cover of episode Closed-door deals & lies from the Ministry of Forests, and how we can reimagine our broken systems | Thoughsnacks

Closed-door deals & lies from the Ministry of Forests, and how we can reimagine our broken systems | Thoughsnacks

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Nerdy About Nature

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Oo hot goss’ alert!

A new leaked map shows that while the top scientists on the Oldgrowth Technical Advisory Committee panel were picking out the best remaining old growth forest to protect in BC, the Ministry of Forests was actively undoing all that work, changing the borders on the deferral areas to include more low productivity forest while making the best forest left in the bioregion available to be logged by industry.  You heard that right - government and industry blatantly working in hand in hand behind the peoples backs.

Despite all the protests, the phone calls, the letters and the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history, the BC NDP smiled to your face and lied, while working behind closed doors with the logging industry to make sure that they could continue to log old-growth, just as they always had.

It’s clear that those currently running our government are beyond ethically and morally corrupt, as they willfully ignore the demands of the people they were elected to serve, in order to line their pockets and continue to pander to a wealthy, established, power-hungry colonial capitalist resource extraction industry.

So how do we create change in a system so determined to keep things as they are?

Why do we spend so much time trying to fix those stagnant, broken systems that refuse to change, when we could be creating new systems altogether?

What if we abolished the Ministry of Forests, created a Ministry of Ecology, and fundamentally changed the way we operate on these lands and in our communities?

Let’s think differently to create a different outcome than this repetitive disappointment and corruption.

Drop your ideas in the comments, engage in some constructive conversation, and let’s find a way to move forward together.

Nerdy About Nature is a passion project whose primary goal is to provide free access for all to education about this world so that people can enjoy it more, build connection and fall in love with it, and ultimately work in ways to steward it for future generations to enjoy.  We do this through short and long form videos all over social media @NerdyAboutNature, as well as this podcast you’re listening to now, and it’s all made possible thanks to support from folks like yourself.  If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating, you can help keep it going by supporting us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠), or at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠). 

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