense of side theyve definitely still been very well put together and still plan fuck in great defense, but this would be the only eagle score in the first to have Jason, what was going on with you guys and was IT, just like whether you .
get accumaster don't think the weather the weather was crappy, but I don't think IT really impacted the game that much. You know, IT wasn't coming down so hard that the ball was hard to handle. IT was just kind of A, A, A spray. ling.
IT look looked bad when I got out of my game, and I saw you guys said, like three minutes left in your game, i'd turned IT on. I was, I hope kay, they are in a storm, did to get worse the game one hour, or they kind of just look that bad from from.
I think I looked bad and the grass was in bad, cheap because temple played on on saturday. So the field was kind of not perfect, but I didn't think I made a difference in the game, to be honest with you. I thought that for the most part, I could grab the ball pretty good.
There's only one time I did tell official to get a new bowl in because there's a lot of mud on the ball after one of the plays. But outside of that, the ball was easy to grab. The wind wasn't that bad.
I don't think I didn't even know you could do that. You can tell the rest of another ball.
So the ball had a bunch of ah IT wasn't even md IT was .
like wasn't like after the hottle you went up to the land score. You think the shit out here? No no was right after play.
So like right after players and I was we need the balls got up on IT .
so they kind of the White just stop playing was like we can give me no.
we just struggle to get rhythm. And I think the bills had a good job to throw on us off shamil. Dm is one of the best different of ordinators in the nfl.
More head coaches also defends the ordinary tor. You know he's been great for a long time. Uh, whether is been with the eagles of the panthers, uh, you know he's is proven to be A A guy that can throw any team off.
And I just took us a little bit to get going. I mean, he was doing a good job of presenting things, disguising things. And I think as the game to to evolve, we just got to Better beat on things and we calm down. And we started in to new rhythm.
Well, the bills couldn't win up thirteen seven with a minute twenty seven left in the half. But a jAiling Carter thought a little different. He proved his dominance and got a hand on one of the field goals.
How big was this play? Like momentum. SE, did you guys feel? IT on the sideline like what .
we did yeah mean we were shock to get anything going offensively. So whenever defense makes apply like that and prevents points from going up on the board in similar your guys game, we deferred. So we knew we were getting the ball. After half and whenever you know that you you feel confident that you're going to come out of the half with with some good plan, I don't think we not only we score, come on to help. We did school a second, but um maybe we did school for sure I can remember, but I was if IT felt good and there was a big thing to go in a half time having some type of momentum.
Thanks to jane, the bills put up a lot of flocking yard two hundred and yards of office first eight ninety nine just in the first half alone, which is a mg step for IT not to be as uh, the difference wasn't as biggest those those two states made IT seen in the last four games combined. The eagles have thirty eight first half points and eighty six second half points. What talking about a half time, which i'll be talking .
about probably, yes, I about nice.
Yes, not me. You know, this is what we're seeing out there. This is these are the place that we think of work first is that it's more the coaches is kind of ring with everybody up and kind of having one time to get a cohesive thought to the entire group, whether he often online or the offense is a whole and everybody just gets on the same page.
And I think we come out of the second for the second half um with the firm understanding of what we're going na try to do for the second element. It's worked out the less few times. I mean, you know how this goes.
Some weeks, the second hef adjustments are great. Some weeks should come out and the first half you you really put a dominant performs together. Um you know I just think it's probably a logical incidents that the last few weeks we've um it's been a second half game force, so hopefully we can change that this week. Well.
like we talked about, the start of the second half was you guys are down ten points, but strike first with a sixty sixty two yard right now, six play drive early in the third quarter and jAiling connect with being sued himself A J Brown baby, ah, i'm just a three r pass, but you guys got the lead to three points in the Andrew swift had his biggest run of the game on that drive, a thirty six yarder to a reality the offense meant a guys electric was there like a conscious effort to get uh swift the ball or get a more ball. I don't know .
if IT was swift in particular. That play was something that we talked about at half time is something that we thought that maybe might be there and everybody executed IT well and uh moment swiftly the whole thousand thousand an hour um and he just an electric player is fast. He shifty.
He can make someone and nothing. It's whenever you ever a guy like that, yeah whenever you ever guy like that IT makes defences a play IT honest, you know. I mean, can't be overly aggressive because he will cut IT back at any second.
You can, you know, play. You can't cheat IT because he's going to a truly hit IT wherever it's open. And yeah, IT makes IT difficult to defend them.
Sure is playing with a lot of confidence. But so was josh Allen. And I scores the bills don't go away easy and their next possesion they score get to lead back up to ten points um but the halles immediately answer it's skinny bad man makes a couple of huge catches on the drive including a fifty tty um cut IT back down the three points and on the bills next year with twelve forty two left in the fourth, mister brad berry picks off jh Allen and bills territory and the eagles of the ball on the bills twenty four yard line man is just turn over baby. And sometimes is not necessarily turn others on the first half.
Is the second half turnovers that really fucked in? That really hurt a man? And you guys capitalized on the turnover on a thirty fifteen jailed grandmas managers to throw an incredible twenty ninety down the over thirteen, just .
And yeah, that was an electric ay man. Just you seem scroll or yeah roll out to the left little bit and then just like, you know what, my guys back, nobody give him a chance, yes, but I just give a given a ball. He can go up and get do IT behind everybody else. And I mean, that's when jail's playing like that. Fuck, you know, you guys are what argued the hardest am to beat in the fucker league.
man. And you can tell the in the first hp, I feel like everybody was kind of off in the second half. IT felt like I didn't matter what we call what we did, jAiling was going to do something to make a play, whether there was his legs through the air or improve SE of schedule.
Um I felt like he could do no wrong. And this play kind of sums IT up as like it's not even like it's open. He's just like, you know what, i'm going to fill this up and hopefully oz can make a play and boy, daily. I mean, that was we were it's pretty electric feeling when he made that catch.
No doub about IT well, with one thirty two left to play, the bills are able to know, dry down the field and find the Davis. I ve seen that men make a few big time touched down my day and the bills are now up thirty one to twenty eight and yeah in the rain, no one that you've got to make A A two minute drive uh not always the most comfortable place to be but um you guys find a way to get jake the make elliot uh into range for a nine year people go to tie the game up before IT the ford all ends in regulation. Um Jason, the clip of you reacting, what were you thinking when when that they went through well.
I mean, as you can see from the clip, um I was still piss off at the fall starts they show like a clip of flesh fletchers reaction he just like shocked that jay just made of fifty nine year years ago in the rain uh to tied up um but I think both jailed and I was still passed off from the yeah I mean less we we excluded two minute drive per and changing all these blitz anas, we're picking them up or moving the ball on the field Operating at a really good level and obviously two full starts by me make that fuel that much harder.
So i'm still pissed off that I put jake in this position. And for some reason I still think he's going to go there make IT because he's so good. And I mean, IT was just one of those things works like this is so fucking stupid that I put the team in this position and IT didn't need to be this hard. And so when he got jake to make, he can, he can make up for some some pretty stupid things, luckily.
Well, the the broadcast immediately shows you leaving the field as well, though. Did you, did you get banged?
now? I like me. I was a boy .
was hydrating.
I knew after he made the field goal that I wanted to have to do IT on the sideline that I .
was going to be .
able to go blue. How to blue? I had to go. I have been home. And then after he made IT, I was like, yet i'm, this is going to O T. I can go do this in the locker.
nice. Nothing gets in the way Jackson kills, taking a shit pace, pace. And we all know .
what that was a quick.
yeah. Well, the overtime Victory, baby j. Els fifty nine yard field, go senate to O T, where the bills win the toss and elect to take the ball, which I don't know if that the right move. I mean, it's always take the ball and ot, no, not oh, I guess in ot in the plays you don't because you want to know .
how much because you guarantee to get IT again.
Yes, yes. So this is actually .
the right move.
I apologize because you end grand know when you guys lost the toss. Make sure that he told whoever called IT right on the bls uh, bills side IT don't matter, includes just let them know that they don't matter. If you guys got the ball now, or if we got the ball, we are going to in this game, there was a big night, but if you have watch the right here.
let me go. The one and only B. G. baby.
To be fair, he's like that at every point. Toss, this isn't unique. This point us, this is, this is standard. Bg.
he was that we were in the super bowl as mom was like on, like the big screen, like talking to shift to me is great, far fast, baby. They see the most underwater trash talker. I'd probably say it's not underrated at all.
Everyone knows he take, he talks to get gay man and the the best trust talkers back IT up. And that guy is a bond fie winter men. Well, the eagles defense hold the billers to a field goal on the opening drive. Insane moment on second in ten play on the drive, Jordan Davis chases down josh Allen out of bounds.
Unbelievable ever stuff.
What could have been a huge game.
Jd, who already look tired on the plane. We had some injuries in the game. He played a lot of snaps to the people, even faster than what he displayed in this clip. Like he really, oh for sure, no question about IT. When he gets moving.
he is very fast, three hundred thirty plus move in over sixteen miles an hour.
and you could tell he was tired because after the play, he didn't get up just like. Beauty of.
The potential .
candidate for fat .
guys in the in the highlight bracket.
not a jets I think I was unbelieved to play, is not even jd s most impressive hustle play. He's got wanted georgia. That in my opinion is way Better than that one. But not trying to downplay that when there was a huge play.
huge play at that game, when you do get the ball, jAiling continues to play lights out. He connected with Smith on a few big receptions, first to one for seventeen yards, gat you guys and feel go range. Second one for eleven yards, satch guys down to the twenty yard line with two minutes and thirty seven seconds left in overtime on the first and ten jailed rushes for a twelve yard walk off.
Touch down on A Q B drop. There few guys they mended on this. I was sitting on the plane with fell about neither Patrick palms, and we were watching the game. And when right before the play happened, or as the play as like the decades is going on, pet screams, cube, I draw. No, he doesn't.
He knew IT by the motion or he just knew, draw.
touch down yeah he he just knew whatever the check was. I don't i'm not sure I got to ask him, but he knew he was going to be. Kb, draw.
Yeah, and share enough you get you have big six two out there leaving away maybe going to be a successful men and per I felt network, reported James palmer. Muata said on the game when he touched down that he couldn't believe the bills gave him that look, that play as a staple within their office. And when he saw the safety move, they all new jail and score.
So mei.
majority office, I mean, if you're watching film, you know that that is a that is a possibility and that you've got to be ready for. But gress on the game winning block.
I actually disagree. So I don't think that, that defense necessarily is open for that play. IT is, if your world coach and you know how to block IT, that events keep, quite Frankly, rule in the play.
No, I hear if you, if you, if you don't know that you ve got to go out there. And black guy.
if I don't anticipate IT coming off the edge, more importantly, of Jordan doesn't anticipate the end spiking.
you know I mean, like the year, they can go wrong there.
Yeah, i've seen that place stuff that gets stuff by that exact blitz plenty of times. IT is a play that if it's blocked, right can be a huge play, but it's also a play that if the tackle, if Jordan doesn't anticipate the inspired in collecting them, if we don't get enough of a kick out, that there can be no runningman. So um I think that Jordan might not even be giving himself enough credit for excrete that played a high level uh, for that specific show. Anyway, tes, that's my two sons on .
that shout to jAiling I mean, he's looking like a an absolute beast right now leading you guys to attend one start yeah, I will see the best, the best two stars in antiphates history, I believe these past two years.
certainly my best starts.
nice. And he explained lights out. And h, any final thoughts .
on the game? First of the bills are really, really good team. Josh Allen, when he's on to, he is such a dynamic player, he extended so many plays with his legs. And in being a heart, you know, I don't I feel like a lot of people comparing to bfa few finds me of like a Young bend raths burger, like it's almost just hard to bring him down and he can make any thrown on the field ARM. And he's he's an incredible player.
He's bin rough's burger at four five. He ran the four, five, forty.
Yeah, he's fashion big bit. That's true. I was more speaking of there so many times. I thought I was going to be a sack. I mean, and he just .
extends to .
play devastating for the defensive backs trying to hold up for long years time. And I think um the difference is really, really good. I mean, I I think the world codes, like we said before, chemic german is a great coach.
He'll make IT as difficult as anybody and they really good player. So um really proud of the way we stuck with IT and fought and played through to the end of the game. And um but we also got to get some things cleaned up, uh, everyone good in myself. You can always clean IT up, baby, to make sure that we can hopefully not keep a making is so difficult to close these things out.
Yeah well, when your courter bax plane lights out and you have the best record in the nfl that usually math for MVP and he is his playing um he's blain lights out right now and it's fun to watch jail and you guys go to war. Well, the bills became the fourth team to ever win the turn over battle. Have five hundred total yards of offence, outgained you're opponent by one hundred and twenty seven yards and still lose.
That is a what I call a bunny step and I call IT a bunch p because I am a part of a few stats like that. Um that's never fun n to be a part of but i'll tell you what that means that they are plane lights out and they can beat anybody. And I know we get them a few weeks.
There's they've been getting things cleaned up. We knew coming in that we were getting A A really, really good team that been a premier temenus league since john has been there at top of the afc. So listen, uh, they going nowhere and certainly happy we ve got the wind.
But IT wasn't easy. And yeah shall now only six. And over time, yes.
I don't know that that takes one game. That takes one game.
The one game actually changed over time. Rules change over time. Rules plays .
pretty happy that they did that after our game. The bronze start of the game eagles defence of end brand in gram five five surpassed David acrs on sunday for the most games played in philadephia eagles history.
Ah, again, fuck again. Not a lebron stat. Lebron state would be like, he's the fastest to one hundred like this is the most games ever played by eagle.
This is a legit one hundred and the eight just do we know what is lebron said, what's not lazy? Ah he's he's playing a lot, not the u Green and killed Green. Now shut out the bg baby. Big five five.
Congrats on one. Please keep a movie disappointed insights in nfl storage lands as so quick .
thoughts to the biggest headlines coming out, a weak twelve in the nfl and start with the current playoff picture, after which twelve there are currently four teams with an eight and three record or Better at the top of the U. S. C.
Those teams include, and was, of course, the chiefs at eight three, the ravens at nine and three, the jag wire at eight three, and the dolphins at eight and three. Is this the most competitive? The F. C has been in a while.
No, I think it's been very competitive.
pretty much always .
competitive like this. It's always it's always just like this. Yes, with you, I mean you add in bangles and bills from last year um as well as you know jack finding a way again to the playoffs. Um the A S C north is always, I mean, you're going to aground the game out playing the A S C north. They just some dogs over there.
But I do think there's usually one team though that thing that he is rare this light in the season, that four teams essentially all have the same amount losses at that.
I feel like at this point, it's this is where IT typically separates right here. Um it's that november, that late november, early december part of the season where all these games are fucking instrumental to the where you get placed in the playoff if you're in the playoff hunt. And um yeah I think I think everyone having three losses, I can say that's probably ly been as close as it's ever ban since i've been .
in the league for sure outside of those fourteenth at the top of the fc um in the nsc south, every team currently has a losing record. How about this? The focus right now are first place in the division with a five and six record.
The same are also five and six the bucks, four and seven the paint. Uh, there's struggle one in ten just fired by main Frank, right? Shut out.
The Frank unbeliever coach hadn't paint out this year, unfortunately, but yeah they decided to move on. Wasn't working out in just the first year uh, as the panthers and coach. Um we were reported that multiple paths players found out about ranks firing via social media and a team meeting was called shortly after IT. That's unfortunately .
you never wanted to happen like that. Not like I mean, coach right is obviously been a well respected and every building has ever been. And so i'm sure the players finding out this way, I I supposed to be done.
I don't know what to say. I I I I still remember when we found out that brian Kelly got the other day job over social media when that kind of brook um you I found out when you know market antonio was going to except the java mission in state when we are since and this before social media really picked up, uh found out about that on E S P N A little ticker. This is kind of how to happen sometimes i'm sure nobody meant for IT to happen this way. News just get out but yeah as players you always appreciate to hear IT in person i'm sure loud these guys wanted to hear that from Franker from somebody within the organza um before you can is made public and they could ask questions because what the first thing that happens is everybody to know ja or you know wants to know information and they're going to start texting you. And it's nice to just be able to all be on the same page as to .
what's happening if there .
have only been six nfl head coaches since the merger who didn't finish their first season with the team, uh, with three of those insists having come in the past three seasons. Urban mayor, then you hack IT. And now right the other one I think was, uh oh my gosh filkins Michael vick.
Uh, tino, but I was good. The basketball coach and leval was either petro, I think he's patio or the basketball coach patio. And his coach petro, right?
Yes, 是 芭比。
芭比 between party .
yeah. 8 pulled the plug on that with great here。
I just lost my best player and money.
I think the league has become increasingly impatient with, you know, poor performances. And I think part of that is because we've seen so many coaches come in, in the first year and have a lot of success. There's for whatever reason, its newer coaches have have come on and and done really well in the first years and a few spots.
And I think it's the expectation of coaches used to be, hey, this is a two to three year timely where we're going to improve the ruster the coaches is going to implement as techniques and offence and defense. We're going to see this thing through where is now because some of these Younger coaches and newly high coaches have been so good in their first year when IT hasn't been working out near one, IT seems like more more teams are becoming impatient with coaches quicker than they used to. Anyways, not that right or wrong. I just think the dynamic has changed a little .
bit one hundred percent. Well, the lions are now own in thirteen um against the moon. In a tweet that went variable for the wise packers, IT would reveal that since the a and antipho merger, the lions are own twelve on thankfu, giving when the moon is in a waxing, give us face. Wow, I don't even know what I just said.
I hope I is paying. This is going to be like some air logy, like just person that super into that, right? Who who knows?
This is a fucking lebron. That is what IT is.
This is this. This even all. Yes, this is. What understand this is, is somebody paying attention to the moon is in all of the games that are happening.
Is that happening? They're paying attention to the moon phases every night, Jason, not just another thanksgiving.
but I will say he was a full moon last night, pretty sure. And when I was act in all sorts, weird. I don't know you being kind of like, what is wrong with her and then I was outside to take the trash. I was like, how full .
those balls on. Food moves here.
They get a little wary.
You're dead. I'm not a dad I .
don't like you don't yeah.
Are we blame in the mood?
I don't know. I don't think we .
fuck in Better and not be. We fuck in Better and not be. May not fucking if somebody will come in the building like to fuck in moonman I would just be like, no that I don't know .
if you know this but um gear gulph is the first sagetown arias quarterback c ever to win a game in the end of you I made IT up.
There's another dead.
I was just trying to point out how ridiculous this moon thing is. Keep moving.
Well, has Tommy the veto fever?
Does that the chicken college?
Yeah, Tommy beat the patridge ten, seven men, his second n fell career win. He came out to the supremes this this week when god, he he's just for .
he is how much he's .
keep to man. He, I ve IT you know, that man who .
does not love .
us enjoyed seeing a his family. The divider s in the in the crowd getting pumped up for for every every big play made after touchdown pass in the second quarter. Y celebrated once again with the italian pince figure gesture. The broadcast cameras then cut to his family in the crowd. And they're doing the same thing because .
is .
out everybody the stadium? Fuck you doing you kids. Me most legendary celebration since, like B.
J. Jumped on the scene, men, is the vito s best. This is the video. The best story to come out of the N F L this season.
is he the current .
relevant has .
been a few, especially a corner bag. Oh my gosh. Thursday I game. I was at the the bears back of cortege c when I want a game against playing through, uh, oh my gosh, he's dancing ARM result there has also been like characters like to me to vito is like a like a new .
year's tell you percent .
beijing I mean, did that's a personality and a half and is there is a former armour sly chapman like that? Um so yeah it's it's been the year of some back of quarter but I get some love and well.
last year you had know you had party. You had him jump on on the sea. I think you're right though. These guys have a look and more .
personally in their kind of what .
what about josh dbs jobs and that he's been his been in the league for a while and he's made some noise before but I hear you though I hear I shout, are we no longer football's like favorite family? Are the divide s just? Are they taking over .
the nfl right now? I mean, there by far my favorite right .
now is their mom, or famous in our mom.
what are at this point? Shout to the dev dos man. That was an epic, epic ene everybody after school at just down, you ve got a fucked .
in love men Julian allman introducers amErica to the phrase cream season about a man jewels. Former new heights gas drilling element appeared on the fox and a film kick off show this weekend to talk about what he calls cream season. Cream season is here.
What cream season really is, is there's a group of team that can go out and potentially when is super able when you milk a cow, you sit and let the milk sit, uh for a while until the pastries ation period goes, the queen goes to the top and just scrape that off and that to hold the goodness, the greatness, the cream rises to the top, the sound. Much of man, Randy savage, quote, I can't wanted to read IT like I was. Much of man, rand saves entire time.
Crew have hopefully .
all players talking about some cream. That's right. I love IT cream. Season is now of unofficial ally. The three quarter point of the season where we're going to see you're .
going to rise to the top.
I also like that jewels is taking IT upon themselves to the public as to the pastorius ation process and how cream is made.
I A good in yeah .
I learned something there. I didn't know that that when cream rises and uh you know I think it's a you know .
what balls not look like but and it's like but now you know about the .
cream now I know about the pastorius ation process and cream and uh shout out to jewels for educating the public will also making for a dynamic uh audio soundbite as always, as always we got to get jewels to the farm. If I didn't know he was such a big agriculture guy so far, just god .
knows a little about everything I bet .
he did to about moisture. We offered IT .
fuck out here. Shout out the jewels for the analogy. And let's keep the same movie to some new high stands, the weak baby that's right now right now hand out of stand to the week where we give guys we are taking their games to new heights um some recognition and this is a weak twelve version of new height stamp of the week.
New height stamp of the week is sponsored by state farm stay farm agent to learn how you can bundle and save with a personal Price plan like a good neighbor. State farm is there now, right now, that's nice. My pic, i'm going with nfl red zone host Scott hanson.
What's my dog was out here unphased during the late slate of games um a building alarm set off. That's right, they started in fire. Alarm started going off in the background of the na fell red own broadcast.
Hanson then announced that he and the rest of the crew had to evacuate the studio in engle, A, A unknown reason. Moments later, hanson was back on air and said that everything was fine. He started powering through the rest of the broadcast despite the alarm which was going off in the background, which included a loud voice telling people to find the nearest stairwell going off IT in the background. You guys got to wash this clip. It's pretty .
fucking and legendary. I see this, by the way, Scott hanson related to Chris hanson, because that might be my favorite reporter of all time.
I am reminded of an old chinese problem, which says, may you live to see interesting tech lecture?
I've never had this happened before. I'm pretty sure all of our professionals have been either.
but we sold her on top five place.
The kind of sounds like you're taking alarm specifically .
for the awards here the tough five plays the day here go a player, red, big player t find .
the news exit.
He's not related Christino.
I there are couple options that I was thinking about. There's obviously a typical eagle Franked flipping off another bills fan in the parking lot standard eagles game.
I have a feeling .
he learned that one from dad, but I decided to go with the guy that saved me and my two fault to fall starts to bum as, uh, jack ali, jack to make. We ve almost made him the stamp of the week multiple times. And I think now is officially the time to do IT just spit despite fifteen, nine yards, despite wind, despite fall starts, everything possible to not have him tie this thing and take IT into O T ja IT goes out there and nails and fifty nine yard view goal the same the eagles against the bills and all I got, yeah, I have speak for itself.
I do all right yeah so check a little baby.
Do come on check to make .
you don't want check little.
I don't check little about Smith got some chicken.
all right. I shout to j, keep fucking ball and brother, he and congrats, taking your game to new heights.
Way to go. Jg, right. That's IT. That wraps up another episode of new heights barren. A make sure to decide on youtube to the new height channel. Cna, when all of the new episodes out and make sure you check out our bonus video, this friday, we're going to preview our week thirteen games and take a look at some fan art and watch you can do that any more submission for the greatest highlight of all time. Breaking listen to described where each product once .
again new heights presented by wave sports and entertainment, and follow the show on all social media at new height shell with one s thank you to our production and crew for always, always pulling through force. And thank you till the ninety two percent is until next week, baby. 嘿。
right? Would you guys get .
trick or treaters .
to them and go .
veris out there?
And the dogs is hungry? They were just yelled him to come inside. That's funny as fuck.
You're trying to talk about frag right and a something at kino. So you guys you're say follow new heights on the wunder .
upper or wherever you get your podcast, you can listen to new heights early and and free plus enjoy exclusive episodes of the show by joining wunder plus in the laundry APP, apple pocket or spotify. Today.
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